WINNSBRO. FORTMA .N WAY'PID. A collipetenit )crsoIl is wanted at t1hi3 QViee to take liarge of the composition room of the DAmY N:ws. One of steady habits epi securu a peasat sit. nation with good pay by appiying im mied iately'. TO OUR FRIJ1XDS Who desire to sustain our piblicntionls we say come forward .and sabscribe at 0o1ce, and by your countenance and sup port, put iupon a strv foinidatiot your district. paper. Our vLlice is at the old stand of the 1krmad and Register, where we will be ileased to see all who may give us a call. For terms, &c., see first pagC. TO OUR PA Tl01S. Should ally of our patrions fiail to re v4ive their papers promptly, they will pleauie notify ns immediatoly of tle fact. 01ur. carriers are not yet thoroughly ac tuain..l with their routes, but we hope soon to hiave everything working orderly I'RIV. I T DISIU TCiiES, jtc Those of our friends wlio.imav receive pivate telegrams that will be iiterest ing to our readers, will coier a favor . by leu ing us have the use. of them for1 pubbivation. Any letters that may be received from relatives or friends in the ariny, when containing nnyting or a niews character, will be gladly published if furnished for that purpose by those re tceivinlg them. Upon matters of inter. et to tihe reaeing piblic, that may oc cir in our district. -we will be glad to fear from those who may favor us. Commun'cations upon all topics wvill ra coive due consideration.. OUR PULLE"TIN IOARD. Our friends anud strangers who mny visit the towi will find, on tic receipt of late news by telegraph or mails, such .as may bo regarded important, regularly Iilletined for their accommodation. We will be glad to receive the visits of all who nmay desire to avail them-elves ohf sichl facilities and advanltages as we may he able to offer them. COL U.IBLI. Up to this writing. 6 a. m., we can lp:i'r no tidings from the capitol of our S:ate. T1he telegraphic operator at this phi(!, Mi'. WHlvAKER, informs us Ihat I' cannot get an answer to a despatch Henit to the op4ator at :Columbia, and we infer from this that the city his been iuiirrendered. What the line of march of On. 8uII:pIMAN's army111v is, of course, we (:MI 1ot. Ay. Whefhor ho will visit. our vtiet and peaceful town, cr not, we are unalih! to foretell. May Goo protect and dCefend the helpless womien nd chil. RNO AILS. We re'ceived nomiails from the south' ern or noithern' portion of the Confeder cy, ye:sterday', consequently our i 'pa per pr'.eens a mongre appearance tis luoking, ini the point of news. T1he pi-esent state of altu'are, too, have comuplete'ly incapacitated us for' miakinig up any edlitial ~tter. Oltr readers'iwill ovrokour shorcominga in these troni hjlone t imes. l"onITY MHiA'S 41N HOUi Al' SE!A." TFhe LiverpooI Mercury observes that Mr. James St.rick, working joiner of t.hat toa n, has invented a screw p)ropeller', ail that he states from experimeita miadho on' the Prine's Park Lako,. that with1 this screw lie can get Jour tinmes the slpeed of thec ordiuiary screw, with the iomi. engL'in' and with the same pressure of steamt-Theli screws are worked reve-0so * by mieanls of twvo theel. et the colntre box)es of the screws, and enn be replaced at sea iat any time, .and, being one third' above the water,Man be unshipped 'without any difluly., A WuSE Boy.-A- Wtern ecir lately called his "deovil" to hun and told enin he could not don'9 to]bird his seryi ci. any longer, dnl1,t~ e horl4sagreo u * 1ak~e mniiepenlce per' week or share e4mbn1 ly t h,rofits of the pu'per. 'Poi hoycog <.l+ee to 4tay, but unhaesit'tingly choe -the utnepence fot'his waige~ E V ER TOO Oh!) TO LEARN. 