rbc people \ A SCHROOC, publisher. U8B1D EVERY THURSDAY ??? ' "i : UttCUPTIOl, $1.90 per iron. W 1 : * " . CmMcb, 8. C\P?C. 22. 1004. f* , CHRISTMAS. Jt -Next Sunday will mark the fr. 1904th a&utversary of the salvia g tloo of* a tying world from eter P jial condemnation. On that day, L 1904 years ago the Father pf the jTtJni verse sent in His juprcy, his ^jraly begotten Son, to be a J&ond and a pledge for all of creation of everlasting ]>eace r and happiness who ac jeepted the (passage brought by ; him. In ?))0 delivery of tliatines ?age throughout thirty-three t years o t endless pain and suffer ? I ^ng He expiated upon the cross, at last all previous delinquincies ^gainst Divine law by siuful man. f. At thp same time, he Jpft us til* sweet assuranpp future ^Uss in that hougp not mude with h#nds; eferiwl in the l^eavens. Many haVe accepted the mes sage and are now eu joying the 'pleasure* of life eternal beyond ^the space dividing tliu Iloavcns /dd ? the earth. Others, and they are mauy, ljftye rejected ^he promise, undarpt.ow, where? On thj$ rapidly approaching ?birth day q[ JJieBube of. ftethk, Jiem, let Jpin in thanks to and |>raise of an All-merciful Provb Jience, ^nd in decorousnesp respect the day. Let no drunken Jorgie cause a single pang of ^nguish to the heart of the Great peing who, made for us such i\ Pat sacrifice. Itfjoice always, be temperate in all tilings, _?b us taming His favor, and paving reflected ui>oi) you, tlie jfclory of His couqj.^ance. /THE CaTY pfJAUTIFUL. ? What infjueuces acting in jeoQjuo^t49u, all fjperatiug along ( ParaJlaJ lines, ancl all tending wards a common goal inalces ..tfACity beautiful!" .JThiscjuery to our minds admits of answer that may be ex pressed 111 a very few words. ? Tirst of all, the council in power j Ifnust be thoroughly imbued with l^he idei} that the city over which ^Ihey ^q-vp jurisdiction muxt be ,/pade beauiful. S^con|i---fJ?bey floust realize that toq^lfe their ci(y beautiful they }>nust ejpipjoy competent assist ants and road engineers to con-, duct tjie woyjc necessary to put" ..the st^ee^s pf their city in con jUi tion f4i ijftvo the outsider ex cJaifl pr, seeing thor)), pass % pvev them and traver sing tjieir sidewalks, "this is a ^?ity Beautiful." This 15 not all /There are in every city numerous ?rks, boulevards anfl- ptherl lices of public resprt vvhich to| made pyqpor, refres}iiijg and I ^lealthful places #;f amusement, ynust Ijp 17/ado beautiful, Thifyi. ? r|l)e cpjj] 111 unity over which any city pouncil is in con- 1 ^rol must be in accord with their I jcouncil in their efforts tq make J 'the city beautiful,*' ro^rdless j jit cost. All {.h p%g whf) hjiyp rend the fibove remarks wjjl understand "j-hat they strike directly at the jpity qf Camtlen, 8. C. We love pur city, was born hnre, j^jjd are sleeping every rpght in t!?p room '^n wl^ch we were born tjeurly forty-four years agq, itgqes ^jtrictly against the gri^in that because of timorousness in some quarters, |^n<) lack qf executive | ^abijity in others, our already, p r nqw beautiful city is ul lowed to'gro\y }nto Oisrepute. As yve don't care to bo mis. ^understood in any instance, we will explain Jtlie I)Wfpf1)n? sent ence by saying that in mention ing tfie word "timorousness" wo meaut that every council with ^whiCji jvp Iwvp b?pn connected, and evq'ry one within our mem ory nj^s bpen fjfrwd to make the Requisite tax ley^r becap.se of the usuul fact that the public would pot sustain the|r action. In oar mentiop of lapir of ex ecutive ability we wanted to emphasise our opinion that onr cohhcil )Joes ijot employ the men bei?< fitted tonuperyise the street work for a ctyr of such magnifi ewt distances us the cit j o^Oam den. These remarks ?re made in *> spint of nnkindness toward those m charge of street work, but ti is natural that a trained J*** will do better work of any I kind tfrsu tit fMBftteur. Think over tbis? friend*. . Wpi may hmve eouething further to s?y later. OPR WASHINGTON USTflElt. jJ*P* cUlq| to l)?Te 90 per cent of Port Arthur, but the minority stockholders seem to still be in Control. } Qltf Dr. Dowie is paying his debts, . determined, apparently, to maintain his reputation for juniqueness. In insisting that the present Congess must be economical, ftpeakerCannon doubtless under stands how difficult it is to break ft precegpnt. ?! Women would be