1 -i' Tr wir ?ZJJO JD. A. WEBSTER. Editor and Proprietor. A Weekly Paper Devoted to Temperance, Literature and Politisa - VOLUM K ri. ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER '20, IS75. NUMBER I ). TIMELY TOriCS. Tin. '."ronlilian's Hank al Washington has commenced paying l?i depositors thc twenty P"r iiiii. dividend decided nil sonic weeks agi._ C? KS; < i AI: Kl KM) says that lie intends tu move a repeal of the law increasing the postage upon newspapers as soon lis con gress assembles. RUSSIA'S part in our exhibition next year may he comparatively small, hut it will he interesting all iii?- same, lt will consist ul' products which cammi he du plicated hy any other country, Ihr they an- tu bi.nfiiicd t<> those which are pe culiar tu her soil aiel climate. 'I'llliv have recently had the seventh annual eil show in the Crystal I'a lace; London. The highest priced eat was val ued by its owner al i?i 1.000. bul it didn't -jet the first prize. "Tommy I>odd,"ngod nine year-, valued at s.Mili was the win ner. There wen- over live hundred cats exhibited; Tin: city ol' Rori in has hilt one steam liie engine, the rest being old-fashioned baud machines, and the water supply is inadequate. Recently au immense new hotel wa- hu riieil, and water was brought io harre!- and pumped feebly tu the sec ond -tory wlu-ii- then- was nu (ire. At length a heavy rain extinguished thc Haine-. WASUIXUTO.N dispatches a.-en that toe Commissioner ol'Internal Revenue will nut recommend any increase ol' tax ation this winter. The receipt-un wins ky, ide., during the last year have lieen larger than in any year, except I STU, since tia- taxe- were first imposed, and at tin- increased rate they will he -till further augmented during tin current fiscal year Coi-'i-'KK drinkers w ill please remember that the crup reports du nut huh! mit any comforting assurances. A falling nil' has been reported all around. Of old lava there is a considerable falling oil' Rio shows a still inore marked diminution, though there is sunn- coll?e of the pre vious crop left over. The islands near dava shewv a decrease of about fifty |?er cent, itt production. ?T is a significant lac. that the grain trade of New York lias fallen oil'this year 18,772,010 bushels as compared with la.-t year, while the delivery at Raltiiuoro is greater than last last. Philadelphia also shows a gain. When our southern rail way system i> made winn it ought tu he. ( Charleston, Rori Royal ami Savannah w ill export inure grain, Hour and meat than any other Atlantic cities. RKOI'I.K who w rite letters will lind in st ruction ?n the fact-shown in the report of thc dead letter < tilico last year. Some ?{.,(?-10,707 h tter- went astray, mainly Lb rou gh carelessness in directing. There was taken out of these letters Ila- aston ishingly huge sum of i$t,AW,?(?0. All of this was returned to ?ls owners with the exception of $-100,000, which romains as a profit tu tin- I'o.-t-ollice Department, Frrzitov, believed lo have been cbiel in the organization ol' lin- whiskey ring at St. Loni-, went into court Tuesday, and. tu thc dismay of Ids ciiunsel, pleaded guilty to all the counts in the indict mehi against himself. Thorite, a late store keeper, also threw himself on the mercy cf Un- court. This action is considered al St. Louis as the mont significant epi sode in ihe downfall of Ibo once formid able underground organization. A COM PA ll ATI Vl-t analysis of the publi? debt statement published shows a de rease in legal tenders during the last mouth of ?7ti.r?,OOO, and in fractional cur rency "I" SH l2,( i- H i. 'l in- Treasury bal ance increased nearly $11,000,000. The five-twenties of 1802 have disappeared from the interest heating debi, having been absorbed by the new live-. Thc $10,000,000 ol ISO1 bond.