19ocratef, lit an -extremie. age,-learned to pAr on nusigtqil instru its. ao at bighty years ge thougit prop,pr to lebrn th' Greelanguage. Plutareh whenli between seventy and eighty, commenced he study of Latin. Bcacio was 'vears of, ag when lie conineiced'his studies in pblite literiture. yet ho bo'cmine one of three masters of the Tusean dialect, Dauto apd Petrarch being the othor two. Sir Imliplhrey Spelman iegleated the sciences in his -youth, but commenced studying of then wich he was botwoon ifty and sixty years ol' age. After this time he e.Cane a most learned antiqua. nan and lawyer. Cobort, the famons Fren< in binister h' sixty years' of age, returned to his Latin and law studies. Ludovico, t, the great age of 115 and fifteen, wrote the memoirs of his 'own times. A singular exortii, noticed by Voltaire. who was himself one of the most remarkable instanCes of the pro. gressing of ago in new. studies. )gibly, the translator of Homer and Virgil, was. unacquainted with Latin and Groek till he was past the age of fifty. Franklin did not commnence his phil. osophical pittrsuits till lie had. reached his fiftieth year. Accorso, ai great lawyer, being ned why lie )egan the study of law so late, nnswered t hat indeed he begAn it late, but he could therefore master it the soon. er. Dryden, in his sixty-eight yeAr con menced the'traiislatLion of the Illiad, and his oost pleasiig productions were writ te'n in; l old age. Tnr PRNTri:n.-The printer, the ad jntiant of thought; and this explains the InYsterips #)f the w9nde'ful word that can kindle a place that no song can that can wahn a heart a,. no hope, that word "we," with a hand in-hand warmth in it., for the author and tlie printer are engineers together. Engineers indeed I When the little Corsican bombarded Cadiz. at the distance of live miles, it was Q(emeil tle very triumph of engi. neering. BuNt. what is that paltry range to this, whereby they bombard ages yet to b ? 4 * There he stands at the case and mar. shalls into line the forces armed with trnth, clotled inl immortality and Eng. hs1h. A n- what. can be more noblo thnn the equipment. of a thouight, in sterling Saxon--Saxon with the-ring of spur or shitld therein, and ithat commissioning it when wo.are dead, to remove gradt ally, on to "the list syllable of 'recorded time." This is to win a victory from deat h, for this has no dIvg in it. The printer is called a laborer, and the officA he performs is toil. Oh I it is not work, but a sublimn right, hi's per. forming when he thus "sights" the en. gine that is to fling a worded truth in 'grandbr curvo thani missiles ever before described -fling it into anl age unborn. Ile throws off his coat indeed, but won. der the rather that he does not put his hoes from off his feet; for the 'place. whero ho stands is holy ground. - A little song wis uttered soiiwwhere not long ago; it wandered to the twi. light feebler thain a, star; it (lied npon' the ear; but tlhe .-Irinter. takes it ip whiere it was lymg thero in -thes silence like a wounded bird, and lie sends it forth from Lhaq ark, tit had preserved it, and it flies on into the future wvith the olive .bra-n1ch of pec anid- atiud the melody, like the dawinhg ofa spring umornmig. IBsa InUavirJn.-Anu editor who occupied a room in.a hotel not a thonis and miles distant, absented h,imself from town for a night. TJhe house lAing cro. wvded with guesta. the obliging.landlord put a stranger in the editor's bed. This kindnes.c the ungrateful follow requited by scrawling upon a pie'oo of pa per, which i e loft on thfe table, the following.rhymes: "I *lept.ih kn ediLor's bed lastohght, A nd others may'say .What they please;. 