_"Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and mike our lives in tliy^#?sosstb? happy, or four ?'o|t|| Glorious in thy Just Dofonoo." V VOL. XIV. . I??^?T^V^LI^^^ . -flfeS,; 'MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. t/lnivc?-Southern tu ?tl vin. Society Hill nriives daily, at 12 p m. Leaven-Daily, at 5 00 o'clock, a ui. Arrives-Nortliorii mail via Greensboro, N. C.arrivoB daily at 0 45 p tu Leaves- Baily, at S 20 o'clock, a. m. -dmueA-Blenheim, Hod Hill aud Drake . hrflvW audy at 12 o'clock, I??ave?-Daily ut 0;o'clock a. m. Itcavcs-'BonuettHvillo to Cheraw, via Dargan and Quick, Tuesdays and Saturdays, ut 7 a. m. A mors--Sumo days at ti p. Ul. Leaves-Bonnotlsvillo to Lauriuburg via Pearson, Ihiphtsville, Adams ville aud Ncwtonville, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ut 7.30. Arrives-Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 3.30. Honnottpviiie posbofltco opens nt 7 o'clock, a m., and closes ol .O p m. All mails opened and distributed upon arrivid. Money Order business close? on Sat urdays, at 12 o'olocK,in. T. L. CROSLAND, P. M. I\ A 7 Ii H G Sx ~Li ?rxJ?Jj?i. Capo Fear and Y&dkiri Vallev R. lt. Inc?ecl March 2, 1890. Irains moving North. J'UHS. (ind M ix iii 2 16 p iii it 63 p in a IO p in 7 !!> j) tn 10 -io |) lil Leave Boil not tsvillo 11.16 a ui Arrivo Maxton H.?1.0 a in bon va Maxton 0. '-??> n ni Arrivo Fuyotlovillo 2.115 j) in Lonro " I" DO a in Leave Sun ?ord 2 16 p in Arrivo Greensboro S 00 p in Leave " ? 20 a Ul Arrivo wt. Airy 6 00 p in No, 1-Urmikfast nt Fnyottovillo, Dinner at Urconslioro. TV?U'l? moving South. Puss, and Mntl. Freight and Accoin 5 4? a tn Leave Mt. Airy 5 3d ti ni '.? If) a m Arrive Greensboro 1 l? a m ?j fit) a tn Leave Greensboro 7 00 a tn 12 33 p m Leave Sun ford 2 15 p in 2 IO p ni Arrive Fayetteville 5 2.0 p ni 3 30 p ni Leave Fayetteville 7 4.0 a tu .0 20 pm Arrive Maxtor. 12.30 p in .0 30 p m Leave Maxton 1 05 p m ? 45 p tn Arrive lSennet'sville 3 40 p lil Passenger and M nil South hound brook ast at Greensboro and dinner nt.Sanford. Factor)/ Branch.-" FreigM d> Passenger. TRAIN MO VINO NOnTII Leave MUlboro 7.26 n m Arrivo ttroonsboro 0.00 a in J.avo Croonsboro 10.10 a til Arrivo Madison 12.36 \> ui THAIN MOVIHCI UOVTII. Iieavo Madison at 1.40 p ni Arrivo Qrconsboro 4 00 p ii) Tioavo Qrconsboro 4.40 j) tn Afrfvo Millbcro '' ? t5.55 p iii Passenger and Mail Train runs duily oxcopt Sundays. Freight mid Acconunodiitton Train runs from Ucnnottsvillo lo Fayetteville Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturdays; from Fayetteville to Ronticttsvillo on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; from Kayettovillo to tJroonsboro on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; from Urtcnvboro to Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays; from (Ironnsboro tu Mt. Airy on Mo nd Ays, Wednesdays ami Frida, 8, Trains on Factory and Madison brunches run daily oxcopt Sunday. W. E KV Ti ??, Ocn. Fuss Agent. J. W. FRY,, 0encrai Superb)tondent. Atlantic Coast Line. North Eastern E. R. of S. 0. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TUA INS OOINO ROUTH. Dated Jan. 13th, 1^90. Lo Florence " Kin gu tree Ar. Linie? Lc. Lanes \t Charleston Nodi A. M. *7.17 8. fi ti 0.16 0.16 11.D8 A. M. No.ul|No.27INo.23|No.?.) A. M. jit. Oil iD.in 10.37 10.37 12 :!tij A. M *1.35 2.20 2.50 2.50 6.00 P. M ? j Ai M. P. M ?1035 lb40 12.12 P. M. 12 121 *7.50 2,11 0.30 A. M. P. M. Train on U. ?fc 1). lt. lt. connects at Florence with Mo. 23 Train. Tn A INS OOINO NOHTIl. Le Charleston A r. Lanes Le Lanes Lo King?!reo Ar Florence No or, A. M. *l lt? I! 03 ll 03 ll 10 7 30 No 00 I'. M H M, ? nj r, ti n 10 7 10 No 78 ,\. M. ?1225 2 46 2 60 il 12 4 20 Nol l No 52 \ M. .I 30 (I 201 tl 20 li tc 7 66 A. M. ?7 30 ll 10 * Daily, 'j' Daily except Sunday. Train No. Cai connects at Florence with train on C. & 1). ll. lt. for Cheraw, S. C. and Wadosboro N. O, No. 52 run through to Columbia via Central lt. It. of S. C. Nos. 7S, 6f> and 14 run solid to Wil mington, N, G., making close connection with W. it W. lt. lt. for all points north. Florida Speoiid Vestibule Train No. 501 leave? Wilmington 2.10 a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays mid Saturadays, arriving nt Ashley Junction 9 05 11, in. