FBEE CITIZEN E. A. WEBSTER. Editor and Proprietor. A Weekly Paper Devoted to Temperance, Literature and Polition. VOLUME I. NUMBER 51. TIMELY TOPICS. THU rceent Ticean flood is swelling i th? streams in a manaor calculated to do much damago through the country. MOODY and Saukey concluded not to go to Paris, and will probably bo back in tho United States by tho middlo of August, EMIOIIATION to California foll off uoarly throe-fourths in tho month of June, which was lucky for tho stay-at homes. THE Baltimore American says tho grasshoppers have mad o their appear ance in Frederick county, Md., whore clover and ryo crops aro particularly abundant. THE Chincso have, for tho first time, whipped tho Formosan savages. These aborigines number 20,000 only, and yet they havo kopt io terror about two millions of Chinese settlers. THE revenue officials have abandoned tho idea of placing a revenue stamp no every cigar, and smokers can still inhale tho dreamful vapor without tho dis comfort of tho burnt paper taste. JAY GOULD intends to remain king of Wall street. Ho proclaims his power by allowing tho New York Tribuno to publish the facts that ho owns 100,000 shares of tho Union Pacific stock. Tho present vnluo of this amount of stock is $7,500,000 ; bnt no doubt much of it is bought with borrowed money, and hold on n margin. Gould is of Jersey birth, and ?B now past sixty. He was brought up a leather dealer in what is called "The Swamp." OKDEUS havo been sent by Gen. Terrv to the commander at Fort Randall, to expedite thc departure of a cavalry force at that point, under orders to proceed direct to tho Black Hills, and bring out all persons found thero with out authority. Meantime, so far ns we can observe, thc goid excitement seems to have almost entirely died out. THE monument for Edgar Allan Pro's hitherto neglected gravo will bo com pleted in October. A smnll stono half a foot high and three inches square now marks the poet's resting placo in tho Balt'moro graveyard. The now monu ment will be surmounted by a bust of Poo, which is saul ' to bo an accurate likoness. IN addition to tho shortago in tho United States treasury caused by the thoft of tho S-i.7,500 package, thero is a 81,050 shortago in tho redemption di vision, which was discovered in January. This was reported by treasurer Now when ho took charge. Otherwise tho funds aro all straight, and Spinner is to bo congratulated. APROPOS of tho recent shipment of Florida fruit direct to Chicago, tho Mobile Ilcgister says that, with some improvement in railroad facilities and proper co operation among the ship pers, prudent and industrious farmers ,eonld realize moro from vegetable gardens in Alabama in six weeks than they could make in a twelve-month upon au Iowa or Illinois farm. THE British government lins fulfilled its pledge to appoint a royal commission to inquire into tho subject of vivisec tional experiments. Tho instructions ; to tho commission aro to inquire into the practico of subjecting livo animals to experiments for s?ientiflo purposes, and to consider and report what mens ures, if any, it may be desirable to take in respect to any such practice Mn. JOHN Bmoirr writes thus sensi bly to a Glasgow workingman : "A . book, and not a small ote, might be mado up of tho strange doings of the trado unions. Monopoly is hurd to tench, and I fear tho workingmen will only loam through suffering, and they may do mischief which cannot after ward bo repaired.?' The advice applies rquallywell in this country, and tho recent Pennsylvania coal iro odes afford an apt illustration of its truth. KINO GEORGE, of Greece, seems to bo in an unhappy predicament. His kiug I dom is threatened with a revolution ; he is unpopular, and nobody takes bis hat off to him on tho stieets; tho queen lins been insulted, and he is afraid to go to the Hellenic Long Branch, at Dckeleia, because be thinks it "juito probable ho will not be able to . get back into his capital again. Two Kassian ships aro ready at tho Pirens 1 to carry him away in enso of a revolu tion. TnE trial of tho notorious John I) Lee for complicity in tho Mountain Meadow massacre of 1857 will not como off until tho 15th inst. Tho difficulty in this caso will bo that of obtaining a proper jury, us tho Mormon element is very strong and "''"prejudiced in Lee's