'say there's one olif.oi ini tho world' Who certainly takes his ease. When I thioughit,of mny humble cot, away, I could not suppress a sigh,. D31t thought, as I rolled in that feathery nest, 'WateaD un DI'uonIt.IaxD, oRU NOT SUATTEREr.-A rolier of Bate's division, oter atht cou.niyand had uan tiho day from ashvalle hid, tlrnan ttway his gus and iacconteinents and, alone in t he wood,, -4 a:dbwyt antd com menced thiinkinig--thie first chancelw had for such a thing. . Rolling'ap liifsuldsves and fooking at his legslanIr geweral phip. aique lhe thus 'gaVo. vent, to hia.oph. lingJs" "I am whipped, and gon what 4errioral.ed; but no uman calt M4y I arp scattor-ed.', AINEW CONFEWERATE 81ER,-A letterifronq Montevideosays. The1g ish papers have stated that a little stnefr, (alled the lInnger, had gone o-itWith provisitnt of various.kiWdi for the arniment of a new vessel for Captain Semmes, and tllnt another was soon 'to follow, with dther convenien'e for-a-iew privateer, and that!the plato of renteavous was at somo group of the Atlantic islands, perhaps the' MRdeira". The Ranger is now at Montevideo. She is not adapted to freight or passon. grs-wholly liseless for any remunera tive employment in these waters. She ia ninety tonb burthen, and is a complete steam plIeasure vacht.. Under sail, shie is a marvel of rapidity, and with0only tw*o feet draught, she can hide away- fomin any larger craft. With one or two.gunus shte conld do more damt (Igo than eer the Alabminf did. She was consigped by a honso notoriously engaged in' blockade-running to a house that. never before had received a consign. ment. . The consignor and consignee are brothers. Captain Rodgers has the -Ranger un. dar his eye, and the Irognois is anchor. ed b6tween the Ranger and,. the open sea-whether from accideli, or design I cavinot tell. The notice of the English Admiral has been called to the matter, and it is probable that no inovermet of the Rmger will be made without being well understood. She came here under the British flag, and entered port as a British vessel. EarsEs.-The Confedorate States Alinanne advertises four eclipses for next year, two of the sun and two of the moon. Tho first will he of the moon, evening of April 10th and visible throughout the Coufederate Stales. The second will be of the Sun, *Aril 25t, at 8.44 A. M., and of interest to South Americans and mariners in the South Pacific ocean, but of no concern to us, being invisible here. The third will be of the moon on the evening of the 4th of I ocober, and only partially visible in the Eastern Confed crate States. The fourth twill be a great and singuinr eclipse of the sun, of t;he 19th of October at which friend ,Clark n. all a beaut iful "free gratis for nothing," always provided we live till then the weaflher is fairamd we get up in due time sty by 7.41tA. Al., at which hour it will begmI A: Grenada. This eclipse will last abtiut three hours and ten minutes, and prove altogether one of the most remarka ble and interest. ing phenomena of tho.year, perhaps of the century. GeNEiA1. Limn's Ai-r.EA,.-General Lee, in his appeal tot le peopl'e for arms, sa s: "To the patriotic I need make no ot ter appeal thal the wantn of the ser vice, but, I beg tsf,reminiid those who are reluctant to part with the arms and equip ments in their lo.session that. by keep. ing- them they diminish the ability of the army to defend their property, with out themselves deriving any benefit from them. I, therefore, urge all persons, not in the service, to doliver promptly to some of the ofmleers designated below, such ar ins and 6quipimentsl (espocialy those sui table for cavalry( as they may have, and to report to these olicers the nanes of suich persons as neg'eet -to durrendler those in