WXMNOBOBO. SAT URDA Y, :: If. 18 1805 FOREMAN I 1NTVD. A compeitent person is wanted at thi. office to take charge of the compositior room of the- DAn,Y Ni-:is. One o steady habits can securo a pleaisnt sit uintion with goid pay by applyhg ii4 mlediately. TO OUR FRIANDS Who desire to sustain our publications we say come forward and subsaibe at oliCe, atid by your countenance and sup liort, put lipol a Su1e foludation your district paper. Our oliee isi at tihe old stand of the 1/erild and lJfislet, where we will bL* pleased to soo all who may give u.3 a call. For terms, &C., qee first page. TO OUR PATRON.S. Should any of our patronis fail to re ceive their papers promptly, they wilH plea,e notify u immediatoly of the fct. Our Carriers arol not yet thoroughly ac (uinted with their routes, but we hopi soon to have cvdrytliing working orderly FilI V A TM . D)SPA1'I'CIIl Thoso of our friends wj r) privatt tlegrails bst. ig to our reader vor by ltt inlg us il. fo receivc(I Fom] r iI tle armey. wle com *thing of' q hs charact,er, -will be gladly publislied i' liriisihed for Ihat purpo.e by tlios re Cei:Ing them. IUpnia ti.ers of iliteir. est to the rpmving publiv, tit miy oe. cur in .our district. we will be glad l hear from thoso who may favor its. Coiunnnnientions ipon all topics will ro. veive due coisideration. 01,11 RL,.N'LN 1A i). Our friends and strangers who may visit the towi will fitid, on thu receipto l late news by telegraph or maiL.-, sich a. a ,y e regarded ilporat , regbjrly bulletind for their accommohttion, We will ie glad to receive .he viis ol all woim n1111y desiro to avail th1ml1lSv* of siil favilities a1 dvau ages . " mny he alble to olIer tlem. It is our paiifl duty to aninouile t hi. mning, the flil of the capital of om State,--CoiU lnin1A. M A. A gentleman well knowin to us, in forms us that our iroid city had !o sue. emnb toa muperior force of the einmy, abOUr 11 o'CloCk yesterday. As usual, thoro were a great many rumors inl re, gard to this mAd aihir, and even yet it u difli,eil, .o get a correct stat.ement. There are, also, a great many rumnor. in rvgaril to tho roiuto takn by thene my, an1d, wheun we attempt, to trace ul, ih1,S rumors, we filA they lack ' folun. tain head. Some say the mieiny ha ~ aken'thue old Stato road to our fown, whilkt others insist ihat they have gone~ v/u Camden, making a more direct rout.e to 0 reensbloro, N. C. WVe htope Ihe11 lat. ter mayl~ he correct, and that our litt;Ie towni may not. be entered by the forces u1 t.hue'eniemy. Should, however, they comei this way, wo admoni.h all who intend staying tou keep perfectly quiet. A word o'iut of jice may cause s'ome very un pileasanit sufferinig. ]Be cahmn, be qu*iet, he no(t, excited, le.st., iln your excitement you cause y'ourself and others to suffer. Occut-YING a Ik aOlne l"" kilissior hV vencelon . rs M IC Is in smisst An tr o r In l vyol pre 10i gret ble r itl nn(l by ii vce Iul de' - - 'o wil pen' rJji UNl; utlesil i l i' i stsc." Itt. ftivllnoci r, weio W111-11A nCled SOUT11E.R'lN IlNClf. fI i-4 lilull ni ilihn' In izO', Acirmc mid I(Tal1 feaZ l'rsc ll i lt I violIl-rell.)WtIlcil