Ttie Marlboro Democrat r "DO THOU, GREAT LIBERTY, IN BRI RE OUR SOULS AND MAKE OUR LIVES IN THY POSSESSION HAPPY OR OUR DEATHS GLORIOUS IN THY OAUSE." VOL XXXIIi BENNETTS VILLI], S. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1008 NO. 6 THE STATE WINS Judge Prichard Refuses to Inter fere in the Dispesnary Matter. GRAFT HUNT GOES ON. Whiskey Dealer? Who Swindled tho State Will Have to Paco tho Music or Do Without Their Money That May De Owed Thom Dy tho Old South Carolina State Dispensary Authorities. At Asheville, N. C., on Wednesday Judgo Prichard in tho United States circuit court denied tho petition of Fleisehniann &. Co., of New York and refused to appoint a receiver for the South Carolina State Dispen sary fund of $$00,000, against which there are alleged to bo claims ag gregating $600,000. Tho Judge mado his announce ment during tho afternoon session, after attorneys for tho dispensary >, ' commission had presented their hill i In answer to the sensational, charges made In the Fleisehniann petition, which was Clod In this court a short time ago. The answer alleges that the claim of Fleischmaun & Co. ls unjust and Invalid and that there was collusion and conpsirncy between the plaintiff and another firm to defraud the State and that tho State was choalcd out of a largo sum of money in each of tho claims made by tho plaintiff; lt also alleges that Fleischmann & Co. sold to the State a concocktion with a more trace of whiskey. Tho answer declared false the al legation by Fleisehniann & Co. that the commissioners were wrongfully Withholding tho money for their own Individual interests. Tho answer de nied as false and maliciouss tho al legation in tho complaint which refer red to u conspiracy between Attorney . General Lyon and the dispensary commission and demanded proof. Shortly after tho court convened for tho afternoon sossion, Judge Prichard announced from tho bench that be would not appoint a re ceiver foi- the dispensary, as he felt that the fonds are now fully protect* ; ^d. Ile directed the attorneys to inn flue their arguments to the question as to whether this court could as sume jurisdiction, the point hoing woollier or not this ls a suit against the State. Mr. h. I,. Remit rec of Atlanta, for tho commission, consum ed the remainder of the afternoon ses sion io argument to establish tho fact, that the State is an indispensa ble party to the suit. Before the hill of the defendants was read, Attorney (louerai Lyon of South Carolina replied to tho all?ga tions made hy Floisehmann ?? Co. relative to the transfer of funds from tile jurisdiction ol' the court, saying tlitit the State of South Carolina was not running away, that the allegation was false. Ile read a concurrent res olution adopted by the house of rep resentatives Tuesday. In tin? course of the resolution it was stated that the legislature of So it h Carolina in creating the dispensary commission did not consent to suits against the Stale Tor claims as a result ol' tho dispensary muddle. Just before Judge Prichard nn yf?unecd his decision there was a Kiinrp colloquy between Attorney General Lyon of South Carolina and George B. Lester of NOW York and Alf. s. Rarnard, who represent Fleischman & Co. Mr. Barnard ask ed for thne to prepare nnswOrs to the aflldnvlts of the commission. 1 ie stn i ed t hal t lu' commis! lou had invited creditors to come to Colum bia to provo their claims. Hut at the ??.?me lime it was known that some ^Jo or Hu warrama were ready in the ^TOice of tho attorney general on Which Hm repre.