- called in, leave but about SI2,000,000'of the new lives nut taken. There are ?il HUI I ?3,000,000 ol' the new 'r.i- -till outstanding, ami j j icy ? ill be called in before the loth inst. SA*, an Kiiglish paper: A sample of condensed milk, weighing alunit one bini hundred pounds, wa- exhibited at tho rooinspf ibo Soi iety ol' Ait-, and an in terest inj?: ex pori melli made I hereon. This mammouth pi ?... .!' solilicd fluid was prepared hy Honker' ! otu.-, it had been exposed h. the action of the air for four y.-ars and i|m... m ;";i,-. yet it< quality was so excel!,.,it ilia I in a few minnie- ?i was resolved, hy churning, into good fresh hint, ,. This,trial was only om- oj' a series made at thc Intcrna i nial Exhibition,South Kensington, and elsewhere, in each ease ih.- same satin factory ri un wa- obtained ?Cl'll.?I.\4> <>"*> VZiV. SAND ny KM/A COOK. . I? Well in WINI, li- WVll I? Will, I rn sn UK' wnrlil halli illili? Sinl-v 11. > t il'-- Uli'?-, inn) .- Mi w, Ami iiKiinnitf I.mimili Hu*.?im. itu' li IM':i i JU', y ? Vim UK Illili l ir. lt ? sim1 > "ll |il'"'l::'- ? ii li lt 'it?i ; |:.rtitiii timi < nur liivi? ? ill m m |t. v..!i.| tin- .lays of ymith : I'm ii vu nive nut lii-arl fm- heart, As ?? Il II- Ininti fur limul. You'll liml vim'vi-|II:IVIHI lilt-umvi-i |iart, Ali 1 " httill ii|*in lliv -?un?. " .Tis wi ll In savv, 'tis willi III lltivi! A !..? wily >ti n i- m ?nM, Ana I m|i I . -1... n 1 ? "l -liillin? still!', I 'llV i llili il J ls ( lilli. ll H i i n " nut :ill ymir ln.|.ml Inisi tn what il?'ilirji mim' l.rlnus ; Wi' cannot llvi'iill yellow il list I'liiuixvil -.villi purer,tilings, A ml lu; wlm jilli's IIJI wealth atone Will ..(li n ii-ive ... si?ti'l r.i'-i.lf lils II.::.i- ch- '. ami i ?wu 'i'i- " Imiit II ] ? iii Hiv . milli " '"Vi*'(..I in-pi ik in Ii i'?n'ily uiii-i' Ami.iii" wliiTi-Vr wi' inn : Pair S|IISTII slnmlil lilml lin- human mimi, .\ml liiw link man t" man. tim stnli mit at I liv l?i'lltlv Wiil'il - ; I i-t .lii-ils with laimna-.'v il wei I : Tl.in- wini |iiiii - starving liinl-. Shuiilil M-sittvr I'I'IIIIIIH us well. Tin- ni. i . y l li.il i- warm ?uni I i tu' Musi li'inl a helpini: lian I. I'm il.'thal tulle, y vt fail lo , lint " I.nilli II|MIII tin' saint." Tlii: TWO NKK??HOKS. I Im1 evening as I l'a ' twilight wa- dusk ing ?uti) lin |n r shatlt s. l'armer Welton slooil itt his dooryard, willi a gilli in Iiis I lia nils, ami -aw a il oj? coming out IVoiii j Iiis shod, ii ivas not Iii- dog, for Iiis was i of a li-'jil m!.ir, vvliilO Ulis was surolv black. " i Thc sheil alluded to wa- open in fron;. with dimble doors f?)!' lim passage ol 'cart-, ami a wicket for peilest naas at Ibo ?liarle: ami litis slietl was pari ot a con ! limions structure connecting tin' barii willi lin- lntiisi'. A rou nt I hack of this I house was tho sheep-fold. Then! had bern trouble upon farmer Welton's piare. Dugs had been killin"; I hi* sheep-and sonic of the very liest at ' that. 1 lo had declared, in his wrath. thal In* w.iiild shout lin- first -tray t?o?; he found prowling around hi- premises, j I )n this evening, hy chance, he had lieen earrying.his gun from the I,ouse io the ! harn, when the canine in tender appeared. Aye. and in the hai n he had been taking the skin from a valuadlo sheepwhich hail I ico n killetl ami mangled willi tigerish fel> icily. Su. when la1 saw '.he ?trange ting ctun ing through his shed, he brought the gun to his shoulder, ami. willi quick -ure ?aim. fired. Thc dog gave a leap ami a howl, ami having whisked around in a circle, two or three times, he hounded oil ' in a tangent, yelping painfully, and was . -oiiu lost to sight. "Hallo! what'- tu pay now, Wilton'.'" " Ah i- thal you. 1'rost ?" ! " Ye-, li?eii shootin' soinetltiii,' aim ye.' I've -hot a ling, I I II Mik. i " Ve C-S. I seed him .-..till oil' lt was ?Jraekett's, I reckon." l?efore the larmer cou hi make any lui* , ?her remark, his wife called to him front : the porch, ami he wen: in. Very shortly afterward a boy and a girl caine out through the shed, as the dog Iliad caine. 