better off if they never wore huts'*, says Mrs. | Walls of Connecticut. So would their husbands. Ten men are in jail on apharge of dynamiting* a bank at Mount Airy, M(l., in the old fashioned way, instead of looting it with bogus notes. "What a fool I was. What a fool I whs. "says Presidont Beck with of the* Oberlin bank after his second look at tho Chad wick notes. Was? The Director of the tyint says that aboqt one-half ot the ?5, 600,000,000 of the world's gold supply is "visible. Our eyesight is certaiuly very poor. >lrs.Snell-Coffin-LoytoU'Snell Hayden, of Chicago, is going to ge married again. That wo man is apparently bidding lor a S La tup in the War College. Air. Carnegie denies that he hires a literary man to edit his books and magazine articles. Jt is also understood that ho edits his promissory notes and other negotiable papers. It is going to be a little awk ward for a time for the Mis sourians to forget the exposi tion and the Republican land slide, anfl turn theix attention ngaiq to raising rpulps ppd lien Davi$ apples. Soclcty NotCR. On account of the unusual icy blasts whirl) visited us Inst week, the meet-' ing of the Acorn Club, which was to have taken place on last Thursday at tne home of Miss Dens Hoykin below Camden, at high noon, was postponed until after Christmas. The members of the Five Hundred Cluji> Were most hospitably entertained on jyesdn.v from 12 to H p. pr?., at Mill bank, the home of tin. John Hoykin, who was assisted by Mrs. Jiobert John* hod. ; ^lii uwasnally lai'ge number 'or members were present, the players be ing augmented by several guests of honor. Decorations appropriate to the sepson were effectively used in the large rooms where the guests assem bled. After several games had been pluyi-d, palatable and plentiful refresh ments were deftly served by Misses Frances Hoykin and Mary and Johnson. After the prnt^n were awarded, the gueste bade good-bye to their hostess, and frojn the* happy medley of voices it Was evident that perfect good will, if not peace, had reigpcd supreme. Tlftt ?tudi uts from the dillVreut col leges will return home for the Christ mas holidays, atnoiig them Misses Margaret Kldredge, Miry Villepigue and Kmily Carrisou who will be ac coiupanied by friends from Charleston, 'and Miss Marie Zemp, and Messrs. II. O. Kennedy, A. P. DuHose, K. (>. Mr Creluht, Jr., |). II. Kauin, L, II. Dens. Mr. Tom Davis, of Atlanta, is being welcomed to Camden, by many frieuils and is the gueslof Mrs. I'- T. Villepigue. Mies Dean Lang will return home from her visit to Charleston on i>?*xt Wednesday. After Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Helton p'Neil Hoy k m will leave Charleston for Camden, which they will iniike their home. After nearly two weeks of judgeship over the special term of court, Mr. ? McCulioiigh of the Greenville bar, left Camden last Saturday. While here, all ilione who had the opportuni ty of 'Miming hi contact with him in n business or social way were charmed with hi* personality. At the last meeting of the Historical Association, it was decided to hold a loan exhibit of all relics that could be collected in the community in the near future, the proceeds of which will be used in the interests of the assor elation. Mrs. Aleck Ileyward. of Colpn^bia, is visiting her parents, Mr, apd Mrs. C, .1. Shannon on Ilaile {St. Mr. Andrew Hetliea is spending the holidays at his home in pillon near Orrllugton. The Befit Medicine I Have Ever Colnbia, 8. <\, November 1$, IPOa. Uentlemen: I have suffered a long Mine from chronic liver complaint, and find that J>r . .lames' Iron Blood and Liver Tonic gave me more relief thru anything T have ever used. J recom mend It to all who suffer from consti pation. yours truly, ,T, 8. SnmiiM), For sale by the Cemden I>rug Co. NOTICE. The book* of notwcrlptlon to thn 7tli ??*nrw of ill* Knterprim* mid !#o?n ^*ftorint|on i grr m?w open at- the office of the Becretnry nnd Treasurer. A. P. Kennedy, l'ref* W. R. Hoti^h. rtrr. nnd Trcni, pec, ?, 100^. W. R. PIIMCKIVEV, ? NOTARY PUBLIC. &.4 VQTARIAI. OOtTir^VTE WITH 8EAI* O filer on Law Rixai.one door abqtk |]|Omtkatb'* arrics. . v Pi - WO yartotlM, U. 8^ ^L3.mDS MnMMI' uh,,,? ??* V^lUlIipj u Uh? awl rnuy otlirm, together with hinges for moon ting lit nlbum, only It*. Agents wanted, 00% oummliilon, W. A. )} ROCK, Jr.. C?md?