Arrimu Exploration. The explorations of .Stanley in thc heart of Airiest are of tho utmost geo ?T.tphical ? Ile is M plucky, elcnrdicadcd mau, wlio push es Iiis way through tliflicultics like a steam engine through a snow drift; mid, eoiisidcring tho delays mid .slowness ol Ibrnier expeditions^ tho rapidity ot hin movements and tho promptness j>r his eonimuuiciitions aro quite remarkable. He has tv>> much business on hand to bc sick, am! i* too active ami energetic ami v nd la ut tobe entrapped by ti ic troa?h?r oiis natives or captured by thc malaria. lt is quite evident that tho natives .-laud in awe of tin* man, who seems ti) lie .-. sort ol' locomotive in Inuits, though they shunt his uieii when out of his sight wit li mit hesitation or remorse, ami Iiis two letters eaine stained with the life-blomlol' one ol' tlie Khedive's ollicers. Stanley has now dem?nstrale?! hy actual oliserv iitiou and surveys that Livingstone, whose health and mind failed in the last years' id' In- long African sojourn, was mistaken in supposing th?' Victoria Ny anza was a chain ol live lakes connected willi each oilier. He linds that Sjieko, whose explorations wen- made in 1^02, was right iu his opinion thal the Victoria Nvanza is one body ul' water: hut wind Speke t?)"k tiir two islands Stanley linds are peninsulas in this great inland sea. filis is uniloublcdlv the lipper reservoir ol' the Nile, and should lu tu re ifxplor atiotts coiilirin the importance ul' the Uiver Shiinecyoti we shall have the key to t!ie wlmle Sile system, and the mys tery <>l" Africa will he henceforth an ??j?ell secret, lt isa matter ol' national pride thal these final explorations are made liv an American, who, though he follows the trail of distinguished explorers, seems to have a Capacity of gathering up the results ni' their discursive discoveries and observations, and combining and correcting them, and supplementing them with original explorations ol' his own, which are quite as important as any that have been made. These African explorations are of vasi ly inore consequence and practical utility than anything Hint has Ixion or is likely In bc discovered in thc Arctic regions, where so much treasure luis been spent and so many lives have been thrown away. Africa is not only a puzzle to geographers : it is now a problem for ci vi ligation to .-olve, and throws down its challenge to tbs statesmanship and hu manity of the globe. lt Iles in Ibo high way of commerce, inviting the inter course of all nations. I ts fertile soils ami salubrious climates and valuable produc tions give it a vast importance, which is increased hy its accessibility on all sides. The cradle of civilization and thc scat ol' commerce for centuries, it is now sparse ly peopled and lo all practical intents is a virgin continent inviting immigration ami furnishing almost unlimited scope to the enterprise of civilized man. What shall he done, with it and for it are ques tions which will as'-: themselves with increasing frequency and force in coming years. .Mr. Dallon has suggested that au attempt be made to colonize il willi Chinese. The plan has plausibility. lt has been found Hutt thc Chinese who ..ave settled in the Oceanic Islands have developed quite remarkable faculties of thrift sijjd enterprise and govcrmncntf [t?j?l?fmve improved consider,-,!., on the V.'VV? J;';r. ?u\S iCVtiV ?:?r.