FREE .9 1 B. A. WEBSTER. Editor and 'Proprietor. A Weekly Paper Devoted to Temperance, Literature and Politioa. VOLUME IL* ORANGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1875. NUMBER 8, TIMELY TOPICS. THE chttladisease is making sad havoc in Borne counties in England. TREASURER NEW says that tho ampunts paid br tho national banks dur ing tho last fiscal year as a tax ou circu lation was $3,86G,898.92. TUB heavy rains have seriously dam aged tho crops in Minncsotapit being es timated that already the loss foots up fifteen or twenty perTcent. of the eutire crop of the state. THE Indians appear to be on thc war path out in western Utah, having al ready butchered a number of settlers and miners. Troops arc being sent for ward to squelch the red-skins. THU success of the new Atlantic cable insures communication with Europe at much lower rates than havo horetoforo boon charged. The enormous capital now submerged beneath tho sea can only bo rando to pay a low tariff and large busi ness. Tin? announcement that 15,000 cattle are under treatment for hoof and mouth discaso in one county in England has been proceeded by anxious discussions of the spread of the contagion and of tho rapidly increasing prices of meat in that country. FRANK HARPER'S three-old colt, Ten Broeek, astonished the knowing ones at Lexington by making the fastest time on record for tho distance, beating the supposed invincible Hob Woolley. Ten Broeek is hy Phaeton, out of Nan tu ra, the dam of tho famous \ Longfellow. THE arrangements have been almost completed in England for the great Pan Anglican synod, similar to the ?me held in London some years ago under the presi dency of the late Archbishop Loungly. The American churches will bc fully rep resented in this ecumenical council of Anglicanism. EMU.ic DE GIRARDIN has written eleven elaborate letters to prove that the ! best thing France can do is to form an I offensive and defensive alliance with Germany against all coiners, especially Russia. Only one single journal of thc French-press is in favor of thc idea bc is " ?unni?g: 5 ~ '"" ' JuiXJK PARKER; whose judicial district extends over Indian territory and a por tion of Arkansas, will, it is said, sentence fourteen more murderers teethe gallowsat . his next term of court. They will prob ably be hung on the same day as was the case with the six criminals at Fort Smith recently. FENIANIRM has broken out under a j new name in New York. They call it the "Order or United Irishmen Bedi vivi." It? object, as detailed in the New York papers, is to "get the best Irishmen in its ranks, those fit for sol diers and willing to do battle iii securing Irish independence." This i. .s the smell of gunpowder about it. THE London Times gives a summary of the failures in England during the last three months. The liabilities of ; ' tweney-nine amount to a total of $26, 000,000, and their assets to $10,000,000, of which about one-third are regarded p_". doubtful. But thc Times has a mis giving that this is very far from repre senting thc total losses of the late panic, and in this view it is probably correct. THE secret service authorities have in formation that a company of Italians have gone west with a large amount of ten-dollar counterfeit bills of the first '\ national bank of Philadelphia. These counterfeits are exceedingly dangerous. One of them was rcc.-ntly received at thc treasury cash room and exchanged hy thc experts for small money. The coun terfeit is probably the most dangerous : oxtimt. It in perfect on its face, but hjtts a few defects on the back. DESPITE thc general depiction ol business since the panic the New York Tribune says there has been a steady im provement in the iron business during thc present year. Thc statistic? of the American iron atuHsteeL n*ssociat?on now '"indicate that- the production of the whole county during tbe past year was equal to that oT previous yearn. Hie consumption of iron and steel has ex ceeded the general estimate. MONTH after month the -wonderful recuperative pbww of France is more and more palpable.' It is ofliciall^de clared that her trade returns for tho first seven months of 1K7? show an increase in tho *value of exports of 21)0,000,000 francs ($52,000,000) as compared with 'the corresponding period of 187-1: in the same time the value of the imports "has decreased by 44,000,000 francs ($8,800, 000;) the result is that France obtains thq difference in gold. A SPANISH organ al Havana, the Itairio de la Marina, admitted recently that it was possible that the island might become an independent state, and ad vised the insurgents! to treat for