THE FREE CITIZEN. l'UUMSHKU SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 1875. City IMveetoiry. CITY OFFICERS. MAYOR, - - George Bolfver. CLERK, - 'I'lii-ismtKii, ALDERMEN,-James. F. Izlar, John M. Thompson, J. W. Cannon, J. W.1 Moseley. POSTMASTER, - A. Webster. } CH U KCl I KS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-l?ev i Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, mol li ing, afternoon and evening. BAPTIST.-Rev. Mr. Norri-, pastor. Services. Iii it Sunday evening, and thc ecoud ?ind fourth Sundays, morning, nd evening. MKTMOIUST (south).-l?ev. Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Services morning and evening. Sunday-school, i) A. M. I'RKSllYTERIAN.-Hov. Mr. 15 rown evangelist. Services, morning ami after noon. Sunday-school, U 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL.-First and third Sundays. Morning and afternoon. LUTHERAN CHURCH.--Kev.Mr. (Tough, /.astor. Services, morning 10 1-2, even ng at 7 o'clock. The passenger trains on the S. C. It. lt., on and after Monday next, will pass through Orangcburg as follows : Day from Columbia, 11.30 a. m. Day, from Charleston, 2.00 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. tn. " from Charleston, 2.20 a. ni. TOWN CRIER. OFFICE HOURS AT OKANGEUURO DKI'OT. Fiona 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. From 3 o'clock P. M. to 5 P. M. Goods received and delivered only in ollicc hours. -A. W. Pinckncy, of Branchville, is an autuorized iigent for this papen Thc weather during the week has been cold, rainy and disagreeable. We notice the Presbyterian church is being repaired. An infant child of F. M. Melette, died yesterday. Wc have tried Dr. Pull's Cough Syrup in our family, and can assert that it is the best remedy for a cough or cold ever introduced. Price. '2~>. Oiio.oLUie-iiiuvljo.s I lint ail?i?i'tiO tc break in the ?toro of J. ?V t e i .tvith acuoiviing KU law ny trial justice Girardeau. REFORM ! REFORM ! ! -Wc gladly give place in our columns lo the fol lowing local from last week's News and Timex : Senator Andrews left here on Mon day last for Columbia, where he will remain until the Legislature adjourns. Senator Andrews is a hard working representative, and we hope to record many good things of him during the present session. POPULATION OK OKANUKI?UKC. COUN TY.-According to the last census the population of Orangeburg County is as follows i Whites, 10,555 ; Color ed, 23,515.-Total 31,070. In 1870 according to the census then taken the population was ; Whites, 5,709; Coloied, 11,156. Total 10,865. This gives an apparent increase of about lil percent. If these figures arc a true index of the increasing prosperity of our county and this ratio is only continued for a few years, the whole county will become one vast city, in comparison which New York City would pass for a little country town. Dut this enormous increase cannot be aceountod for on tony other hypothesis than that the census of 1870 is radically wrong, be ing much less than the actual popu lation. We have before called atten tion io United States census of 1870 as gi ving Orangcburg C. II. a popu lation loss thau 500 inhabitants which was apparent to all as much below tho real population. By the last census we have the credit of have ing a population of about 1,500 which is probably correct. Orangcburg is a growing county and no doubt pre sents greater encouragement to im migration than any other county in thc State but this increase cannot be thus accounted for. