-?'J IIBMIIHi THE FREE CITIZEN PUnillSllF.D AT OR API CEBU RC, 8. C. J?. A. WEBSTER, - - - Editor. A. WEBSTER, PUBLISHER. . dxB Corr, OSE YEAR, - - -*$2.O0 Invariably ?n Advance. Ami I Will come near to you to judgement; and I will be a swift witness against thu sorccr cr?, !\ml against thc adulterer?, and against false swearers, and against those tbat op preas tho hireling lu his wages, the widow nuJ tb? fatlicrlefd, anti that turn asido the atrangcr from his right, ano" piar ;wit me, aailh the Loni ol" llosto.-MAI. u-in, HI, 6. NOTICE;/. ,MV . ? .We ar? not responsible for tho ricki vt our Correspondents. , ' ,( Adrertisemcnts to.ba Inserted JtMbe ?ITKES Must be received.by Thursday evening. . .Advertisements ^iso^ted at'-Ono Dollar pet inch, for thc first Insertion. Further terms can be had on application (o the Editor or Publisher. - Communication's on malters of State or Local interest, respectfully solicited. AH orders for Job Printing left at this1 office wilt r?cviTv prsspS attention. ' Agenta and Correspondents wanted in all Town? of tho County. SATI?RD?Y, M?RCII c, 1875. Newspaper Law.' Wo invito attention to the law con ccrning newspapers : ?. Subscribers who do not give ex press notice to the contrary are con sidered as wishing to 'continue their subscription. . 2. lt subscribers wish fueir paper1 disebfftintied 'publishers may continue to fiend l h em until all charges are ptiid. , 3.* If subscribers" neglect o'r're fusc to toko their papers ff o itt *th'c offices or places to Which they are'scnt,thcy are bcld responsible until they settle their bill and give noticb tb discon tinue them. .4; If subscribers move tb other places "without informing ths publish cir j and" the* rt?rj?ri? sent to thc for int* cfircetioujnhMy aro bcld respon sible. Notice should always be given of removal. . ii. Thc Courts Lavo decided that ! rt fusing to take a paper or periodical j ifo?fc tb? oS???, .o^?a&CThi6 afta leaving it rivalled' for ,3 ?^jj^jdonv'c aa inten?^?B important Inform Thc Oraugcbiirg -Yctv^of last week ! " In thc next MM? of this paper, or soon tbereaflcr?^e will publish in f?ll the "testimony taken in thc Hu bert Andrews affair, together with etindry affidavits shewing where a Jht?at little pile' of. the .people's "ifibncy wentc'* This io jiint as lt should bc. TLosc wlio have information of sc ssaeb consequence to tho public ehould be grilling tb'serve the interests of thc pfc?p?eliy presenting, it for tho public good.1 Thc people of* ike cbtitHy lia v c go?? reasons for supposing that thc ' editor of that paper .knows'far better luau any other 'pb'rsdn ' iff thcNiOunty where a " neat little pile of i?V po ple's money went." Wo arc glad tb ace thc .JVt'tf? pledging itself td suclreWn obvious, yet too long ' neglected duty. Thc people have ex pected more light on a subject uo r vital ' f?o m this o?Icidl organ. Wc kiiow our Junda arc short. Wc know ttiat p'cbV arid ' scantily-paid school $J$schera atti' 'selling- t?c'ir claims to this day at c. ruinou? discount.' Wc kbow the olil'c'ry bf* i/6 money" in' thc Treasury is still heard, and' back claims', duo' years' ago, aro still un paid, but where Hie'?! cai little pile Has y?nc, or who L'as got it, is a matter on which, uo doubt, thc 2$ew8' can give us light fur better than any other journal iu thc State. YVc libpc thc informa!ion will bo forthcoming be fore it is loo lato to save something for ?ur poverty-stricken county; Wc sec Ibero is being ari c fib rt made to raise a special tax for funds to build a Court House, but wc onght to leam bow to toko bettor cure of the funds we Lave already raised be fore ne bleed Ibo people for* more. There is cac consolation Hi knowing that iL cfo is no money--iiorl?st ofl? uaU* will oot bo tCIrJptc'd'i? tb'pilfer ii'om an empty treasury. ' Tirfc L&GrsLAtcuEl It is 'safd 'that forge' bodies movo slowly. This Is true of our Lcgl?l?itu?e ; but slow movements db ri?? allays indicate ?