Camden commercial courier. (Camden, S.C.) 1837-1838, May 06, 1837, Image 1

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1- M. JpNEs, Co. Pt'lfeiflfV'HKd. ' "AT TUB PVULIC "''r.t UD XV l; AIM." ' " ' ^ ^ M ^ ' 1 , ][\ %" , (,; i",, VOL. I. CAIIDfinf, SOIT11 .IKOLI\i, S/VTIRDAY ?V? C, 1837. - .*va ????WWT?w???1??????? I i i I???III WITH ur?in-.?^Ji^> ...I .. . ? - * - w T#;?. ns of tiik Published weekly every morning at V.{ per annum it paM in ' Ivm.t, .r . '? i if not paid until the expi ation of the y<- ar. Advertisements lilso#ted at #1 per square for ilio'tiritt insertion, und 53 els. for every N . i r.o itmuanee. Persons sii'iset-ibiu r nut of the tSiatc, are , required to pav 11 n Iv.ioce. m | tt?-' ' nninnnic ilio is must lie post paid. "13 j Til K VII.L.VOK 'PUI/.F. ' In one'of ilie I -velio-l villages of >.| I ^Yirr'uii there lived, in ilie year 1 too ?an.I o ' i'i oi l man, uhnsi- daughter was declt.el, l?\* universal ennsrii', In l?c tli .lnvM'licsi maiden in a'l the country mim : '1' ?oi? ran, in his youth, hid be n a hlet-j ic md muscular ahove all his f?T nvs; and! his h:filial, where he nl?vi?vt? Wore them. _ .. ?cnuM show the?ador1i cm of lire medals, re eiv-d lor liis victories in ?*v mil -s ic oats, \\ ; a y "u'?<? in 01. His dm lit r wis D v .jnt en. an l .had heen s Ujhl in mar ri ? '?y ina -y jniimrs. .fne jir ug'.i m-hI ?i . a J' r. a Hn- peson?an nil l' is an I a oinor thai. Ru 'hov wire all lusrd hv ' flu- ! ! m u lio-Jako^Bii' nl l:i I a I.v. < oril fir his ol? Tmncv^^PHl the v*iin?? iiirii ?>l th? il'.iiT" .unl iiiVntifuh '>.(1. ai h? iglli, birili <! iv of \n-' iici'i'. his eh rmijju. ?l'iMvlit'-r. wh win as a ami m.i if s* she was h .1 li ui, ar.o? <t. t!ii> 111 rn ii ' of h ! il'tv. '1 r filth i ?vi 1 ii nil :1m' y llth-ol' he 1 ou i y to a ? ukiiig r If". si ccii'i'ii h' i llustrious vkino nun n-s 111 it>>j ri In v ill) nil 0 o il; 11 :i\} li u a> t?? ,:i ?u?? lovi't ? tiifyu; ^ 11 mi*, in tint*i* ho 1 ?i*\ it 1 1 fii'tvflilje. father's liar * * > it : j t i** iv ilrioil irr?;fx.'ninl : heir own hearts' v l! i 1 ivh All 'CtU*. ojj^'jit flllhor't co t-1 tn I il l ! hr ujtht till* inalt liijuo of her o 1 0 t?r ni iy, \*IitIi sir* pre* c *ii*il to 1 ;t* It r u 1;: > red s 1:1111 .villi lu*r own fair ha 's. 1 . t y hnvs, said the till l<e per ! ' the vel 1 ho7 all ovet il, as leuiitu/ -m tii ! .itch-fur's ilti'v us^iMii'ilcii r mill ins' ti 1 ii i in* 1*1. ol o "Ik* "V in j ' ovv, my , ]:?*-. v >>u h iVe 11 a 1!y all* o you m 1 It* pro-j ft- t . li ; . v 11 V 1 1 1 11 \ i\V f tn . on i r i ' w ' " * . d > ?'i -ir ? t?iv tliiii<{*al> >ul in >;iey r til Is, | 2; ? ! . iru '4 ^ .*!<? as ! >y on 4a1 ;? < any iio i i o country. IS*i I* mm ' y i hi ii it iiv own g' \n v, y..u know. < *?: *!>'- ' > kn nv, j xv ii '-'(ir I cm I U it my ; t' * I J.II+*, VtifJ It'll 111 I'll* V\ ;iy o'l j> llj. i 1 ">: t<i"ii i i l< %i uti?i?r ! -iiiiir. >: \ man mi tli'* ? !"'?iin * '! iri*, ii'l !.:ivr iintk i I tfm i l*i nil! >\vnru i , no man s .>11 I j - A ;)j_> ' iiii-'t'T with'ii jii in r ! ? il ! ft4 ^ "ijtff"' k' l' 11 '? Vil- I'll* !|i .r.l'OII, ' Vim In* nld.'H taking ln> (c?, vvli i iii i l li'iiiil v 1> !nii t lion, I>\ i *lf U? ' > I. now, tlit? mi ?v!io | .iijis tin.'! ; flirt .ml m i yl .J lovfl shi I in irry Auto* ii i)i i vorv ili-jh1. .! * Tin - *,i!i i|ii nl.I. i s. ?'. ?< rcr.rivod i?> t!,e _ Joui, .ion win a;>( I ,11-0. \:i I many i ynji'i s !m 'i iiuiiloil 4 iily Toriv r.l i tin* j ai" <a of Si i 11, a., i 4! .co .