paiiberij iflcmo?rat BY S. A. BROWN & Co. PRICE, ?2 PliK YEAR IN ADVANCE. IJENNETTSVILLK. SO. (JA. Wednesday, February 26 UM 5. Office in Everett's Briok Building - UP s'i?Aiife. OUR CHURCH DIRECTORY. MKTHODI8T-ltOV. J. L. Stokes PttStOI' Sunday School il p. ra. Preaching at ll n. m., and 7.30 p. m. BAPTIST-Hov. It. N. Pratt Pastor Preaching at ll a. m. and 8 p. hi. Sunday School ovcry Sunday morning at ?.80. Pruyor-inooting Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. PnksRYTKinAN-;Roy. W- n. Corhett, pastor. Proachhig at lOiilO a. m. and 3,30 ?. ni. Sunday School at 0*!K) A. M. Pray er-meeting on Tuesday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. BtNHEllSYlUE CIRCUIT APPOIKIMEHTS FOR 1886. RKV. TII?8. J. CLY DR. 1st Sunday. Pine (/rove, at ll a in ; Smyrna at p ni '2d Sunday. Hoy kin at ll a 111 ; Pino Grove nt H .J p ni 3d Sunday. Bethel nt ll a m ; Antioch at 3| j) in 4th Sunday Uo.auty Spot at ll am; Ebenezer at 3| p in -0 - RKV. K, a. PllIOE. Itt Sunday Hot liol at ll am; Antiooh 3J p m 2nd Snndtiy Homily Spot at lia m ; l?bonozor ?ti p m Ait Sunday Pino ll rove it ll a inj Smyrna 3j pm. 4th Sunday Hoykih at ll a m ; Pino (irovo :ij p m. ?_ Oils VI reu lt, Appointments for issn. HKV. G. M. BOYD, P. C. 1st Sutiday, Clio, ll a. m., Hebron :\\ p. m. 2d Sunday Parnassus 11 a. m., Zion 3} p. tu lid Sunday, Hebron ll a. tu,, Clio, ?IJ p. m. ?Ult Sunday Bethlehem ll a tn, Parnassus 8)pm ?sZi?" Mr. llosww.ii T. LOOAN ia tho authorized agent of tho DEMOCRAT tn tito city of Charleston. +T0WN AND COUNTY NEWS* MERE MENTION. Bend nil the now advertisements. . .Weather clear hut cold. . . T'lKMH l:- IlllkV ||tUuUlj{ I ?I MMV.OIS. ...?....wi lift oiler ol' Mr. <\ Mt Cr. H ; iff I'VtO il. ,.-.>' li' ' ' HmokNi ;-t|imJdntfi ni "ol?, at Hodges'; I ...Uo around to MoMurrny'8 amt yon can buy a sfcovo all right. .. A full lino of ohoico Family Groceries chonp for cash at W. A. Moore's Grocory. .. Mr. G. \V. Wuddill lins moved to his new store and will opon a stock BOOH. Mr. W. 0. Itivcts has moved to his now store and is receiving a fresh supply of now gonds. . .If you want a lino limul-made Gnitor for yourself or wife, or a sot of good har noss, call on Morton and ho will suit you. . .Tho nicest Dress Goods, Brocaded Satins and Velvets, in all shades, you eau seo, freo of charge, at L. Strauss. Don't forgot that ?rent bargains aro still being offered at tho Ladies BtiKuur, and that these opportunities will soon close. 25 Barrels of best quality Nitrato of Sotlrt, for wilo fay 0, S. McCALL. jftOKitftof Fine Fut Mack erel, For Mile by 0. S. MCCALL. .. Administrators, Exooutors and ofchors having property iu trust must nob forgot that this is tho last mouth to maka returns to tho Probato Court Stan loy's Cough Syrup the great Joogh and Cold remedy for anio ut C. S. McCall. yilank Lious for Rout and supplies, ls of sale, and Liens for Advances Xv'^?i congregation of the Methodist Chu *?m town had tho prlvilcgo of hear ing anfffct Borinon ^?yd 011 Sunda itnblo Lifo Jntturnnoo Sooloty, Mr. II, P. Johnson offers fctnonta to thoso who wish to . .Th roprosonfcy suporior ind 1 ! 