AFTER SUFFERING ONEYEAR Cared by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVeget able Compound Milwaukee. >VU ? " LydU E. Pink. ham*? Vegetable Compound has imd? me a well woman, and I would like to tell the whole world of it. -I suffered from female trouble and fearful pains in my back. I bad the best doctors and they all decided tb?U had a tumor in addition to my female trouble, advised an opera tion. Lrdia E. jnnanam's VajjeKblo Compound made me a well woman and I hare no more backache. I hope I can help others by telling them what Lydia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Compound has done for me?' ? Mrs. Emma Imse, 888 First St, Milwaukee, Wis. The above Is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Plnkham Medicine Company of Lynn. Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. made from roots and herbs, actually docs care these obstinate dis eases of women ; ftcr all other means have failed, and that every such snf ering woman owes it to herself to at leastgive Lydia E. Tinkham's Vegeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mrs. Plukhnm, of Lynn, Moss., Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health and her advice is free. Cumifhp Advertisements TEACHEK8: Wr'.to for fr?>o book let."A Plan" showlnjr how we help vo.i wcai* a Wttcr position. ThoiuonU* excellent ?acan<-lc* oi*n p*rl??S3i>-t Itt monthly. School* supplied with teichm Our. the lorvou Southern Airencr. Sodttibrn Tkaokrus' Aokxct. Cotunibla.9 C. L : - Tis only noMq to be gcod. Dr. Ulj|iri II ink sbarry Corrtltl Ooiw Ohlldro.i That'll ig,, Dyw ontory. Ub)ltr imorrn v?lt?j. At Drugjla s 20j ?ad 5Ja por bottla. Gather ye ronelmdB while ye may. Mrs.Winslow'a ftoot'ting Cyrup for Children teething .softens the guins,, edu -es inflamma tion, allays patn, cure.? wind colic. 2->c. a bottle. He that court8 injury will obtain it.?I/anis-h. So. 22"'09. IT CURED A ?j YEA < CASE OF ECZIMA Danville, Pa. I hare had en aggravated ease of Ecieraa for over twenty-five years. My hands were unsightly a great pnrt of that long period. I have used seven 60-cent bellies and one , jar of Hancock's Sulphur Compound Oint ment. 1 foel as though 1 had a brand new pair of hands. My tasr Ins Veen such an aggravated cne. It has cured me. and I am certain it will cure anyone if they persist In U3ing llanoock's Sulphur Compound ac cording to diievtions. I? Kdoaii. Cures Eczema and all ordinary skin troubles. Makes the skin soft and im provos the ccmplexion. Your druggist sella It. Write Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., ;Baltimore, Md., for booklet. Friendship is better tasted in ad* ?oraity thon in prosperity. ( Autuniobllistn, Head 'lhls, At the end of the trip when the eyed lira stiff and Inflamed from wind and dust there Is nothing Quite so soothing fts Doctor Mitchell's ay flalre. Just ? little particle rubbed along the eyo lashes brings Instant relief. At all drug or general stores or by rasll. Price 25c. Hall ft Ruckel, N. Y. City. God resists the proud.?Bible. *?r IIItADAf III!?Illrhs* I'A PUPIMK Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomach or nervous Troubles. Capudlne wtll relieve you. It's HuiUd?ple?Hont to lake? acts lminsdl ?Mr, Try It. 10c.. Me. and 50c. at drug Food Products Ukml By The Wholm Family You will never be disap pointed II you use lUft/l Pioklmm and O on di nt o n tm on your table* Libby's have the right taste, which is always uniform, and yod can depend upon Libby's as being absolutely pure. Try these: J/tUtmd Ptoktmm Fonoy Oftvom fa/ad Drmmeing Strawberry Prmmmmwm Ourrmrrt Jotiy Kvmpwtrtmd Mttk Libby's foods are the best because they are made from the best fruits and vegeta bles, by the best methods in Ltbby'c Q rmmi GmmmmM Whiim Insist on Libby's, and you can depend upon it that ^yoo will jet food prod