>.?3 over crowded with population ami all her great cities su Hering from an excess of poor and perishing classes, it certainly seems thal the key of A frican civilization need not. he sought in eastern Asia among the Mongolian races, ll only wants the ability to organize colonization on a grand scale, and carry it- out with thc appliances of modern science and art ami the modern spirit of humanity to make Africa a power in the civilized world and a means of renovating Ku rope.- Daily ( ?rtiphiv. * Tho .lews. Some curious, and in sonic respel ls, surprising, particulars have lately been collected and published in a Kreuch pa per, respecting the Jews. Although thc Israelites hold such tm important place in trade, commerce and finance, .'ind ?rc to be incl with in every quarter of the world, it appears that they are ?:: be found in least numbera in some of the most commercial countries, and in most numbers in some nf thc least prosperous and enterprising slates. -Moreover, widely as they arc scattered, and numerous as they appear to he, it seems from the statistics in question that the census of tlie whole race falls short, of live millions ol' souls. In France, where there exists little or none of the stupid and barba rous prejudice against thc Jews which prevails in some countries, and where one would think lhere was a wide field for the peculiar talents nf the race, Liiere are only '10,000 dews, lu America, ap parently u si ill more favorable country, there are only one hundred and twenty thousand Israelites. On the other hand, in wretched, unprospcrous and down trodden Poland thc .lews are to he lound in greatest number, one out of every seven of the inhabitants being a Hebrew. One can understand thai, lhere should he a few .Fews in Spain, bul ii is surprising they should he almost as rare in llclgium. lu Sweden there an; comparatively few Jews, but they abound in Hamburg, A ustria, and Itoumnniaiii thc proportion of one to every twenty-four inhabitants. In Hamburg ami Austria there is abun dant employment for their talents, hut in Kotiinunia lhere cannot be any ^rcat scope for their commercial ?ind financial instincts, ireland always boasts of being the only country in the "world in which tho Jews were never persecuted-and, indeed, whether at home or abroad, Um irish, always manifest a certain respect for thc Israeli tes-but Ireland has hardly hatl thc opportunity of persecuting the race, for even at Ute present day lhere are not three hundred .lews in the whole country, Norway stands lowest on the list, after Ireland, there only being twenty-five .lews in that country. An interesting addition- lo these, statistics (?fit were jiossible to secure it) would he thc amount of weal Ul in the hands of the less than live millions of .lews that abide upon, if they do not -inherit the earth. Considering the enormous wealth possessed by only'ti few well-known indi viduals o? the race, such a return would doubtless ?how a high average per head. Lomlon Globe. ? TmtF.i: Cranges and a Council of Sov ereigns of industry in Massachusetts have united in a co-operative store at Hol voko. I HUI N irrt 's COCOA INK, for promoting thc growth . Al'I'IiKTON&C.O., New York, have near ly ready for publication the "LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKSON* fully illustrated by views and portraits, including the oral ?ons and scenes ai (ending the unveiling of Kelcy's statue of Stonewall Jackson at Iticbuiond. We advise all, especially disabled soldiers ami women out of work, lo write to thc publish* ors at once and secure au agency, as lite work is tu be sold hv subscription, lt will have a large sale. Wini) Nothing iteit?.? l?utter. 