THE FREE CITIZEN. PUBLISHED SATURDAY, ?PRIL IO, 1875. City Dirootory. ciTY OFFICERS MAYOR, - - Jonb W. Mosel ev. GLERK, .... T. D. Wolfe. TREASURER, B William sm,. A LD KUM r.s.-Henry Washlnston. .1 I?. Harley, li. Williamson. T. D. Wolfe. POSTMASTER, - - W. E. Williams. CHURCHES. METHODIST tSpiscoFA?.CH?RCit---T?ev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, moi ti big. afternoon and evening. BAPTIST.-Hov. Mr. Norris, pastor Services, first Sunday evenhur. and tin second and fourlh Sundays, morning, and evening METHOOIST (south).-Kev. Mr Cam pbell. pastor. Service- thorning and evening. Sunday-school. il A. M. PRESBYTERIAN.-Kev. Mr. ft rowu evangelist. Ser\ ices, niornlti?r and after noon. Sunday-school. J) 1-2 A. M. EPISCOPAL -Kirst and third Sundays Morniiifr and afternoon. LUTIIKUAN('IH:RCII ---Kev Mr. IInuu have t.akc-i j to lead me into thai everlasting 1 i a 11: May Gotl bless you and ina\ wo mi-o? 1 in heaven. M\ thanks lo Mt. Ph'ti lip M. Gray, (jailor,) lor kin-. .<..?>-! shown mc while in prison. Also m . thanks to Mrs. Dr. Salle). My! Friends, retnetnber alwnvs lo serie' your Got!. 1 bid you all farewell. Good bye. (Signed.) WILLIAM V. ALLI). Ott Sunday last. Marshal Wolfe was informed by some (d' Ibo work men on I/.l.u iV: Dibble's new ollico thal a mau was in this vicinity whom ikey recognized as ono who had com mitted a murder in Augusta several j months ago. Marshal Wolfe discov ered thal a tuan aiiswerinu thu tle j -cri ??I ion Of th? tn ti nie ter lind been io I have his fortune told, had left two dollars anti was expected to return las soon as the fates could bc consult ed in reference to his destiny. The fortune teller was well posted as to thu suspicions against him andi when bc returned accused him of br ing a murderer, when lie instantly lied. Ile was captured and is now waiting for a requisition from lite Governor of Georgia. The man's name was Rubin Curler. We under stand bc luis confessed thc crime. Banahus Williamson has ?ned thc FIIKK CITIZKN for ?5:20,ooo damages I done to his reputation ! Think ol the plethoric tcputatioii of a county clerk ! being bled ivy a few squibs from our! feeble organ to the tune of $20,000 ! j This is certainly more effectual sci-' nave further use for it. Next week we expect to publish the, complaint of the same 15.malms Wil- ; hamsun, omitting the dionis after the! lirst verse, lt displays great legal acumen, and is worthy thc profound I .study of every aspirant to the legal profession. We shall charge li-*tIii for the advertisement. All thal wo have said about said Barnabus Williamson has i teen stated! from good motives and for justifiable ! ends and we have faith in oui- .dulit\ to proie in justifica!'-m tin' tin li oil every assertion. ..Senator Andie vi.? iii: r..?tue?-o :? U had pa:?eil Itu-> . j -I I resolut iou r bulbi", i iu> iiixi - <.> pi ol'* city I .st, l?\ ihe hm- lin; in oin .-ii. hu ? lie resolution ?va> lost io lin- Hon?.. Uur Stfnator did his pan "l thc w..rk. [.v. ten ii- Tim * We uro (pule willing to ai vi; Senaioi Andrews credit for any gond win k, und wc object to tin- above extract nilli so lat* .is it has a tendonc)'to relloet upon ibo Mouse delegation. A hill was intm d i iced ni thc House ti? rubato the luxes mi ill the property '.IUMtoyed hy tin- iii-?