> ano.-ip iii"l! Vii*. rv hack u,? 1 1 l!io lo ?-ly 'iijuM 1 \ <1-! In rhiv.ii y ||.- in liit' li. ol Ii r looms | Ui' l irii tirnr Irauio . til i* .ihlmi iio, * n 1-. i Sj) r'-s ilui >' ui'j i 1:4, ..ittii kJ 1 o ol . | Oi'Mi iluiir nrin clru and lou r i;?os. n? VW.IoSS <?tn! Ili ilil ii in lilr Mil*" sa I '!i ?i or. *1 p'o s ? (! 1111 ^ in 11 i hull, l!i <t 1 ?vi) I J '? yo in./ (J.i r .! I! ' ?.is '.1 h iimJ run-si and lift >11:110 ?'il v ii 11 10 hoi country, ?' d -111 know ili.v a sir nj and jn 1 1 il a t Ii cii \s.Mod h> wo 11 Inm anil j |ln* l or V 1 in- 10 I hi 10 I. had ?i'?n ili< r?*?i> 111 <1! bviiin |',fj |ji>?st lo lid it 1 9!**W r* vvl,,,r'! audi alliii't.C c.iii Vomontw. ro iiio 'siim iju 1 ./Oil ol a >1,1.1 n'? I v r#?' *s, ilns was no ord nary ' 11 n. In 1:0.1' tew I ke tlm prost-u . In> Ii I 'iior tore ovor,v .'id 1 .^1 (! ovor hi-, iollo.v a 4< cr I I' io arena ill .tied . r tli s liv .foni con tost, was I >vcl s;> ire 111 1 ion 1 ol" >ho villa,o; * n>. I - ?1... ? - . .1 i * | ? 15** .| Hit: LfllUC <#' il "lil?.* J?I II, . aw * ?! hi,flic midst o tin- village, dcnnnn I i)hj * wrflcu.' I'hn verdure vvai q :i;r tv ru ?ll" at tt)i- p!ar- by pr vi u- exercises ot i si.i>.In kind and i hard ni-liceo. sand nio e befitting!/ b?r the purpose to w ncli it to be used supplied its p .in; Tho Mtlior of the* ovidy, blo-hng, and Willi !, it vpt'v prize, (for she well knew vvlio Wo iid win,) vviiu throe dher patriarchal viu, lagers we e :!? judges appointed lo decide j U^oo lite eliioMot I he several compel liters. '1 hi; last lime i-arroll tried na skill n I Ins uxerciso, he I cleared.' lo Mi<u the helper's piir .s?ology--iivoiiiy ooe feci'mid one mob. The signal w t * given, and hy lot tno young ineti tttepped into the arena. *i,d>Vi?ril (ir.i}'<*oii, seven rcn feel,' cried # Oi-n ??i the judges. Tim > out I) had do e Ins J*^ Utmost. II e was a p do. int. Ilectnal student " Bu wlmt had intellect t<> do in ncli an arena? Without a look at the maiden ho left tbo "run, (I. a ' Dick Moulded, uiiiiMccn feet.' Diel; with a laujfh, turned away, and r placed his . Go it. * 11 nrry Preston, m*<cieon feel .111 i three I inches.' ' Well done l| ?r.y Pr? ( loll,' sllOtll* od tlm ?;?ect;?t r< y?u ha\u tned hard for nic aww dnd homestead.' | I Harry also laughed ami sworo ho onl\ jumped for llie inn of the tlii ig.' IIi- ir wa n ratilr-hraimd fellow,'ul never llioiij. h: of matrimony. lie loved '? walk anil la k." am) Ian. h ami romp with Annette, luit su v marriage never came int ? Ins head, lie only jumped f r the Inn of the thing.' (!? would not have said so, if lie was sure v>! winning. ' ''! irley Hintnis, filleen feet ami n hall ' Hurrah for Charl v ! t'harley'll win!' cried ill crowd }f'*od Iminoredly I 'hurley Siniuis was tho eleverest I How in tin; world. Ills mo h? r had a l?isc<j him <o stay at home, and told him if he ever won a wife, she would fill -n 'ovowith is .o d temper, r it er I au<< i ? ii-v . '!; rtrw timvcvif lit' ilo of the l itt< r's capabilities ami lost. Many i refuse I to oiit'T t'te lists altogether. (lilies made ti c trial, ami only one of the Icapcrs i hail y?tcli'a>pl \v mv feci. Now,'criml th villagers. he's see fenry Carroll, lie might t<? boat t' is ' and over\ "lie appeared, as th y called to mind the im.tiiul love of the last cviiipc'i or and t fT?? { sweet > nnet'e, as if they heartily wished