?HE FREE OITIZEN, PKUKlSlIKU SATURDAY, OCT. 2, IS J. Gity Directory. CITY OTFICI?US. . .ou, - - George llolivcr. KltK, - I.AS?RKK, I?KKMI-:N,-Jantes. F. l/.hir; .lohn M. Thompson, J. VV. Camion. .1 NV. Moseley. M A s rt;it, - A. NVebster. Cl IL" KCl IKS. 11 THOWST Kriscoi'Ai.Cin'KCii l*ev .: >as Phillips, pastor. Services, moi n iftemoon and evening. I'TIST.-Rev. Mr. Norris, pastor. ces, first Sunday evening, ami the d and fourth Sunday-, morning, ?vening. > KTII??IST (south).- Kev. Mr. Cam > ! , pastor. Service.? morning anti nji. Sunday-school, il A. M. ESUYTKItl AN . - Kev. Mr. It row ll jctist. Services. tnorniiigaiid afler Sunday-seltool, '.> 1-2 A. M. . scorAi. - First and third Sundays.' tiff and afternoon. .IIKKAN?lIUKCII.-*-l?cV."Mr. Hough. -, Services, morning 10 1--. even - II 7 o'clock. i ,? passenger trains oh the S. C. will pass through Orangeburg lows : - from Charleston, i). IS a. m. from Colutnbia, 7.!?0 p. in. , from Columbia, I I.*- '' p. ni. from Charleston, 2.20 a. in. TAKE TLIE PAPERS. nv N. r. WILLIS. don't you take the papersV ey're the light of my delight ; .pt about election Ihne, id then I read for spite :rihc. you cannot lose a cent ; ty should you bli afraid? .ash thus paid is money batt interest four-lold paid. len, and take the papers, I pay to-day, nor pray delay, ny word for it is inferred. i'll live until you're gray. .1 neighbor Of mine, ile dying of a cough, ld to hear the latest news ll? III? ,r,,?.,.r ..O* : ' her took no paper, and. e strolling.through the wood, fell down and broke hi- crown killed him-"very good." ; been reading of the new-. V' home like neighbor Jim, a cent that accident ld not have happened him, . m't you take the papers? 'rom the printer sneak, e von borrow from hi- boy per every week. who takes the paper, pays his bills when due, e in peace with Gotl and man. with the printer too. 'OWN CXtIEl?.. K IlOUKS AT OltA XII KliLKii o'clock A. M. to 2 P. M. o'clock P. M? to <; P. .M. ls received and delivered only hours. Tho post o? Hoc will notbc open o ti ?gi for the delivery of the Co ? imbir mail. ! M.ring thc week including last lati.rduy, tico. II. Cornelsoii has .;. ed 332 bales and Ri:!!, .Scovid? v Pi? 212 bales of cotton. If ?s ii ... i ling from 11 3-4 to 12 cents :i ad. ic things have been tiniis i our burg which rival thc 'ms Arabian Nights Enterlain VVc reserve that local till our next ic. y I >r. Webster's return has been ed by thc illness of Mrs. Well ie t. Hut wc arc glad to stale that ? li .. Webster bas so lar recovered that thoy may bc expected by Hie Hist of next week. : ''?' i.iiAxcK O?U.AN.--Messrs. .1 . 1 Hailey arc making anaiigc ' buPl>ly a long-felt wanl in ' tc a temperance journal. ?pose to publish the Temper ewer at Greenville as soon ! " subscribers arc scoured. -Tin- pi?'?" i iy formerly owned i.;. I. 1'. Thompson has been purchase I !>v 'I". 