Ensay ou Woman. Women aro liku everything ciao iu thin world-a very mixed up affair. According to our own observation, Ibero uro ?Women good au?] women bail, Wouien ?uy and wouien uad, Wuiueu b?K and women email. Women ulioit mid women tull. Women fat and women lean, Women aweol and women moan, Women voling and women o il, Women bought and wombil Hold. Women poor mid women rioli. And a good many moro women eich. Tho iirut wonniii in tb io world waa Evo. Evo waa ii bud girl. Sho dirtu t belonc to tho good templara. Eve liked apple cider too weil-abe wauled beru dry. Wo never Haw Eve, but they Bay ?be was a protfcy girl. Her fellow waa u obup by tko name of Adam. Wo never went to sohool with him. Eve wan liko tko rent of ber sisters-just tell ber uot to do a thing and abo would be sure to do it. Eve munt have boen a country girl. Hbo didn't euro much ior fashion, and abo mado ber own clothes without a Bowing mnohiuo. She would be rather behind the times should abo visit na now. Some women are very pretty. We don't liko pietly women-there aro always sp taauy fellows aronui! them. .They..remind UB of a lot of flie? on n molasses etick. Wo liko tho molaa 808, but-bother tho Hies. Good women are plenty in this coun try, but they will never tell you of it ; you have got to trail 'em out yourself Bad women are everywhere. They are like rotten apples in a barrel of good ones-apt to throw their decayed influence around them. They will nlwayB try to mako you believe they aro good". Don't take a bad woman. She is counterfeit treasure. Liook out for ' trade mark. Gay women aro jolly fellows ; always on a laugh. They make you feel good clear to your sleeve buttons. A sad woman ought to wear spectacles with pink-colored glasses in them. That would make her look nt the world in a different light. Wo don't know that wo like a big woman better than a little one. If she is so big that a step-ladder ?B required to kies her, we most reapectfnllv de cline in favor of the small one. As we refleutiurther on this snbjeot, we come to tho conclusion that tho Bmall oues aro always preferable. They have a tendency to hang themselves-around a fellow-and wo want to furnish the mu .'.erial for a b angin g-post. We bato a mean woman. We feel like saying "deliver us from evil," whenever we Bee one. But give us a sweet woman-one of nntnre's own children-with rosy cheeks anil loving eyes ; with a noble heart, a high-toned mind, a pure Boni and a healthy body, rofine.d in taBte, developed in intellect ; bo she poor or rich, young or old, large or small-to such a one we could say, " fly unto our arms, darling ; we love you." Death of the Irish Giant .Tamos Mnrplry, .lr., known as thc _ Trdab--girmtr-d?Qd at Baltimore last wooli of consumption. Mr. Murphy was born in Waterford, Ireland, was thirty three years of age, and unmarried. \le measnred nearly eight foot in height. Tho Baltimore Suu says of him : "Some months ago, when ho was in comparatively good health, bo weighed 351 pounds.. He hiuU'woighed mom when his health waa better. Ho bad been in tliiB country twenty-four years, haying been brought here by his father and mother, who Btill live at tho house ou Cheater street. Tho giant traveled three years with Barnum, ns ono of the great living curiosities of tho world. In his professional career, he visited every part of this country from Maine to California and tho extreme south. After terminating his engagement with Barnum, tho giant traveled with a cir otis, whero ho contracted the bronchial disease which finally ended his life. When* in good health ho had a frosh, pleasant face, and, like all large men, au?! particularly all giants, except those of ntory books and nursery tales, waa as amiable aa ho was groat in stature. He had a very youthful expression of countenance, coal-black bair, and his hands weie ?? largo that one ol them coulu cover Ibo hoad of a large man, j list ns an ordinal y hand would cover un orango His feet wero not BO large proportionately as tho hands, but bo side an ordinary shoe, ono of bis shoes would seem to be a sufficient habitation for 'thc old woman' of tho story book, who 'had so many children Bhe did not know what' to db.' When the under taker came to measure tho dead giant f- his coffin, it was found that the de ceased was full eight feet long. Surely the mensuro of aman ?H correctly known when he is dead. The coffin will be nearly 8i feet long. Tho body was vis ited by hundreds of people yesterday, the giant being well known on Fell's Point, where he was justly esteemed for his amiability, especially by the chil dren, who, after tho first shrinkage, generally liked to be