25 Qn .15 Chickens. .1 25 Ot) <1 25 Cotice. 22 fu) 2(i Wheal. I 15 Ot) l 20 Hay-best. Ki 50 f'i) 2I fill Whiskey- -Common. i 00 (?> On 13 00 Oranges. S 50 On in (Kl Pork-Mess. 21 50 f?i) 21 75 Lard. I-IM@ M5? Lacon-Clear sities. l-l'-if'O 1 l?.? Cheese Choice. 12 Qt) 12% Flour. 5 (M) (o) 5 75 Wool. 33 O? -I") Potatoes-Irish, per bbl... 1 GO Oit 1 75 Cotton-Middling. Ll?if?) 13M Ordinary. ll Qi) N A.Sii Vll.l.K. Flour. (? ~? fg) 7 SQ Corn Meal. 65 O') Corn. 10 O') 80 Oats. -15 On i',0 Lacon-Clear Sities. On 15?? Hain?-Sugar Cured. On 15 Lani. 15 Lutter. 15 Qt) 18 ItiggM. 12 O? Wool. 28 (u> 17 KKW OltliKANN. I-lour.* 1 5(1 Qi) 5 00 Com. 70 (ti) 72 Lacon-Clear Sities. 1-l-fc? 15 Colton . Y.\ya SI'HIACH'S I'l I.HOXIC SVltl'l' FOI! 'l in: erm: or <-O.\NI'.MI?TION, ?reu?UN AM> 4'OI.I>N. Tl.? sreul vii tue ni lids medicine is Ilia! il ripens tin- nialli-r ililli threwsil nut nf thc Hy til elli, pat i fun Un- Mood, ami I lias elici ts a cine. SCIIKXCK'S SKA WKKII TONIC, HOR Tint Critic OK DYSPICI-SIA, iNnioKsriON, ISTC. Til?! Tunic produces n healthy ncliuii of I lie Mom ncli; i-n-aiiin; an npptiitc, li inn I nt* eli y le, nial ennui; 1 lu- mos) (distillate cases nf Indigestion. SCIIKNCK'.S MANOIIAKK I'll.I.s. FOII THU Cl! UK OK blVKI! COMPLAINT, I?TC. These Pills are alterativo mid |irtMluce a healthy ai linn of llio liver without thc least ilatn.-cr, as they are freo fruta calomel alni vet inure cllicai ions iii restoring a Itcaltliy action nf thc liver. Tiloso n.-iiu-ilics nio a certain euro for < "onsti tn i >l ion, a* tho I'uluinnic Synili ri|?ctis Hie malleraml pm i lies lliolilowl. Tlio Mandrake 1*111? net upon tin- liver, create a heall li v hile, amt roiliovo all liisi-.iscs of lite li ver, often a cause nt Consumption. Thc ?Son Wi-eil 'l'unie (jive* tone timi M rel lift li to the stuinach, makes a K?KM| digest ion, and Cintillos thc organs In furiu KOIMI Mimd ; uni] thus entiles a healthy circulation of li<-alt hy him id. Thc roillliilKsl action nf these tueili eines, as lints explained, will cure every faso ol l VjllHllliipl inn, . t Ulken ju time, and the use oj t|ie lllc-licincs peisevcreil ill. pr, Schein-Ii is professionally at hin principal oilier, (Hitter Sixth and Areli si revis, Philadelphia, every M.lay, where all letters for advice must he iut ilresseil. Selieuck's medicines foi sale liv ail Iirui; glals. IC. .1. MA KT ,v ( ti., Nos. 7.1, 75 nilli 77 Teliotlpil?a las St., New Orleans, Wholesale Agenta. SIXVER ^TIPPED S H O E ?S To hilve lim money spent need leasl) ever) year unit hi ?jiv? suh ilttoitliil rum Turi tn almost every lacrson. Tn lui ve the nu.vs? veil dy lill) iic'KII vcr'jripiM-il hoots ami shoes u mihi hui euell pareo I every year a new pair of Shoes. As the several continus of Iii KmKmm^mmmmm CAB LE SC RE W WI RE[|^^H^^ finn!., m s|. |u UM- |eo|. A fi protect hm lr >m all tin- .I'-Rm'?'? Q ??W 25% tiienjs, cM-ept hy lire._p*1*" ***< il HW lilli ll \(!KNTS, I lieu real esl ilia nc.tlicauc. Aililre.??, .willi rt a mp, National < 'npyiou Co., Allanta, tia. ?"rci-llts. No Sa Ith.11 li Sc hool 'IVarlu-V shullhl he *)\Mlliout the *Vci lil.v WillK-MHtill iHlJatltl'y. CAGEMTS WANTED FOR THE EINITENNIAL HISTORY OF THE U.S. Tin- ?