THE FREE CITIZEN. PUBLISH F.D AT ORAMCEBURC, S. C. I?. A. WEBSTER, - - - Editor. A. WEBSTEK, PUBLISHER. . TK11HS : (fx* Gopr, ONE YEAR, - - - .32 00 Invariably in Advance. And I will come near to von lei judgement; and I will be a ?wilt wltnuao against thu sorcer er^, t\m\ agutu'st thc adulterers, nud against fal** swearers, and against Ihosa timi o|> press the hireling in lils Wriges, tho widow :>u>! the fnthcrlc-s, und thut turn uside tin stranger fir oin hla right, nn? r?ar flot me, 3 ai tu the Loni of Hosts.-MALACHI, lil, e. NOTICE';; :, . Wo nra not responsible for tho v?cw? vt our Correspondents. Advertisements to,hq 1/iscrt?rt Ju.tU? ?m??* ?nust bo received .Ur Thursday evening. .Adr?riUcmcnts l??a^Ud nt' Ono Hollar per Inch, Tor the llrat Insertion. Further terms can be had on application (u thu Editor or Publisher. Communication's on matter* of State or Local interest, tcspccU'ully solicited. All orders for Job Printing left nt this office will receive prompt nltvnlion. Agents and Correspondents wanted in all Towns of thu County. SATURDAY, MARCH G, 1875. F?owsp?per Law.' We invite attention to the law con corning newspapers : 1. Subscribers who do not give ex press notice to the contrary are con eidcrcd as wishing lo "continue their subscription. . 2. If subscribers wish their papei' d?scbntinu?d publishers maj' continue to send them until all charges arc (mid. 3.' If subscribers" neglect o'r'refusc t? take their papers froth 'thc offices or places to which they are"sent, they are held responsible until they settle their bill and give notice tb discon tinue them: If subscribers move tb other places "withotT? rnfbrmi?tg tbs publish er, and' the paibrjr'i? sent to the for ster rnrvctlon, they aro held respon sible. Notice should alway.s bc ?1 veri of removal. . ;J. Tho Courts hayo decided thal refusing to luke a paper or periodical ?ro?V tb? offtcV, 0^ :tiBi?i?lli? and lou vi ug it u&?'&U?d for, |?tertdou?o as intenti Important Information Thc Ornugcburg Xvifyo! last week says;- _?{ " Itt the next HI of this paper, or soon thercaiVcr; wc will publish in inil the leatluiony Lauch in thc lin bert Andrews affair, together willi ?iflttry afllduvits showing where a .heat little pile' of. thc people's inbney went.** This is just as it should bc. Those vrho have information of so much consequence to thc public should be WI Ml hg tb'serve thc interests of thc pb?ple by presenting- it for thc public good. Thc people of thc cibtiYity my godd Vcasonu for supposing that thc editor of that paper knows'far better thau any other 'pb'rson ' iff tlic'Cohhty where a u neut lillie pile of' tifc'peo ple's money went." Wc arc glad lb soc thc .Vt .'.a pledging itself to suchtftrn obvious, yet too long neglected duty. Thc people have ex pouted more light on a subject so vital'from this official organ. Wc kiiow ou'f fund? arc short. Wc know that piibV and ' scantily-paid school chers afb' scUiVg: their claims to thi? day at a ruinous discount. Wc know the ol?'c'ry bf* u'6 ih'?ijby in thc Treasury i? still Leard, and back claims, duo' years' ago, are still un paid, but where ibo' neat little pile lias i/o/ic, or who bas got it, is a matter on wbicb, uo doubt, thc JNews can give us light far better than any other journal in thc Stale. Wc Lope the information will bc forthcoming be fore it is loo late to save G o mei h in g for our poverty-stricken County. Wc sec lhere ia being ail effort made lo raise a special tax for funds to build a Courl House, but wc ongbt to karu bow lo take belier care of the funds wc have already raised be fore we bleed thc people for" more. There is ouc consolation hi knowing tbat there is no money-h?rieal offi cials will not bo IcrnptccT to pilfer from an empty treasury. T? it L?GISLATURE! It ?a safd 'tbat large bodies move slowly. This is trae of our legislature ; bul slow movciiicn'tti dd not' always indicate >?rcathosG. Legislation ?however, must be reckoned among Hie ib?ngo tbat ought not to be hauiiii'y done, aud or diuari?y uo largo amount is yearly rc MWi?t? I'I * mmllt?mlllr*^.