taken in his arms and*elevated as far above the heads of their parents as ho could conveniently hold them. --A correspondent of tho New York Tribune given an exceedingly simple precaution in the use of kerosene or any other cheap oil. His plan is to fill tho lamp lightly with jeweler's cot ton before pouring in the oil. The cot ton absorbs a great deal of tho oil, and in oase of accident the latter does not flow about, and oan thus be extin guished. On ono occasion his kerosene lamp burst, aud a mnsflof flame jumped out>; but,;beiiig in a compact body, bo covered.it instantly with a bucket, and with the help of a water-pitcher and a few wet towels extinguished it before the slightest damage was done. Had it nofrbeen for tho cotton tho flaming oil would have flowed in all directions. ETAOEIU? CABINRT?OI?OANH.-The eta (jere, aa tho French cull that elegant artiole of furniture, furnished with a number of small shelves, designed for varions small ornamental articles, has bourne, apeeesBity in every fashionable drawing-room. The Mason k Hamlin Or g th ,Cp. are now manufacturing a combination nf eta/fere and cabinet orgniiV very'rich aud benntifnl, which they furnish for tho pri^o of an organ without tho eta ?joye. * MAUNA L?A.-Tho voloauo of Malina Lon, in Havan, rando a brilliant display on tho morning of tho 10th of January before daylight. Tho action began in tho summit orator of Mokuaweowco. "The beavens oro aglow at night, and a grand pillar of eumulouH clouds coronate the mountain hy day," writes nu oyo wit ness. Thc summit chimney or crater uf Mokuawcowco lint! boen closed for about eight weeks, during tho latter part of which timo tho earthquake shocks had been increasing in strength and frequency. This now opening of tho volcano will servo as a safety-valve, and as long as it lasts there will not probably bo any moro nevero shocks nor any other eruptions on Hawaii. MEDICAL ADVERTISING.-Tho medical profession are out-spoken in their do ii u ne i at iou of the system of medical advertising, and declare that any medi cine that ia advertised is a fruud. How thoroughly inconsistent und unfair is 1 auch au argument. Tho men who aro so loud in their criticisms, aro those who advertise themselves as medical Havana by ostentations display ; spleudid resi dences with massive door plates ; fast horses and costly carriages. Ur. J. Walker, of California, an old practition- i er, respeoted alike for his Bkill and conscientious independence, dares to differ ; and having discovered in his ? Vinegar Bitters a purely herbalistic medicine, free from all spirituous pois ons-a wonderful spooific for numerous disorders, advertises tho sumo for the relief of his fellow-man, and is borne ? out in hiB declaration of its many vir tues by thousatids of invalids, who aro being cured of disease by its use. UllKlll If I hCllHCHt The blood hoing tho eonrco from which our I systoniB aro built up and from which wo derivo our montai aa woll aa physical capabilities, how important that it should bo kept puro. If it contains vito fostering poisohB all organic function? aro weakened tborcby. Settling upon important organ?, a? tho lung?, livor or kui ney ti. tho effoct i? moat disastrous. Heneo it bohoovos every ono to koop their blood in a perfectly healthy condition and moro especial ly doc? this apply at thin particular Hoauon of tho year than at any other. No mattor what tho exciting cauHO may bo, the real cauHO of a largo proportion of all diseases in bad blood. Now, Dr. Piorco (loos not wi?ti to placo Ilia Golden Medical Discovery in tito catalogu? of quack patent nostrum? by recommending it to euro every disease, nor doo? ho HO recommend it, on tho contrary thoro aro huudrcda of dia ea?o? that ho acknowledge? it will not euro ; but what ho dooH claim is this this, that tlioro Mi but ono form of blood disoaao that it will not euro, und that disease ia cancor. Hu doo^ not recommend bis Discovery for that diaoaso. yet tic ki. ow ? it to bo tho mout uoarcbiug blood cleanser yet discovered, and that it will free tho blood and ayBtom ol' all other known bloed noiaon?. bo they animal, vegetable or minoral. Tho Golden Discovery i? warranted by him to eui o tho worst forma of akin di&oasou, aa all forma of blotcboH, pimple? and eruption?, al?o all glandular ?W?llings, and tho worst form of ecrofnloua and ulcerated ?ore? of nock, log? or other part?, and all scrofulous diaoaae? of tho bono?, aa white ?Welling?, fe vor ?ores, hip joint and apinal diseases, all of which bolong? to HcrofulotiH dineaaea. CONFIRMED-HIP JOINT DISEASE COBED. W. GUOVK STATION. Ia., July 14, 1872. Dr. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y. Bear Sir-My wifo first became lamo nine yoarH ago. Swelliug? would appear and dis appear on her hip, and ?ho waa gradually be coming reducod, and her whole system rotten with diaoaae. In 1871 a snvolling broke on her hip discharging largo quantitieu, aud Hinco that timo thoro aro several openings. Havo had flvo doctora at an expense of .*125, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical operation. duly IC, 1873, he writ OM Um?; My wifo baa cortanily roceivod a groat, benefit from tho UHO of your Discovory, for abo waa not ablo to got off tho bod and wa? not expected to live a weok when she commenced using it, a your ago. Slio lias boen doing most of lier work for ovor six month?. Ha? used twenty botltoa and still using it. Her rocovory ia considered aH almost a miraclo, and wo attributo it all to tlK) uso of your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood purifier and ?trongtli rcatoror. J. M. ROBINSON. Discovery i? ?old by druggiatH. Tun tcbt of limo and oxperienco in tho only miro guide in selecting nn insru mout. It is of little consequeuoo that a man makes one or two lino pianos or organs for a fair and iutrigucB nnooesa fillly for a prize. It, is the quality nj everyday manu fach ire that concoma tho buyer-not what exceptional und costly instruments have baen specially made for exhibition. Tho Ssirrn AMER ICAN ORGANS aro of high and uniform excel louee, and arc the host for aotmd uso, having been tried and proved for twenty-five years. * BURNETT'S FLORAL HAND BOOK. fkc artv't. IMPORTANT INVENTION.-"In lesa tlniu ton yonr? thoro will not bo a molal truss in Ufo," wa? tho prodiction of ono of our mo?t eminent, physicians on examining tho Elastic TriiH? of tho Elastic Trusa Co., 08:1 Broadway, N. Y. The oxtouaivo adoption of theaeunequal ed Instrumente, winch certainly euro rupture without torturo, will mako thora tho only t russ on used in much lea? than ton year?. We ad vino all Hiifforora to scud to the above company for deacriptivo circular?, as theso te?eses aro ?ont to all parla of the country by mail.-Oom. ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM causes tho lung? to throw off tho mattor that :B collected over tho air-colla, and makoa tho patient breathe moro freely and purifie? the blood, givoa Htrongth to tho body and tone to tho digoativo organn, and hool? tho irritated part? and givo lifo and health to tho Kystom. A nt l ima ia soon roliovod by itu uso. For salo by dealers in family medicines gonorally. Diamond Cotton Chopper, Cultivator and Planter, and Corn Plantor aro gnaranteod to givo ?atisfaction by a southern company whoso character and responsibility aro vouch od for by tho lending bank officers of North Carolina. Tho Oom Medal was awarded it at tho Goorgia Stato Fair. Seo adverti?omont olsowhoro. Send for circular to J. W. HINS DALE, Secretary, Fayottovillo, N. C. IT IS a raro thing that physicians give any countenance to a medicine, tho manufac turo of which is a secret. About tho only ox coption wo know of i? Johnson'? Anodyno Lin iment, This, wo behove, all endorse, and many of thom UKO it in their practico witli groat SUCCOHH._ PERSONS requiring pnrgativea or pills should bo careful what they buy. Somo pill? not only causo griping pains, but leave the bowels in a torpid, costive stato. Parsons' Purgativo Pills will reliovo tho bowels and clcanuo tho blood without injury lo the Kystom. BURNETT'S FLORAL HAND BOOK. flee, finn't. (io to Riverside Water Coro. Hamilton, III. Voil need not KO lu Florida to cure your couRh. Tako Tutt's Expectorant aud enjoy th? comforts of home. This lu good advice. A?entn. Chan? Chang selln at sight. Necessary as soap. Moods free, Chan? Chung M Tg Co., Boston. VcertiiWc and Plower Reeds. Send rte stamp for UalAtOglieH. lloO'l. Veitch Afton,Kew Md vim Ol. ttr* - J>?U fi KO. WINSON A f?o.. Portland Muin?. $60 a week to agents. <'neiilars free. Sample ??ic. o. i HA i. WK a ?t Co., Si. Louis, Mo. ORGANS For Home Use, and for Churches and Kalle. NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES. UnepM in Tomi, and iii Ecanty nf Exterior. The Smith American Organ Co, OF BOSTON, MASS., Tull attention Ul lllclr NXW I.IST. Willi nllgravlllifS nml descriptions, anil assure Um publie ? liait In these Instruments ? re lo li? ton ml combined Hie h?ll otTcctii which (hey have mada In lliclr twenty; live years ol expeiionoo. No oilier lusli liment :;.? e&actly linliutva the Hipe Orean Tone. IUUCKS TO S VII1 THU TI M KS. Lints H?III frc? on application. smith A lloynolda, Norwich. Ct . nm:-'- Wc llHVU holli nml used > our Boa Kouni lor several >ears nml iiiiheslt all nely :<-.. commend lt iw tho bent baking I lowlier in tim market " smith. Oaso ,t Co;, (Irorrrti Porttn'ld Mr... Mil/.