-? while the "joint resolut lon'1 provided f'?r the- rchaicment of laxes only mi such properly as was not insured. As lhere were similar eases ?II oilier counties, ii seemed to he thc opinion ol' thc House lhal liles? should bo ali provided for in one bill. So (he committee to which was referred Hie House bib reported nula vorably. Tittil thc ..joint resolution" was loM in thu House wa- not owing lo any lack of interest, energy or influence on lin- pari of otu' leprcseiilalivc--, bul to Hie fact thal it did not reach the I House in time to get the required read ing io become a law. and as tho result I sha red tin? l'aie ola great many oilier bills anti joint resolutions. Why tho Ends do not Meet. There are thousands ol' families in ?this country mid abroad w!u> have j always diilicully in making ends i tweet. Many of them tire diligent j workers and earn well, but their pur pose of cottage and comfort are frus trated, and their purses empty. They arc constantly falling short ol' their desired goal. They arc of that j large class who arc ever making mort gages upon their earnings before they Minc received. They always Halter j themselves that great successes are Jiu store Cor them next year ; so they go on spending foolishly in thc monn-i time. Thc wants ol* these people are never satisfied. Like spoiled chil-| ilrcn. that which hangs so gracefully j upon tin* shoulders of rich neighbors ; they must have. Everything that con-1 tributes to manhood und independ ence is saeri?ed in order tb get it. Thal was not thc way Benjamin Franklin mounted up to high cnn 1 nonce in financial and intellectual i strength. He earned before he spent and always expended with thought ful judi?incut. His in\cst tnciits al-i wavs hioiiiihl horne good returns. Ile >\ a - I he fi ieml of si niggling wort h. and I ? .cause a wise spender he was capable "I" giving :i helping hand where help was heeded. Franklin always made thc cuds meet, anti lu Jped others to do so. In the mutter of domestic expendi tures we have lost, the common sense . d' ..ur forefathers, and have conse quently missed ihe contentment which distinguished I beni. We must, if we would he independent and and able b? help others, have reference again io first principles, and refuse io en-, crouch iq mi capital, dealing spurng ly even with the interest income, riie family that would he prosperous and powerful lor g.I inn-' reduce ilieir wants and increase their t xor tioii<. lu the dai of activity and high wanes preparation is lo he made lor lainey days; and how can this he ito tie; if. in llie swelling lide, every mendier ol' lite family with f?r?? and feathers is aping thc style and out lav of families whose income is len times as great. What shall we say ol' that laiuc ..lass vilio daily waste, ave. worse than waste, dollar aller dollar upon ruin tim) tobacco? Who is surprised that these nitor ? while are unable to make cuds meei, and thal their families are I li ri ll less and ex Ir?vagaiil ? There are thousands ol smilies living in fashionable and ex pensive ([Hart?i s, sweat i t?LT and schem ing to equal their neighbors in what is ea led gentility, ordering IV mi tin market canvass back ducks and thc choicest cuts, who are wasting their substance and beggaring themselves. In tht; course of timo i>-n>>'" apostle, St. Faul,-had a trade. Ul ai ways made lim cuds meet. Ile wasn't too proud to work at thal trade for his daily bread even when he was the 'nearer of heaven's high commission. ( ile would not be bur densome lo any. Of course he never 11, uro wed, !. h always worked. .\.i 'londei lin i i-i .pie Here ready to give iiiui tlieiiifehe?. Si. Faul was ti great doer. He had no difficulty in suiting himsell to altered eiroum s'ances. He was content, iii any eon dil It'll D -ihn , hk>-our faeiib ?es, arc fl oil (? .!. ann ll' >. inis'is,. ilieui, ceri:.ii li ?- i heit- ii ll he ii Iii i \ m makin: I he ind meei. ile ii- is nol Inn like ? he c. iniin n. sen.