CITIZEN. l'UULISIIKD AT ORANCEBURC, S. C. E. A. WEBSTER, - - - Editor. ,1 A. WEBST KU. L'UUMSIIKK. .. r ONE Coi'Y, OSK Y KAU. - - - S 2 00 I t Invariably in Advance* "' ; a Ami 1 will come near t<> you lo jmlfsciiiont: a ti * I ' 1 will bc li swill wiliiess ujiniit!-) Hie .fi- l< ers, timi UKilinsI Hie ailnllcrcrs, ?uni i^.iin-l luise swearers, timi against th. thal n|i press thc hireling in his wafres, the i-!? ami thc fatherless, ?uni llial lian ashlo Iii?' tirailler from his rij?ht, ?mil l'ear hol nf. t'y Buith thu Lo?! ul'Hosts.-MALACHI. Ill, 5. ? NOTICE. |b Weare not responsible lor Ute views 1 t our ? Correspondents, p Advertisement* lo he insert r<1 in 111. - Ct ri/.KN li must lie receive?! by *t[hnrsilaj evening. ^ Advertisements inserted ai ?>n.- Dollar per . Inch, tor the first insertion. Knrlhcr term- .-an 1 beilud on application lu the Edilnror . j, Communications on mailers nf State or Local ; interest, respectfully solicited. All orders for Joh Printing lett al this oiliee Will receive |>roni|it attention. Agents ami Correspondents wanted iii all i Towns of the County. ti SATURDAY, OCT. 2, l?7.."i. BEFORIW It ia an undeniable fad that Ute Republican'parlyol' this State during ' the administration of Scott and Moses had become fearfully corrupt, and exaggerated accounts of the ill success of thc party in this Stale was beginning to react upon the national Republican^ party. The pledge ol reform with which thc parly solicited the support of thc people of this ?State in thc last campaign have been faithfully fulfilled and translated into actions in a manner calculated to strengthen thc Republican party. and verdict against Parker and thc recent conviction of Senator "Walker show conclusively that fraud and corruption is not exempt from merited punishment, though thc laws arc administered by Republican oW natte tiary ves'c.'lav, lr ! ; ? . : This execution ol tho Jaw is just ann proper, but will our carping co tem poraries be fair enough, in noticing lilia item of "Stale news" to add '..(Wt-they were tried iu^ Republican county, by a jury of "whom eleven wn.-n honers-colored ho ; no faint-hearted .. s been even lorin I S flavors of true lui i .. nistraiion of the Color. The following is an extract from an article in the National Monitor., und is worthy thc thoughtful perusal of every colored man : "If they would be white, they have only to sei/.c upon the neem i rein eil ls of the white man with thc baud ol industry, and then do as while men do. When thc race shall have done this, it will find no occasion to bc concerned about its color. The law Of equal rights gives thc black man the same right to object lo thc. white man's color that it gives to tho white man to object to thc black man's. But how, much disposition has tho black man to raise such a foolish ob jection in the face of the dod he pro fesses to serve? Just so much dis position, and no more, will the white man have to object to thc. color of thc black man when, in intelligence, wealth and piety thc black man be comes what he. ought to be. The Neio$ and Courier is authority for the following paragraph : "firent preparations are making for thc Stale fair in Columbia, in November. The buildings are being whitewashed and tho ground "cleared of weeds. Mr Jefferson Davis will bc invited to de liver thc address, and Gen. ?olqnitt of Georgia, is to bo asked to lee lure," n.3 Secretary of ?.'i3 Interior Re signs. The followingjcttcr from thc L'rCsi lent of thc United Stales aeknow edgcs Hie letter of resignation of secretary Delano, which was wiitten md seul lo thc ['resident on July .">. L he letter ol' .Air. Delano recounts iis services as Commissioner ol' lu ornal Uevenue ami as Secretary ci lie Interior, ?di of whirl 1 are approved ml ehdoised hy tito l'rOi i leiil. The jllowing i- the I'loshlont's reply : Lox?; r.':\N. ii. Sept; l-7-">. 