favor. Leo was indicted last Oetobor, and tho witnesses against him will bo persons who witnessed tho massacro when children, soveuteen years ago, Leo and his fellow-murderers having spared that number. Tho Mormons claim that tho Indians did tho killing, but this.it is said, can be entirely refuted. ON ASCOUH?OU Day there was a horri ble row in .Terusalom between sumo Greek and Armenian priests who had boon allowed by tho Latins to malo; uso of a chapel built over what is bo lioved to bo tho Savior's footprint. Tho quarrel aroso on a question of precedence, and ended iu a light, Tho priests went at it "tooth aud nail," lighting up und down tho sacred odiQco with such fury that thoy had to bo sep arated by Turkish soldiers. Two Greek priests were wounded, and one of tho sold ?ors, in trying to restore peace, lost his eye. The 'Mussulman population look upon tho. lies Pocnro from mortal wr.'iipr - O sweet anil brovri! Tho Heerel of tho l>i>lac Sea I? yoi concealed ; Ital to thy vit-ion. puro anil free. The KPCrCl Of eternity Ihm been revealed ! THE GREAT DBLTJGE. Titree 'riimiNniMl Monson Down-Sl*?y nillHoMfl ot Dollars In Property Known (o llnvr HOCK Lost. From Hie London Cost (editorial), Juno 20. Tho geographical position of Franco, alt hough in many respects highly fa vorcil, is such ns to entail npon iorgo districts of tho country a liability to ho suddenly deluged liv tho overflow of flooded rivers. At Toulouse, such in undations havo occurred every twenty years-or, at least, in 1 Sin, 1835 sud 1855-although never before to tho sumo extent as at present, or with tho calamitous consequences to lifo and property which wo aro now called upon to record. Tn 1856 tho wholo valley of Ibo Illume was visited in a similar man ner. The streets of ITrons were For many days traversed by bonis, and not only trees and cattlo, but bridges, churches, houses, even wholo villages, were swept away, and groat numbers of people wore either drowned or buried amid fallen ruins. l?tit when compared with tho inundation which has uf.w, we hope, subsided, nil others sink ir to comparative insignificance. A week URO to-diiv. our correspondent tells us tho river Onronno, at Tonlose, was unusually high, but no serious ilauger was apprehended, and no pre cautionary measures woro taken. On Wednesday the waters roso rapidly, and by ton o'clock in the morning thoy had reached tho level of the flood of 1855. At two o'clock two arches of a bridgo and twenty houses were swept away, and tho floating swimming baths and lavofories were torn from their moorings and hurried down tito torrent.^ At iivo the water overflowed thc parapi" pet which protects tho populous quar ter of St. Cyprieu ; at 6 it was ten feet deep in tho streets, and boforo night this quarter was cut oft" from tho rest of tho town, tho threo bridges of commu nication hoing destroyed. All night tho crash of falling bonnes nud tho cries and shrieks of sufferers were heard. On Thursday tho flood begau to abate, and the water had fallen six feot by tho evening. In the town of Toulouse alone, it is said, niue bnndrod persons have perished and '20,000 aro loft destitute. Nearly threo thousand houses havo fallon, and tho destruction of property is rou gb Iv estimated at from .C12.0?0.000, to ?16,000,000, ster ling. Tho wholo valley of thoGiironno is said to resomblo a vast luke, covered with fragments of tho rains of tho town, as well us with wreck brought down from higher districts, and dotted with corpses, somo of them wearing tho costume of places twenty leagues away. Although it is upon this particular district that tho calamity bas fallen with thc greatest force, yet tho neigh boring departments havo niuo been ter rible suf?erors. In Ando tho crops havo beon extensively destroyed. At Bog nieres de Bigorro tho Adour bas car ried away bridges aud cottages. At Verdun (Ariogo) moro than fifty houses havo fallen, and manv persons have boen drowned. In Turn-ot-Garonne crops havo perished ; and at Eerenonil let. a village six kilometres from Tou louse, only threo houses ont of four hundred aro left standbier. Tho railway between Bordeaux and Toulouse is out in a dozen places, and ike wholo coun try is submerged. The power of tho surrounding districts to assist tho greatest RU florera is crippled by their own losses, and the