" Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence." YOI.. XII. I1 111 -1 NO.-8. Talking In Their Sleep. "You think 1 um doini," Tho apple tree said, " boonu so I havo never ? loaf lo show UecAuso I stoop, .And ?i?y branches droop, Amt tito tl lill K?'-y inoasca over toa grow . feilt ?'m all allvo in trunk and shoot ; t ho buds of next May I fold away Hill 1 pdy Hio withered ?rasa at my root." "You think I am dead," Tho (inicie urass ?i?*i, 11 J?ccaiiso I have parted with atom and hlntiol Hut under the ground I am safe and sound, With llio snow's thiele blankot over ino laid. * L'in ul) alive, and ready to shoot, Bhoilid tlio Spring of tho Year Como dnnetttg hero Pul ' pdy tim (luwor without branch or root," "You itiiiilc I am dead," A soft voico said, " btv inls? not a branch or root 1 own ! i nover havo died, Hut closo 1 hido Ju a pt ? ray seed that tho wind has sown. Patient 1 walt through tho long wlnlor hours ; You will seo mo nenin 1 shall laugh at you, then, On! ol I lip eye? of a hundred flowcrBl" DOING WASHING. "I nindi charge seventy-five cents for thal ?Swiss muslin dross, with thc donn?es and tho lace insertion," said llosamond Ray forth, as sho shook out a white, fluffy mass,and pinned it deftly on a lino which was stretched from a silver-birch tico to a tall, young moun tain-ash. "It's worth moro than that, but theso fashionable ladies aro so distressingly parsimonious in their ideas 1" Tho orango glow of tho sunriso was just (huging its sheaf of reddening arrows across tho wooded sido of Spicc bcrry Mountain; tho birds were whist ling their mating songs, and tho hidden waters of Spicoberry Creek wore swirl ing with merry music around tho quailed treo-roots, and moss-cover?d boulders that obtruded themselves ?ivross ita current. Tho wild clematis and rank fox-grape vines that had wreathed themselves picturesquely above the deserted charcoal-burner's cabin wero fluttering their tendrils in tho morning breeze; and tho fire of dead sticks was cracking bravely nuder a hugo kettle, where Miss Kayforth'ssecond tubful of clothes was already boiling like a witch's cauldron. For sho and Clara Seton, her room mate at collogo, had como up hero before tho dawn had unfurled its pearly banners, kindled thoir firo and gone bravely to work. "Doesn't it soem ridiculous?" said llosamond, as ?ho sorted out half a dozen or so of sheer linen pocket handkerchiefs, and plunged i hem up and down in tho bluing-pail. "Last night, you and I wore waltzing in the ball-room with thoso two young army officers; this morning wo arc getting out om wash. Just hand mo a few of thoso clothes-pins, Clara, please I How romaneo and reality do jostle ono another in this world, to-be-suro ! Theso handkerchiefs will dry directly, Hie sun touches them, and theil wo can hiive the linos for tho largo articles. A re you suro tho starch isn't lumpy, Clara? Miss Cavondish is . so very particular about lier lawn wrappers. And how aro tho irons heating up ?" Clara Seton, who had just finished coiling up her inky-black hair,?and had transfix od it with a long shell pin, peeped into an impromptu furnaeo of charcoal that glowed under tho slopo of a prodigious rock, before which half a dozen b?tirons wore sot on omi." "They'll bo In primo ordor in half an hour,-' said she, "Do you supposo, llo?y, thoy'll bo there to-night again V" "Tho flatirons?" "No, tho army officers." "Most likoly," said Rosamond, with a clothes-pin in hor mouth, as sho stood on tiptoe to'liang a ruffled petticoat to the bree.'.o. "I heard thom ask Flora K?ster if wo wero staying at the Moun tain Houso." '.Oh, did you? And what did sho say ?" .'She said sho believed we wero camp ing ont somowherc." "So wo are," said Clara, laughing. "And sho added-tho doar gossipy litt e thing I- that wo wero artists, who spent most of our time in skotehing. There, Clara, tho clothes-lines tiro full at last. WoMl adjourn long enough to drink our cold coffco and cat somo bread and milk. Oh yes ! wo'ro camp ing out-there can't bo any mistake about that," sho went on, with a laugh, as tho two girls sat down In tho shado ol the hazel bushes to partako of their simple morning meal. "Hut I oflon wonder what tho Mountain Houso people would ?ay if they know that icc were tho French laundresses to whom tho landlord's wife sends thoir muslin gowns and Swiss polonaises to bo done up." "What