1 , ?Rfc001! company 00 insured in?r 1 * mi r ?1 JjKmporium hus moved to tho Tho Ladies Tl XT" i> . . Wnoxtdoor to Dr. Monroe's Now Brick SturOB Drug Scoro. Soe} noUo0 ln ftUOthor Co1 limn ' j ' Mr. A. Mooro, of Fayetteville, t jmakes fino wines and'I'VIUOM for family iso, a specialty Iii his s took. See ad yertiseinent in another Of Au mn. A special cheap oxmuVion train I ?Voin Charleston for New Orleans hy y the Charleston and Savannah Rait i way, will leave that city evory M011 i ' lyMnorning at 8.15. Thc faro for lo round trip by that train is $16, 60. D?lATH'S DOINGS. Died ni his hom? nocir Clio, on Friday hist; Mv. JnmeH Woodloy-?ged about 84 yearn. Tho friends of Mr. JamcH Odom, living uoar Boauty Spot, sympathise- with Wm in tho loss of hlH littlo babo, aged 6 wcoks. FJlBSONAIi. Mr. Cimillo lt, Kina'liuol loft on Monday for Lancaster, whore ho will Bpond 11 few days ?nd thou leavo for Florida. Ile in now traveling in tho IntortHt of tho Davis Quilting Frumc. Wo lenru that Kev. D. AV. Scales has gone to spend the year at Montcvallo, Ala. We wish him a pleasant sojourn in his stay out West. Death of Dr. Prcssly, Dr. .Samuel H. Prcssly, an eminent physician of the town of Society Hill, and well known in thc Pee Dee sec tion, ?lied at his home on Wednesday evening last-aged (58 years. Porty Dollars in Gold. A grand ofter to tho farmers of Marlbo 10, ?nd a ?banco to mi?ko $40 dollars in gold, \H madp hy Slr. C. S. McCall, ono of our loading merchants, Rend it carefully fanners and mako the trial. The Rick. Miss Annie Holl Hamilton and Mr. Charl ton ?lohn havo both been very Bick, but aro reported better this morning. .. .Mr. J. D. MpLaurin has hoon vory ill, but wo aro glad to learn is bettor to day. Just' Received Messrs Carroll ?5 Co., havo received and oponed thc handsomest lot of Jowolry over brought to this market. Also a fine lot of Watches, Clocks, ttjieclaoloa, ?fco., winch thoy olYer at bottom prices. Call and see for yourselves, we know you will bo suited. ?Wlllitmisburg'n Now Pnpor. Wc have received it copy ol' thc County Kocord, a new jon nal ist ic. venture in Kingslree, which judging from the initial number will be a good paper. Tho editor and proprie tor, iv. C. Logan, is well 'known throughout thc. Stato, and luis been engaged in journalistic work for more tlmn a quarter ufa century. Judgo Hudson atBumtor. Tho. Watchman of tho 17th says 'Mudge Hudson is well known and highly appreciated ?1 tl"' Sumter bar Ile poli Vrcf(;?iidj>iug ?Vom his;ohiu'ge) in holding ^ nhl ic ' .'1: :.iu'U lb :\ rigji) fie? ,/n\,;jv)r;il',\ ,'Tr .: 'iiW 1 Kilning \,Uim ?ill lie believes in having good order in the court room and enforces it, and ho makes a model presiding officer. The Opportunity Will Soon Close. Mr. W. C. Kops the Artist will havo to closo up his orders soon, and nil who Lavo not scoured one or moro of IUB choleo cn largcd Pictures will suroly JHIBH a fino ohauco to get good work dono cheap. Call on him at Mr. JCBEO B. Adams' Boarding Houso. Ile is ol-o pronarcd to furnish any stylo or sizo of picture frame. Call at once. A Now Oounty Noar By. A bill to divide the counties of Rob eson and Richmond and form a now e.,un ty to be called ?Scotland has been offered in the North Carolina Legisla ture. Tho Court Houso will be at Shoe Heel or Laurinburg. Wo hopo (he hill will pass and thal tho sister town of Shoo Heel may bc sc looted ns tho county seat now that she lian been connected by rail. Tho Poll Tax. Tho Legislative at its last session made a change in the poll tax. For several years past persons over thc ago ol fifty have been exempt from poll tax. All persons now between tho ages of twenty-one and sixty, except those incapable of earning a support, arc liable, to pay his tax. .