the pac ification of the country. . Affairs, indeed look promising for thc rebels, who over run thc whole eastern part of the island, burning sugar plantations and enlisti;-.g the slaves as fast as they are set free. The steam yatch Octavia has succeeded in landing three cargoes of supplies for the insurgents oil the north coast. TlIE following dispatch was received at thc navy depart meat on the 18th, from the navy yard nt Pensacola: "Thc yellow lever is an epidemic at I lowell's station on Pensacola bay, twenty-live miles alwvc the navy yard. The people have neither loud, medicine nor attend ance. They are crying in the name of God for relief. The navy yard is per fectly healthy." SPOTTED TAIL has dropped $1,000,000 in his price for the Black Hills. The other day he stated positively that he would stick to $7,000,000. lie now asks $(>,OU(),00(). Some of his companions want $r?0,000,<)()0. Delano told Red Cloud last spring that $25,000 was sufficient. Thc Indians arc probably going to slick to the millions. If they do, it is doubt ful if tho commissioners will conclude their business at the council. ACCOUMxa to the report of the Na tional cotton exchange, thc cotton crop for the year ending Sept. 1st foots up .'},.S27,S l.r) bales. This is above an overage crop, end even at the corparativcly low price of thc great staple now prevailing, the aggregate sum to be realized amounts to tho snug sum (d' $200,000,000. With reasonable good crops besides in thc cereal linc, the. south has no special rea son to complain. TlIE most romantic of tho many sor row ful incidents of thc late galcoccurred in the foundering of the steatn-bargi Ri?ndola, off Point Betsey, on the casi shore ol* Lake Michigan. A son of thf owner was one of the passengers, and when the lifeboat was launched, he gol on board ; but, being informed that hi; wife could not be prevailed upon to leav< the. cabin, he returned to the barge am went down with her. " And in deatl they were not divided." ET js stated upon what is regarded b; the Atlanta Constitution as rehab! authority that Gen. Joseph E. .lohnstoi has been apnointcd and has accepted th poHitiou of ,fiommander-in-chief of fl? army of Egypt. Only a short tim since, and for the third time, wi. "ie ten dered the position. This tUllC it wa urged upon him so strenuously tba he at length consented, and is makin his preparation to go over and assam his position immediately. He is to gc $100.000 to prepare himself an outfii and h to receive the sum of $25,000 at nundy for having supreme control of th army of the Khedive of Egypt. The Fever Tree. * A writer says-. Among his otlw great public enterprises Garibaldi, tl famous Italian hero, is engaged in pinn I ing the Eucalyptus or blue gum tn ; about Rome, to prevent the malari: fever with which the inhabitants of th: city are afflicted. As this tree is litt known in our country, some accoui nmy not be uninteresting. According I the best aifthorities it ?san Australian pp duetion, and was first discovered by tl French scientist, Lil Nillardiere, wi visited Van Damian's Land in 17S12. was brought into the south of Pram about the beginning of the present cc tury,?aiul noble specimens of it are no growing in thc promenades and publ gardens ISf Nice, Cannes, Hyercs, at Algiers. Its medicinal qualities, hoi ever, did not become known until aboi thirty years ago. The Spaniards fir discovered that it was a preventive fever ana the colonists of 'I iismania us< its leavr.s for a variety of purposes, was not until I860 its full power beean known, and, as a hygienic measure, was introduced in the Spanish realm an antisetic. Thc people of N'aient were suffering from malarial feve Euealoptus trees were planted about ll city, and a marked improvement in tl he?lthfulncKs of tho locality fol lowe So popular did it become that thc Ire had to be guarded, thc inhabitants st? ing the leaves every opportunity tin had, to make decoctions to drink.' Tl Spaniards named the Eucalyptus t "fever tree," and soon afterwards it w introduced into Algeria. It next tra oled tollte Capo ol Good ; Hope, Coron Sieilv, South America and Californl ^Garibaldi's attempt to introduce it in Rome-is not entirely new. Some ye ngo a few dozen specimens were plant about the walls, and although nearly all the trees lived but very few of them II vigorous. After a trial of many years Southern France it has failed to hecot hardy or suck up and destroy the pois? ons vapors of the swamps in which was planted. The trappist monks of t Trc Fontane nhve recently set out lat plantations of the Eucalyptus trees, a are .tending them with -the utmost cn This may be looked upon as a decisi experiment. The-record of the Em ly pitts tree as an antisetic and disinf Unit is excellent. The. districts in whi it is indigenous are healthy, and thf into which it has been introduced a thriven have become' healthy. A f miles from Algiers is a farm which v once.noted for its deadly fevers. Life it in summer months was. ahhost iinji si ble. In the year loo? . the owi planted l,600"EucnlyptU8 trees, and tl grew nine feet In thirteen months, ? not a single case of fever appeared, I luis there been any fever there since. % ? 