do wo can ?" retorted Clara, with a shrug of her shoulders. "Nothing in tho world. Hut isn't it comical, Clara, when one thinks back over it all ? How we caine hero with our easels und our palettes and our color-tubes,, expecting to make our fortunes as artists, painting woodland scenes on birchbark, and reproducing the sunsets on bits of mill-board. And then we discovered that every farmer's daughter in the neighborhood was doing the same thing, and that art was at a hopeless discount. And next-you re member Clara-wo tried to play tho piano for the dancing, until the colored 1 Tiddlers came over the mountain and underbid ns altogether. And wo had no money to buy our tickets back io the city, nor to pay our hotel bills, until-until-one fortunato day tire laundress lost her temper and left at an hour's notice, and I helped Mrs. Fitch out ot her dilemma !" "And now," said ('lara, "wo aro making eight or ten dollars a week." "Out ot the wash-tub," said Rosamond, blithely; "and boarding ourselves. Oh, how thankful 1 am that I spent that long, dreary, dismal winier with old Aunt Abigail, in a haunted house whero no help could bo induced to slay, and then and Micro learned lo wash and hon equal to any heathen Chineo !" "I believe, Rosamond," "that you would laugh at anything. " "Hut it is so ridiculous," persisted merry Rosamond. "To think of thc downfall that our lofty ideas had. From artist to washerwoman ! From Prussian blue and Venetian red lt indigo bags and starch 1" And she jumped up and ran back lc the boiler, which was now spluttering and bubbling like some infuriatet monster. "It's boiling over, Clara-it's boiling ovcrl" sho cried, in loud, sweo accents. "Help me off with lt-quick or tho clothes will bo burned. "Allow me," spoke a calm, dee] voice; and the next inomont tho ketth was swung oft tho impromptu cram upon tho grass below, and ltosamoiu Hayforth found herself taco lo fa? with Captain Alford, the taller am handsomer of tho two olllcers will whom she had waltzed tho mid nigh before. Whilo Harry Drayton, th younger cavalryman, advanced througl tho bushos, with his gun balanced ovei hisshouldor, and the countenance ol ono who was sure of welcome. ".So this is camp !" said he. "Yes," said Rosamond, steoling her self to Hie occasion; "this is the camp Won't you walk in, Captain Alford And you, Mr. Drayton V" "Hut I shall bo interrupting you !" Rosamond smiled*, a cheery spark! came into her soft, dark eyes. "A littlo," she owned. "Wo an always busy at this time of day, Clari and I. In tho afternoon-only in th afternoon-you will probably seo us ai tho hotel, in our host frocks and witl our hair out of crimping-pins. Captain Alford glanced helplessly around. "Oh, I seo," said lie. "Hut jusl hero you arc-" "Doing tho washing," expiai no.? Rosamond, serenely, "Don't you se thc clothos on tho lines ? And wo glin! bo ironing in an hour or two. We ar working-bees, Captain Alford," "Couldn't wo help?" said Hair Drayton, grounding arms at once. "I'm afraid not !" said Clara redden ing. "Oh, Captain Alford," cried Rosn mond, unable longer to ropress he laughter, "don't look so bewildered and I'll toll you tho beginning, th middle and tho end of Rat once !" "I suppose you aro doing this for joke," said Captain Alford; "or as wager, perhaps. Radios do sometime bet, as I havo heard." Hut Rosamond shook her head, Bli with tho roguish dimples gleamin around her lips, tho diamond-sparkh In her oyos. "No," said sho, "wo aro not doing for a joko, nor yet for a wngor. AV carno up boro ns artists, but we soo lound that wo should ?tarvo to deat on art." j And sho told tho wholo of her simp story. "Ko ono know lt but Mrs. Field, t l landlady," said sho. "Not that wo ai ashamed of it, but"-with a sttddc rising of color to lior cheeks-"oi doesn't like to bo talked about, ye know." "Ashamed I" cried tho captain. 