l. liti. so long o.li acki Iliedgedip(ul (it., Hvcitishc iscles icl tilt' reforial;oll rci u li14 lic' obliv.4i, and thec eilliglenuient, ol, (I pli li liiil. flasiig~ M.; it (c li i t h Ic ge, ills of' fHOW, of Juro "dcc. :111.1iI best ). of' Nil till puclt c icu fll ph cis phc. I inckt-r'~. h ito proietor ( ,I * The l .'olictcf l P(tl brlinig 1to lik ifficnit. lasis l l' stcict.4sil t ,cuingic Nchci cc j""crnal, Mec uqcvwung:c' or 041pilal. Prbitcifital Intllial r c es, Ik pritolic.il Akill. Tlhe (clitor' fu iatty1c yen'1l ist lilts Wellc col:lccl, ilk c 13 l(lilin ic loviilki e-kilcltcily, Ivihl hi rlclge'.. dalyf 1):tlc of' Newl thlemcig and Moiole, 1% hcilo, lite ge w. fli'tal(' whco havie eharg .1':.c tch1i lylvocgrapi vat ;111 vci ici c c rcavi cg depl ync c litc 'ccs are i~ccc ccc . ccc vc'l iii drc il skfill icii-csay If) Slcc e.-C Every~ tciniibecr wiill Ito' ilinsc1 t t c1 Nit i tc flulit.c1 cut:;, cIpproprcci:a lo t o ()1 iccce-A, (it clVI-0c14 cUnit SkMikllt.S. ) 1*11-11) file- halil 01 cco' W 4) Ii llkfc. bt-:4 t. ell-v Icllvet's onc th vycciil iliv,it- 1 Y( uO6 Whiviow~ nameccl is hluiar l'cu thle ivadili cc. "c16c. W llt! 'Sllf c c eocccufl i I'll f'l' l p the 1111(terigl.I, lr Idee illille i'l nk Mi 'MW" W ic c m oid MINPA a i I fJA i t 1ciisiic, aIcu t fI .11cbU.11. ceccc'' 1 i cccciI Ol' h ci cii ccc3 oty oi' lcd al, ic(Iitig.~li ici:ici ict t ceiclr f r ilA iicna ec.gediues t.cihm -- 'i' .,c ai weeki y jil ucorfin iccniled 10 ts iros of'la l.cdiienctcsit.e, foIind uc e iitish isLe'sc inthe ef' ormatdiioncy ofip lo iabusets, undl thel fnlgighcteno it of h-f pbIce in tidyofhincg.a it ddwith the yei n i's oflMd, oit~firos. pa'nd icyt o i Th) ie propr *ietorss of Te (Sceot'cern Pin1' br() ing~C cfIto he dilicuclt.o iask of scceiSsful pr'alice. osill.e Thf eior fic cci orit iy lien C, .ipaicl hacs ofe lconc'Igtd in. a cliacdn e irl ipn ieby ~ith th Ietlarge-. hiypp of New (b-ceansl ae Moccicle, w hi W ihe3g t ical nit bengcrvigc dearinetcs are ii oci r liuic'eoi cpihs skio ecssaryl to socce. o Steveryipticier will ho iinsrtic with n ni'lcous and fc ierious.)ccrem ther baco il rbtkin whosec' cnnec ism f tii lo he renit ' puilie ofci to he subcciih. ycccf d.ryt amni i micacc:. lI hdl ditt T obIU'6s--bsciA.o fo Atinglet co.iea Giu er umu. :sws ealrs a. te r 'sngT, APO _41'O 1) A I.,' -, 1, ttUAtILT.,r 0 488o 'mules av bm of public tio i appoin. ththnk iliItion And lorayr tighty God- ood ltly iu a Heaso o ty t,o acknOwld u nry , and too 0 "' - - b e frK o o o 11 k " g ra.'t b0 0P4t1-0 t~hu Ills gi-1101 1, sins, 811VP Ctiltil Mouge lo Is ivine he1 I ,dorIntg hIat1' for tho' 1nany at' derig thois Voha'd .e1e( Iings Ims V401,k c(Ou or our pO111 tlrn Co - ht elot 0(ikj lt u.% rcOJ. oraosbuachas vlYpraly tht,L the - E d lWild 11 0 ll ha eek--ctilon 1e11 pe ivt sr ilikIo ustJinin irciftdlv ha.Iu ~~ivin td e o ri C that th itapat ithotu-armieUs, anl oItiwit- 'Wle i P a thawy f s aginst our en -1101, tiybolilt raciously .al our cat~ bbite fol' s a,t qI lo, oble peace and in e. ut to 0rde e o.g a which It. ncthe t hoanks antI l)'10 I's l g r e a t Ut o y R ' hich lie I" gricliSly h'. litull rings 1 . ad 6l ool 1 , (I DAte r, therefOte, 1n1fele O taes alt t . forget toti C ' r 1tate0 M 4 lent. o f t ll I - n11111Ay pro laII O n -111 eItld s great th h 1leV d .y o .IarchD nying yrot . A ,N faititg, m a iyriO h ig,) for -Mi1 . rayr, w Iuidnceof Aln? t fvor 11il gI i inv all a i lind hO smoloy in Oel-poentec I n bl'iale ofth deuitn dOe nll n tt ih , i te s -ll -i n he 7. 