1 |i: vi; Sm : \ our Iel UT ol' the pill I' ?Inly, lohtloi'i.ig your resignation I' the ollic? of Secretary pf Ibo Iu L'lior, was duly received, .-uni has CCU lu l l liv me until this tia:?' with ut actum, because ol th? continued orsccution which 1 believed ami be love was being heaped upon you brough the public pri ss. i only nov. ake action because the linio :> rap illy approaching when ibo Secretary if the I nti-rior will have io coin nence bi- labors preparatory to icu h rh,g his annual report to aiicon: .any tho executive message lo L'on ?ress. I, therefore, accept your rosig lation. lo take etloct on Hie lit.-si day il October, having little moro than wo months from Ibo induction ol 'our sticee^or until th'- assembling it' Congres:. In accepting your .(.signation, 1 am not unmindful ol .he' hui that about ilu- lime ol the meeting of Congress, one year ugo. you stated to mc that yon felt '.lu- ne cessity, of retiring lVotn the Cabinet, and askeil whether 1 would prefer your resignation^ so as to have youl successor continued by thc Schate lil the la>t session, or whether 1 would prefer it in vacation. Mv answei was. that I preferred not having it at all. Thal was my feeling at Hie time: and I now believe that \ 011 have lilied every publie trust confided to yon with ability and integrity. I sincerely trust thal the future will place you righi in thc estimation ol' the public, and thai you will continue to enjoy its confidence as you have done through so many years ol' ofli cial life. With continued respect and friendship, I subscribe myself, very truly ? your obedient servant, I. S. CUAST. Hon. C. C. De lano. Secretary ol' ibo Interior. The Great Robbers*. .j.? 1.1.MI- luau a men in abject pov ait for these wrong-doers, n circumstances ol tioni lort. 1heil* dilapidated houses, theil tattered garments, their hungry chil dren, testify to thc groat wrong in II?fled upon Ullin. Hui this is no! all. They have been robbed nol only of their money, but largely of llieii ability to acquire more. Willi theil money weet their health. Tens ol thousands atc annually sent lo a pre mature grave, while others are h il to carry about a little longer an unburied carcass. And with money and health went reputation. ? bice these men had a good name among their neigh bors-some of them, indeed, a woi Id wide reputation. Now their presence creates a loathing, and with all classes their name is east out as evil. And still the wo:!' goes Oil. .Money and health ami l eiiti!.'ilion might In spared if only character were loft. lint these groat robbers fi Ich not these alone. Thev seize what is infinitely moro precious-they rob their victims f their manhood, of lin i" intelli jfence, integrity and affection : and laving despoiled them of all these heir precious things, they leave their Kline to rot and their memory to u ri .h. If ono of Ibo ends of govern nie nt s to protect the people, is not hero a ?roper occasion for its interposition? kV hile filling the country with its se cret p?lice and detectives to ferret mt the robberies upon its treasury, might not tho general government iv i th great propriety institute some investigations into this great, wrong nflicted upon the people! This Coh ?ross was urged to do at its last ses sion, by riuiucrously-signod petitions, lint declined toTlo it. And why ? It ilid not say. lint an answer, per haps uncharitable, will suggest itself. Tho