communication with distant parts o? Hid country is greatly impeded. It is doubtful wheth er tho description of what bus actually happened will include oven the greater part of tho calamity. As tho waters recede n surface saturated with mois ture will be oxposed, und this surface will bo strewn with the corpses of men and animals in every slago of decom position. Exposed tn tho exhalations hence arising thero will bea large pop nlatiou reduced to absoluto want-de pendent upon charity for all tho neces saries of life, destitute alike of clothes, of food, of sheltor and of employment. To communities thus situated diseuse comes with footstep;? that aro neither tardy nor uncertain, and it is only by tho "most prompt and energetic: aid from external sources that ino inhab itants of Toulouse can bo saved from even greater ills, if such bo possible, ? han tlioso which havo already befallen them. THE CATT8H OF THC CALAMITY. In order to form an ideo of tho causes of the inundation it in only ...icossory tr? glance at tho physical geography of tho departments in whioh it has occurred. Thoy lio on tho northern slopes of the Pyrenees, and aro intersected by mi merons and rapid rivers, of whioh at. least four n-.iito to form tho Garonne before it reaches Tonloneo. There lins been heavy sud continuous rains nvr the whole of thc mountain muge, nud a fall of snow at Tum, where it would di rectly ?well Ibo lund waters of tho Ci? roiine. It ?H said that at least a con tributory causo is furnished by tho great destruction of timber in tho dis trict during tho last contnry. Trees not only absorb water largely from the soil, but they also prevent the surface from being bakjd and bardoued by tho sun, aud they check the rapidity and abruptness with which rain would otherwise reach tho ground. When it falls unimpeded upon dry and barren hillsides, it will run from them almost US freely ns from tho sloping roofs of houses, and a few boura will carry the w*ter of the mountain storm to swell tho volume of tho nearest river. It is ou*.y to bo wiso after tho ovent ; but in a district so situ?t ed thero ?B great room for mensures of prevention, and tho riparian authorities, whoover they may ba, should be intrusted with powers commensurate to the maguitudo of tho roenrriug evils, which, by wiso precau tions, they might do much to tnitiguto cr avert. Even the tiny floods which sometimes occur in this country nro often greatly aggravated by local neg lect, by sonic silting up of the channel of a stream, or by some ill-placed bridge, which forms an obstuelo to the passage of an unusual body of water. In rivers in whioh aro liable to be swollon by mountain torrents the chan nels should IMI made tho objects of unceasing solicitude, and t he span and construction of bridger, should be de (ermined l>y other than purely local considerations. South America. Ailviees from Salvador state a dread ful riot took place at San Miguel, a town of forty thousand inhabitants, in tho southern part of tho republic. A great deni of discontent has been excited against the government by its refusal to allow a pastoral of tho bishop of Salvador, written in a touo hostile to tho lnw^, to bo read in the churches. Thoro had also been considerable hos tile feeling among tho lower clnsses, owing to sonto regulations requiring dealers lo uso a new market place. While malters woro in this condition, n priest named Palaeois, preached n violent sermon against tho constituted authorities, on Sunday, tho Lilith ult. That evening tho mob arose, attacked tho Cabilao, and liberated some two hundred prisoners. They then proceeded to assault tho Brnnil garrison, and took tho Cuartel, killed Clouerais Espinosa and Castro, out thc former to pieces and threw tho pieces at each other, split tho skull of Gem Castro, and throw him over a wall, where lie was picacd np by Ids mother aud died in three days. Tho garrison woro nearly all assassinated, aud m an Y prominent citizens killed. After this thc fanatic mob sot tiro to some sixteen houses with korosouo. Before tho towu was entirely destroyed, it fortunately happened that her Britannic majesty's ship Fantomo was at La Union, when sho lauded hor marines, which allowed tho garrison thoro, unitod with some troops from Am?nala, in llandnrtiR, tr march to tho reliof of San Miguel ami