WOMfcN ?hcm U-WK ??!??? women drift Into a cob .. HUM of "kalf taviild.- Continual knur >11 tlrod oat, rn down, back ache. nerves shattered, headache, terrible pain, ?o appetite, poor diges tion. In nine cases oat of ten It's because tbe kid neys tall todotbelr work ot Altering tbe poisonous system waste from tbe blood. Tbe kidneys ara weak and need tbe atranfthenlng help of Doan's Kidney Pills. Bead bow these pills repair a weakened phy sical condition when this condition Is caused vj sick Kidneys. Mrs. Sadie Mettles, of 884 W. 4th Art.. Columbus, Ohio, mji: "Prior to the year 1806 1 suffered considerably from backache, pain In the head, lan guor and depression snd weakness of the action of the kidneys. The pain was always worse In the morning lyid 1 felt miserable. I tvss induced to pro. cure a box of Doan'n Kidney Pills and 1 begau their use. Thoy proved prompt and effective. They cured me. and there has been no return of the trouble since taklnp them. I owe sll the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills." A FREE TRIAL of this crest kidney medicine which cikred Mrs. Mettles will be mailed on sppllcstlon to sny psrt of the United Ststes. Address Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffslo. N. T. For ssle by all druggists, price SO ceuts per box. Seed Corn. A Kansas City small boy was ssked by his school teacher to use "seed corn" in a sentence. "When I was out in the country last summer," said the youngster, "I seed cornstalks in a field." FITSperraanently cured. No fit* or nervous* neM after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Qreat N erve Restorer. S3 trial bottleand traattsef ree Dr. R. U. Klise. Ltd.. 981 Arch St.. Phila., Pa Reciprocity is the art of exchanging something you don't want for something you do. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup forehlldren teething, soften the gums, reduces Inflamma tion allays paln.cureswind colic. 26c.abottle What a jolly old world this would be if all men practiaed what they preach! Old Ssfai, Back; of Chairs, etc.. can be dyed with Ptrrifiat Fadeless Dyes. The Olrl That Buys Him. American Girl ? Wc haven't been over long, you know. I suppose your people always lived here ? Augustus ? We came to England with the Normans, don't you know. American Girl ? Oh, indeed, the Normans 1 I'm afraid I don't know them. ? From Tit-Bits. The frankness with which a seven teen-year-old girl refers to herself as an old maid is only exceeded by the frankness with which she denies it ten years later. ins MutM amy* art of my married life I was very delicate n health. * I had two miscarriages, and both my husband and I felt very badly as we were anxious to have children. A nriirhbor who had been using Lydia E. Plnklinm's Vegetable Compound advised me to try It, and I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appetite was Incroatlng, tho headaches gradually decrconcd and finally disappeared, and- my gcnerr.l health Improved. I felt r.s if new blood coursed through my veins, the ?luggish tired fcollnsr dioappcared, and I be came strong and well. " Within a year after I becamc the mother of a strong healthy child, the loy of ov.r homcv You certainly have ur.plendld remedy, and 1 wlch ?very mother know of It. ? Sincerely yours, Mm. A rni Potts, BIO Park Ave., Hot Springs, Ark." If you feci that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or If you wish confidential advice of tho most experienced, write to Mrs. Pink. nam, J^ynn, mass., ana you win iw nuvised free of charge. Lydla E. Plnkbstm's Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of oases of female troubles ? curing them inexpensively and absolutely. Hbmember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting LnMa K. PtmkHmm'm VmamtmMa OonwounA .tflt ST. PETERSBURG CALM IN WAP DUKE AND PEASANT GO THEIR WAYS UNEXCITED rcts4al Sflrlt Shows la thf Fret lotmoam Bftwccn th? No bility aai the Maaaaa??SlmplUlty of tho Royal Faallj aa They Drlre la Strocta of tho Capital. it s< :t tr s_ T. PETERSBURG. Rus sia.? Fronting the long, si lent Winter Palace? Impe rial In Its constant display of the double eagle, scrolled Mack on the red stone of the bnildlng rod gilt on the fence of Iron railings^ i a crescent of Government offices. Jielr laces washed in dull ochre, and almost nv silent as the yellow palace tself. It is from one of these offices that Russia in preparing tier land cam paign in the Far East. Nobody goes out of his way to look at the door. Generals in light gray fur-lined cloaks pass in and out of the headquarters of the General Staff; mlformed messengers fetch and carry, rod bureaucrats ? "cbenovnlk.