mmwmmcm????mmmmmmmwmmwmimmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmvmmmmmmm Essay on Woman, Women uro liko ovorything otoo in thia -world-ii very mixoii np affair. According to our own observation, Ibero oro Women good mid women bad, Women gay and women Bad, Women big and women email, Women Bhort and women tall, Wotuou fat and women loan, Women aweol and womou moan, Women young and women old, Womou bought and womon Hold, Womou poor and women rich, I And a good nmny more womou uifcli. Tbo lirut woman in this world was Evo. Eve was ii bad girl. Hbo didu t belong lp tho good templars. Evo liked app?? cider too'well-abo wanted hers dry. Wo never saw Eve, but tboy say aha was. a pretty girl. Her fellow was a chap by tho name of Adam. Wo never went to sobool with him. Eve was liko the rest of her Bisters-just tell her not to do a thing and she .would bo sure to do it. Eve muBfc have been a country girl. Hbo didn't caro much for fashion, aud BIIO mado her own clotboa without a Bowing machine. 'She would be rather behind tho times should she visit us now. ^ Some women aro very pretty. ? Wo don't liko pr et! y women-there are ar^ray? ?fo "many f?llbwB around them. iTh?y^remirid us bf adot .of .flies on a molasses stick. We like the molas ses, but-bother tho flies. ? Good women aro plenty in this coun try,? but they will never tell you of it; you have got to trail'em out yourself Bad women are everywhere. They are like rotten apples in a barrel of good ones-apt to throw their decayed influence around them. They will always.try-,to. make you believe they aro gdbd. 'Don't take a bad woman. She is counterfeit treasure. Look ont for trade mark. Gay women are jolly fellows ; always on a laugh. Thoy;make you feel gooil clear to your sleeve buttons. A ?nd woman "ought to wear spe?taole? v.ith pink-colored glasses in them. That would make her look at the work' in a different light. . ' , Wo don't know that wo like a bi{ woman better .than a little one. If sh< is so big that a step-ladder is require? to kies her, we' most" "respectfully de cline in favor of tho small one. As wt reflenMii-rth,eron this'-subject,-we com? to the conclusion that the , small ouei are always 'preferable." " They have i tendency to hang themselves-around i foUpw^and we)want*to furnish the ma teriaP for ti h angin g-post. We hate, a. rueau, .woman. We fee like Baying ^deliver us from evil, whenever wo see one. But give us sweet woman-one of nature's ow children-with roBy cheeks and lovin eyes ; with a noble heart, a1 high-tone mind, a pure soul and a healthy bod; rofined'in taste, developed in intellect bo she poor or rich, young or old, larg or small-to such a one we could sa; " fly unto our arms, darling ; we lo\ g >.-><.""___i_ Death of the-Irish Giant wC James Murphy, Jr.,. known as tl -T?-ia... ?rpnj?ij-tlUttl nf. Baltim^e iaat woe ^*rs-c of consumption. "Mv."< .Murphy wi born in Waterford, Ireland, was thirt; three years of ago, and unmarriei Remeasured nearly eight feet in heigh Tho Baltimore Bun says of bin "Some months ago, when ho was comparatively good health, ho weigln 351 pounds..' He 'hadvAvoighed mo ?when biB health waa'bettor. Ho hi been in tliis country twenty-four yeai Irving been brought hero by his fath and mother, who still live at tho hou on.Ohester Btreet. Tho giant t rave li tliroe('years with Barnum, as ono of tl firent living curiosities of tho .worl In his professional oareer, ho visit* evory jmrt bf this country from Mnii to'California and the extreme sont After terminating II?H engagement wi Barnum, tue giant traveled with a ci ons, where ho contracted tho bronohi diseuse which finally eudod his lit' Whenan .gdod health ho had a freal pleasant face, and, like all large mu an? particularly all giants, except tho of story books and nursery tales, w ns amiable aa -he was great in statut He had a very youthful expression countenance, coal-black hair, and L hands were'?. largo that one ol the ??ou 1 d rover the hoad bf a large ma just aa an ordinary hand would co\ an orango His feet wero not so lar proportionately as_. the hands, but I aide an ordinary ?hoe, ono of his she would tie em to be'a sufHoient habitat i