4 A MIK A I* A HT. Mv naru keep I tutti i<> half a rhyme, Thal slips ?Mill sliilcs away fruin nie, Across HIV niiiill, like lille wind, A lust thought lieateth lazily. A liri-am allua!, my lillie Imnt Ami I alone steal out to rea ; One vanisheil year. O l/.st ami Pearl You rowed the little beal for mu. Ah ! wini eau Him; of fillytllillft With none to listen lovingly ? Or who can time the ears to rhyuiu When left to row alune tosen ? nor UT. Vex nie no more. No longer lill my henri With strange unrest, so near akin to pain. Kill np the doubting void, ami tiiil ilepart The nameless shadow which no mortal art Can banish never to return again. Break'thy sad ?poll. Release the capt I rc Hopi-, .So sadly pining for the morning light, Undo thc hoads of charily, and ope Faith's slumbering vision to the wider scope r- - Of an Immortal day tleyouil the night. Oh, cease thy power. l.ot human love rejoice That thc sweet kisses of it-, early Mumu Shall lie perennial. That smile and voice. That form and features of the heart's fond choice, Shall live again heyenil the erne) tomb. I will not yield. The roaming tide may rave, And threaten direful wreck of all my lore. ; The eager tcmpe-t ?hall lind me brave, With foll reliance on the power thal nave, That it will laud lu on the shores ahove. - Harper's Maijatine. CIIAltLOTTK OF UKI NSWICK. ' One of thc saddest tragedies, if it ne ono, uno of th?1 strangest mysteries, if it ho one, dimly recorded in historic an nals, is that ol' the L'rincess Charlotte Sophia, of Brunswick. The story, though an old one, is still hut little known, even iii the dominions of the empire. 'I nc new light which a recent Russian writer has lot in upon the facta has induced-us to recall them al the present time. ?j On thf 27th of January, KW.?, the C*?ar Peter the Great was married, somewhat against his will, tu Ewdokija Ft'inloroWna Bnpuchin, th?; daughter of a noweiful Itussimi nnhle. <>n the ISth of I ehruiry of tin- following year, his eldest child, Alexis Fetrowilsch, was horn and bhp tized. . Owing HI thf ahsciicc of maternal care - Peter, having quarreled with his spouse over a serious afluir, had banished her! lo \ a convent very sum: after marriage-alie prince Alexis was left to himself, Bud until his thirteenth year, was almost wholly neglected. During this interval, his mimi lost all sense of decency And respect, and his unrestricted mode of liv ing entailed upon him some of the W.Yrst of habits. W hen. at length, he was|Bn trusted to the care of a learned ( tern lui, Henry Huysscn, he made hut small ?r.o gress in the way of improvement. Kityihl and algebra were found to.he ill suited to his wild iinil willful nature. But ?he poor tutor comhatted with the di?ti?>.il I.IM? nf \*\* ju-slllun lllmut ton y^ar*, nn<\t\ then surrendered his princely pupil -ti disgust. Meanwhile, the czar, who seems not to have been able to keep out of matrimony] had taken secretly unto himself another spouse, the daughter of a poor woman, ami already fained as much for her niiyl est deportment as for her attinet i ve beauty. Nothing was more com moil in Russia, and in all the Asiatic kingdoms than marriages between sovereigns and ! their subjects; hut that an impoverished I stranger, who had been discovered amid \ the ruins of a plundered town, should become the absolute sovereign of that very empire into which she was led cap tive, is an incident which fortune .nul j merit have never hefore produced in the annals of thc world. The channing ?ap I ti ve, whose miine was Martha, thus be came, after her elevation to rank, Cath arine ?. of Russia. It was quite natural^that the future empress should wish to secure to her own children the right of .succession to the throne. To reach this end, she poisoned the mind of thc czar against, his eldest son, in consequence of which, Herr Huysscn was ordered to (jive an account of thc intellect?;1.! progress of his pupil. Of course the report which he made was unfavorable; whereupon thc tutor was sent back to Germany, and the prince was banished into the interior of Kassia. Mere the latter demeaned himself with so much unreason that Iiis imperial sire resolved to marry him forthwith. An ambassador Was sent to (Jormany intrusted with the delicate mission of reporting on the charms of all the high born maidens of the Khine-laud. The list was forward? 