** tiiey rail them, the enormously significant ?lenient in this city? go their ways with precise steps and pursed lips, rind iu black tlght-buttoued coats aud rlasped to their sUles the inevitable leather portfolio. But the million or two civilians who make their living bere take no heed of it at all. Fifteen degrees below zero is not ?onduclve. it is true, to the comfort of t standing crowd, but the occupants jf the scores of sleiglis which skim across the sunlit snow of this Govern ment crescent, proceed as if the great affairs preparing so nenr them were somcliody else's businc??. So it Is at the central telegraph office. Last night, when the allotted tabloid of official information was served out to a hungering world, there was appar ently no appetite. The typewritten telegram was pinned in its glass case without any surging crowd to devour Its contents. Messengers from the lo ral newspapers copied It, and the for eign correspondents got their trans lators to Interpret its weird Slavonic rharacters. It Is not that Russian people are Indifferent to what Is going m. but rather that Immemorial expe rience has taught them that official in formation is something prepared for their consumption, and they have ?rowu cynical. When the great fighting is on they may strike each other awake and he roine vigilant to know what is going an. To-day they are jogging along the accustomed track, and the writer who says otherwise is one with the scores it correspondents who have come to this country determined to make their readers' llesh creep when they get their books published, and who have delib erately set out to produce the effects they know would tell, even though they failed to find any material to jus ify them. In the street life of St. Petersburg the dominant note Is still the patriar chal. Sleigh driver and Grand l>ukc, they are all a family. Two officers go for a spin down the Nevskl Prospekt. They laugh and Joke together; the driver sees nn opening and joins in the talk, and all three set to laughing. He will do the some if he is driving great ladies of the ruling houses, and nobody drenms of relenting it. Feudalism, with its Inexpressible freemasonry, is behind it all. The owner of great es tates would as soon think of "cutting" the greetings of a humble moujlk, as centuries ago a feudal baron would re lect the conversation of a retainer. Rather the other way. for the patri cian element here counts it good form to show a genial fellowship with Its roachmen. There is a rather terrible side to this sort of thing. Three able bodied men will turn up at any mo ment to do some trifling service to a man at a hotel or in a restaurant where one or more would suffice in an other country. They all expect tips, niul from their countrymen they get them. It really seems the old idea of scattering largess among the populace nt large as a tribute to one's own lord liness. The more a man of the noble man east looks as If he could not afford it. the more he insists on handing out tips to show his station, even if he have to go hungry at home. By this process about 20.000 highly skilled loafers are doing very well in St. Petersburg to-day. There is one who keeps an eye on coats and hats at a hotel near here who owns streets of real estate in the suburbs, and takes his wife and family every summer to rronville for the season. In most di rections the proletarian Russian who lives in this capital displays a genuine aversion to systematic work of the ar tisan kind. The little sons of poor par ents nurie the nmhltlon to be sotne lay droschke drivers. As there are jver 18.000 of these worthies licensed !u St. Petersburg, it is a considerable calling. If his governmental system makes him the most absolute head of a State 'n Christendom, the Czar is person ally the least assuming monarch imag inable. His children drive In a pair 'jorse open carriage down the Nevskl aith their governess about 3 o'clock ?very afternoon. Coachman and foot man wear no livery, merely the black liat and long drab coat usual in a pri vate citizen's equipage. The Czar's mother with her lady In waiting were Jrlvlng yesterday In a pair-horse Mcigh not distinguishable from any !