for 'tho old woman' of tho story boc who ' had so many'Children she did i know what' to""db. . When the und taker eame to measure the dead gis fjr$his coffin/it Was found that the < ceased was full eight feet long. Sun the measure of aman is correctly kno when he is dead. The coffin will nearly Sj feet long. Tbs body was v itod by hundreds of people yesterdi the giant being well known on Fe! Point, where he was justly esteemed : his amiability, especially by the ol dren, 'who, after the first shrinkaj generally liked to be taken in his ari and*elevated as far above the heads their parents as he could convenien hola thorn. L-v,-.:---? --A' correspondent of the New Y< Tribune gives an exceedingly sim] precaution, in the use -of kerosene any other cheap oil. Hie plan is fill tho lamp lightly with jeweler's o ton before pouring in-tho oil. The c toil1 absorbs a great deal of the oil, a in ease of accident tho latter does i flow about, and can - thus bo ext goished. On one occasion his-kerosc lamp burst, and u mass bf flame jami outy but., bein f.; in a compact body, c^veyed, it instantly with a bucket, a with, tho help of a water-pitcher ant few wet towels extinguished it heft the? slightest damage was done. Hat nob bren for tho cotton tho flaming would, haye flowed in all directions. ExAOi'.ru: (jA?iriU'i'?t Jufi/.Nii.-The d yere, BB tbe. French call that eleg? article ol ' furniture, furnished with number of small shelves, designed varib?s small .ornamenta, articles, 1 bec-qmfr. ai peecssity in every f atjbiona drawing^opm. The Mason k Hara 0ft?T ??ra now mannfaoturlnf combination of cfaf/wr, and cnbi . orgnrr?-v?ry'rioli and beautiful, wh they furnish for the prieo of an or/ iv it lion t the ctagcre. MAUNA LOA.-Tho voloaiio of Mauna Loa, in Hawaii, made a brilliant display on tho morning of tho lOfch of January boforo daylight. Tho notion began in the summit orator of Mokuaweoweo. "Tho heavens aro aglow at night, and a grand pillar of cumulouo olonds coronnto tho mountain by day," writes au oyo wit ueha. Tbs summit chimney or crater of Mokuaweoweo had boon closed for about bight weeks, during tho latter part of which timo tho oarthqunko shocks had been increasing in strength and frequency. This now opening of tho volcano will servo as a safety-valve, uud aa long as it last's thoro will not probably bo any moro Bevoro Bhocks nor any other eruptions on Hawaii. MEDICAII ADVERTIBINO.-Tho medical profoBsion ore out-spoken in tnoir de nunciation of tho system of medical advertising, and declare that any medi cine that is advertised is a fruud. How thoroughly inconsistent and unfair in auch an argument. Tho men who are 30 loud in their criticisms, are those who advertise themselves as medical Havana by ostentatious display ; splendid resi liences with massive door plates ; fast horses and costly carriages. Dr. J. Walker, of California, an old practition er, respected alike for his skill und conscientious independence, dares to differ ; and having discovered in his Vinegar Bitters a purely herbalistic medicino, free from all spirituous pois ons-a wonderful specific for numerous disorders, advertises the same for the relief of his fellow-man, and is borne ont in his declaration of its many vir tues by thousands of invalids, who are being cured of disease by its use. Blood DlHPMCH. Tho blood being tho sonreo from which our BVBtomB aro built up and from which wo derivo our mental a? woll aa physical capabilities, how important that it uhonld bo kept puro. If it contains vilo foBtoring poiBona all organic functions are weakened thereby. Settling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver or kidneys, tho effect is moat disastrous. Hence it bohoovos every one to keep their blood in a perfectly healthy condition and moro especial ly does thia apply at this particular soason of tho yoar than at any other. No mattor what tlio exciting causo may bo, tho roal causo of a largo proportion of all disoases ?B bad bleed. Now, Dr. Fiorco does not wiah to placo his Golden Medical Discovery in tho cataloguo of quack patent nostmma by recommending it to euro over y diBOoao, nor doos ho so recommend it, on thc contrary thoro