- .. ? ? . Bcnnettsville Circuit. Tho hrat session of tho Quarterly Con foronco of tho Bonnottsvillo circuit for tho current year was held at Bethel church on last Saturday, and included proaching and sacramental services on Sunday. Notwith standing the disagroablonct-s of tho weather there was rt good turn-out of ofliomls and others. Thc Presiding Eldor, Rev, J. M. Boyd was present, presiding pud preaching with Iiis accustomed ability. Ho expressed great g?uU?lcii?uii at tho roports rendered ned tho encouraging out-look In thin largo and nourishing charge. Each visit of Mr, Boyd ondears him more and moro to om people, and they will bo sorry whon th( end of his administration comos. We ask attention io tho card of M J. IL Blake! of Fayetteville. Ho ; prepared to contract for putting np al. kinds of buildings of wood or brick, and furnish everything when needed. Hentttrks Mudo by Kev. Titos. Clyde, at thc Funeral Services of Mrs. Sarah Cook. Alas ! how soon our friends wc snatched nw ny from us, und a whole community plunged Into grief. But a fow days ago we stood at the graves of Halford Flctalicr, Crawford Easter]inc and Carrlo Lee Ham ilton, and now to day wo arc again at the houso of mourning in tho presence of thu our tidy remains of thc venerable and ven erated Mrs. Sarah Cook, who departed this life February 15th 1885 in thc seventy fifth your of her age. Thc end canto suddenly and unexpectedly, but sho was doubtless ready for tho summons. In January of tho year 1830 she was united in most holy wedlock lo Col. Win, Cook, of precious memory, and was related by blood and marriage to many of thc best families of Marlboro. In Bennetlsvillo, where she had lived sc long, and so worthily, she was held in thc highest esteem and her memory will cvoi he sacredly and tenderly cherished by hoi surviving friends and relativos* She en tor cd the communion of thc M. E. Chinch South] hi the spring limo of lifo and con tinned a most exemplary member .horco until death, j The ample moans she once possessed her Saviour. She delighted lil minislcrim to the ministers of tho Cospel, who wen often the recipients of her genial and ole I gani hospitality. I The poor were Hie objects of her consid : ernie compassion and made to rejoice ii 1 tho benefactions of herselfand lier "devot et I husband. Atnie helpmeet to tho latte I lil his home duties, and arduous public spirited labors: his heart safely trusted ii ! her, anti ho often found lil h?r exceden Judgement tho solution of ?lost perplex lu? dlilicnlt les. In nc i gi.hoi I i ness and all Hie sweet com tesies anti iiiiiciilllcs til'life she excelled anti contributed no little to the. enjoymoii anti happiness of those around lier. Sho had intelligent recognition of "th truth us it is in Jesus," and profound ap predat ion of Christian duty and obligatio! With her duty was a word whoso t.uie slf. niiicanco could only he measured by th tole.inn Issues of eternity, and whose nit malton could only bc determined by llii who sd loved her as lo nive His only b< gotten Son to die for her. The futthi'i conscientious discharge of thu rosponslbl liles of Church membership was the testi monluls of her love and devotion (o' lu Lord and Saviour. Her true womanly intuitions and taste guided by tho light divine-enabled her \ respect the false and meretricious in sent mont and manner anti cleave to that whit is true and pure anti good? As a follower of Christ .she was ev mindful td" the injunction: "\> hose udor lng. let it not be I hut outward adorning plaiting Hit! hair, and ?d' wearing td' gol or pulling tm of apparel; but let it bo t lihidett man Of tit? heart, in thal which not corruptible, even thc ornament of meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sig of ( Jod Ci'great price." ?She never sacrificed the substance for l shatlow; but lil all thing* exhibited ulilli free from (hu shackles ol' vanity and pi j nd iee. Home one has finely said: The. earth full of divine, radiance, and the relics ils original adornment. The redeem spirit, adjusted lu harmony willi all Iii I? divine lind'- timm on every lintid. Sn I ;t soul nudo!., l?lihdc v th ( hr co i id it j ?fri . > \Vith .'winch li;? !' orb! .