HO ?BE HOLD HINTS. To HEMOVK paint splashed upon win dow-panes, uso a bot solution of soda and soft flannel. A IT KU taking up a carpet, sprinkle tho Hour with very dilute carbolic acid before sweeping. Ir YOI: have been picking or handling acid fruits, and havo stained your hands, wash them in clear water : wipe thom lightly, and, while they are yet moist, striko a match and shut your hands around it so an to catch tho smoke, and the stain will disappear. To STOP BLEEDING,-It is snid that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may be stopped by a mixture of wheat Hour aud common salt, in equal parts, bound on with a cloth. If the bleeding bo profuso, uso a largo quantity, say from ono to three pints, lt may bo left on for hours, or even days, if necessary. APPLE SNOW.-Boast eight tart ap ples and pidp them through a seive ; i uko one-half pound of the pulp, and, when cold, mix with it oue-hnlf pound of finely-sifted loaf sugar, aud the thin rind of a small lemon ; boat the whites of three eggs, whisk all the ingredients together to a lino froth, and pile on a glass dish. A little sponge cake soaked in fruit syrup and laid on the bottom of the dish is au improvement. CIIAKT.OTTE BUSSE.--Line a plain mold with sponge cake cut to tit exactly, brush over tho inside, very lightly, with tho white of au egg, aud put it upon ice. Beat up one pint of rich cream with ono ounce of isiughiss (previously dissolved iii sufficient water to cover it). Sweeten and ilavor to suit the taste. Pour this into tho mold, cover it with a peioe of sponge cake cut exactly tho size. Icc it, and turn it out very carefully. ICED CAKE.-Mix thoroughly one-half pound of Hour, one-half pound ground rice, currants, one-quarter pound sugar, one quarter ounco mace and cloves, some mixed peel, a few bitter almonds pounded, some sweet almonds split, one teaspoonful of carbonate of soda, melt one-half pound fresh butter in pint of warm milk, and Hie yelks and whites of four eggs beaten separately ; put this by degrees on tho dry ingredients, beat well ; put iuto a buttered mold, and bake. CHOCOLATE CKKAM.-Scrape two r-quares of chocolate and put them into a stowpan with two ounces of sugar, a pint of milk, and half a pint of cream ; let it boil until a third of it is con sumed, and when half cold beat up the yelks of six egga with it ; Btraiu tho .rchjlo through a neive, and then put the sundi cups or dishes in which the cream is to be salved into a pan con taining enough boiling water to roach above half way up the cream. Cover the pau, and lay Ure on tho lid ; boil it till done, and serve cold. ONIONS (TO PICKLE).-Choose small button ouiouH ; as they are peclod throw them into milk and water, drain them from this when they ?re all done, put them into a jar and pour a strong linne of salt and water and a small piece of alum (boiling bot) over them, cover close, and net them anido till the next tiny ; drain and dry on a cloth, put thom into cold distilled vinegar with a ."/cw blades of., bjuj?BS"* olnsur> whblo^?auprtf ??^?? a little mace, keep always covered with vinegar, cork tho jar close, and put in a dry, .Cold place. REMEDY ron GKOUE, - ??rits of tur pentine is a sovereign t\ .ody for croup. Saturate a piece of flannel with it, and placo it on the throat and chest, and neild for your family physician. If the caao be very urgent, and tho child in great distress, and the distanco to the doctor's residence very groat, drop three drops of the turpentine on a lump of sugar and give it internally. Or a good emetic of blood-root, or lobelia, or both combined, nhonld be piven. Every family Bhonld keep a bottle of spirits of turpentine in the house. THE bloom, or glaze, or facing o1 green and black toa is generally arti ficial. In the case of green tea it is or dinarily a mixture of Prussian blue, tnmerio, and sulphate of mime, or China clay ; and in that of black tea it is not unfrequently a coating of black lead. The tea prepared for tho English mar ket is notoriously subject to these adul terations ; and it seems that this arises entirely from our own fancy, nnd not from uny desire on the part of the Chinese to pursue such a practice. Tho adulteration* ia easily discovered by treating tho tea wita cold water, and then straining through muslin, and al lowing the fine powder to subside. To PBESBBVB MiiiK.