1). Wolf for S I,OOO cash. It is considered an excellent Icu gain for Mr. Wolf. - -T. S. Weeks has hoon appointed by thc Governor Trial Justice, i>7?.'< Edward Argo, resigned. -.!. W. Patrick is lui. j id in*' a lim' residence near thc depot, on Amelia stiert. Wc an1 glad t<> chronicle any improvements in this growing section ol* thc town. ?-Wc notice our city authorities arr making an cllbrt ktto mend their ways."' This is gratifying, Im; we would suggest that, when .1 load ol sand or clay is dumped ip thc loud, that ihr "ups and downs" would lie less if il wen; evened oil a little. As it is now left, the road is made worse. We hope some ol' lin- city fathers! will personally inspect the intended improvements near Ihc depot. CAMP M terri xe VT Ti:r.xnni..\i's Gnovi:.-The annual meeting at d'rr n ho1, m's Grove, on iii" .'-^ . ? : 11 li Car olina liai I road, on Thursday, < ktlobor 7. I.S7"?. Thc public arr invited to attend. Trains will run front Colum bia to Hopkins's. ll'iv. Spencer Wilson will conduct thc meeting. - Wc hear that 1 >:\ A. S. I ly tl rick intends opening a first-class drug store in Mrs. Olivero's new building, in ?rungeh?rg. His experience as city physician of Columbia for seve ral years, and assisting ill dispi using thc drugs in lleinitsh's store herc, should recommend him lo the people of that lung.- Cnif?-JIcn?hl. The reading of a good and well conducted newspaper, for thc space i . ?. . . : ol one-quarter ol a year, brings more sound instruction and leaves a deeper impression than won!.i probably bc acquired tit thc best school in twelve j months. Talk to thc members ol' a : family who read the papers, and com pare their intelligence ail I informa tion willi those who do no!. The dil fcrcncc is beyond comparison. ? ct re te ol relatives aim irienu i A telegram from Washington,dated tip- doth ult., stales : Thc Commissioners of the freed man's Savings and Trust Companv will commence paying a dividend ol twenty per cent, lipon all audited claims upon thc first of November iir\t. at their ellice int 'ballest?n upon thc presentation of pass-books or other evidences of indebtedness. Depositor? residing in ibis vicinity .should present their claims in [.fi son. Ail checks will bc drawn t ? lin order of thc original depositors; As sigumciils will bc recognized only so far as thc delivery of checks, a.s origi nally di awn lo the assignee, goes. -Thc Hoard ol School Trustees of this township held a lucclicg du last I Saturday, and also oil yesterday, lo elect teachers and make arrangement s I to start I he free schools on nexl Mon j day. They had a difficult and im portant duly lo discharge, ami wc give below th'i result of their action. There were .seemingly many eoiillicl ing interests to hal tnoiii/.c, bul wc believe fairly and impartially, con sideling all facts and circumstances bo foi o theui, lho\ bave