*n. B. C Tax Returns. Offlw County Auditor. Kershaw County. Camden, S. 0., l>ec. 8. '01 Notice is hcrfby ciyrn that the Au* ditor's offlce for receiving State and County uix returns will be open from Jannury 1st, 1W05. to February 20tli, KKV). | ( Sundays excepted.) Tin* dates oF tiie oppointlnents at which time the Auditor or n:s duputy will visit the usual places in the coun ty for receiving returns are given be low : Ik't Imi no, January 0. ? J RifieyCs Mill, January ?. Kirkley's Store, January 7. Kcrsliaw, January 9. Wedville, January 10. Liberty llill, January 11. Russell Place, January 12. Ration's X ltoadsr January 13. K'anej , January 17 IMPORTANT, It is important that tax payers in making their return*, he careful to state their school district ? whether new or old*? in which they reside ut the time of making returns. Also to state if it is the same district as when last returns was made. WIIO SHOULD MAKK RETURNS. The law requires that all persons owning property or in auywite having charge of suoli property either as agent, husband, guardian, trustee, vj ecutor, administrator, return the same under oath to the Auditor, who requests all persons to be prompt in making their returns and save the HO Do.r cent, penalty, which will b? added to the property valuation of all per sons wlix fail to make returns within the time prescribed by law. II()\V AND WHAT.TO RETURN. All personal and real property own ed- on the 1st day of January, 11)05. must be returned lor taxitioii, and all changes or tr:vn?fe|> of real estate not ed. All new bMilding* should he return ed as "Real Property" acquired since last return. INCOME TA \. Under t lie recent Act of tin* Leisls t ii r?* nil persons having a gross income commission* charged. L. A. Wittkowsky, ( 'amdeii, S. C. or C. I.. Winkler, 16 ltroadway. New York. Notice To Contractors' South Carolina, Kershaw County. Notice is hereby given that the coun ty Commifisioners of Kershaw County will let to tin* Ijwest responsible bidder a contract for the construction of a Court House for tmnl County, at Cum den. S.C. Itids will be received to I)ec. 17, 1 flf> I, at 12 o'clock. All bills will be received and the right is reserved to reject any ami all bid-. .1. M. Sow el I, County Supervisor Caipden, S. C. Just a word to Farmers Tlio Union Warehouse Co, of Colombia, S. C. is prepared to STOUIC COTTON IN Standard warehouses and to arrange Puopkr Cash Advances if you desire to hold your cotton. Details will he gladly sup plied if }*ou address The Union Warehouse Co. ? Columbia, F. C. ? "if I v;# T7V > , 4 *' CI *> ?oss Goods arc arriving daily. . ^*M?t weaves and colorings * -VI? \V? U v^. A^ovt i ' ' ' * "? r new Fal Silks and Dress uoo,. liotli plain and fancy effect u " +>?e latest approved fashions. Fatl Trimmings. Our stock is oomplete. Jots, Sf.panijlos, Slllc Appliques in Whity and beautiful Persian effects. Silk and Mohair braids, ? - 1 Dress Making Department. Miss E. Row en bus charge of oil r> Dross Making Depart ment. Those desiriug: uew Fall costumes. should not delay placing orders and en.ira^inir tune. It is hardly necessary to couimeut on the ability of our Modiste in charge. Fall Millinery. Preparations are being: made for our Grand Opening:, notice of which will appear later. New ideas will bcsho'?'n in this departineht as soon as shown in New York. It will bo correct both in fashions uYul in prices. We have a fall stock of the Fama'is Gontssnsrl Gloves in all shades and sizes. Guaranteed to give satis faction. Try a pair and be co ivinced. SHOES. SSI SOI CSS. We are solo ajreuts for H. 0. GOODMAN & OO'S. Fa mous Brand Shoe. Every p:i"i !? guaranteed. Also agents for SALZ ROYAk RLUK Siioes. whiHi brand carries the same guarantee, In the VA DUTTKN HOUb'ER Shoe, we carry a lull liije and complete. s toe If and are again sole agents for this city and county. Come u round nnd ask us to show you quo of those High Art Suits Of Strouse & Bros. and give us a chance to prove our good taste in selecting this famous make of ready made J garments. We believe in them ourselves, and after you wear them, you grow as enthusiastic about them as we are. W3 give you an Iron Clad Insurance Poli cy with every suit. House Furnishing Goods. Qui* stock is the most complete e;*er shown in this mar. Icct. iW before purehasmif anything in Art Squares, Rugs, Carpets ur Matting. Sea our new