aro hundrods of dla oases that ho acknowledges it will not euro ; but what ho docs claim is thiB this, that thore ia but ono form of blood disoaao that it will not euro, and that disease is cancor. Ho doos not recommend hin Discovery for that disease, vol he knows it to be tho most searching blood cleanser yet discovered, and that it wul free tho blood and system of all other known blood poison H. bo they animal, vegetable or mineral. I The Golden Discovery is warranted by him to I cm e tha worst forms, of ukin diseases, as all forma of -blotches, pimples and eruptions, also all glandular sweliingB, and tho worat form of ecrofUIOUB and ulcorated Bores of neck, legs or other par?a, and all scrofulous diseases of tho bones, as white swellings, f ovar sores, hip joint and spinal diseases, all of which belongs to scrofulous diseases. CONFIRMED-HIP JOINT DISEASE CtTOED. W. GROVE STATION, Ia., July 14, 1872. Dr. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir-My wifo first became bimo nine years ago. Swellings wotdd appoar and dis appear on hor hip, and she was gradually bo coming reduced, and her whole syn tom rotten with disease. In 1871 a swelling broke on her hip discharging large quantities, aud Binco that timo thoro aro aevoral cpeninga. Have had five doctors at an expense of $125, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical operation. >v July 16, 1873, ho writ OH tima: My wifo has certainly roceivod a great benefit from tho uso of your Discovery, for she was not ablo to got off the bod and was not expected to nvo a wcok when sho commoncod using it, ? yoar ago. Sho baa boen doing moat of hor work for ovor B?X montkB. Haa used twenty bottles and etill using it. Her recovery is considered aa almoat a miraclo, and we attribute it all to tho uso of your valnablo medicino. I can cheerfully recommend it au a blood pnriflor and Btrongth roatoror. J.-M. ROBINSON. Discovery is sold by druggists. THE test of time and experience in tho only sure guido in sc'.eotmg an insru mout. It is of little co.TJR?quenco thnt a man makes one or two rino pianos or organs for a fair and intrigues success fully for a prize. It is tho quality oj everyday manufacture that concerns tho buyer-not what exceptional and ooBtly instruments have bson specially made- for exhibition. The SMITH ?MHR IOAN OnoANS aro of high and uniform oxoellonce, and aro the bosfc for actual ino, having been tried and proved for twenty-five y oars. + BURNETT'S FLORAD HAND BOOK- Sec ad o'1. IMPORTANT INVENTION.-"In less than ton >. oura thoro will not bo a metal truss in i uno," was tho prediotion of one of our moBt eminent physicians on examining the Elastic I Truss of tho Elastic Truss Co., 683 Broadway, IN. Y. The extonsivo adoption of thesouuoqual od instruments, which certainly cure rupture without torturo, will make thom tho only truss es used in muoh lesa than ten yearn. 'We ad vise all sufferers to send to the above company for descriptive circulars, aa these truenen aro aont to all parts of tho country by mail.-Com. AiiiiEN's LUNG BALSAM causes the lungs to throw off the mattor that is collectod over tho air-colls, and makes tho patient Li ottilie more froeiy and purifies the blood, givoB strength to the body and tone to tho digestivo organs, and boals tho irritated parts and give life and health to tho ny nt om. Asthma is soon relieved by its use. For salo by dealers in family modioinos generally. . Diamond Cotton Chopper, Cultivator and Planter, and Corn Planter are guaranteed to givo satisfaction by a southern company whoso character and responsibility arc vouch ed for by the leading bank officers of North Carolina. Tho O old Medal was awarded it at tho Georgia State Fair. See advertisement elsewhere. Send for circular to J. W. HINS DALE, Secretary, .Fayetteville, N. C. IT IS a rare thing that physicians give any conn totumeo to a medicine, tho manufac turo of which is a secret. About the only ex ception wo know of is Johnson's Anodyne Lin imont. This, wo believe, all endorse, and many of thom uso it in their practico with groat success._ PERSONS requiring purgatives or pills should bo careful what they buy. Somo pills not only cuno grip?ig pains, but leave the bowels in a torpid, costive state. Parsons' Purgativo Pills will relieve tho bowels and cleanse tao blood without injury to the ny s tem. BURNETT'S FLORAL HAND- BOOK. See anr>'l. Go to Itivorsido Water Cnre. Hamilton, HI. Voa need not BO to Florida to "ire your cough. Take Tutt'a Expectorant and enjoy the comforte of home. Thia ls good advice. A,..