their possession." The oflcera designated by General Lee, to receive,anad receipt for'arume are, Coti matidants of posts, Ordantce Omeiers, Q uart.ermnasters and Commnissariesq, Euro. ling Officers, and olk;ers conniected wi;hs the Nitre anm' Mining Bure~au. -No appeal of General Lee's to tloe pee. pie has ever been disregarded, 'nor will this be. The people are always eager to respond to the demandrs of our noble Commnand#-i.nC;hief--for he. never calls on. them without -there is a neces:.lty. In this instnce they ay rest assured that they can remnder great service to the cause b'y complying promptly with, this reqptesti For, in his own wortle: "A proinpt com- i pliance withs this call will greatly promnoto the effeiency and strengthm of the army, particularly the cavalry, and render 'it butter able to protect theo homes and property of the people from outrage." GEN, TY.IUS's TRE5ATME~NT of E. EGADEs.-he Goldsboro M,S/.ournal i annotnnees the flight ef a Mr. Swaint to the -Y ankees, and states, on inforination. received, that he applied to Gen.- Terry for protection ont the ground that he has always been a- Union, mian, an& ds I managed, tinder onepretence and anoth er, to evade servito In the ae'ndes of the Cotnlfderato S3tates' Gen. 'TerTy, who sGen)s to be a practical Yankee, replied that he had no special tae, except. one, for meta whowr too cowayly to stand up for thsir countr ', righR'or wrong, whei s a~, n5 that was t give thei .*tiketo and mnake them t.I Mr.ran' .Was acedrdingli pl 'i the ranks of tha Posdaal namy,. TWPENTENTIARY C eg Larn at Govornor Browi " ufur lough fe -Penitentiary convIc4 for thirty aye, who have been in service, Ad doing, it is said, gallant duty: siice tey oere released from imprisonment )n the approacl of Sherman to the capi. tal, and will grant'to each one of those tfull fatdon, os soon as. hll( EX ellency s advised that he hi joined some coln nand to serve durin)g the war.-Atlanta ntelle'genacer. A novel scene was witnessed in the !upreme Court room at Washington, Wedneedny. J. .1. Rock, a iegro law rer, of MAnssachusetts, being admitted )n the mtotion of ho11. .Cl.1Udis Stimnor. is a practitioner, e for Ost.. A lIOUSE is offered for rent for cash, Confederato currenoy. For further in 'ormation apply to the Editor of the Naws, Witanaboro, S. C. - feb 1''65-d Prospectu'of tile Conservative Pr1tIsMIr DAILY AND WSV.KLY Uy r. D. NEAl., iti Y & (0., RALtIGIU, N. C. OUR WttNCIPLEst -The true Conseralive platform -The su ?renaoy of the civil over time military law. A quiet submission to all laws, whthor good or.bad. while they remain upon our tatule bdok-. No econst ruction, or submission, but4por ecta inmdependetteo.- b* r An unibroken frota. to the common enemy; mt. timo y tid f-epeated negoliations -for 68ACi by the proper aut horites. No separate State action through a Con. romiion; no counter. revolusJon t io coin )>ned resistance to the Oovernment. Opposition to -despottam in every form, kmd the preservation of Ropublican iumstitu ions in all their purity. We have dotermialed 'to mako,the Coneer -alive a permiannnt, paper, for the alatoil noe ol' otr pria ples, -aid to ronder a rigorotts mupport to'the cause of Southern ndependence.- The administration of Gov. Vanco will find in tie Conierativo a seady, tonest, straiglht-forward suppo-ter and do 'ender, as will also the Natioinat admniistra ion, when its action is-notin gonfilt vwith u principles. The Conervalive shall be a 10nding, rellia )lo paper. and will be uonducted-with vior, mut with a proper regard to trUth and: rglit. und the couritsy due to others. , It will n1ot 'ncourage or cointennmnco personal or polit. cisl wrangling and discord. . It seeks to imte all upon the great aul all orbiug oteres of the 'onmfederaoy. It Oamit be a tihorthaWep will ;ivo the latest telegra o an o news nest desirAble to the public. The probeed ngs of ti e .ogislature when in session, im iortant noti:n of Congress, and general i elligeuco will be scrved up daily for our enders. OUR TEIMS i For the Daily, one month, #5 00 For the lMilly, three imonths, 15 00 For the baily, six nionthe 26 M For the Vookly, six m0on . 