his success. llenrystepped to his po t with a lirin tread. His eye glanced wit It cmifi le ce around, Ut on t o vtil tgers and restid, hef-tre he h ended letAv.ird. upon tin: face of Annette, as if to e.aleli tlierelroot thit spir t and as snrance which the occasion culled lor. Returning the ciienn ig ng gla ce with whieli she met his own, with a proud -mile upon Ins 1 .. n? 1 -1 i?f nv; mni'i ? " mr? at u? "TV * ) HKje ami a half!' -Iioirmd ; tin' mill1 it' lit*, repeating the aim u iremenl <>f *ono of ilit: jinl; os, ' twc ty- me leet ami. 'a ! a f Marry Carroll for ver. Aiiiicmu and j dairy.' 'lands, raps an I han kj?i chief. Waved over llir In* ds of the spectators, and ( the cos of the drh jli'.ed \iiuutto sparkled j with jo.V. T When ' larry Carro'l moved to his station to strive for the prize, a fall, gentlemanly y mil in ni in a military tind.e frock coat who had rode up to t o tun, dismounted and joined the spect.ior-. nnperoeived, while t e contest iv.t. going on, -.topped sitdileiil f rvv ird Willi a knowing ey , me stired de? 1 lihf ately the spar" accomplished hv t' e n*t Idap.-r. Me. w as a stranger in t ? village, j! 'is ' amis me face ind e^sy a dress .itrir.l i1 ed tho eyes <? ihe u I ige maidens, and hi-j a.anlv an I sinewy frame in uhh li vin.oe i try and >ir<:ii.r|h \\n ro hapi?il\ united, i all?*<| j lonli iho admiralurn of the von <j num. IiV - '{ -'r ' i'.;;rr, y-??i .1. nk cm limit iiisii,' sacl ohm ol I'm by slander-, rog) irking tlic ni iiiii T hi \\ li ch tlx- eyu of It .*Wanr scanned ilio area. * if von can I up lupoid- 'nrry Carroll, yo 'II boat tlx* .?sgin in in die rnlnnx's ' I'll truili ol this ilwrvati'?'i vv. & assented to by a general 'iniriiuir. ' - i lor nit rc ainu.-Pinciii you arc puroiii' ill's- past mm ?' i ii<] iro'l tlm yoililu sum tiger, or is t1, c-o prize lor tin* wimi? r ? Annette, sin* loveliest ami iviniI '.iesl ol our village maidens, is 10 In* the reward o' i..i> ii tor, cried one ol i'io judges. ' \re i e lis s open to aP !' Ml, yyiun sir!' replied 1st* father of \nnetie, with in e est, ins you li'hl ardour ri sinjj us e surveyed the proportions of te' sirai^li. linihe-1 vmino sirnn er. ?' -heisthoj I) Hie (it iimi vv ho nut-leaps Henry < arroll I ?f \ ii will i v y u are tree to do *o I'm | !< s me t< |l you. 1'arry arroil lia no wi e hi j \ ireiu a lier is my tlaug'.i- r, sir. look at Iter ami insii.o your rial.' Tim yoiinrf otli er elan ed upon the trem-l It o oniil. n iiiout p. be iiffi'tivl out e al tr of her title r's uncnuq-.ieriilile in< >n< man i:i Willi; nil 'li.niri 04 ry The oor mrl looked at i i r-i ry, who stood near with a ir??iil>leil l>r ?\v ami j atisxry eye, ami t en ca-t upon Hie licw co 11-1 , etmir an imploring glance. I. i laving Ins Co 11 111 'lie hnmls of one o'i ilie judges, lie drew a .s.nh lie wore li"iieatlij n. lighter aioiiml ois wai-a. ami taking ihel appointed si mil, made, .apparently wrhoiit letfoN, the hound that was to decide the happirn .?? ? or ini-ery of II -erv and lunette. 1 ' ' Went) two eel one inch !' shunted lite i ud?io. The iinnou c- iiient was repealed! , wi h >ttrprise hy i ho sped a tors, who eroUdeii' around the victor, filling the air with con- j emulation*. nut umuiiigle.l, however, wi?h ! ; loud murmur-. Irom those who were more nciriy interested .n ihu happiness ol ihe lovers I '. lie old mm approached, and gripping! | his hand ex .It ngly, called linn ' :s son and said lis lilt prouder ol' him il he vverej i prince. I'hy-ical activity and strength were (In? old leapor's Irue patents ?i nohiluv llcsoiiting his co-it, the victor sought with his eye the Ian prize lie had, although name| , ii/l 1111 I. (i/vtif ii u?v 4 * i i i I if in/vii leaned upon lit r la Iter's arm, pale and distress d. Her lover mood aloof, gloomy and mor'ii ad, admiring tho superiority of ihn >tr ingeri i an ?'