1 ?own hack of Welton'.- farm, j'listant hall a mile, orso, was a-aw ami I grist mill, wit h quite a little settlement around ii: ami people having occasion ito pi mi foot from that section to the I farms on the hill could cut ulfa longdis tance hy crossing Wilton's lui. The I my iinil girl were children of Mr. lirackctl. When they reaehetl home they were met Ly a -cene of dire confu sion. ?Mil ('ario, the grand old New foundland i log- the loving ami the loved the true and the faithful -hail come home shot through thc head, ami was dying. The children threw themselves upon their shaggy mate, and \vepl and moaned in agony. Mr. I hackett arrived just ?ts the dog breathed his last. < ?ne ol' the older hoys stood hy with a lighted lantern -for it had grown quite dark now-and the farmer saw what had happened. " WI... ditl i his ?" he asketl, groan ingly. ".lohn Welton did it," said Tom i Kro-t. coining upai thal moment. " He's been losin' sheep, an' a i?ucs-? he's got kind o' wrathy." " I hit my dog inver killed a sheep never! He's Leen reared to care for sheep. How came he down there?" "Ile went over to the mill with S? and me." said thc young! r Loy, sobbing as he spoke ; "and he was running on jabead of lia Inward home. 1 Inania gun I just before we got to Mr. Wei ton's, hut oh ! I didn't think lu- could have shot j poor ( 'ario !" Mr. Bracket I wa- fairly beside him I ried I*. To say lu- was angry would not express it Ile loved I Ital doe -it had been t!ic chil l' pct ol' hi-- hoii.sclmld fur yeal?. He was no! a mau in the habit til using profane language, hut mi the j present Occasion a fierce oath escajied I liim: alni in that frame of mind-liter silly Itniling willi hui wrath and indigna Ilion he stalled for Welton's. John Wi itui; ami I'ett ?hackett had been iieighin.il from their earliest days, and they bail ben friend.-, loo. iSelweeii jiLe two families there had I teen a bond :<>! !oyc and good will, anti . - phil of ?iraterhal kiswlne: ami regard* lia?! i marked their intercourse, (loth the l'armer- -vere hard-working men, willi stromj feeiing.s ami positive characterist ics, i hey belonged to lite sante religious society, ami sympathized in polities. They hail hail Warm diseils-ious, Lui never ycl a direct falling out, Of tho two, Welton was the mun- mic lice I md, ami. j. .ii.ip-, a lillie mun- tinged with pr'nle than v.a iii- neigh I tor. ?hu llie; weio holli hearty men,.enjoying iii?1 for i bc good it pave t hem; Mr. Welton entered his kitchen, and stout I the empty ;:un up behind the dom. " What's tue nuttier, John?" his wife asked, ?is -ie -av Iti'j tit niblet I face ";Pm afluid I've done a I Kid thing;?" i lie r.'|>li.'i| regretfully. " 1 fear I have -hui Bracken's <1??ir. " < )h. .lohn!'' '. Hut I didn't know whose dog ii was. I saw him coming out from thc shed-it wa< too daru to sec more than that it was a dog. I only thought of the sheep I had lost, and I fired.'' '. 1 am sorry, .lohn. < >. how Mrs. I hackett and tlie children will feel. They sot everything hy old Carlo. Hut you eau explain it." Ye- - 1 can explain it." Half an hour later .Mr. Welton was going to his hain with a lighted lantern in his hand. Ile was thinking of thc re cent unfortunate occurrence, and was son ly worried and perplexed. W hat would his neighbor say? He hoped there might he no I rou hie. He was relleeting thus when Mr. Brackett ap peared before him. coming up quickly, and stopping with an angry stump of the root. Now there may be a volume of electric influence even in the stamp of a foot, ?md there was such ?in influence in tin- Stamp which Brackett gave; and Welton felt it. and braced himself against it. There was. moreover, au atmosph?re exhaling In.in the presence of thc irate man ?it ? mee repellant i.nd aggravating. ...lohn Welton! you have shot inv dog!" The words were hissed