^xamTrw^mBX?..K.wam^^?lC*>??? q?ired to serve the interests' of tht? people. Those who have hail au op portunity pf visiting the House dur ing- thu present session, huve* been very favorably impressed with it? evi dent improvement in increased1 deco rum and dignity. Speaker Elliott proves to be the right' ratio in the right pluce, and manages" that body with great ability', ant*1 evident im partial adh?rence* ib pailiainentary regulations. Treasurer Cardozo: It is universally conceded that this has been'a' very dull session of the Legislature'. But recent ly it has been enlivened somewhat by an effort to convict State Treasurer Cardozo of malfeasance'in ofliCe, and bring about his impeachment. lu a report of a committee appointed to find out what bonds had been fonded, under the funding act, &c.,'seVious reflections were made upon Mr. Cardozo. On Tuesday of'th?d"Week- he suhmrtted" a Vindication of hi's official conduct in answer to the charges made by the committee. Mr. Cardozo closes in the following words ": "In submitting- this reply, I say distinctly, that Jf nsk*-no favor, nor any immunity fromtlfi?f foll*responsi bility for my acts.- This investiga tion and its res?ltsrlmve given1 rae no pain, save4 ih the' evidence it has afforded mb of tiro basic with which those who' have personal objects lo attain, will pervert their1 public func tions and powers to thc attempt to strike down a public oirhicr' ivTio stands in their way. 4* Called as I was to thc administra tidn'of the Treasury, at a period when our State cr?dit was utterly lost, our treasury empty; and every public in terrst and'ihstituti?n' on Ihe verge ol collapse, with duties moru arduous and responsible than'were ever'before placed" upon ntiy Treasured ol this State, I have t?b happiness to know J that my bitterest personal CLemies j caunot point to one error in my ac ! counts, to thc loss of one dollar out i of thc maiiy millto'ns c?lrusi?d to 1113 j care, ol' to Mic- diversion of OHO dollai : (Vom Hie ot ?joel l6'Jwmcli Life Uvw bu? dcvbix-d it.-' . ; , /?.lt would u?t'h?v'e bc/?h strang?* i , I bjjs.tsufrcrcd both fi'oiuj uiv ow oe fcooipTO? lUA.rveri.jiHv ??? thc t?u?St o i Vf* --?; V * duties vast ami complicated, <"j 1 Iliad been m .ide ' he viciWu ofvsom of ibooe'.io ?whom ] lu'ight hiiv? eu trusted thc (icrformance ol dut l?s con I liectcd with niy ofl?cc. 1 contr ate i Idle ufe .. that not only my own car and rectitude have savcd'nie from ci s pf my own, but that tn no inslanc las thc onlidcnce reposed by mc ii ..ny of my assistants been abused My single aim has been to do in j duty fearlessly and faithfully. Th ; obstacles which h'iv'c hitherto sui inndcd mc arc jyow greatly dimiu 'shed by lifo presence of one as 4 Gov erhor'; whose sole aim is to rcdcci j our State ??ovcrnment from its pas discredit , and to rcslorc good will t all our people* 41 !n that*wbrkTprofess myself t bc, on all' occasions,'"and nuder a circumstances a cordial and unfultci ing co-lahorcr with the Governor, an I have the con^ojation ol knowing lt day-a consblatibri of infinitely ra'oi value to mc than the" plaudits of Hi self-seeking politicians"of' tile bfruf that I have earned his confidence an esteem in thc discharge of all my di ties, both as an oflicer und na one wh loves the State and seeks in all woj to build up its prosperity and advunc thc honor and credit, which areno I daify returning to bless all our peopli 44 E. L. CARDOZO, 44 Treasurer of Sontk Carolina." A'GOOD