1 lo the court, and the creme di' In creme, liebig selected hy the czar, were honored with invitations to appear personally hefore him. Of course he reserved the right of rejecting ail bidders. In this matrimonial game money was no object; hut hean ty, grace, and mental culture, were everything. Those who were so fortunate as not to be chosen wore returned to their mammas, hearing the gifts of diamond necklaces and rings, us compens?t ion for their trouble. !lis majesty's choice fell upon the Princess Charlotte Sophia, of Brunswick-Wolfen buttel, daughter of Duke Louis, thc head of a branch line of thc reigning house of Brunswick. Accordingly, the nuptials wei?' celebrated at Targowf, in thc palace of the queen of Poland, on the 25th of October, 1711. Thc bridegroom was in his twenty-second year, thc bride in her eighteenth. Th?1 Princess Charlotte was one of those soft and dreamv beauties, with fair blue <>yes, and a head full of romance, so often met with in Germany. At the time of her marriage she was little more than a child in years, ami none the less so in manners and modes of thought. A lex is, on the contrary, was wholly niven up to low, s?'nsual pbmsures, ami mean, vicious company. At, their earliest in terview he had conceived an antipathy m bis betrothed, and had no desire at ail to marry. As might have J>?;?'U expected under .such circumstances, there was no love wasted between tlic young couple. From &Vtat;eof hnlift?reme the prince lapsed into one of snvagi-rv, ami on ?'very been sion he did not hesitate to" act toward hi wife in t?t? most brutal manner. When ut length, iic received* into his pnlaite J former mistress, hy the name of Eufro sine, mal Ids wile made complaints to thf czar, thc prince was sorely enraged, and heat the princess moat cruelly. A chastisement in return from the czar ouly maile the affair worse. Charlotte, daily in tears, regretted her sorrowful plight, and longed to he released from her brut ish lord. She even wrote to her father. Duke Louis, i'll I rea ting him to take steps for dissolving her marriage. Hut Louis was as proud and haughty as she was weak, and would take no steps to over throw that fortune which, he believed, was likely to make of his offspring au empress. However, he was not wholly insensible lo the tortures of her situ ation. " Keep a watchful eye on my daughter," he beseeches the czar in a letter recently disclosed, " for she is JI land) in gentleness, ami ill-suited to the rough ways of a hot and hasty cavalier. 1 pray thee IR- pleased to restrain thy imperial son, and keep hack the evil reports which coin;- daily to my ear*." 'flic hirth of two children - Natalia, who died prematurely, and Peter, after ward Czar Peter ll-did not soften the evil tendencies of .Alexis; on the con trary, it was the signal for a most terri ble climax. While the princess was yet sn lier i ag from her confinement, Alexis, more in a fit of devilish wrath than of intoxication, struck her so savagely with his cane, that she fell senseless to the floor. Those who stood near thought that she was dead; and a few hours later her physician sent word to thc czar that his daughter-in-law had been carried off by a sudden attack of hysterics! Peter the (treat received the intelli gence of the princess's death on the 20th of October, 171o, and, being then at Sehlusselluirg, busily employed on his works, he set out instantly for the cap itol. On the way he himself was seized with illness, and was forced to take to his lied. In the midst of his grief the announcement came that the empress had been delivered of a prince, which speedily changed sadness into joy. In tlic ensuing confusion, jnior Charlotte was almost forgotten, mit rumor had already sounded her dread alarms, and A lexis, fearing the wrath of his father, had fled to his country-house. Meanwhile a grand carnival pm' humed the new hirth. Splendid entertainments, balls and fireworks, followed one another in rapid succession, and universal hilar ity prevailed. Elsewhere, a c.?Hin robed in black, and followed only by a few at tendants, was borne into the fortress of St. Petersburg, and deposited in thc church of Saints Peter and Paul. Later a horseman rode to the roya pallico and announced that the remains f Princess Charlotte Sophia, - *nsort Ol the heir appUlCllV Or nfl xii?. 1 