-entativen ol' the creditors would he arrested, and In stanced the cato of the pre,Uesenta tive i*>r Ullman ft Co., who had been iiirested, charged with fraud and required io rive heavy bond. J lld go Prichard remarked that if lie look jurl: (lid icu he would ap point a i,.aster lo sill all charges of fraud lo the bottom. The attorney (5 en oral In reply to Mr. Kantard said: "Of course we hoar 'his cry from those who have defrauder the Stale. Naturally, when 1 can catch any of these fellows in Soilth Carolina. I will arrest them. I have no warrant, however, foi tho Fleischman!! representativos ami I will agree that they shall come lo South Carolina lo prove their claims end depart unmolested." He added, however, that there wan a warrant (ll')l' Hie representatives of the An hon sor-li concern. Mr. Mordecai responded that Mr. Famuli!, tho man retened to, had left the State on business. Hut ll* Would return and mool all charges, Ml*. Stevenson, counsel for the Commission, stated there was no in tention of Inveigling men to South TERRIBLE CRIME Committed at New Burn. N. C, by Two White Men. Wife of Prominent Citizen Hold at Their Mercy-Posse Aiding in tho Bearch for the Rruteu. A special from Now Horn, N. C., Monday Klyes the particulars of a horrible ou trago by two white men, perpetrated early Monday morning ou Mrs. S. L. Huck, tho wife of a prom inent citizen of New Horn, at their homo lu the principal residence sec tion. Tho men called at tho home of Mr. Much about midnight, and Mrs. Huck finally answered theil repeated knocks for admission. When she opened thc door and they learned from her of her husband's absence, they choked her Into submission and repeatedly outraged and assaulted her. A posso of citizen's are helping tho oillcers in searching for the men. TH AW NOT <;i; ii/rir Of Murder, lint (?oes to the Insane Asylum. Acquitted Saturday at New York of the murder of Stanford White on tho ground that he was Insane at ? tho time of tho homicide. Harry K. i Thaw was ordered hy Justice Howl- ; lng to he committed to the Manhat tan asylum for the criminal insane ? until such a time as ho can convince tho state lunacy commission that bis being at large will not endanger the public safety. Holli Thaw and his wife, the latter being the only mom ber of bis family in ocnrt when the Jury unexpected ly roturnd its verdict after a delib eration of 25 lunns, seemed ploascd and satisfied with the outcome of the case. Thaw steed and Bmilltngly bowed his acknowledgements to the jurors as they Hied one by ono out of the box. District Attorney Jerome also seemed satisfied, as bo baa con tended ever since the crlmo was com mitted that Thaw was medically if not. legally, Thaw's counsel thanked the jury with a hearty hand-shake for each one of the twelve men. Attorney j tl john bled au exception to Justice Dowlng's decision in retaining Thaw in custody and committing him to i the asylum. I IE PROTECTED UER. Married His Cousin te Prevent Her Marrying Another, A special to Tho Augusta Chroni cle from Albany, Qa., says the con tracting parties to a marriage Sun day wore Miss Lemmie Giddens arid j Mr. H. T. Giddons, both of Worth, county. Miss Qldd?n'a father objected to j her receiving tho attentions of a cor- 1 tain young man of the neighborhood, j Ile ordered his daughter to remain in M?e house day and night. H. T. Giddens, a third cousin, wont to her; father, and offered to co-operate In' the plan to save her from the objec tionable suitor. Young Giddens kept bis part of the bargain so far as other men were concerned, hut be construed the agreement liberally in favor of him self and married the girl. I GOES IT FOR LU E. From the Lunatic Asylum to the State Penitentiary, John Heard was convicted at Gainesville, (?a., of murder on lasl Thursday anti ordered sent to the penitentiary for Hie, for the murder ol' \Y. (V Hammond, his father-in law The killing occurred three years ??go. On the first trial Heard entered an insanity plea Ile was sent to the Malo sanitarium at Mlllcdgovlllc, Lately he was declared hy the au thor i i los there ha have, hoon restored to mental health. Ile was brought hack t?