^ca?iris?. llcgialatibn^however, most bc' reckoned auibhg thc tbhigs thal! ought not to bo basfiry done, aud or dinal Hy 110 largo amount i's yearly rc I'-lLl'-Ll-lLJ_J-'-- .'" 11 I in irMr^Swifafc quired to serve the interests'of the people. Thoso who have had au op* porlunlty of visiting the Houso dur ing- tim present session, lAwe* been very favorably itnprossed with iib evi dent improvement in increased' deco rum and dignity. Speaker Elliott proved to be the right' t?fiM in the right place, and manages" that body with greht' ability', and0 evident im partial adherence' tb" parliamentary regulations. Treasurer Cardozo: . It is universally conceded that this ms been'a ' very dull session of thc Legislature'. Rut recently it has been snlivencd ' somewliat by an effort to convict State Treasurer Cardozo of malfeasance'in ofllce, and bring about jis impeachment. In a report of a committee appointed to find out what bonds had been fended, under the funding act, &c.,'serious reflections wcro made upon Mr. Cardozo. On Tuesday of'th?s Veelr he submitted* a Vindication of his official conduct in answer to the charges made by the committee. Mr. Cardozo closes in the following words : 41 In submitting- this reply, I say distinctly, that P'aslfno favor, nor any immunity from th?" fu H-responsi bility for my acts.- This investiga tion and its rcsults^uve given'mo no pain, save* in the' evidence it has afforded rab of thc haste will) whicli those who' halve personal objects tc attain, w?l pervert their'pubNc June Lions and powers to thc attempt tc strike down a public offn?er1 wTic stands in their way. " Called as I was to the administra Lkh?'of the 'Treasury, at a period wher >ur State credit was utterly loet, om Lrcasury'ernpt'y; and every public in .crest and'institution''on Ui? verge o: collapse, with ditties more artfuou: ind responsible than'were eYcr'befon placed" upon ody Treasured bl thu Slate, I have' tlie happiness to knov that my bitterest personal ?tende: cannot point to one error in my ac counts, to thc loss of ono dollar ou of thc ?nany miliio'us euiiusied to no care, or lo the diversion of one dolla from the obj?u? t?A\ hielt ibo law hu? dcvbi.cd.it.-' .Vi?, would'not'have b\!en nCra??gc i I b;3iBUflered both Aony uiv own lie duties so vast and complicated,ipr I liad been made' thc riot i lu of*, som of th'o&e,.tb 'whom 1 might have- ct trusted thc performance ol duties cot ne?t?d with my ol?ieo. I"'cong-Wi?i ijilc . - tiiut not only my own car fend rectitude have saved'we ?Pum ei r^ots of my own, but that in no instant ?fas thc vontidence reposed by mc i any of my assistants'.. been abusei My ?ingle aim hast been to do m duty, fearlessly and faithfully. Th obstacles whicli t??cVb hitherto su: rounded mc arc now greatly dimit .sited by lift prcBtinCe of one as * Ghi cvhoV', whose sole aim is to rcdcci our State Government from its pas discredit, and to restore good will t all our people.' " In. th?t'wbik'I'profess myseir t bo, on air orfcasions'j'nhd under a circumstances a cordial and uulalie [ng co-laborer with thc Governor, ac I have the consolation of knowing V day-a consolation'of infinitely ?n'?i value to rac than the plaudits "ot" tl self-seeking politiciaha'of' llf? Lf?ur that I have earned his confidence ar esteem in the discharge of all my di ties, both as an officer and ns one wi loves thc State and seeks in all wai to build up its prosperity and ad vam thc honor and credit, which are no daily returning to bless all our pcopl " ?