>tlier good turn out but for the great bearded Cossack standing guard be hind them. And the l">o wager Czar ina, by the habit of the country and the code of the Greek Orthodox Church, comes before the Czarina In every form of influence and prece ?lence. The Cz.irewieh constantly uses his private droschke unattended on busy streets, and looks a much robuster inaai physically and mentally than his Imperial brother. This unescorted passing about among the people of members of the Czar's family Is not what common report would lead the , foreigner to expect here. On the foot walk there are. of course, secret serv ice mem every few yards and all day. They, alone, are about to counter the movement of which some may think nobody speaks, and In plaiu truth the Czar's ally, the French President, moves among the public with more display of hit high office than th? C?ar Ao?l hsTA So li in through the governing houses. Kouropatkln* takes morning walking exercise with one aide-de-camp on the Nerskl. and nobody tarns to look twice. When another General on the Imperial staff ? yesterday afternoon came out of the headqnarters bureau, wrapped In a thousand ruble fox cloak, he fouod himself up against two plain clothes porters, each clasping the hnndlc of a big basketful of book* and old papers, passing from one dooi to the other. They jostled on unmtud ful of him. and to pass he had to step off the footwalk Into the deeper snow. In Washington or Loudon tbej would surely have got out of the way as u matter of course. In Berlin they would as surely have gone to prison for a month if they did not move Here the iieneral stepped aside mere ly because they were carrying a has ket load and he was not. With all the alternations of Indiffer ence and unbelief and speculation In abstract ideas? which is thu lio'.>by ot the poor student class ? no resident from the outer worl .1 could call "Holy Russia" a mlrnoiner. At Wirballen the passport collecting and custom* examination depot a hundred yards inside Russia from the firman fron tier. the first feature of the baggage inspection hall Js a great ikon with candles burning before it. set on tlio wall with its back to the western world and its face to Holy Russia Another surmounts the Ir.mp post in the middle of the station. So it is here. The site of the Kazan Cathedral in the Neveki Prospekt about corresponds to (irace Church in Broad way? it faces on the main street at a thronged shopping Quarter. Droschko drivers crawl to and fro past it for a fare, and each one as lie passes doff* his fur cap and crosses himself ener getically from his brow to his waist He may pass a score of times a day, but he salutes the cathedral every time. The driver who has a fufe con siders presumably that works are as pood as faith, for he often omits tlio observance that he would Keep If lie were not earning money. Foot pas sengers do the sn me. and the most de vout are the big. simple, bearded men that you would call "hayseeds." This display of religious feeling is the real thing: it is 110 mere ceremonial attached to an ethical code of conduct, it Is blind, unshakable faith? you may call it idolatry or any other word for the worship of graven Images? but It has hold of humbler Russia, and M. Pobedonostzcff. procurator of the Holy Synod, is its director here. This hatei of modernity litis the right sort of ma terial for his incessant round of ritual to the exclusion of anything approach ing science in the manumitted serf character, and it permeates ninety per cent, of the population. The forefathers of Russia's millions wandered westward from the banks of the Hindoo. Koosh a few centuries later than the feoples who are now mostly ranged on the side of thcii present foe. And the critics might do well to think themselves back over these few centuries, if they are to un derstand many of the ideas that obtain in Russia to-day.? From a Staff Coir spondent of the New York Sun. Why Mummerrrft Am Able to Sins. . Stammering depends on a want of harmony between the action of the muscles (chiefly abdominal) which ex pel air through the larynx nnd that of the muscles which guard the oritlce by which it escapes, with that of t lios:? which modulate the sound to the form of speech. Over either of the groups of muscles by itself a stammerer may have as much power as other people, but he cannot harmoniously arrange their conjoint action. Nervousness is a frequent cause of stammering. It Is possible tlint the defect in some In stances mny result from malformation of the parts about the back of the mouth. The fact that stammering people are able to sing their words better than to speak them has been usually explained on the supposition that in singing the glottis Is kept open .so that there Is less liability 10 spas modic action.? Boston Transcript. ItnMlan l?. A! the end of nine or ten days the victim breathes his lust. Gates at frequent Intervals bar tlx country roads In Norway, uml are h nuisance to travelers, who have tc leave