1 should think not. Why, I never sa such plucky girls in my life." "You aro regular heroines," ai plauded Mr. Drayton, They sat and talked until tho bb shadows crept off tho mountain-side, and the tramp of tho guido's footsteps on tho rocks warned tho two ollleers that it was time to set forth on their day's expedition*, and when they vanished into tho glens, Clara and 1 rosamond stood watching them. "Cor the last time ?"said Rosamond. Clara started. "Why ?" said she. " Why, because /" said Rosamond. "Vouwillr.ee. lt's very easy to talk, hut they will not como back to us again. If there's anything a tuan dislikes, it is lo seo a woman strike out for herself." ''.Nonsense !" said Clara. "It is true," iioddcd Rosamond. "You will sec. Hut her prophesies failed. Tho two hunters .stopped on their way back, lo leave somo squirrels and a tempting branch ol' wild plums at tho charcoal cabin. The next day they strolled up again. "lt's a deal jollier up here than it is down at the hotel," declared Alford. "If we shant bore you," said Dray ton. And so they kept coming until tho end of tho season arrived, garlanded about with still night frosts, scarlet leaves and stealthily-dropping nuts. "Do you know," said Alford, mourn fully, "thc regiment is ordered to Ari zona ? And I've got to report at head quarters next week." Rosamond viewed him with sympa thetic eyes. "Is Arizona so very bad ?" said she. "1-1 shouldn't mind it," stammered the young ollicer, "if you were going with me. Toll me, Itosa, would-would you bo willing lo go to Arizona for my sake?" "J*ut," faltered Rosamond, "what would Clara say to my leaving her, when we've always been in a sort of partnership, you know V" Captain Alford's ann stole softly around Miss Rayforth's trim waist. "But suppose you formando partner ship ?" said he. "As for Miss Seton why thore's Drayton worships the Yory ground she walks on, you know. Come ! about Arizona ? It would bo the Carden of.Eden to mo if you were there. Won't you say yes, dear Rosamond ?" And how Rosamond and Clara re joiced in spirit that they had saved up enough money from tho proceeds of their summer campaign to buy two neat little trousseaux ! "After all," said Rosamond, joyfully, "there is nothing like being independ ent." ' "Harry says," whispered Clara, that I never looked so well in my lifo as when 1 stood Ibero banging out clothes on tho mountain side." "And Will declares," added Hosa mond, "that ho foll in lovo with me when I tried to lift tho big kettle off tho lire, and couldn't. Dear Clara, what fortunato girls we aro !" "And what happy girls we are I" cried (.'lara. Tho Suicide of Hindu "Widows. According to a writer it has been almost a cruelty to forbid tho practice ol' suttee, or tho suicido of Hindu widows, while taking no steps to defend such unfortunate poisons from tho miseries to which they aro condomned by native, social law. Tho theory is, as enunciated by tho ancient Hindu lawmaker Manu, that "a virtuous wife ascends to heaven if, after tho decease of her lord, she dovotcs hersolf to pious austerity; but a widow who slights her deceased husband by marrying again brings disgraco on hersolf hero bolow, and shall bo excluded from tho seat of her lord." Ilonco ho directs that she shall .'emaciate her body by living voluntarily on pure Howers, roots and fruits, but let her not, whon bur lord is deceased, even prononnco the Pairie of another man. Lot her continue till death forgiving all injuries, performing harsh duties, avoiding overy sensual pleasure, and cheerfully practicing tho incomparable rules of virtuo which havo been followed by such women as were devoted to only ono husband." These laws, though laid down nearly 2,000 years ago, are still mercilessly enforced, ami the lifo of a Hindu widow is, lu consequence, almost unbearable., In fact, many cases aro known where death from exhaustion and starvation follows tho attompt to observo tho proscribed routine of life. Fov two days of each month, for instance, sho must neither eat nor drink anything, no matter how feeblo may holier health. Otherwise she loses "casto" and fore felts tho respect and caro of hor family. We advise all American widows to stay where they aro. All history la only tho precopts or moral philosophy reducod Into exam ples. Thoro are now In this country moro bau .120,000 patents for Inventions. THF, WOM1DN OF ?APE COI). Hcuulifnl Creatures at 10 anti Oltl a ad llnggtml at J JO-Tho Henson Why, "If there- was over a blighted raco of women," said a Now York gentleman, recently returned from a visit to Capo Cod, "it exists in the peninsular villages of Massaehusscts, which dopond on the lishcrios for tho support of thoir inhabitants. Nowhere elso in all New England will one seo so high an average of femalo beauty, especially in sym metry of form and freshness of com plexion; but it will not take one long to discover that