local Abetter. Fine caiiUe horse to rent apply at this office. . For Sale, I offer far sale two thoroughly trained Bird Do^t, both eligible to regtiter. For prices and fall particulars, apply to. Ear le Tr uesdell. , i s n Logoff, 8.C. Peatk. Mrs. Mary Lyles departed this life oa Dee: 27th. She has been a resident of otfr city during the greater portion of her life. She leaves one son, two daughters and several grand children. Onrsympathy goes out to the be reaved Bcllfccw Note*. There will be preaching at 4 the Methodist Church next Sun day morning by the new pastor Rev. C. C. Herbert. We are glad to learn through columns of a contemporary that * our Presbiterian brethern and sisters will soon have a new pas tor. Rev. J. M McConnell, to whom a call was recently given, has accepted the same land will soon take charge of the pastorate heae. Mr. Reeves of Tennessee who was recently called to the pas torate of the Camden Baptist Church, has declined the call. We want a preacher at this Charch badly as we are ot the Baptist persuasion ourselves. ' If this meets the eye ot any subscriber in asyone of the twenty three States Into which we go, knows of a preacher who can prea$h the Gospel, and might accept a rather comfortable job, please send us his address. Witty, the Baptist pulpit sup plied and Bro. Herbert occupy ing tlie,>Methoist, Bro. McCon nell the Presbiterian, and Bro. Gordon the Episcopal pulpits, Camden may again lay claim to being a religeous oomm unity. v ' iHfHl mBmI mt ttw at*. Ml mI niwliiM %o Ik* a??. Mt mattjr Mi Krtr ?nii SNulaf Mw mMm ijiUa, 0?p*l rttli, ?an b*M*afc*. torar, haUtwl eMaUpMlii SMUHMma PImm kojr ww a b*x ?( C. C. O: t?ev; II, S. u e?t4 IfoWlMd t WMiiirtiaawlraUdi ?uve Ookl In M Mr, HawI Jujmi ?ii will ?rs also with Mr. <>felso*. lit*. Jones vru formerly lite Pearl Nelson. . - Mrs. Witherspoon, of Sumter, accompanied her . friend Mrs. Jones Id spend Christmas with ?as. We hope she epjoyed -her visit. s* ? ? Mrs. A. 8. WlHte is, we are glad to learn, rapidly recov ering from her recent injury. Christmas without "Cash** Nelson in the city would be like a wagon wheel without, a hub, so be is here. Mr. Charlie Jones, from near Savannah, is spending the holi days with Mr. C. Nelson and family, on DeKalb Street. ? Mr. Harry Schlosberg is spending a few days atTimmons ville. On business of course. Harry is nothing if not a hustler. ?Mrs. Henrietta ers, who is now living In Columbia, has been quite ill, but. we are glad to report that she is much better. * Mr. T. J. Dabney, of Lancas ter is spending the week with his brother, Mr. GL W. Dabney and friends, We were glad to meet him again. Mr. Hough, of is spending the week with the family of his father, Mr. W. 0. Hough, on DeKalb Street. Mr. Hough Is accompanied by his family. Mr. O. F.York, who is employed by the Southern Railway, has been transferred from this to the Danville division. Wo regret to lose him. ? Mr. John McDowell, who represents the mercantile agency of R. G. Dunn & Co., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. -McDowell on DeKalb Street. . Mr. J. E. Baggott, of Orlando, Fla., remembered the editor by sending a dozen tine oranges from the. "Flowery Kingdom." Thanks, Brother Baggott, may you live long and prosper. Mr. A. C. Somers, our popular harness maker, is spending the holidays with his family at Wadesboro, N. C. We wish him a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. He will return to us about Junuary 1st. } ? Mr. H. L. Led ford of