1 1 ' '? PRO SPECTUS OV TIIE LITEItAIlY BULLETIN Charleston, 6'. C. IN ollering to the patronage oftiic public, a new literary piper, ive arc perfectly aware t!?at we ui< um repealing an oil-tried experiment. The result, however, wo woj!d4ain bdievo, will bo different. Wo are, it is tr no, co iscious of tin* possession of no talent or ability s.ip rior to that of our predecessors, hut wo r?-Iv, (perhaps, indeed, with loo much ol the ardor of all experiments,) upon the increasing taste of the ajc of literature ; a taste, the evi le.ico of which is before us in the number of periodicals, engaged solely in its cultivation?in the lyccuns, the libraries and academies devoted to science and learning. Whilst tho North and the West are thus assidiously employed in the exemplary task of mental iiuprovenient, we will not suppose'that tho South intends longer to bear tue weight of that heavy incu nhus which heretofore has whelmed it in an intellectual slumber more lasting and profound than that physical one which ercwlhlc cn wrapped he seven sleepers of Lphesos. It is with a hope thus founded, and with u? iHtontinn if vo cannot win success, at least to deserve it; that notwithstau ling the uniform fuilurc of those who tve preceded us, we have ventured to claim the patronage and to labor for the applause of the public. Tho stake shall he played for; how the gi ue is to end, ti no only can determine. Ou object vill be to render the columns of the Bulletin both uselul and ain.ising. For this purf pose, while on ? portion is devoted to original Essays, Talcs and L'oe.nv furnished from time to time by our correspondents and collaborators, another portion shall he nnr-iimn.l >" uolnnln'l " --".--I .,j?va wj ovivvli^U I HVIV UU1ICU I from everv spot of interest and instruction, in the vast field of literature. I Tiie productions of ihe press shall pass in ?eview before us, and ?>n every work which merits our notice, an imp irtial criticism shall be bestowed.? To light literature and to earned science shall alike be meted their due portion ol censure or of praise, [ end it shall not be our faults if our patrons do not know thoi itrinsic v duo of every :?ook, (at least in y onr own opinion) before they l>cgin to read. He, .-rays Dr. Franklin, who Is good at excuses, is scd loin good at r.-y ?liing_ else; and the same we | opino may be said of promise's; '^sk therefore our readeis come to Hom? such conclusion as his, we ) will, without further ido, make our bow, a.id leave / thein in future to ju lae from our labors whether we V dm r\ Prize of 1500 Dollars 5 Prizes of 1250 Dollars 75 Prizes of GOO Dollars 123 Prizes oi 200 Dollars rickets $ 10 ? Shires in proportion. CLASS 9. o be drawn at Wilmington. June 30 .SC11 CUE. 3:2*000! 8,000 4,000 3.000 1 of |200 49 of 1000 Tickets 5 Dollars, ' rttficate ol a r>;ieka "4,000 Dollar 3.000 Dollar Th-: effl 1 FfcMnliiirileiaSewiis, JUST received and forsalo by March 3 4 lj . J. 11, M'KAIN; PROS rueTus OF THE LADIES' tOlPViMOX, (ES J ABU?HEiHN it:*4.) A popular and nighty coUcmcd Magazm of Gencral Literature and the Fine Arta?cmboiislied with gorgeous and costly Lngra.inj;*, on Steel, Co mmh t mid Wood; ami also ?vitn F isiiionahlo and Popular .Juste. arranged lor the Piano-Forte, Guitar and tlaep. EDITORS, Mas. Ann rf. Stkmiium: Wll.LIAM \V. y.NOWUr.vN. I Assisted" by many of the .nut! pupular writer ?. ;^4 iiice the publication oi'the May number, tlio dc> 3 m.