government shares in tho plun der, liy thin great iniquity ?I re plenishes its treasury, lt ip ono of ils most fill ?t li 11 sotilX'C < ?. shame ! Should this lu> loncri Willi the closing of Uio of thc nation's history this great scandal cease linic ibr thc people to tlc igntion? Should m.I t y ress lie Hood ci I willi pol i.iig ilpili investigation; : '?vorninenl cease lo I ri in i his iii ihi- whoic ?nd niurder ol' the puoph Anil \ cl. why invest i, is not familiar with thu w . lo not know thc guilty p: nut rallier have :t second ol' Independence? With liing ol' the second ccnl ?ii t ion's hist o ry. \\ hy in it : h chains ol' this degrading ls lhere cul virtue an enough among lin- people I liiis Spirit Lrii nd : < >i mt i '?ii' m Oks si ill lower x\ hi his \oho still laster 11(1011 great political parties n c [lower hasten to do him ho 11. my ci inn! rynien, is tl, li vern ncc ? I - our /air heri laid waste yet inn;-.' ?inti un foul ile i no 11 ? Can wc-iv . hue it: -Are wc craven 1 lave we ?11, love ol' couiilr inanity : I >r has !. .\ i> ( ?f g our manhood ? t >;. dovotiOi extinguish! il ii ? Sm. lv it awake, and assort our lil?oi ly io our i ? piI'ssi i.. .. I?ule by llWi Chi ?.-?I in H A'.lcoifde. Praise inc Children For every child w ho roi excess nf praise or comm from ii- parents, there an has!, who an- oftentimes less:ly. lint none lite les. - sell cruelly, defrauded ol' that dil j them in this respect. love praise-they crave il, do much to win il. Ifii'tj mot hoi', when your 1 has pul lier whole baby lu ' ?film. lin!.-. .HU.- - .? .. UH ..u> lt: , li:4 lessons right well : ti !:i~!.:.s he is set ID do haVC formed more thoroughly : fully than usual ; if in litl! has. huon more I hough! l u conilbN. than is his wo these ihiug<. Mot sile:.ti . word ol' ii??iil h. .'onerous) ly dially approving his com him ?ei l thal his endeavor.!: appreciated, thal no goo? ? act?on Ol! his pru t, passes 1 noticed. Thus will you in< a desire lo merit aiw?ys yt i lialiou, and tin- resolve lo i seif mole worthy each (Uiy lather's love. Withhold not praise fi children when they claim i right. L'scd wisely, it \fi slimulaiil that cannot injure thc contrary, is productivo ( good and lasting. See, in lite hui : v and wo Hying days timi you forget 1 lhere he, through ydljl f??'g small heal l-iichcs now, a om s heron flor. TIII: >I>I;I:ATI-: DIMXICKII ?called moderate di inker w very angry willi a friend win that safety is alone in lol staining from the use of ard . its, und who allowed his fan; , lions to insinuate that Hie ? drinker himself might then h ' self-control. l< To make j 1 1 * question who is wrong," said poru?e? man, "wiil you just mouth, iioi. Ihouching a dro ' the timi ?" Said t he other : isfy your mind, sir, 1 will w sine, though 1 know myself do as you asU, to euro yoi ' wrought ideas." Ho kept tin; ' hut at the eml of tho month , to hi ? friend with tears in j and thanked him for saving I a drunkard's grave. Said ! novel knew before that I wi sense a slave lo tho past] month has boen the licrcesl hatti? ol' my lifo. I seo now I was almost be yond hopo, and had the test come many months later, it would have been too late lor me. ?ut i have ? kepi thc .pledge, and. by God's hell?, 1 will keep it lor lil?-." Moderate (hiiiker. just try it lor one year, ?ititi see how near .?on aro lo the rapids, beyond which lhere is no returning. Our Gaitc. Under this head the Xuiionol /;..'/. 'ist deals out tliese Wi?y plain WOlt?s : "Kverybody waul- to .