-" We usc lt in our own hun I ms nml believe it to he decidedly tin- best hakim; powder." Its economy is womlerltil ; it make . IO Un. more li:cud lo n barrel of Hour. M niions ol cans ?old nml not ii single complaint, -end for circular to i.eo. (?.mt7. ?te l o., 17d Omine st.N .Y. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! NOVELTY PRINTING PRESS. KIM' I*i'Olt*MHioiiiit ami Amateur I'rliiterH, Helmut*. Societies. .Him ulnc t iircrs, SIei'cluiiitM, ?tul others Itu Hu- BEST cwt invented. 1 :t. ooo lu usc. .Ton ntvlCH, Pricen from S5.00 to S1D0.00 BE M J. O. WOODS & CO. Mannf rs ami Idealen in oil kimi* ol Printing; Mnterlnl, Scud ilouip 1erCatalogue.) -10 Federal Bt.Boston. PORTABLE Soda Fountains. $10, $S0, $75, & $100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHE Al*. Shipped Hendy lor U.-e. Manufactured by cir A PM AN ?tc.o. Madison. Ind. flOrsend lor a Catalogue. DR. C. A. NO. ?19 North Filth St met. St. l^nls, Mo., ESTA II LISHKD lsn. Cures all Bufferers without the use of Morcury. Charm"? reasonable fera. B~??~l)r. B.'R "Trentis? on S(ii'i'inl Olsenbes," which fully explains tin? nature, causea, RymptoiUR, and means lo mire nil flinn? of XcrvoiiH Dehlia v. all Diseases caused Lythe " Errors ol Youth," mid Tamable information on other delicate subjects, sen* FIIRK lu plain sealed envelope. SENT FREE a. Hook pxpoHing tho mysteries of WATT om and how an? ono may operate nae- Vf li Ll ll ?I % cessfully with n capital ol' SSO or S 1 OU?. Com plete distinctions and Illustrations to any addie.-". TUrtlI?llIOUK & Ct?. BANKERS awl BROK li XS, .? Wall Street, New York. Mausillon Harvester. Buy the Best. Two nu ii mud -?-r\li>"' acres dall v. -=!===sBiiiderscaii BU or STAN ?. Ad dress IRD WIN BAYLIS*, Ma-slllon, O. THE FAVORITES! EA MIL Y FA VOM TE. > Tile 1 ltle.s MANUFACTURERS FA VORITB. J- Imlicntc GENERAL FAVORIT*. J Hie Uses For full Information respecting our noels or Agencies for Hume. address WEKD SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY at Hartford. Conuaulenl. or our Branch Oftlces In lenitlm; clilef. f :\ BOOK AGENTS WANTED. For new and poptllur hooks. Just Is-clu ?by Hie ' American pulilishins Co . umniiK whicltaro " The (treal South."" History ol" nomocracy,'" People from the Oilier World " " Wit and Humor," .V- \ A new hook hy Mark Twain, ami on* hy Brel Harte, nearly ready. Send for circular.- (or terms, etc.. to P. D. HAN LIA LL ACO., Cincinnati, Ohio. TIN WIRE R9NCS. Will not Hunt or mrle tho :% Ilojr'n Nope ^?Hardware Dealcrafioll them. k\ K:nKcr.S1.00; Tin HinftP. por 100, CQ j .; Copped ri Hiiicn, -OOo.; TongH. 81.?o: by niall, .postpaid. Circulant free, ll. W. Hill A-Co. Di Pm iii eulnrH. Address w. li. Mci'A Hi,i.V. Carrol I ton, Carroll county, Miss. II lutero?tmK I lliis lruto<; work of .'fio piiKon, containing TEA MARRIAGE GUIDE ;>. vuliiuhlo luloriuiiiioii .'"jr Ih'.tis who tito utan led -?? contemplate murrlauc. Price Ufly 01 lusby mall. A dil re-ts UK, BUTTS' DISPENSA KY. 12 North Klshth street. Ht. I,OI-,IH. MO AOICNTS WANTKII Kvi.ity wu KKK. -The ehnlroHl lu I ho world- Importers' prices largest company tn A merles-staple article -pleases everybody-trade Increasing-best in ducements- don't wiusto Hine-semi for circular t'< Robert Wells, -lt Vesey st. N. Y. ; P. o. Box P.s7. rpu IS paper ls printed with ink furnished t.y I Charles Enen Johnson & Co., BA) Hu. Kitti st* Philadelphia, and SO Hold Street, New York. For sale lu Ul and .-'"> lb cans by SOUTH EUN NEWS PA PEU UN ION. Nasbvllio, Tenn. KNOitLOI'KUlA. Agents may ci.ln ninny nt thl- ; t"? commissions LA KOK. Wrile toT. ELWOOD ZELL, Philadelphia, ra. A MONTH.-AGENT* wantod every where. Business honorable anti first class. Particulars noni free. Address WO KT ll & CO., St. Loni?. Mo. VflBtCui'1' BOWNE WI* A OENTSj?u IIUTOR, enlarged In f,l alumna, religious and secular. 7W.v.< eviniwhrrn. Five inuKnillcc it premiums, sample, terms, free. J. ll. EARLE Boston. AGENTS WANTED iV^&^X circulars and our extra terms toueciits NATION AL PUBLISH I NO COMPANY, Clnelnnull, ohio, or Meiuphis, Tenn. Till/' Dnurrlnn f 0,10 psekuuo makos 1 ipiarl finest IHH 1U HU?l . black ink. Hy moll per doz., $2. sniffle puck "ic. .I.C. Harris,OriiKKlst.VonanKO,Pu. Conftimt. Eiiijitnyjiirnf,-At home, male or female, (30 it week warranted. No capital required. Par-' [(culara and valuable sample sent free Address, willi fie. return stamp. C. Hess, vVllllamsburgbiN.Y. (ftf) P' PKlt DAV co-nmh.Hlou or SSO S ?MX ?b jiu ?) salary.and penses. We oin>r lt and will PA V ll Alipiv nnu- ti IV.Iilirr Jilin, Marlon O A Weeli und expenses lo all. Arllelci now, .i.ipl.