"THE FREE CITIZEN. ruiiLisiiKD SATURDAY, MARCH 6th, I87&. City T>1\~*3<3torys ClTX" 0FF?CEUS*. MAYOR. - - JoaU' *v- Moseley. Ol.KltK. - 'J'- D? Wolle. TREASURER, - - li: Williamson. A 1.1 ) K ICM KN\-Henry Washington. .1 V. Harley, ii: Williamson. T. D'. Wolfe. POSTMASTER; - - W. E. Williams. CHURCHES. HKT-iiootsT EPIscot*AI.CHURCH-Rev Thomas Phillips, pastor. Services, mot li ing, afternoon ami evening. HAPTIST.-Rev. MT. Norris, pastor Services, tlrst Sunday evening, and tim second and fourth Sundays, morning, and evening. METHODIST fJsotttlO.-Rev. Mr. Cam pbell, pastor. Services morning and evening. Sunday-school. 9 A. M. PKKSIIYTERI AN.-Ile v. Mr. fVrnwii evangelist. Ser\ lees, ihorijhtg and after noon.- Suhdity-school, 9 1-2 A. M. KihsTcOl'?li.-First and third Sundays Morning and afternoon. LUTHERAN' CiiCRCn.--Rev. if r. Hough, pastor.. Services, morning 10 1-2', even liig at 7 o'clock. C?TTOtf QUC^TA'??ONS. FRIDAY EVENING. Ordinary, ... 11 1-2 & 12 Oood Ordinary, - - If,1-2 &13 Ivow Muddling, . - W" STrlet Middling, - -' - Towri c ii ii:; it. $nles-dny passed' off quite quietly. Wc are having genuine March ?weather. ti. G. Frederick and T. Summer's have bceh appointed notaries public. Edward Argo has been appointed tr??ir jhsticc for Brown's poll. Judge Reed has appointed C. R. M??es* as leg??l adviser tb the grand jut'y Of Charleston. Col C. C. Puffer of Charleston, has been annotated United Slates" Minis ter' to Brussels. Rev. D'. \V. Cut?in? will deliver a temperance lecture in this place on ? tlfc Jd'd inst. We learn that Mr. Danish's loss by thc recent lire in Branchville, wa? be tween ?0,000 and $0,000. Mr.-J. Ilrarkinn has hnctn reappoint-;- j od Jut j* Com missioner fot our eb?n'-j fyi There writ bo ?jctra st . ion oX? th^Toitr?! fre?d the hist MnndU) ?ii ! May. Thc County Commissioner*! propose to have n Court House that will cost from $20,000' to M 0,000*. Tr?l'? Justice Meyers bas ?n.t. crowded1 with- busiucad- during1 (hy. week. A Washington dispatch announces thc nppor'nlittiTn't' and conlirmatiou by the Scnalc of A\ Webster as post master of Orangohurg. President Andrew D'. White, Cf Cornell iinivcrsity, New York, lias been spending a day or two in Co lumbia, while on a tour farther south ward. Wc learn that thc town eotiuoil in tend increasing the liquor license. No afetfOrt tltfey could take would con tribute' mofe to the peace and pros perity of our town'. Judge Reed, at thc close of the criminar' Court in Charleston, on thc 23d,- sentenced four colored men to death for murder-Dennis R. Bunch and George, Hoyle and Jordan Ilar dce, brothers. Cur word for it, there is no better place to stop in Columbia than Rose's Hotel, A free omnibus from thc depot, and good accommodation nt thc hotel are always found in store for visitors to tho city. T. Kehn While passing along UMI.S1I?UU?? street oin.eui ng. n/y! aruliiiioi) Wi io bis compaiii??n > '.?Say, (. h uidic, ho? rr a h mi un ji:l> e \? ii: mu b .. -.:..... i" " ifllt \ -ti\ ! lUilS." I ...}t.;i v ! ; ?nit >o? L)..ii'i n your moi her b >>. nm-.-h you ha .mule} keep pun ol' il yimraullV' Tin* little fellow straightened u and, with great eiirnc'stness, i claimed : ..Do von think I would teil ; mother a In- ?" Turning io tbf little fell iv ?villi approving s-i--b-,- I - ii .. t'liat light, tu\ lilil? bo\ ; aUvav.s Jell i ..nub." Noble lillie fellow I if he ?iindi'? that principle of truth, he in HA ri from his humble position lo one ust fulness and honor. Honest boys make honest nit and honest men make happy bonn ?