--nf ii. Chart* Chang nells at nicht.. Necessary oft .oap. CloodH free, Chain; Chaim MT? Co., Hoxton. "T7>Ke*?0>'e a.Vd Flower HeeilM. Hena 3o.stamp tor V oStelOgiiM. Ilnb'l Veitch A?on,HftW Havun.CU Ctn ? COD l?*r ?lay nt nome. Ter mu freo, A ? . ?PUH*J> public timi in these Instrument* prc to be lound combined the best eiroctn which they have made In their twenty .Ive years ot'experience. No other Instrument so exactly lmllute:i tho Hipo Orum Touc. PIUOKB TO SUIT THK. TIMMS. Lists neut I'ree on u])plicatlou. Kniith ?fe Bovuoldu. Jforirleh. Cl , sci;/:-" \Vc have hold nnd used y our Koa Foam iorneverul \ carrs and uiihcsltullnKly xe coiumend lt as tho best halting powder In the market " 8mUh. Ouse it Co., drums. Fortland Me., sa;/:-"Wu OHO tl In our own raminea um) believe lt~to ho decidedly th? beat baking powder." Its economy la wonderlul; lt nmke . -IO UM more bread to u barrel of Hour. MUlionsol cans .old mid uul a single complnlut. .-'end for circular to t?eo. P. .te l o., IVO Dunno st.N.Y. sw rc vi N DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! ?VELTY PRINTING PRESS. For I'rureMMioniil mut Amateur Printers, Sci.IH, Societies, Ainu nf ucl mern, .1Icrcli!iiit>, ami other? ills tlic BEST ever Invented. Itt.OOO In UKO. .Ton stylo?, PriccB from 9G.00 to $150.00 j BEN J. O. WOODS & CO. Mnmrf M and 'dealer? In nil kinds ol Printing; Matorlal, SoiKl stomp for Catalogue.) 40 Federal St. Boston. PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $40, $r)0, $75, k $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP Shipped Iteady for Une. Manufactured by CHAPMAN ?fe CO.. Madison. Ind. B6B-Hend tor a Catalogue. CA. B0H?N?A?, O. 619 North Fifth Street, St, Louis. Mo., ESTAB LISHKD 1837. Oures all sufferer's without Uio usoof Mercury. Chaws reasonable fens. (t?~Dr. B.'s .rTroatUe on Special Diseases," which fully oz pin I ns tho nature, causes, symptoms, and moans to cure all forms of Nervous Debility, all Dlitoascs cnusud by tho " Krrors of Youth," and valuablo Information on other delicate subjects, sent PUER lu plain sealed envelope. N SENT FREE A Book exposing tho mysteri?s of WATT Qu*l and how any* ono may operate sue- ll flULl Oil cessfully with a capita! or SSO or S I OOo. Com nlete Instructions and Illustrations to any address, TUBIUKIOttK. ?fe- CO. BANKKRS axil linux EK* 2 Wall street. New Yorli. MQ&sillon Harvester. Buy the Best. Two men bind IO* ?eres dr.lly. Binders eft ii Sit or s"! A??... Ad dres?'EDWIN Rfc Y HS-?, Masillon, O. THE FAVORITES. FAMILY FAVORITE. -)Tbe i Itlea MA N UFA OT UH ElifP FA VORITB. r Indicate GENERAL FA VORITtC. JtbV Uses. For full Information respecting our Goods or Agencies for aame. nd tl rep s WK KD SEWING MA CHINE OOM PAN Y at Ilartrord, Cowioyjput. or our Branch Onices In lentil m; cJtleist"^* \ BOOK AGENTS WANTED. For now and popular books, Just ls*e<]u hy thc American publishing Co . among which?aro " Thc Oreat South." " History of nomocracy,!"-;Peonle from tho Other World."' " Wit and Humor," ?fc .. A new book .by Mark Twain, and ons by Bret ilario, nearly rendy. Mend for eln-n?ur. tor terniH, etc., to I?. D. RANIJALL ct (JO., Cincinnati, Ohio. TIN WIRE RUNGS. WfU not Ru-t or rarVs tho Hoff's Nose Hope, Hardware DcalcraJudl them. IVPi50rj.,1>0?! Tin?lngs. por > 100. OOo .; Coppcff d Bb? *60c.; Tongs. $1.24; by mall, ipoutpain. uiroulam Oreo. "- W-IIUI4 Co. Dlcatur.IU. ? ARMS. HinhifTawnr.l I M l wherever exhibited. Satisfaction BUBr I r If \ iinlccd. LuleM Improved I.KCrs to .LUll HO!LE}i:::t.N on GoVl order. Applvlnr blank? lo CHAH. M. EVANS. Minuit 'n r. I.V2 W. Fourth Stri ct. Cl NCINNATf. O.. or s.w. Cor.-Uh and Market Bis., LOCISVIIJLE, KV COTTON ! COTTON ! THE earliest ano must Prolille Cot tun |n I he world_ Mukci from I lon bales ? er acre.: four wcotcsearltef than ac? ethe** ciflion. ;-.