put dowu tho mob. Tho Curato Palacios, at last accounts, was arrested, with others that had par ticipated in tho outbreak, and a gooi: many of tho inferior rioters had beet shot by au order of President Gonzales who had arrived with troops. With thc houses destroyed and pillaged, tin ilamago is estimated at SI,OOO,OOO, anc commercial failures aro looked for ii consequence. Tho country has bcei declared in a state of siege, and Presi dent Gonzales is taking measures t< establish order and bring tho perpetra tors of this disgraceful outbreak ti punishment. The Diario, the oflicin organ of tho state, and all public prints nbouud in indignation against titi priests, who were tho instigators o this savage amt sanguine nflhir. Th Capitular Vicar of tho district pub lishod his order appointing Jos Manuel Palacios celebrant of the cn thedral of San Salvador. Tho munici pality of this city asked to have sai Palacios removed, but tho Curia Keck sinsticn paid no attention to tho pet tion. Ho was continually excitin hatred between lower aud woll-to-d classes, and the result has boen di scribed. Ono curions and tucrcdibl discovery was made nftor the murderer nflair was over, and that was that o thc persons ot tho dead reli?is wei found passports which read, whe translated, " Poter, open to the henri tho gates of heaven, who has died fi religion." Signed, "George, Kislu: of San Salvador," and sealed with tl seid of tho Bishopric of Sun Salvado A nitoon maro heavy in foal, ownc on Long Island, broke her hind leg, nt instead of destroying ber, ?is is tl almost universal custom, a yolorinai surgeon p'aced her in slings, set the le aud in six weeks tho maro was turin out all right and none tho worse for tl accident. Many valuable horses th aro killed bocauso they have tho IU?B?I tune to break a limb might bo saved 1 following this humano and sensib example. -It has been generally supposed Iii tho wings of u grasshopper are gnu at a certain stage of its growth, b this theory is now shown to bo erroi ons. Mr. Knight, mayor of St. Pai Minn., has observed a groat ma grasshoppers' nkiuu supposed to dead hoppers. Ho caught n nilly i vcloped hopper with wings and watch it. in a little time it crawled out of sLin, legs and all. Tho new hopper born " bad ii full set of wings, a was quite lively, but not enough to ! Mr. Knight is of the opinion that nfl this ch ingo lakes place ono day is til o tough to accustom it i >r ita now exi [ euee and fit it fo>- emigration, BRIGANDS. \ Band of IC olivers non.nl an Kxprcsi Trula lu llltnoU~Th? Kiiglitcer Sliot IJearl, a nd Undine amt Kxprcao Car Do> taclioil.-Tin?Kxiirf?a01c8Boi?gcv?ctoiids Illa Car SiivncH?tulljr> Oue of tho moat high-handed attempts nt robbery that has over oconrred iu Illinois took placo at Lioug Point, a station on the Vandalia railroad, on the night of tho 8th inst. Tho dispatches to tho Chicago papers Rive the follow ing particulars of tho altair : AH train No. G, eastward bound, in clmrgo of Conductor Fraloy and En gineer Milo Ames, carno up to Doug Point station for water, two men boarded tho locomotive, ono from each side, and said to tho cngincor : Pull ont 1" The engineer was nt first somewhat bewild ered, when they said again, "Pnll out !" At this ho, seeming to comprehend the situation, said : "All right, I'll pull out." Tho men then said : "Wo will run tho thing ourselves," and at that both of tho robbers fired. Ono of tho shots killed tho engineer instantly, and tho othor lodged in tho eal). Tho tiro nui n, who was on tho tank, taking in water, immediately jumped and ran to tho rear of tho trniu, to notify the train men, ho having heard the conversation and comprehending tho situation. During those proceedings at the engine, a confederate had detached the Adams Express car, and they then, pull ing the engine wide open, ran hor about two miles east and stopped, blowing "off brakes" to deceive the express messenger. They then carno to tho door of the oar and said : ''Let me in Jack." flo replied to thom: "You s-s of b-s, I'm ready for you ! If you over como in here, you aro dead men ! " Tho rob bers then commenced (iring into tho ear. Tho messenger, Burke, said it seemed to him that thero were a dozen of thom, as tho shots ssemed to como from all directions. Too conductor of tho train-men, after tho shots