<>od citizens, fair dealers, true Chi Hans, and just b'gi.tlalors J while d honesty fills the land with sn tieri and wickedness, and peuples jads a prisons with holli joting and o Could granite wulls ami iron b: speak to us, they would tell us t sad fate of thousands who beg their do.vnwnrd career by deceivi and lying? This isa wicked nndp verse generation, and honest men ? hurd to find. Children, if you w to shun the downward ruin j if y wish to be successful and respecte if you wish to make glad the heart your parents; and, above all, if y wish to please j*our Heavenly Fath tell thc troth, for 44 Lying lips arc abomination to thc Lord ; but tl thal deal truly ure His delight." HEALTH SKKHKUS. It is sahl ll .Jacksonville, Floridans overrun w Northern visitors, so that hotels t boarding-houses arc uncomfortn crowded. Those who seek health that section have to pay a dear pi for it. Thc people will learn in lil that other sections of thc South more favorable for health. .??ri tmiiwiwi wwwu MK maw Publisher's Notices. -Hov. Mr. Hlakely is an authorized agent hu i ni- paper. -A. \V. Pinckney, of Branchville, ls ali nuinoHze t agent for this paper. New Advertisements. Sen o COMMISSIONER.' School C nmissi or Phillips has his ofllce il t on Thursdays and Fridays ot erich vv< t lc. His examinations are on the (Ind Monday of each month, jau. ??0-tr C. 0 KO RT JOHN ?les (he intention of rri:H3 TKADE ?a fresh suppl}' of -AND l'.? hi -?OK l'ED STOCK of GEN 1 : H?NDIGE, consisting 0| MY GOODS, silOES. HATS, Ac, &c. < : ; . . ?eel Frtiits, OYSIEKS. - v H DI NES. PEA? HES. TOMATOES. Choice Groceries, li \ ah. Coffee, iked. Sugars, lififetl. Teas, Heel". Till Ware. of all Kinds, p. iiii? SniokhurTobacco, Koli, o' \ Ciiewlnjtf Tobacco, Men] Liquors, .le and Sugars. I . . , nil ed barrels of Flour tc be s, , ?vifi blrry days. hazlitt & Co's Bitters. C. D. KORTJ?IIN. in ir. Keb 27, 1S75. j '..JKKS, 1er in all kinds uf I) a . and Medicines. lias bad Nine Years Experi aiitl Med'u iues anti ihuroiih I in a ' sss Drag Blore. ' m'en;;.... paid !" ibu ,-i?ni l???.Hl <. i.U .?..> t.'tio ur * ; I St' rv. :. Keb. j:5 : LIN \ ic.vJ3.i;i ja H. .orr.i:aiov, > ?.' ;. 1. i ., I?;.".. Ti.i ?ilav, Yt InM? > i'!|li lil?) lol iii SclpiUuiy ? ? dib. lt i|i'?| v in OA '.' i'ASSBSOKU TUA IS. i"-"::??ii- ' ' - ^ . uii . .\; ti ?.lila - . . '-M.'. !. M I ?1 ... ,| -jn I? M .Mri .: . ll:illaraton - - - IXAft V M i . DAY I'A SS EN? El? Tn A IX. .uni - ' - ".eil 1? M . , < . neilin . - . SU? A M . lill A SICHT KXPItKSS. tiuitliij > c cepleil. :..n . . 7.00 I> M V. I '. . ! : . oliunbtn . . . O'S- A M liiUMl iu - . - 7.1? 1? M .-ti;- . v loton . . - U,:? A 51 .10; STANIOIIT KXl'KKSS. it loton . . . S. io I? M li . lesion . . r> ?Jo A M I'lir hiiiiin D.iy l'u?8cngcr Trains, which ;. ... . \ M. ami arrive ?it 11.30 P. .M. will ('li Itifton ai?l Itratiiiliville) ?top univ I nt I? ?ml Ueoin?*'a- This appliee buln . lown trina. ? Ky iii in . Sithtt'inlu ii ?IOHO connection will ! ' ... i thc (.'lui Inllf, Columbia ?un? All i . .... ?J ii 1 ai ?ii.-ir CJroM?inj near ( '..luiiiiiiti. .iii lint li un* for through Columbia II nick ?1 ?eheilnta 10 Washington .