Ex:\3fri;b. Governor Ti den's inception- of William Culle Bryant, at Albany, say s thc TriUm correspondent, 44 was a strictly ten perunce party, as have been- all tl entertainments which Govei-tior Ti den bas given ; and this is understou to be not only in accordance with h personal tastes, but with hie eonCe] lions of oJticial responsibility." Soisicn M KN. Tcrsons to whom committed so much of life and pro ci ty uo thone who control thc ruunii of cars on o;iv railroads ought lo I persons ot temperate habita. Tl managers of thc Lake Shore Rhilroj llave intimated that they will di chargo all employees who ure in tl habit of using intoxicating liquc Entering or leaving a liquor store lo bo considered prima facie evident flgaiuGt them. ?v. ? acfisiw ' Addr?ssof tho Bishope of thc Af.'ican Methodist Episcopal Church. .i? THE' AMEUICAN PEOl'I EV As bishops of tlie oldest ami mott numerous organization ol' colored' persons in .thc cbuntry, we beg per* mission to lay the* di?tTC3vCB*o? tftff people before your Never werc*chr!?tiaH*postor'? ??oiv n cd to witness the despoiling ol their' flocks, *as we have been. Before free dom wc were' the hapless- victims of rt wrong, weil' characterised t'y L-IIQ great Wesley as thc ..sure' o:': ail vii bailies." Since freedom white wo expected our libertyto' cb si us n -. ill, yet did w*? ubrisol?'o'?rseb'es with i'n;' belief that the' strtfngi ann that bad shivered the chains" wliieb dill fetter us would secure protection"thiDug out thc trying ordeal. But, alas ! wii have been doomed t? ineasurcabto disappointment. The freedmen's bli reau, by which the commonest r. la were conserved, has long since been abolished. In so far as it i)p?? rti?d lo' protect us in thc fruits ol our I: ' or, while wc and our wive- and lit ito ones'have* been made to feel hs :d? suc'r?cc', y?tfdid we patiently accept ita withrihkv/ar ; "* b*?t wheh it took in helpful hand from thos . who Wi ru qualifying us and our children fbi" the high duties of American . ftiziui?hip, then indeed were wo'first mftde'to feel that it might be the pMrpbse" ol' ?uf friends to let go oifr ham1 an ballow us to 'reiimin darkness and sert itiu helplessness of slavery. Arid it isa notable fact that, since ibo day thia wotl-'ofgoodtiess ceased, our tsiug manhood hus been Blow,-for 1 t\\ can to a" people" rise when despoiled on thc'?nC liand and not Itel n d on thc other:' It is of'lat6v, liowever, that our distressed nive'come'upon us willi unwonted fury. Brought in it? by :i very thunder chip-lo wit. tin failure of the Frecdinau's Bank-tliOir' ftit) has only been aggpuA'atod v/j;!r ila comiiig of each day,-until notvis u lal that wei afc al the very- uiovrtltfof an oilier lion's den, at the very &oor 0 another flory*1 furnace ; nor t>ou.< u! thosb whom wc tfchv.c seiv^d? wv ill thc utmost Qd?lity seemed uefttutq U plliii us lu. -rat Alas! thc chang"! '^''/M1' *v" .-.iir-^-.v .-.^c: -tri-' ..-..? '?T. iajp?ri\i ymir esitnping . oojk.s in bli??' thu gave llieiu' sure reffigc ;/ ttfl&j ou very helplessness was luui?d k>- you gl\ i'lijiftoppftiiuyliyj as "ti''did,' Bj man :f- '. the gvatitihc' ad-'." cliiwdrv 0 yoi? h*e':u".s." Abd on the olk*?-iioV presuming to address e?i.n im? -..IL of thc South-limo was wh.;l:- von wivb's afid'childre*h u'ert qH?t?| wind our grasp, yet/wiOU'a-l^d I have itbV trimble Israel ;' hui thou and thy father!* I1.1v in that ye have forsake;) Lin mandinenls of Hie Lord, and '.le. lin followed Baalim." We address m ourselves to you for the purpose tearing- o"jre*:i sectional wounds iii Wc would only rejoice to si c heale We do not ask you to avbiigC ns < thc ihe'n of' the South, for tiley ? ouf dodlitryi??en, with wliom wc ha lived and expect to live.' Mbrebv't wc feel ?