> Hall county and arraigned for tho killing, conviction result? lng. t MAN DROI'I'ED 1)10AD Ami tuc Sheck 011 Seeing Him Killed His Noire. At Millville, X. J.. Thursday, Rollin Nichloson, a well known oyster ship per, dropped dead Thursday as he Slopped from a train on his return home from Savannah, where he had been ill from typhoid fever. Tho body wa.; taken to thc home of a brother near the railroad and when Mildred Nicholson, a niece, saw lt she collapsed and died In a short Ihne. t Carolina for the purpose of prosecu tion. .Tudgo Prichard then announced that nt) receiver would he appointed and argumenta on Jurisdiction was then began by Mr. Rountrco. KING SHOT DOWN The Crown Prince Also a Victim ot the Assassins. KILLED ON THE SPOT Wore Three of the Murderers, and tl?! City of Lisbon Was hi an Up roar-Tho Tradcgy Occurred While King Carlos, Queen Amolle mu] Their Two Sons Wore Kiding in tho Streets of tho City. King Carlos, of Portugal, and thc Crown Prince Lui? Phillippo wore ns Bassinnted Saturday afternoon while riding alon;; the streets of I,Ibsen on their way from the raiload station to the pu I nco. The King's second son, tho Infantil Manuel, wai; Slightly wounded, hut Queen Amelie, who strove to save the Crown Prince's life hy throwing herself upon him, was unhurt. A band of men waiting at tho cor ner of Praco Do Com mordo and the Run Do Arsenal suddenly sprang to ward the open carriage, in which the family were driving to thc palace, and leveling carbines which they had concealed upon them bred. Tli? King mid tho Crow n Prince, upon whom (he attack was directed, wore each shot three times and they lived only long enough to be carried to the ma rine arsenal near hy, where they ex pired. Almost at tho first shot the King foll hack en the cushions dying, and it the same moment the Crown Prince was seen to half arise and then sink back on the seat, tineen rVmclic jumped up and throw herself toward tho Crown Prince in an ap parent effort to save his life at tho sost of her own, but the Prince had received his death wound. The guard [Ired upon the assassins and killed three of them. A strong guard was in attendance because of the recent uprising in tho Slty and the discovery of a plot to Assassinate Promori Franco and ov Mthrow the monarchy. Put tho band of murderers had selected the most advantageous spot for tho' com mission of their crime, for they were concealed from Ibo eyes of tho polico until the carriage had wheeled into tho Praco Do Com mei ch), a largo square Before any of the guard were aware of what was happening tho assassins leaped toward the car riage and instantly a fusiadc of shots rang out. In a moment all was terrible con fusion, tho King and Crown Prince was shot doun without thc slightest chaine to save themselves Police guards sprang upon the regicides, tho number of whom ls somewhat un certain, and killed throe of them and captured three others. One of these committed suicide after being placed in prison, it is charged that one ol the murderers was a Spaniard nam ed Cardovn Tho news swept through thc city like lire through dry grass, and tho populace ls panic stricken, not knowing where the noxl blow may fall. There ls the j; rea tesl dread for the futuro of tho country uh hh seems OU the vern?' Of belnp plunged Into Ibo awful throes of n revolution with all the attendant horrors and bloodshed Throughout the city consternation reigns, and all the home-; and business places ar* barricaded. An examination of tilt) wounds ol tho King, who was already dead When lie reached tho arsenal, showed thal Ihree bullets had found their mark Cae wound was situated at the nap? of tho neck, a second in the sllpuldoi and lin- third, which Was tho fatal wound Revered Hie carotid artery, The ('town Prince, who was Stil breathing, hut who died almos) Im mediately, after admission to the ar senal, had sn Herod (bree wounds lil the head and chest. Two bullets had druck Prince Manuel, one in tho low er jaw and another in Hie arm. Q ii eon Maria Pia. lb'- mother ol Kin;; Carlos, the Duke of Oporto, his bret her, a humber of ibo minister! and Court officials hastened at once lo the palace when ibo HOWS roached them of the attack upon the royal family. 