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Florida Special Vestibule Train No. 500 leavcH Charleston northbound ?.44 p. m., arrives nt Wilmington ti 50, midnight. J. B. IC EN I, Y, J NO. V. DIVINE, Asti't Gori'l Malinger, Ocn"l Supt. T M. EMERSON, (Son'i Puss. Agt. WADIOSliOKO*. N. C., SPECIAL, h DAILY BXCEPT SUNDAY. North bound. Leave Charleston 4.00 p. ui. Lane's 0.11 p. m. Florence 8.10 p, tn. Uiioraw 0.43 j), m. Arrivo Wudesburo' 11.1)0 p. m. ?South bound Leave Wadosboro' 0.00 a, m Clioruw 7.30 t?. m Florence 0.00 a. m. Lane's 10.37 ii, 111 Arrivo - Charleston 12.30 p.ni Ours run thrangh between Clinrloston ?iud Wadosboro'. Those trains make close coonee tion nt Wadosboro' with Fast and Wost bound Passenger trains ovor tho Carolina Centrai Rnilroud. T. M. EMERSON, Gen. Pass. Agt. JOHN F. DIVINI:, (Jon. Supt OHUROET, DI?BOTO?T. NORTH MARLBORO CIRCUIT APPOINTMENTS FOR 1880. Hov. J. h. Ray, 1?. C. First Sunday. Ebenezer ll n. m. Sh Mo 3-30 p. m. Socond Sunday, Oak Grove 11 a. in. Now Hopo 3.30 p- tu. Third Suuday. Shilo lia. m. Ebenezer 3.30 p. tn. Fourth Sunday. Now Hopo 11 a. m. Oak G rove 3.30 p, m. Pleusuut Hill 11 a. m., on Saturday he? loro the second Suuday and ll a. in., on r>th Suuday. BRICHTSVitlE CIRCUIT APPOIHTMEHTS TOR 1890. ?KV. a. M. ROYD, 1?. C. Rolhcl 1st and 3d Suuday II a.m. Antioch 1st and. 3rd Sunday 3 p. lil. Boykin 2nd and4th Sunday ll a.m. Brecdon's Chapel 2d und 4th 3 p. m. APPOINTMENTS F?R DF.NNETTSVIUE CIRCUIT. REY. \V. II. KIRTON, V, C. beauty Spot. 'Jod and 4th Sunday 11 a. m. Smyrna, 2nd and 4th Sunday 3 p. lui. Pinn Grove, 3rd and 1st Sunday ll a, m. MoColl, 3rd and 1st Suuday 3 p. m. . APPOINTMENTS FOR OLENhCIM CIRCUIT, REV. J. A. POUTER P. 0. Hebron ht and 3rd Sunday at 11 a tn. Kbcnczor 1st and 3rd Sunday at 3 p. m. Parnassus 2nd and 4th Sunday ut 11 a. m. /nun 2nd and Ith Sunday at 3 p. iii. TOWN OHUROHES. M KT!! oin st-Kev. J. \V. Daniel, Pastor Sunday School 4.00 p. m. Preaching at lt.00 a. m., and 8.00 p. in. Prayor-iucet ing "Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Supt. S. S., 10. S. Carlisle. . UAPTIST-Hov. lt. N. Pratt Pastor Preaching 11.00 a. m., 8.00 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday morning ul 0.30 Prayer meeting Tbursdny evening, at 4.00 i'cloek. Supt. ?S. S., C. li. Jordan. PitusoYTKRiAX-Kev. W. ll. Corbett pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. til. and 3.3U L>. m. Sunday Scbool at 0.30 A. M. Pray or-iiiooting on Tuesday afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. Supt, S. S.,T. E. Dudley. MASONIC DIRECTORY. MARLBORO OIIAPTBR No.30, Ri A. M. Meets at Clio on Friday, on or after each full moon, at 3 o'clock in the aller noon. J.C. DUNBAR, M. E. U. P, J. E. MCLEOD, Secretary. EUREKA LODQE, HO. 43, A. F. M., ADAMSVIUE. Convenes oooh Saturday afternoon before tho full moon, ut 4 o'eloek. . r.; 11, UAftToniifi.u,- wMwr* W. J. Adams, Scoretnry. AURORA LOOCE, NO. 33, A. F. M. CtIO, Meit? Saturday on or uftor oucb full moor, at 3 o'clock, |> m. JOHN MANSINU, W. M. K. T. CoviNOrON, ??eorotnry. MARLBORO tOOCE HO. 88, BEHNETTSVILLE, Convenes oncb Friday evening on or before tbc full moon ut 8 o'clock.