forth hotly. '. Yes," -aid Welton, ?eily. " I low dared you do it ?" ?" I dare shoot any dog that comes prowling .around my buildings.especially when I have liad my -heep killed by them." .. Bul my dog never troubled your -heep, and you know it." ". I low should I know it ?" " You know that he never did harm to a sheep, lt wasn't in his nature, lt was a mean, cowardly act, and (an oath) you shall stifler for it !" .. Blackett, you don't know to whom you are talking." ..oho!" (another oath) "We'll find oui! We'll -ce! Don't pul on airs, .lohn Welton. You ain't a saint. I'll have satisfaction, if I have to take it out of your hide !'r .. 1'eter. you'd better go home and cou! oil*. Yon an1 making yourself ridicu lous.-' Now. really, this wa- the unkindest eui of ?di. Nut all the mad words o j Braekett pul together wei?- so bard as thi- -ingle sentence: and John Welton put all the biller sarcasm of the com mand into it. Brarkeil burst forth into a torrent ol invectives, and then turned away. Halfan hour later .Ioho Welton ac knowledged to himself that he had not done exactly right. Had he. in the mit s?t-in answer to Bracken's Iii-; out burst-told the simple truth that he had shot the dog by mistake; timi lie wa- sorry ; and that he wa- willing lo do anything ?" bis [tower to make amends had he done this, hi- neighbor would probably have softened :tt oni e. But it was toci late now. The blow hud been struck; be had been grossly insulted; and he would not beek down. Mr. Braekett was not sn nundi reflec tive. Ile univ felt hi- wrath, which he nursed l<> keep it warm. Thal evening he hitched his horse to a job-wagon and went down lo the village after a barrel of Hour. Having transacted ?his store business, he called upon Laban Pepper, a lawyer, to whom he narrated the lacis .d' thc shooting ol' his dog. Pepper Was a man anxious for fees. Ile had nu sympathy or soul above that. " You -ay your dog was in company w ith t wo of vour children ?" " Yes." "And thi- passage over Mr. Welton'* land, and through his .-bcd, has been freely yielded by bim ns a right ol'way to hi- neighbors ?" .. N'es sir, ever -ince I can remember.'1 " Then, my dear sir, Welton is (dearly liable. !f you will come with mo, w< will step into Mr. Oarfteld's and have : -nil commenced at once." Mr. (iarfield was thc trial justice. All ibis happened on Friday evening fin Saturday it had become uoisci abroad in I he funning district that titer, was not only serious trouble hetwooi neighbors Welton and Blackett but tba tliey were going to law about it. ( >u Sunday morning John We!1.": told his wife he would mu attend eh i ireh She could go if she liked. She had m m ed to ask her husband why he wi.nl? not go oui. She knew he was unhappy and that be could mn bear to meet hi old neighbor in the house of (?od whil lin- dark cloud was upon bim. Nor iii shh wish lo meet either Mr.or Mrs. Brail, cit. So they both stayed al home. Peter Bracket! was even more miser: able than .lohn Welton, though porha] he did not know it. Ile held in elof companionship the very worst demon manean embrace the demon (d'wraf I fol vengeance; and in order to maintai himself at the st rain in which bc had st. his feelings, bc was obliged io nurse ;Ii monster. Ile did not attend church ? ih.il day, nor did Pi wile. Two in th ri times during the calm, beautiful Sal bath, as he glanced over toward h I neighbor's dwelling, he found him-e j '<.? ginning to wish that lie had not gone ? -ce .lohn Welton in snell a heal of ange bu! he put thc wish away, and nu rsi I back hi- wrath. On .Monday, toward noon, the roust hie came up from the village, and read John Welton au imposing legal di icm nen ii was a summons issued hy Wm. (?a field, Ksq., a justice ol' Ibo peace ai quorum, ordering the said .lohn Welte to appear belitre him, al two o'clock, i Wednesday, at his office, then and the lo answer t<> tin- complaint of Pel ; Bracke! t, etc. Thc officer read the sui moils, and loll with lim dcfcudanl copy. li was the first time .lohn Welton h [.vcr lieon ('?I I loti upon to face thc law. Ai first lie was awe-stricken, and ihenhewas wroth, l?o toll! himself il>:it lu-would light it io tin- hitler rmi. AIM I now li?' tri- il !