{real InforoM in the tlirilliiiR hlsl?ry nf nur mniiiiy liltlke.dhLs tia f?Ste^t pelling hunk ever ptlh lisle il. ll cuntaimt -l ill linc lllnlorlcill ctit'rav iiiKfl amt paiee?, with II lull account of the np nroiicliliio ITIIIIII i.'eiitonninl eelelirittion. Semi f?r n full ih-scriiUmn ami extra terms to A-n-iit*. N Vi' ION A li I'UMJISIIIKQ CO.. St. Louis, Stu. Stow ?tooti reit XIII: nlll WESTERN BORDER Uno Hundred Years Ago. A (iraphii History ol thc llor?le lan.rh ut American Heritor lah-. Hs IlirllliimciuiHictHol Heil ami Wliit? foes. Kxcltrng Ailvt-ulnres, Cunt brit lea, Kornya, Seouls, Pinner women ami Iniys. I lillian war-piillis, ''ump lil", and pporta.-? hook for Ohl nilli ?oiiiil{. Nut a dull pni:e. No ( om i-t-i i timi. Knornious sales. AUCUIH u.uiiiil every when-. Cir. ularn free. A lill ress .l.i". McCcnnv A Ci., Iso W Koiirlli St. Cincfininti, " THU HORSE Rclcntlflcnlly ozpUlnod. Mow tu JIIIIKO mid euro for him. Tho rn.'/.(? tontlr. riiICK?lSCrNTH. _ Addreiw a. 1?. VINCK?>T71\ Uox .Vt.Cnti ugo, 111 New Music Books. (I10PENUK Drought mil tn iiutli-lpntiou of Ilia Holiday Henson How lipiirolli'llillU', this IH'W mill Hliperior lli?'k ul Hound Mush- IH nttriutllu; much nt t-ntlini. "lld universally conceded tu bu ??|iinl <>r superior tu ntl)' ovor issued. 75 Sottes, i!;>2 Largo I'ntcos. Hoards. r,(?. ?'lolls. g? Oil. l ille-?Jilt, Tor 1'resoiilM, 81 00. 'ItcilieuitM'r Mint tir.MM or SOSO, lim III f?rt nuy other of .mr IHMII?H), ? ?ll IMI MMII hy mall, I-HI-pnlil. 011 receipt .if tin- retail price. Try thin in- Ill...I .m. i-, mu? yam will Ix.?eoiivlnnil utils perfect Convenience. Alni !? ir nilli- lo nil |>io|iliii<-lit inutile ileulera. For ?'liol rs. ?'lionises. Noclelle*. Ito.v IHIOH flu II Col lift lon. si 311. Mille- Voleen. Miiunitli-ciil 1 part mush*, ?j?1 i 1.- popular hi concerts, t'liornn ?'I10I1-. ?*-t. Kin?) A nt hmm t\|?|K'iulix ii) Moimi.s Kiicycl?|H'(liii of Music I h- hinter work IST.l puldlsliod in ISM. coiiln?iis ,iliiiu-t i-vi-i i Hom: lloil UM-. I.ri.o\ II ul...III iioi-i.- Ple tothill itali-, 'flu- Al'I'KMIIX. CM CIS.) lirllllJH History, lliouniphy 11 ml Thimrj np to tho I'M -ut timi'. Ver) it-'liil 11ml i 111 . ? I . ? -1 ? 11 r -. OHvcrlHtsoii.? ('?., (lias. ll. IMtsun & Cu. i tout 011 711 ll'ilwiiy, Ki*tv York. 1""i nil - lill l-l -I M II 11:11 \ . N..I 'I, i ._-\ ni.i H - lu.ul.I Li . ?J without the Nen Voi-h Wi-elil.1! Wlliiesm. Jj/* foi- NuMiiiiL. A .K-Iii? wu ii I ci eri-ry u ll<-|<-. ?pt > A.hil.- .1. iv KNNI:IIV .vin.. 1:1. iou..M.1.1 o.i. WAST K?I Al 5 KN TS. Sa III ph' 11 ml ?lit til fri-e lt? llei Ullin <;?l / \ p.-r weeli un la ry. Milli'or romalo: Circular* ? >Uli--. Ail'? Cr)-Ini i o.. Indianapolis, lu.I. fjjin a tiny at homo. A geni H wmilctl. Otllill A terms vpl? In c. Address Turn A Co., Augusta, Maine. flrVV'- S'"> lo- RIO |K I iln.v. Itii?iiic?s hinuiral.1? ami lucrative. *K?-IIIM wussiest. Address MARION SI PI'I.Y ?.??., Marion. Ullin. nj i "Uflinri VOIIIII; Mon lo lenrii Telegraphing, l'or U Jill 1 Lljjiiiaii.-at po-it i HU cuntan!.I. Address 1'AI'I r io Ti'.i.r... 11 A ru. I ."il Main St., MempliiM, Tenn. {in f fi ? Moults.-Agents wanted. SH lieut rielliiii; vDd JU 11 ???-!-.-. in tin- world, i.ampi. In o. Ad T"u iii.-nu J. IIRONOK, IM mit. .Milli. tkI \ON*T rilRIIKT IT!" Singer's Siif.-lx 1 7 I ?lui ni in ?orlli nil Un- Itlirular Alarm? ever invented. Agents wanted everywhere. Silver pla I eil Kn III ph' prepaid on n-n-ipt of ?'icenls. Addre.