*nd lor tho Ladies* 'ouipaniou, lias been un preccdented and beyond the my lales and spirited Sketches?which will, as heretofore, contin e to he magnificent an l far superior to those published in any other magazine in America. TJie Ladies' Companion contains a larger quantity of reading than any othei magazine issu? d in this country, and its subscription price ?s only three dollars a year, while the great combination of talent | secured for the coming year will render it unequal- , led by any other periodical. ( ITS LITERARY CHARACTER! Will undergo considerable change, as the publish* r < of ttie Lacics' Companion, in order to show ins appreciation ofthc public favor already extended to I hnn so liberally, has secured tue aid of Mas. Ann S. Stkpiikns' l.itC E litor ot tile 'J'urflnn I Vln.ri'/irtn " . t of a series of the liost beautiful ami jmpular tali s " ever presented to an A ncricnit public. No lady 1 possessing greater variety of talent, or hotter calco- 1 latcd to aid in con lucttng a ladies magazine, could have been selected from the galaxy of female genius which ?s the glory of our country. In addition to ' lite powerful talents of Mrs. Stopnens, ttie proprietor lias secured a list of contributors, which coml>ined will render the Ladies' Couipu don one ol t ic uost interesting and talented magazines of the day. ' Mrs. L. II. Sigourney, Greenville Mellcn, 11 " Jane E. Locke, N. C. Brooks, A. M. < ' Woodhull, S. E. Bucket, i 44 Emma C. Embury, James Furbish, < Miss A. D. Woodbridge, William Cutler, ^ /. ? | I __i 'iiflW.m'' tmir'son , nVr; \ Churl0110 " lltN Jumps E. Vat,', ^ trfZTIttoh, E'lwnrd Maturin, James Brooks, Jonas B. Phillips, Erastus Brooks, E. Burke Fisher, Rett. J. If. Clinch, ft. Shelton *Mackenzie Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. L. L. D. With many others who will oacasioually contribute to the pages of the work, an I every exertion will he made to render the Ladies' Companion, what a work devoted to the female portion of the community should he, interesting, useful and instructive. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT Is under the supervision of Mr. J. Watson, whose qualifications for the task are too weil known to require our testimony. This department of the Ladies' Companion, lias ever commanded a large share of attention, and has 'teen looked upon with no little interest by its readers, and mre especially the Ladies, whom the mhlishcr is in the highest, legvo anxious to please. J It will continue to he a subject of nore than usual * 'are to'd n, arid to the Protestor under whose su .tcrvieio it is olaced, to mike that portion of the magazine allotted to mu-i.', more than evei dosen in-j if the countenance of every lover of music. It h is ever been and will cnnii'i-ie t.? ne r u? desire to have all pieces of music prin'.e ! correctly and free from , errors. THE VVORt? I V dEVCA \f? Over every department m equally careful super vision will be strictly rvcr.-iv ! t:v i ie tht<>r:j an i all appropriate expenditures win be liberally bestowed as it is tlie design ofthe publisher, witl? the aid of his contributors and the advice of his friends to make the Ladies' Companion distinguished for the beaut , and accuracy of its typography?the variety and high tone of its literary articles? he qualit and value of its music?and the unequalled splendor ol its pictorial cmbe.lish n<'uts. 1 It- is the deter dilation of t lie publisher to use ev< i rv means to maintain the superiority which the La ! dies' C? u-i tiiion has obtained. Par four veers In I has steadily pursued a course ol improvuneut, and he flatters liinsclf t i ?t his pre -, nt facilities are such ; as to give the Ladies' t i ii ..n? ita nt advantageover all other publications >fi?s .riracter. from the foregoi i r it will be perceived that the Ladies"'Companion nbrecrs ever" department within the range of Belles-Lett roc uid tlie Pine