were fired, saw tho situation of affairs, and at once set about to pur sue tho robbers. They could only find ono revolver on tho train, but found two soldiers on board a car, who were nrmod with carbines. With theso weapons tho train-men and the soldiers started in pursuit of tho train and rob bers, but when they carno np to tho train all was quiet, tho robbers hnving hod. They found tho engineer in tho bottom of his cab, cold and stiff. Thero chanced to be a freight engin eer, Jack Vaucleve, on tho train, and ho, with tho fireman, immediately ron tho cugino back to tho train and brought it in. Tho robbers' failed to got any entrance whatever into the express car, it being ono of the close kind, and having no windows, and very strong ovory way. Had!they detached tho American ox press car also, whioh was immediately in the rear of tho Adams, they would undoubtedly have accomplished their object, as it was an open car, hav ing windows, and doors not very strong. Engineer Ames was ono o? thc bout enginoors on tho road, about thirty-five years old, and had been married but a short time. Tho robbers who boarded tho locomo tivo woro long linen dusters. Conductor Fraloy, and all tho train men, in fact, did all they could under the circumstances. An Ohio Narrow Gauge Experiment. The Paiuesville mid Youngstown narrow gauge railroad, in Ohio, is nearly completed to tho latter place, and has already begun transporting coal to its northern terminus at Fairport, on Lake Erie. It will soon bo in full op eration and tho tost it will afford of the relativo economy of tho threo-feot and ordinary gaiigeB will bo watched with interest. Tho lino is about sixty miles long, and runs nearly a little wost of north from Youngstown to tho lake. It will have in tho coal traffic the aotivo competition of threu roads of tho usual gauge of livo foot. According to tho claims of its officers, tho advantage of tho narrow-gauge is that on a car weigh ing only four tons it can carry eight tons of coal, while tho live-feet gunge roads transport only ten tons on a car weighing ten. Thus tho narrow gauge gets poy for four tons os freight on oooh car which its competitors must haul for nothing in tho shape of rolling stock. Tho cost of building tho lino was about $20,000, probably one-fourth less than a wide gouge road would have cost. Thero is not much saving iu operating expenses, n?i it takes just as many hands to run a narrow tram as a wide ono. Considerable Raving is effected, however, in the equipment. As n passenger road tho line answers all fhn require ments of tho country it traverses, ils cars mo comfortable, and ns soon ns tho road-bed becomes firm the trains will run with as much steadiness os on othor reads. BONK tunos.-Tho London Lancet -very high authority-gives tho follow ing remedy for tho euro of this very painful malady : " As soon os tho pul sation whioh indicates tho diseoso is foll, put directly over tho spot a fly blister about tho sizo of your thumb nail and lot it remain for H?X hours ; at the expiration of which time, directly under tho surface of tho blister may be seen tho felon, which cen bo easily taken out with the. point of a needle or 1? ncet." -Sometimes people write n postal card full, ond then turn over and finish what they hove to say upon tho face. They ought, to know that in such casor. tho party to whom the card is addressed hus to pay six cents postage. Cheaper lo uso o three-cent stomp in tho first plaoo. FAOTB AND FAN0rjI8. -" Gently tho duos are o'er me steal ing," as the man said when he had thirteen bills presented to him in one day. -A darkey called at Owensboro, Ky., the other day, and wanted to know "Does dis postor ?B keep stamped ante lopes ?" -Perkins suggests that the raoing crews of our boat clubs might balance their shells better ? they parted their hair in the middle. -Precocious boy, munching the fruit of the date tree : " Mamma, if I eat dates enough, shall I grow np to be au almanac ?" -" I go through my work," as the noedlo said to the idle boy. M But not until you aro pushed ahead," as the idle boy Baid to the needle. -A market house philosopher says : "The race is not always to the strong," because if it was, tho onion would be a-head instead of cabbage. -Tho Columbus Journal, describir? au Ohio politician, says: "He JV honest