* C. 8. MCCALL, WI M. T. I. Rogers, Secretary. PRIMS LOOCE, NO. 18, A- F. M. PARNASSUS, Mectst Satmday on or before eaeb full moon at 3 o'eloek, p. ul. W. 15. Ai.ronn, W. M. C. II. Rogors, Scerotary. PROFESSIONAL GARDS ~rtos. E. nt TULKY, HOPE ii, NEWTON. BUDLEY & NEWTON. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, BKNNETTSVILLB, S. C. Viii practice in tho Courts of thc I'ourth Circuit and in the United Statos Courts. [Feb. 14, 'bO. TOWNSEND & MCLAURIN, X Attorneys at Law, Ri: NN KITS VILLE. S. C. BOT Oflicc over J. P. Eveiett's Store. TOWNSEND & MCLAURIN & POLLOCK. Attorneys nt Law, Cheraw, S. C. KNOX LIVINGSTON, ATIOHNEV AT LAW, Bcnncttsvillo, S. C. KNOX LIVINGSTON. EDWARD Sl'lVKR. LIVINGSTON & Mel VER, Attorneys nt Law, Cheraw, - - So. Ca. m Wi BOUCHIER, X . Attorney ut Law, B o n n 0 t t s v i 1 1 e , S . C . J8e3y*Oflieo on Burlington St., west of the Court House. ry* I. ROGERS, X 0 Attorney at Law, B 0 n n e t t s v i 1 1 e, S . C . JG'rjY'Ollioo in ibo Court House-front room on tho right. 0 d.W. SHIPP, Attorney nt Law, Cheraw, S. C. Will practice in thc Courts of Ches terfield and Marlboro Counties. 'iETON MCLAURIN, Attorney at Law and Trial Justbc, Bonncttsville, S. C. Prompt attention given io ibo collec tion of claims. Agricultural Lieus fore closed. m E. DUDLEY, X * COMMISSIONS OP AFFIDAVITS For thc State of North Carolina. IQV'Call ou him ut Bemiettsvillo, S. C. [Foti TiiK DKMOCKAT.J 11BV33R8ION OP THH WHISKI, Ol1 FORTUNE, It pleases us (o vend, Bolero our oyo lids drop (hoir ?hado, Of ?ho roootit groat progress Tho farmers havo tuudc. Tl;ri Hood thoy ha\c sown, That has ben oh'llod by tho blast, Havo germinated in ibo ground And peep ut us at lust. AH WO watch the countenance of Tho Knitter, and uotc tho ohango of dismay, Wo know tho dostiny of his dynasty Is approaching overy day. Tho harvest is ripening And we know it will bo large, But Farmer Till tuan is capable Of taking it in charge. We know wo oro not mistaken, For tho signs aro too true, I Tho old party tiiu?t give away And make room for thc new. It is no uso for them to fuss, Or to make a great cry, For h ??tory records it thus, For axes gone by. Nature teaches us a lesson That should never bc forgot, That evil must perish And its triumph remembered not. Thc sooner it is discarded And its stain wiped away, Tho moro our posterity will Commend us in their day. Their minds arc too narrow, And bell-interest the ouuso Tba' they go against nature l?y forming king laws, Como lawyers, como doctors, Como merchant.^, come all, Lot not the sting ol'reit ibm ion lio added to your fall. Lay aside your prejudice, Solf-inlorest, self all, And w.u the climax of a bitter);-ul reason inj class antagonism. J. The farmers' movepicnt Vs now bo come a concrote, substantiva . person ality-lion Tillman. It joyces ti hit tcruc8s of po s mal fedinri, wherein lid tho dangirof a spilt it^tVi; ranks years ago degenerated into the mor tool of Mahone, the party in th? St'.tte was rent asunder and histor; will repeat itself. Unlike many opponents of Mi Tillman, Wo do not doubt his sincerit or bis allegiance i 1 .s party, .and w hope the work to w .lioli men of sens and patriotism in tho State will di rot thci v energies will he that of kcepiu bitterness down in the coming iigh Yet it is of vital interest that the in tion of the late Convention should J repudiated by such mi overwhelm i ti vote ns to Jbrever preclude in the fi turo a repetition of thc exlrnordioui methods just resorted to by Mr. Til man lo have himself foisted upon ot people as a candidate. K0RK-8TAI.LINO. The Johnston (Kdgotleld) Mom ti says thc true object of the farmers holding Ibo March Convention was give Tillman all "undorliold.'' THE KA RM KAR IlAVK TIIK RIGHT, [Orjrn;ol)iir? Times and Democrat.] The