Arts; ami nocxertions or expense will In* de-unrd too great r to render tiio work equal to any other extant. flic flattering and general testimonials of nearly every eontcmparary journal in the United States, and iii fact, many on the other side of the Atlantic, have strongly asserted the Undeniable claims of the Ladies' Companion to the support ofthe public, generally. There is no work that gives us renders such a great return lor their subscript) >.u. TSn Pri7rt A rlit>lna will :?11 .?.? .ui'u'ie'.o I t | ,,v * ' ,,JV' |'ll??uniik ' ' 1 " 1 " -1 1 year. These articles will com ??'?... the ?;;:? ^sful candidates for the premiums ->f ,> ic i ; ; & > i l.jilur* awarded l?v ft -committee of lit . . , ye.ul.incn in August last. Tr.RME?Tliree Dollar.-; a year in advance, or dollars during the year. No subscription received fr le^!' . - "Loiters maU he aldr^so ; ti the ; i : >i?. "WDF.N. l>,~. .. , x iV|'?if.avur9 WIIIT1-3, LKR i Co., S'lmtcrville, Soutl Carolina, agents lor Coster - 'nci s very large, having nl.nis every arte!" u>n?tls kept in a Drug " tor -, and ii ii he , *'er-? t h _ t.ujoiners a:vl the p ililic i ?< than ,;i8 iwrn heretofore in Camden. At the old ..land of Dr. J A. Younff. June 9 C 2t. *' *' * ' : > 4 ' ' ' it i x"* v i ??jssssBsmsmm JONErt' ^ ( FATEiiT cirrrorv , Hifi? *ni can be made doublev>rtingle. II ( mad' doable, they reduce h?* r, and gin just j i double-, the quantity of cnttnii^jr h. 28, 1*37. 1; Voni Mr. A. Longer, an experienced and eminent o Cotton broker o ew Orleans. t l\ew ' )rleans, t'> b 28, 1837. v Dr. Jonea llenr Sir i.i sinonor ........ ....... . ! - his morning I will state. lint I hnv carefully ex I imineri your new I'ntent "niton Gin, mi l have ; , -mi ml it lar superior to those nernlly used in I hie State it cleans the cotton much better, and gives ! t a much better appearance. I hope, for the good , >f the, country, it may become duly appreciated. Yours sincerely, A. LONGKR. J rrum Messrs. .CY.. ' " o so wontouly destroyed.' lie i .'Tiicir ilcxjiiiula.-are alrep/Jv*. Mirchants. L)r. A. Jones?Dear t' in successful operation, and we feel no hesitatancy in recommending it to tho attention of plantefs generally. Most respectfully yours. Ac. I'AR.IIIS SMITH EVANS. DAVID J. MEANS, 9 WM. C. CLIFTON. New Orleans. March 7, 1837. F S. ? As a furl her testimony of my confidence in the snccoss of your Gin. you will please order two Double Gins of 80 saws in a stand each, for ny pl:i ut at ion. and oblige yours ti uly, H. S. Evans. As a further proof of my confidence in your Gin, vou will please order me a Double Gin, of the tine si/.e, for my plantation, and oblige yours respectfully, D. J. Mkans. Mr. (Dillon also stated, that if lie had not just j before bought two now Common Gins, that he 'would likewise have ordeted one or two ofthe Patent Gins for h:s plantation. From Mr. H. F. M'Kenna, of the house of Brnndor. M'Kenna & Wright, of Now Orleans. f)r. A. Jones?Dear Sir, in reply to your note, accotnpaniod 1 ?y a specimen of tlio cotton, ginned bv your Patent Gin, 1 hog leave to observe, that it exhibits a decided improvement on the usual pro. cess of "inning ; delivering the staple uninjured and free troin nap or trash, olean and of ?jnod en. lor; thereby givir jr the article an additional value. These favorable impressions of the advantages of your Patent. Gin, have been confirmed by srbso. | qhently witnessing it in operation. The utility <>t the double cylinders and saving of labor, will he j readily perceived and properly appreciated by the intelligent planter. Fepling a deep interest in the success of all improvements tending to benefit the important staples of our country, I trust that yours will meet with the encourngemr nt it justly merits. Very respectfully, your ob't serv't, if. F. M'KENNA. New Orleans,March 0, 1837. From Mr. G. Senior, a Machinist of New Orleans, Dr. A Jones?Dear Sir, in answer tc your inqtf). I : ry of my opinion of your Patent Cotton Gin, I i i hprr leave to stab1, that. 1 was fifteen years engai ged in the cotton factories of Manchester, England, and during four years of that time, I was foremen in the li -nse of Messrs. Lewis. Williams \ Clessrs. Sandford A* Or. one. I have s.