cmiea voreti to promote the educational interests of tho whole district, witlioul catering to thc personal wishes nf an\ prison or to the prejudice of class, li rou!.i not he expected thal they would mit all parlies who may be iulhlcuccd by personal interest, bul ?hrs have j aimed lo promote thc besi interest . ol tho \vh/>le district. They may have loft undone sonn? matters whiidi cab be brought to thru attention lure , after. ; 0n moliT>? bc elected teacher. \: w:w duly elected ,P?r,?i ?\* s'u.,lt"l,pn,;"ii :! ,um,,w . . Miall Huinbeii .,.. : , I teacher of the Brown school f Oovan was elected to teach tim liu, I 1 ..NV^Un^, sd'?oi for. Lwo.mouth., nut; ir satisfaction bo gi von, tu ho couti mu-d beyohd that time. Mrs. Charles S. Hull was el cele? 1 16 leach the railroad school, in the village. Mrs; 10. M. O. Ho/.ardt was elected j lo teach the Ho/.ardt school. V. I). Howman and IC. .1; Howman w ere elect? d lo teach the Pity I till j .a.. ...i .Mi-. Alheigotti was elected 16 teach the loA'er town school, t?> hu located at the Fair Huihling, and Mis- .Joii iley's tippi?c??Oii as assistant in said -(.??nilli was disapproved. Miss \'. A. ?'ihekney leaeher in .Ml. I arnie! school. .Mi- K. S. Ti. ree 16 teach the,.)aini.soii school, and A. s. liilih r assistanl leaeher. Mrs. I). I-'.. (.Hover to leach tin- Shady Side -ole ii il. "nie application of Mr. .1. li. Tin on;.-i in was disapproved. STAMITJI Ksvi:i.??ri:s.-Tin' manu factur? uf .statnpcil envelopes ivas ?ie guii in HS?.'I hy I he government. and has SO increased Unit, during tin- pasl year I l'.?,7 the ITiuiptot: ate! the Morgan en velope companies combined, .ti II.lilford. I itcle Sam undcrsell the trade, furnishing envelopes ex clusive of I lu--tamps, ai lower prices than tin- stationers can a Hon I. A large proportion ?d' the stanipe?! en velopes u persons, uti stamp ing machines and 70 printing piesses are employed. A government iii speclor luis :i general supervision ol ihe manufacture, his being lo ex ?iel a rigid compliance with thc contract. Dull au'hors will measure judg ment, not by our abilities, but 1>\ their own conceit. To admire their vapidity is to 'nave superior laste : lo despi ?0 it i- lo have none. SCHOOL NOTICE. rpm-: K\I>KI:-I'.\KI> IIAVIXO been X i li-. :.-.1 le. Ila- Tl ii-ii-i'- a- tear!., r . I ?lie l-IMM-: SCHOOL. I.m.wo a- Ibo ..?ir. vi* S?;ho??i." !. ?.-1 : . . I Ka ?I ?d' ile- K IC. nuilee is hcri'liv tjiveii ilia1 s:iii| -..li-" I will I.peii?il -e. MON I >A Y . ? >?. lober lill. All pupil- will iveetve ini ?iar!?al attention, and their progress be leiiutarlv rep..rii d lo lin ir (.an ni-. MKS. KKKAXOi: I'd 'Ll.. | GLOVER ? GLOVER, A lt? rneys :i ( 1 - :? \v - si? -, I. wv i: vs?il.. ? >l!A\?. Kl".I iii.', s. < . .'lilly :ii 1 ti IZLAR & riBBXiE, A T T ORNE Y S A T L A W . \ . 7, I \\\ li VNi.lv. ?ni \v- i n ia;, W, H. il SE DI SH, TIM A I. -ii s rici: i\ii Aili ii; M A A l' KAW . i;i;.