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. School Commissioner Phillips has his office days on Thursdays and Fridays of each week. His examinations arc on the first Monday bf each month, jan. 30-tf Fifth Anniversary of tho Independ ent Elliot H. ?c Co. ^ Tuesday, i)0lh November, was Hie fifth anniversary ol'the I. E. ll. & L. Co., nnd that company paraded the streets, accompanied hy thc Young America Fire Eugine Co., in full uni form with engine and trudi beauti fully decorated with evergreens and! Howers. On Tuesday night, at thc regular meeting for the election of o ll icc rs, the following elections were made : Foreman, W. H. lVrr\clear ; As sistant Foreman,J. NV. Cannon ; Seo-: rotary, L. il. Wannainaker : I reas- ? mer, S. R. Melliehamp; First Direc tor,S. A. Reeves; Second Director, E. L. Balley; Surgeon, Dr. T. A Elliott. The election of Solicitor was post poned to lhu next H eeling. An ad journment was then taken to thc Hall of thc belonging lo this enter prising company, where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared for thc entertainment of ibo Company and their invited guests. The II.di had been tastefully decorated, and thc tables bountifully spread with every thing calculated to tickle thc palates and gratify thc inner man. After ample justice had been given to this repast, the first toast of thc evening -"Thc Day we Celebrate," was re sponded lo hy S. li. Melliehamp. ?Mr. Melliehamp wus in one hts hap icst moods, as thc repeated cheers and uncontrollable laughter fully evinced. "Our Country" was eloquently re sponded to by ,T. F. I/S?ar, Esq. With impressive silence, thc company drank to thc memory ol our departed firemen. In response to the toast our wor thy patron the venerable and titier versally beloved Dr. Elliott made a few appropriate and feeling remarks. "Our Town" was done np in pro per stylo by \V. II. Girardcau who gave an interesting sketch of its pro gress and prosperity. Our sister as sociation received the gallant atten tion of S. Dibble, Esq,, tho Foreman of thc Young America Fire Engine Company. "Our City Fathers" were rcspond one mill ior mai purpose. To "Our Fire Department" Mr. Riggs responded, whose remarks were rendered especially touching on account of his recent misfortunes. He said it was willi great dilltculty that he was present, he had been accustomed to meet with them as am able-bodied fireman, still ho should endeavor to discharge thc dillies of chief lo which lie was recently elected j Ile knew tho wants of the lire depart ment, its present inellicicncy was was owing toa want of funds. Thc money had been expended in con structing now streets to enhance thc value of private property to thc de triment of tho public. Ile favored the ono mill tax recoiiiincndored by thc Mayor, and pledged all his per ' sonni influence and cflbrts to make the lire department efficient, M. I. Browning, Esq., responded to "Our Invited Guests" in a speech remarkable for its eloquence, beauty of sentiment and elegance of diction. T. B. Boyd paid an eloquent tribute to woman. "Our Adopted Citizens" were referred to by E. A. Webster. J. Felder Meyers, editor of the News and Times, spoke for the "Fress" in a manner to elicit the applause of all. The exercises of the evening were varied by music from the Orangcburg Variety Troupe. The company dispersed ut n late hour, well pleased with the evening's entertainment, wishing long life and prosperity to Hie Independent Elliott. Hook and Ladder Company, and to its honored patron, Dr. T. A. Elliott. ' COMMUNICATED. ORAKOEBUUG, CH. Dec. 3d. 187?. Afr. Editor:-I have learned from good authority that T. C. Andrews is just now showing how he np predates honest Republicans by ma king au effort to get Dr. Webster and yourself removed from tho charge of our post ofllcc. I am very glad to learn that tho people here appreciate your appartint effort to accommodate them and serve thc public in your management