members of the Convention a strictly within their rights in nssei ing their views upon public matte and in making every effort to ha their candidates nominated by t regular Democratic Convention, ni tiny attempt to reno them out of t party for asserting these inalienal rights Wobul not only be disingom; ami dishonorable, but such a cnn is liable lb redound upon thc hon of those so short-sighted as to rest tt) such methods, since it would tract to the movement the sympat of those everywhere who believe free speech anti fair piny." Lot have ii full and free discussion ol' I issues of the day before Ibo pop anti let them decide who shall Governor. AN' IMPOLITIC STKP. [Chester lloportor.] The ?loporter believes that nomination or ' suggestion" of a tic by thc Farmers' Convention is ti nw lt further believes that putting i ward Captain Tillman for Geyer is ail impolitic. We fear that hy i son ol' his imprudence, i m pct no. and rashness thc reforms asked In thc Farmers' Movement, with main features ol which wc are in .sympathy, will bo much retarde possibly altogether il cleated. A I'KlilLOCH l'ROCKKlltNtl. [ Wliit.sborO Nows and Herald. 1 Tho precedent of making norn lions inconsistent with the r?gi Deinoentic rul?s and principles pl tho parly in tho most perilous tittil sinco 7l>. * * Thc March con vcntioii has sown seeds of discord dissatisfaction that cnn only bc vented from multiplying by a ] consciousness of their mistake on part o/ the sowers, of their own timi, or by an extraordinary swa iniluenco hy tho more eonscrvi clement in thc Democratic party. . A ?q\'^U}f(?^VOR' THU lVKOl'LU. )^^^)^m|ra^^u^^tiQU lu?t week put forrard the names ot' B. li. T}\i mnii^r\%$overu?r nml J. C. Coit for Lioutounin) Governor. We do not, think Mr. Tillman is tho pr?ner 1 injin tobo Governor of tho whole' 'people, and we aro sorry thatljhe farmers did not choose an. othe?^j) their standard beorcr. ThirGovernor of a Stato should represent tho whole people, and ho should not bo at war with any class of citizens. Ito.should bo a man who is friendly to all, and who in turn lins tho good will of all . Whoa it is known that tho Stato. is full of good mon who would not bo objectionable to any class of our fel low-Citizens, it seems that a proper resf.eot for their neighbors should have prompted tho farmers to nomi nate a mau who would not only bs fai uful to them, but who would not bc objectionable to any considerable portion of the popul?. If. tho i?. have nominated a man who is objectionable to a large number pf the people, they have com mitted np, error, which is fully-ns grievous fis any of which the farmers now complain. ?NO CAjNUlDATK Or TUN FAR MRUS, ii W [Nowborry Obaorvor.J lc carpi ol bo claimed, with any show of rtyvsnii, that Tillman is thc candi du{to o?jlho farmers. His nominutiou iflBjHp 'attempt uf a faction lo force lum down tjio throats of oilier farmer? and. till: other citizens forming the Democratic party of tho State. It is an attempt to mako a man Oovortioi whom; tiiu people do not want for Gov ernor, i And, as wo said before, wo do not bolievu the people will stand it. A l'Util AVERAGE UOVKIINOR [Manning Times.] Tillman is not our favorito for gov ornor, hut, ns wo have before said, w< beliovo that he would mako a goce governor, and that if olected his rec Ord as governor will comparu favor" nilly with othor governors. Ho is i good, strong, uncompromising Demo erat, n man of lino purls, and wouh wo bcliev? mako a fair avorngo gov ornqr. But what docs tho nominatioi nio?'ui?) ,Doos it inauro Tillman's elco lion ? ; We not so regard it. Tb convention has pledged itsolf to abbi the dooiaiou of the Dotnooratio con yonj?pb j and io .insuro his olco.tion h. ? diUl?o Svi.i?tfu-1 .'