-en your i 'ntt.m Gin in operation, and h i?-c examined the niton ginned by i:, and pronoun* ? it hotter clean ! !, and 'he ctapV less injured, ban any cot*. . j t!iat ever came under mv observation. It is r*?mi i i ts?1)< nr S:r. in nnswrr to your innuirx respecting rnv < inine of vonr Patent (\ Hon Gin. I have to stall'. ?hnt. I have. boon on;raffed in puttin" up the rirv T Gins For planters on Rod River, aid that I have seen vour Gin ?n operation, and havp examined the unnlitv of thp col to n produced hv it.^| Consider it equal if not superior to. the Car vor Gins- in addition *o which, ! think vour fieri, ers a d"cidod i|. pr ovoment, anil h> the aid which the qualify of the cotton cleansed appears! much improved, oyer thai produced hv ' eeom-l mon Gins, Vourt; Ac. P. UENNETT. ' J* Nevf Orleans, March 10, lb37. | In addition to the ubove, the Patentee will refer j planters to the following gentlemen, who have either seen the Gin in operation, or have examined J samples cleansed by it: Messrs. N. iV J. Dick* Thomas Barrett & Co., IJaguu, Riven & Co.,J Lambeth &. Thompson, Martin, lMcntunts Cw Co., Hermann, Briggs Co Co., Wm. L. Flower; Bullitt, Ship & Co. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR Jones' Patent Cod on 4* in, Uijlhe Vatcntec, JVu. 53 Magazine st. JVetc-Vrlrans ' To be manufactured in Row York, by Hubert Hoe, & Co. SCALE OF PRICES. DOUBLE G1RS. For a Double Gin of 80 saws or more on < #*ulittil/t* 'po ? *1 ..... IIHUVI I IIIUMIW 1VU MW9 III UIC I stand, with feeders, uands, &c.at$G < per sftw, or ?C00 00 | For a Double Gin of CO saws on a cylinder, or 120saws in the slujid, feeders,&c. at I $G per saw, or 720 00 | For do, of 40 saws on do, or 80 saws in a , stand, at $0 25 per saw, or 5C0 00 ? Fordo, of 20 sawn on do. or 40 saws in a . stand, at $6 GO per saw, or SCO CO j SINGLE GlTsS. , For a Single Gin of 80 saws or more, with , one set of feeders, bands, &c.al $G per f 6aw, 7 480,00 , For do. of GO saws, with feeders, ?S.c. at j $G GO per saw, 390,CO r Fordo, of 40 saws, with feeders, &c. at f $G 75 per saw, 300,00 a For do. of 20 saws, with feeders, &c. at ^ $7 50 per saw, 150 000 f Extra teeth where desired, for feeders, supplied j it 40 cents each ; the number of teeth being about j >qual to the number of sawn. One set of feeders, r t is considered however, will wear out two or three ' j lelsefsnws Extra saws supplied at 80 cents each. ,] The Gins ordered will be delivered to the agents, ? >f planters in any of the sea port towns ol the cot- j on planting States, at the above prices, the agents laying the freight on the same from New York, ind becoming responsible for !l?e amount of the Gin. It is desirable, when planters give orders for Gius. hey should accompany them with their views in ~~ ega rd to the arrangement of saws, breasts, brush- j s, &c. It is found they diflcr in opinion Some lesire saws of larger diameter than others. The ( nost common size is 9 or 10 inches ; but some wish v hem 12 inches Some wish 5 or G rows of brushes f< n an a:.!e, while others do net want more than 4 v t most. G:oine wish saws with 8 or 0 teeth to the e neb. \\ bile others