man by profession, and he rps bread by tho sweat of his jp-*" -Tho people of Georgia* cited a few days ago over th? discovery of a gold mino. T ward fouud that tho dopos of gold foil stuck around tL mucilage, -A test was recently made of L. buoyant power of a leaf of a water lil^ known as tho Victoria Peoria, in th? botanic garden at Ghent. Bricks were heaped over its entire aroa, and before it wu s submerged in tho water a weight of 701 pounds was floated. -" Fred Douglas, in a fourth of July address at Hillsdale, Pa., advised his raco to cultivate independence." The cultivation of independence is well enough, but they should not make it a specialty. They should reserve a mero gardon-spot for independence, and de voto tho far greater amount of their acreage to the* cultivation of corn, cot ton, and cabbage. --Feathers are shooting all over the toilets. The gossips Bay feather fans, feather parasols, and feather hats are all tho go. Feather trimmings are now arranged with so mnch lightness and beauty that they are considered as suit able for summer as well as winter wear. They are mounted with fringe as well as bands, though as bands they are used for tho trimmings of bonnets and para sols. -To bo read by moonlight only : " On the Erie railroad, between Port Jorvis and Buffalo, there is a conductor known as tho 1 Rosobnd Conductor.' Many years ago he was engaged to a beautiful girl, and their wedding day was Hied. She was taken ill and died a few days before she was to become a bride. ?n her deathbed she said to her lover : 'Ii you will alwayB oarry a rosobnd in your button-hole, no accident will ever befall yon.' He has carried a rosebud aver since, and no ill baa befallen him. Ho is ?till a single man." -Thomas Carlyle has numerous ad mirers on this side of the Atlantic, but probably California does not take much stock in his philosophy. He blurted ont to a lady of that State, the other day : " You are doing no good service there ; you ara harming the world. Cover over your mines, leavo your gold in the earth, and go to plant ing potatoes. Every mau who gives a potato to the world is tho benefactor of Iris raco ; but you, with your gold, are overturning sooiet**. making tba inmoble prominent, increasing everywhere the expenses of living, and confusing all things." Our Riflemen in Old Ireland. Tho account of the dinner given "by tho faculty of Trinity College, Dublin, to the members of the American .team will bo found full of interest. "Nothing could bettor illustrate the profound friendship all ol a ss PH cf the Irish peo ple feel towards AmerioanB, than this banquet offered to our riflemen. Among all the conservative institutions of Ire land, old Trinity has ever been the most rigid and exclusive, and that fel lows of that institution ?bonld-throw opon their banqueting halb' to a num ber of republican Amarioan riflemen shows that tho kindly feeling entertained by tho mosses of tho Irish people townid our institutions begin to bo shared even by tho most conservativo element in Ireland. Tho banquet itself gave occa sion for a display of aftor-dinner elo quence at once grocoful and enectivo. Toasts were drunk to tho health of tho president of tho United States, an honor never boforo paid to any foroign rulev. The value o? aii this is in the Tesson ot unity and good fellowship it teaches. 1 f these peaceful contests at Creodmoor and Dollymount should do no other good they will have removed many in grained prejudices from tho minds of many persons. Irish gentlemen will learn from tho testimony of mon of their own caste that tho American people do not at all resemble tho typiool Yankee, and Americans who have been drawn to Ireland will find that the stage Irishman lias no existence except in the fertile braius of dramatisai- Their vi-.it-will, also demonstrate to thom the existence of a cultured and refined Irish society, aa distinct from tho whisky-drinking, riot-loving creaturos piotured by for eign caricaturists as could wei! be imagined. With tho disappearance of thoso and kindred prejudices wo may hope that tho bonds of sympathy be tween the irish and American people will continue to multiply. And if those frequent visita and interchanges of sen timents do no more than this, they will have amply repaid tho time and atten tion devoted to thora.