10i00 No subscriptions to either thftor Weekly %oolcved for a longer utom m onths. fub 18'65 Ttie Soutlern latic?h. r IE undorsmgned issues at Itichimond, Va. a 'weekly jotirnal called TilE JOUTlEMN PUNCI. It is nearly a duplicate mi.e, forin and gen. ral features of te world-renowned London unich. so long an acknowledged power inl he British Isles in the refoMmion 6of pub 1c abuse", and the enlightenment of the ,ublic mind, timhsing as it did wlth-tie Von us of lood, of Jerrold, nil altout, of wits, ioots and philosophio lhinker. The proprietorm, of Tho. e-otthern Pnoh twing to. the dillicitt tamsk of Hudeeasifilty onduoting stch t jornal, the advanitages i capail, unurdatL mn.ntai resamumces, and rmctmcatlskill. Thme editor for mnany y 'ars ast; hase booti comnected, int a leading ei orial oapacLity, wimlm the largest. daily papers ft New Orleatns anmd Mobile, whmilo ahe gu lemenm avhohave ohaate.. them typogaphmi 'and engraving depamrti,ets ate unasur asased in that, skill ncesarmy -tm success. Every nmumnber will be illusut,rted with mmn norous cuts, appropriate to te times, .(hu-. teroes aual:scmrius, ) -em t ho hands of one I' the behat engratvers son thme conttinent-atn rtist -whoso.naume Is familiar to tihe readIng ubleo of the South. lui iine, Jhe undersigned are dtetermined to ~ake Time Sourthern Puttmch the spioIest and most readable, and tihe besti illustrated lter vy journal in Amerie. It, shall distance omnpetition. Taxus5. --Subiscription for single copies, 10 p or anni. New. dealors at, rjeate t $16 per hiundred copie-s. Aleap he ubb shers. , . VLRALL, CAMfP1IZL, IIdoUefr Cs ., feb 18'06'. ' Itiohpmdd, Va, ANfl Tug II cekiy Potgoite, t1'D,IsiuDn AT,edl.o*IIIA, a;, Di F. 0. J)MONTAINR & CO iniV ae, tree mnaths, I - ortfollo, (ek,)sit ao - Advertis taedts'tlt be'imnseto in eithe hao Dally qt "?rf'Wibtly at *0 dollarsp quatre (nine lines) for the Arat, and f~ WYeeliy adverdsoemeunts ftolygf gela inasertittn The numabr ofinserj mUs6 bwrduiaiQ$ i V'rittea by the,adre or en ev*wy adver. feb I8'.65 t Procelassiall oll - t" s l T X i,r-ol XTIN0 A DAY Olf tAiTINO' littiu.AliToN AND rItAYR1,' ,t1if HA'Kriv$tQ Tho. Congress of the' Confedato Mlate,havo, byi oint resoli tIoi, invited the, to op oint a day of publd, fastiug, bumiliation rayer, with Ihairks. givinf to Alight It aopur sol aI tlineA, and more, especially a of. public IPrial and adversity, I ge our depend once on Iis' mere V0* In humnble . submission before ot"tool, colifessing-1 our manifold sins, supplicatiug ils gracious pardou, implorag:Iliis .Divino helpt opd de vetly rendering thanks for the lnahy and great, blessings which-HoH hsvbuabsaf6d to Its' N fu thearts of our lq)ople turn con tritely and trustfully uito flod; let its rooog nino in IIlls chastening hitud te corrootiou of a Failer, and submissively pray that th trials and suffetings whih'havo so loif borne heavily ppon us inny be tornod awa by Ills Merairli love: that Mis sustain graop be gIken t o our people, nid Ills divi 4,isdomn psttod to ote rnMers ; timt i Lord of Ilosts will be with our armius, ali fight for us agalist our ienotilos and th fie will graciously take our c,.uso Inio li own hand and mnercfully calablish' for us lasting, )iust