nmni in nr 11 \v ;?i. ? >- r< ?x/ vi i *. if tin pu inut:ll | 11 discrepancy, we prefer they should, at the time oi I si iving orders, furnish a statement of their wishes, nd thp innnufnclurerers can fulfil them in every I p articular. Where it is Ivtt to our discretion, we ' r< hall ma he tin ni en the most modern r.nc! approved ' a Ian. An order can Lo executed, from the time it a received, in the apace of right or nine weeks ! p nd the Ci.i in that time placed in 'he hards of the ) t? actor. To I e in time for the r.eM crop, all ( idet* ! h ught lo he in the hands of liie manufacturers by ! 1 !.c first er middle of May : except for plantations j t< here tiny uu- lute in coinintnci: ?: to pit.k or ?jin [ ottnn. n N. I>.?The Patent Right, frr any ore of the . ottmi orowii-c ktuUs, v. ill l e sold enriasonable | trail. May 0 1 tl |d , Ar?l> V*>All r;AXiC '.?'1 lie suhscrihcr oilers j Li.ji for sale liis -tvi'in^utmm sitnated cm tlie^VV-- r*tTfvdJiboij*-it.n"' l"10^ discovered, loo latc^tcLJre.tracl. was tlio do^yf Tielow Caniden. 1 he said plantation, in point ef fertility and productiveness is believed to bo equal to any in the Srtale; it contains in the whole, about <1,000 acres, 2,(.;G0 c.l swamp, and 2,000 ot upland; ofthc swamp there is ) cleared about 900 acres, ami of the upland about' 100. More than one half of the cultivated land is fresh. linvitUT l?>?n "lnrn/1 in 1?"' ? "" , h -v. .. v>?tvu III mi uai < vt-iiri). 1 HI' ! Lffglll?V,"nd are shunted sons I ' tinee from the swamp lands 'J hero arc on inelf plantation. a prist mill anil two cotton gins, | ro- I polled bv water, nrul near the centre of the plan tut ion There are also onjthe plantation, a stock j of cattle and hogs, and -1 or F#,000 bushels of corn, i which might be purchased, f tb irod. with tin ' plantation ' The terms of payment, would be made easy to; a puich.ice Any further information n ay 1c i ad . by application to tire subscriber, i:i Camden. l'os-! 1 .-i1, ti in old be given cither the picscnt season,] i so seen ;.s the crop is gathered, or the next, as J might b? st : uit the purchaser .Inn ti 30 tf W. WWILLIE. | U ; Tlie t\liu.:lia Times nnd Telescope, and' Charleston t orcury nnd Courier will insert the above until directe ! to discontinue, and forward tl.oir accounts to the subscriber for payment. Lancaster Listrict. S John B Kingsbury, ts Charles M'Cullough, . _ .. . Bill Jor Partition, ac. \ Alexander Bile, > . ? counts, Sir. James Barkley, j James Westbrook, i and Lawrence Kingsbury. J I I Bj T appearing to the satisfaction of the Ccmmis- 1 i JL sioner, that the defendants Charles McCuIlough j : and wife, Alexander Miles and wife, James West- j J brook and Lawrence Kingsbury, in the above sta- 1 ] ted care, are absent frum), and without the limits' ' of the State?on motion of Wright Coin]), sr., i Ordered 'hat the said defendants do appear within ; three months from the piihlication of this mle, I and answer, plead, or demur to the Hill, or that the some be taken pro con fee so against them. J. II. WiTJIEKSruUM, c. k. i.. n. j Commissioners Office, ) March 9. 1838. $ Atnrch 17 40 14t Pr's. fee $10. ? ?????