uctt which art the ^ mmt tstMacteiy from the ttuul k point of taat? ?nd purity. Greeted by Enthusiastic Thousands at Petersburg and Charlotte Charlotte, N. C? Special?Welcom ed royally as the head- of a united nation with all the honora which a patriotic and public-epiritcd people eoold bestow, and responding in a kindred spirit which inspired him to pledgo his power to tho obliteration of all sectional diffcrcnoes, the Hon. William Howard Taft, President of the .United States of America, was for twelve hours Thursday the wel come guest cf Charlotte and North Carolina. Culminated then tbo eele brsticn in honor of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence with which all the drenching power of a Oulf co^at rain-Storm could but par tially interfere. Never in tho his tory of the City of Charlotte has there previously occurred such a day, marked by such a contest botween the powers of men and those of na ture, a contest which hsd a drawn battle as its final issue, with tho hon ors, sll things considered, well csrned by the plucky celebrants. Beginning hours before dawn, the rain, which was predicted set in with unrclented viclencc, continued until a few minutes before the arrival of tho President's train at 10 o'clock, ceased for more than two entire hours, only to descend again a veri table cloiul-burst just as the rear of the mammoth parade had reached Independence Square, two blocks from the stand whero stood Ameri ca's Chief Executive in review. Its interference with tho occasion ou which it had iu sueh unwclcomed fashion intruded, forced the change of the place fcr the Presidential ad dress from the open air reviewing stand to the Auditorium and the call ing off of the military drills and the baseball game in the afternoon. Unquestionably it deterred untold thousands from leaving their homes in other towns, snd yet special after special rolled in in early morning crowded from front to rear with vis itors who knew that whatever hap pened Charlotte would make good. And she did,, so far ns lay in human power, in the l'ace of a twelve hours' icinfall three time* tho amount of that for the month's preceding 19 days. The lino fiom the Selwyn to the depot wr.s filled with the hosts al most every one of whom saw Presi dent Taft in his open carriage. The Confedeiate and Federal vet erans escorted the President from tho Selwyn to the grand stand, where ho was seated wifli Mrs. Stonewall Jackson on the right, and fiovcrnor Kitchin cn the left. The parade was a pagennt of beauty and suggestiveness ns well ns j an industrial and trade exhibit. It was completed when the torrents of rain broke all into confusion. In spite of the adverse circumstances it was ? day of gl.iry for Mecklenburg and the Old North. State. The President's speech in the Audi torium was ft measure of the breadth of the statesmanship of this great man. The following is a quotation referring to the nomination of Jadge Connor: "The Federal judiciary should be as mueh appreciated in the South as in the North, and if I hare an oppor tunity to make any appointments in the South it will continue to be my chief duty to make such appoint menta as shall appeal to all the poo ge whether they be Republicans or smocrata, and I urge all citizens to accept the appointments made, as men, if they are men, who will carry on their high duties with a single eye to the administration of justice, to accept them and congratulate the people on tboir apointmcnt, and not to make nse of them for any par tisan appeal." Virginia Honors the President. Petersburg, Vs., Special.?Presi dent Toft's visit Wednesday to this battle-scarred Virginia city has been n notable sncccss from the viewpoint of the distinguished guest and of the hnsnitfihlft people who were his hosts. The President has seen at doeo range all sorts and