- ns ll.mr. Sample fro?. C. .M. UNI Nt 'TON AllltO.. N V. ..r UhlcsKo AtlEN'l'H WANTKII-Men and women, $U4 a week or ?IIO forfeited. Thc trr.irt. free. Write kt one? to ('OWEN A CO., ftth Htreet. Now York. The American Patron ls the most pouulur grande 2 and larm imper-II.?5 a year. Specimen freo. Ad W dress J.K. BA HNO. Publisher, Plnilay, Ohm. ??i)f\ Dally lo Aeent'i. HS new articles and thn itP^yJ bent Family Paper in An?fries,, willi IWll pinbnuuos, free. Aro, M'f'if tro.:ioi) Broadway, N.V Caliilofftie Freo. Ku iloljih I*Ell DAY-Send for "Chromo" catuloKue. J. II. BI.'I KOIIO'HHON.S,Boston. I f Smi ?mtw ? Tho i . ELl??nXmoofthom. Only .I.IO^ea, - "3114 r3Z05 _ m li"/r. Une? <.> limit-M-ry elyl Cnun-ra-halr. I'M- mr ?irwi anil" lern willi CW* JM-|r?ll?rn ? >"' Cl ./. i-. nl?._I.I/..M. g". relit?. " iv.- ?I?."II i?-if.-.-i OliOTH MO II.-ni logelber, oder liclm; cal by Any Pnttern on this pi Smith's " Instant Dress Elevator." , Ti,|*CUTrtipw;t?? aC Upper Vnrt ef-lh* .wrong r.irtc| out', wini Min "Elo vntor" llxed In. Von can i?!"1' >>""" e*1'' willie purnim: >? mud ilr plaice, ntnl Hun lt I lt fall, er you ran keep it i.lscil. M ki l l'" Iii? ?kiri Irom th- Filth, ll XtOopB Inneklrl In n Tuntcrul ?nil Yn Blilonnblc Mariner. ? draw* ?ll thc fullness I" ll..- l?e W. niaVIny Jil? -BtrniKht. front," li Haves tnore linn Ton Timan Ita Coat, it ' ibanged mini One Dicja lo another. I M?e,4S ?ni?? '"..'.>.__' Sample, copy i TION BOOK <>r. Becruto oFDrosu-irtnktuB. 1 AUttrcsn, very plain, ^ B?RDET GREAT of TWO of then vator." malled t will Bond you ac Eilum at any tin Gr-E. GOLD COI up tho larpent Cl of AUOU8T. Tr Sn S250.00. ex?. SIOO.OO, ta so pomona, v XA/.AAR. wltli P.O. Box 5055. BIBLE LOOKING-GLASS. REFLECTOR, Companion nnd Grtiide GREAT TRUTHS of the SACRED SCRIPTURES.] SIX HOOKS IN ONU. Illustrated by nearly I ?0O Knut uviiius, Hin itv I Hg every vuiiety ul i,min.ii character, ami every quality ol Hie tituunu henri . , Tliorouulily Kvimfiellenl and Orthodox, but mit r.eeturinii : neither Dry, Sanctimonious I nor sensational, hm full ol' oh! fashioned honesty amt piety. Sound lo the cote, UM graphie pictures ami read I i)l{ strike home. Keilli; ii Quarto, it l-l a companion in shape ??ml character u> Hie Family mule, which lt rcllecia nml ex phillis. 1'iolinlily no W nrk nt our Lnnciiitj;? ta?o well adapten tu leach the great vital truths ol' corr reel living. IT IB ii KVINO A OKS AT SALK. Many Agents arc nu.km.; from S"?0 io s i no ncr week. AUh.N IS ? ANTE? EVKHYWII ERK -Olcut indncemenisoilercd Senti $i"?S for Complete Out lit, r.::-.; begin ut once. Address. BRAOI.KY, OAKRKT80N * <'>.. ?0 Kortlt Fourth Ht., IMiilntlelpliln, Pa, My animal cutulogut: of Vegetable and Flower Seed lnr l.ST?. will lie sent frrr lo all who apply. (,'UHtOlltcra of lust tieilKOn need nul write fur il. In it will he lound severn! valuable varieties ot new v?gctahlcd Introduced lor Hie ii TMI time this season, having made now vi geiables it specially for many years. Browing over rt hundred mid fifty varieties ott myBevel al inrms, l would particularly invite the patronn?e of market gardeners and nil oilier? who are especially deslrom Ul have their seed pure ami irish, and otthc vira Inst strain. Allseed spill OUt l>Oul my establishment are covered ly three warrants an elven In my catalogue. JAMES J. rl.OREOORY Marlilciiead, Mass. HOTELS, BAKERS, c^FOE GROCERS, -T T HOUSEKEEPERS, AJJJJ BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. I have an IMPROVED UKO El PT for makins ii ITUk~.HAKING or YEAST POWDKKequal to Hie best In th?? market, with which I Will -end a book giving40 new and EXCELLENT METH ODS mr usia;; it in cooking. My Duking Powder eau lie made lor Ificcnl? a pound. Why puyWInr (VI oems per poi. ml when yin can easily make your own fur Hi cent?? Trice ol'my receipt H '-'?"i ll will, however, he sent upon receipt ol ?l.On nv M A11. Willi directions (Ul I - in; I I'll i and Ocr m all i fur MARINO and OH I Kn I Mhe KA MK Of the NKW8PA: H?tu H elven in which rids advertisement is seen. 