* reise in which he prided himself as unriv died, while lie iiuied linn lor hi? sue? ?es < 'Annettee, my pretty prize,' said the victor, taking her passive hand??'l have won yon fairly,' Annette's cheek became paler,than I'lirbfc; bin- trembled like an ispen h al, and eInmj clo-er 10 her lailier. u.lnle the drooping It yw sought the torn* ol l?- r I ver. Ills brow grew d%rk at the stranger's language. I have won ynut joy prciiy ll wer, to n !?e you i bru't I?Ifinhle not so violently?i mean uol myself, however proud I might bn,' ho added with g illintry. "to wear ? . fair it geo? next my heiri. Perhaps.- and m cut liiH ?yiM rouwi inquiringly. while the urruut of life leaped joyfully to her lirmv, nil u inurmcr of surprise rail through the | crowd?'perhaps there is some fav ?ri*?| youth j i notig the competitors, who has a higher claim to this jewel. Young s>r,* ho eoiitiiu.-d, turning to (tie surprise-) Henry, 'mcthiiiks you ?w>re victor in tho list bolore j mo, ? I strove not for the maiden, though one i could not well strive for a fairer?Suit Iroin j love for the tnau.y sporfin wlticli I saw you I engaged You ire ilift victor, mid us such, J with tlte per iit,->inn o this worn y assembly, J remove tV- ?:? 9* prize \ott have sal ueir ami Iioitnrahly wmii' I'lie youih spring lor aril unci gasped his I h ind wt li gnliltide; ttud the next 10 nent, Vnnette was weeping from pore j??v npoii his shoulders. Tli'.* welkin rutt^ wi h ii?e acclamaijiois ??l* the delighted vdialers, and amid tiii* temporary exei ement pro Ineed hy tliis art, tlie stranger withdrew f mi the crowd, mounted his horse, and spurred at a i husk trot through tin- village. Tha- night, <ionr\ and '.nnette w r mar lied, and the health ot the on ?terii>ns i dj imhle hearted -tranter, 'hi- d.anU ni.ovcr* (lowing humtiers of rust'*, hi-ver ijjp. In process ol inlit', there were 'into unto the in ?rneil pair son ami <1 nej-nrrs, mid! Marry arroll had become ole -nd iSuiry * 'arroll, of the tfevnlu nonary army One cveui ig, li.tvin_. j.i>l returned home alter a liar i camp in* w t-? sinioj with hi! irmly o.i the nail ry i>! In- hand onto *01111 | try jiotiKo. when an .uWaiioe Conner rode tip and aiiitoiuici-d lite a,?pr -ach 01 5e erilj W tshin^lon and suite 1.1 i*?rtn:n_r lint he. j hoiild crate ins Imspitdny {or tin* main The necessary directions were .{pen in rei?*r -j tiiice to the lion-eiiold ptep ir mo. is. and I <>l. . t'arro'l ordering Ins horse. roth- forward to I meet and ? .snort to In* loose the distinjjni-^od Uiiest, whom he itad if w 1 vet seen, although Mtrvitia in the same wide y-oxteuded army. 'Thai uveniiuj at the 1 ih|>*. \iutelte, now become the dtaniliyd, matronly and .still: handsome rs. < jtrroll, could not keep her cja s Ironi tin lace ol her illustrious v si or. Kvery or two she would -teij a 1 ... . urn 11<;111 j ;iiur?*Kf mm uail-p tin h lll n>s?ir.'i|l\, shake i*r head rul look no mi, m ln? Mill more nay/.led I i :t'r atix ii' ii niind and er. h irr - ?m. in at i l< ii'jlli heenine i vidfu. t i Ii r.Jmsiind who, I tii|uiri J ml' , iloiialt-ly ij f* ' ?;! >,.V.