<. nurse Iii* wrath,anti liecainemon unhappy than hol'orc. On Tuesday evening, ['arson Surely tailed upon Mr. Welton. The good man ha?i heard of tin- tmuli.e,and was exceed ingly exorcised in spirit. Itoth thu men vere ol his 11 oe lc. and he loved and re Aiecied them Imth. He -:t*. hown ?done VT i i li Welton, and asked him what il mea nt. "Tell me calmly and candidly all ahout it,*" lu- said. Altor a lillie refiled iou, Mr. Welton Loid tlf story. He knew tit?' old elergy liian for ;t true mah :ihd whole-hearted friend, and he told everything just a- he understood it. "And neigh ho r Hraekett thinks oven now. thal yon . ls.it the dog knowing it ivas his'.'" "I suppose so." "ll" yon had told him lite exact lads in thc beginning, do you thing lie would liave held his anger?" Thin was a hard question lor .lohn Wol Loiij hm he answered ii manfully. "Tm Iv, parson. I do not think he would."' "Were you ever more unhappy in your lile than you h.ive hoeii since this i rou lile caine?" "! think not." "And. if possihle, neijrhhor lirackot i more unhappy than you." "I >o yon think so?" "Yes. Iii- i- -.li" in?st angry and YPPgri'lll." A hriefpau.se and then the parson re sumed: ' Brother Wellou, with you are needed hut few words. You are a stronger intu? than hrother liraekelt. IM yon nm helieve In- has :i good heart?" " Yes." " 1 wish yon could show him how true and good your heart is." .. Parson ! " .. I wisli you could show him thal you possess trtif t'lirislinn courage." 'fl'ars 11. what do you mean".'" 'il wish you had the courage to meit ?lin) and cont]uer him." "How o 'nid y.m have me do ii ?" .. First, conquer yourself Yon ure not iiflciided ? " " No.. ( io mi." - And thereupon thc good old clergy man dn-w up his arm chair and laid his liai'.ii li j' nt his friend's arm. and told ?lim just what he would have him do. Ile apt-" ruesi.lv. lind with lean in his L'y ts*. . llrothcr Welton, have you ihc heart md courage to do this'.'" T;ie larmer anise ami to..I; two or I hi cc t urns across the floor ; and finally lie said : .. i win do it : .. ?rn thc following day. toward- lite iiiii! Ile .if thc forenoon, I Vier llraokett ?tood in iii- door-yard with his lund lien . Ile w:i- thinking whether he ? : '. harness hi- horse and 1.If lie lore driller,'or Whether lie would wait until afternoon. Ile <-oi;M not work : he ?ohid tot even pul iii- mind lo ordinary Iii.'.'., . I wonder," he said lo himself. " how lie ti tal will come mit ! I S'|HISC Welton II lin-oid Whitman to take Iii- ease. >f rial rsc the ?.Mice'll lie crowded. I om I'rosi says it's noised everywhere, timi Llutl evoryliody-'ll he then-. Plague take it : i wish" His meditations were interrupted h.. ippn aching stops, mid tin look i ni; up ht lu l l l l neighlxir Wollom ( omi morning, Peter." Itrackelt gasped, and filially answered: ? < mi d morning," though rai her crust ily. 'Adlon went on. franklv and picas nilly : " You will go tn thc village to-day?" '? ! s'ikise M>." "I have heen siininioned hy .lusiici [iarliold to he there, also; hui really I'el or, I don't wain lo go. (?ne of u. ivill lie enough. f.? a Wield is a fair man in I when he k nows 1 lie fad - he will d. what is right. Now. you can state then is well as I can, and whatever iii ; dec?s ion i-. I will a I Milo hy it. You can tel Iii II thiit I shot your dog. and that you 1< fi had done tue no hann.'" ? Do you acknowledge thal old Carl? never harmed you -that !:?. never I ron li led your sheep?" inquired itrackelt w i h -tari led surprise. "lt was roi his nature to do harm I .it,yt hing. I am sure he would liav sooner saved oin- of IIIV sheen than hav killed it." "Then winn did you shoot him for.'' "That is whal I was pisl (omine al " I'eter. 