1111111111601 '0)10 ~t -.drf to At 4t .r at .1:i1~ ty our Vr inv eight. hundred ud ixty-tlvo .lisI iSON )AiS. p the lrei ery of State. 'O tIe~ Eri~ y y. tiy.ltY. T( ul 1kr ill rrle rie ndlt.tlt ( Ill" e igille a her1d e - v, otr I-iid. i tineti a 111A V iY tV ll' . L11,,pF I-,titStON01,AVI8 eatig aparelto thus obt atle 0001.prasCtluit y 0 the to atieon I't n liii Or It ohe Souldties' U dief .\scia ns hieh y 0l(ocae s otAow n North Iiaronna00, at1 Inalet'h: ini Sionth C I t mnhi; in Iicorgi, at. in \lbanuma,II N atMooglolnet y. (or( to an ost oo ooint ait whoich one0 (t theseL ASSOciatonjs have n oll ice."I' ToeAgellsothoe As ociati s will hero tao elge of then. nd silla thip dl b1y joy on iern Ixpress ' ny, tc the pr op e r .\ Agntls or h.: resp ctive 3qae1s at f lihm o wlo wil se them distributed to the propll , rdividual o s. To meet, the wishes of th1e soldfis, lil o ir elii emt a eer lain anmd speevdy con tuunica 1 n1 wih hom . th Sonthern l pres t obome aoy has agreed to gi1e his freigh prefer -'0. over L'O) 0eryl hinog else ;and. in order that.t - o w-sI tcl occur t lhe s1ece1s , of 0 ' :ahIe ant eni tJi' who, t he se'veral riiiloi' y it-s iare he regnttedr render Ihe :1- I p s Co.in h fa( ciit is.as will enao S-it- to tiake th. ingemecnt a comtplt0 00 'Othe Suouth.e 1xpress Comlpanty a5 000, s Os al 11ons11ibiiy ot the TIran sporita I of th ages, )the i f Associa eit Noreh Ito 'with tdraw theirO :agentIta i,CAtMoil l . hirte re ct S travelling on oenages. 't l eliet Associat ion will j slihaencies in the reat of n other ar'm-\ e Ie. licty masy enjoy3 the s;ome pt'vmlegos here b eued to the army. of Nother n Vii' A iroved, L. Col. anud Qarterm'r. i Augutsta, Gan., yeh.. '20, 1 ilmi. rA T ei nthern .xpress (oipany hereby N ot ify v io friends ini relad 1es ot sohier e inlct the NVy ofms Norther Vilrgioni and eIs. iye wh 4hit elLty 1r1 epaIrdl to C ar1ry oti - nrnIlies as to g iveed in the oboe S. ca anOveil t iat thly wi do tli in their power I t- fulfil i t reqoiren)ti. 1l lo s Oc',p't, and Acting Pres't. eb 1 f'6o /, i- i D(( a lilt ti Cd 'olis v ia . 1 uit .Su ATwiOTOX, C., - Ii I. II. 3tUNSiON. RatI cr*> fy'l aOlape. One copy, rt ha :l : -:: 2 0j o. n ci.l keh"for a longer or 011e no i. The.. per' will be. discontinuted at the ox irati of the titd paid 'oi-unuless ren-wed. . . Advert.i.ing Raf p.T. 'vertiseentns will bo iseroted1 daily at e FiU61li-loro 'igttqaro for elich htisertioni, y y linc m or'.less consotting a square. 00 * AAdvorsents httsered" gos Speia(hl avr e shop Netleies aro chiarged. onle-h'alf moert ) , Anabove rates--eight (tladed) lin6s av' eba s ounted as at squaret. Obitu il:ares, Meo'riage Noties, Fotneral ati l,lligioa 'Not des, when not exe.ecdinig foure . liIssplised fr'ee.