'the COST Of this K If OKI PT ls BAVKIi IN KVKKY TICIIKK coiiNiisof the powder made; Ingredients kejii ny rocerannddiuggialseverywnare. Address D. \V. ItKluus, Practical Druggist, Chicago, III. A FORTUNE FOR $1. Wyoming Monthly LOTTERY. Legalised by A uffttrity ?fan ?ct t/tht Lefiitaiur*. Ticketi $1 ?eh, Six for io- One Chance ia every 9, Fifth Extraordinary Drawing, 1 Cash Prixo or 8loo,ooo -1 Canil I?riv.? of 50,000 1 Cash Cri/.? of 25,000 I Caxli 1*rize or tiO.OOO 61,025 Gash Prizesnrnnuntlnp; tn $350,000 Th? flr*. Ritrmnrrtinfir/ Prat*, inf wai pteiMed over by Coi. Patrlrk, I'rn'i of finare, of Trad*. Tht second bj Governor J ?mn? Third bj TIekM IToldare- Th* fourth br J arl pa lUe ?iell, I' r . **t <>f th* Renata !' rt fl ? Q V fl f y 30 Diiyn, Agents wanted* I.tbtral pay For fal) paxtictjla/s teni far Circulan. Address th* Uanac;er, 0. M. PATTEE. Liiramlo City, Wyoming. N B - [Armml? City lion Ua Uni?? PaelSa RaJlr***, b*-> Iwaan Cbtaofe) and Ofdaa. DR. WHITTIER, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Mo., rcnllnoe? tn treal ell rn?..t of ni.ainrloii lo marriage, h!.Y*J IIDIiiirilte-J, c.-cry niliniul ? r Nteknesa which rmulUi r.r.c Indlwretlen or ImiTUilr. KUI, nDuaralleled ilMeivi Dr. H . H (.m.iliii. lnacat ii i-hnri.-rtd hj thc Plato jt lil* Marl, wm roundel nnd bu liri-u caUbliihed io j?our, ?*"1'? reliable relier. Bel?g a graduaVe ?! .merni on-dkMl .-uilr^i'?. uni haring Ibo ex perlend ot a !<.?(! :iiid ?in-01'^f ,1 hi,. |" (,?, M ulallie, ht- ha.; perleclcd rrm. ll.-H ibat :iro ell.jctu.il in nil th. ie lill patlehlt are bolDji tr..:!!!-,! i.y rmii or exprem eTerjwbere. Kc mallrr who fallet], eall ?ri. rile. From tho great ouro ber or applloatloiM l o I? enabled to keep bl* -Imrcei '"?. ,ili paijes, i-lt lo? full M iuplcmi, for mo ?tataj,? IViARRB?CE G?8DE, J??| a?.-i. p. popular bank which abouM ho read bf -:erf .i. /.'"'_" ?','"l . V,!,or KJrRon" contemplating mar. - .noil llierniiire on thia auljtct, Um reaallaor IV W * '?.[...riinv; a:.i ino |"-Tt thoughu from late werke a Kurop. md A m?rk? ?caled, poet.patd for ?I CU. W WELBOE'S COMPOTTETD OF (PURE COD LIVEEI OIL AHB LIME. WUIioi'1* ?oil I.Iver Oil mill I.lim . | he xrei-.t p polarity ol'tins afe und i tlteaclonsprepar ation ls aluin: nttrihululile lo in .o i rio ii- worili In Hie cure or oOQglli toidi BHthmtt, hioncUltls, wliooplng cough,scrofulous humors, ?nd nil con BUmptlve symptoms, ll has no r-nperlor. If erpial. I,el en one neglrVJl the ? arly hyrnptonn ol illhoune, when cu aifelil ls lim I al hand which will alluviale ell coin ida! II ls of i he ohos), I n n I{H or throat. Man ufactured univ hy ,\. C. WI I,Hull, Cheinisl, Hus loll. Sold hy all CrdgglHlS. UIFI.KS.SHOT (lli.NS. PIKTOM^a ItKVOI.VEnS, Of ?ny nml every kia*!. Send ulnmp ' fer Catalogue. A.Mr.a? e>r?a?t tVralara Clue M*4 riuteil Warka, r>ITTI Ii XitXiiU, TA. th's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar nly Wnsn?ne that IMPORTS STYLES and , with Promlum. Seo Below tl (oem*!*.) - SW |.|. tldi.J"?lln-lv IMIW -llAcunliic I" "ru i."nd?-?l Irr.trlnc. " IT ., "Mn.- lllrnr-.lT! ?nygund?, mutt, lor Ulindi lng. ^ w?^'n'w?th ?W? Kl.,T wilt. ?M I-.?T. *H . . UH \ttmM, ir. ???uti'. |.y..fri. 85 rr?._Ies temi?._ "vi, ,,.<,>. ..?II. , II. ? I.I. Ii ?IMIW? In?! Spi K^llVrn. T..7y PERFECT QU?1WR tee mallod on rocolpt of mar kedprice. j?rai?ai"lb I Thooo who nona to A. liurrtoUo nrCLU fl Bmlth Ono Ycnr'D Subncrlption BrtiUca\..rwhifh willTontillo you to seloct your pro io. XT3P .A- OTJUB S Wo shall elvo away $2,135.00 ?r?&9UgACZ^Vo?w?^ LAR?EST CUU.B will TC N!_ ubu tor tho - BAZAAR .. . ??non who ?et? un tho LARGEST C5.?5 Sfii' &?ct larpent. S20O.0O. Nexi TnrKCBt.. SftO-OO, !ir XBW? SI 35?-00 In Ooh*- on l??t. BAZA Al I ?o^itSSr SlrSSiSSsea win ho foundJn M?s : tho number.that cn ch,,ono pnnt. Ort nco,* iTE SMITH, 914 Broadway, New York City, Mailed Free on Receipt of Postage Stamp. VOL. V. BURNETT'S TABLE OF CONTENTS. [IN l'ART.] CALP-NPAtt, 1H7.V ClIANOES Ol" TUR MOON ANO MOIININO AMI KVENINU PLANETS, 1875. ECLtl'SCS, 1R75. UNODAOI; OF FLOIYEUS. POETICAL SENTIMENTS. CULTIVATION OF SCKINO FLOWEHS. CAUTION TO IIousEKKKrKiis. CAKE OF PLANTS IB THE PAHLOE. UMITEU STATES POSTAL REGULATIONS. Language of Flowers ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. JOSEPH BURNETT & GO., BOSTON. THU ELASTIC TRUSS ?Nh HUPPOUTKit is now superseding all others. Ming adoptai everywhere by the lead lng physicians, sur geons, druggists, nrmy ami navy, hospitals, gy lu it uni il ni. ?-tc. Thc success ami iltliver satlsfacl on ihi'y Int ve jlven. ILS well ns Nie grent numoer ol rad len I cures they have eiTccieil. has demonstrated tin; r.iei that rupture ran be surely turra without suirerlng or ennoyauces.?ntl toUHout the danger of incut Wnp Spinal dheatcor paralysis, often caused by the se yere pressure of Metal Trurstfl and Sutipoilers. It ls the only uro cnn; for M ern lu. nu Ills thc c.nIv I riiM In use that will hold the rapture ?.ecu ely In all positions In which the budy ctn be placid. Il will mrlorni rfd Irai cures whim all others lall. It can he worn with ease androuifnit when 110Spring trusses can he used. \. hen once adjusted no mo tion of the budy or acc'rienl