-? A. II. SINHKIt, i:iH Wainui Street, I'hllitdolphln, IV. Ip^eents WVeklv Witness, no willa Itally WU rfu PUN io lut .lan. JOHN H.o OM 1., Killliir, N. V. 1>KUMANKNT AND PHOKITAIthK KMPhOV M KNT .'aII I..- sr. un d liv huh in ever) LOTH in the t'nile.1 Stuteri. Address J. ll KMC Y SYMONDS, as Devonshire street. Huston, .Ma-. (krVft1 I'lill WEEK UUAilANTKED to Agents, V1/1/ Male mu? Futlinlo, in their own locality, if) I I Tenon ami OUTFIT EUEE. Iddrcsa |>. 1 * " O. VICKKUY A CO., AllKiialn, Maine. (1 ARON.-St) while or lintel llrixtol, ao ?.IM.;30 ' SiinwtlnkeH, Marhle, Hep, or l)iiiiiank,33 cta.j .io I .Insu, to itu.; with your millie l..-imi t > tn 11 \ print.ul un Hi.on. ami OD Humple* of I y pc. nuiiiita' priii'-lial, etc., r-.-nt hy r.-liirn 111111I un receipt of price. Itlitriiiiiit 1.. I lui.?. Ih-sl ol work. \V. C. HANNON,-M Knii>lnli?l Street. Hunton. ItefiTH luS. .M. I'KTTKMIII.L A: Cn. P J NASH ~H1 "roaiiwnv, N. > ., hiniiiilncturcr I'tf'fl?OU' ?r Snliil tlolil Ik KW Kiilt Y or every ileaeriptiiin. Tie- Ktork iu In mo, very clulee, ami in nflereil nt retail nt traile priera lo kii-p mir workmen Kaine. Itilln uiiih-r tl.'i. I". O. or.l. r iii mlvi mi'. live tl.'i, ti. li. privilege to examine. Catnh(Kiie frets Years estahlinhotl. .ION KS COMMKHCIAL COI.I.KUK, St. I^uis, Mn. I Write for Circular anil S|,ccliiien ol ?imlneHH Pcniuanaltip. 35 A .HONTl?.-Asonln wahtRtlPVerywhere llnsinesM lionorahlu ami lint-tlnss. Par ticulars si'iit free. AllllrOSS^" wouTii tv co.. : t: h. .U? Mi? rents nilly-N. V. tV?-eKl.v tVIOu-untill lut ? J.laiiiiary. Kvery I'nniier shnlilil try it. liml Morphine nhsollttetely ami s|H'ei|||y 1'iireil. I'ninless; ie- ptthlieity. Sen.I Hininp fur particulars. Dr. ('url tun. W Wnshlimton St.. CMrnKii. Il A PTJlJfP? 20 Elpgniil Oil Chromos uiniiiitc?!, sixe illlljIt 1 U ?x;ll f"r SI. Novelties mil dir.s oj 'en rv ii'??i-i/ifiuH. National Chromo Co . I'liila, l'a. Vii r\ UTUH A ?eui s for 7 liest .uulline ii'tliliu in I hi ll ft lil DU world. Kaiuples, hy mall. SH cents. IMIOK. DUNCAN .v Ct?.. mniiiifaetureH, Kremol?t, O. rilli IS paper ls printed with Ink mail? hy li. ll. JL K A N K it CO., 121 Hearliom Slreul, ChlenKo, and fur sale l y un in larue or small .juantitleri SH. NKW.SPAPKU UNION, Memphis, Tenn. A niTDT?lQTTV A tar hill of I77?s. nt free A UUnlUOll l.V'r ?t.imi? Address .'. III UST .V CO., 73 Niissnn st., New ) orkl ?(-?y- (o sin |ii.. V.nrion, Ohio. AAA A DA? made with Till: M'Ii?-iN VL. SMUINC KAKT1I A HG KR. %a%Jf%J> Mei,.i f. - Illustrated cataiOKue, V.'. A. BIIKHWOOD, Ht. lynds, MUmittrl. $10^$500HSS?? everythim: ami ul vin v. price <>f uto.-ks nruiT rnrr JollN HICK liINO .Vco., llank OC.NT rKECi "ra* HrokerH.7a Uronilwiiy.N.Y. F_ rBH ? Oiai.c.-r. issued Pw Hi M weekly lit l.olli-ville. Kv. B-TCL" ggf*" BTT hemhi riera NaCl I i rn nae H wt Rna EBSU1"" <" ,"1 m ?"?"ina tl-'" lui- year IS7?. Sn ni pies fi.-.-. I mouths trial .'NV | I'Klt lr KAR. ?tPKCIMKN COI?V KIIKK. ip? KAeo'nf IHISIIIKO, Address Tin- ..STAU" CO., t'lncliiiintl. O. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. The 111.1.