-u.? for cir? cularH. Address W. B. McCAItl.i-.V, cirrolltoii. Carroll county. Miss. contemplate marriage." Brice ??fly cr-nta|>y niall. Achir?is UK. BUTTS' DISPENSAIt Y7 ?2 North Eighth street. Ht. LnnlH. Mo. mtll AOKNTS WAN-run EVKUVWHKKK.-The iHifl choicest lo tho world-Importer?', prices i- -UH largest eomiiany In America-staple article -pleases everybody-trade InereanlnB-best In iiucoments-don't waste limo-send for circular to Robert Wells, -ll Vesey st. n. Y. ; P. O. Box I?87. rinillS paper ls printed with luk furnished hy fl Charles Enou Johnsen fe Co., GOO Ho. loth st Philadelphia, and 69 Oold Street, New York. For sale In 10 and 25 D> cans by SOUTHERN NEWS PAPER UNION. Nashville. Tenn. ONpKUFIJLl tn only for the WA I IONAL hiNCICLUPl?OlA. ARcnts may coln ijioiiy at tins; tn? commissions LABOE. Write toT. ELWOOD /ELL, Philadelphia, Pa. ' $250 A MONTH.-AGENTS wanted ovory wher?. Boniness honorable and first class. Particulars sent free. Address WORTH ?fe CO., St. Boult). Mo. Wanted 6OO0NE A GENTS; AGENTS WANTED circulars and extra terms to neon ls NATION AL PUBLISH INO COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio, or Memphis, Tenn. MDnuTtlnn ! Ono packago makos 1 ciuarl flnoat rUlYUUl ! black Ink. By mall per doz., $2. HI UKI e puck ll'ic J. O. I farris, Lr ii k'Kl.'d, Vc nun KO, Pa, Constant Employment.-At home, male or female, 130 a week warranted. Nocapltal required. Par ticulars and valuablo aamplo sent free. Address, with ftc. return stamp, C. Ross.vVllllamsburgh.N.Y. ?nr PKH DAV commit ?Inn or SJ30 a week 3D ?5.) salary.and expenses. We oller lt and will PA Vii mite li u/i.iili.r DA/-(fr fl fl A Week ?nd expenses to ?ll, Artloles (hil 11 - el M I nev?, stapln us Hour. Sample freu. (J. M. ywW " 'J'wU I.I .VI N i ? CON A ll lt O.. N. V. "r t ;n 11 . AOKNTH WANTED-Men and women, f.M a week or fir?) forfeited. . 77?? tratet tree. Write at once to <*>WEN A CO.. 8th ?Ueet. New York. hf The American Patron I? the most pounlar ?ruiiKo '< and tann paper-il.???a year. Hpeolmen free. Ad ti] dress J. K. BA UND. Pnhllshor. Findlay. Ohio. d?f>/~V Dally to Acent'i. KS now articles and the *SHJ?\J best Family I-apnr In America, wlln two tr>ohromoa, free. Aru. M'f'if Co.:too Broadway, N.Y GIT TT S. W ?V^ 6t h ?Ttreet. Bt. f' Freo. RH IOJO N. f.ouei. Mo florin o 80 CalllnR Cards 7 tints 20c. by mall; Bond tc. bullio, stamp to W. P. Bacon, St. JohnBviile, N. V. A Day. Term* to <\h-ents free. Address II. L. Shepard &Oo.Boet,n,N.YorSt,Ohlc'KOor HMxinls. $7 ?trV K. A WKEK. Atienta wanted everywhere. For ?P# (9 outntV?c Km roi & WAI.KKH, Iluytnn, Ohl'i. djonn ? month to acanta everywhere. Address ip^UU KxiToiter. MU.'o Ci... Buehannii, .Mich Ufe 1 Cl **> PER O? Y-Hond for "Chromo' ?lp I x/ catalogue. J. H. B OF von o's HONS, Boston, t?ma ^.mirima u -ajiM FASHIONS!?T" BELLS Patterns of them. Only ?UO ayoar. ~ 3?W Km aSgkXlZ nlst lit-very rtyllf ror .treet anlt?. I'.il!. tn with CM Iflwfrf c*nt*. Polonoin? - Very i nrjricnm!*. railer Cftxn WuTcl, Ml rrnf. Smith's " Instant Dress Elevator." g Tl>l* CWT .bowl th? I 0 Upper Part ur tho skirt iwrong Ride | out?, ?rltH ttl? "Ele vator" Hunt In. YOU c?n misc your rtlrt wllllo pRBSlllK I? niuil rty place. Ami Ihen let lt fell, cryon ran keep lt rained. Il keep.thu rlctrt Irom the Filth. lt XoopB Ihealflrl In I ? TuGtcml ?nil Fa shionable Manner. It 1 Cash Prize or 50,000 1 Cash Prize of 25,000 I Cash Prize of 20.000 61,025 Cash Prizes?i?r.oiinMngtni?SSO.OCO Th. tnt Extraordinary Drawing mi pr.ftdad oT.r by Cl. Patrick, Fr?*'l of Boord of Trade. Th* ncond by OOT.rnol Jtmu. Third by Tick M nold.ri. Tb* fourth by Jadg. Ut*. kalli Pra.'lofUi. S*n*t*. nnw*evnry 30 Days. Aa;*Bt* wanted.*rel pay- For rall particular* ?.nd raf Circular*. Addr*?? th. Manager, j. M. PATT EE, Lurnmle City, Wyoming. N. B -Leram!* C-'.y ia ea th? Unira Paola. RaJlraac, 6* twaaw Chlaac* and Oxd.e. BR. WHITTIER, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, lio., millinup* to treat all cnaa* or ol? lacie s to marriage, blood iinimrltlc*, every ailment cr aleanena which rr.ulta f.oc. Imli.x-retlnn or Imprudence, v. Uh unparalleled ancc.