cnn displace lt. Thcsr instruments have thu unqualified approvil of the most eminent practitioners In HM i role-salon. From the numerous testimonials 1B? our posses sion we append tho following : "A Her the expetience of months patients testily i Btronicly 1" hs ejficticy, as well as lo lim e ise and freedom Iront inconvenience "?villi which the In strument ls worn. Willi superior advantage?, Hie Klatfic. Trust possessen lu a high degree AI.L re quisites und ojinllflcalinns claimedfar other Inven lions. I have no tn Minnon in regarding it as an Important means for the relief and cure of Hernia. .1 M. ?AHNOCIIAN, M. I). Kx-Hciilth r.fllcor Hf the I'ort ol'New York.Sur gron-ln-t hlef of -'??- ''III-I.- -state Hospital, e.C G KO. V. Rouait, M. i>..riii|>'i nlnstlc Truss Co. Pear Sir -A lier suffering for thirty yelirs in my own person, from lhi> usc of every lorin jjf Metalle Truss procurahie In llils countrv and lit/Kuropc. I. two years UKO, applied your Elastic Truss, and since th t linio 1 have experienced cont lort and satisfaction,and been tnuglil the irtith. thal the Ul aa tia Ti uss is the iii ly mstrnment that should be used for thu relief atilt cure of Hernia; and now aftpr more than thirty years' c'liitiniinus practice, and having adjusted many hundred., ol Trusses (ann ror ibu 'asl I wan IV months yours exclusive ly). I ural..nilly declare, it io bc my dfllberalttopln .on, that t/our Wattle Tnt** is I he only one en tilled o the eoiiltdcnce'ul the nuhli' ; that elasticity is the only power al all adapted lo the requirements of a Truss ?,r Slipperier, nutt nut convinced that your Rtmtlc Truss actually cnn? a largo propor tion ol all cases to which ll ls applied, not only amolli; childn II. inn in numerous cases within mr own kiinwlcdr,c nt patients from ."> - lo 7ii years of age. ll KU UN HAM, M. n . Prof. of A iiiilmny and Mirgorv, N. Y. IC. Medical College. - I le ware of cheap mid worthless imitation Ifilasllli Trusses, which r.mie paries adverllse and nell, fraudulently representing that they are mnnufac lured hy the J- lastic '! MISS Company. Those Trussei are vent by mail to ail parts of the country. Satisfaction cuHianteei] in ail cases it-'inre purchasing any oilier, write for Descriptive Circular i frtfA tn ihe Kl?ANTIC I'll I'SN CII.MPAIVV, fiS':l Broadway, Now York. SASH DOORS BLINDS "^W^ VARNISH TRY ELAINE LAMP OIL. Safe, Brilliant, and Cheap. PIUM Habit Cured A ?-erlalu and sure cure, without inconvenience and nt. home. An antidote thal standspurelyioJl 'It own merlin. .Send for my quarterly nuignzliio (ll emin you nothinu), coiilalningcertiflcates of luiiidrcile that have been permanently cured. I claim lo have discovered mid produced the KI1WT, OlIIOtNAL. ANO Ol? LY St: Hi: critK Kin OPIUM KATINI!. ?>K. ft. II. COf.EilNR, I.it I?oi lc, Ind. IL M. WOOI.r.Y,.Sole A fri. Southern Stn tr?, AI lantn, f.a. HAItlTlCUKKO nt Home. No Publicity, Terms moderato. Time Short. Four years of nie _ pnrHlleledsuccess. Di-scrihe.cnso, 40O?^???IOJI;???. Address Iir.K.li..\Iarsli,yuliicy.Mlcli. OPIUM diQAAmi'l oxncnFc?a month toiiKPiits. A-ldreH 9?CUUA.L. hTOUOAKD, Jonosvillo, Mich. For advertising In ANT newspaper before seeing my new catalogun of over IINIC TIUH'SANI) Papers. H. I'. KA N 111 Ul N, 111 MoiiS>e-st., Obit ago,111. .'SSNY?'?IOMA^CY, or ???tl < h.i rm I n K.* B lint .IC, ... ., |,,K. III4II* kll.t ?All? til? lol.'HM ?fl. - ?I,... ..i ,i,, ,.. o., ,. i,.,. in?.ll}. I Lin nt I ni i i M I . - I.. . . I., I,...I I.V. . . nt-; (.. .11 . I willi ? M.tllll. . OV :. Kcyptl ni (Inti In. H.III.,m In ij. li. ...t.-. l,OW>,Wi??(,l.l 4ti. ii I? uk. Addri >. T, WII.MA:|M A CU.',rnti'?i,l'hllK.|?l|iliU Dis tl. Walkers California Vin? Cgar iii tiers aro a purely Vegetable pinpa:-;:.' ipili mado chiefly from tho na tivo borl o found <>n tho lower rangesoi ilif Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, t lu? medicinal properties of which ;m; extracted therefrom wit hout tho use of Alcohol. Tho question is til mose daily asked. "What is tho cause ol' tho unparalleled success.of Y?K'E'OAR Brr 'i'Kiis r" Our answer is, thal they remove the cause of disease, and the patient 10 ctacrs his health. They aro the great blood purifier and a life-giving principio, a perfect Renovator hud Invigorator )f tho system. Never before in the history of tho world has a medicino hoon rumpnitidcd possessing tho remarkahlo qnnhliuH of VIKEOAII BITTERS in healing the sick bf evo*? disenso man is heir to. They sro a fientlt Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inihunmation ol the Liver ann Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. 