lUSSlno, \i. . . .1 " Time elapsed, and it soon appeared that the czar had not really forgotten the gentle girl who, deserving a better fate, had missed her road to happiness; neither had he failed to notice thc absence of his son. The death of the neglected wife was .i sore affliction to Peter's mimi; but he hoped that it might be the mean? of reforming the prince. Accordingly he wrote him a letter, accusing him of mur der, but promising forgiveness if he would only amend his conduct. " 1 desire your answer personally ?.r in writing," the let ter conclude?, "or I must deal with you as a criminal." Alexis replied, "I in tend to embrace the monastic life, and I request your gracious consent to that effect." For awhile the affair was dropped, and the czar departed ou a journey into Ger many and France. The grand duke, fearful of his life, fled, accompanied by his mistress, to quarters unknown. Seven mouths passed away, during which time the czar heard nothing from his son. One day two Russian envoys overtook Alexis in Naples, and placed in his hands a letter from his father. " If you do not return home," it read, "by virtue of thc power I have received from thal as your sire, I pronounce against you my ever lasting curse; and, as your sovereign, I can assure you I shall lind ways to pun ish you; which I hope, as my cause is just. God will take it m hand and assist me in avenging it." When entreaties failed, thc envoys had recourse to st rategy. ( Inc of .hem offered ;t large sum of money to Ku .'rosine if she would induce Alexis to throw himself at the feet of his father. She plied her art of persuasion so well that, on thc follow ing dav. the prince sot out for Moscow. Upon Ids arrival the great hell tolled ; a gloomy council wa.-- convened in thc cas tle; and the clergy said mass in the cathedral. In solemn tones the czar pro nounced malediction on his sou Alexis, deprived him of succession to the throne, and even disinherited him in the pres ence of the whole assembly. "Never was prince forgotten," says thc royal record, "in so sovereign and authentic a manner. A trial for high treason followed this iwl'ul humiliation; and, on the 7th ot Inly, 17IS, it was publicly nnnnunced that the Grand Duke Alexis had died in prison, " io cons?quence of over-exeite? ment." Recent research proves that he was murdered by a German named Weide, at thc order of Peter tho Great. At lids point the tragedy may bc said lb end ; and thc mystery, if such it was, lo begin. Twenty years later, Chevalier Bossu published in Paris a book which is* now a rare curiosit y, QUI it lcd " New Travels in Nott h America, in a Scries of Letters," in which he affirmed that he had seen the Princess Olia riot tc, " who was thought io have died long ago," nt a plantation in Louisiana'. She was, bc said, there well knowit by her own name; ami that he had the full particulars of her romantic career. From these statements, correcter! by -the recent researches of Kersakolf who, having free access to imperial re fords at St. Petersburg, has at Icngtl disclosed the truth, we shall briefly com plete one of the strangest stories in ex istence. ' v\s early as 171-1 life countess of Knon igsm^rk, mother of Maurice of Saxony and un attendant on thc Princess Char lotte, urged thc hitter to escape from Russia in tin- guise ot* a servant. Hut thc plan was frustrated, in tho follow ing year, ami amid tho joy which an nounced the birth of a son of Catharine, tin- princess, having somewhat recovered from thc assault already mentioned, tras secretly placed oh board a Prussian ves sel, and lauded on the southern rjiorc of the Baltic. At the same time the countess and the physician played a bold pune. A sham initial was originated. A wax figure, skillfully moulded, was placed in a cof fin, which, while the bells were tolling, was hurried away and consigned to a sepulchre in the church ot* St. Peter and faul. There were but few mourners, and the ceremony was brief. A false announcement was speeded to the cap itol, ami no one, in the excitement of th? hour, paused even to give it reflection. At thc proper season, the princess having recovered and regained sufficient strength, proceeded to iStrsishurg, and thence lo Paris. Here she disposed of her jewelry, and. in company with Swiss emigrants, set sail for America. She arrived at New Orleans, where she was recognized and saluted by Count d'An baut, a member ol' the French diplomatic service, who had formerly known her well, and, we may add, become enamored ol' her at St. Petersburg. The count was a handsome fellow, but very shy. Ile had not the courage,even when