their vehicles and open the bar riers. These obstructions mark tlx boundaries of farms, or separate tin cultivated sections froui the waste lands. In every Chinese settlement one 01 more persons earn a comfortable liv Ing by following the occupation of bride carrier. The excuse for tills trade Is the Chinese custom of making the bride an idler on her wedding day. forbidding her to either walk or stand and requiring her to ho carried froir. her house to that of her husband by some of her own sex. In White County. fla.. there is a mountain stream which inns uphill at a steep incline for almost half a mile It Is supposed to be the colitiuuatlor. of a siphon which has its source in a spring at a higher elevation at the op positc side of the mountain. Happy Ka?ter Tlmr. Once again the joyous Easier oeca sion finds us alive and blessed with health and strength. We should lie thankful. Timo is here for all vege table life to begin to be refreshed, aftei the cold of the winter season. W? should learn the lesson taught, and be. Kin again to practice the good resolu tions of the new year we may have broken. How did Easter originate? For n moment let us think about the reason for keeping Easter. Nearly 2000 year? ago Jesus was a man in the world He died on the cross to free us from sin, and in three days arose from the dead and went back to His Father ic heaven. As followers of .Jesus we keep Easter Day as a remembrance of the occasion of His resurrection from t lie dead. Easter then signified a new life or is the time for vegetable life to be gin? the time for us t?? remember tlit Saviour who was resurrected fron. the dead, and to try to renew our faith lu Iliin and shape our lives by His example. Again, Easter time is even the sea son for us to change our mode of dress It Is the balancing point between cold and warm weather? hence new bon nets and dresses. Difficult Horseback fr'cat. There are no better horsemen in the world than the cavalry officers of tht Italian army, yet even among them there are very few who could perform the feat recently achieved by one of them. To run an ordinary foot race is easy enough, but to run at full speed for several hundred yanls holding in one haml a spoon on which rests an egg ami to reach the goal without dropping the egg is a feat which must be prae tlced carefully a long ilnir before it can be performed successfully, and as ii result there are not many who can be sure of accomplishing it whenever they try. tireat, therefore, was the surprise when nn Italian ollleer mounted 011 horseback performed tills* difficult feat. Moreover, he selected a course in which there were two or three high fences, and these he cleared t. full gallop without losing the egg. Printing Figure*. Professor Otlet. the Secretary of the Tlrusxels International Bibliographical Institute, estimates that since t lie in troduction of printing the following percentage of different classification? of subject matter has held good: Law and sociology. 20.42: literature. 20.40; applied science. 12.18: history, geog raphy, 11.44: theology, religion, specu lation, 10; miscellaneous and bibliog raphy, 0; philology and languages. 4.08; natural sciences, 3.14; art, 2.02; Philosophy. 1.30. The Manger* of l?e<1. What does the man in the street sec in a bedroom? Probably a bed: possi bly a wushstnnd; problematically a bath. Hut what dors the eye of science b'dtold? Unutterable things, perhaps, l.eds and bacteria, mattresses and mi crobes, dressing gowns and deadly gases, gas jets and carbonic oxide, tapestries and toxin. It Is little won Icr that so many people say their pray ers before going to bed. or that so many people die (here.? Loudon Clilc. I/nrgt M (;*ve in Hie Wnrlo*l trlshes. ' ? Xclsun it Ire. MARCH, APRIL, MAY. Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion, Impure Blood, Depressed Spirits. Gentlemen: "1 wish to congratulate y ou on the bucvcks of your efforts to win the confidenee of the public in need of a re liable medicine. The sun has just crossed the equator on its yearly trip north. The real equator in shifted toward the north nearly eighteen miles every day. With the return of the *un conies the hoduy ills peculiar to spring. With one iterant the nerve* are weak; an other port-on, digestion poor; with others the blood is out of order: and still others have depressed spirit* ami tired feeling. All these things nn: cg|>eciai!y true of I liost* who have Ih'cii suffering wtili tarrli in any form or la grippe. A course ol' l'cruna is sure to correct ail these condi tions. It is an irarily stimulate ? ic strengthens. It equalizes the circulation ol' the blood, lran<|uilizcrt the nervous sya tern and regulates the bodily functions. lVruna, unlike so many spring medicines 1a not simply a physic or Mtimulant or ncr* vine. It is a natural tonic and invigorator. If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use of l'cruna, write at once to Dr. llartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will he pleased to give you his valuable udvice gratis AdilKvw Dr. llartman. President of Tb** llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. STORE FRONTS For all kind* and ats-M? of St ir* Building-*. W>- furnWb *11 material ?