'mic properties of Dn. WALKER'S VlNKOAB BITTERS are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminativo, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic Sedativo, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera live, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim VIN KG AK 13 ITT HUS the most wonderful iii? vigorant that over? sustained tho sinking system. No Person eau toko t hose Hit t ers according to directions, and remain loug unwell, provided their.bones aro not de stroyed hy mineral poison or o th 81 means, and vital organs wastell beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Inter* mitteilt I overs, which are so preva lent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially tlioso of tho Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kid Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast 'tributaries, throughout our ontiro country during tho Suinnior and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea* sons of'unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensivo de rangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Du. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, ns they will speedily romovo tho darli? colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aro loaded, at tho saino time stimulating tho secretions of tho livor, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify the body ngaijistdisease hy purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia Ol' Indigestion, Head ache, Paili in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tlvo Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symp toms, aro the offsprings ' pf Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will provo a bettor guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise* intuit. Scrofula, or King's Evil, whito Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, tioitro, Scrofulous lutluinmutioiiH, lndoie? Inflammations, .Mercurial Affections, OH? Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sorb Eye.;, etc. In those, as in all other constitutional DIB eases, WALKER'S VlNKUAIl BbTTKIts tiavo shown their great curativo powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For I ii Ham malory and Chronic Rheumatism, Cont, Bilious, Remit* tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ot thu Blood, hiver, Kidneys anti Bladder, these Billers have nit tapial. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated blood. Mechanical Diseases.-Persons eu gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, (ioltl-heators, and Miners, as they ntl vaheo in lifo, aro subject lo paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, tako a doso of WALKER'S VlN KOAU BITTKRS occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Suit-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncle?, Ring-wovms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations ol' tho Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatovor namo or natura, aro literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short limo hy the uso of theso Bitters. Pin, Tape, and oilier Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thousands, uro effectually destroyed and romoVcd. No system of medicine, no voiTnifiyws, on an tholminitics will freo tho system from worms liko theso Bitters. ^For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo manhood, oi' tho turn of life, theso Tonic Diners display so decided ari influence that improvement is soon perceptible. . Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever yon find its Impurities bursting through tho skill in Pimples, Eruptions, ur S?re?t cleanso it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it it foul; your feelings will toll you when. Keep tho blood pure, and tho health of tho system will follow. II. II. MtiDONAI.I) .v CO., I)i-ugKlH,?' "'"I(',-'". ?*B**'?f4il" Francisco, Citlifornin mid cor. of Washington nrid Ohonton Stn., N j?. Hold it' . ill Orttirtrl?i? und Dealers? ? rhSoDT?S&nd CHOPPER IMPROVEDeVVARRANTLD f,lliw '''' '''Touoi. I'lu 111 I-I" ! dunno Ill-Ill I.11K1I ' iiliivnlor. PUntt-r llhttllutor M..I L'nltlvmni ? iiitlilun i Corn Pluni< i nil Dclimrnt, .tu w?mttttciL AjtOllllt ?Jt'AUtvil. Hull.l i*tnllif lor llluitini'il Circular, wilt wmr.-iit-.. .mil .. rtlAratef, ti I?. C. c. A- c. ITO,, l-Swllovlllo N. C., ni- to I/K"I Afant. WHEN writing to iiiivrrtlHt rM piense mention ti.linn- ol Hus pupcr. .%?>. > ' s. N. C. AOVKUTIHKKMI neu.? SS c<* Cu nae. r. .tow ?CM. A co.,-li yutk luitv, N. v.. tot ttieir /Atm* phtM ht IOU 1>?0?I, contRtuluc Uni* of tMA i.? ? wn ?tspwru, r.r*. -?ttmaUti ih?w|?? OM! of ai? ?vf Dal a.*. lil lA ute