-CJ, '.I. C I < Jti . i. Kl "III;. , IVIj'll had been Si line I! in1, wi'li u quit* , nifiuiiiij j Millie, observing ilielady' . ; nous mid j'UZ-1 /.led s irvey ?> his lean "S tint rs i ar roll iltniU- siie r? f*-??.iir/ui in nm an old, i ij in t nee' vnd It * s;ided vmiIi . .in - e rum-, air, is he a ay. d u|m>ii i> (Ii alum ue|v. I I'lu; < 'iilniit'l Maneil, nid a lin n mnnry ul k Hie past seemed to hejao ivd, .is h n i/.rd. I vvhi'r the lady r-we linpnUn -ly Irn n her ehair, | ni l oemiing Cecily torn irh over tin; km orii.j with, rd hands <i(i>l iiii (rv?' of intense, I i .11>.4 inquiry, fixed lull upon 111 .i. stood lo i oui. tit \v 11 i her li| s parted -is if she would speak ' I'anion me, my tlonr ir.-tdam ?pardon mo ('oloilcl must put la etnl lo tins sr lie heo hri'Diiic, I), .lint of imhih fire and hard Usage, loo UllWii ldl\ .a leap . a iin t outv-t o u ft one inch,even 1 r so n^r a btjdo as one I I \\ ot ot " " Tile tec. gmiiuil With i lie surprise. (|e I gin ami i.a i s- > > t t ?\v? cl, ar - lent ?o the mui;matioii o ilu?\e nl.1 (icner i' 1 ish.ugtnii u s tilde. d tin* h.Uidsome young l< per wliosi uiyM ri mis Up-; pe ir nice and nisjippoai .leec in i'hs native v llage ol (lie overs, is soil tradition m,? ! and whose cl inn to a m>1> i n.tal nody oil UONA IIIIK 11' sll 111(1 load W IS st ilt I !y COIIn sled hv tiie village snuv .i li- fs, until iliu linppv nr.Not i, ni which look place at the hospitable in uisi(#n of Col. arroll. LA RiiRIXd CLASS IN IM'ROPE. The following i teresiing rinde j'r m liie North >t inert an if-view lor October, gives, a glowing dis ripti- n o tin; con i:i n oi l the 1ah.ii in . classes m E* r c, mi re a ? to ! l! e rates of wages, ihe fnirdeii l axilio i. | means of snhsistarice. the lucthie ot ir location, and the share, if an., ?v ici, these classes have in die Go.eminent. I ugln io inspire every cio/.cn of this freo en I happy lie: nhiic. lo gnatd ?viili constant v! dance igainst any encroachments on the institutions which gua a tee to u> the hlc tiiiiiTsot wtiirli our brethren h<v<>nd tin se.ts :ir? destitute. In \ rwiiy, the ordinary food of the peasantry I*4 bread and gruel, lint!, prepared of out meal, with an oreaseniul iniviur ol dried fish. Mont is a luxury winch thoy rarely enjoy. In .,uvi!t,d?n the dress ol the peasa try is! described by law. Their find enii?i i? t hard biead, dried lish, and gruel williout Iii Denmark the peasantry are till h- M in hoiidaire. an t are ImihhIii --1.1 - -*' - p, f. ???*? imjiij i hit wi'h the land on win- h they labor. In llumiatio bondage of the pnnsaniry is ecru more c??ni: lelethan it i in Dciimirk. The nobles own al! the land in h empire, and the peasantry who ie? do upon it are trnlisb rre 1 with the ei ate. A creat in 'joril have on'v cottages, one jmrli n ol wlt'ch i* oennpieii hv the I'itnily. win e tlie o>her l/> |?pro;.r urd 10 iloon - i*" ; annual*. Few, if any Itavo hud"*?but sleep j upon bare boards, or u|x?u parts of tlie i inneiiee Moves by which house* .> war ned. Tlieir f??od consists of black l> id, cabbage, UTid oilier vi^clal'Icwithout ihe addition of any b tiler. In Poland the nobles tue llie proprietors of the land, and the peasants are slaves. \ recent traveller says : 1 have travello I in ! every direction and never saw a wlieaten loal to ihe eastward of I lie Kliine, in any pirt of Northern (iorinnny, Poland or Denmark. I The comiiioti food of the peasantry of i\>! mil, j the working iiicii, is c?'