.o i*5?U\,.w..?iV,,ii V). 'u? Democratic cou von I iou. To elect bin ibo work must bo done propurlj Clubs must elect Tillman delegated t the county conventions ; county coi volitions must elect Tillman delega tr to tho State couviiitiuti ; and tim Stat bon veil ti nu must uomiiiute Tillmai The March convention could do noll ing more than suggest, und did il not li big more, and it is pledged I abide, the result of tho Democrat State cony-union. But will they do i is thc question we hear asked by til Opposition. Of course they ? i I Tillman and the other lenders ure ri Democrats, and while they will mal a si rung fight, lind we believe wi succeed in thoir light, yet should d feat blast, their hopes, (hoy will lit true Do moer a ts yield to Hie mnjorit; und that is what they ask of their o ponen ts. TH fi MAN 10R A LO NO PULL. [8|)ur?nburg Spartan.] When lt coin?s to a long pull and strong pull, you can count Ben Ti mm. in. For four years ho has be "di idoning timber" in ortler to ha a clear field for ihe t aco for Goverm He is now in thc field with his ho in tho air and his tail curled. TUB CONVENTION VINDICATED. [Charloslon World.] The convention seems to have adi ted tho view entertained by th?' Woi and to havo confined its choice i Governor t.nd L/hfutohant Govern Iii that, we think, tho convent displayed considerable wisdom, foi weil ld have been ti fatal mistake hil yo named thoentiie ticket. The rest of the .State officials lu nothing lo ito with legislation, tl are m.?roly administrativo ? flio< and, therefore, tho refusal to Ipi ihcin frees the March convention fi the charge so repeatedly hurled agni its members, that they wero sim office-seekers. Tho nomi nco for Governor, Bei min H. Tillman, ?J a man who boroo tin brunt of many a storm, against him there has been lovt every ? pit h Ct that has ever been fi nt a pol i I ?cia n in this State. Ile determined and untiring worker, personal courage and his honesty < not he seriously questioned, while responsibility for tho recent fem prese ul ment of tho Edgelieltl gi jury stumps him ns a just mau. ' By his friends he ia styled a pati by his opponents n demagogue If this was a govorntneut any o than by tho people, thc oojecl urged ugninsl Ti tl iii un would bo st ger, but as it is tho accusation of t ag'gistn has been urged ngains many that it luis lesa weight tba would bo thought to have. To John Adams and his frit Thomas Jefferson w??8 probably a rtsentativo demngoguo ; to Jt Quincy Adams, Androw Jackson unquestionably a demagogue, Tillman may, thoroforo, profit by example AN UNWISE STEP. [Oftm Jon Mo8iongor.] Wo thought tho culling of this con? vention an unwiso stop, and hu vc had nu icanon to chango our mind. But on th* contrary, tho nominations which woro rondo servo to confirm our opinion as previously oxprosaod, Tliero waa no necessity for this con vont ion, and wo think it exceedingly doubtful if any good will result from it. WOKKINC? FOR 8EM\ [Darlington Noire.] Wo hnvo ondeavorod. to consider tbis wholo innttor dispassionately und huvo been forcod to the conclusion that woro Mr. Tillman brought before ?i Jury of his countrymen, on the charge of working for solf and not in tho interest of tho farmers a? ho claims, in viow of what has occurred, thc yoiv. diet would bo "guilty." Declinen the Nomination. Tho following letter from Col. Coit, of Chesterfield, wns published Inst Friday : CIIKUAW, S. C., Apiil 2, 1890. ? Cant. G. W. Shell, Chninnan and others, Executive Committee of tho Farmers' Association - Gentlemen : Havdng wejted a rcasonnblo time IV au official notification Of tho action of tho March Convention in placing my nnmo beforo tho people as a candidate for tho position of Lieutenant Gcvor nor, and not having received