-i-I M II un/.in? iii Anieriia. " A I'nr.MlfM CuiioMu," Tur. MOIINIMI CAI.I., will lat given lo every Sn hsc ri her, whet her Kinnie or ?11 a chili, who pay? In advaiiee for 1*70 ami remits direct t.. il,? ollfce. Address, h. A. HOOKY, I'liiladelphia, l'a. '?'ourN.imo Kle^nittly l'rlitt eil on 12 TiiANSi-jisrsr VISITISO CA 11 ns. for 95 Cents. Knell rant con tain* n irvnr which ls not visible until hcl.t towards the I?RIII. NothlncUkt theme ?er Iwriircollcrcil In A mr., .3. Mclnitiirc mtnUto Aganta. Novr-i.TV I'niWTlKO Co., Ashland. Most. AOCMTS ninlto Stt3O.O0 per moniii. tr\ WaK?I? I O Semi forelreislnrainul tersos. TI, HISTORY : AMERICA. Just the hook Hie people wont. DON'T 51 ISS THIN! Wesf -i 11 lfiihlish!nj;Ho. M.hollis.Mo. LC; cents till 1st Jim. Moody nml Sniikey's Meet Oin?* reported lu WtiBWhY tVBTN IIAIUT CUKB? AT HOMfc. >o nuhlielty. 'finio short, 'ionus incut ernie. 1,00(1 tcatlmoiilnls. Mh yon of unparalleled success. I'oscrihc Address DJt. V. K. Bl A It 811, Qu I noy, Ml.-h Fbn. Your Own Printing ?ff Outfits from SI up Uolillnu it- Co., Afnnu/'s, Washington Hq, llotton COTTON! COTTON! T 111 I K earliest ami most I'roliltr 4'oMosi in thc 1 world. Make? flinn two tn three huies per acre, finir works curlier than any other cotton. Send for circulara. Addrcaa, W, u. .lioi'Alti.f.v, Wimma, Miss. Z81,1,8' ENCYCLOPEDIA, AVir. Iterttnl Mitha*. I.iu,ii0ii Articles, 3,11?) Knttniyinas ami ls splendid liliipu. Aueuts wuliti-tl. I?AKRII, DAVIH A 00, l'hlla. U nui?! b?nE^??^ tar Prof. O. Meeker, P. O. Doa I7C, Laporto, Ind. LOW RESERVOIR Are Suited io all Climates, AND FAMOUS FOB BE1NU BEST TO USE I CHEAPEST TO BUY!I EASIEST TO SELL III - WOAK t Kn motts for doing morn omi BETTER COOKING, HOI .NU IT ?Inlelsor mid Clionpov Tll?a any Bioveof tha copi. Famous Tor thee: STERLING WORTH, ECONO?HY IN FUI?L, SuiafcllUj asl Ccn-calonc?. 'Ali// ' Famous for their ^OAK^? WOHDEltrULLV ?UICK, ?^tftki^?^ -AND ^jm^ UNIFORM BAKING. FAMOUS FOU OIVINO i??^ffe- SatIsfaction Everywhoro, HT p OAK ??2 AM> uciNU Especially Adapted WASTS or vim HOUSEHOLD SOLID J3~X KX?EliSKIR IHANUFACTURINIJ COMTANT NTT- i.oi IN, no. AND BY I?UII.I.II?N. niiTTOBrr A CO.; NAHiivir.i.K, TUNS, K. VIUIIIIIAItT A- I/O., MitUPIlIS, TitNit. ICM i. metis., ??CO.. NL:\V ORLBAH8, LA. IOM? HUON.. KOCK AND HOT SPRINOB, AUK. KIJAIVOKTII, KU* NKM. Ar CO., MontLR, ALA; MON A II I,V l>It. SAAIOUD S ? LIVER INVIGORATORj Compounded entirely from ^t. nell and ?lovcels, tone and limit lt ? Voi |dlsenses dejieud 'otlitwholemu- U ~|- cut on or caused clilnery, riniiiv- * " Cj by snell derange lng the cause of a_J ? ? ment ns Hiltons tile diseases, ef- ** f^i attacks, Costlve fectlng a radical r*?^, ness, Chronic 1>1< curt. Anal'AM- . |a*^ nrrliyHm-ii II?V Hf FI?ICUVF co I- sin, Juundlce and lt is UIVFIIUAF- {g ??J Female Wcnk FI>, and ls AL- ZL I * UCNSCH. 1 tablc IVAYS KA FF. PH snoonfull taken at commencement of nit nttnek of SICK H EAD AC H E "ires In in minutes. IKL? LOW or NA FLOW NICIN MADK YOUTH F OF by I bottle. THY IT I For nninnlilet containing useful iiiftirmntlmt mid nil about the Fiver,address Hit. HAIVFOltll, Kew York. HOLD KY AFF I>ItU?i01HTH. ? II; BM I i i,,_ Tills now Truss I? worn ?nsffh 'tiu*>*< \t.:??qg?fh with perfect I'limfiirl Br c i s it T i nVB nlrt'll niel day. Adapts fvm K.L. A? i lb Bl itself lo exery mot lon nf W^IT K 0 R ^* I'"' '""lvj retaining Kop. ^^^.cj?3??^&>^Jr strain until permanent . N*-* ''E?STIC TRUSS CO., 07.'l Itroadufir New Vorh 4'Ily. Went hy Mull, full ur send fur circular ami lu- cured Speedily ellrtiI Irv DI!. IIKCK'S oillv known und sure Itcmcdy. KU CIIAIK.F. for irvuliiieiil until cured. Cull 011 or mhlress Dr. J. C. BECK. 112 John St., Cincinnati, 0. PORTABLE GRINDING l?iiLLS. iti r.i t i .m i, |lnrrhilil'i>piii illi- mull ?