?hage, and potatoes, suiuiMiiiies, but not generally, Hack bread iiiu 9<xi|i, or nutter gruel, without Cic ail-! diiioii of oulier or moat. In Auslrtu the nobles are the proprietors of ilit* laud, and the peasants arc compelled to work l>>r their masters during every <1 ay except Sunday. The cultivators of Iiiu soil are m a st tc of bondage. In lliitigirv lltei Mate is, if possible, still worst). The nobles own the laud, do not work, ami pay n taxes. The laboring c! iss arc obliged to repair all the high-ways and bridges, art? liable at any time to have soldiers <|ii iriered up -n tin m, and are compelled to pay one t' nth of tin- produce lot e vilmrch, and one tt utli to the lord whose laud t.icy | ueciip". Ol the people of France, s< von and a hali'i millions do not eat wii at or wheat- n broad j boy Ittp upon barley, rye, buck wheat, | chestnuts, and a few potatoes i iii! o. Minion vvajjes o! a lii'-<>*1 labour in j rVnicr, .?l) I r a man ami *1 '.7-1 tor a l wo u.iu annually. The iax**s upon tlieui art* epnl ton .(! littli ?>l lis ix*>i pr duo *. In 1071, there ivi-rc 100,(UK) houses in I r? l ml Of tli so, II ,000 wo e uccn no ' b\ psn.pers; ami noire limit ~?0??,() )-) Icici { In*.r lli. Tim avenue wajres o| a laborer. is from nino ami a hall t< eleven cents a * 1 iy. ; \imui<;the lohoruiu el ssolt e imlnsirimis , Scotch moat except on Sundays, is rar ly i used. In h'nifhml ilm price ol I dmr varies; tliol No Iii^h *..! siockine weavers, is sated l?v ] 11ii*(ii i i a puldie. address, aller workm" l'r<?*: i I I lo It) hour- per day. only earned trout ! lour to lives, illi t?s a vvoek ami \? re ohi:a<ii lo subsist mi bread and water or potatoes} ami fait. \ N' Ar-SOtlT.MF.MT.? ofl S , of Rt.r i-iprto i, wa mite! f*. |- keeping in Ins store' lie O'-t i'tc -ng lion- a. .ui. e st ever Itered hir sale. \ waij once bet null a! ft . a.I I .11 !><> .. .aii.i r: I ... . .... ... V -M.MI Vlllllll V. |(f| TttMIM" ll|C!% nek. which J;; nniv ronl I not supply.? Tin? I??*i wa cliiirlic I, an ! tin* two pmo< cde I tn'Tlw* sli ?p <>1? ilu? .Id .niti11n.irian. ' Friend s t" said ke*<jui', " h.ive v >u mi hand a .coon ! kau I p pit I" *'\ s, ir, ' r. p'ied ilic mi-11-, oc.1114 sli#|) ke por .vi'li iui iln? least iik' i oj' t^ieic heiiiy ally kin.! u op imi mi in the ipicstiou ? ' Vr<' sir, I k ?i-r 11 me vise day Iron tk" tr sti'i-s n| i tc *Ii ' n > ' '.lurch, wit are fixing up sko interior of the ni -ciiiin house." ob.iv in , mi! sh we I tlieni to the k.irn. where ike curious .ir i.!e f tiaile iia ! '-ten deposited. The winner Inoyhed?the looser kit hi:- lip, i ! ) paid tin* wayer,, while Jemmy'a fit racioi tor kecpiay 11 as-ortni'-ni -if jjoods bee niie nore Itr njy esltbh. ml. A man hat Iwcii sentenced in the < 'ircuil^. mil f r | i- ! M>trift (<? the renotentiary,1 lor slenhu# a lit tn of bacon! a foil!! (Infattier'*) mill the carcass of a turkey !!!? ill in iht- clirisiuias hollidays ?1 iis father is it present an occupant of tne " I'llhlic Hoard in;.' liou-e,"' as that eye sore to va<rr nits ami ; louse principled ne ileincu, the I'eiietenti tiy. I- nailed, ami the learned counsel lor the; prisoner, a.jfned, that i e son d.d not steal tin* coai, because his father, bemn a prisoner, a is de d i the lav, he Initio alive, in iliei I'eiietenti try. and his eldest horn wa? liesr in his e-tate. t'lie United -ta'es Idsirtct \t-' lorney, ndiv?iUed the inge.