confident that some unknown cause had estranged her from her hus band, to ingratiate himself in the prin cess's favor. Hut flay and nigh! he was haunted by her matchless beauty, and yet circumstances compelled them to remain longer apart. After awhile the princes*, still regard ing her Swiss companions as in one sense her guides, followed them from their firsl landing in New Orleans tn a place lilly miles up the river. Here she pur chased a small plantation, and, with thc help of others, planned to cultivate it. Count d'Au baut bad not ceased to dog her footsteps. Wherever she went he pursued, until a bright idea* entered into his mimi. Having assured himself of her determ ination to remain always in America, the count hastened back to New Orleans, and from the governor-general, wini was his near relative, obtained a perpetual ownership ol'a large tract of land border ing on tuc Mississippi, together with a release from his diplomatic service. This tract ol' land happened to adjoin the estate (d' the Princess Charlotte; and, having erected a small dwelling for him self, he looked forward to the ?lay when perchance fortune might permit him te cTilarfro it for P>e reception QI his idol. Thc days and the weeks passed by,and Vie count had succeeded in winning the J'1.*" idship of thc princess. This friend ' Vi '"div became more intimate; and, w inie ti._ pfjimcjjg n() longer hesitated to disclose t... s? ol ,ier mi8fortunes tiu. count beean -t sh ?H w t, sion of synipnt >, ,.re ,vaa "ot hliml ()) perceive that Ins ? ." omiucnt,y ,mnd_ some appearance, lus p sfijc?ra"d graceful manners, and lus hm-cun~ ., ~ . deep impression upon the heart ot inc lonely lady; and thc courtesy and confi dence with which she always received him made him hold to sue for her heart and hand. Hut no; she resolutely re fused any offer of marriage. Count d'Anbaut was in desgair, tl ucl to tarry longer in the presence of one whom he could not claim as his own was death itself. Abandoning his estate, and bid ding farewell to the princess, he returned to New Orleans, where he engaged pas sage on board a vessel bound for Mar seilles. In less than an hour the ship was to sail, and the count had already ended his preparations for departure. With an idle turn of mind he paced to lind fro upon the deck; a small package lay there, on which a half-sheet of a newspaper, the Mercure Ilollandois, of the year j71S, had been placed by sonic ?dr?nge hand. His eyes dropped, and rested for a moment on a fateful para graph; ami there be read, as not sorrowful, of tin- death of thc ("rand Duke Alexis at St. Petersburg! It is easier to imagine his feelings than to describe them, (?rasping the paper and folding it awav in his pocket, ex changing a lew words with the comman der ol' tile vessel, and making arrange ments as to his luggage, lie leaped into a small boat and was rowed ashore. Ned ten '.lours liad elapsed before he was again al the feet of the princess. Only a lew words were interchanged, und her doom was scaled, 'flu-re was no obstacle in the way ; and she had shed her last tear before tho* port rait of him whom she loved even amid hatred. Two months hiter the Princess Charlotte, with simple ceremony, became the Coun tess d'Aubaut. A Mow suddenly, at times, a change falls upon a scene ot' happiness and content ment; and how unexpectedly the bitter ['liters into the sweet ! Only a few brief years had sealed the union of a loving couple when Count d'Anbaut fell dan gerously ill. " Tjhcrc is no hope of a recovery," said the physician to the faithful wife, "save in a speedy return to Europe." The princess-for surely l'or-^j tune moy not alter her rank!-was quick to heed. Gathering together her all, die, her husband, and their little daugh ter, sailed first to Le Havre, ami thence Lo Paris. * . At Paris she lived ia the utmost re tirement, nursing her husband and caring tenderly for hoi? ch i ld. Occasionally she would wander unattended through the garden of the Tuilleries, without dis posing either her name or her singular fortune. Ono,day during one nf ?these solitary promenades she wits unexpect edly joined by ber daughter, to whom sin-addressed a few words in ('erm?n. A gentleman who happened to be passing hy was thus attracted to lier. Kora single instant their eves met, and she knew that her secret was discovered, for the gentleman was no other than Count t? b; ni iv 01 PS B fi a tl inuricc, of Saxony, temporarily sojourn-* tig in Paris. She could not prevent him from ad rcssing her hy lier own name, nor refuse j is company to her own humble lodgings, tut she exacted his promise not. to bfe