\N? 'livu.id:, rs. ? ? ?lui- a i ti' FOR SALE. A KIM M M;I . VN I' l"'> ?' ? - . \\ v.. Hoi: a .. Anpb NN A. Mi Ki '\ I > S AM Mi il- V\ ll,SON 0, W} * ? .ti1. \\ I..de '.de an.I " I? l~ ; rn' .. i tn c. ur h u li ii ... o , TEAS, I WINKS, \ 1 t'O A li uo IMPO U i'li?l) SK G A H s I 'h)?l Line. :u i'bat L-. ...t :? v I 'Inj I . H LIXL.LYI & 00?. .oct. Charleston, C.; QGERS, M rn i: rr. KS ur TI jr ^ i . -I...- OA. uij-l'-Ul-.-u^ / ?il ly 7 ix? ff i'?t /'".'/.' i l.iw t!i??-?* oi'iHiN Kiiu-r .lf.il jilli's'; Vu e.\tr:i ?.ii.'.l'.-. - i'.ir . .!. Ir. i .-lit. .?.I- |iti?! hv. r ! . i?< . . ?ll liiii' ni iiii? vm- ii -ii-i'ii. \V?|. Imiil.ia, ....iiili c.,|..!i|ia ami :!. ;. i Jil : ? i -. SM K\:-i sst: r.i yi?i?. . . Ultu ll-. -..!! T?iii ?t'tmtih n? -lt?- lilli'if, till?! -lu".-1 ' -1 >?-i-m 11 \ I>I H.m. !. ; ?rn . : s.ijii/liKiiir. i > ii si j 'i . :MI.i . |i|ii Iii. >.....:,,! .?-(lilli?.-. T,;| I i|i?a!ti> T> .?! I . ?tl ?ir ?i-, yiill ? ? :. 11 ii';i\ .. it^livi i . .! < i-ii-lii-il ?;i_.i, ? . -. :?!. : ?l; i i!..: irr.-iiiiil Heil \. IL: *'M i ? Sti.u nv : . .-. i ? r ?iiily (?.?i II.-. I?IIV ?v ii iic.'?:i>l \ irninia Vi ??i-.il .-rn . I. . aiii ir i.: . I- I Un ii i. i......| Hi? ?Vi?* i I. i ir . 7... I .-i !. II:.-I. ii ly M.a..i. I I:. .1 ll .ci,-, .i-, l::.-, |.cr lili l:-!?-i C?I :.. 1 : ?i-, i ii r M'. ' ?u - i-? '?'ti t? i it?-i . :.: .-. .-.-i' !,. -.' I!il < .nun- ! ; ll < iii m -I T?.iii:ii?t?. ? .ii ' - -. jii'i; cini: - Iii; ? ?iiin; .! i,, .11.nu-....?. ?un? I'.- ii -. ..i' ll- i..; ... liegt i:-: il.it? Siixi ,i i itu . .Mi l!:-. .Ti- oi'ujli: ii. < iiiiiii-n-iil Mill? Ku li- jihhnK ?i.Vc; ?aeh. < ?antz .- -J.*!.-. : !'--.ci.;-. |H-I "Mirar, (lie. |n-r i-aii. 1 >?.... wtiisr. l?. ! 'c i ici .nu. ii-- Si>ihi;..i r.icUa-c Sulla. I Stixe.? Sanlines. 2(>e; : -. ::.-><.. isii-ii. Shaiiiiii -, l i eli. i "iix's S|iai Ulin i ;eia itaeh. ? 'iijii rs. I 'c : ? iliVe .?;?-i-hiic. Wahiin iiiiii :.c?. i? i-n 11 i :M ? itiip? nt ? . 1 !.??. inila.'i?m Kreuch Mii?ianl. c I;,:..-!. .V!ii?t a 1.1. SH>. -. I*?i'. Kai-in?. 2 i ii ?r:iiit>. Iii?-: Cheese, ?'?e. 'anilles. ii rsi quality. ._':!.. i * i lltocolate. I.*?e pi i' !l> .r !'>. Umina. l?0e. per lb ..la?.-. :inc. |MMi ii,. Orili .c. I j Hi? liii' >?l ; choice Ki 1 lor ---1 : choice I .iilinar i ii?, l'or .--1 : ? ?lil (i .v.-.n lle?; ihs. for . '1 : lim- ? .1 Y.heOs. .V-'. aihliiinnai. i .:<.!: Si areli'; '?' 1-:' ll'-. lui -, ?n i- |li; I t>l?aic -. ci cul hi.nl -. a .-|i? ci:iliiy ol iti'aet'urcs (?rices-Irntii .i. .??.K- -. i.'oi?raie' /'Cl I KM l in t-, ?Vie; ja r hollie. .i| H 1 I'hw i liri'; '.!.*. .. |(er hii.V. ?i I Maih-ira. .--I. II. Kn.jli-li ami Seoli-h Ale. il. ii.7<. I" :' 'I -/cii. Kreiden liiiUliil. ?ii":7?. |.cr .I-..'. !.. ,i- .-. i s?'ia I-:.' u??iiii . :.'.<. : ._' .:..!;. ;.-. Cn.-. ; :: ?iiU eii-ivi' A; a ' i i ni . 