-.uiiy nl the opposing council, hut hope i lie would throw no impede ! in * ii t hi the way <>l the prisoner, hut would; allow hi in to take quiet possession of I e| c< II, soon to be vaeaied l?v In- I - , .... .'JM * I <1 'Ml progenitor, w huso term of public service | wotibl Mton expire. t ins epicurean genius | jvtll hi ciiii>erpieiice, have io undergo some Ire <!lul caiman privations ill Ills uyw residence.? Mi tru/iu/it ii. Vai.tmii.f. Pis# uvi.isy at Pompeii.?' The i. chest treasure of the that nits' yet been Ibttiid in Pompeii, was discovered mi tin* I'Jpi (V'lolii'r I a-l. It consisted ot sixtx-loitr sdver vesst Is, <omprising ? table hi rvico composed of the following piece- ;; i >no dish, with two bainUouiely o: nam nit (I bnndl's, one p dm and one inch in diameter.' Olio v use, ornamented hi alt., rr/irvo, ivithi grapes nnd vine leav s, verv In/;' Jv ?rnight j live nidus in height and six n diameter at i the t ip. Two vases, (goblet form) ball a' palm bull, and lid* mine in diameter, ornainented ivitli iiiumateil bacchanal an represent a" ions, in the finest hu*?o and alto rrlin o?on one of the vases is a young Mac elms rirling on a panther, ami on the other be is represented sitting on an ox?-lliere ' ar**t besides, many figures and atir?ute*. There are also twelve plates, cacli with two beautifully executed handles. The four i nrg si (inii's arc right iiirlies, 1110 next sc- I vrn and a ImM, am) lh" fnnr *iuallc*t seven mrlios in din fliM^r Sivtren runs, or ?in*i" sunn lurecm^ of wnicu ?ach four are eiwii lur. TIivhp, :il ?>, nro furnished ui h i indies. The oiiks ti>?* :i i 1 a half, a id ll-ft am dler etipi loir tic ,e-? i:i diameter. Four sin ill moulds t'.r iioirv, each two afld a hall inches in diim-ir, four small vessels, each hainijf t ree feet, somewhat rejuvi.hliug our sail cellars, a I llireo inches in diamine : flight groiitmf dishes, four f w ieh ineastire five iuo es at the upper ridge, and the other-, ll r e an I a half in diuinetor : 0110 tin : vase. with .t handle in tin* form of un amotion, ten .111! a half inches lii^h, a id lour .inches in diameter at the moit !i t-vovery .s nail stew pans, with tas'efully ornamented handles, live diameter, mi'l-nva ami a half : one spo?>n, with a highly nrnii^ln handle, tip00 inches in dia enter ; one niirr >r. in 1I10 Ihr 11 ??f n patera, with a perpe uionlar :iiicllo. ni^ht melius in diameter ; two spoons ami five hg-uttic, (spoons and lurks in one piece ) This discovery is the richest treasure ol t .0 kind that has yet he.eti met with in t'ouipeii, and all the vessels are in excellent preservation. \ table napkin was luitnd between I wo of the plates. A MOST IMPORTANT INVENTION. TilO annexed ar.eount of the invention ?>i a new application of power to produce niutioti of a most effective elm rue tor, v*. 1 I lie lielter understood and the value ? l the invention more fully nppr eiated by ..ddinc so,lie inform ition verbally yiveii by air. II 1 lam. The motion is effected by the valuation III !1 llOtlVl ttn>tilnli-in n i l 4* '...i e ,.e ' 'O impulse lr in :i moderate"" and coition .?m xrriimi uf human l'<JVc?\ ami opoir.!e> >c maii*lv mi tiic pistons of tin* two rvl.u lers, which it: their 111 >livn produce equ illy in each direction of tin* pendulum th? hyrirxMir pressure hv the c of wale." or some equally inee-oprc->i'>!e lluiil acinic upon coniin. .1 air. Should the t ileri pro.iw d !