-Provide bottles, which must be perfectly clean, sweet and dry. Put tho milk.warm from the op* into those bottles, and, as they are lined, immediately cork thom up aud fasten the cork with wiie. Then aproad a little straw on the bottom of a boiler, on which place the bottles, with straw between them. Pill it up with cold water. Heat the water, and as Boon as it beginB to boil draw tho fire and let tho whole gradually cool. When quite cool take out the bottles, pack them away in sawdust and put them in a cool placo, but where the milk will not freeze. Milk preserved in this way will keep perfectly sweet for years. To OUYSTALLIZE FLOWEHS.- Construct rome baskets of fancy form with plia ble copper wire, and" wrap thom with gauze ; into thcBo tio to tho bottom violota, ferns, goraninm leaves-in fact, any Howers but full-blown roses-and sink them in a solution of alum-one pound to a gallon of water-after tim solution has cooled. Tho colors will ho preserved in their original beauty faster Iban from a hot solution. When you have a light covering of crystals that complotclyj cover tho articles removo tho basket carefully and allow it to drip for twelve hours, These baskets make a beautiful'parlor ornament, and for a long time preserve tho freshness of the flowers. HANOINO-BASKETH.-A charming and inexpensive home adornment may bo n.tde Ir/iiHlng a haskel constructed in the manner given above or by procuring a small wire banket and lining it with ? olored tissue-paper, of various colors, nicely fringed ; take a twti-pound oys ler'Can, pnt a sweet potato in it, ami till it with 'water ; place the can in tho center of the basket, and procure from any llorint Borne gay southern mo.-a and place in the edgo of tho basket. In a short time tho sweet-potato will send out a number of vi n'en-, which may he guided by strings mound pichir? frames, twining through mautel orna menta over tho cloak, adding beauty and choerfnines? io tho room. It cnn be placed in any part of tho room, as it is not necessary that tho ann should shine on it, and tho vine will grow all winter in watt r. Chan FOB DRUNKENNESS.-Thoro is a curious prescription in England for the cure of drunkenness, by which thou sands aro said to have been assisted in recovering themselves. Tho recipe came into notoriety through tho efforts ' o? John Vine Hall, father of Hov. New mau Hall and Captain Vino Hall, coin- i mander of tho Great Eastern steamship. ? He had fallen into such habitual drunk- ! euness that his utmost efforts to regain | himself proved unavailing. At length | ho sought the advice of an eminent ? physician, who gave him a prescription j which he followed faithfully for several months, and at the end of that time he lost all desire for liquors, although he had for many years been led captive by < a most debasing habit. Tho recipe, I which he afterward published, and by ? which so many have been assisted io J reform, ia as follows : " Sulphate of , iron, 5 grains ; magnesia, 10 grains ; peppermint water, ll grains ; spirit of nutmeg, ono drachm-to bo taken twice a day." This preparation acts aB a tonic and stimulant, and so partly sup plies the phico of tbo accustomed liquor, and prevents that absoluto physical ami moral prostration that follows a sudden breaking oA' from tho use of stimulating drinks. Arab Horse Maxims. Whoso raisoth and traincth a horde for tho Lord is counted in tho number of those who git o alms day and night, in private aa well as public. Ho will lind bis reward. All his sins will bo ! forgiven bim, and never will any fear como over him und dishonor his heart. Let your colt be domesticated and live with you from his tenderest, ago, and when a horse ho will bo simple, docile, faithful and inured to hunlship and fatigue. If you have your horse lo servo you on the. day of trial, if you deuiro him then to bo a horan of truth, make him sober, accustomed to bani work ami inaccessible to fear. Do not beat, your horses, nor speak to them in a loud t mc of voice ; do not bo angry with thom, but kindly reprove their faillis ; they wll do better there after, for they understand tho language of mau and ils meaning. If you have a long day's journey be fore you, spare your horso at tho (dart ; let him frequently walk to recover his wind. (Joni i uno i bis until he has sweated and dried three