'njek iis^Van- iilMiiV? mi Iiiiii^ .c.- ?...,.. -.?.:.i ,1 /.." !.^^ : ! i : ?? \ .-> > : i; :>.-:.? i .q.- .in i ?m:.-.-' ?. .-1 rein j 11 i A U Y K U T I S IC M IC N T S . I MISCUI.1. VXKOL'S. S il I T ?I I- A S T E R \ A DtOCATE. There is soon tu li" ?1 paper entitled as dhovo. i ~ ~ < .? ' ? l?olli tili- olliii'. :i!)il pub lished hi the interests of iii" Mi h*. Church ? in thi- [tortinti of our wink. Siai" thu unwise rinn.val ot* th" Charleston .!?'<...' "*.. our work has beeil "ulm -ii.- ?mil i Mending in this sectihnj and demands inuiti|.i\in? |or a local or ?J.III. Thc Charleston .ti>r, .-.it. wag for j wo var- ptihii-hed in Charleston. lt whs dining th:- eventful period iii tho j lii.-ton ..| our i au-" in lin- Smith, one ol I he iii?>l importun! auxiliaries o?' our svor'u. Its removal Iel"! a vacant place I li-ii- which has not siiiee heeii lil toil, lt is au old say tn j?, " timi blessings brighten I :.- ile y tak . their slight.** This was cm '? phiitica'ily lrite iii rej'ereiico to our duper I lor this coa>i. M?iky vvere iakeii hy siir I rise at i:- sudden removal ami were aaxioii.- t'..ri:- return, lt' we had lieoii ?i's lt i j ly a!\II I :-ni ol' Iii" want- nhill ivi-lu - "I lite people in this section, he ft ire, lie- I ran.-fer ol i hal paper io Atlanta. ; Loi., a- we were alter il was done, it uoulil never li."yo gillio I'rOiil ii-. The1 '.' ''. .'.'..' A'tf?.'iti i- ii good naper ami I il \ comlueteil. luit it is loo dist;iikt Iron! ho Al hitit ie coas! to meei our local wants in lliis action. Our work on this coast i litlers in Some particulars from our work j m lin- sect ion ol A t lauta, or th" valley iii* ibo Mis-iss'ippi. its peculiar phases c:ui I h? ni"! by those who live ;.: a
  • from a ili-ratice; and managed by coin par..' \ c rangers. li i\ ?il ii" larger than the I'ui.i. Cli'l /IN. viii! li" I r-':- 1 li '( 1 I i?-WOOlcl V, iir ihe low price ol OIN l-l SK'?.I.A S? V EA.X? Payment hi aiivatice. * .'ii'ii 'il.le?i writers ol tli'tr "liarch ' ??KOS j 11 ixroif.M pal rons and the pnhlio liaving disposed ol' Iii- ci STOCK OF L] now I'i-.-pi'i tully solicit: d'I heir patronage, hy o|?,-i uig to them, ''"der Hie m uto ol' QUICK SALES "'l SM J LL PROFITS, acum ?lete a--ul linen! pf General Merchandise. \; d ?is my Mock i- ino NI M Kin M 'S 11 ' M ;.\ I 1' IX. I res pi t:tlul|y a-1. au in . ; . ;..:i .-t e.; goods liefere linyiiiy else-1 v. 1. l.o??il.' shown lr. nd tm- pam . ? . \ ' : rn: . v. i?., pj \w. i \\i ri; wsw, fjs'ii'U'h 1,5! -'v.-.-:. I'l.i'.i I.-'.pl.ia. l'a. Meal; V : I iii! Ot' Drugs and Medicines " " '.. "?is had Ntiii" \ . - K\pcri I i. . and Mi'dii'ito'- ?uni lltoi.uili r^iafids lu - loiYmi --? ll" keeps "" a 1 Ugo ripply ol OoeiK First-class Drug; Store, ?. i . i ;?j i t il aftetiiieii paid fe ?he coin : ? ,| ft. i ipStolls and all mdel . . .... -,. ' \ , mic. i lo I 'tdl on liim al Wm. M. MUD * ??., Oils, \V into Lo;id, Zinc, Colors, W \ ii dow-G lass, &c VIM \ I**?S . i li VI?! 1 S l'ON i !