-e ?.l" t lui-iiai it\ lo make families comforlahh ! In ves) menls foi ot lui > never fail < jdii idcuds. RiCAU AN IIOI'IJ A DAY. There WI ja lad, who, at loni leen, was apple I ticed lo a SOap (ieah r. One ol' li j resolut ions was lo read au hour I day, or at. least at that rale, and had an oh', silver walch, li M him his uncle, which he timed Ids readi . by. He stayed seVeil years ,\i:h I master, and ii wassaul whi n he ? j twenty-one he knew a much a> I voling squire did. Now Iel, us i i how iniieli time lie had to read in. seven years, al thc rate of one In tulay. D would bo two I hon sam I I 1111 m I iii 1 and lilly live hon l's, whiel thc rale ol'eight hours a day, wo equal to three hundred mid len da equal |(l fo?'tV-five Weeli' ; Heal! ! ycai 's i ending; Thai lime speii treasuring up useful knowledge wu ; pile up a very Iorgo stoic. I am s ; it is worth trying for. Try what cando, l?egin now. In after yt you will look hack upon the (asl the pleasant and profitable ever pei'fofuied.-Cfaidiny Star. Sensibility would he a "nod porn if she had hut une hand; with lei i hand she opens the dour lo pleasure. willi her lett to pain. (iud is on the side of virtue; for ever dreads pmii-dMUcui, sutlers il whoever deserves it. dreads it. 1 ?vertistinents. er's Notices. akely Ls an authorized HT. nev. of Hriinchville. i ?.ut tm- iiii- paper. II minn mi - mti i numil II in ATZOTII : -itillfAt'tltrr'l tin? vrnr mnlcr . ct Mr. .-. MA Y KKS. Onlers illctitlon nindi liu -cul in l>\ KINSM AN ?IK< >S.. i-i street, Charleston, S. <.". hern Home ll SALE ! cccnl ly huilt : [Na HOUSE ililc part of Oraii.ucburi?:. excepiiiig a purl ol" tin k. lix1 material for which 'wo ?Hill :i li:ilf Slories. lire?1 B?y Windows, hnili .rr Inr a -..I RESIDENCE, :II?MI on a Very j<: L O T 5 I KKK ASH TllUKK-??irAU ll'eri'il for sale, on aecolliil l< ci'ier ol' i In- owner. Tie I - nil a person ol mea n irehn-hi'j a St If I ilKKN - ! i 111 ? i : . . <>!' ' >i*:iii??i*l?iiry i i-i-. . : 11 ? 11 < . . r < 1 . .. I in:- invalids, i-r- 111* |iiiliiioiiar.\ di-i'.i - mi < liarh'Stoii. s. ( '.. eigh l oin t oluiuhia. s. < .. mid sixty miles io- d' lin- mil? an- reasoha irt'n-tilars may lu- nhtahii-il In- premises, or otlicrwisi ? willi i:< ?SA or.iivKKt is, Urnugchnry;. S. c. n-e rush of Business hus me from w*rilling an ad it. Yours, &c., C. 1). KOT.IOIIN, ur. OIMUI.VM ANT? LAWKEXCK u rneys at Law, ! harte.? ton and Orangeling WIM, J. imniOXD FOUIIHAM [\ I). LAWKEXCK. lal attention given to tin? col chilies and prompt returi ur?. March 20. 1875. COMMISSIOXKK. Schoo . liner Phillips has his oilici Thursdays and Fridays o Mis examinations are ot donday nf each month. ? -If . I ?UK KS, ? lealer in all kinds of s and Medicines has lind Nim- Years Kxp-'ri ?ti irs and M ed lei i ie- and lim rou li tailds his lin-iness. Hr keep: v on a largo supply ol < hind . und in a .class Drug Store refill :ilIfiilion ??aid (<. tin- coin ol I'lvscripiloiis :iinl nil order attended to. ( all on him a ?.-i r I lni"5s Sii rc buri!. K. ii. l.t. is;:; A ia ii.IS A i: \ li.KOAH. < ll VIM.I SION . I '., fell. I ?. l-7.\ ?liter Tur-il.-i> . Kein liai v nilli, lin- ?"I illjri-s in silic.liilc <-l' llii- Kuaij wu i-rl : il li IA I?\ V l'ASSKXl?Kli TI: M'S, urie-tun - - - rt.I"? A "t i uliiiiilila - - - -j.i.i I1 > 'iinliia ... i |? \ ? liurleshin - . - ni:, f > - IA DAI I" AS-I Ni TU \ IN. iirlcstim . . - T.i'ii I* > tMiill'Ic.-loll . . ||.:t'i A j H.UM lil A SKJIIT KXPKK'ss. (Siimliiys . M - ? . i < t ? - ? I., imle-tmi . - - 7.?0 I? < 'iiliiinlila ... r, .?-i _\ .Illili I ?it! . . 7.1 I* . : i liarlvston . - - H..