THE FREE CITIZEN. PUBLISHED SATURDAY, OCT. IS, ?875. City Directory. CITV OFFICE RB. MAYOR, - - George Bolivcr. CLERK. - TREASURER, ALDERMEN,-James. F. Izlar, John M. Thompson, J. \y. Cannon, J. W. Moseley. POSTMASTER, - - A. Webster. CHURCHES. METHODIST EFISCOPAI.CHURCH-Rev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, moi ti ing, afternoon and evening. BAPTIST.-Rev. Mr. Norris, pastor. Services, first Sunday evening, and the ?econd and fourth Sundays, morning, ?nd evening. METHODIST (south).-Rev. Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Services morning and ?vening. Sunday-school, 9 A. M. PRKSBTTRMAN.-Rev. Mr. B rown . evangelist. Services, morning and after noon. Sunday-school, 9 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL-First and third Sundays. Horning: and afternoon. LUTHERAN CHURCH.-Rev. Mr. Hough, ?astor. Services, morning 10 1-2, even lng at 7 o'clock. Thc passenger trains on the S. C. R. R. will pass through Orangeburg as follows : Day, from Charleston, 9.4.8 a. m. 44 from Columbia, 7.30 p. m. Night, from Columbia, 11.53 p. m. " from Charleston, 2.20 a. m TOWN GRIER. OFFICE HOURS AT ORAVGEBURG DEPOT. {From 8 o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. From S o'clock P. M. to 5 P. M. Gooda received and delivered only in ofllue hours. -J. C. Pike has bought the place . of M. Glover in thts town for 87,200, -We leam that David sS?u n'a \ bought the Dukes' house. -We learn that the wife bf Judge Cooke is the guest of Senator An drews. -The Republicana have carried . Ohio, Iowa and N?braska by large majorities-. We hope President G rani will make another speech. -Locals arc BC&rce this week. We judge, however, it. \a- tho calm that precedes a storm. As prout of lui* eee our advertisements of circus and fair. -Judge Mackey has informed Mr. . John W. Walker. sheriiT elect of the ..county of Chester, that the Supreme Court has recently decided that a -sheriff elected at a special election holds his office for four years. Mr. Walker's term will, therefore, con tine until August, 1879, four years from the time of his election. We think this rather a singular decision. - Williamsburg Republican. -The term of court commencing .next Monday is one of unusual inte rcut and importance. We learn that Judge Reed is not to preside, but that Judge Cook will take his plaee. It no doubt will afford Judge Cooke pleasure to preside in this his old home and the scene of his former ef forts at the bar, but we are frank to say that existing circumstances would with any ordinary man, render the discharge of his duties delicate and embarassing except perhaps, to one who, like his honor, is bound to ad minister justice without fear or favor. THE GREAT SHOW.-Howes' Great ILondon Circus and Menagerie. A mag nificent street display, rare collection of animals, and an excellent circus perform ance may be expected at Orangeburg Wednesday, Ostober 27. The Memphis Avalanch bays: Never, except on the celebration of Mardi Grns, has our city witnessed such a gathering of people as that which assembled on the streets yes terday to witness tho advent of Howes1 Great London Circus und Menagerie. Long before the hour appointed for the appearance of die grand cavalcade peo rjle began to assemble on the prlnopal streets, along the proposed line of march, and when thu first note., of band which headed the procession were heard, every available space which could afford a good view was pccupled. Windows, balco nies, awniugs and sidewalks were crammed with people eager to seo the .street