snob notice, I deem it not improper to nd dress this communication to you. While I fully appreciate tho unso licited compliment which lins boen paid mo and desiro to ox press my thanks for this evidence of confidence, yet I nm satisfied my name wns put forward under a misapprehension. It cannot bo doubted that the purpose of tho convention was to placo upon the ticket mon who wore in full sym pathy with the lotter of tho Chairman of tho Exouutive Committee of thc Farmers' Association (Capt. Sholl) in calling tho Convention together men who fully endorsed tho platform adopted and who could ami would canvass tho State upon tho issuos therein made. Without-referring to any objections I had to the letter of Capt. Shellii or my viow8 ns to the policy of making nominations nt this tiipo, it will, be sufllci.ent for me to say that ,~ uojnot f?llt/ endorso; tim platform, ami for uus;dnu .oiiijur HUrneVut' ^foo,,^ ca>i=. y not eUtor upon a canviee, iii ilt\sup portas required by the lim section of the platform. Injustice, thereforo, to myself, as well as in justice to the body whose executive you aro, I beg leave to withdraw my name from the ticket suggested. This action will also re lievo you of all ombarrr. oincut in substituting a man who will represent tho views which prevailed in tho con vention. It is but proper for me to say here that I am wholly KO itif. e 1 with th? agricultural interests of the State, and am in foll sympathy with thc farmers in their efforts to hotter their condi tion, and to this end am heartily in favor of their taking an active part in the control of legislation, both Federal and State ; but all must ad mit that honest differences of opinion, as to the lucan? nod measures which will furnish the needed relief, may well exist between men actuated by the best motives and seeking tho ac complishment of the same ends. I am, gentlemen, very truly and respectfully yours, JAMES C. Corr. To tho Sunday-School Workers of Marlboro County: DEAN UUKTUJIKN : Tho Second Annual Conference of the Methodist Sunday Schools of Marlboro County is drawing near and it is very important that wu have a full meeting. Knob school is entitled to two (2) del? gales who should bc elected at once and their names sent to the Secretary at tien nettsville. All ministers of Hie churches to bo represented and Superintendents bf schools arc members ex-otlielo of the Conference and aro expected lo bc pres ent. Cet each and every one begin to gather Information and work and pray for the success of our next Conference. Knell Superintendent in tho county is earnestly requested to havo prepared and sent, to tho Secretary a full Statistical re port giving all information of interest from his school for tho honollt of tho Con ference. JOHN MANNING, President. S. A. liitowN, Secretary. From Tatum Station. Mu. EDITOR :-I send you a pop per bloom-something raro at this 80?i8on. My watermelons aro up and I wonder if I shall bo ablo to semi you ono by tho 4tb of July. Tho worms havo oaten up my oats, tho rabbits havo destroyed my garden pons, and my hound puppy has broken up tho setting hon. April 8th, 1890. S. - Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, Tho hont Salvo In tho world for outs, bruillon, Boro?, uloors, Bait rheum, fovoi Boro?, tcttor, ohappod blinds, olnlblains anil oom? auk all akin eruptions, and positively onroB piloa, or no pay roqulrod. It la guor? autoed to glvo porfoot Batlnfaotlon, or mon oy rofundod. Trico 25 ooutspor box. Foi sala at Jcimingb' Pharnmoy, Second Annual Co lifer once : OF iHhv % ?.? . , At tho Clio Drug Storo you will find nil kinds of Drugs and Mcdioiuos oithnr on hand or coining to hand, or will bo ordered on couunnnd nt Dr. Hnmor old stand, kept hy L. Wood,