conditions of Virginians, for Petersburg seemed to be the cen tal to which the counties of Southern Virginia had sent tho bulk of their population, there loing, it was esti mated, 25,000 visitors here in the course of the day. The streets were jammed from n-con until lute evening The "oldest inhabitant" even is at a loss to remember when Petersburg has been as crowded as it was Wed resday. It wes a good-natured, eas ily handled crowd and, while it was at no time effusive in its demonstra tion, it gave the President a very friendly reception and lifted hats to him and cheered him as he rode in the parade through its streets. At Fort Mahcne, where the beauti ful monument ercctcd to commemor ate tho heroism of Gen. John Hartranft and the Pennsylvania sol diers of the Third Division of the Nin*h Army Corps was unveiled, the J President made a tactful and impres sivo addrefs. The environment was I inspiring and; although he rend his speech from manuscript, he evidently felt the spell of his surroundings. Mr. To ft vied with the Governor of Pennsylvania and Major Isaac S. Brown, president of the Pennsylvania Battlefield Commission, in paying tribute to the vn!cr of the Confed erate soldier and in recognizing that tho men who were the gray had prov ed themselves, equally with the men who wore the blue, exemplars in the highest degree of American intrepi dity in battle and American devotion to principle. This sentiment evoked an imme diate and hearty response from tho hundreds cf Pennsylvania vetorans and also from Ihe gray-clnd membors of A. P. lliil Camp, of tho Confed erate Veterans, who were massed in of Ihe platform from which Mr. Taft made his Hoe^eli H. H. ROGERS, THE GREAT FINANCIER, DEAD New York, Special.?Henry H. Rogers, sixty-nine years of npe, vice, president of tlio Standard Oil Com pany, moving spirit in the organir.a Hco of the Amalgamated Copper Company, builder of railroads, and philanthropist, died at his home l>ere nt 7:20 o'clock Wednesday morning from a stroke rf apoplexy. Death came ab?nt an hour after Mr. Rogers had risen for lh? day, mentioning to his wife that he was feeling ill. At 7 o'clock he lapssrd into nnfcnsdonsrrsf, and before the family physician arrived, he wns dead. Mrs. Rogers, throo married daughters, a son, II. II. Roger*, Jr., nnt Dr. W, J. Pulley, a physician who \VG? hastily summoned, were at the bujsidc when tbe end came. Ills fortune is variously estimated at from $50,000,000 to $75,000,000, which will his son, II. H. Rogers, Jr., one of the richest wen :n tie country. Mr. Roarers' first wiCe died fourteen years ego, and he is survived, in addit:on to his second wife, by four children, the son men tioned and the following daughters: Mrs. W. E. Benjamin, Mrs. tJrben II. Prougliton and Mrs. William R. Coo. PRESIDENT TAFT ENJOYS HIS TRIP TO TIIE SOUTH Washington, Spcciol. ? President Taft, returning from Chnrlotte, N. C.. readied Wnsliington at 10:40 n. m. Friday. The President found Mrs. Tnft ranch impro^d In health. The President recently was choscn as a cf the Ilainptcn Institute, at Hampton, Va., and had acoepted an invitation lo upeak there on Sunday afternoon. lie stated on tfca train, however, tlmt unless Mrs. Taft was able to mako tbo trip with him. he woulil p~8*i>cne hie visit to tho Vir ginia institution. On account of the bad weather, tho President decided, after reaching tlic White Houne, that it would not bo wis? to undertake the trip at this time and ho telegraphed, cancelling tlo engagement. LAKE MONHONK ARBITRATION CONFERENCE ENDS Mohonk Lake, N. Y., Special? With m imposing army of speakers, fl.o fifth cnnral meeting of the Lake M.??