Sum ter. a son-in-law of Mr. B. F. Haile is taking Christmas with Mr. Halle's family. Mr. Led ford is one of our subscribers and has his life insured for the unexpired ierm of one year. ? Mr. F. B. Mttthta, -qpw of Greenville, is witn us for |? dfy or ?a We wnp thid toiQfriwp bis band ajrai n ana to wis^ him a "Happy New Tdar". > . ?General H. J; Muuif, of De Kalb, visited us again last week. We are beginning to tliidk that tbe General lias some kind of intentions in this section. . * i ? Mr. Aleoh Young, a highly respected uncie-ut- law/of ours from Fort Mill sperii a day in the city on Tuesday. Glad to have had you with us? Uncle Alech. ? Mr. Johp M. Beard of tbe Messenger force, and one of the finest young men of Camden, is spending a pact of the holidays With relatives at Sutfolk' Va. ? Messenger. ? Our old friend, Mr. Jas. T. Isbell of Meridian, Miss, is with us. We have not seen him yet, but feel assured that Jim will not leave God's country without paying a visit to The People and its editor. ? Mr. J. H. Creigliton of Char lotte,* was in the city on Tues day. He was a member of our father's old company during the war for Sitate's Rights, loved him dearly, and gave us a Bear hug on meeting. Mr. C. had not been here for thirty yeafs. We nre always glad to meet an old Vet. and especially delighted to meet any one eff the few remain ing members of Company D, 15th Reg't S. C. V. Mr. J. J. Young, a brother of our kinsman, W. Young, of the S. A. L., is with us this week after an absence of several years. He called at our office on Monday and had his life insured for one year. Congratulations. Mr./Young, We can now confi dently expect to see you again next Christmas. No one has ub solute guarantee of ltfe for an other year except those with a paid subscription toThe*Ppople. Mr.' Young's address. isr6ummft, Ga. . * 'v / / ' * ?[ t JHlMfeaTblMl for WmK Pale Coliiinbin.H.iu! November 2. 100.1 Dear Mir*: I lii^ve - been ^ giving Dr. James 4 Iron Blood aodAlavrrTTvnic to my 1 1 til* daughter. SlMvfrafepaJe.and weak, ami hud no nu|*?tite, sMie^/m* been benefited by your tonic.' a jfVeat (leal, and ih much stronger, eats we|l\ and look* healthier. I cheerfully re commend Iron lilood and Liver Tonic as a splendid medicine. Yours respectfully, J. J. PaMIK'OCK. No. Itt 8. Sumter St. For sale by Cuiuden I>rug Co. BRrE.j?I iTPES. , ' i?? ? Tliat CbnsUMi Turkey." How good it tasted, but Ou! my. ? Tlukt JTurJker #dn't oome from Dekalty^tthef^ ?Don't fall to rsfcd our edi torial addressed to oar subscrib er?. ? Oar merchants are, or sboald be happy. Their trade was never better despite the low price of cotton. ? The pistol and the cannon crackers were tabood on Christ mas, but what aboat ttiat super lative abomination, the shooting Stick? -^Bee the extraordinary an n0.uncment in Nathan Levy's big ad. These usportomties to se cure real bargains In clothing, and Gent's fur nlshinas are not often presented at this season of the year. ? We are requested to an nounce that religeous services will be held an the second Sat urday and Sunday nights in Jan uary at the home of Mr. James Bran ham near Cantey, S. C. by Kev, D. C. Jenkins, ? The ieputation of Nathan Levy, The Clothier as a man good for his promises in estab lished. If ho says twenty per dent off in prices, for thirty days, he means what he says and that settles it. Read his ad. ? Nathan Levy, The Clothier leaves us next week far New York to purdbase what he calls 4 'the swellest'* line of Spring clothing and