- " " , . SAW^E?The former residence of Col. James 3 l)eas, situated in the town ol Camden, comprising six acresof ground, situated on the Eastern side, and in one of the most pleasant neighborhood . ? for a private family it bus inanv ad i vantages Persons wishing to purchase, ran be) accommodated on easy terms tor the whole, or part j of the said property. M. M. i.LVY.2? ; Jan. 2(5 ETSi THI1 rOMM-OW FIjKAS, \ ! jiifi'Nhaw ?)iK{pic(. ) Joseph M Marshall, j vs. > l)ecla. in Foreign At'chmt.! I'enry F! Schrock.) I1KRKAS, the plaintiff lias this jdny filed 1 W y his declaration in this [office, against the j defendant, who is absent from and without the1, limits of this State, as it is said, and having neither wife nor attorney known within the same: It is ordered that the defendant appear and plead thereto, within year and day, or final judgment will he entered of record against him. > Nov 2i> HO J W. I. A NO, Clerk, j ?OOIi AT THIS!?The subscriber res j J pectfn'lv informs the citiionsof Camden and j | i's vicinity, tjiat they can have their clothes cut and made in first rate style, by calling on him at ' bis residence, in Itroad street, two doors above 'hi F\>st Off;ee. His terms will be reasonable.? All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to. / ? JOPFTII CnAni.F.f'NVlmTH V / ri mm OVA / OLLKV er >t*v ',;, Jtfc 43ISOKS, I^HUBCIV.?The original grian Vegetable Mcditrine, prepared-'l?j W. Mrt* , kin, Esq., Memberof'tfcc llonl Ccllegd ^ geons, Licentiate of A poll. e?hry% C'cn pony, VeU A low of licit Court boeiely burgeon to the Kcyul . L'liiou Tension Association, JLunenatei' flor^'C Waterloo Jiridgc. and p.erpe.luul pupil of Guy's, and St.'J bonu s's llcspitel?> l.or.don. v This valuable medicine, tl.e losult cf fwcfely^A years'experience and unpurrulli led success in Ij.c ' extensive and highly respectable pi net ice H-P > proprietor, patronised by the faculty and utility, v . is now introduced to tl'e r.ctice of the An*rUah I public, at the earliest soliiltcticn lc the monatreus delusion ecu ar.y longer go 9 down with the iuteliipt ut people tf this c< urtry. 9 J 'hear pills, mild and aim ml.t.. ;?. ? r_... ? mi ii i.un.ir, j should be kept in c\? ry lan.ily ii< tares (,1* sut'th n Hdcts, for by their j?r<-?iij t adu.inntialicn, cl-.clc a, cramps, spasms, lev err. ci.d other alain.irg jnr.plnints, which wo often ji<\e fatal, may le r ;pccdily cuird or prevented. in fact, all tlcro * iv lio value good health t-hcnld never In vitbcul-"*^ lie ill. 'J-hey are sold in pnc hc ts. r.t TO certs, ?1, md $2 each, l>y eveiy lerpcctablr druggist, loci;- ; icller,nnd vender of medicine in 11.e J'nitcd Stales ind the Cnnadns, with copious < ircctiors getl.er vith testimonials of j?rc-fc?sit r.nl ability freni li e ollowing eminent gentlen.en; Sir Asllcv Cooper, I. Abernethy, Jr.r. I'hmlrl), INI. I*.. YV. Each, CI. D.,J. Aston Key, A. )"miii j.ten, jM. 1). and lumerous others. rJ he e-rigirals nay he ret n in lossossien of the gcncial agent, by bl;om the n i lirine is imported into this country; end lo whom II applications for agei cies n:nst 1 e mode. NO. HOLUE1N, SO Waverley Hare. N. Ycik, Folc General Agent for the U. F. ti ^ :?ia?Fci2 f ciiriiicr^liil Coitrkr. THE FMablifchiMiit cf the CCMMtl.C IAL 'OUIUr.R was rcnderi d necessary 1 y Ihe inccn- _ enience to which cm citiyi ns J.ave keeu rt Ije ctcel 5r the want of a public ehnnr.e Tof orn mnnicaticn rhieh in n commercial community lil.e Camden, in sscntinlly necessary, ni:d cc nscejU*cr.tly the ( CUllEli'S claim on the public is such as rl.er.ld enure a lihcinl pntrcrngc. j lie undersigned have fpared ro trouble (?fpxense in obtaining the best voikirm in order to ?nder the l'aper ?U tie advantages t) at it will clinil rf. nod affording .?alisfnctiMi to its petrcrs. 1 ii pc lilieel matters tie Copper will ti I r i o art ; ti e design bring t | i 1 li.-h a I rj c r edr.j tfd ? the interest or .mi , v In h could i.el J e t llctl< d y its ? nl? peg into ti t imiid d 1 ? lilies ? it v ill JH e i en fined principally !