<\ L. CARDOZO, " Ttcaimrcr of South Carolina." ASGOOD* Kx^vsfi'L'E. Gbv'crnorTi len's reception* of William Cu I le Bryant, at Albany, says tho Tritim correspondent, " was a' strictly ten pcranee party, as havo bee? all tl entertainments* which Governor T den hat? given ; audlbisisuBderstot lo be not only ia accordance with I personal tastes, but with hie comic lions of official responsibility." Bosen M KN. Persona tb whota* committed so much of life and prc crty as those who control Ute runnii of car? ott oui- railroads ought to [Jcrsoris of temperate habits. T m a nug ors of tho ?alte Shore Ii hi ho Have intimated that they will d charge all c ni ploy cc a who aro in t iiabit of using intoxicating liqu< Entering or leaving a liquor store Lo bo considered prima facie cviden against tire tn. _ -..i r..1-* Address of the Bishops of tho African Methodist Episcopal Church. TO Tiff A Ml: li IO AN P?Oir.E. As bishops of the oldest und 'roost numerous organization of colored persons in .the cbuntry, we bey per* mission to lay the' diStre&vctroP o'o'f people before y oaf Never were^chri?rmn*imbtor?t?oim* cd to witness the despoiling of their docks,'as wc have been. Before free dom wc" were* the haples?-victims of a wrong, well' charac'teriz6d the great Wesley as the ..sum" of* all vii liantes." Since freedom, white' wo expected'ort r liberty to'ebal us mucli yet did Ve cb?sol?* ourselves with tho belief ih?t th'?'strtfngr arm that' had shivered the chains"wjfrclr- did fetter us would secure protection1 through*' out thc trying ordeal. But, ule.s ! ' wc"' have been doomed to rneasureablo disappointment. The freedmen's bu reau, by which the comnioncsl rights were conserved, has long since been abolished. In so far as it operated to' protect ns in the fruits of our labor, white we and our wives and little ones havb been made to feel tts ab Sot?rcc', yet?did we patiently accept its wlthrirav/?r'j'.t??t when it took its helpful hand from those who wtrti qualifying us and our children for the high duties of American citizenship, then indeed were we'first made'to feel that it might*be' the purpose'' ?f oui friends to let go biTpt- hand,'and*allow us to 'rerJuin' Wi' ilarltfiess and du rt ai II helplessness^^ slavery. Arid it is a notable fact llmt, since thc day IhifrJ woik'of'go'oduess ceased,' our rising manhood has been slow,-for how can lo a-" people rise when despoiled ou the bii? hand and not h?lped on the other: " lt is opiate", tfpwfcvet, that our distresses n?vc'conic'upon us with unwonted fur}'.' Brought in afc by a very thunder clap-lo wit, the failure of the Freedman's Bunk-their' P?ry has only been aggr-a*valed'' svitlr the corning of each day,? until r.owjpvu fed that we* are at the very moutltfof an other Ho A's den, at the vcry|^oor of snot her fiery furnace; nor of those whom wc %aye scr tho utmost ti?lclity seem io ho pubh us in. Alas!' thc change ! Tifj lj-*-fllt'r-wat-skhi? we wander about ta-desertar and id'motin-! tains, and in ck-ns and' daves of thc earth." Wc ask, therefore, deliver ance from* tho few bad men who thus persecute us. We desire'?ot that you should uphold us in the mistakes of. Uko* head,' nor in the errors of thc Heart, which, from the nature of thc ease,- are to be expected f but we do plead for the enjoyment of every civil ami political right; andy whim, we make supplications,- prayers-, intern cessions, and giving of tlVsnksr for all men, we humbly ask to bo permitted* to '"lead a quiet and peaceful lifo in all godliness and honesty." Will the good citizens bf the United* States allow* histbry to repeat itself? lo us it seems aa though wo werc! standing on tho batiks of'the Red Sen, und Pbaroah were in hot pursuit to Force us* baok into " the house of bondage.'* Can it be that the Ameri can people will permit the love of humanity, of- the right, of- justice? We ask nothfog more" at your hands limn the same' protection you would give fout' millions of Irishmen or Germans' if thc Ku-Klux or While League were combined and acting against* them as* they' have been ar rayed'and* acting* against tho freed men. " Oh.Jfchovah Jireh ! Thou that iudgclh' lhy people with righteousness'' ?nd thy poor with judgment;" who ieliverest " the needy wh?n he cVieth ; -he poor also, and ' him "that hath no uelpcr," " break" in' pieebs the op pressor." Redeem us from" violent' und blood-thirsty men. Let'the wolf and tho lamb dwell