-, i ri .ll ... ii tr.: lid (lim li f?--1 'i'ii'! hfuivoi j .. s .? .'.f i-Jtiu I !< pi m- . -. iib ! tral'on iii lin l.pirh \ n?l nu I ; i * :i < - ?iii i . ?i ;" l ..dsit :.. The wo??ld,io her >v>is : ul ilivinc ruduxueo, aud in thu yoinui things of life' her piety recognized t allotments and providence of Him w numbers thc hairs of our heatl, paints t Hilms at our feet and guides t he worl above us. Though undemonstrative she was de ly reverent and dovout in spirit, and i lightctl in the communion of saints, yet ways keeping lier religious experience herself os though it woro too holy a th to speak of. Whenever cir cum st an permitted her placo was always filled I the house of Cod, and she joined with i vont gladness Iii all of its services, f could truly say: "I love the Church blest Redeemer bought ." ? "Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways; lier sweet, communion, solemn vov lier hymns of love anti praise." I The portrait ure of her eharaeler in I be amplified into un interesting and ! struetlve biography, but ibis occasion I permit only this brief reference to manifold excellencies ol' her character life. She. was a model woman in e\ sense, in (ho Church, bi the continu and as a wile anti mother, Tall and commandingly iii person, ; tie yet. dlguillcd in bearing, lit ItOr lead thor? was a blending of serenity and I ness, rind withal a channing suavity simplicity of manners, (tod granted ll long, useful, happy life. In the circumstances of her tlepat hence Hiero was exemption from all weariness, pain and sullbrilig genei accompanying death:-the weary wi of life stood still, ami she passed fron shadows boro into tho glorious suulig eternity' "There ls a world above, Where parting is unknown; A long eternity ol' love, Formed for the good alone; And faith beholds tho dying boro Translated to that glorious spiter "Thus star by slat" declines, Till all are passed away, As morning high and higher shin".--. To pure and pori oct day; Sov sinks these stars in empty nigh, But hides themselves bi heaven's < light. . ?a? ?? -. Sar ah Kilon Smith, who rocchi ly at washington, 1). c., left n large KU money lo he used in suppressing liquor and tobacco traffic. Ari large Slim W0S left lo II niece oil coin timi she should remain single mud! ls thirty and then many, if at all, a who uses nell her liquor nor tobacct - .? .o> > IN BAUYIIOOD for February Baby'a Bath," with all that pertain* by Marion Harland, makes ono of t h? interesting and practical subjects yet; I Od upon by this magazine. An iinji article on "Falso (houp: its Prov and Treatment,' is by Dr. .lohn II. Ii professor of tho diseases of ohildron Now York Polyclinic. Tho department on "Nursery Trol -quorics by rond?is, with mowers editors-is becoming exceedingly 1 comprising a great variety of tor IntcBCst to all. TJOOA I , " h ; -1 . fi.L'L?? a. Hain- ni I?; ol rt, Ut Hodges'. ..Go to A. K'ino bcforo buying olso whoro. Ih -ll : o irgaina. . .A Cob look f Lad? ;. Goodii, ;\ , tho Ladies Emporium. . .Tl ; ?k of Mens' and Boys' Oloilitu,; it. f'>v, u, yoy cnn BOO nt L. Strauss. . .A :o no . tri dvuariuflViolin and box complc i'o.i cost, :.?