'S" ? ? . 1 will (di thc .hist icc thu I had lo i several of my hesl sheep- kille, hy dogs thal I had just heen taking th s:in from ii fut, val uni dc wether that ha heen so killed and mangled thal I wa on my way from my harli lo my h?usi ..'itli my gun in my hand, when' I saw dog l inne out from my shed. My hiv llioughl was that he. had come fro iii in sheep-fold lt was niiunsl dark and could uiit see plainly. Tell the .lustic 1 had lin idea i; was vein- dog, I nevi i icai.a tl thal i Had (ired 1 hal cruel sin t i old (.'ario until Toni Kr isl fold ?ne." "Hi.-. ? You didn'l know it wa u. dog'."' '. I'eter, have you ,1 hough! o.hard < me ;is to think I li:: f I could Jj nowingi Kial willingly have harmed that grund ol ilog? I would sooner have shut one 1 ul y < iv. 11 oxen.'' .. Itu!, von didn't tell me 1 : t firs Why didn't you?" " Ilocalise you come upon mc .?> -mid; lily - " ?i). |?sh:iw.!" cried I ?racket i. willi stamp of Iiis foot; " Why don i \ M p ii otu a- it was? Say I cam-die. <> yiiii s.? like a horne) that you hadn't chance lo i Iii Ilk. I wv a hlauied foul ! tlial's what I wits.'' u And I was another, lVti r : if I hailii't been I should have told you the truth at once, instead of flaring up. Hut wv w ;i| understand ii now You eau sei the .1 ustiec-" ?. Justice he haniicd!- .lohn 1' mg i? .,!! : what's the use? Then-!-Let's , ii I it'so!" l?*roui hi'r window Mrs. Ilraekett had seo i i iii*- two nun ci.mc together, and sh? t rom hied for the result. Hy and hy du saw hei husband, as though Hushed and excited, ;>ul out his hand. Mercy! wa Ix- ?...niii" lo strike hi- noigldior'.' She wits ready t one ate .?Iii grammes of yellow sul phuret Of .ii-eiiie, tin-nilicr .10 grammes of arsenic acid in sight >.!" the assembly. In his lecture on the jirsonic eaters hr. knapp said, among other things: "lt is difficult to give any certain particulars as t.. the increase in number ?d' arsenic eaters. 1 have convinced liivself thal there < \i-t many ol' them in Kpper Styriii, and also in Middle Styrhi ; very nuiin stable hoys, hostlers, wood cutters, and foresters, are known to nie ?is arsenic eaters ; even the female sex is addicted to ihi' practice. Many begun already at seventeen or eighteen years of age to take ar.-enic, and continued it t<> a great age. Most arsenic caters keep the mal ler secret, so that it i- impossible to give accurate statistics. They ?di assign a> their motive for indulging in thc habit that it prevents illness: furthers their wish to look rosy and healthy ; thai il is a remedy against difficulty of breathing, and ?is ists thc digestion of indigestible food. A poacher in Kpper Slyria, who made experiments in my presence of eat ing arsenic, told inc lie had acquired courage by the habit. The appear;.nee ot" the arsenic ('?itel's in all cases known lo nie is healthy and robu.-t. I think only robust [tersoiis eau become accus tomed to the practice. Sonic ot' them al'..'.in a great age. Thus in Zeiring I saw a charcoal burner, upward ol' To, still strong and hearty, who, 1 was told had taken arsenic lor more than forty \ ears. I heanl. too, of a chamois hunter (d'SI. wini bad long been used to eal arsenic. I never observed an arsenic caelie/.y iii tliose addicted to the habit. Ft cerlainlj hapi?oned once that such an arsenic euler 'a leather dresser's appren tice in l.igisl, I SHA), while intoxicated toole too much, t. eil liv poisoning him self severely. According to his own ac count he had tal e i a piece a- large as :. beau. Ile entirely reen en d. however, ..nd ute arsenic.afterward, bm mme care fully. A - lar ;;s my observ?t ions extend, white arsenic, namely arsenic acid. As. <>.".! abo called Howers of arsenic?, and ll-.c yellow arsenic, As. H-?S, (orpiment I, an- taken, and thal taken ina dry stale, aloin-: or nh bread. Th?