- rill.18 liv th.'oihur ronto. . r '. nu all night Irwin*. Ua-^guge . Un >*h ?. S SOI.OM* "NM, ? ficuh.?s, ?J. T. A SuruuiutcnUont. Ki'b, .... A v. Dst tory of Fashion, Ploasuro "nd Instruction." I I i ip er's 13 azar?. i LUSTRATED. iv- y>\ ? ViUicvs of thu Priss. 1 I; / nt is edit i'd with ?1 eontribn . i ?iud ndciu linn we sehloui an; j air nu I; mid Hie journal It el I i i roan nf I hu great world ol Uoston TttivtUer. I'll lt AZ vic cniuuit'iids itself lo every ? i t ibo household-to thc child eon, the drud ?11.d pretty pictures, 10 - : ' i . ladies by ils faslilou-philes lu . i-li. . variety, io Mn? provident mal ron In li riis forI lit; children's clothes, t? patin tan.illa.? by itstiislci'ul ik'siyrns for Islippurs and luxurious dress* m - Hut (lie reading matter ni Hu is iii.iroriiil.i ol' great excel . i ? paper bas acquired a wide .1 ur tin? fireside enjoyment it wt .. . '. ?'. Keening Post. r ID 1?. J>I S : ye ee to oil Subscribers in the United Stutes. II.Mi r.11 .> llAZAR, ono year.$l,ro M.? Im-lnitoi prepayment of U. S. postage by Ipr pulilir-latr?. S, h, criptioit? to Harper'* Magasine, Weekly, m i Him, io omi iiililrcaH fur otro your, t lu.Ou ; or, two of Hitrpur's l'orioilloala, to ouc uilUroM toi 01 i - . J" 00; poblngu free. > i ' oliy ol uittior Hie .Maga/ino, Weok l\ ,>. ll itin will bo Hiipplieil gmtin for erery i'm. ?: hvr ?ttlr.?.:, Ta, 'H. uleganlly boi ?nu .'. II morocco cloth, will he ?-eut hy osiiri - liuiKUt prvpahl, tor *7. each. N .< . ?1... i ? tiru not to copy thU udvertise .ion! .mu thc exprenb oiilura ot' llAitrEitJt Uuo.^rii- AuilreH? .J..'.'. PLU vt UK?TUEK^ York. -??.? .. . ?i r--.-. ' raman om _ - A V V E ll T I S E M E N T S MISO K I.I. A N KO I." S. rpm-. SOUTHEASTERS ADVOCATE. There is soo? to be ii paper entitled as above, issued from this oillce, and pub lished in tlieinlereslsof the M. E. Church in this portion of our work1. Since thc unwise removal of the CharlcMon .Advocate, our work-has been enlarging and extending in lids section and demands multiplying for a local or gmi. Tlie Charleston .ddrocnje was for two years published in Charleston. It was during this eventful period in thc history id* our cause tn the South, one ol the most important auxiliaries of our work. Its removal left a vacant place here which has not since been lilied. It is an old saying,k* that blessings brighten as tliey take their Hight.*' This was cm phutlcaUy true in reference to our duper tor this coast. Many were taken by sur prise at bs sudden removal and were anxious for its return. If wc lind been as fully advertised of the wants and wishes of the people in this section, be fore thc transfer of that paper to Atlanta, Ga., as we were after it was done, it would never have gone from us. The Methodist Advocate is a good paper and ably coud neted, but it is too distant from tlie Atlantic coast to meet our local wants in this section. Our work on lids coast differs in sonic particulars from our work in the section of Atlanta, or the valley of the Mississippi. Its peculiar phases can not be met by those who live at a dis tance bom us, and are not conversant with the. exigencies and demands of this section. The people will have greater interest for Their Own Paper, that lives and sympathizes with them than eau lie tl wak cued tur one coming to them from a distance, and managed by com parai Vi? strangers. lt will he larger than thc FREE Ciri ZKN. will be Issued 33 i- we oki y, at the low price of oIXE: DOLLAR ? YEAR SoYtu: oi'ihoablcst writers ol our eb arch j Uti.