\it? absolute* necessity of ll nation coming IdgOilier, assured wc arc that a bonah divided"again itself cannot stand ; arid' wli? iii va dal enough, bc his individual' shift ing what il might, to bc willing Ids his country go down? No; wc sii ply say that, despite thc fad-a fu conceded'by our worst enemies-tit rh us is lound,- as a ince, no wick intent, wc ure to-day ?* destitute, 1 flictcd,'tormented ;' we a?e slain wi thc word ;" arid t/rtily it may nc sr '.in sheep-skins abd' goat-skins wander about for deserts and ili'mot tains, and in dens and' caw;> jniumgeiueiit| and address, abd bc can oohipituva! knave h\ icfn.piintionsii Hut the hon-! K*$*TiVAZHxln. l?fj :b???- ?** '..?. ?....Av.|.v.v..A"iii:. J no. liriS?iK' Thcr?ture"th? k-fiave has io ?oinliai b?rc. wuh' sfctnethiug quite j out ul his calculation^ ; for ins cu ed is, '-hut thc w oi lil :>> it mai Ucl, wheie everything is to be iiought, ami also lo ix- sold ; and it .x unfortunate that lie has such- ? s for so bad a lilith : ' he hit-, si H i- vea i J either to buy or to tell, but Ito ba-, now't? do wUrh soiueihing-t.-'Hi it nti-ih-?n?. aud< he is staggered ah-! thrown o\V his guard, when opposed to that ihl&x-ible hon caty,- which he hits read oPperbaps in a book,-blit ns've'r expected to sec re alized in a man. It i- a new case in his record,"a serious il m not cast up in bia aceb?nts, ultiiough it makes ILe balance tremendously heavy against hi ip. J fere, he can propose nothing that will bc acceded to, he can" oller nothing tliat will be received' fie is as much out of' his re ?leo ni hg,' as-a man who being in want of jewels, should repair to thc diamond mart, with five cents in his pocket ; he has nothing LO give as an equivalent, bc exposes his paltry wares,' or dirty trick, and fancie*) that he can barter such trash for the precious-' pearle-of principle arid of honour, with'thbse who know thc Vallie of thc one abd the vileness of the other*. A NoitTIIBRKEB ArrRECIATEP. There is sometimes a complaint that Northern men often meet with a cool reception Iii thc South,-but it is re freshing to t?nov/ that sorfte who come to Us db- not ?hd it difH6ult to estab lish1 11101*/ business here, and' BCC?rc friends and patrons. It is thc' prt?ach crs and oclioOl' teachers wb? are not wanted here','a3"thb SbutHern people prefer those interested' in another kind of business. lt seems that John Morrissey, fbi' whom the roughs of New York sc dined the title of " Hon." by sending liiui' to Congress, having found it) ?grccaiilt? to pass his winters in Flor ida, as bc does Ula" summers in Sara" toga, can ibs with Mm' lite cha?acCer istie instvtu-ttons^ Ile has jiist c.-itali. H shed ? club (gambling) house hv Jacksonville, Fla., upon which a local' paper I'cmarks, " such men give tone Und vigor to tho locality in which they reside." The toa? ia* no doubt ooo ia keeping with the feelings and sym pathies of Southern society. Ex-Governor Claflin. Many of our readers aro familiar With the name of Clailni. The Clallin University is well-known in this sec Lion. It takes its name froirn Hon. Lee Claflin, the fnthe^ of the'ex-Gov ernor, who, during his" life, was noted for'his- liberality, and- gave liberally to aid "this institution.-' His son in herits many oMiis-'father's good qual ities, and especially his' interest in this University. The following no Lice of the Governor, who has" de servedly, in Massachuselt3'"nnd else where, many friends, . we clip from ?ion's Herold, published in Bosto-r?: A very elegant' and deserved"* testi monial was given last Saturday t?'ex Governor Claflin on the eve of his leaving for"a' European tour. Two leading political clubs, with many guests, including- many ol'" the chief uitizens'of Boston nutt of th'e State, united in a complimentary dinner. Hon. Charles W. Slack, thc