- dose is of course very -mall ai first, and is gradually in creased, tia- largest ipianiitv eaten in my presence by the poacher iii Zeiring being fourteen grammes A certain Matthew Schober, in I .?gist, ate seven and oin-half grammes before me on the 17th ?d' April. !^?'?. Tin- interval-, loo. ai which a~ si'iiic is talon vary -every fortnight. ? .very week-, twice or three times a week. Ibu all doubt as to the existence ot ??r seme caters is ??ow removed by ibo pr?s ont ex porithents." -There is an old linly I i v ? ti?? in the town ot' Zebulon, (?a.. ulm i- famous for nu implicit belief in thc truth of every story she tells, without reference to thc impressions she created upon the minds . d' hearers. She Im ' lately lost a cow, mid in telling ber neighbor when; it was lound, said : "You know them ptinkius o' our-.' Well, the vines ol' 'bein punk ins they growed right acrosi our creek, and they glowed so thick and so heavy Voil COllld clo-- on 'em jlls! like ol) a lot. My husband lc- walked accost tin m pitnkin vines, thinkin' to hurt our cow, when be heeled silUtliili ?I cha? lupin un' a cliawmpin around him. ami he listened to beer what il was, when what do you think'.' Ile -pied one cf them thar puiikhis what -.'rowed on them vines, and j thar he fou, d that our cow had bit inter it on om- '-ide. mid had gone sb lui into it he couldn't see her tail, but found lier eulin' her way thro' thc other'side." llts-iAN I N tu :-t itu: . lt; I St "ti Kits .i.t had on.- bun in '! foundries and ma chine shops, and only tilly two of which wen- provided with steam. At th? po sent lime then- arc three hundred and sixty-two ot' ihc.-e establishments, seven ty-nine of windi an- exclusively occu pied wi'di '.in- manufacture of agricultu ral ?mph monts. Statistics aie to batu! (?oiiCcruing cue hundred and seventy nine sm ?ps only: ti .-. employ U?,A;?.l? workmen. In ISi?s lhere were two hun died and twenty-two locomotives uiade in Itiissia; last year tin number was I sev< it hundred ami ninety-eight. A i huge number of Kiiglisli workuieii are employed in Kussian engineering -bop-, j but they complain of being treated a : nalu;idi/ed l?ilssian KU I ?j its; that is to ay. iii .ir personal rights and liberties j arc bill lilt le respect! d. '?uringa clerical conti re,ice thc fol j owing convers?t ?ot: was heard between 1.1.wo news bo,.: "I sty, .lim, ?hat's : ;!:.. meaning (if so many ministers hein? j1 here altogether.'" "Why, answered j .lilli, cornfully. ".they alway- meei once il ; e;ti' to -wp -ernioii PACTS AND FA NCI KS. --Tin1 I * 11 itcli 111:111 notices that tin biild .? :('!..?mo! ? ? I ?. worse o ll" than your self, and you will feel better ntl" than you tan. it-!. ' .hihlron should IK- taught tim fre quent II-.- of good, strong, expressive words words dial mean exactly what they should express in their proper places. '. My faith," says De i.Jiiiney, '' i- that a jrr?at man may he an infidel, l.y a rare possibility, but an ?nt.-licet <>! thchiirhcst order uiii-t build upon Christianity." 1 kmc II.-: why my path .helli.I l>.- at lim. . S., straightly- Iicdircil, M< -nam;. ly barrell I only kunu i in.I .il.l keep wide tie- lionr, Mut I eau trust. --Young wumen .-it-,- advised to : good examples. because young men ?ire always following them. -Tlint writer .er.-- thc most tba! gives tin- reader thc most knowledge and takes from bim the least time. -The?Milwauke? Sentinel remarks that 'time- will continue hard a- lone as tin S:-J.IIOO ., yearinan strives to appear a- a ?10,000. Now p;u padlocks on ymir coal-bin doors and graft small powder maga/im s into ymir woodpiles->S7" /.MI.'W (?I, I.. Demooral. -.-lt was observed of a decease Llawver that In-bad lett bu! few elicet.s ; to wilie', a Imly remarked that "he bad but few ea ii sos." -" Jimmy, give us tin- core ol' \ < r ap ple, will ye?" (Johnny, still eating), .? Soil don't want this. it', a cooking ap ple. I never tri vc a feller a cookiliu ai plc." ?