of tho olllce, and desire no change, as nearly all the business men of thc place have expressed their satisfaction willi your arning? incuts ami services. As for the peo ple of this county we wish for n more of Senator Andrews aj point?e: to manage public funds until we cai replenish our depleted Count)-Treas ury. It should be known at Washington that the predecessor of Dr. Wehste, was recommended for the position by Senator Andrews, who had ai honest Republican and good Post Master removed to make a place loi him. I now learn that Senator An drews has aiiotlier opportunity ol showing his honest intentions, in his recommendations lo this ollice ami signature to his bond lo the govern iiient, by coming forward like an hon est man and paying up in good faith that deficiency in the accounts ol' our former Post Master appointed Itv his disinterested elf ?i ts as au honest re publican ollicial. Respi clluily Yours A CI I'lZKX. COM M M XII AT Kl I. Please stale through the columns of your paper that thc new Baptist ( burch (colored) oi?Sunuy-sidc will be dedicated on the ^second Sunday in December, the ililli inst. Preach ing in thc morning al 11 o'clock. The public are cordially invite I to attend. Respect fully. .1. C. COVAN, Pa-tor. List of Advertised Letters for the Week Ending Mrs Ann Adams, C F Bennett, .lohn ll din, Master l? 15 dion, Mi-s Maiiha Brown. Mrs. Charlotte Cally, Robert Camlay, Censar Cash, .Miss j Sarah Cope. Willis Corbil, V. Cuni ' ming-, L l? Culler, Miss li (becca Dandy, Henry Davis, Jacob D:ivis, Sally Davis, Ii Dempsey, B Durants ' Miss Sally Folder, Lisboy Fryer. | Sliadriek Funche-:, Miss .1 Della Grillin, Miss O Gaster^ M?roni?rGo rnncr,-Hopkins, Miss Rosa llaigler, Prince Hades, Joseph llarl lie, Janies Herrington, R :v C Iley i ward, Philip Hickson, Joseph Hop ! kins, John Hussy, Miss darcey j Irix, Isaac Jacobs, Mrs M irgarct .Itieob? Mi-?S A.1.' 1 V; ! Jane Murphy, Miss Laura A Myers, Mrs Mary Watkins, Thomas What ley. Moody and Sankey. KOW SPECIAL AND EXTEN'D?D DAILY REPORTS OE TUE < i i ? i'Z A. rr J : V i v L SE 13 New York Daily Witness. $5 A YEAR; Or only 50 coils. Pontage Paid, ! FROM NOW TO 1st JANUARY; 1870 i 'mci i.A I ION OK DAILY WITN?CSS. For week end i mr Sept. 25, Ul ,500.-Av j eragi! daily. 10 2f.U. I'or week i'lidhi? Oct. .'!t>. IOU.i5?(K -Av erage daily. 17.750. Sample copy of daily and weekly H7i 11C*9 -eut free oh application by phspil caul. Address. ,HMIN Dolli Abb. 2 Spruce St. (Traci House). N. V. \ S. II. WILSON. J. T. WILSON. SAM'L WILSON & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers TIKE- G.RQGE.RI.E.S;,, TEAS, WINES, ALES, AND IMPORTED SEGAHS. 300 King St.. Charleston, S. C. Id iy i .Vt I & ?, mmswm BEGS TO INFORM nts FRIENDS. patrons and thc public generally, thal having disposed ol'his entire STOCK OF LIQUORS, now respectfully solicits a coiithiuaiiec of their patronage, by offering to them, under (he motto of QUICK SALES and S WI LL PROFITS, a com plete assortment ol' General Merchandise. And us my stock is Too NUMEROUS TO MENTION. I respect fully ask an In spect lon of my goods before buying else where. Goods shown free of charge. C. IX KOTJ?IIN, WEBER'S H?j?? il ? #?1 j SELL for less money and lil 's ! NESS. For [?roof a lier in llic South. &R;f; YOU e.QAf IHN USE NEW YORK E2 ?br use in while, and over ( le Lend, Zinc, nm I Linseed icr paint in thu world, and i paint-has taken lin- MUST on, ?ind is on one hu mired t Sample canis sent free. . Ki:w 1 3 J" CHARLESTON", S. G.. l-l l.I.V INFORMS TI IK P KO P l. li ur?j i Ounty Hutt In; has lixod .r purl <>i ! hi! ( Uti Rani' I . 11 i 1 < I - i.; Hull, Strovill & Pike's, willi AM) SIDE LICHTS, prepared with every couveii >i'i^ fjootl work. CRAPHS, ERROTYs-ES, AW?BROTYPE, very size, made ?it thu lowes! ices?. (tiltil!?'ul paid lo copyilt'j tiny from old pictures. now no luM't.'