< j n el mat hi as ;j j ej'air.H jf&fa > Con n eree. Agiicnltnre ai d An.e.sni or.t. '1 lie t'OI IUiili is published every Saturday lorning at Three Ji< thus in jidvai.ee. or Ki rr tollar? it ret paid until ti e ? > j halb n c t ti e year. Perseus wishii g to It e? mo ?ubtcril crs must adloss a letter (ixst imip) to t \i. re v- ? Camdrn. S '' mm hrc feSuIts ol 1 J^eiu'V, which you meet in al- ] ^vjrrv^^U" cottar" ;v"7, ii. ll|holfL^.^^j| f K TfCB.-All petsn i= ilif-'r lif( (1 to li e late linn of Caij enh r ?v- I!oi;i ? y. aril to the subecri> her. either l y i.rto or nni i nt o rr n'ofc years standing, arc requested to cail-n'nd settle l:ribr? return day. Alter that tin e allrur h tieinai ds will l e placed in other hands f< rtjpRc tion. '1 ho recent change in my business, rt ndcTb-if tiedesrary for ntc to pursue this course. r .tan. ?0 118 tt 1'. .'VWNEV. jjuri'iu n wiiu ?> '-*>*-*-yw?j i ,,,,, j , l< d, lot one or two herpes, which lie v. VJl dhj ose of low for eatdi *" ./?; iict. 1 . si a ly 1 r. J.ici?y JP.;luj> ;uit V i A. 11, arc to or^t d to r< h?Yr thorn an early as prsfdl/e to the r Uri I rr/wii^di.pliee.tc ? form. JOIJrs M. C1LC flKiST,/ifkiemei. April 11 50 If ' The (.'h:\rh? ti n Ivleretiry will pntdith the eloyo daily for cue mouth, and ibiward ui cct.hl U| this pifice lbr ju.yn cut. KKCilMiA'TAI. OStliKRS, > Ciihnulic, il2d .1 lurch, 183$. ^ FURSUAN'I to an cider from Major Co n. |S'f channan. :.n ?lection wiil le hticl iii^dhyp^ifr on Friday tic lfith Juno rxrt. for Pra^adi^r. General of Ctivahy. The follow ins perrons wilfcrtrannye llic election. Capt. J. U. Adams, Cfipf. Stark, 1 ,ii utennntF Tnjlor and Brown.. 4 tj0 None 1 ill. ComniiseictioJ ill'ccrs, 11.Id and staff, are ?til it! d to vote. IVv the inf. unation c.f the office if, I rcfci thenito ti e. followirp resolution,'j atM d IVphi her iFli*!: Resolved, i'hat in all elections for IS."r-j. (leuerm* r VT and llriprnlier (Jcnrral hereafter to 1 e nuidC^ii^r State, it shali be lawful h r all ceir.inissjjfed of the Militia entitled to v? t? . to do : o !>y ^ Provided; that all votes so alien d by ] i< .vy, I r cany tl.c otticcr vclioa, statin;' his rank^vnd lillr, presented under *c; !< ?l cnvrr, fvcH to flic ?\K cf the Regiment lo which lie belongor.oil ? r rlT.rer holding the election. .T. I!. ADAMS, Apii! 1 -i'J if Col.5th Itco't Vavalrv. rOj L'jlli.'hti WANTED. Liberal p;:c;is 111 v t j\? ho ol.tainincd in cash 1 <.r lie?rre? r, I \ t pp'GrLr f" lo the subscribei. JOHN M. Gi l.Cll LiJ?>T. April 11 r>0 tt OTIC 13.?The undersigned having (cured jl\i ?i co-partnership for a ti j:ii of ycnr?, under the firm of Murray Honney, for the transaction .i of Mercantile business,respectfully solicit. from / their friends and custom^^a conlimuuioo iff their A patronage. Ti ey have on hand a \eiy exlensivc fI assortment of Dry Goods, II aid ware r.jul Crore^'/J ties, which they will dispose rt rr.dorrd x.r'n p for ea>h. or Oil on dis lo punctual crrU ire r;\ They may he found at the rir 'at< !y occupied by Murray & llryant. J. I>. II-J It AY, Jen. SO 38 t'f K. /T LiiS. superior JSortlf Carolina 1 a?3? ? xFt.? con on hand, which "^.viil le sold low for CASH, if applied lor sorn. . April SIM if "W*. J. GERALD. SHINGLES WANTEH?Wneie.1 innnnnr,..,* " " " " " " J J jVVW f April 7 <19 It ^ $10 KliWRD. ' '1' jCtTRAYKD from 1 lie plnntntirn of the subscri* ' ^hcr. 8 miles below Suuterv illc, about tho last of March, a brown Ginny, about four years old, shaved a good deal with the gear.but in fine order. She was brought from the Salt Works in Virginia. Any person taking nn said Ginny, and giving niQ *' notice of the fact, at 1 rivatecr l'ost Office, Sumter District. S. C , shall be entitled to the above rewnd. May 10 3 If THt'M AS OARHETT. > JOB l'lllNTMU, 1 NKATI.Y KXI'.CU'ITK. I AT THIS 1:?/; ojf'j \ilAK\o.~ Bins, *" ; k I I i