THE ELECTION. A Republican Vlotoii XJhp Result As WasKpected. Four of . Roosevelt. fW 8i?e The Country Now X" ForNo Man Can. a The pleottofa im over, and the nee of the people said to have en heard. For our part we pcquiesce with bad grace in the result, for as an American citi sen having the tirue interests of his country at heart, ve are loath to believe that the majori ty di American voters have by their ballots , reseated Roosevelt via the Presidential chair. If it is any consolation to the Presi ilenVwe may Bay that a corrupt tt*e*>f inoney amoug the baser djiVit voters (we will not dig . nify them by the honorable title pf citizen) has elevated him over the head of a better man. We Oannot find words strong enough to express reprelieusion for the ?pparently honest opiuion pi pressed by the party managers In their extravagant claims of Jin Sverwhelmning Democratic vic >ry when the actual result was such a pitiable farce. New York, Indiana, West Virginia, in fact every State that We claimed as doubtful has gone fee publican, with worse to follow perhaps ttiat we will even lose the House of Representatives. In our next issue, wo will give our readers full reports of the election, but at present we ac tually have not the heart for it. Sam and Jake. The Negro character lias been described by a number of those who have made it a study, as com - plex and contradictory. At times the pathetic elemeul pre dominates. At others, the bel licose. Again, the humorous. It has been noted also that they can display constaucy of affec tion towards those who, either by reason of intimate association )iaVe gained their regard, or be cause of favors received. At all times, however, it has been fonnd that their character is tinged with religious fervor, es pecially at camp-meetings and Revivals. Possessing to a mark ?.*? Tf I f?.\ m-rvo mid a i?ror, talto No-To Bhl llib wonder w??: k?'f. that irrnUfs weak men nroiia. AM urniwiit*. uftc or 91. Curoguarm> tend m- Ui-t and ?!tropHT/fr?4*. AddreM ?tvihMt ltam?0y Co r CUi??#po? New *v . . Am Apology. We want to apologize to Mr. David Wolfs for not making the changes in his ad. that he request ed. The Carnival, Election and press of new advertising caused ! oof typos to overlook t?e matter. Pending the change, next week, Mr. Wolfe wants to advertise somewhat as a special feature, an $8.00 Man's suit, his other departments being full and com plete. Absence of Tlelceta. The absence of tickets for vo ting on the various constitution al amendments at the various precincts in the county was a se- j rious oversight on the part of those in charge of the job of dis tributing them. Fortunately, wte heard of it before voting, and wrote our tickets on the Brice bill and Biennial session amend ments. We trust that the mat ter will not cause complications. Watermelon*. Our friend, Mr. A. B. Young, of DeKalb, brought us? a couple of fine watermelons on Tuesday, of the "Kalb Gem" variety. They were much appreciated and enjoyed. Sheriffs Sale. South Carolina, ) Magistrate's Kershaw County. \ Court. J. M. Hall, Plaint. IT, Against Charles J. RoIhtIh, Defendant. Under ami hv virtiu?of nu Order of J. 1). Mcl>owall, Ks?j. Magistrate in tin* proceeding. to enforce a Lien for Ma terial Furnished, I will sell at putriic outcry, before the Court Motive door in CaiiMU-ii, S. C., within the legal hour.-* of sale, on the lirst Monday ill December next, the following Heal Kstatc : All Mint lot of hind, situated in Ker shaw County, State aforesaid, about four (4) miles Kast of Camden, S. C., containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Wiley Sheorn, Ancruin and other.*, said premises be ing the property of Charles J. Robert*. Terms ol Sale: ('ash. Property will he refold it terms of sale are not com plied with. J. S, TRaNTIIAM, Nov. 10, 11)01. Sheriff K. C. E, ScMaressi, Faa% Fruiterer and Restaiiraiteur. Call and see 1110 when in need of anything in my line. Forcigo Fruits of All Kinds a Specialty. As cheap as the cheap est, and cheaper than the most. AH fruit sold by me j guaranteed to be free from Tarantulas and other nox ious insects or reptiles. Call on me when in need. PHONE 151. Pi. _ ? _ WO varlotlem n. S.. NnmnS ltrazll. Chill. Cos ta lttcu uikI mni>> other*. together with hlng**" for mount In >. In album, only lot*. Agviito wanted, ft*;, commlnlon. XV. A. SCIUlOt K. Jr.. Cautdrn. 8. ( TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass upon my lands ii West Wateree, kown as tlw Huckabee Place, in any niannei whatsoever, eitlier by hunting tishing, comiug upon the prcmis es without permission or in an* other manner. Violators of tins notice will l>e prosecuted. Signed; John Jackson. