want to call particalar at fantlon to our dab premium of the premiums of V teed Are valuable, and the offers ?re made for -the purpose ot in- 1 " QQciof our friends to work with "-Increased vigor to place "The Feople"~ih the first rank in the natter of paid subscriptions in Kershaw county. We want, to say, too. that this offer is not for ajnonth, or six months, but for all time; or, as long as "The People" is in the field. Prom time to time the list will be added ^ to as the desire for different ar Ifejfes becomes manifest among fl^club raisers. ? : Aallnvltation. ' This being a Northern tourists retort, we cordially invite our Northern visitors to send in short articles for publication in "The People*' of their impressions and experiences while in the land of the Sunny South. Their friends who are not so fortunate as to find it convenient to visit us will find pleasure in enjoy ing~ In printer's ink their friend's pleasures. The editor has mot many of our northern visit ors, but there are many whom he has not met, ana we extend > to them the invitation to call at their earliest convenience and see "The People. " "We are Not a Flgliter Ye editor has acquired the somewhat unenviable reputation of beiog of a pugnacious nature, especially with his pen, and pre dictions are freely made that he will be in a wordy or fistic en counter with some one within a month. To all these prophets we want to say that, the editor ."Of this journal as an editor, and the same man as a private indi vidual, are two and distinct par ties, ana that as editor he will always endeavor to observe the amenities that are not only pro - per but necessary to the conduct ot a would-be successful news paper. Auditor va. Editor. We want to inform the people that we are not an auditor, but an editor, and tax returns are not taken at this office. It is not every time that a man is just what he ought to be, which fact, in this instance, may prove to be an unmixed blessing. If the editor of this paper had been elected auditor of the coun ty, as his ill-directed ambition directed, the people would have lost his more or less valuable services the editor of "The People. " In connection with the above squib, Mr. J. M. LeGrand, our popular jeweler and watch re pair expert, requests us to say that his office is closed for the collection of taxes. If you owe the State and county anything, you are advised to call at the office of Treasurer Hough on the same row. In other words, when you call on Mr. Legrand you are in the right chuch, but the wrong pew. Our Dispenser Kcslfpis. Capt. J. J. Bell has resigned his position as dispenser at Cam den. This is a distinct loss, not only to the community, but to the State institution, as Captain Bell was recognized as one of, if noc the, most competent dispen sers in the employ of the State. This resignation should mark the beginning of a movement to have the election of all officers connected with the county dis pensaries elected by the people. While the members of tho local board are generally acceptable to the public at largo, the people are the proper ones to whom their selection Should be left, and it is not to the board that the eleotion of dispensers and their clerks should be delegated We hope that in tho successor to Capt. Bell the board will make a happy selection, but we think it would be a good thing for all the people if th<> way was clear to k suggest ion by them of tlieir for the place. The Ann of Nettles and Wat kins has been dissolved by mu tual consent, Mr. H. L. Watkins having purchased the interest of Mr. Mettles ip the firm. See the ad. of Mr. Wattffns in this' and subsequent issues. He requests a share of your patronage in the Parlor Meat Market business, as well as in his grocery depart ment. > - ?' '.* Job Work. It isn't every job office that can get out work that pleases all the people, but we have it. We have the finest Job printer in the State of ^outh Carolina, and any Job" that passes through his hands gives satisfaction to all. Call at our place on the corner of DeKalb and Broad Streets and be convinced. We retain samples of all our work, and if you donH agree with us that "The People's*^ job office is "IT," then don't give us your work. Sudden Death. Mr. Ed. Mills, a carpenter, and for a number of years a resi dent of this city, died suddenly at his residence near the 8outh- 1 ern depot, on Friaay, the 29th ult.. Pneumonia was the cause of death. Mr. Mills leaves a wife and three or four small children who, we are informed, are in an almost destitute condi tion. If this is the case, this family is an object for true cuar ity, and we hope that their case will be promptly taken up. In cases of necessity, he who gives quickly, gives twice. A Correction. " It has been intimated that others are financially interested in "The People," and we want to say just here, and now, thu ' Schrock is sole owner of the enterprise. At the outset we attempted to interest others m it, but as they did not feel in terested, we took th<) bit in our mouth, and are going it alone. We are already meeting with flattering success, but we can do still better, and will do so as time rolls along. "The People" I will stand by the people. It is our purpose to make each issue better than the