-riooii i ?, I I-I. li. .i.T ltp|ier*ruillicrs, for farm oe .ii i i i ii.i H t H'orli. fMip< rinr nilli Mlllll'N Ol* lill HI(, Cliiciiiiuill. <>. Ol V\ lOttT, i iueiimpaliliilily, I'. i- aln i d?cret?. III. Gold Rings! WK Mart's piala mini is k?mt (.nhl Kngascutcnt ur w nt Un? i.1.'. ' i ',' mMI (at im r rial) tflisnjr aiMrcM on rivrlpt ?it pr Irr. Prices var, acornllng tn ulro emt wlilth at (.1 ti. ti Ml. } -, fm, (ISaiul f I.Sr.ii'h. In nrili-iinff inrrrniro Ilia Isrccstjolnl of th? r you delira Hu..I willi a nun..? pirca ot ?Ult paper. Wa mitrara an, BaOM, ntoll? ?rdala freo of chargo. Mntiry piav lia irnt HMf in a rri'lurrr.1 ?.uer. lt A lt N K a k UKO., Jcaol era, m Mala st, LoaUrlIte, Ky. Of I'arllniiH'iitary rractlcc. Huies of prorcedinK nml dehnte in dellhurntl >?'?>?. York Weekly WIIIICHH lilt ?J i^t Ju nun ry. Try il liuforo stdei tin? paper for ';ii. TIIKBEST In Hie Wtiiiil* It (.'ives Kiiivi SntiKfiu t|,,,i, uoMii itu i. Kconoray. PHI'S more llreail t<> Mil Flour, il A VHS .12 11, ti. KOON, .Ve. One year's BaVlOKSM'ill hoy a cow >vo iioitK ?l'ou?t IIIII:AI>. Whltor.Idglitor,H\veetcr.lticher. I VritVltODV I'rnlM'ii lt. TheLniliet- areall in Love with lt. -S ?. I, I ,s lllie HOT ?Ali IS. U?. Semi at om o for Circular tn tUEO. F. OAM7 A- t'O., 17? liliane St..Nnv York. Two Months Free ! "THE LEADING AMERICAN NEWSPAPER," Tte Paper for Business Men, Farmers, Families, ami all tte People. 1. Ft puhlishos all tlic news. 'J. It is candil I timi independent, in all things; In polities il favors limiest money, government reform, ami lower laxes; ami it. so .airly litters in these respects the popular voice that every consid?rai>le Shite eleeiinu this year hilft gone ?ni thc side the TKIl?UNK favored. 3. Its litoral tone is unexceptionable, nothing appearing in ils [?ages tm~ suited Ihr the must relined ami cultured family circle .I. 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DAILY (by mail) I year.$10.00 WKKKI.Y, I year.$2.00 SI:MI-\VI:I:KLY, 1 year. 51.00 I'M vc copies, I year. 7.50 I'M vc copies, 1 year. 12.00 Ten copies, 1 year.12.00 Ten copies (aiiil one extra) I y'r. 2?.00 Twenty copies, 1 year.22.00 Thirty copies, 1 year.HO.OO All new mbscrifrilom jxiid atthc UIMW. nth * will ba extended/nun flu: date of receipt until Dcceridter SI, l?S7(i. Knch person procuring a chili of ten or more subscribers is entitled lo ono extra WKKKI.Y, and of fifty or more to a NKMI-WKKKLY. To clergymen, Tun WKKKI.Y Titi ni IN IO will he sent, one year for Sl.fiO, Till': SKMI-WKKKIA' for 82.fiO, and Tin: DAILY for 80.00. Specinien copies of either edition of Tl I li TltllHJNH, and circulars giving full details of the contents of the great series of TKIIUJNH ICxTKAS, sent free to any address in the United States. All remittances at sender's risk, unless hy Draft on New-York, I'nsf al Order, or in Registered Letter. Address simply THE TRIBUNE, New-York. For ?ll illacaricti <.! Ilia Liver, Htoiimcli nutt Spleen. AH ? uni.-ilv in MiilnriiuiH Kf.Ve?H, Rowel I'nin plnilltH, ItyHpepHiii, Menin! (leprewiioii, ItentleinMieNii, JilUintlee. NiiilHeu, Sick lim.1.II lie, l.'.ilii:, I'uliHtl|i;i tiun unit llllimiHiieiM IX BIAS Ml K rili-in ?I Mnnllily I'nynientH. I'lirelinmim HII.UII.I HHU fur Um SMITH AMV.IIII'AN IIIIIMS. Cutiil.iitiii'H ?uni lull pnrticiilnrH ?ii nppli iiilii.M. 1.--innis. WKr.HI.V W1TNKMM I ill 1st .Inn . ?>-.uirv. Ollie? 91 Hpr.iflreet, New York. Q-rand Groltlen Dr?wiiitr OK TUB Louisiana State Lottery Til ll CM PlMCtl Will ni ii nv, ??.