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons whomsoever are hereby warned not to trespass upon my lands in Kershaw County in the Can toy section, i the saul lands being known as the Barnes place. Anyone vio lating this uotice will be prose cuted and punished to the full extent of the law. Henry Bartield. DRY GOODS VALUES We Are Selling Now. 42 inch Broeadines, all colors worth 40c. The yard 25c Double width Figured Worsted, Blue, Purplo, Brown, Red Black Etc, a splendid value at 10c Trecot Flannel fur waists all the leading colors, Tho yard 25c 44 inch all wool Cheviots in all Shades good value 75c The yard 50 1 54 inch Re pel ants worth 75c reduced The yard 50c 44 inch Whip Cords in all leading shades The yard 50c 40 inch Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed The yard 81.45 Ladies $1.00 Kid Gloves in all colors Per pair 4 OV Study These Prices. Mens. Good $8.00 Suits Mens Good $10.00 Suits $7*S4> \ John B. Stetsons $5.00 Hats $3.1)8 Mens White Oxford Shirts worth 85c, Now fiOe. Overcoats for Men and Boys JjOWCSt Prices. Onr Low Priced Clothing is so full of Goodness that we are proud to have you tell your friends yon bought them at The Hub. The reason why you see the Majority of j economical buyers in The Hub is because it is the Cheapest Store . nr H E H U B M. BARUCH, MANAGER. E. S. NETTLES & SON. We hereby announce to the public that we have open ed a First-Class MEAT MARKET in the Store formerly Occupied by Mr. J. E. Vauglian, whore wo will ho j*hul to sei v?? you wit !? r.nything in the line of fivsh meats. We earrv also a full line of Staplo and Fancy GROCERIES, and extend to you a cordial request to call on us. Everything Fresh. Every tiling: Fine. 0. M. Fort, The Leading Contractor and Builder in tiio City of Caimlen, 8. C. sj:i: mi: for PLANS AND SPECIFLATIOKS IIKI'OKK UlVIXfi OUT ANY CONTRACT. ? ~9 * ?* '* ? . * * *_,* * * * Anyone wanting work done in my lino can leave their name ami address at the office of The People, and T will call on them. "THE BATH ROOM FOR MINE!" is the cry tins weatli >r. To make the xxury of :i bath I horoimhly enjoyable and all its adjuncts are in ex cellent order. We make a specialty of sanitary psumhinv, understand the in ?dallatioii of I he very lalot devices and will not ask you too much lor our work. John F Jenkins. XLhc Eureka, AKTISEPTIG BftREER SHOP H. IS. EnoUsb, Proprietor. BATIIS, H2T & C2LB, CIllKOPObT. PO&Y 222 PACML Your Patronage Solicited. TAKE NOTICE^ A. V. Some I'm luis relumed from North Carolina and wislie* to nniiounce thnt lie i>* bet ter prepared tliix reason than ever to make, new harness fop you ami to repair and renovate Saddlery & Harness or all de*eript ion lland-Matle IlarncHH made to order Has now on hand a f rcxli ptork of Bridle*, Line*, Halters, nil made of best utork. Call on me at ofllee one door East of Ktable* of Oeo. T. Little, A. C. SOMERS. TAX NOTICE. Mm ?f Tnwarrr W Imhi fwij, ) Cafe.!.?..!*. 1?,1?|. \ In accordance with the act to mine supplied for tli?* fiscal >rarrutnuH'nriBf Jan. 1*1 MM, notice i? h**r**hy tliat the books will be open f??r collect - ing state, county and school tuxes from October 16. IttH, to March 1st. 1W?. A penalty of 1 percent, will be milled on all taxe* unpaid by Jan. 1st, 1W)&. A penalty of 2 per cent, on all unpuid by February 1st, 1906. A penalty of 7 per cent will be added on all unpaid by March Int. 190.1. The rate per centum for Kershaw couuty is as follows : Mills. State taxes, 6 School taxes, X County taxes 8 ltailroad taxes 2*^ Total 1?Sj The following special levies have been made also : Special School tax. District Xo. 1 for interest on School Bonds Orad Sctiool Ituildlug, \ Special School tax, Dist. No. ], H 44 44 44 44 44 S, J Si it it H tt 41 4 it >4 14 II ?? "7 2 41 .4 44 4. .. ? 4. .4 .t .? 4. g it 44 44 44 .t 2 41 44 44 44 44 |J J) 44 44 41 44 44 Jul X 41 44 44 41 .. |?f Jj 44 44 44 .4 4k .>4 O 44 44 44 44 41 ?>(} >) The road tax of one dollar can Ik? paid the County Treasurer Iroiu Oct. loth, 1904. to March 1st, liNK. All male persons living witlliu cor porate limits of cities or toivns. stud ents atlen ling any college or school of the stall-. Ministers in charge ut regu lar congregations, teachers employed in public schools, school trustees dur ing their term of office , persons per manently disabled and those actually engaged ||, {|le quarantine service of the state are exempt from the pay ment of road tax. All other male |mt soiis betweet the ages id IS and AO years are required to pay said road tax or work not less^l hrtn eight days dur ing the year. The poll tax is $1. All information as to taxes will be furnished upon application. No lists of nanicH lor tax receipts will he received unless the amount of tax money is deposited with the said list. This rule will be strictly enforced. W. K. llOl!(ilI. County Treas. For Sale ONE, THOROUGHBRED SHORTHORN BULU. A line specimen, kind and gentle. 1 Itoyally Broil Berkshire BOAR. 5 Berkshire Sows, ami Sev eral Berkshire Pigs. For prices, address A. S. WHITE , CAMDEN t S. C. Trespass Notice. All parties uro hereby warned arid notified not to trespass up on the lauds of Mrs. A. L. Humes, situated in lower Ker shaw iu any manner whatsoever, either by .hunting, fishing, or entrance upon the same for any purpose whatsoever without permission. Any violation of this notice will be followed by an action at law, and the offend er punished to the full extent of the penalty provided l'or the of fense committed. Signed \V. E. Arledge, Lessee. { jrilllii ?!?? ! CjJiiiniiio; ! J. W< MOORE, MANAGini, at tlio old PeKalb Cotton Mill, is now prepared to do all your GINNING. New 70 Saw Pratt Gin with condensers and all ap pliances to insure you a good turn out, BEST PRICES PAID FOR SEED. CALL ON US. Money to Loan. On farm IhimIh In poiiim of $300 lip