times, and you may ask him whatever you please, ho will not leave you in dilliculty. Uso your horse jiu you do your leath er u bottle; if you open it goi tly and gnni nally you can oasily cont rol t ho water within, but if you open it sud denly the water escapes at once, and nothing remains to quench your thirst. Never Jot your horso run up or down bill, if you can avoid it. On the con trary, slacken your ?mee. "Which do you prefer," was asked of a horse, "as cent or decent ?V "Aeursobo Uioir point of meeting ! " wns tho answer. Mako your horno work and woik again. Inaction and fat aro tho groat perils of a horse, and tho main canse of nil his vices and disease. PObseivo your horso when ho is drink ing at a brook. If in bringing down his head ho remain square, witbont bending his limbs, ho possesses sterling qnalities and all parts of his body aro built symmetrically. Four things he must have broad front chest, loins and limbs; four things long-neck, breast, fore-arm and croup ; and four things short-pas terns, back, ears and tail. A New Grass. The Savannah Advertiser says that after Sherman made his march to tho sea, all in the wide track of waste and desolation that be made with tho tramp of his footman ond the iron feet of bis cavalry there sprung up a now and un known grass from ?be soil, which the farmers called "Sherman clover." It would grow up in the most unexpootod places, and it is said would root ont Bermuda grass ; aud, as a strange simi larity, we now hear that after the Fran co-Prussian war of 1870-71,?in many dis tricts of France a new vegetation sprang up, evidently tho ref ult of the invasion. It was believed that this vegetation would becomo acclimatized, bnt very few of tho speoies introduced in this way appear likely to continue to flour ish. In the departments of Loir and Loiret-Chor, of ono hundred and sixty three German species, at least one-half have already disappearci, and tho sur viving species diminish in vigor each year. Scarcely live or six specks ap pear to manifest any tendency to be come acclimatized. Con any of our naturalists account for it. -Old man Wheeler of Minnesota wants a divorco from his wifo. Sho sent him down tho collar ono night last week after a bottle of yeast. Ho got it and was trudging along up stoirp, think ing of nothing in particular, when the bottle exploded, scaring Wheeler so that bo foll with ono prout whoop down in a soap barrel under tho stairs. When they pulled him out ho pranced around yelling " Cuss a wifo ; cuss yeast ; cus3 tho whole of ye 1" And tho lawyors nay ho hus got a good case. VINEGAR BITTERS.-Pr. J. Wnlkor.s regular practicing physician of Cali fornia, has conferred a priceless boon upon mankind by tho introduction of a "Bitters" compounded from herbs exclusively, whioh may be truly said to bo superno ing all tithers, and is becoming n bitter doSo indeed for tho charlatans and quacks, on account of its immenso sile and universal popu larity. Not yilly aro those Vinognr Bil ter?, as ho call? them, an invalu able tonio and Alterative, brit they are acknowledged as a standard Medicino, aDd tho astonishing rapidity with whioh they curd dim ases hitherto de clared inonrable, seems almost incred ible. After having been carefully tasted, they are k* pfc on band in thou sands of households, and used for ?ny and every form of disease, many re lying upon them in prefer?-neo to tho mont otlcVir?t??il phy-.toinns. They h'ivo booomo u recognized "family remedy." und nronorly HO. Don't Hack, Uncle, Convh, Cough : Cough ia a Hymptom hy which variouadia oanod condition? of tho throat, bronchial lubo anil hiiiga manifoat tliomBolvee. But wliothor it arifi'K from tho irritation produced in tho throat and larynx by taking cold, from un at tack of bronchitis, from incipient conaump tion, or from variouB other canuca, nothing will allay it moro apoodily or euro it. moro per manently than Dr. I'ierco'a Golden Medical Discovoty. II. dooa not matter whether it be a rocont attack, or a lingering cough, tho Pie ?.ovory ia in either cano ci|ually well adapte' for ita relief and pormationt eure. In faet. il will euro a cough in one-half tho limo uceen ??arv to euro il with any tither medicine, and ii lue? it, not by drying it up, lint hy removing Li ic eauao, aubdning tho irritation, and heal lng tho affected parta. No