vigorous editor of T*/te Commbm?'ecilth', oponed the 8pcnlting of thc hour with n vbVy happy-"eulogistic address: Mr. Claflin responded iii appropriate* terms,- and dosed 'by hoping, upon' L?s r&inlr tb this country, lo ifnd prosperity re stored, and Henry Wilson President' -a sentiment that was "received with' hearty applause. Many other'capital short addresses were made.1 A TEMTEKANCE LAM*. If people are to bc tormented with drain-shops and drunkards their consent ought certainly Do bc asked. Thc State ot Mississippi has recently passed a law which prohibits*'any person fro ni selw ing intoxicating liquors until-' tiley have first" obtained, in wrilitVg, the consent Of a majority Of all males over twenty-one years, ariel 'a 'majority of all'feinalcs over eighteen years, re siding within- the township*'of ward whcp?' tl?c liq'?or is't?'b'e a?ld** ADV E I* T I S E M K'-iVTS'. UI&ELLAKEO?S?' STATE OK SOUTH CAROLINA, Oi-ti CK SK? KKTAI'V OI? STATE J Goi.i siiii.v, S. C. Feb. 4(ii, i 37?'.; 'Wte KULI'. CITL^? h hereby icsignnto'd as"?ri? t?r* tn^r^wsp'ajjeV?; lor Uie pi?blic-ttii?'? ol' aU' legal no .: ... ......i r?,ni???l ? Vc ?t?Pemtfi?ta" fbi thc Conn ty of 0rnngcbnrg, under'thc Act approved February Md, 1 H'i'? entitled' "Ait Act lo regulate thi publication' c?f1 :?? legal irrid' pubiii notices und'all tonner orders of1 thi: Board in conflict wi lb tub is" hereby Hilt: HAYNK, Sec'y of Minto and Sec'y of Board. I, IL Bi Ii.VYNE,-Secretary ol Stale ch> hereby certify that thc" ! iv'gt inj h :? true' and correct' copy of th6 orig ina!, now on file in this office. IL E. HAY SK, Secretary of Slate. FIRE ! FIRE-!. T MM ft BR4t< -AT* The FriG'k Store Ard sell)tig oil* their xvniov^ujiiD fe TOOL Being slightly dhirJ?gtid by rcmova -: o : Tho Goods Must be Sold And arc selling, ibf whatever1 tilts will bring. Come at onco and secure Raref Bargains Wc mean BUSINESS, as wo nc? MONEY. Theodore Kofan & Bro, At MCMASTF.U'S BUICK Sion Oraugoburg-, Jan. 21, 1875. ADVERTIS IO M IO N T S . MISCELLANEOUS. I'wIH open till* morning al?tof'ttieV Oiliest -Leas* ever offered hi titi? market, consisting of* UNCOLORED JAPAN OOLONGS-,v SOUCHONGS, YOUNG HYSONS, and GUNPOWDERS j And hi order tb chhlvkte a tr?de fir* these fine grade? I will' sell them ' V E Ii, Y LOW. t'have alstfreeeived this mbrhifr* an'?ttiiP' ear-load 'of ' Soloi&QBrS'Fancy F?otur Fresh ground* at'urt?atT? Bsflfeeixfly for me from thu Fi?&cett ?el?ct'oil5 WhoatV I havfe nevfcr had a complaint of* tlds bVan'iVof flour!,' IjirbitTAST NOTICE ! Inferior KEROSENE Of fi ls so dan gerous and so many accidents h tve oe-" curreil fforry'itVustf, L'huvC been induced, . at the rep??fetl sol?citation of my custo-' mer*, to purchase a: supply of pure OU' for (heir 1 hAve just' rce'eiv?! lin' barrel ei1 v??' 121 . f?rt? te.T. I' xviii t?-)l this Viii* I >.l cTi?ajVer'thsiii thc Fame grad? of OIT cnn !>u sold at in this city. Familie? use >n?? rfrH ?V?l ail1' safe. Thc nie of! Ww: lominiMi Olio now FLOODING THE-MARKET is equivalent to biMngi/ig into thc family1 dcstructiot? a??d death 1 . I'have also received: 10 Tierces Fresh Curtid Davis' Hams,? 10 Boxes Cream Cheese, direct from' thc DUi ry,' i5-^irkiU?*Gbshen Butter,direct from' thc D?ir\', which has all Mig' freshness aud flavor of tho flow-' crs. 5 Tierces of Baltimore Sbgar<-CuredJ Strips,' 10 T?arrels of Tootra Mess Mackerel', . n-?OTiigiii?? tu. nty ?anees.' ,'5 Sacks LagtlhVra Coffee, eqUal' to' J)i\'al 50 Sacks of assorted R?oj by last Rio/ steamer. With a full supply of OH??C? GROOEK?ESy Fresh and Good. My stock is full, with' prices* low andi good1 tlmeo coming. Thanking tho public for their very lib eral patronage, and soliciting ita contin uance, 1 will do my best to merit th? arno. HARDY SOLOMON, Columbia, Bo. Ca.