-.'s Dr. WV. eat?bll?hincul 1* chartered by the Stalest Ml. ".?ri, ira, foundr.l nnd lu* bren c.tahUabed tn it.HIM tate, certain ttl rellablo relier. Being a graduado al ? medical college*, and haring tho cxpcrlenc? ot 3 long nnd euccc*?ful lite In hi? apoclaldci he faa* perfected remedie? last aro cffuctual In all tbc*eca,*e*. ill, patient} arc lieljg twited by mail or exprcm everywhere. Nt matu-r who Halted, call or write. From the great num ber or application* ho I* enabled to keen hi. ebarg.i low. [id pages, riving full ?yinplomi, for two itamps. MARRIAGE GUIDE, ltJi pago; n pnpnUr book which ahould tie read by fjerf. No married pair, or poraona copt^rof (ho IM-TI thoughta from late werka 'a Kurep; wa Ameriia. Went ?caled, poit.pnld Ihr WI Ot*. r WnaOB. 8 OOHPOTJITD OF ^ PUEE COD LIVEB I.OIL AND IIME.^ VVtlttor'a tot! J.i vcr Oil mill Mute.-The grot\t p pularlty of lins . ufe abd emrnclousprepar ation li utono attributable to lu . li t ri ti - ir: ut,rt li Iii the cure or orina;!!*.* colds asthioa. bronchitis, whooping cough,?erofnlous humors, and all con aumptlvo sympt'ttns, lt has no superior, If equal. I,et no one nfKl'AOt tho early symptoms ol dlseaue, when ?ti RtCOlil ls uni; at hand which will allovlate all cointilalnts nf tho chest, lungs or throat. Man ufactured only by A. M WI I.Holt, Chemist, Hos ton. Hold by all crilgglHUl. TtlKi.KS.SHOTQ^^ Of anyande.reryklsit. Sed ?tatnn^^^^^MB for Cal aloin*. A>lo-t? rattern willi OM '.v.. tl.::, cl 3504. ''or .print ?.nil ?umtner gumin-ahlrralrln Ra ,umln for lalilitli Iny [fatlcrii willi run .Uurfrl, f.O eetiln. 'xl?, with evrrv pattern, whirl, almwa ?""t ''ow ?o l>ut ,ho Ottern. TbtJ ire PERFECT OUIDEB. se mniiad_oni_ receipt of marked price._ I Those who nonti to A. Burdotto Smith Ono Year's Subscription J m.lOlforhts BAZAA?l-,^tH.'S I MONTH, will Bot Tholr Choleo tams, and ..Hniilh'n Instust Dre?! E!o THEIR FREMIOM! Of? ho winch ovo Patt thom FL._ rtlflcato will aa THEIK rxm.Ju.ivv-} un i will ontltlo you to soloct your pro XT3P -A- OX*XJ33 | f We shall shall elvo away $2,135.00 LD COIN* ?J 02 Peroone who?Ret iR&zAAR between NOW and Urft >* fc,.c*,r".,...Hr! i AonPST CLUB win TE SMITH. Qi?t Broadway, New York Clt-fe Mailed Freeon Receipt of Postage Stamp. VOL. V. BURNETT'S \ TABLE OF 00NTENT8. **# [IN TART.] 1'AI TMMli, 187?. CUASOKS or THE Moos Jma MORKISO AND Evcruso PLANETS, 1875. ECLII'SKS, 1875. L.AKOUAOB or FLOWERS. POETICAL SENTIMENTS. CULTIVATION or BrRiwo FLOWERS. CAUTION TO HOUSEKEEPERS. CARE or Vi.ANTS IR THE PARLOR. 'UNITED STATES POSTAL REOULATIONR. Language of Flowers ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. JQ8EPH BURNETT & GO., BOSTON. TlIK ELASTIC TRUHH .NI) SUPPORT BK ls now superseding nil others, being adopted everywhere by tho lead lng physicians, sur geons. druggists, urmy mid navy, hospital gym ii ni I n ni, etc. The success and npivf SAtlsfact'on ?hey have given, OH well os tue great nnmoer ofradlcal eures they have effected, has dcmonatraicd the Tact ihot ruptura nan be*ttre/y, eurea wiihout Buffering or annoyances, sud wlt'iotU the ttanper of incut rinc gjnnat tlltecucor paralyti,, often cairned hy tho se vero pressure 01 Metal Trursi-B nnd Supp?tlers. It ls tho only . uro cu. e for Hernia, ns lt ls the only i niFR in use that will hold the rupture teen ely 1 all positions in which the body can bo placed will perform redirai cures when all others fall . con be worn with ease and corufoi t when no sprln, irusKrts eau he used. N.hen once adjusted no mo Hon of the hody or ace'dent can displace lt. Thesi instruments have tho tmmmUfled.approvtl of the mont eminent practitioners In Uf? t rolession. From the numerous testimon?ala lp* our posses alon we append Uio followlng: '.After tho experlenco of months patients testify strongly to Us efficacy, as well aa to tho e.t?e an' fr.-edom troni inconvenience with which the li Ntrumcnt ls worn. Willi superior advantage.'., tbe mottle Tru?t possesses In a high .legree AI.L. re qulsltcs nntl ipieH Heat inns claimed for ot her In vi n Hons. I have no in shut ?nu in regarding lt ns an important means for the relief and cure of nernl J M. OARNOOHAN. M. D , Ex-Heulth Ofllcor ortho Port or New York, Su gcon-ln-lhicf of *'r?