display, about the magnificence of .which so much was said. That they were not disappointed was manifested by the exclamations of surprise and admiration that greeted the living panorama at, every point. Unquestionably i( was more .beautiful than any slm?ar- street enter tainment ever offered to our pcoplo, and ras but the foretaste of ilio inimitable lerforuiance that wtis seen later under he canvass. The cavalcade was many quares In length, and was composed of availers, knights and ladies on horse tack, Roman Chariots drawn by horses our abreast, a cage full of African hye las, among which fearlessly sat thc ne rro keeper, Irquois Indians dressed in heir fbntastic costumes, painted, and tarrying implements of Indian warfare, lie live performing elephants and a ?aniel, a number of wagons on which vere beautifully painted allegorical pic ures, an'l containing the wild animals iclonging to Sanger's English Menage ie. The striking features of the display vere two magnificent chariots drawn by ichly caparisoned horses. These char* ots were handsomely painted and gilded, ind displayed on the sides a number of nirrors, which, as they moved along, nuUipliud and reflected the gorgeous tageantry, producing a pleasant effect )i) tile beholders. To attempt a minute lescription of the display would be al nost an endless task, as each feature of t presented something entirely new and "ar eclipsing any circus display ever nade ir. the South. ECONOMY. - " Straw berries and iresm" are far more palatable and conducive to health than either pork ar pills. Flowers are among the vcr}' best moral and intellectual teachers. Give them a home, then, in or about the thc bouse. If you invest your money in strong drink, it is Ute same as turning hungry hogs into a corn held-ruin will follow in both cases. Il'you invest your money in lools and leave them exposed to th? weath er, it is the same as loaning money to a spendthrift without security-a dead loss in both cases. If you invest your money in a good farm and not cultivate it well, it is thc same as marrying a good wife and so enslaving and abusing her ns to crush her energies and break her heart. _ There is a holy love and a holy rage ; and our best virtues never glow so brightly as wheu our pas sions are excited in thc cause. Sloth, if it has prevented many crimes, bas also smothered many vir tues, and Ihc best uf ns h..ih r when roused, Passion is to virtue what wine was to uEschylus and to Kunine, under its inspiration iht'.ir power* were at their height. A writer in a Presbyterian paper calls upon every honorable man to Lang his head for shame, because America pays 822,200,000 for liquor, 810.000,00.0 for dogs, and barely squeezes out i?6,???,??? for preach ers of the gospel. The best navigation-steering clear of the lacerating rocks of personal contention. Publisher's Notioes. -Rev. Mr. Blakely Is an authorized agent for this papsr. -A. W. Plnckney, of Branchville, ls au autnorized agent for this paper. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. School Commissioner Phillips has his office lays on Thursdays and Fridays of :ach week. His examinations are on bc first Monday of each month, jan. 30-tf NOTICE. THERE WILL BE A CAMPMEET NG at Mindy Grove, commencing on lie 27th and continuing over the Sab lath'. A quarterly conference will be leid on Saturday, by Dr. Webstei, P. E. Arrangements have been made with the >. C. R'll. to carry those wishing to Bl ond to Reeve's Station fur 5 cents per nile li rst class, and 4 cents per mile see the! class, and