- -..?Mun will contribute lo \tji col*I .!....-. Methodist Ministers, of ibo M ?'.'j urijii. traveling ?.nd focal aro agents] ii- ibis pap.i ". j .el those who re/id iiii?i ?.lie: ai l a; o?ie? hi getting up a list ol'; -li'.i V-. ;';| Ali com inimical ions foe She Advocate j .'?io;.'.?: be directed to t?, at lill? place, .' I A. WEliSTEi?, ' j '.tr- 187 ti i>r:iii??chuVg. g. ? GET THE BEST W E JJ S T E It S LT X A II Ul D G E D DICTIONARY. 10,000 Wolfis anti Meanings not in other Dictionaries. :if)00 Engravings; IS 10 Pages Quarto. Tit ICE $12.00. I W commend it as a splendid specimen I ol learning, taste anti labor. [Montgomery Ledger. Every Fcliobir and especially every minister should have this work. [West. I'resb . Louisville.] Best beek for every body that Hit: press has produced in thu present century. [Golden Era.J isbipciior. incomparably, to all others, in its del uh ions. [lt. Vf. M el humid. IVCF. Climb. Univ'y.] 'JChe retint al ion ol this work is not eou llued to America. [Richmond Whig.] Every family in the United States should have this work. [Gallat?n Rep.} Remarkable coinpeinliuui of human knox? letlge, (W.s. Clark, Prcs't A gr icu 1. Col. ALSO WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTO RIAL DICTIONARY. 1010 Tages Octavo. COD Engravings. Price So. WO TO 1. The sales ot Webster's Dictionaries throughout thu country in 1S7.J were 20 times as large as thc Miles of ?my oilier Dictionaries. In proof ol this "wu will send to any person, on application, thc statement of ihore than 100 booksellers 1'roui every section of the country. G. & C. MERRIAM. Sprhigtteld. Mass. Publishers Webster's' Unabridged. - o Webster's Primary School Dictionary, 204 Engravinns. Webster's Common School Dictionary, 271 Engravings. Webster's High School Dictionary, 207 Engravings. Webster's Academic Dictionary, 311 Engravings. Webster's Coutil lng House Dictionary with numerous illustrations and many valuable tables not to be found elsewhere. Published by lYlSOX. BLAKEMAN. I TAYLOR rj>un of opinion ls ?Imply tremendous.-: fin: WEEKLY ??ahit?tua ? positivo popw lit.ii. expresses decided views ort political lim] ?oclttl vTohh'mi.-Louisville Chutur Journal, ? MO-ttuL? nro p^Mlels Of 1.1 'h-tOllCd dis'eu-?sion, ;in. Kuhscriptioni to Hapcr'e Magasins, Weekly., and ita ?jar. to ono vi drus* for one yenr,8lo.oiii <>r, two of iiarnrr*n F-erlodlcnla, to ?Inc address for one year, ?7.00: po* iago lice. An EMra Cony nf either the Magazin", Week* Iv, or Hnsjtr will ho supplied gratia fur every Uuhoi l ive .Siih?ortbura ut si.ou each, tn on? ruinitiunce; or, ni* Copies (or ?iu.oo wiib^ut extra copy: nostayc Ire?. Back Numborn ca n be euppllcd at asy Unta. A Complete Hut of Harpur'* Magazine, now comprising 40 Volumes, In neut cloth binding, will be rvnt hy express, freight at expon?? of purchasers,for S ?. J' nor volume, bingie vol. limes, by mai!, poUtpalrt, ? l. 0. Cle-tb cates, tor binding, ?; cents, by mall, postpaid. Now ann per? are not to copy this ad-'ortlso mcul without thc express ordura of UAI J?CU ? L'nciuucs. Ad'lrciia lUI'Elt & imOTUEKS, Kow Yorkt