-how oil. The idell* with 8?50? a year wauls lo emu late his employer with ?150,OOO a war. Tin- minister with 8 1"lia idc io cease at the will ol' death or ot thc d' neons, want's to live as if he had a solid income ol' live titties as much, or, rather', thc parish wish it ol' him. A voting man dat e not invite a young huK" to go ii ny where unie.-.- he is pre pared lo la\ ?sh on her all soils of things, ijuiie beyond Ids mean-;. Thc matron ?Vill not invite a friend to tillie ?1 quiet inp of lea: there m ti st \ i" ?ill sorts Ol' fandangoes, to bc pui iltascd with money, or on credit. "If one is honest, then lie robs kimscli' of necessaries lo squalider Kc more on vanities; Thc fallier md mother rob themselves of i\st. nod and of Ihc comfort which conics rom a deposit in the savings baidi, i oidor thai Hu- daughter may dress ir beyond their means, Mut, alas ! lion thc inora! fabric gives v.ay. 'hi' merchant, thc clerk, thc teller, lie cashier, the hanker, t."<-i live lip .) a certain point, ho malle:' who sill ers, lichee comes "liorrowing" the louey of the liri??, or of the deposit* rs, lor stock gaiiihiingi in Ihc hope IV being neb. T!i default, shaine, lin. ll' li:e frog trios to he as big i Hie ox, something is bound lo give av-eithci body, or brain, or eon aoncc. .' Go Your Own Righi Hand Man. initiation from their tlcfcal, than vines resemble oaks, or spluttering rush-lights Hu! slurs of ?n aven. Ef forts persisted into achievements nain a mau lo self-reliance : and wheii h has proved to the world that he can trust himself, thc world will trust him. One of the liest lessons :i father can give Ids son is this : Work : strengthen your moral and mental faculties in yob would strengthen your muscles by vigorous exercise. !.va:?i to conquer eireuui-Uanadk;; you arc theil indepcinh nt of fortune. Thc men of athletic minds, who left their mar!: on thc yeats in which they lived, were all trained in a rough ?'.hool. Tlicy did not in.mut lo their ii;'!: position by the Icitpof leverage;; hey leaped Ibo chasm, grappled with he opposing roc!:.-, avoided uva ianchcK, and when tho goal was. reached, felt thal, bul for thc toil UKI! had strcngtlit'ncd il.em au they Stl'OVC, it could never have been jbtaini d. GKNTI.KSKSS "i CiiAitAt n u.-One >f the cai ly Christian teachers, who vas I (in: with a violent '.chiper, he arne a. model (d' gentleness as he row older. (in one occasion he was assailed iib a torrent ol most fa-nous words he good teacher looked at the pas onate mau who thus addressed him iib a tranquil eye, and did not reply 1 y a sin?-lc word. The furious man, ill mole enraged, -poke mon; bil rly titan before. When (lie fellow had al hist retired, m. Christian was asked how ho could keep silence under such provocation. e ri p!i(-d : "M'y tongue and I have made a .rnpac!, mid we have agreed that !'ilc my heart ia lull of hid feeling . y tongue shall not. say a word. < ould 1 teach this poor ignorant man " tier how to govern and restrain ninself than by holding my tongue; arpl would his rage have been sooner Ti*-..T7.ri<,.nJJ,.?.W.e appeased lia t. hight wc ii?l an iiulbrluna1 away by Iiis ; A Littic Pleasure. How to make country life socially helpful ami pleasant in winter is :i timely ijuestion how. Nothing can well show a much wider contrast lb:ih the present activities in large towns, compared willi lilt.' as it goes on in isolated rural places.; Wi- think thc [.?an which luis been adopted by some of tho (?ranges, to organize a little pleasure in the midst ol' business, a very sensible one. Innocent recrea tion can hardly have better auspices than these ollercd, and il' something looking toward culture nm] mental entertainment should be added, Un,1 result would he still further fin i Hill ol' good, To our mind,there is nothing equal lo a well ai ranged debuting club or reading circle ; and where a (?aper is i'd i I oi I and read weekly, tlic interest excited is usually as edifying as ?t is salutary. There is hardly any country district which cannot bc helped in this way. and il only wants one or two on? I'getic spirits who shall lake the brunt ol' ti:-- battle io make liny one or edi ol' the suggested philis successful. All ito- not know ilint lemons sprinkled with loaf sugar almost completely allays feverish thirst. They atc invaluable in ila' >ir!