return frej. REV. R. BLAKELEY, Pastor In Charge. FOR SALE. \NK AND A HALF MILE FROM J Orangeburg, my FARM, containing -acres, together with the Iwelllng-house and out buildings there in. ALSO, ONE GOOD MULE. CORN, FODDER nd PROVISIONS sufficient to run the ilace for ono year. Call on me on the premises. I. R. TUCKER. Orangeburg. S. C., Oct. 7, 1875-0-2t NOTICE. rHE A. M. E. DISTRICT MEET INO will be held at Aiken, S. C., on iaturday October flOth, 1875. The A. M. E. Camp-Meoting of thc lull Swamp Circuit will commence on Wednesday Oct.. 20th 1875, and will end ll Monday 25th. Bishop J. P. Campbells appointments /ill he as follows; Aiken, S. C., OctO icr^O and 31, Bull Swamp Circuit. St. ?eter'f? Church, November 2d. Thir Juarterly Conference November 2d. J. M. GILLINS, Pastor Bull Swamp Circuit. FOR SALE. A FISK MAKE, AND TWO GOOD' WORKING HORSES. Apply to W. A. MERON EY. W. H. REEDISH, TRIAL JUSTICE AND ATTOR NEY AT LAW, BRANCHVILLE, S. Cl July 31-51-tf -; THE NEXT ANNUAL EXHIBITION Of the ORANGEBURG Mechanical Association, WILL HE II ELU AT THE TOWN OF Orangeburg S- C., At thc Fair Grounds of the Asso ciation, beginning Tuesday, October 26th, 1875, AND CLOSING Friday, October 29th, 1875. ! The Premium List linn been nearly Doubled as to NUMBER and VALUE. j tST Articles can be entered till Tues day Evening, and be allowed to compete. WILL TAKE PLAUE ON WEDNES DAY, THE 27TH. .A. OF BASE B-?XiL ON THURSDAY, THE 28TH, F01? THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE COUNTY". OTHER AMUSE MENTS WILL TAKE PLACE EVERY DAY OK THE FAIR. The iln-qual Address I Will he delivered on T nu usp M ? Ahe '?S\h. by COL?NKL i>. WYATT AIKEN, Master of State Grange. Every accommodation possible will be provided for both Exhibitors and Visitors, Arrangements have been made with the Smith Carolina Railroad for the transportation of all Freights for the Fuir at ONE KATE BOTH WAYS, mid EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold to visitors during the week. For further particulars see Premium Lt6t, or address any member of the Board of Directors, ut Orangeburg, S. C., or the Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Du. WM. F. BARTON. PRESIDENT. LAURENCE R. BECKWITH, ESQ. SAMUEL DIBBLE, ESQ. CAPT. F. H. W. BRICGMANN. CAPT. MORFAN J. KELLER. ORAN B. RILEY, ESQ. HARPIN RIG-US, ESQ. Secretary and Treasurer : KIRK ROBINSON, ESQ. Bids for the Refreshment Stands and Tables will be received until Tuesday October 5th. The same will be handed to the Secretary and Treasurer. Sept. 18th. 1875, 0-5 Photographs. GO TO RISER'S GALLERY ON Plain street, if you want the very best PHOTOGRAPHS, made with lite new Glace Borders, repesentinjr Marble. Stone, Wood, Frost. Lace work. &c, at the low price of $2.50 per half dozen ; extra Glace Portraits 85.00 per hull' dozen. Call and be convinced. A.M. RISER. Columbia, S. C., Sept. 30, 1875-U-3t SCHOOL NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING been elected by the Trustees as teacher o the FREE SCHOOL, known us tho 'Grove School," located East of the R. 111., notice is hereby ylvon that said [school will be opened on MONDAY, Oc tober 4th. AH pupils will receive im partial attention, and their progress be rcularly reported to their parents, MKS. ELEANOR BULL. S. H. WILSON. J. T. WILSON. SAM'LH, WILSON & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers TEAS, WINES, ALES, ! AND IMPORTEP SEGARS. 300 King St., Charlostoji, S. C. May 15-tf A D V* E lt T I S E M E N T 8 . MISCELLANEOUS JOHN W. LINLEY & 00.. 