- ) wo li u lid red and sixty-three years ago Sir Henry Walton -aid in a letter io a friend: " An a in hassal lor ?-au lune-; mau sent lo lie abroad for inc youd tin- commonwealth." ." Bless you.'' -aid .lohn Henry, with tear- in Iii- eyes, "she takes her own hair off so easy that perhaps -In- doesn't know bu" i: hurts to have mine pulled mi:." ll ..-.'dit ,/i.urnnl. London Kuti- Old party (who st Mil tner.-, comes in I'm- sonic i|K-cacuai?ah '? ..()h. if you p-plcasc, yoting ni-r* tn, I vv-wanl sonic ip-ip-ip-ip.-" Kiwi i ve i-i-t.iut fired by recent reminiscence)- . "lin n ab ' " ? When a man ha? been ' .ni at work in an obscure way for yea 1 at length nellie ves nutres*, ??i::;-tco... ipiaiiitances ??suit bim hy offering cou irratillations mi bi? "luck." - liosloo 'i'riin:.?rijit. Loan your money, deposit ymir earnings, intrust your wealth as you may Inn I..- -ure it is not loaned lo a " fast ';.' borrower, deposited with a "spl rgy " banker or intrusted to a .. magnificent md princely" acquaintance. -At an elegant woiuiitc: o! recant late ai Lockport a very decided position was taken hy the. parents of thc bride in relation t<> tin- custom of wedding gifts, t bi one corner of thc note of invitation was significantly engraven, "no pres ents." The r. as..ii why a woman requires a larg.- wallet I'm- the transportation of a twenty-live cent shinplaster i? as deeply wrapped in mystery a- the reason why a ilog always turns armin.i three times when be gel- up aller a nap. - lt is the curious logie of sin that its fruit -boni.1 lie no greater than its seed; Inn acorns swell lo oak?, am! grains to rranarics tull: and grain? ot' .?in prow iar\ e-ts ol llic death that deathless spirit-, know.-Jay. They do things rather " last" down in Huston, sometimes. A certificate ol marriage was issued in that city a lew . lay- ugo, to a woman only eighteen ven rs old, who had bren married twice before. -A n exchange a fib rd s lin- etymolo gical information that the aboriginal title ol' Niagara was " A wniagarah ; " w hich closely accords with lin- pronunci ation of lin world hv lin- modern lin lish tourist.- .V/"' York World. " l'a, i gue.?? mir man Lal).li is a good Chrislain." '* limy so, my boy ?" .Why. pa. ! read in ti e bible 'that' the -.viel;.'.! -ball not live mit half his day?, and Kalph says bc has lived mn ever since b> wa? a little hoy," Mount Holyoke seininarv ha? sup plied om- hundred am! lilt ern wives for loreign missionaries, the last two grad uating classes furnishing eigh t? cn ; lu; it i.? impossible to say whether or nm Mount Holyoke has done well until the missionaries express themselves. -..Tin first step inward wealth/' says an exchange, "is thc choice ..I a good wife." " And the first step toward seen ring a good wife i? thc pos ...ion o! '..I wealth''' >ay? another, lore wc ?nive on,- ol' those good rules which wot !.-? pict lily b .1 h ways. .-ff all t lu- gold in t ne wm !.: w< rc welded ? ito one -o!id cub;.- ! lock, one -ide ol' tin- Cllllic WOlllll ne I Ml IV OlilV twenty-throe feet. I" in ': urn!' o' a lump, lo tie -Ole. but wc hotthl lo play wit!, ii a davor two. f.'.i pr?-x. -- Dr. A. ..' Saxe recently desert lu d before ihe L'a I il.'rn ia acai'.e:,. . ol cit m > . a colo- .il t rec om.- cf a grn\ .? di?, ?o ered .i. Santa ' lara county !:. circuiufcri m . as act ital ly measured six foci from lim ground, was bul a few i nebo less ?han ..ne Itu nilli d ami lilly li cl : a? ove) mic hundred feet ol' ihe' lop ! ad fa'di ii, it was impossible in determine lin- ? ' height, though this wa? piob.-ibly a' oiii th riv ii II lid red li'i ! fbi- l riv, even in thai lam1 ..I' vegetable wonders, stands chici over ali. although U>e other ". ces in the grove are -aid to he ..i mini grow! li