.-.Ml.v ol sending I'work tiwttv frtiiii homo lo be iili.-d. i'm lu re lor lin; Winier, nnd ...Hully n qiU'Sl I ho peoplu lo I jutliri' im iliL'tuselves. r Ul. 1^7."i-l I-lim. rOKOMAM ANO LAWRKNCK : meys at Law, Charleston ami Ornugcbu^. iM? I?, J. i ! ? 1! 31 ?li I'' i ? i! ii ii A 'ii. [\ i), I.WV?K.M?:. I ?il titrent ?on Rivoli to (ho col chiiu.s ami prompt return ???, March 20, 1*7.-.. v\ I HST IC ll, faithfully anti promptly at ?for ihr'present in xcitli A. H. r. .lan. ?.\, lS7i>. i IS. S. BULL, . \y LUV, l'MTTII STATES i ini.illSSIO.NKii AMI 1 n fy J*.?1>1?<., i. t d ii t ri_r, S. < ! IL RESDISH, STICE ANO ATTOR '? V AT LA NV, on better terms than any other house, dd ross the only exclusive Piano and G. P. GUILFORD, ATLANTA, GA. s AM EL PAINT COM TAN Y'S hie Hundred Colors made of strictly Oil. Warranted to last twice as long s much handsomer and cheaper than iMtKMiUMS at twenty ol' the Slate Fairs ho usa nd of the finest houses in the i'ouK KN A M KI, PAINT COMPANY. TIMES ^VI??O II^VI?JQ AND HO >. 13 V" IS S C^V3 ?CE. Theodore Kohn & Bro INTEND TO SELL GOODS AC CORDINGLY AT THEIR rtfArY?rViOTH DRY GOODS EMPORIUM. Watching thc mai hot closch', we buy Goods at BOTTOM PRICES, and are enabled lo make all thc needy happy i by giving them More Good Goods for thc same amount of money than they bought before. Dress Goods, Shawls, Blankets, G oods for Men and Children wear, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' Hats, And in fact everything needed by everybody at this season. IJT GIVE US A TRIAL. JR J. KOHN & BRO., Dry Goods Emporium. lb k k k JOHN W. LINLEY & CO.. [00 King Street, Cheleston, S. C., GROCERS, ANDI MirO R T KIIS OF General Merchandise* No Freight tv Pay ! No freight to Pay! Our prices arc below those of ati> ..Hier deal >r In the United Slates. No extra charges for I ray age, boxing, or frelght iny depot on tho linc of ibo A'orrti Kant dm. WU nington ami Columbia, South Carolina amt Jhnrloslon und Savannah Hail Hoads; also, to itt points in South Carolina, Georgia ami Kloi i In, having tliacct water oomiiuiuicatiou with Charleston. ALI. Coons GUARANTEED. Always enclose this advertisement with order il convenient. LIST or PRICES. No EXPENSE TO ADD. Finest quality Young Hyson Ten-qnnlity nil? snrpasscil, exquisite flavor, anil strength. 9LOCI per lb. This Toa specially rcoumiftcdcd. Finest nu it ll ty Oolong. Souchong, Gunpowder, and Ilysou Teas, 41.00 per lb. Second quality ToaH a lo. per lb. Third quality Teas, sold by other deal'rs al ?1 per lb, you can linve dclWcrcd by us al &Oc.. per lb. Crushed Sugar Mc. per lb.; powdered Sugar 12c per lb.; granulated A. Sugar 12c. per lb.; extra C Sugar, lue. per Mi.: chirilicd Itrown Sugar, lo els per lb. Lin toy's l'eerlcsa Family IC I o ur, our own brand made from best Virginia Wheat-nn elegant article-20 lbs, for $I,or ?9 per barrel, Good Family Flour, 21 lbs for $1, or #7.5o per barrel. Extra Choleo Finely Flavored Hagged Hams, ICc; Good limns, 1.1c, per lb. Extra Choice Breakfast Strips, l?.'^c. per lb. Choice Tumbler lollies, large size, Vzy.c. each. 2 lb' Canned Pomatocs, I Sc each; 3 lb Canned Tomatoes, 10o ?adi. 1 lb. Salmon, 18c. per can; 3 lb. Canned I'ino Apple, Peaches, Damsons, and Pears, 23c. .crean-Ocansfor 1.30., Best Huality Mixed Vinegar Tickles-pints, 17c. quarts, 27c each; ?rtillons, fiOe cnoli. Condensed Milk Eu eka, and Eairle Brand. 25c. each. Gnntz Seafoain. 1-2 lb- 25c,; lbs. 50 cents, per ?iin. Lemon Sugar, 40c. per can. Doo ley's Yeast Powder. 15, 25, 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Package Soda, lue. per lb. \ Boxes Sardines. 