>y llii.> invention he sueli as i- ilesei ihed an I a so small an expense prop'iiiumdtin* c. ui'iide of the pnwi r he changes that o-'l lie ell", e.'eil, tl.e hi nelits 1I...1 will lie <! ri - . il from the use of so v linah.e a iliscuv. rv, h ill exrei-.l r.\r ii i' ' ieh have resultc-tl from the use of st< am. VVe li'ii^o, iu ieetl. . . vlr. I? islniti t! a* me f ! lie e Her is produced i.i ihitshni _ hy uiinessiim the opt latioo of 1 maet-i'io roiistitic ted there, e us t!ie counterman'! ut ^ an order for the construct!,!" uf one ov ** more-?tear^?1i?;ines.'- From tl.e Ivrnni !{"!!nr\ A M w wonvi r.ovr.^ 0 ars\ , Ua I lot tore, A u) \J* Mr. Ilobrrt'-i?VV I.- .. I >tUieil ?o<;i!l,?^ V fart <*t ail inigpiaie in quaiut.iiirc H>il?irs having amis'runted a machine oplloro a tiul iiiitrcr projo lliri;' power 0:1 tit'|a,n ilroAtalie priiieiple, \ <->ii wore so ar pleased with tin* aec uml as to reft roiiiiniiniiMti<ui#troiii me I r insert! t \our periodical; with that request ! e fill I v comply, ? \ "l| Tlie inventor of this wonderful .kT useful inaehiae is M r. T eophihis Cnrln n\ .11 eminent \ eti I'tiinrinii?a native of Seo(.\. html, ami no.v rcsidina in Pimn.iir.. I>. who, while prncliring his profession, hya \ f.r the last Seven \ imi's < i??) 11>_v I hi- > i SUfO ll'llll'S Oil this iolpOloll't Subjvi'l, has n i\v ilu s tiial .t iion of srfiny his > : ??? ? ni r I by Irivim; < . :-i;urt;i(i one t>f twelve horse power, which comes ful y i his ! osl s.intuitu* t xpceliuion-\ This machine lie calls I'ort?\ nr's Hydrostatic Propelling M leliin- ? In iis t-oii. -miction it i-> loo simple to admit of improvement nml as no strain nor lic?t ofunv hint) is ust n in its opraiion, lliere ran lot no explosion, therefore in its use lite is safe,-and should anv part Ipe.ik, i, is by iis simple cuustriir^^to,ui!iuissablr ufspve)y repair. It m applicable to the plough,'* and ill propelling purposes, an ! as such niu-t Mt? piTeede the use o' -lenin, A machine of 501) horse power can he worked by one man, an I neith . its weight r.or the room letjnireil, will he nrire than on-tenth of the strain < nuine. | We of the present age,entered on a new era when -Fulton brought his ex'rnde! sfliememn the appliratio . of *luair. t he propelling i?l l?oats on water, in v liirli smoke an ! vapour supplied the place of canvass. The same n_e is now bringing forth another era in a m ire useful mid extended scale of operation in this discm i rv* of idv friend, wito is a philosopher ami pft'danlhropist in e\ ery sense of the terms. Although our profession lots for several \ ears made us ultimately iiciiiiaintcd. isi. 111?u 1* other, ami roiiversin/ ir**? 1 y. I'm' mutual Iw 11 rlii in iiwr |M"ulfssii'h ? yct.iiiie lii^ i-io|i!i?'r lit.i'. In* Hover uitiir.aturt to mo 111ai hi- was studying the iiit I i i gii ' is \v:iy i<? Wiihliinftlnn, In* <*:iI)<-?t imi iV.n mil showed mi* lite model, V, hich is now in the I'.i'rnt ftflire. Willi my r* f perls, I tun \ ours ifi,}\, .iomn iiAsr..\v. *T't" ?nvr?ii1'?r is full v I In* iiii|?r<'**-i<>n t!i ' < pi i.tflt oust niclt'd on itn* |n inoijili-h i>l It in wihIiiim, w ill if iii 10 jnouuli .me li mi tired v?l et niiiil ii u diiy. flow to hoMMir M?tRT>?:f? ?Take a pri iiv voiii^ l t<|>?u'll her alu* Ihb a i?r? try f'.KU?she tenl m cur n email ^!i >e?an out'ii) *vri s|irni;f wmitlirr?m?rh a cold ? ilimi ? v r -ami die in a mouth. Tljpj receipt _ A uuvcc fu!*. j i 1