ruy her secret to any one before three louth's should have elapsed. Once a wee* Count Maurice found imsclf at the abode of the princess, to 'hom he was in thc*habit of bringing md ry good things for her happiness. At' ist, however, he found during one,ofhid isits no need of calling again. ?The h?h? family, " tempted of thc devil?' ?dd Count^'Mnuriee, had iled .to parts nknown! Half ih anger and -half'itt. lespair, thc count discovered the prin ess's secret to King Louis XlV, who at un e wrote an JUitograph*letter to tho |lieen of Hungary, thc oldest (laugher of luke Louis of Brunswick. Jp this mis sive he assured her. of the safety of her ister, and added, "Thc kingmill ?ot trove chary of Iiis best services to induce, he princess, who seems lo" have lx?en pursued by sonic ill-fortune, to return io hat family which has so long mounted cr decease. ^ T I know not what confidential nfcthod' he king retorted to to insure tho fuinit ient of his promise. Hut certaii-tfit is lint, when the Count d'Aubaut and his'* rife wei*' again discovered TVy the ofii ials ol' his majesty, it was not in^ranqc, ul in Louisiana! They had retur?od * luther in :i vessel sai?ing direct from sallies. Aller long intercession, the couple ere induced by the governor-general to ?nair, on board a Dutch vessel, to the sie of Hourhou, where they resided for limy years. In MtM, Ute count was .moved liv an epidemic fever, mid Iiis with was soon followed by that of his liild. lu the succeeding autumn, 170/}, tho ?dow, whose cup of sorrow was now lied lo thc brim, went to live in tho 'aubourg Montmartre, near Paris, but ix years later she retired to Brussels, at lie invitation of some of her old friends, 'he story of her misfortunes, though lade known to a precious few, reached lie ears of Ferdinand Albert II, duke of ?runswick-Bevern, who allowed her an ninia] pension ol'sixty thousand florins. Although eotfft.intly"i?-;?et by troubles n all sides, and even persecuted byM,he 'omish propaganda, she resisted ah" ih ilations to again join her family.^By eeds of charity she endeared hers, f the ( i rand Duke Alexis. ^For many ears after her deatJlyJJie m??t ?cjnark-,' hie incidents of her career were con caled from the public; and until re L'iitly, historical researches were power ;ss to recall theiiT. There can oe no oubt that her eventful life was Bur? >unded with even darker mystery than a., yet been cleared up. But, even as ; i^, its romanticism imparts to it an air f falsehood; while, on tho other hand, lie knowledge of sworn testimony makes lie seeming fiction, more remarkable ;..." teuth, The ixiet, if not the histo lllll, IllHv iut^(... i. . i M * f fl lemory of the "ill-starred T:naTiorfto of Irunswick.- G. L. Austin, in Appleton's oumul. Wtiile Field Labor In tho South. How is it that a white man can now ibor in the rich fields of our State, here formerly thc climate was consid .ed an' insurmountable barrier? Has ie cl i ma tc .changed? Are the men of a i li?rent breed? Nol Only the mis ikcn ideas of the insalubrity of the hunte, false impressions about the fight to which the thermometer attains i midsummer, have, by '.'int. of self in stigation, aided by thc press, been dis ced, at the least in small circles, but icre are still many in the west and urlh, and also in Furo^, who mentally impaire the fertile lands of Gulf States ? the mephitic Roman compagna. flute labor, and particularly, thc partic intion of the planter or furnier himself i the labors of the field, have of late ?nded to shorten thc period'necessary >r the cultivations bf most of our crops', hp application of science to farming, bieh naturally follows in the wako of hite lain**, will riot alone raise large rops on a gkven area, but also improve te quality of the'harvest. Once let it e generally iinderstocfd thqt a white ian can work Vin the field in this State s well as anvwhere in the west or north, .?th better "health, more comforts, and ?th nt least a double profit, and thou irids of small farmers, from the storilo 'ctions of other states will iako up the ch alluvial lands of Louisiana which re awaiting the husbandman's coming. -Neto Organs Price Current. To have good bread a farmer's wife Ivises to take to the mill, when the atcr is neither too high nor too low. Hough of youl finest wheat to last six ninths or ? year, cleaned as vou would lean it for seed.. Tell the miller you are i no hurry.; you wish-him td grind it hen he can do his best.- Who? you ike your flourliome store it loosely in nrrcls, and kee]) it in a cool, dry place, nd I care not whether you have red, hite or ambo wheat, new process flour r ol