this girlish beauty and freshness, while unusual and unexpec ted, is also in its duration very brief. Tho change produced in these girls by thc lapse of a few years is painful to observe. No matronly graces aro to be seen among them after their girl hood days are past. That charming muidlo ago of maturing womanhood, between Hie freshness and buoyancy of the girl of "20 and the woman of ?15 or ?IO, is entirely absent. Tho heightened color of the cheeks is gouo, the eyes aro sunken, and wear a constant look of sadness and anxief '. Gray hair in heads over which a scoro and a half of years havo scarcoly passed, and deep lines in faces which should show no trace of ago for years to come, are rathor the rule than tho exception. These women besides suffering from all tho inevitable sorrows which fall to woman's lot, no matter in what station sho may bo placed, have an added intenso and perpotual sorrow all their own. Theirs is a lifo of continual suspense and anxiety, which is almost certain in timo to bo ombittored by an overwhelming griof. Fair weather keeps hopo warm in many an anxious woman's heart; the howling north-easter fills it with doubt and [despair. Constantly watching by day, waking in tho night to listen to sounds from tho sea; whether they may bo tho roaring of tho dreaded tempest or merely tho moan of tho surf on tho beach, is it any wonder that tho torturo tf mind and heart and. tho strain of .ffcjvjflL and vital force that must follow this tiorpotual suspenso and longing destroy tho fountains of youth and beauty in theso patient, suffering women and placo upon thom tho marks of age while they aro yet young ? "Yet tho girls grow up with but ono thought of wdiat their futuro lot will be, with ono object in view upon which their visions of happiness aro based. Go among any group of theso bright girls, in any of tho villages of thc class I am speaking of, and you will (Ind that nmo out of ten of them look forward to a union with sonic ono who will spend his life lishing in tho summer and coasting in tho wintor. Thc idea that thero might bo any other futuro than I tho ono which is to como to them as fishermen's wives or that tho Ufo of a fisherman's wife is anything different from tho natural sequence of married life, never scorns to occur." OHIO A H POISONING. A Superstition Willoh Flourishes in All oT (lie West I lidia u Islands. "Obeah is tho dread of nine negroes out of every ten in tho West indies," said the Trinidad gentleman, whom, for thc sake of convenience, 1 shall call Mr. Smith. "It Is a nuisanco to them and to tho whites, but all tho ef forts of tho various governments to crush it out havo been unavailing. It has as many believors now as evor, not withstanding tho education of many of the blacks, and wherever thero is auy conflict between thc two races it is still dangerous, t can not tell you the de rivation of tho word. Obeah (which as you must havo noticed, is always pronounced 'oby') is not an imaginary being of tangiblo thing, but simply the name of tho wretched system of jug gling and poisoning. Certain men among the negroes set up for 'Obeah men,' and profess to bo ablo lo do mar velous things. I eupposo thero aro flvo hundred 'Obeah men' on this island, to whom tho other colored pooplo go for assistance and advice They havo to pay for this assistance, so tho conclu sion is inovitablo that the Obeah men go into it as a matter of business, see ing a way lo mako an easy living out of thc superstition of their Consrades. They aro naturally shrewd fellows, who know how to givo somo impressiveness and plausibility to thoir nonsense. Thero is somothing liko a system In tho 'Obeah worship,' but it has so many variations that it is dillicult to trace. It is sub stantially tho samo in all tho islands, with such tlifforences ns each porformer chooses to invent, In overy island, for instanco, thrco white cocks' hoads aro used to bring troublo to an onemy. Thoro ls no variation in that. Though thero is a groat deal of tho Obeah busi ness in Trinidad, this island is bv no " Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence." YOI.. XII. I1 111 -1 NO.