100 Ki tg Stroot. Charleston, S. C., ?BOGERS, AND IMl'OR T E II S O F General Merchandise. V" F ?ght to Poy I No freight to Pay ! - ? mr ? . \ nre below thoscof any other deni i ?ted States. No extra charges tor : I i . . . . ' ving or freight Wi .-, |>ay freights an?l deliver goods free nt . ' ? nh the linc pf the .VowhEastern. YVil ? I Columbia, South Carolina and ? n und Savannah Kail Hoads; also, to .ill pb ' South Carolina, Georgia and Flori* i neut water communication with citnrlojip) A IX GOODS .i close this advertisement with order | . : . rn' enif "t. PRICES. No EXITSSKTO ADD. Illy Voting Hyson Ton-quality un . xnufsite flavor, and strength, ?1.00 Phi 1 ea specially recommeded. Finest Oolong. Souchong, Gunpowder, and ...e' (as, . Powder, 15, 25, 40c. per can. . oking Soda, or l?aekage Soda. \ boxes Sardines.'20c. ; 1-2 bi udines, 85c. each. Shadliies, 1-4 i . .>? . 35c. each. Cox's Sparkiin Gela I itu . [ier pack. Caper.*. 40c. ; Olives \v. 'chestershire, Walnut and li:oom Sauces, genuine imported 40c Imitation French Mustard, (ii nine Kreuch Mustard, 25e. L'i ines, 15c. Raisins.'20c. Cit Jurrants. 10e. Cheese, 20c. I >. . ; Candles, lirst quality, 23c t. I iker's Chocolate, 45c per lb per lb. Broma, (50c. per lb. . c iii-i ocolate. 30c. per lb. Ordi nal y ll iltee, 4^ lbs for $1 ; cholee Kio .. . .i. is, for 31; choice Laguara I >:!' . 1-2 lbs, for ?1; Old Govcrn tni Java Cottee. 3 lbs. fur -31 ; Roasted iroui 1 Coffees, 5c. additional, each ? :-. I ryea'a Starch. 0 1-2 lbs. for I . - Starch. 7V. ;,, . hos. t. I,'lc, per puck ?*o>; Itlne r do/.' i,. Barley. 12 1 per i IF. Smoking Tobuceo. t;.", per Celebrated C?t Eiigo li it . lb. < h ilcb Goshen Buller, Good Tallin Baner. .'{Or. per Bittier, 4 lbs. 5ii)s., and ii ! ms l iv k l !-.... - Soda, 12 lbs. for ?1 ; Extra Pl .i, 0c; Lemon. Wine, Ginger and Untie . I5e per lb.; Nie Nacs. 18c; Fane} ; ikes, 25c. per lb. Black Pep pei I0i per lb.; Nutmegs. 15c. per u mc Mace, 15c. per ounce; Ginger. 25c per ll), i:--'- and Vanilla Fl at Stick Candy. ??<. iinc irt i c, 25c. per lb ; Ordinary stick Candy ?nr e, 20c per lb; Kock Candy any cl i 2e. per lb. Colgate's Toilet Soap- (10 il tarent kinds, a speciality of ours, ar i m factures prices-from 25c. to 81.M r dozen cakes. Colgate's Uaitdk? >if Extracts, 50c. per bottle. Cusbni ;r l?oqii?t Powder, "25c. per box. rv rh nd's Pomade Vasalhie, a Bcstora tlvii li icquallcd for the hair. 20c. per hoi DUI Com Whiskey. 81.80 per gal lon t. - Whiskeys, 8?,C0, 8?l.00, and I Cr gi lion, Blackberry ami Cher ry . ?ir? Inls, t pleasant drink, 81.SO per gall i. V:<:>,-2 Port and Sherry Wine, ri 50 ,i r gallon. Fine Old Madeira, 84, Doper ;?: m. English and Scotch Ale, 1 fi {Ix Hied, 2.70 per dozen. Bremen Liigci pi bottled, ?2.70 per dozen. Iii mil . in I r Liquors, extra 1-2 gallon a0o,? gull i 53c : 2 gallons, 60c. ; 3 gal giiMous 7. ?) gallons, 81.00 each' A vcr - Kxtmisive Assortment of Crock ei'i ?nil Glassware always on baud. Phi cs Dinner size, 81.50 per dozen; il kfair 81.25; Desert 81.00;Tea.85c. per iloztii. imps nndSuucers, 81.00 per set. Dowered Dishes. 05c. 75c., ami 81. 0(i ai 11 Tumblers, 00.. 75.. 81.00. $L25 and 81.?0 per duzen. Table Goblets.81. 20. !- \ : <. M'.()(). ?a.50. nuil 83,00 per dozen, '??'> hiv Glasses 81-00 per dozen Lamp C money's Sun O and A's, 4 *>?r 25c; lt'sU for 25c. Student or Arg Chimneys ?j lur 25c. Niuuberles arti, iiinuculimed Information cheer Aili y given- Mn linn was established in 1807 :i ? i i business reputation and fin egan nf the highest order. Wi win i!u iii ive promise. All orders) shoi!,'.; h; addressed to JOHN W. LINLEY & Co., ( J . box 184.) 