'Tho cold blooded mindel has seul a thrill of horror throughout the country. King Carlos was the son of lh( billi Klug Louis and spOitSO, th' Princes? Pin, daughter of Klug Vlctoi Immanuel, of Italy, ami was horn ot September L'S. I st'.;{. Ile snceeodei to Ile- throne October 10,1889. lb married In I 89G tho Princess, Amelie of Orleans, tho daughter ol' the Conn ol' Paris, ano had two sons, Priim Louis Philippine, Duke of lirnganzft Hie Crown Prince, bom In 1SS7, Hu Prince Manuel, Duke of Deja, hom ii 188'.) A dispatch from Lisbon, Monda; rays: A reign of terror exist: throughout the entire country. Mos of the pcoplo think revolution is cor J To Death In His Own Refrigerator an Atlanta, Ga. DOOR SHUT ON HIM And W. ll. Whit?, Jr., Hod Artic Adventure in hi? Ie? House, Where Ho Hud Cono to Bee How the Thermometer Wu? Working und it the Moats Wore in Good Condi tion. This is tho story of how an Atlan ta man was lost in tho ?rtica Sunday morning and kept himself from freez ing to death only hy dragging tho forequarter or hoof frantically hack and forth for more than au hour as told hy tho Allanta Journal. On last Sunday morning shortly aftor ten o'clock W. H. White, Jr., of tho White McLendon company, wholesale dealers lu meats, stepped into the refrigerator of his ware house at 1 and 3 Knut Wall street, for tho purpose of seeing what de gree hts thermometer registered. No sooner was Mr. Whlto lusldo than the door of tho Ice house hanged and tho spring lock clicked fast. From then until 1 1 o'clock he had no need to consult tho thermometer to know the temperature. "1 have discovered the north pole," ho said shortly aftor his release, "and 1 can toll you H'B a had thing to hunt for." While Mr. Whlto wns working his hardest to koop up a faint spark of warmth in his blood, his carriage With Mrs. White In lt was awaiting him in front of Durant's restaurant on Alabama street. Ho had called at the restaurant a few moments be fore to take James S. Caines and Mrs. Caines for a morning drive. Mr. Haines was slightly delayed so Mr. White said: "I think I'll drop by tho warehouso while wo'ro waiting and have a look at tim mercury. Ho back In a min ute. ' ' Whoa the m I mi te had passed and twenty more had followed tho ladles grew uneasy. Hy eleven o'clock Mr. Haines yielded to their anxiety and SOt out to lind the trouble. In the meant imo a strange and, for tho time hoing a terrible drama i was being enacted in that ice house. Anyone who could have pooped in at the time would have seen a white faced man lighted by the misty blue of a solitary Incandescent globe ruc jing from one fide of the hex to the other with a hugo quarter of beer I on his shoulder. He would hang the hoof first upon om: hook and then j upon another, all the while swinging Ibis anns high above bis head ami do ing a thousand and ono Bwoboda st nats. "lt was either this or freeze," ex plained Mr. While. "If a man is hard at work ho can live In such a rofiigeratort hree or four hours, hut if he stands still he will pretty soon he like one ol' those petrified animals that geologists dig up in northern , Russia. And so bach and forth ho tugged the beef until the end of his lill pr Is . tournent il looked like a SOUP hone \ ! thai bud done duty three days. ' j Once a t?jegrarii messenger hoy 'passed on the alley on which a tiny side window of the refrigerator Op i ens, Mr. White heard him whistling and with all his might ho shouted 'land heat Upon the sides, of the ICC .'house. Hut the hoy kept Oil Ills way unheeding. Theil he boga h lo think 1 what might happen. He concluded at. first thal someone was playing a joke on Ililli and then he decided ' thal pretty soon the policeman of the heat would pass and seeing the key;; In tho front door would lock thinks up and go away. I I le conjectured that in the inean ' time Mr. Haines and the ladles would docldO that he had 1)001? detained on ! hm iness and would take a prelimi nary drive over town. However, he (might view thd situation, il looked . hopeless and he remembered all, the Stories ho had read ol' travelers helli? ! burled under the snow and freezing I lo death with mi earthly sound to ! greet them. c.VCUpl lltO lugubrious bou! of far away packs of wolves. livery delail of his strange prison ' foll Into harmony with such roman ces. Tim Incandescent globo cloaked jin its chill fog shot forth fantastic ; i_, . tain and (hal the country will