>>. A 1) V K KT I S 15 M ? N T S MISCELLANEOUS. AkCUL'STUS Ii. KNOWLTON, Attorney & Counselor at Law ORAKGEUUHG, S. C. ? UUUSTUS.U. KS( AV LTOS, Land Agei ii:9 The iinilcrsiKtieil has opened nu olllcc for thc S A I.K of l.AM>. I 'orson - having HEAL ESTATE to dispose of will "!?> well to register the Bin ne for sato. Larjre tarins snhdivlileil anti Kohl in cither itxrffo or small parcels. i tomi farms for sale al from two to live (lollara (ter aere, on easy lenas. AUGUSTUS lt. KNOWLTON, MI' OraiiKchtirg C. H., S. C. A. WE HST Ell: j li. TRIAL J0STI0E, l?tisiness faithfully and proinptlj- at tended t<>. '/ ; OFFICE for thc present in with A. JD. hWOWLTOX, />/., < >raiurel>iii-_r. .Fan. 2.'l, 1^7?. ?v - "v.-. .?.< -c-t ill ! 1 . .' - y M ?% a '/? fi Haiving r?nioved ?d^tlieii .*. ? Brick S'toro, aro now wants of their customers than ever. Their elegant! stock of SPRING A il /IMEE CLOTHING cannot be sur passed auy where, Call at thc old stand. Theodore Kohn & Bro rn >lt!l (Ala ?LINA UAH.KOA I?. ?") ? II MU.i .si??\. s. C., l . t.. I"?, IST:.. Uh in I . ?1er Tuesday. Koliituirv uah, the lol uta's m Schedule ol' iii is ta.ad wit ..... ...... (.tl.-?'-1 : i ul l Mill \ DAY HASSEXCiKU THAIN. I .. ive C!i irh-ton - - - f..|% A M Mine a: i i.liniiliia . . . I.'.:, I* >r. I ..- i\. I . '...int.ia ... ; t :;n j? jr. \rii\e at . 'hai'lostoii . - - H. 15 r M Ali.!-! \ HU t'ASSENOEIt TltAlS*. 1 .-ave l ! Ilh'?t.'ll - . . T,c>' I' Si* \i'iiveat i haileslon ... {j.*,;> A. M. l ul.U MUIA .MUHT I-.VVVBJ?SS. (Sunchiya ?xcuplvijir I cuve l.'lfnrlcet?ti . - ? 7? P 8* Ai uve al''..amil.ia . - |?.?{0 A H ! .. ,\, roUiiiihia . - - T.15 I? M Arrive at Charleston - . - l!.Si. A hi At ol ! STA '.vi.HT RXIMIKSS. I cave Chai h t? - - - SV? 1* M A 11 n ?. at < har! .?(Vie, - - - 6. JO A M. Tl.r i . hun'...i 1 >?? \ i*tis.*en|,er T\-.'iios. tfhtntk leave id:" V \i. ai?.*, jii vi- m il.an l'\ it. will IM'IU i . " l Jun iiciim anet ttvaiifli*. ?Hu) slop only al sunir.KM' ?lill u il l.f.'ii'i S. 'Hi t. applies helli. I.? lin- i JJ and >t.IMO Iritis. 11% rhu- ?mw Sj'iiiaiiit,. a olese coititcet?on ititi I |>i< io:-* UI ?Min |l\e l 'mi tulle, l.o'.iuol'i.-x MM) AM trn-'. 1 Haili ea. I al I heir ti.-- .iii'; mai '. tu un-ia _ 1% i .li will a\oi?i the li>ni>'.l'.r l?l?o?.?h l.^NimMrt .. i l ? iv .? o-, i - uni. I. .? -i ii,vtn I .< I.? M a ihtitgti'tv an.I in.uit- Swill ie? I? ll?' ollitiv ri??ile Slv?plnt; Cars ?n? ?'a wa tri tvnins. .^r-i^i|jvi? i link?:, ii.'iiv'h. s. s so<.ss. S. H. I'I. iv t NS '*'. A- Stti.y?.?Iit?f?Hl?ttVi I . \\ ta ?tc K<>i;t?iiA\( vsu UAW uv Ai lo: noys at Law, . ... tl) a i le-don and (lr?iif,?*b"if . i j. r wi in;. K u owSi KUSDUA^ ?. 1?, i wu? '. - limit? .. M >. I\? I iii.' CO? yjv'iO|>i I Ct lill* \i irvti AV .>