100 King Street ClIAKLEKTON, S. C. N I -, I KS KAILUOAP COMPANY H ?III.KSI.ON, S, C,i J>ee. :t, 1874. On uni 1 i tliiri dato Trains on this Koad carry!) . I i . . Mails will be run, daily, ar follows; Leave i i i nt 7 A. M. and ? P.M. Ar>'\... . 'ion ut ? 19 A. M. nnd 7 P. M H i rains will leuyvMit 7 A. M.,oi 4> ????? ( hurnw and Ibirlington Kail .U " \. M., nnd arrive at 7 P. M . I i'Columbia cart leave bs either nlnmhin. by |?ay Train, uti . ight Train nt 4 A. M. : ! Sorlh cnn leave by either ake clono ennucutiona at Flor i : allis for thu Northern and West- | On Sundi urri\.- ..1 7 U Pa . ii v road rill I Pnssengt/i Trahi uri :. 6.10 V. M . PaSHCMgit: Train, and ' euee wUh . ern Cil n's. j bleeping C h wilt bo found on t|?e NightTrnina I forCcinmbiti md all liolnto north of Florence P. L.CI.KAPOK, Mur iir,7. j UoneralTicket Agent CAN V/? B?ii'? wanted for two superb u. . ii french art, k'Liitle 15t>n nway ind Stil 1'i ts." and the pretty ]>it\S "Tho Din tier, mid the Nap." 'These picture ii ri worthy of a place in coMty fromm und Inexpensive enough for the simplest, v ll?iiy rapidly, and TAKE ON SlGH'l. \V tun lillico ready sales, good piullt.-. un n ii K returns. Any active person ?vi viii take hold can make a Imndsomo 1 come. Send for our best terms ai oiibe. J. B. FoitD & Co., i7 Park Place, New York. ADV E RT I S fi M E NTS. MISCELLANEOUS. rp UK SOUTHEASTERN 4 ADVOCATE. There ls soon to be a paper entitled as above, issued from this ollloc, and pub lished in tho interests of the M. E. Church In this portion of our work. Since the unwise removal of the Charleston Advocate, our work has been enlarging and extending in this section, and demands multiplying for a local- or gan. The Charleston Advocate was for two years published in Charleston, lt was (hiring this eventful period in the history of our cause in the South, one ol the most important auxiliaries of our work. Its removal left a vacant place here which has not since been lilied, lt is au oki saying,sl that blessings brighten as they take their Hight." This wnsero phatically true lu reference to our daper t or this coast. Many were taken by sur prise at its sudden removal and were anxious for its return. If wc bad been as fully advertised of the wants and wishes of thc people in this section, be fore the transfer of that paper to Atlanta, Ga., as we were after lt was done, it would never heve gone from us. The Methodist Advocate is a good paper and ably conducted, but it is too distant from tito Atlantic coast to meet our local wants in this section. Our work on this coast differs in some particulars from our work in the section of Atlanta, or the valley of thc Mississippi. Its peculiar phases can- j j not be met by those who live at a dis tance from us, and are not cotmrsant with the exigencies and demands of this section. Thc people will have greater interest lor Their Own Paper, that lives and sympathizes with them than can be awakened for one coming to them from a distance, and managed by com par?t ve strangers. lt will be larger than the FKEK ClTi ZKN, will bo Issued Bi-weekly, at the low pr loo of ONE DOLLAR ?t YEAR rayment lu advance. >>mc of th nablest writers pf ?-ir church ; In this section will contribute t<. its col-j limn!