last, so if you want to keep up with the times subscribe for "The People." | Charity. Tfte old expression is that "charity begins at home," and this is, in a sense, true, but in some instances we think that every one should strain a point in order to assist those whom they kuow to be in more dire need than themselves. One of these instances is the case of the family of Ed. Mills. The editor doesn't pretend to undje good ness, but ho thinks that this fam should -be assisted as fully as the pockets of the charitable public will stretch. "Ho that nel peth the poor lendeth to the Lord." We don't know whothor 3 is good gospel rendering, or not, but we do know that if it isn t in the Bible, it ought to be. Country Correspondence. We cordially invite corre spondence from our country friends, "The Peoplo" will be made, as its name indicates, the organ of the people, but it will fail in its mission unless our country friends back us up. No country paper can possibly reach its full measuro of useful ness unless it is backed up by the people of tho county who can write. Please "let us have your communications not later than noon of every Wednesday. This rule, if observed, will gen erally insure their publication on the next day. Send us all the nows. What we can't mako use of, or find space tor, will be cut out, but wo promise to do as lit tle scizzor work as possiblo. J Whon you are in need of any , thing, from a shoe string to a tan yard, consult our advertising columns before purchasing. Our people are offering bargains in very thing to eat or wear. The Hew Firm. M of NHMm * Watt I us Laying Ntp dissolved brnutnlbM* aMt,UM new flm of Watkraa Bra* (bmealli tttwtioo to (heir bndam in tbli wot. Give them a o|ll, and mention "Tbt People.'! Fire Alarm. The alarm, of Are on Tacidijr nixHl created considerable exoKCment, aa it continued eo lonf. ft Untied out to be merely the burning of a hay field near Halaall Row, or Chinch Alley, in the lower part of the city. Death. Mr. and Xra. J. B. Babon hare our sympathy In the low of their baby which happened on Sunday night. The causs of death was pneumonia These deaths are especially sad as the victims are just growing into the most inter esting period of their existence. Court N?w?. lathe hurry and worry pf prepara tion for the iss-e of obr first paper, we have not hsd leisure to pay attention to Court proceedings. As soon as we get this issue off, ws hope to give a general digest in that line of news. This is one of the instances in which we would have beeo-glad ot the ser vices of of those friends who know sll a boat the running of a newspaper. Besr with us, friends. We will learn, sfter a tims, and then we expect to give you a paper worth reading. " 'IBP W bite Kniglit forever. Call for no other cigar. For sale at the Cam den Drug Company. Temperance Lectnre. Mrs. Ada \V. Unrugh, national or ganizer and Lecturer for the W. C. T. U., appeared before a. fair siced au dit- nee id the Baptist Churoh'Toesday night. 'Her words for the protection of the boy and the establishment of true manhood, the foundation for tl.e home, were well chosen, and received 4-lose attention. Her dispossl of the dispenssry question wss original, and very forceful, and should this talented lady ever return to Camden we be speak for her a larger hearing. The Penn Mutant. Special attention is called to tne ad. of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Companv wlnn* appears in another column. Tins compmiy has au envia ble reputation for the prompt payment of claims sud large results from Invest ments. The esse of the late Mr. E. C. Zemp is gi\en as an Instance. Mr. Zemp carried a policy for $8,tXM>, had paid in premiums at time of death, $1,408.62; received in dividends, $233. 80, and the full amount of tho policy wss promptly pni ogressiu ?hoolt of the kind in the world, and the bet. latrtnixed ones in the South. Indorsed by bank ?rs, merchant*, ministers and others. Foui weeks in bookkeeping with us ere equal t< twelve weeks by the old plan. J. P. Draughon President, is author of DrKughoii'A new syKteit }t bookkeeping, "Double lintry Made Kns-y." Home study. We have prepared for hon* Itudy, books on bookkeeping, penmanship am shorthand. Write for price list "Home Study." Extract. *'PRor. Dra uohon? I learned ?>ook Keeping nt home from your t?oQks, while hrldini k position as night telegraph operator." -C,K iRpriNOWAL, Bookkeeper fcr Gerber & Pick* Wholesale Grocers. So'itn Chicago, 111. {Mtntiot * this paper \p hen writing.) The Coming of Batty sringa joy or pain. It's for the nother to decide. With good health ?nd a strong womanly organism, notherhcxxl but adds to A woman's ittroctivencss. MoELREE'S Win ? of Gardul takes a way all terrors by strengthening the vital organs. It fits a mother for baby's coming. By revitalizing the nerve centre3 it has brought chubby, crowing youngsters to thousands of weak women who feared they were barren. It purifies, bcals, regulates and strengthens, and is rood for all women at all times. No druggist would be without It. $t oo Porsdvice in eases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. "The Ladies' Advisory Department,'1 Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga , Tcnn. ? Knft.'tiotriSA If AT, K. off I