> A. Klino'o. ...Sin?kc tho N .mo Bottor and Nowa nnd Ci rior CJg.tni, bent in town for 5 cont?, i,?. .'?. K?u?'k .,Mus? :.' ii? . monta BUOK as Violiua, Accord . .. mid Harmonicas, for salo ob: ,?< .,<, \, ;?*i no's. D. ?' Hi its. nt Hodges.! Haydon ' Co's 'atcnt Flour, for salo by Hoper . iVtiloli, Oui ii ; : i fresh garden aced at J.'J, !. ;! Drug Store. 13 ll Sugar for $i at Hodges A nit. f-t < 1 Clothing and Hats at reducer ? Klino's. Qolt?clioii Agency, ?EN eu.?.l S, C., Fob: ?i 188'? taXOJ i vNO I! ought n^ar void ni our dw ron nile.?' !-.afts, Notes and Bills ol' Kxi Iii ii lcd-charges 1 of I per cot. . IVoL'O is promptly remitted. ?. s. MCCALL. Fob i 4 ~< 11 Ol O K v ?H?jS?'y OF ??N^AM MAMMOTH .-rm).i,iiao COTTON - ?Seed foi ?jo by c. s. MCCALL.' Fol o i .AI,itt Itv /ra . . r^tr^ J-, "Met ,. refection," Cont ii fiii ' i i io r cont of Ammonia "McO.; [i$ Grade," Cont' iii mt of Ammonia "MoOal ? ' ? rd," '2j ; limit ol Ammonia l?p?'i '?ei inoGERMAN KAIN l\ di . . i oil'ion. ; BtJLWINMvLIO, JM- Wilt. rf. Callings OF F.\ KUY orSOKlFTTON F : ' . by C. S. MeCALL. OHO NE \ II? il' NEW CHILEANS MO LASH ' I sale by c. s. MCCALL. Fel 4 200 Barrels Flour. Foi ale bj c. s. MCCALL. Fol ii. . ALbKN W. EDENS, AT ! ' rSI'DEJlT .A.T LAW li/i/ . ">utti/ Sttrrt'i/or, Ic ctsvillo, S. 0. 1v'I' I jill nt?oii given to (ho collec iii. ts. Orders for surveying willi! ; ..?>: Hy attended to and satis factio) ' marti i? il. Jan ? '.??> 1 . ? LASS STOCK, i. % .? il', puro oFANISU JACK Wp?Fi Hie Farmers ol' Marlboro' :tMiH% o .stantl.? iii neighborhoods wjioro irrnnt. This linc .limit will bc on 1 . it lli'iinottsville mi Ibo ll rsl Monde . For hirth>r |n.rlieulnr? cull on . ' \V. h. ADAMS, Keb. . i Adnmsvlllo, S, C. FOB SALE ? ljiOlt 'A ti NfoolianlesvlU?, 8. C., -lo.) 1 nen tin . hind tn Similor Co, Foi lull inn nilli ... ly to J. F. KARLY, Darlington 8. e. Jany ? ??'< 3nis OIL Mild; i ' dsn oilier agricultural machinen bi ib I wu offering ni'manu facturer: i . ''artie* in want ofony (bimi in hiv lino ^iiouhl givo me a call. K M. C. WEBSTEIl, Aug. ti, I Laitrinhurg, N. 0. I laving just rot urned from New York, where I purchased a most desirable stock of Goods I would respectfully invite my friends and tho pul)lie to cali and examine my selection of DRY G00D8 T> NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ' LADIES DRESS GOODS. Hats, Bonnets, Shawls, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Goods, &c. IIS, YOUTHS, - BOYS CLOTHING ?* ? * SPECIALTY * It will be to the interest o?* jwr>H5ft chasms (o give me an early call [is I am determined to make "?mall Profits k Quick Sales." GROCERIES AND CANNED.GOODS, .Bcd Springs, Matrasses, And Pillows. Old Stand, on Marion Street. SIMON STRAUS?, Sop IO, 1884. W. 1- ?. PKINOK. A. ii. RANKIN/ PRINCE & RANKIN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law cixsm/iw, ii. c. i^j?r??jh practice ju the Courts of Ches tcrliold and Marlboro' counties and in the Supremo Court. Prompt personal allen!ion given to collection ol' ?daims. Jun 7, '85. tl' O W ERVIN, -ATRIAL JUSTICE.?* BMNNK'ITSyiIiLl'5, S. O. T?? Proippfc atienden given io claims fbi collection. |t)uno 18, 'SI. Il; P, JUlS SON, lK 'c'l.l 'i A X; Q.Vi! : bl ,! . .)|^^'vi*j'M/i-OU'?ki Uhr!- ' >.;y tor i ?dei ; voii ilM.n .??urpriced to timi now lit de i ''.' ?'