be i plunged Into t he throngs, of civil war. I The Hiv is swarming with troops. . Many Of these, lt is feared, are dis? J loyal and this adds to the confusion t and terror of tho people. Huns have . been planted lu position to cover all ?approaches to tho royal palace, thc . paco des Nocssldades. Squadrons ol )' cavalry aro stationed at various (points, ready to charge mobs In any M part of the city. Troops are guard s lng tho residonco of Premier Franc? t ' and the homes of nil tho principa - government officials. DEATH IN A CYCLONE. Six Persons Killed Outright and Several Others Injured. Lmld Wast? a Strip of Farming Coun try Three Quartern of a Milo Wide mid Several Miles Long. Six persons woro killod outright Friday afternoon by a cyclono which laid waste a strip of farming coun try three-quarters or a mile wldo and several milos long just north of Wes son, Miss. Four persons were probably fa tally wounded by the storm, and many others wei o slightly hurt when their homes wore blown down. Tho following persons were killed: .Mrs. 1 kui Martin and her small children. Dave Martin. Fatally injured: Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Maddox. Unknown negro man Seriously injured: Wm. Allen, Miss Allen. The tornado struck about four o'clock. For a distance of twenty miles In a northqsatorly direction the wind torc a pathway nearly o mile wide, partly or wholly destroy ing nearly every building In this area. Scores of dead farm animals lit tered tho storm's track. Tho resl. dence of Mr. and Mrs. Maddox was blown completely off tho premises and Mrs. Maddox's hack was broken. A negro was found fatally Injured In tho dehlia of Robert Littleton's farm house, The cotton KU and store of Ras Matthews were almost wholly destroyed. At Georgetown buildings wer? blown down and at Ilazelhurst, two saw mills were destroyed, many I fences and several small buildings wore blown over, and some loss of i Ufo ls reported Messengers reached Hazelhurstl late Friday evening from tho region swopt by tho storm in quest of phy sicians, all thoso available at that point going to the scene. Consider able damage ls reported to huvo oc curred at Millsays, twelve miles southeast, of Ilazelhurst. Darkness settled down so quickly after the cyclone- that only an In completo estimate of tho destruction to life and property was obtained. Men in carriages an? driving through tho district offering aid to tho suf ferers, t HUMAN LOTTLRY Theatre Management Advertises to (.'ive Away a Little Ruby Incensed nt what they term an "insult to motherhood," certain wo men In Minneapolis, Miss, aro band ing together in an effort lo compel tho manager of a local theatre to desist from his denounced plan of giving away chances on a slx-weeka pld child to nil women who attend a matinee performance nt tho play house in the near future, and as a last resort declare they will attempt to secure an injunction from tho court to prevent it The theatre maintains that it is a legit?malo advertising scheine lu which many women who wish a child will be more than willing to partic ipate. The baby has been provided, and If nothing happens to prevent, tho hulnnn lottery will take place as outlined, the child going to tho hold er of tho lucky number, hut tho In dignant, mothers say that tho "san ctity of tho American homo" ls at stake and they thick they can stop tho lottery. t OV10RDOSF OK MORPHINE. Brooklyn Drug Clerk Saw Apparition ol' His Daughter. Believing that ho had seen tho ap parition of his daughter ned that this foretold of tho nine-year-old girl suffering from searle! fever Albert Moetler, a R rook lyn drug dork, took an overdose of morphine and die,! In a hotel. Moeller is said to have seen tho haunting vision on Sunday eve ning, lb' left home on Monday and nothing mon? was heard of him until he was dying in tho hotel. t rays that seemed Uko tho aurora borealis and the huge blocks of Ice that hemmed him in were for nil tho .world like the mountains of Lapland. Hy (he lime the quarter Of 1)00f ?had boen frazzled lo gaunt skeleton Mr, Caines arrived. Inside