|> A j \rt;i STA NI?.HT KXI'KI'.SS. . - . s.-.ii I* il l lim If.-tim . . f. :?n .\ ilunilii.-i li.-i\ r i-si ii/cr Trains, ?dir 7 A.M.ami arrive ul ll.ilii I". M. wi II I h.111,--i..H in. i I !i;in h ville? sin|i mil ici villi- II H. i i.i ^. .-. Till? a|i|i|i<:i, I? >i |l Illili . I < ? W ll li i|is. - new "?elie lille a ri,.'oiiiiei'llnil n t ? u lill lin- I Inn Inn,., I iiliutililii .III.I Al aili'innl ?il llieit- i.'i-iv-siui; neill hlllllii: nil nvniil Hie 11 ans lei lin .-ir.-li I olumli e na HM iiuii'k a M-lieilnle in IVuslilngti ?.'.-* Nuri" lis l?.V Un- "Hu i I mile. MiK On rs on uh niftlil irtiins. It:i jitrn ' "?i "Ililli. S. S. SOI.OM' ?NS, l'ICKK.VS, O.T. A. KlipeillitClllUllt. A D V K li T I S K M E N T r> . MISCELLANEOUS. rrwis SOUTH E A S T E R N ADVOCATE. There is .?OOH to be n paper entitled as above, issued ('rom this olllce, and pub lished iii the interests of thc M. E. Church in this portion of our work. .Since the unwise removal of the Charleston Advocate, our work has been enlarging and (Mending in this section and demands multiplying for a local or gan. The Charleston Advocate was for two years published in Charleston. It j was titi ri ng this eventful period in the history ol'our cause in the South, one ol the most importun) auxiliaries of our work. Its removal left a vacant, place here which has not since been lilied, is an ol?! saying, .* that blessings brighten as they take their ll't^ltt.*' This was em phuticully true in reference to our da per lor this coast. Many were taken hy sur prise at its sudden removal and were anxious for its return. Il wc had been as fully advertised of the wants and wishes pf the people in this section, he l?le the transfer oft bat paper to Allanta. >0 | WF.?iSTKIl'.S NATIONAL I'lCTO U1AL DK l it i.NAUV. 1010 I'agc-j Octavo. OOO Kugitirings. '! Fi iccio. > rro i. I i The -:ih - ot Webster's Dictionaries I thu-!..:!. (he country in \$~',\ were 20 1 limes ?is large ?i" I he sa'cs ol any oilier Die'iona ric-; lu proof ol this wc, will I scud lo any pei-on. on application (lie ?I -liilcnn i t ot more (han IOU booksellers from ? v< r\ -, . i mu ni i he eoimtrv. C. it C. M F.IMII?M, I ! Spriii?tiehl. Mass. Piib'ishcrs Webster's Unabridged, I Webster's lTunnry School Dictionary. I SOI Kiii;i'aviiig>!. j W eh.-ier's i omni'.n School Dictionary, il ?I7-I Engravings. v vvebsici*? High School Dictionary, I' I'M Kuy rn\ lugs. U w eh .?i i Acad?mie Dielionary, \\\\ i liii** ravings. i. Wcl)N|er\> Counting House Dictionary (J I willi numerous illus)rations anti many . valuable ladles no) to l e foll 11(1 ebcwlter?. ? PtiblMieil bv I VISON. BLAKEMAN ? TAY 1.01! Jb ("O., New York. Nov. 7 rf ADVERTIS E fil E N T S . MISCELLANEOUS. ^?^L?USTUS B. KNOWLTON, Attorney & Counselor at Law ORANGEBURG, S. C. ]A VGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, JLiCiYid, Tlic undersigned lins opened an office for thc .SALE of LAND. Persons haring HEAL ESTATE to dispone of will ila well to register thc same for snlc. L irge farms subdivided and Bold ia either I liryc or small parcels. flood farms for sale at from two to fl vc dollars per acre, on easy terms. AUGUSTUS B. KNOWLTON, Ornagebarg C. IL, 8. C. \. WEl?STEK, E. TRIAL JUSTICE, Business faithfully and promptly at tended to. f?St"OFFICE for thc present in with A. 13. ICXOIVLTOX, Esq.. Orangcburg. Jan. ?23. 1S75. V/jTKNKE ? MULLER, Merchant Tailors, AND DEALERS IN 3JL IV ' IS YOUTH'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, &c. 298 ICINC; STHEET, Corner of Went worth, CHARLESTON, 8. C. 'Unquestionably tho bost sustained, work of the kind, in tho World." Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Notices of thc Press. Thc ever-increasing ? ir . : "?n of this excijllctil mont illy ]tro\ tmeil adaptai iou to popular il 1 . ? Indeed, whim we think into ! v nnuiy homes it. penetrates c '? nth wo : ; as one ?i me eiiiicntors iii'iiSvi 1 iii nets of the public mind, ;. V '. I pOpuliirity has heen won hy nil ai .! :.. s-.'lipid '. r-'oi'icv..*'CT ?ir^vr.v ? ' ' i i ?. Heston (/lobe. \.. wini ?i this MAGAZINE .fut variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and literary culture that has kept pace with, if it lias not led the time?, should eause its conductors to regard it willi justifiable complacency. It also en tit les them to a great claim upon the pub lic gratitude. Thc Magazine has done ?rood and not evil ail the days of its life. Brooklyn Eagle. TERMS: Postage free to all Subscribers in the United Slates. IIATKH'S MAOA7.INE, one year ... St 00 $ t 00 Includes prepayment of U. S. postage by thc ptlhliscrB Subscriptions to ilaper's Magasine, Weekly, and Ka/.aar, to one address for one year,810.00; or. two ol'Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00 : po.stagv frc?. An Extra Copy ol'either thu Magazine, Week ly, or Rnzur will bc supplied gratis for every Ohlhof Five Subscribers at $4.oo each, in one remittance; or, six Copies for f'20.00 without c.\ira copy : postage tree Hack Numbera can bu supplied nt any time. A Completo Set ol* Harper's Mnguziuc, now comprising'.ju Volumes, in nc lt cloth binding, will bc sent by express, ft-cight nt expense ol' purchasers, tor $-?.-?' per volume. Singlo vol umes, hy mail, postpaid, f.i.< 0. Cloth Cases, lur binding, Hu cunts, liv mail, postpaid. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without thc express orders of IlAitrEit & RltoruKiiK. Address ll APER & BKOTIIERR, New YorV. 'A Repository of Fast ion Ploiisuro and Instruct) ia. 'S* Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Xotices o? thc Press. The BAZAR is edited with a contribu tion >>f Incl anti talent that we seldom fi ?iel in any journal; and the Journal it self is the organ of the great world of fashion.-Huston Traveller, 'I'll?' HA ZAK commends itself lo every member ol' the household-to the child I ret i hy tho droll and pretty pictures, to the young Indies hy its fashion-plates in endless variety, lo the provident matron i by il- patterns for the children's clothes, j lo paterfamilias hy its tasteful designs for ' embroidered slippers and luxurious dress ing-gowns. Hut the reading matter of jill?; Bazar is uniformly of great excel lence. The paper lins acquired a wido popularity for thc lireside enjoyment it alfords.--V. V. Evening Post. X E R3IS: j Postage free lo oil Subscribers in the United Slates. . riARTElt'S It.vxAU, one year.?4,<"0 ] ;i.ooincludes prepayment ol*U.S. postage l>y ? thc publishers Svliseriptlims io Harper's M.-ignzino, Weekly, niiii Razar, lo pi . address for one year, ilo.Oo; ur, two of Harper's foi io,Heals, to one address fur one year, $" (Hl ; postage free. i An Extra t?ipy ot either the .Magazine, Week ly, or Itu zur will tic supplied gratis for every t lob of l ive Subscribers at ?LOO each, In ono remittance ; or, six Copies fur i'H\00, without extra copy : postage free. Lack Numbers can lie supplied at any lime. The seven v..linne.-, ol limper's Razar, for tho yours IM'.H, Mi?, '70, "71 a Til, ?74, elegantly hourn) in grech morocco cloth, will bo sent by express Height prepaid, for *7.oo each. N?-WsiHipai?s arc nut to cop}- thi.: advertise nu ni. M lt hon tl thu express orders ol UAH ri: ii ?k 1 lilli rpil'KliH. Address 1 ILVRT'LU & BKOTllEUS,New Yoi*.