together, * the leopard lie down with the kid;'the ualf and thc young lion and' the fat ting together, and lol a'little child be Lhcir lender. Didst i ho ii not 'lead Israel through thc Ked Sea, with a pillar of cloud by ilay and a pillar of' lire by night? Lead us also, great " counselor " lead us. Ile thou our shield and hackler. Hide, oh, hide us, beneath the sbndow ol'thy wing*"!' lu humility wc subscribe'ourselves, DANIEL A: PAYNE, A: W. WAY-MAN, J: P. CAMPBELL, J: A. SHORTER, T. M. D. WARD, JOHN M. BROWN. PIIILAURU'H?A, February 10, 1875. Integrity not to be Bought. Nothing- more completely bailies one who is l?'U of trick and'duplicity himself, than 6iraight forward' abd simple integrity in another. A knave would rather quarrel with a broihcr-knnve than with a fool, but he would lather avoid u quart cl willi one honest- mau, than willi h?lh?' Ile eau combat, a looi by management ami address, abd I'" can conquer a knave by l .r:opiations. But thc hon V $h#$Cpea^lil?U biT -ttfc Ivv l^?^W^tf!, no; bribed.' Tberd'drc the .'ciiavii has to combat h?r?, wiil. -fjii".'1 Illing quite oui ul bib calculatiou ; lor his creed is, that thc woil? 'f?/i matket, whcie everything is to be bought, and also lo ?b sold ; and iv is unfortunate that he has such o. ]':??? s for so bad a faith ; ' he himself h ?etuty either to buy or to sell, bul he bas now*tb d? wiOh somcthing^Hrsi ic ncUhft?, and- he is staggered and I brown oiP Iiis guard, when opposed lo tbut inflexible hon est3> which he has read of*perh?ps in a book,- but n?'vcY expected to sec re alized in a man.- It is a new case in Iiis record, "a serious Hem not cast np in his accounts, although it makes thc balance tremendously heavy against him. i/crc, he can propose nothing that will bo acceded to, he can' offer nothing that will be received1: He is uaimiCu oiit of> his reckoning,' as*ttl mon who being in want of jewels, should repair to thc diamond mart, with (ive cents in his pucket ; he has nothing to give as nu equivalent, he exposes his paltry wures, or dirty trick, and fancies that ho can harter such trash for lh? precious' peaiie-oP principio arid oP ll?ttbury with' those, who know thc vallie of the ono abd the vileness of the other*.' A NoitTUERKEIl APPRECIATED. There is sometimes a complaint that Northern men often meet with a cool reception iii ttto South;-bot it is re freshing" t!o l?noW that sortie who come to u?j db' not fibd vs difficult to estub lisli llieir* bdsvness here, and' ?Kcdre friends'add' patrons. It is thu prc?ch ers and' achoo!? teachers wh?'nfe not waated bereVas**thb 8b n Hie rn people prefer thone ibtcrcsted' in another kind of business. lt seems that John Morrissey, fbr* whom the roughs of New York sc oured the title of "Hon." by sending liini td Congress, having found iU ?gf?cablP to pass his winters in Flor ida, as he does" lils* su cansera in Sum toga, carries- willi hi nv hi's chnvaci'cr letic institivttons^ Ito ims jlrsU ?dtab Kghed a club (gambling) howse iii' Jacksonville, Fla., upon which a lotte)/ paper i'cmarks, "such men give toad und vigor to tho locality io which they : ebide."' The toa? h? no doubt one in (beeping with the feelings and sym pathies of Southern socletj?. I"' , i - L.-SL. Etf-Govemor- Cla?lin. . Many of our readers are familiar With the name of Claflin. The Claflin University is well-known in this sec lion. It takes its name from1 Hon. Lee Claflin,-the father* o? tlite*ex-Gov ernor,-who.-d?rifcig- his" life,'was noted forrhisr libfcrairty,-and- gave liberally to aitFthis5 institution." I??s son in herits many of h is- father's good qual ities, and especially his' interest in' this University. The following no- ' tice of the Governor, -who ' has" de servedly, in Massachusetts^ant! else where, many friends, we' clip from Zion's Hera kl, published in tioston': A very elegant' and deserved" testi monial was given last Saturday to'ex Governor Claflin on the eve of his leaving for"a' European tour. Two leading political clubs, with many guests, -including- many of the chief citizens-of l?oston' and of ' the State, united in a complimentary dinner. Hon. Charles W. Slack, the vigorous editor of 37i? Comin?m?edlth? opened the speaking of tho hour with1 a 'xhty hapipy eul?