tho store ho heard the steady beating against ', tho walla and pretty soon recognized his friend's volco In the muffled shout for help. i Mr. White never stopped to see ' what tho thermometer registered i When the door wan tinnily pried open ' and ho stood once again In tho tom pornte zone > "I don't believe there's a thor I momoter with enough notches on il to toil tho story," ho said. BOLD THIEVES They Get a Sack Containing Three Thousand Dollars BY DARING ROBBERY. The Express Agent at Mansfield, Ohio, Knocked Senseless and Thea the Thieves Got Away With On? Hag of Money, hut Overlooked Another Hag That Contained For ty Thousand Dolara. One of the boldest robberies ever known, took place at Mansfield, Ohio, shortly aftor midnight Wed nesday, when two masked robbers entered tho office of tho Adams Ex prss Company there, knocked Wil liam Depow, tho agent, unconscious, and got away with $3,000, while nearly fifty passengers stood about tho Btatiou waiting for trains. A bag containing $40,000 in gold was lying near tho $3,000, but was ovevrlooked by the robbers. Telegrams were sent to tho police of the nearby towns and as a result, John McCuo and Joseph Stevens wore taken into custody at New Lon don. They had a sack taken from tho express offico containing tho $3,000. Stevens, the police say, confessed and implicated George McGlnlty, a friend of Depow's, who was in the ofllce at the time and was covered with a revolver during tho robbery. According to Stephen's story, the money arrived Tuesday night from Delphos, Ohio, and was consigned to a bank at Hamilton, Ohio. Stevens said McGlnlty lipped off the arrival of tho money, and cooked up a scheme with him nud McCuo to rob the olflce. McGlnlty was locked up. Ho de nlos the charge. LEVER A FTE il MONEY. For Soil Demonstration Work in Or angeburg, IJOO and Sumter. The Washington correspondent of the News and Courier says a bearing of considerable importance to the peo ple of Oi'angeburg, Sumter and Lee counties was bad in Washington on Monday afternoon before the House committee on agriculture. Represen tative Lever. In whose district the three counties named lie, secured the presence of Messrs. . A. Bonsteol and Frank Bennett, experts lu soil survey work in the department of agriculture, lu an effort to secure an appropriation with which to carry on work already commenced lu those counties. j Messrs. Rousted and Dennett, who . have been In South Carolina ou fre quent occasions, and who have done considerable work In Mr. Lever's District, demonstrated to tho com mittee just what the soil In the coun ties named can produce under prop ; or conditions ann how much Hie farmers living in those counties would be benefited by a continuation of tho demonstration work already undertaken there. j Mr. Lever believes that h will he successful in securing an appropria tion with which to carry on the work. lt will mean much to the farming interests of all the counties iu tho : oventll district. NINE MINERS PERISH. Killed by Explosion in West Virgin ia Coal Mine. Nine miners Thursday met sudden death In tho New River Valley col lier known to miners as the Lower ?Doom' .line, near llawys Nest, W. j Va., In an explosion that partly w recked tho mine. j About men were In the mino at the time of the explosion. Those who escaped suffered only slight in jury. One of the bodies was thrown out of the mine and into a tree sev eral yards from tho shaft. Rowles, one ol' tho dead men, who was blown down the incline was the only man i not instantly killed His arms and legs were blown off.. t KEEP TO THE RIGHT. Tho Duty of ChnlYcurs ls to Re on the lyookout. A decision by tho district court of appeals at Los Angeles. Cal., recent ly declares In effect that nutomobll jlsts are obliged to look out for tho pedestrians and koop from running them down and that pedestrians can not be charged with contributory negligence if they do not keep out of the way of automobile?. Tho do clslon confirms a Judgment for J7, . 000 damages awarded Stanley King t who bad bfien run down by an au tomobile of H. K. Oresn. t