20c.; 1-2 boxes Sardines, 35c. each. Shadlnes, 1-4 boxes..'15c. each. Cox's Spnrkliii Gela ble, 20c. per pack. Capers. 40e. ; Olives iOci ; Worehestersliire, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported 40c ?er bottle. Imitation French Mustard, ?Oe. Genuine French Mustard, 25e. .'renell Prunes, 15o. Raisin?, 20c. Cit oii, 40. Currants. 10c. Cheese, 20c. .'nil weight Candles, first quality, 23c teilb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c per lb ,'?>eo:i, ode, per lb. Broma, 60c. per lb. j?rinan Chocolate, 30c. per lb. Ordi i.iry Kio Codee, 4} lbs for 81 ; cholee Rio 'Olive, 4 lbs, tor $1 ; choice. Laguarn idlee. 3 1-2 lbs. for $1; Old Govern nent .lava Coffee; 3 lbs. fur ?1 ; Ronsti-d md Ground Co/fees. 5c. additional, each mule. Darren's Starch. 9 1-2 lbs. for M> Satin Gloss Starch. 75c. per box. Joi n Starch, 13e. per pack, liox Bluc ng. 33c. per dozen. Barley, 12 l-2e. per h. Durhams Smoking Tobacco, G5, per b. Marlin's Celebrated Gilt Edge But er. 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, in Good Table Untrer, 'Me. per ii Conking Uniter I lbs. 5lb.-:., anS* G bs?, ihr 91 Biscuits-Soda IJ 1!?-. foi, *l ; Extra "ii'i*.'? ? _* ?' ';^yine, mmmm UiiU'sJ? -, "' !?'.' _jb-_; Nie hues. JffcT per lil. '/jlihicl? Pep? . te, :?? !. per ll) : N'i?r?.lr .~- , ...,?V,L, IGu. j< .MIiure: Giitger,25e per lb. Hose and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a line article, 25c. per lb; Ordinary .^?k Candy, pure, 20c per lb; Rock Candy tiny color, 22e. per lb. Colgate's Toilet. Soap-GO dtl?erent kind.-,, a speciality of ours, at manufactures prices-from 25c. to $4.00 per dozen cakes. Colgate's Handkerchief Extracts, 50c. per bottle. Cashmere Moquet Powder, 25e. per box. Cleveland's Pomade Vasallne, a Restora tive unequalled for the hair. 20c. per bottle. Old Corn Whiskey. ?1.80 per gal lon. Eye Whiskeys, $1,60, $3,00, and 34,00, |ier gallon. Blackberry and Cher ry Cordials, a pleasant drink, $1,80 per ?fallon. Table Port and Sherry Wine, 32.50 per gallon. Fine Old Madeira, $4, ?0 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale, porter; bottled, 2.70 per dosicii. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, $2.70 per dozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra 1-2 gallon We, ; gallon. 55e ; 3 gallons, 60c. ; 3 gal ^a?ons, 75.; 5 gallons, $!,0C each" A very Extensive Assortment of Crock sry and Glassware always on hand. Plates-Dinner size, $1.50 per dozen; breakfast' $1.25; Desert $1.00 ; Tea, 85c. |>er dozen. Cups and Suue.ers, $1.00 pet zet. Covered Dishes. G5e.. 75c, and $1. >0 each. Tumblers, GO., 75.. $1.00, $1.25 ind $1.50 per dozen. Table Gohlets,$l, 20, $1,50. $2.00. $2.50, and $3,00 per dozen. Wine Glasses $1,00 per dozen Lamp Chimney's Sun O and A's, 4 fr>v 25c; B's 3 for 25c. Student or Arg Chimneys 3 for 25e. Numberles artic. ? unmentioned, information cheerfully given- Our linn was . established In ISG7; ami our business reputation anti facilities are of the highest order. Wo will do all we promise. All orders should be addressed to JOHN W. LINLEY ?ft Co., (Key Box 1S4.) 190 King Street CltAHLERTON, S. C. Wm. M. MED & Cu., IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Oils, White Lead, Zinc, Colors, W indow-G-lass, &c, 201 East Bay, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. July 17, -19-5 A UGUSTUSJIl. KNOWLTON, Land. _A.geiit, Thc. undersigned has opened an office for the SALK or LAND. Persons having REAL ESTATE to dispose of viii do well to register thc same for salo. Largo farms subdivided and sold in either argo or small parcels. Good farms for sale at from two toflvo fothur* tor acre, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, I,If Orangebnrg C. IL, S. C.