tnrnUhings for geuts that has ever been seen in the city. His bis ad. in this is sue explains itself. Read and profit by it. The Best All- Around Tonic ? Can't be Bent. ' Columbia, 8. C.? November 2H. luntt. Gentlemen: I liave taken one. but tie of Iron B'ood and Liver Tonic, and 1 have just bought the second hottU*. ft has done me a great deal of good ; I am stronger and feel better in every way* my appetite in tptotf, and I digest my food. As an' all-round tome l?r. .tallies' Irop Blood end Liver Tome can't be beat. Your*. ' W B/Tavi.or, Columbia. S. C. ? For sale by the Camden Orug Co. __V- -Tt Yo tin it bE^o^ w*?teh! u225w * UWI10 klas. or a Scholarship i-. f-v ' g _ Drtutbon'* Practical Uukine*> HPOnle College, Nashville. Tenn.. ot .* TtorUnt, Tex., or a achol t.ahipfn moat any other rtjwttble buiiunifil ten or literary acaool La the U. S. can be secured djr 4o4nga lUUe work at boat for the Youths' tdvooate, aa illoat rated Mmkmouthly Journal. It la elevating in character. Moral in toue, aud MHtWIj fiUrtalnt and profitable to youaf pwople, bat reed .with 1 at ej-est and profit by peo pt* of all a (ML SmwIh ahd other interesting ?Utter well Illuatra t rd. a?iap!e copies sent free. \ gents wanted. AddreftaYouthn' Advocate Pub >Q-. HaabvUtew Tens. fMeniiuu this paper CABBAGE PLANTS : FUR SALE. Cabbage plants $1.50 per 1000. I am uov pr?))ared to lill any aod all orders with the best va rieties of cubbutfe plants. Orders tilled for un\ urn >unt. Aduress W. P. Carr, Meggetts S. C. ?Cereals, eed Trade-Marfca obtained eed all Pat rantbumiaaja conducted lor RROHMTI fin. ?Own Oniei ?? OpM?itv V, 8. patcwt Orrtet ?etvicuMcvd Mttr Via time than leuae immm litMa ? Saed Model, vbotQw, erltk deaerip 'tloe. Ve a "mt, if pa> ,..taUa or M, Irea of [charge. Oar .? inotdue* - pataat (aeecarrd. t a PtaMUT. " How >u Obtain PaUu'j," with ?caat efaaeMta (be U. S. _-d funic* caeetetae [aaet kn. AJdreaa, [C.A.SNOW&CO. [ Ow. >ntwT Orrtcc. w?bh iwqtow. d. C. BEAD THIS It*M an Artvertlnciiieiit ot IlirOldest Drug Business lu thin Purt of the State : o Most eevrybody in the coun ty knows our store and its high Character for IU liability. That's the ?nd we have worked for. Pre scriptions are entrusted to us in such great numbers, no doubt, because of the character which our store enjoys among the Doctors and the public. If you have been bringing' us your pre scriptions we thank you, and feel sure that you are pleas ed with our promptness and satisfied that our charges ? have been reasonably low. If you are among those who have not made our store their drug store, we ante -you to call on us and do business with us during the coming year. Weareollnr Spent Witli Us, Wc Give You a Cliance at tlic NKW Hl'GliV to Itv Given Away oa Xmat* Kve at It O'clock NAMES OF PERSON'S (J I VEX THE $5.00. Aiicr. 2fl ? Mrn MoflTett, S. C fo.OO Sept. 2 ? W. A. Cropland. Camden, S. O 5.JIO Sept. 10 ? Stephen Williams (colored), lioykiu, S. l SHOES AUK BUTTKH. kes i?K( rr fl'IJ.y y orns. The Famous Gilt Edge Store 1\T. VILLKPIOUK, PHOPUIKTOK. NATHAN LEVY, the Clothier Uegius PVondiy (Doming, Jiimry tbe 2, 1905 * ' w Prices on Entire Stock Reduced Twenty Per Cent. (202) FOR 30 DAYS. One Price to All. All (ioods Marked in Plain Figures. TAKE PROMPT ADVANTAGE 0F THIS 0FFER ROOM MUST BE MADE FOR OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS THAT WE ARE EXPECTING TO ARRIVE AT AN EARLY DATE. # * / NATHAN LEVY, The Clothier. O'tir for TV axle, Mr. I>. F. l>IXON, Wtill Ho1<1m tine Port "'Witli Us.