~ "nrit ?state Hospital, e Orto. V. UoURH. W. ll. isup'i e leslie Truss Co. Pear Sir-Alter suffering for thirty yearn In DIV own person, from the use of ovcry lormjjr Metnllc Truss procurable in this cotintrv and in-Ku rope. ] two yean ago. applied your Minutie Truss, an since th t limn I have experienced comfort and satisfaction, ami linen taught tho truth, that Hie Elastic. ls the .?Hy instrument that should he used for the relief and cure of Merola; and now after more limn thirty years' continuous practice, and having adjusted many hundreds ol Trasses (and for Hie last iwnnty months yours exclusive ly). I gratefully doolam lt lo lie my ilt-llberuteopin ion, thal your Elastic Tnt** la the only one entitled loihe coiitldcnce\?f thc nubil- ; that elasticity io thc only power at all Rdnptcd to tho requirements Of a Truss orSupporter, and nm convlncad that your StaUU Trot* hctually enron a largo propor tion ol nil cases to which lt ls applied, not ooly among children, hut in numerous casen within roy own knowledge or patients from 5 . lo 7G years of age. II. KUHN H. AM, M. JU?.. ... ivor, of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. E. Medical College. - Bowan of cheap and worthless imitation Elastic Trusses, which Burne part eu advertise and sell, Iratdiilcnily representing that they aro manufact ured by ihn y lasiic 'i rusa ?ompnoy. Thoso Trusses are sent by mnil to all parla of the rounlry. SatlRfaclinn gnuraiiteed In all rasen Before purchasing any other, write for Descriptive Circular ifrer.) tn the J'. 6, ANTIC I lit! SS (?OMPANy, (183 Broadway, New York. SASH .A DOORS ALI, KIN DU OF hints, Oils,-.lass, Brushes, A ii m vis' ?OODS. fr 1 BLINDS *H*?fW VARNISH TRY ELAINE LAMP OIL. Safe, Brilliant, and Cheap. PITJM Habit Cured A certain and sure cure, without Inconvenience, anil nt dome. An nnttiloto Hint. Hliiiids purelytOii 'ti own merlin. Send for my quarterly miigarlno (il ?wi* you nothing), coutalnlngccrtlllcntes of hundreds that have been pcrrnnnently cured. 1 claim to have discovered mid produced tho russ-r, OIIIOI.NAI. AND OWLY BURI: nunn pon OPIUM KATI.VO. DU. N. II. COf.rL.INH, JLa I'm f c. Ititi. II. M. WOOLEY, Sole A gt. Sunllnrn S tutea? Atlanta. On. OPIUM HAiirr*clIIiKD at Homo. No Publicity. Terms in t,detain. 1 Timo short. Four year? of un I paralleled suc?es?. ricy?rihni'.Mgo. 400t(mon;ai*.Addrc??I)r.K.K.MarHli.Qulncy.Mlnli. (??QA flontl expenses a month to agents. Addresa .P*m\>%9 A.-J* STODi/ABD, Jonesville. Mica. HrVDON ~ ?F-EllNm DOXIXIAR For ii'i ver ti- inc rn ANT nowepapor before Boeing my new cataloguo of over ONI! THOUSAND Paper?. S. 1?. BAaBORHjlMMonAo-iit.1, Ohlc?go.lll. "QHVUHO-ftATVCY, or ?oral Cliarrnlii^." I ? o . . elllier *. < limy I,.? li,.ile ".. i ,. Iii? btv? ai,t an.. lion <,i M,y i,.'(.,.i, lliejrelimiae.liielanlly. TMaarl .iii . ..c ?Hisaeee, freei, i.y mall,ts rental logHlier velIha MarrlaceOliMn e- - - i T .... o,., i, . p.. uim* lu |jeili.,Ae. i,i,i n i.,,i,jj ??Mfr I-J,I1C. Addreu T. WII.I.IAIIS A CO., is,I,'rt, ri, I; -. :,!? M. HM HI -' .?. . ICK i . Dr, J. Walkin s California Vin vue Mitlers aro a purely Vogetable ?ropara; lon, made chiefly from thc na h'o heil..- lound on thu lower rangea of bo Sierra Novada mountains of Califor iia; (bo m?dicinalproperties of which .re ext racted therefrom without tho use if Alcohol. Tho question is almost laity asked. ''What is tho causo of tho inpartillo?od success of VINI??AU Brr EEKS ?V Our answer is, that they remove liq cause of*disease, and the patient ie .ovcrs his health. They are tho great flood purifier and a life-giving principio, i perfect l?cnovalor and Invigdrator >f tho system. Never before in the dstory of tho world has a medicino boon ioninniiidcrl possessing tho rcmarkablo piahtics ol'. YINEOAR BITTKRS in healing the tick of evo T diaeaso man is heir to. Thoy ?ro a genth Purgative ns well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion .or Inflammation ol the Liver ano Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. lille properties of Dn. WALKER'S VIN KO AR JiiTTKRS aro Aperient, Diaphorotio, Carminativo, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic Sedativo, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tivo. and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim VIN. EG AH BITTERS tho most wonderful In. vigorant that ever?