^Mic nfMrt?ss: Mr. Claflin responded in appropriate* terms.-and closed 'by' hoping, nip?n' h?s rifturh^ tb tins country, to' find prosperity re stored, and Il?nry Wilson President -a sentiment that was'received with* hearty applause. Many other' cap? tat short addresses were made.1 A TEMPEHAXCE LAW. If people are to bc tormented with dram-shops and drunkards their consent ought certainly to be asked. The State of Mississippi has recently passed a law which prohibits-*any person from Belt ing intoxicating liquors u'riCH" UVfty have first' obtained, in writing, tlic cons?nt Of a majority df alf males over twenty-one years, and a majority of 'all'fcinalcs over eighteen years, re siding within- the township* of ward where' tito liquor isle* be s?ld^ AD V?BTIS EM E'&T MlibELLAXEOL'S? STATE*' OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OFFICE SEciu:'rAnv OF STATE; COI.) MIIIA, S. C. Feb. 4'.h, 187o\ . The FU?? Cn.T??N is hereby 1 es ig h u ( ed as"oh? e' dr Wat rf?wapapera for the publication oP a!F legal no -..?.i ^iVuiU-.l WdVertfeeuitfnta' -fktr{ the County of (.Orange!?avg, nuder'tho . j Act apyroved February "--M, 167'jU entitled! "An Act lo regulate Hie publication' of' ail k>gal txt??' public notices and'all (briner Orders oT this Board iii conflict willi this is'hereby : rescind :. f , HfE; HAWK, Sec'y Of State and? Sec'y of Board. I, IL Bi 11 .VYNE, .Secretary of'Statc, do hereby certify that thc? foregoing is a truf? nhd correct'copy of the' Orig inal, now on 111c in this ofllec. H. E. 'HAYNE, Secretary of Slate'. FIRE ! KERSH T. KOifN & BRO., The Bri-ek Store, Ard 8?lliilg?oir their RESCUED STOCK Being slightly d?mJagcd by removal. J-eic/ UUUUO AU.UOI? Do ?Jmu, And aro selling- fop whatever tfltay will bring. -:o:~ Come at once nuc? eccurO Ear? lEfergaiixs ? vte mean BUSINESS, as wo need MONEY. Tkodoro Kohn & Bro. At MoMAS-xr.u'a BRICK Si?itE. Orangoturg, Jan. 2t, 1875. AD VERTIS BM BN TS. MI&?kLLAff?OUS. K?NI>OI?JESITWI Gr I 'will upon thia mornirig a l?t ofl'tW eyer offered ld this market, consisting of1 UNCOLORED JAPAN OOLONGS^ SOUCHONGS, YOUNG HYSONS, and GUNPOWDERS; And hi order' to chTtivfcte a1 tr?ds f\V these line grade? I will' sell them ' VERY LOW .?. {'have alsS received this mbrhingauorihW'' ear-load 'o?' Soloi^GB^Fancy Fi?tuK Fresh ground ahd^tnufc .'srp%c1'?fty for me from tho . Fihceat B?lii?t'oil' Whoat> 1 hart never had a complaint of tills bVahd-of nour'.' jMvbr.TAfcT NOTICE I Inferior KEROSENE OIL1 ls so dan gerous and -so many accidents hw od-" ciifTctt'fforirtcVusey I-'havc been induced,' at the' rcpe?ied!?olfcitatlon of my custo-' m?r?, to nurcftaio a supply of pure OH* for their n.e. 1 IIAYO j Ait' re'c'elV? ten*'1 barrels ol' or l?l ilrc tt?f; I'will ?ell thUTure OH c'hrn'nexrrthau Hie fame grade of Oil4 . can ho ?old at hi this city. FanitUe* ttse ihg ^t'rs Oil :dt',;6.-\fe. The nae of'tho?' common Oils now FLOODING THE MARKET is equivalent to bringing lhto'th* family? den tr net iori'a ?id "death 1' I''have also received :. IO Tierces Fresh CurVd Davis* Hams, IO Boxes Cream Cheese, direct from' thc Dairy,' ??-J'irkincGtosh'c'n li utter, direct frons' the D{iiry, which has' all the' freshness and flavor of the flow-' crs. 5 Tierces of Baltimore Sbgar-Cured' Strips, 10 Bartels of Extra Mens Mackerel^ rt nrrflragiug twenty ?anees.' 25 Sacks LagiluyYa Coffee, equal' tb' Java!- ' 50 Sacks of assorted R4o? by last Ric steamer. With a full supply of . Fresh'?nd Good, My stock is lull, wltdi? prices- low andi good1 times coming. Thanking tho public for their very WW eral rtatronage, and soliciting its eonllu naneo, 1 will do- my best to merit the ame. HARDY SOlUOMONe Columbia, So, Ca.