< room. Invalids a|feetotl with feverishness eau safely consul n? two or three lemons a day. A lemon or two tints taken at tea lime i.-: recommended as an entire substitute lor ihr Ordinary slipper o!' sumiiier, ami will often in dure a comfortable sleep throughout the night and give a good appetite lor breakfast. ia%:sn*y?*'v?T?JT?z>-aw3?i? 'Hil'. N IC XT AKTi'JAl. ?I?ci-?IBJTlOM ( if thr o it A KG v. ni: HG tttil iins heen hcitt'hf in xijMiucn VAJ.UK. i ce entered till Tues' ''ml c.,.. (dloiad tu Wi!.!. TAKK I'LA! K ?.N WKUXKS jl.VV, I HK ipil. -V Ki .V.">D i l OF i ii I.'AA', ON till USDAV, TIIK J in. loi; Till: ' HAM 1*1' iXSlllP OK TIIK ( "! STY. OL'JIKI. A MUSK MKXTS WILL JA KU IM.ACK KV Kl! Y DAY "I TIIK KA ni. The Annual Address Will he ni h'wi 1 .1 on Tin usi>.\ i, UK- iixtii, hy Coi.oNKi, Ii. WYATT AI jv KN, Master of state ( ir.-Viigc. livery accommodation possible will he provided lor both Kxhihitois and Visitors. AiT.'iu-ri'iiieiil.s have he?n mittle with lim Si mili C.trolimi Knilroml for I lu; lr?iiis|Mii'l|ili.i nil l 'i ci:: lil - for lil?; KairnlONK I?ATK I?OTII WAYS, ami KXCI ?SlOX TICK KI'S will lc MII.I m visitors lilli ilcj Mic \\ IC!V. I ur lint her pan ?et 11 a rs see I'reiiiiuin l.i-t. or millie-.-, aiiy liiemlier ol the iSuaril ol' hircctors. ;.' Onni?;i:hiii'g, S. < .. tho S?a;i?;ta ry and Treasurer. i > i vi i<;< rr < ii s : Tm. WM. v. i; \ 1: i i ix. I'ur.sun \ r. KAl?llKXOK I." 15Kl KU I I'll. r.-\>. SA.MI i:i. IHI;I;KK. KS?.?. I .M I. K. II. u . ISIMOOMAXX. ' M'T. M< ill KAN .1. K ll.I.IK. Oil \X li. Kl I.KY . Kso. JIAKI'IN IIIOOS, Ks?.?. Socrotary and Troasurori KIKK liOIilXSOX, Ks.... I5ii!s for thc KcfreshliiCiil Sltinds ami Tnhles will he received until Tiiustlay, Oeioher ?ili. The same will ho Imiided in ii.c Sc. id,,i v and Treasurer. bent. ISth, IH7"), ii .*. .I silence? ?assion on is Curried Th A H V K 1! T J S IC M IC N MISC'?CM.ANKOUS. ~ . . ---irr KAN 11 OIM.MM; ' I will open this morning n lot o Finest Tea? ever ottered in tins market, eo si IX CO IX) ll KI) JAPAN OOLO SOUCHONGS, Yt ?UNG HYSONS, ami G UNTO WD Anil in order to cultivate n tra these tine grades I will sell the ? V 12 IX TL" LO W ! Imvc also received tins morning an car-load ol Solomon's Fancy Fie i L'resli ground ami Mude especial for me from tlie IT i ii o j* < fc>ol?o;teil> how I LOO I) KN ti THE MARKET is equivalen) tn bringing into the fan, ile -t i action and death ! I have also recoivoir: IO Tien es kfrcsli Cured Davis? Han ' IO I loxes Cream Ckcea?j direct fro I * the Dairy, i'.'i I'it kins Goshen lintier,direct fro the Hairy, which luis all tl freshness and flavor of thc Hoi ! ers. Tiercc3. .Strips , lu Hurrels of Extra Mess Mackcrc averiighii? twenty ounces. i ._'."> Sucks Lagitayra Codee, equal t Java. ."i0 Sacks of assorted Rio, hy last Uh steamer. Willi a full supply of CHOICE GROCERIES. Inrush iii J > ? I. My slock is full, with pri?* toft and ?nod linu s coming. j -n.anking tho piddle for their very lib Lal iialrni.age, ?"?1 soliciting its contin ".,"Ce, 1 will do my best to merit th* i mc. IIA1?OV .SOLOMON, Columbia. So. Oft.