-sustained tho sinking system. No Person ca? take those Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their.bones aro not de stroyed by mineral poison or otbei means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Itemittent and Inter mittent i overs, which aro so prova? lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the Uuited States, espcoiaJiy those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri} Illiuois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kid Grande} Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our ontire country during tho Summor and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea? sons of'unusual boat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangements of tho stomach and liver, ?ind other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow srful influence upon theso various or~ gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to DB. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, ns they will speedily rcmovo Min dafh-" colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at tho samo tittie stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestivo organs. Fortify tho body against disease by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAK BiTTEits. No epidemic can tako bold of a systom thus forc-armcd. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shouldors, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palptta tation of tho Heart, I n liamma t ion of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of UK) Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro tho offsprings'of Dyspepsia. Ono bottlo will provo a bettor guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise* mont. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, .Swelled N'jck, Goitre, ScrefuloitH Inflammation:;, I minka,'" Inflammations, Mcrcnrinl A flections, Ol?? Soros, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, oto. In those, UH in nil other, constitutional Dis euses, WALKER'S VINKUAR BKI-TKHS novo shown their great curativo powers in tho moat ob?tinato and intruetublo cases. For Iniluninmtory and Chronic ItllCllhiatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit teni and Intermittent Povcrs, Diseases of tho. J Hood, Livor, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.-Persons en gaged in Paints and Minorais, such ae Plumbers, Typo-setters, Gohl-boators, and Miners, as thoy advanco in lifo, aro subject to parulysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this..tako a doso pf WALKUR'S VIN? BOAR BiTTKlis occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimplos, Pustules, Boils, Carbunclos, Uing-wovms, Scald-hoad, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of tho Skin, Humors and Discasos of tho Skin of whatovor nama or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short timo by the use of theso Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho systom of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and romoVed. No systom of medicine, no vermifuges, no an? thehninitics will freo tho system from worms liko theso Bitters. ,For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo manhood, o? tho turn of lifo, thoso Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated'Mood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanso it whoo you find it obstructed and sluggish in "tho veins ; cleanse it whim it it foul ; your Toolings will toll you whet). Keep tho blood puro, and tho health of tho system will follow. . it. II. MCDONALD <& cc, Drugid"tH uml Gen. Agin., Sun J'ranciaco, Cullfovnln and cor. of Wn?lilngton nml Cliorlton 2?n., N. if. Hold r?- : iii l)i HKtl 1st H und Dealers. rh5oD4T8and CHOPPER IMPR?VE04WARRA?TED *cott?? neat ^o^^i*V^?;^ru?V W?|S j?35HKfc,m,,n'UI*'r ?IM| ?nltly?loi c iinJ.iuu i Corn PIaut?i nllaiiDlrlil. .Ill w.riMlll..', Agr-ntn wauled. Komi ?Imiil lor Circulai', will WaVr.ilit-o Alni rertlnrattl, ti I?, a C. ii a CO., IVj-ulluvtlln HEAP .* '" ^ -:? "