> n ijing with tho now famona interview cf tho Qcrman Emperor. "I believe.,' he said, "that the German Eirperor means well for hie own country and tho world nt large, hnt tliero uttrrnnces caused suspic ion and linvo given riso to discussion Mi the Houso of Commons resulting in the increase in the navy. "Now it is proposed by some that j Mr. Tnft take tlm initiative in saying Komothing to F.uglaud ond Germanv. Put I am not nt nil sure that Mr. Taft world enre to ?ndertaW? that tork. If he docs, may I suggest that l.e turn his attention to Gormnnyt" EIGHT MEN KILLED BY HAIL IN GALVESTON, TEXAS univos'on, Trxns, Special.?An un precedented hailstorm Monday in I'vahlo county cost nt least oiglit 11 vi >*. James Carpenter, 70 years of age. returning to the Southwestern Hand:, where 1 c was employed, sought shel ter in a cattle shed. Hail struok him ou the head and killed him. Seven Mexicans were many miles from shelter, in tho open praino, when the storm canght them. All 'tftrc ftruck (Had. The stones weighed fi nnd 7 pounds rr.d fotr.e of 10 pounds wero found. Thoy n ensured 10 to-17 inehps iu ciietupferrnce nnd they cn:r.o down for 30 u.ipu!is in two tteparate storrrs, about two hours apart. Many poisons who had started out to search for tattle were caught in the second storm nnd injured. Tlvo number of cattle killed will not be known for several days. THE FIREMENS' STRIKE ON GEORGIA ROAD SERIOUS Augusta, Ga., Spccial.?The ' fire men's strike on the Georgia Railroad is becoming very serious. The rail road says it is nuirh moro serioia (ban it won at this time Thursday night. White Fireman filoan was forcibly ejected from the Buekhesd train at Thomson, 40 miles out, Fri day niglit. The pa?r/?ngers and mail lay over till 1 n. m. there and missed all (onncctions. The Pioayune, due here at 8i4fl a. m., ie still tied ?p It Cnunak. Three trains are sidetracked ul Dearinj?. A mixed train, two, through freights and two local froi^lit? nro lied tip at Union Point. United States postal inspector* have reached tbcro to protect the mails. One through fneprht is tied up at Thomron. At Thomson Friday an anjprjr crowd jerked the nrmed fcu*rd from an engine, beat him and order ed him v*fk to Augusta. There is no train mox4n# on the Athens kraaih, few IB NEWS M MR OUMHMirMiMY l? MT Abroad. ftjSWSSfSJiJZS} WW by being in their line of d? ?MBl. Foylenrill?, Mich., was visited by * *?roado last Saturday that damag cd 250 house, to the extent of $40. WO. families are hdme The State of Pennsylvania hft ap propriated $2,00t for the education ff *?$ -diu?b w*d pUnd Katbaryn May Fncb. nine ye*rs <*ld, who shows m*n"' ?* the chartcteristies of Helen . Postal difficulties in Paris are believed to be ovet the strike hav ing failed and the men having large ly returned to their places. * Rogers, who recently fiinisb j , lrfi,uan Railway as an in dividual enterprise at a coat of $40 Wectoesda1 *** h?m? in New York The Alfalfa Club, at tho Cr^gh ton University, Omaha. Neb., will tr* to demonstrate that alfalfa Is a hu ?an food and that a man may sub sist cn its hay. Dr. J. H. Daugherty, a physician for the insane at Elgin, HI., has hhn seir became insane through sympa tbetic suggestiveness. The great event at Petersburg, Va.. in which tho Pennsylvanians unveil ed a monument to Gen. Hartranft was pulled off without break or jar ond Was exceedingly satisfactory. Charlotte 1i great 20th of May cel ebration was badly marred by down pour of rain for most of the day. TT?P0,\iA- 8. Lovenheart, of the University of Wiscontpn it is believ ed, has found an antitozine for teta nus germs. The tfotton compress at Fort Smith, Arlt., was consumed cy fire Monday together with 6,000 bales cf cotton. Flames broke out at many places simultaneously, indicating incendi arism. ? The loss was sbout $300,000, covered by insurance. Tracy & Co., of New York, went into tbe hand o.f a receiver, the assets supposed to bo half a million and liabilities a million. Three thousand gallons of water from