- Methodist Ministers of thc M. E. j Church, frnvellrig n*d local are Hgents i tor this paper. Lit those iv liri read this ; noti.; act ut i.ncc in getting up a list bl suL?'v.rii_.i\?. AH communications for the Advocate should be directed to us, at this place, A. WEBSTER, Aug. 187-i. Orangeburg, g. C. C. BEGS TU INFORM HIS FRIENDS,) patrons and the public generally, that having disposed of his entire STOCK OF LIQUORS, now respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, by offering to them, tinder thc motto ol' QUICK SALES and SM LL PROFITS, ? com plete assort ment of General Merchandise. And as my stock is TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, I respectfully ask an in spection of my goods before buying else where. Goods shown free of charge. C. D. KOT JOHN, CANCER Cured by Dr. Bond's Remedies, with full directions sent to j nnp part of the world. Send for pam phlet and particular?. Address ll. T. HUM), )!. H.. PENNA. CANCER INST'E,1 1310 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. TV*. A. C. 1>I7KKS, Dealer Lu all kinds of Drugs and Medicines J Dr. Dukes has had Nine Years Experi- ! euee in Drugs and Medicines and thorouh ly understands his business. Ile keeps constantly ?>n a large supply of Goods usually found in a First-claas Drug Store, KjJ""*C?refi?1 attention paid to thc coin pounding ul' Prescriptions and all orders promptly attended to. Call on bim at bis Popular Drug Store. Orangcburg, Feb. 18, 1875. Wm. M. HIRD & CO., IMP5STKRS AMI MAXl'FAfTUBEBS OF Oils, White Lead, Zinc, Colors, Window-Glass, &o., 201 East Bay, CHAKLEST?N? So. Ca? July 17, -VJ-? ADYI?R?ISEM EN T S ; MISCELLANEOUS* ^UGUSTUS n. J;SO\VIJ?X , Attorney & OouiiBelor at Law OUANGEBURG.S.C. J^UGUSTUSJB. KNOWLTON, Land Tbo undersigned has opened an office for ino SALE or LAND. Persons having HEAL ESTATE tc dispose of u ill do well to register tho samo for solo. Lnrgc farms subdivided ?nd sold in either inrge or email pare?la. Good farms for sale nt from two to live ?loila? per nore, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, t,tf Orangeburg C. II., 8. C. Jj} A. WEEST EB, TRIAL JUSTICE, Business faithfully and promptly at tended to. KFT OFFICE for the present in with A- B. KNOWLTON, Esq., Orangeburg, Jan. 23, 1875. I lare Barge :>;sV; -AT KO N'S T. KOHNft BKS., Having removed to their New Brick Store, are now better prepared to meet t&e wants of their customers than ever. Their elegant stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING cannot be sur ?passed anywhere. Cal? at the old stand. Theodore Kohn & Bro I rjlAYLOB FORDHAM AND LA WRENCH: Attorneys at Law, Onices at Charleston and Orangebug. L, J. TAY LOB, J. HAMMOND FORDBilt, F, 0. UWglRCB. 5?2F~Speolal attention glvon to the eor len ion of chums and prompt return tundo. Orangebnrg, March 20, ?875. C^QUTU CAROLINA RAILROAD. CUAftMCKTOM, S. C., Fri?. IS, 1613. On and after Tuesday. February 16th. tho fol 1 towing t-tianges kn Sebedafe ol' this Road vii i ?rn into rfleet - COLUMBIA DAY PAS&SNOKR TRAIN. I.cnvo Charleston ... 5.4& A H Arrivent Culnn&bfek ... W5PM Lcnve Columbia ? ? ?J 4.30 J* H. Af lire nt Charleston ? 1XA6 I* M AUGUSTA DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. I Left TO Charleston ... 7.M> P M Arrive at cbaxfc?s?oD ... tua A if COLUMBIA NJtJIIT EX I* RESS* (saiuUy B oxconledA Leave Charleston ... T.oji X? J! Arrire-.tColnrohMi . - - ft* A H Leave Colombia ? - - 4? M Arrive al Chnviestoo - - 1*A? AUGUSTA NIGUT EXPRES?. Leave Charleston ... a? 9 M Arrive at t'brlrtion - MFA The Ce3*r?bw Dax Pris scorer Tra*?*, .wajgj loavii ?* 1 A. M. ?ma BTTWO ?? iL** *? (l.eiwrtm Charleston and Braachrafr) SJOPanyr at Munrpcr vine am) George**- 3?* ai**?** **?*? to Ute up. amt ?Vow? Iripa-. >t,^ Zm t>? mule with tbc Ch^l