. yen in leturn for thc ii(ibu?U> Riven. You can take your ohotco of some of the strongest companies in tho world. [Jon. 8, 1884. .mos. rc, DUDLEY HOPI; H. NKWTON Dudley & Kfowton, ATTORNEYS, AT LAW Bennottsviile; S. 0. ?33yiLL practico in tho Courts of tho Ol Fourth Circuitand in the United StateB Courts. [Fob 14 84 J. F. BARRINGER, Matchmaker S Jeweler, Barmet ts ville, S. C. WWATCHKSj Clocks, and Jewelry lilt repaired in tho best manner, and ftUtisfuction guaranteed. A call .solicited at the Old ('orner on Choraw st root. Dr. T. W, Bouchier, ?Surgeon Dentist,? BUNN KT TS V I L L K, So. 0 A. P2MgaV Olliee now up stairs in D. D. tESSi Mci?oH's new building, over tho store of A. Kline. Office North of Marlboro Hotel, Bennetts ville >$. C. OPFERS his professional services to thc citizens otBonnottSvHlo and surroun ding country. VfOTIOK is (icrbby glvon (tint tho lirai of 1\ S Ii SS fl MS ,t ld) ll KY, di>iiiK buslnosa lu Marlboro' county, Ima hoon dissolved by inu ttnxt convent. Tho business of Ibo into linn will bo oloifotj Up by Kelly Scssoms. who will nott lo' till ?tahiis against tho firm multo whom nil account!* niant bo paid. Kt?h?iY SKSS?MS, I). A. U Kif KY. Jun li), '85, H WA LU AB LE PLANTATIONS V 0 ll S AL K IN Will ?a umbu >fi, Sumter and Clar endon Cou nt fes. Will be sold by tho original plats, or divided up rind sold in small farms Wo shall be pleased *o have parlies call and see us in poison, and wi j) nice pleasure in showin ihem tbo properly ; or in case a personal visit cannot bo made., in tri vi li g them all necessary and full informaliim by mail. Local ions healthy and lands muni. Will bo sold low ami on oasy teni - in re gnni (n payments. BARRON & WILSON, Aitorneys at Law, Manning. 8. C.. Clarendon Co. Nov. ?, 1884. 4m. SJaclriniatV? f?tico. fBAlIE undersigned bees leave to inform fi thc citizcus of Marlboro' ?nd adjoin ing counties that . ?$ ho will bo on hand for tho year 1885 & and will bo pican cd to Horvo any g- | aiUl all.who may favor him with *s* ff an order. Price* will bo low, and ^ ra s a t i ? f ? o t i o n ??unrantccd. fej<5 County ro?or^ ? S* oncos giyon where parties desire it. Si $ With my thank? foi" past favors, *g ^ ami tbo liopo to bo kindly remember $ S cd i.i tho luturo I now await your ^ ordoiv. Steam Knijinen and Machine? a ?pecialtjf lt. J. BEST. Jan. 28, '85. Bonuottsvillo, S. 0. 0NEY?N IT. F??tEST of 450 acres of fino yellow pine, two miles south cast of Don neTtsvllle, and lying between tho (Jalllloo road and tho road to Red lilli can ho treat ed for by any ono wishing to go Into tho Lumb?r lousiness," Permission given to to erect saw mill on the promises to saw the timber or will sell thc trees to ho haul' cd away. Apply to WM .T. KTTT?H18. Jan. 28, '85 Garden Seed, \ FRKSll SUPPLY of Landroth's (j a. den Seed and Onion Sots just ro? ceived at J. T. Douglas' Drug Store. Jan. 7, '85. ! IjlAUMHKS and others of Marlboro'oounty . having ninoldnory ucodlng repairs can hnvo tin) work dono uv n fli'iUolnSS workman. Addrots T. Wi WALLACH, Nov 2ii, tiSSl. ?enncMsvillo, S. 0. DHALKUS IX General Merchandise, Old Stand of L, D, & L, R, Hamer. Respectfully invito thoir friends and tho public goiiorally to call find examino their stoolc And pri?es. They do not claim to sell "cheaper than tho cheapest," but bolto vb tlioy can sell on as favor ahle terms aS any others, and pro. pOnO to itf} ! Hy Hivwl a! lei i ti on io buttift< la,iu'.--?. d?itlihir; and A;'Xi?litt' ??Uri, Vi..(..} ' K}?V.'l lv> . oei ii and hope !. H, W. HICKS, QrJRLO OSSIE!. -AN D ! Commission |$i'rcliant. W/LMIXOTOX, iY. 0. I T)ROMPT (ittontion given to cohsign I db ments of cotton, naval alores, &c, A trial solioitod. i I Jan. 28, '85.