Jordan river, was poured into the sewer in New York recently be cause no one attached any impor tance to it?a financial failure. A distinct earthquake was felt in northern Montana Saturday night. A wall of one house fell. Piof. David N. Todd, of Boston, has a schcme to go up ten miles high in a balkron and from there to talk to tho people in Mars, by wireless telegraphy. He thinks they know about it. ^le?XL8 ^oudont, in an accident in an Alabama mine last week, got his back broken. He was informed that death ere long would ensue. An over weaning desire to see his parenta be fore death led him to attempt to ro turn to Moscow, Russia, and lie is now on tho briny deep making ths race with death. Washington Affairs. Tre Senate Monday confirmed the President's nomination of Oscar 8. .uJLt0 be embassador to Turkey and Wm,, W. Rockhill to be ambss* sador to Russia. Tho Washington, Baltimore and Annapolis Electric Cotopanv ordered smaller cars, and it is said the an nual saving will be $150,000 through the u?o of direct-current motors. President Taft has returned from tho Petersburg and Cbarlolte func tions. He is none the wort/? of the trip, notwithstanding ths deluge in Charlotto, * President Taft wrote a letter to Governor Stnbbs, of Kansas, revok ?ng tho appointment of Robert Stone and resenting tlo attempt to drag him into a factional fight. Toipedo boats aro to be given a test m tht battleship maneuvers thii ?umme?, * TJl? fninboat Marietta was ordered to Bluenelds, Nicaragua last Sstur day, whero laborers are rioting and destroying property on banana plan tations. ? Foreign News Notes. Two thousand men are on the way to reinforce the Russian troops in Peisia. Home papers regard the exchange of nx;?sageft between the Kaiser. Francis Joseph and Victor Emmanuel as insuring tho continuance of the triple alliance. Krapcror WiJIinm is to p.pend sev* cral weeks in England next fall. Though reported to be resting at the Ju Ja ranch, ex-President Hoose vclt engaged in writing an account of his adventure. The trophies of Mr. Rooscvtlt' and tho job for the taxadermist a tioaach too* and laaoat fTWfttlac tl*t < poothca aoFa aad t k(Tt ban luptlnd i dnfi W* caanot pMNH Who Nfw * r ?ymptooM t* I ittw ?tln|. W+Bf o7 tfca toouicfi. Heart CwMtlptUoa, pttollw of ttaa and all affac lndl**atl dlMt?fa|?4 and deep rt caused by Indigestion. WW* ? ? waw av uyvia w auwp?v Ma to eaat aaMa all other medicine and fir* tbta raatdr a trial. It It falls la pa aatlafaetloa I will rofuud /oar mo Say. II UK VON. roc aala by all 4nntati> Prtct, Co. Good ntffi sweetens the blood. Weetoa, Ocean-to-Oce?n Walker, Wi rscsntly: "When you M down and pat, In! ?b?t is no us* living, just take jy W thoughts with jrou and wslk tbera of. Befora you have walked a milt thing* will look rosier. Just try it." Have you noticed tha increase in walking of late in every community? Many attribute it to the comfort which Allen's Foot-Kase. the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the ?hoes, gives to the millions now using it. Aa Weston baa said, "It has real merit." It cures tired, aching feet while you walk. 30,000 testimonials. Order a 25c. package to-day of any Druggist and be readv to I'or gst you have feet. A trial packagc of Al len's Foot-Ease eent Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lc Roy, N. Y. An art requires a whole man. There is no need to Buffer with soreness and stiffness of joints and mupclee. A little Hamlins Wizard OQ rubbed in will limber them up immediately. They always talk who never think. Tetterine Curei Piles. "One application of Tetterine cured me of a case of itching piles I had for Ave years." Baynard Benton. WaUorboro. 8. C. Tetterine curee Kcaema, Tatter. Ring Worm. Ground Itch. Itchlhg Pllaa, In fant'a Sore Head. Mtriples, rolls, Hough Scaly Patches on the Face. Old Itching Beres. Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. JSun lons. Corns. Chilblains and every form of Rkln Disease. Tetterine ftOcs Tetterine Soap 25c. Tour druggist. or by mall from the manufacturer, The Shuptrlne Co. Savannah, Qa. If the government could only tax the peanut politicians in various methods as it laxes the business man's industry Ihere would be no more bond issues. Stats of Ohio, City ov Iolkdo, Lucas Countt, FCAXK J. CnJCSET oath that he la senior partner of the tirm of F. J.Chexey ft Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that aaid firm will pay the sum of ONE ucsnrsr) not. LABS for each and every of CATATtnu that cannot be cured by the use of llALT.'f Catarrh Cube. 1 got here, he found that the importation of yoaia from Turkey, Greece or France, ii forbidden, and while Maffeta wai admitted, Billy wag kept out. Maffeta protested to no avail. The deportatien of his trifv-dal pet, he was convinced, was a retaliation by the Government, for tho Turkish at tacks upon American missionaries. Anyhow, if it was the law, it was a hard law, and ought net to be en forced against cripples. So. 22-'09. Don't skimp on wages. When a clerk doervei a raise, see that he get* it without having to demand it at the point of a threat to leave you, Bt ai good to your clerks a* you want tnem to bo to you, THINK HARD It Pifi to Think About Food. The unthinking life some people lead ofton causes trouble and sick ness, Illustrated In tho experience df a lady In Fond Du Lao, Wis. "About four years ago I suffered dreadfully from Indigestion, always having eaten whatever I liked, not thinking of the digestible qualities. This Indigestion caused palpitation of the heart so badly I could not walk up a flight of stairs without sitting down once or twlco to regain breath and strength. "1 becamo alarmed and tried diet ing, wore my clothes very loose, and many otner remedies. but found no rellaf. "Hearing of the virtues of Orapo Nute and Postnm, 1 commenced using them In place of my usual breakfast of coffee, takes, or hot biscuit, and In one week's time I was relieved of tour stomach and other Ills attending Indigestion. In a month's time my htart was performing its functions naturally, end I could climb stairs and hill* and walk long distances. M! gained ten pounds In this short time, mid my skin became clear and I completely Regained my health and strength. I continued to use Orape Nuts and Postum, for I feel that I owe my good health entirely to their use. "There's a Reason." "I like the dollcleus flavor of Orape-Nutg, i^nd by making Postnm aoeordiQji to directions It tastes aim* lar to mild high grade coffee." Read "The Road to W*!S tills," I pkgs. Kvsr read the above letter? itctv Me appears from time to tint iMjr are tfirnaine, truo, and foil ? haSU*1 * Woman's Friend al| wom?9 suiter at t#me$ fron* female ajhnfeBtK Borne wp&cp puffer mo^ acutely end mote constantly than opera. Bui whether you have tittle pain or wfcetntr you suffer intensely, you should take Wine of CarcujL and Ret relief. Cardui is a safe,, natural medicine, for women, prepared scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the female organs and gives strength and tone to the whole system. TAKE en The Wcnjasa's Tonic . "! Mrs. Vcrna Wqjlace, of Sanger, Tex., tried Cardui. She writes: "Cardui baa done more for mo than 1 can describe. Last spring I was taken with female inflammation axi l consulted a doctor, but to no avail, so I took Cardui, and inside cf three days, I was able to do my housework. Since then my trouble has never returned." Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES L THE "HOB" MANSFOLDER The Beit and Cheapest .V.?i.]f0:( Manifolding Device. Special Discounts to Customers Secured through the medium of this Advertisement Send (or Descriptive Reading Matter. Salesmen write us. Ad.ltes* Dept. "D" HUB AUTOGRAPHIC REGISTER CO., 14-18 Binford St., Boston, Mass. Troubles spring from idleness and grievous toils from useless care. Bonpth on Rata, uulKNitahle exterminator. Rough on Hen Lice. Nest Powder, 25c. Rongh on Be tbugs, Powder or Liq'd, 853?* Rough on Flon-s Pow.ler or Liquid, '16c. Ron ;h on RoiicHha, Pow'd, I V.,Liq'd, 25c. Roti};h on Moth and Ai>t\ Powder, 35j. Rough on Skeetera, ngreeable in uv\ 23c. 1?. 8. Well.*, ChoyiiKt, Jersey City, N. J. When iiat>?rienred Piiymciana. Con forms to Pure 1-ood nnest remrdx? reltrves the a< hlng and feveri.slinrss?curoe the Cold and restore* not mal comliUona. It's ltauld-effects immediately. 10c.. 26c. and lie.. atdruff k tor re. You Need a Tonic if ycu feel languid and depressed all the time. The best thing to help nature build up the system is DR.D.JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE This great tonic is not a falsa stim slant m many of the co-called "spring tonics." It is a natural strength giver. For all run-down conditions Of the health it is an invaluable rem edy; imparts new life and vigor and builds up tbe entire system. 5o/ tti<1 . K'gtilftt )t?Vi 10 Itttnr* !? faith. Too liAl* IA (|T? I htm OMtnr Oil. I?? ? tho b#0l rHhartir, Lot nAilf. Tli??1ot? PALATAL CAtTon OIL t, ?M(1 KIN ll_? Hf Hi l)H"rtOf?T? ? 1 M 4 I L mm A SOUTH CMOtW* MCNTS HUMAY DIIUO CO.. UlUHMIA. S. C. ITCH CURED By On* Application in 30 Nlftul-i. DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH i,,..? teed toeure any oaao of Itch In half hour if uard ?ccoi'dlny to directions. f-how th1* ?o per ?ohh having Itch. If your nof li?? Scratches or Man#* I'avld's Ranatlve Wash will run* him atoix'O. FliCV Wo ft BottlA. It cannot h? mailed. PoilTCred at your nearest e*pr?an oJlce fro* upon race I Lit of 75 cents. Owtit A Mli?r Dri| f*.. XUkMsnd. 1'a. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, 6A. OLD NORTH STATE OINTMENT Wl!! our* jrour I'll##. Ersrmt. Kr/tlp rlat. ('?rbynclts. llulU. for* t v?. Ulc*r? on ll??t, rolfi?. Kbfunutliin ?? ?<*1 Ai-prndl- uu. Corn*, Ronton* ind Inarrow iMfMl*, R. C. ... Restore* Gray Hair to Natural Oolovr RCMOVII OANOMWrr ARB CCWRF loTtgnratc* mid prrvenU the Imir from falling off. r?r III* k| OrauItU, or t*rl Dln*. Hon* konij I>ruA Co. J?pai?, mniy?, I.ttf-. Toklu. Rnnii. Forrtln, to. Afrlcw, I>nnnn. Ltd.. <"?[* Town. cw,: VM, PoitoT Drue A chriw Corp . sole Props., r.o*ton. k Itonklrt ou ttio Kklu Krro. f.'iillv-ur* Has Your Do?5 Distemper?] A twff in4 BOtitivt rurt tcf tbtf dh ?999 " ot cam's ttsToru *? emu CtftC. Rwnovii *11 tymriwir) (V? it friftta tt?d pr rriuiv.if <>t ? fvfffc f?. ?J#f. Af i'r??4:?t'?, Of. wod fo ??? fr* it SOc IfHl $1 Sr ryri fi,f r,yf ffff (yy^, Kl, "Or ( J all'9 Advice WELLS MEDlCiNE CO. Uftfellc, lr^.?n? TOILET ANTiSEim NOTHING LIKE IT FOR j ?tfUr TCCT|i tsc*!s ory dentilrka ? Ht I IJiRt 111 m cleansing, whitening nod removing tartar from thn teeth, bc?ide? detUoylnfl all germt of demy ond diicase which ordinary* tootn pteparations cannot do. TUF MftllTU turd an a moutli ? ??w " w U I il w??h ditinfr-ct* the mouth and throat, purifier the breath, and kill* the gerina which collect in the mouth, causing lore throat, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much tickneta. TUP fYPC when inflamed, tired, arh? I "1 E> I tO and burn, may be iiutantl| relieved and itreogthened by Pa*tin?. OATAGDU Pattine will deitrov the ger wA I Alton that cnuic catarrh, ncal the flammation i>nd *top (he diacharge. It i* a ?i remedy for uterine catarrh. Putin e i? a harrr.I'M yel powerful t?rinic'.(lf;,di;.!nfcc1ant and deodorirer. 'id in ha'King it destroy* odor* ami Wavrs tSo body antu?t>licaily clcan. ron BALI AT DRUG *TORC?,BOc. on POSTPAID BY MAIL. URGE SAMPLE FREE! frm? xyrrftw rowr oo.. boston. mam,