-8. CARRIER. PIGEON?. Their Hfclory anti thc Manner- of Their Training. It is not known with what nut-ion the uso of tho carrier pigeon originated, but thor? Is no doubt that tho cusiom is very ancient. Tho Romans used tho birds for tilla purpose, and Slr John Mandeville, ono of tho earliest travelers from Europe to tho Orient, states that ho found thom used in thc samo way among tho Asiatics. "Wo have tho asser tion of tho poet Tusso for behoving that they wcro so employed during thc siege of Jerusalem in 101)9, and it is an un doubted historical fact that they wiro used during thc crusado of St. Louis in riot). Tho most remarkable instance of tho uso of carrier pigeons in modern times was during tho siego of Tails, in 1870. They liavo been moro gonorally used in Turkey than in any other coun try for many centuries, and tho art of training thom is understood to bo car ried to its greatest perfection there. Thc trainer takes tho pigeons when tlioy havo acquired full strongth of wing in a covered basket to a distance of about half a milo from their homo ; hero they aro set at liberty and thrown into tho air, and if any fail in return' ing homo from this short distance thoy aro regarded ns naturally stupid, and no time is war/ed in endeavoring to train thom. Those that do come homo aro trained by being taken to groator distances, progressively increased to forty or fifty miles. . When tho bird is able to accomplish this flight ho may be trusted to fly any distance overland, within the limits of physical power. This drilling must bo begun very early, or even the host breeds of birds will not becomo good carriers. It is tho gonoral plan to koop tho birds in a dark room for soino hours boforo they aro used. Thoy are then fed sparingly, but aro given all the water they can drink. Tho paper on which tho message is written is then carefully tied round tho upper part of tho bird's log or to ono of Hie largo feathors of tho tail, so as not to impedo its flight in any way. The foot aro washed in vinogar to koop them from getting too-dry during tho bird's flight, so as to tompt it to descend to wator and run tho risk of getting its message wot. Tho ordinary rate of flight for a carrier pigeon is from twenty to thirty miles an hour, though instances of much moro rapid flight aro on record. Tho pigeon, when thrown up into tho nir, at first flios round and round. This is ovldently for tho pur pose of sighting some landmark that lt knows. Whon this is perceived the bird instantly flies toward it, anil as other familiar landmarks como gradu ally intosight, continues its journey until its homo is reached, ir no landmarks is perceived tho bird is bewildered and lost and finally returns to tho earth again. The Paris Stock Exchnngo. Tho scono upon tho floor of tho Ilourso Ave minutes before tho stroke of tho clock nt 3, not only " baffles descrip tion," as tho reporters say, but must positively bo seen to bo bolieved. Ono would refuse to credit any written statement of tho mad oxcitoment that piovails just as tho solemn functionary at his desk closes the record of the day's transactions. Grave and roverond seigneurs for tho moment becomo tho veriest schoolboys. The ordinary cool and . calculating Semite loses his senso of calculation and discretion, shout?, vociferates, screams, pusiios, jostl?s, howls, and throws his bargain, written upon its paper, at tiro scribe, who roiuses at tho latest moment to record if. Tho shout ing or screaming is liko that in a groat battle ; only tho smoko and bloodshed aro lacking. Tho spectaclo is ridicu lous, yot imposing. It gives to tho full measuro of human littleness, yet illus trates ono of the wonderful forces of tho human mind. Tho Paris Exchange lacks tho calm and solidity of the groat lionises of Hamburg, Ihcnion, Vionna, Leipzig, and Ilerlin, but it ls methodical, com mercial, mercurial. Ono feels that capital is thoro seeking Its truo level ; that speculation is at its most audacious hoight ; that reputations aro risked, mado, and lost with consunimalo cool ness, despite tho outward excitement ; that rumor rules, fact being secondary and out of placo. Tho wabbling flight of tho duck has been adopted as a sobri quet for tho somewhat uns cady march of tho false tales that haye so much in fluence on tho Paris lionise. Tho can ary has becomo an international syn onym. It ?l?os overy day and returns to Its nest at night, after having oauscd tho rnpsc astonishing gains and losses. No ono ovor thinks of strangling it, or twisting its nock ; and on, "tue morrow, with refreshing impudence, it resumes its orratio career.