-< -eiillM-r -?.t. lt?.). I^OSITIVELY. Capital Prize, $100,000. :i,.vio l*i-lxfN, iliunutiflti|r io99 ALL TN Gi OLD. One JPi'ice to Every Rix Tickets. Only 200,000 Tickets at $50.000 TJ. S. Ourrencv. Tontli8 nnd Twentieths in Proportion. ??tier Tlt-UolM timi IVi-lle I'or <'!?eillntv LOUISIANA STATE LOTTE It Y CO., Lock Box fi.S2 Postoflioe, New Orleans, LB, Comp?tent iinji ItclinMe A Centn Wmileil tlMnilOil ont Hie country, Unnxieplintiiil KUur:inteeri io ta rix!. ABI-IIIH ?Villi?e our livi-r i? wrouu ; HIM! lu col ii riulil ami ?? v lunn nml to \ mir .-.v-t.iii, lin- inti*' lliinu ni ?H TARIUST'S SKIJTZER APKKIKST. SUI,ll ll Y A Mi Mtl'fiOlSTS. REMINGTON. VN Y l'KHNON liwiilllR n KnwiilK Mnnliiiin willett IH ni'iirly worn mit, ur ?low? not ilu I lit* u-urk rr Miiirvil, ?ill liiul lt t? I huir iiilvniitnui' !>. wini UH U ili'vcriptiiui nf tlitilr Mnclilne, nml v\ ?mr Mteritl |. | ni- ..| .LIIIIIIUI' for thr liliclil IC ii ?? i> Inp. ICem liilflon. lt in fully wiirrnillml fur liv? yenr*. nml H:I t iv r.nt I.-n I? uiinritnl.I in livery ?IIKIIIIH-I*. or Iii? mmu-y will lu' rt'liirneit tn Un. niiirtinHitr. Tim ?IIOMI IIIITTIII ti'rniH lu niii'iiiH nml I-IIHII hiiyern. Sn m pirti nf Wolli Ililli ill! I'.ll til Illili K llV lin.ll tn l'Iirlil'H living ut u .lii-l:iin--. Arilin-?'?. .1. ? ?. v tc T. .1 <'/"i Pully t" AlteiilH. rt. ni'W nr I lr Im nml Mm lieut ?TD i_M r Ku u i ?ly I'? iiiT in A un'iiru.w i th I wn tM'hin lim?, fui.. AM.' M'K'tl CO..SIM llroiulu uv. S. Y. SISSHOTGIJW .? linn hit. luirrvl KIHI,luir ur front nellan lnekt>, wnr rn lite.) Bvnitiiia iwint Imrrelw, nml ? BIMMI ?I.1er, on su SAI.I: ; willi KhiHk. Pouch nml Wml-ciltter, f-.r tl".. fun In-?u t I',' fl, ll.i with privileue lo . minim- lie. fore imyiiiR Kill, s.I nt ?mn fur rlrrulnr In K. POW ? Kl.I. .v SON, Omi DiiHler?, sit Milln St.Oliiritintitl.O. LOTTERY DrnwHoit lim milli of eneli imuult. Hy niilliiirily Ihr lii'Kishitiiru. MOTft.OO? In 4'IIMII l'i lf ".. on?' (llmiire in fi??-. Tlckcin 81 rn?*li. ur len foi. *.'<, Ii'iiviiiu #A to Im ileiliirli'il fruin Ilm pri/i-n nf|er Uni tinmine. Kuli pin lirulnm .ii-nt frt-i' Arilin-??, .1. .ll. PATTKH, I jun mle ?ll.v. IVyoilllllir. SOOTHING SYRTJ? FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Hilt SALK I?Y AM. IIItl Ot.lSTX. -| rt'". Report* of Monily timi Punkey Mi 1 t >N?:W 1 oit it W KKK I. V HUMS';. .T. a. T-tio-jo.r.jQ'vv, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN. _ In vn I iii M v, IftliliiK lu know thc i'iii iitU t> itroiiertten of Hot Miirlnicx, cnn obtain lt tty iiildreinliig l?r. lilKcluw, ^Hot Springs, Ark/j^j* mm I nT1%Tf|1f1 Ai.i. WAST IT* tiiomuiiitl? nf lt vet? nml A I 1 Ll rt ,|,V"'illi"nM nf property unveil Itt it fur H IT P. ll I Mlnni H innile hy il imrth uluru !>'.'. lill Lill 1 Ut!. M. I.ININUTOS it ItllO., N?1W York Ililli t'lliCARO. ?_ J>Ofl? A MONTH. IOU A UTI O I< KS I ?^?UiJy) Aililri'Hi? lt. N. RAMSKV, Detroit. M ld?. fn (DOO ?i ?lay nt hume. StompleR Worth f I wnl 0)3 IIJ iT>?U free. STiwaow A Co., I'nrlliiinl. ?"?ac W~HKX wiirriNo TO AI>VI:II'II.SI:H.N, liW-nM' Ntl? yoi! hun ill? inl?erllM;ineiil in flit-? in?;?ei'. .*?. ?. 1 . ?*?. SEWING MACHINES. Liberal Terms of Ex oil nu uofor Becondriian d Mnclnnc3 of ovcry des criptiun. "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. Thc Heit Pattern? mario. Bf>|ul(fU. for Cata)ui;iir. AddroDBl)01?E3TIOSEWma MACHINE CO. Actus WAMI*D. NEW VOIIK.