-ntei in* inlu th? coDdtructliin of Htorc Kninle Write u? aNiut your proposed build Inn an I ?tate diinennionH ?n will send you, FltKKOF i'llAROH, an elejf.mt lilut* l'rint 1'lun. und quote you all extremely low price on on* ot our prpul.tr Beautiful, Evorlawtins Modern Store Front* \Vo?rive you nil th ? vtvlc of :ui ??Iterant New York or Chicuu at ore at moderate coat. Nfnd lar 00, Two often cease to be company alter they are made one. Law is a Rrcat thinf? ? for lawyers. DYSPEPSIA "Havinc taken TA-ir wnnilerfrl "OaararetV for three month* and being r.n'.irclv rr.rrd of ttomacU catarrh and rtv*|v?nsla. | tlilr.k a word of pralri I* due to"Caacarnt* for th?lr woiidr.rf.il rnm position. 1 have taken iiurnorrviN other so railed remedies I but without avail and I find that Casraret* relievo I ?>?r? In a day than all tho other* 1 have taken ! ?oali In a year." I Janet McUune, 1H Uerecr St.. Jersey CltT. N. J. I Best For The Dowels Pleaiftnt. Palatable, Potent. TaateOood.DoOfwwl, Never Sicken, Wraken or -rer ?old In bulk. Tlio irctiulno tablet r tamped CVO. Vairtntocd to caro or your nioiiry l>sck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. y>? ANNUAL SALE. TEH MILLION BOXES THE BEST POMMEL SLICKER I - IN THE WORLD ? 3al? rrAii RELIABLE DtAltR}. MICR TO THE AlONOrTMC H3H ffc Like aJlogrwaterwoof , *iit> and tat* for all Hindi of wet work. ? it ii often imitated but never equalled. M&d? in black or ye How and fully guarantee d by AJTOWMCO.. lOfttt (AMMAN (O tt'tONtwu* in-.iniatoKroox MOTHER ORATS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, worm*. Tiwjjircali opt oidi? in 24 hiMir* At HI fhc\t. ir.mir'i A'Mw, A. S. OLMSTED. L.o Roy. N Y. |3 E N8ION FOH ACE. A n?ir win rl** ppnpi.m for nRi*. Vrlte to ti? f?? onco lor Hniik" niv! Iid'rm-Mont. Kr?t> ?f ?hn<-R?.. NO lKNHtON NO PAY. Addrt>M Til K XV. II. WIM.H OMI'AMT, Will* Tlnllill'ip 311 li"'. Am1.. VnMilngton, D. f. CANCER It AVIUM "i fcti'lr t?l fl**i!hri? c\>t*% ohrfti'Mj l?|o?? I f1l?fiil( ? lb*! 1 rfl ??mrtlnfi. TfMll*r nw\ *t M*l?l w??t 1r~ ffhsfllolftnt Horn? Cure, ISlHOnard At#.. rtiitJi . l'?. flllADfiV sr- w wcovf.ky: ?f~ \J %J r 1 an* Ilia) wmt H,n tort ?? IwtfniftnUU ??'! If) rlnya' Kr??> Or ? *? ORCBN'a ?0X?. Sci?. Atl*ot?. tk A crop that pays may not pay as well as it should. Potash is a plant fond which all crops must have. Without sulliciciit I'otash to frod upon no crop can reach that point wlicrc it pays f>cs t. Experiments have de monstrated the value of Potash. i We will tend free, to any farmer wlio will write for it. a liltle book dial will fiive facts in full. GERMAN KALI WORKS M Nana* Street, Ntw Vork. FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of In* structlons absolutely Free and Poat* paid, enough to provo the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Kaxune to In poufci form to dissolve to *?}*- non-potoonou? andfar superior tollquM utlMptki containing ?kohol which Irritate! Inflamed turtacM, im ootlMMlnfpn# orttos. The contentt of every box mk? fVOro Antiseptic Soli* *??n -?ta*U longer? goes further? haemon use* In the totally mat does more good Chan an j antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician and used with great success as a Vagina Wash, for Lcucorrhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasa Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cut* and all soreness of mucus membrane. la local treatment of female Ills I'axtlneh invaluable. IVod as a Vaginal Wash w< challongo tho world to produco its equal fol thoroughness. 1 1 in a revelation In cleansinf and healing potrcrj it killa all germs whic# cause ittll!im)n and dischargoa. All lcay more? men than any other make. The reason is, (hey hold (heir I sha|K',(ltl?e((er.\v<'ar longer, and have ^ K irate 1 intrinsic val'ie (han n.iy o( her slioe.4. Cn.' l Cccrfiwhcrr. titrrrrff\w x. r ?tjel?tt Mime* I'Y Hi "il. V"' I'l'ii'* i-vlr i. Wrlle for Cntf.lOK. \V. I.. IKM'Ot.AH, lir'M'kton, Muf ADVEBm'E^Try^'i'T pay; 'J ThomDtov't Er* W*t?