and honorable peace and ind pondence. And let us not forget to reider unto III holy namoe the thanks and praise which' ar6 so justly du. for Ilis great. goodinets. and for the many nerolen which Ilu hiis extend od to us aid ithe trials and suff'rings of protracted and bloody war. Now, therofore, I, J4WAiFRSON. DAVIS, President of 'the Conredirato States of Anierioa, do 'isae this, nly proelamin ',t. appointing FRIDAY, tho loih dpy.of March next, us a daiy of public fasting; humiliation and prayer, (with thanksgiving,-) for "in. voking the favor and guidance of Almighty God ;" -and I do earitestly Iivite all sOld)cr tud citioens to obs6rve the'snmne in*4 spirit of roverene penithece and p'ayer. ilven nider my hand and the genl of fhe Confederate ftates, at itithinond, this. twenty-fifih day bf Jaituaty, in tle year or our Lord one thousapd eight hundred and sixty-five thI IjEFFERSON DAVIS. the Pretident - J. 12x1,%J , Secretary of State. fob 13'05-id To tae Fi1eas of .ll Iers TiROIUJOHOUT TIi CON QUAu'TRMASTIa (1s4 Railroad Bureau, Ailth r li E friends and fihe Artay Of Nort by not ified that an arangieet i been efcted Southern con4vaay, to ca & kages of iwearing appoare ltd, Va. To seut tho thus hrough the Expre* oil ny, the fo tustruistios mtust he observed: Piackages must not contain mrer ihan on hundred piounds; be well secitred, itaod plhitl snarked, ami sent at the oxposufthu shi per to-eititr.of tho Soldiers' Rolief Assiula t ions,. which are locatel as follows: In North Carolina, at 'Raleigh ; in Soutll Cor Iini.a t Columnbia; in1 Georgia, tit A ugusta In 10a, at Moigoaery, or ity other poia which one (tthescAsoo1tbANs have. nu offloo. The Agintsofh socoat Ions will-tlero take charge of th and ship daily, Iy sbut,ban Express Co mapsy. to tho proper A4eis ofl th ep0uIive Sates at Ihoh10n11 who trill.seo theii distributed to the prope individ,1al owners. To mteet the wishes of the soldiers, and to give tem a certain and speedy eoujinuntica lion h hote, the Southern Express llnt vaslAl: agreed to give this freight- pretbr. ene over everything olso; antd, in order that, no obstacle tany occur ts tie success of ito, laudbl an'euterprive, the seiferal railroad cunpaaies are.hereby rqquested to render ipe +press Comipany suh tavilitiou as will eap he it to,tiktl; bis arrangement a comlple( su tc hrs-. s As 11:e 804'-hern Express Comupay ftP tstos ail resp>onsibilis yft the Turiswporta. t ion ot' those prtekages, l ito lief Aesocig. tions are reutessed to withdrazw tlshirts lea, thtey siay etsjoy the same psriv leges htere biia .cue 0. thet armey of Miotlor* Vir~ . Appfoveod,. Lt. (ol. ad Quarterm'. A. it. LAwTo, Quartermiaster Oen'i Aigusta, (i4.,-Feb. 20, 180d.. Th N(oOthern Exp ass Comtpanf hereby ineth Ae fi n relatives of1 ea dler*. in t -m ofNorthern VirgIia4 o O~ where, that. they are prepared to carry, out arrangemuentis,la snnned in theo above .eard, and that th will do allsfp~ltelI*t* p,f toe fbli its rpquli inents. JA MES SH UTER,. * de'l'ep'i, atadAtngr# feb '4Aci5 r~1 /unrswMP M1W$Sqvros,N lt )2l1c.of usrption i,a~tMI. Obe do ?reaot$hs : : ' i $25 04s Tp So0lK ste m't ;. # : : :i. 6 o p ie. a longer or artner perle nonthss. ,' ~. p.p t4otntedi at the ex., # ratos o. paid ftr unless rewewed. C r'4*rtins,g Rastee. Advis a leh w)il be in,serted daj .at FI rPIi! ~. squtaro for eaech insiertlon, ~ a(~lr~E es optIttutiwg a sqttare. Adverulsemients -isnserted as,' Sedal or i ishaop:Notheas are ebarged one- It)f. more ri. gn iboe rtes'eiht(leaded) 1i1s or Qbituaries, klarriage No.ts, f'menralant Religious Woios, when. at, exceeding fou lines publshed free. ?Io publica.ibon made without a respone bIe name, * a feb IYIr