timoahould ho loi-t n commencing tho nao of a proper medicino Tor tho reliof of a cough, for milena thin -ourao ia purauod, aorioua and dangoron? de lano of tho lunga ia liablo to roault. Golden Medical Diacovery ia Bold hy all dealers in lietlicinca. " _ By neglect inp; the precaution which 'ommon noneo dictatea, many fall victima to .heir own imprudence. Wo havo aeon tho rouug and beautiful girl, ibo hone and pride if her p?renla-her chook .Unshod with an ticipation, and lier eyea beaming with tho gay lioama of life-wo havo aeon all thia changed for a bhroud by neglecting a common cold which had nettled upon her lunga. IL miuht have oaaily boen cured if it. had boon attended to in limo. Now, when your lunga aro brat diaeaaod with tho incipient atagea of con sumption, you should nao Alton's Liing Ual Bara, wbicli will reliovo them without fail. For eulo by all medicino dealora. rremnture loss of the hair, which is ao common now-a-daya, may ho entiroly pre vented by the nao of Barnett's Coeoainp. U baa boon" unod in thouaanda of caaea whore t.lio hair waa coming out in handfuls, and baa nev or failed to arreat ila decay, and to promote a healthy and vigoroua growth. It ia at tho aamo timo unrivalled aa a dreading for the bair. THERK uro mora than one thousand different kinda of pills in tho United States. Sumo .of them aro worthloaa and injurious, other* ?ire good and beneficial. Old Hr. Par sons invented t ho bout. anli-hiliouH pill wo over Haw or hoard ?if. Thov aro now sold under (ho namoi of Parsons1 Purgative Tilla. Wk understand that tho whooping cough ia ipiite prevalent in tho towna around UM; hut I hat nu eaacn have proved fatal. Sumo familiea nae nollung but Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. Our Doctor, however, naya a tiltia inicac, to produce vomiting, would bo an ad vantage. _ Uo '.o Itiveraido Water Cure. Hamilton, III. Tile Cousinini>llves or sufferer frt-lil any pulmonary disease will timi Tiitt'n Kxprclmsnl tiu> IIIKHI general restorative ever offend nu iiivslM. vi;i;KTAni,R i* ti i, in ONA it y HAR. N,\SI' Mont Bpprnved.rcllableaod well-known rein fly tor Ooiiohs.CoM* fcConsnni pilon, ffti (Ar cu llin r. Price H;nn>all hu?-. CMITLEU lian?.?; ..lindon MARKET REPORTS, Nashville. VIAJVR-RuperBne.. I 4 2d ia 5. XX. r, vn '-'.". HI ORAN. ... Wk ?w Robertson County. 1 70 tfuj* OH Bourbon. 1 25 (? Til WI Lincoln County. 17? <*V,-3 fil II IOU WINKS. 115 ri* OOTTON. 0 <*> Ordinary. 0?A- ll \ Good Ordinary..?. VSj^f^/ .... Low Middling. U'icM 15 8EEOB-Clover. 8 00 (?('8 fit) Timothy. 8 2? flHj3 60 Orchard Grass. 2 40 K \ 2 75 Bine Grass. 1 26 ? 1 no Louisville. I TOBACCO. Light Cla?*flvlif madea .-jftrades. Common lug.$ 9 00(910 00 $ 0 fi'i?10 29 Oood lugs.10 I Od ll I fl " Common leaf.12 50<3i:l fiO Medium leaf.14 40315 50 Good leaf.Iii BO ?20 10 Choleo leaf.21 00(3'j:l 00 WUK VT-lt ?a and Amtier.f tl 0 IHN-BaeBed. i OATS. 61 63 BUTT KR-Choice. ?0 ito - 25 HAY-Timothy. 18 00 $ 90 00 GINSENG. 1 80 & 1 50 FRUIT-Apptea. Green. 2 00 (a 8 1 0 LemoiiB, por box. H 00 Qk 6 IM Orange?. ll 00 % 12 00 PORK-Mo38. 19 ?0 ?4 \. LARD.IfiV* IC, BACON-Clear Bides. ll?? ll OUEESE-Choice. 16,V# hi FLOOR-Bnpernne. 4 Oi & 4 io Extra family. i Mi (4 I 50 Fancy. b 75 0 ? 23 WOOL-Tub-washed. (0 rt _ OnwaRhed.83 a '.'i POTATOEH-I rich, ^bbl. 2 7ft .a 2 00 OOTTON-Middling. . ,? 15 Good Ordinary . ll aient Novelties, Mreestu(ailonery piukaciOn Hie world. Felton >fe Co . lin NahMiu HI., N. Y. Sn"Ni) for Illustrated Poultrv circular, free. Ad. _ ll ress Or. C. Lewin, Mnrihorn . Klnik Co , Ohio ?O Per Dar. liv/un/ Aionm, f-itiuhi Work. Send for/c/nu. The (/tobe, 1H Liberty si.,N.Y. n,\Y; Tarn? to agents froe Address H. L, Shepard ftC i.Bost'OiN.York.Ohtc'KO or KI.L.III?H. $7 ?"I A *? ?*8 PER DAY-Send for "Chrofno tjPX \J calal S5C $20 JU * Bt h"m?--T',rmB frep. Address ataiogue, J. lt.Bui-Koan'aHoNH,Boston. ier day at home. TermB frep. \dnrea.i IKO.MTINKON At.'o.. Porlia-ul Maine *? 4 i?\ R week te agents; Ci.culara free. Kami.v 9\J '?c; G. ClIAhWIOK A Co.,S(. I OMI-*. M?I A WKKK. Aiscnits wanted cvnrra'licre. Kor outntitse. FniTuu nih $75 $200 I he American I'alron i ? the nio.it popil ar grange - ?n'l larin oniier-ll, ?> a ye?r. H neel men free Ad W dress J. K. BA RNO. Publisher. Findlay. Ohio. AOF, NTH WANTF.i?-Men and women. 9 .SI a wi'ek or |lf>l forfeited. 77lC ?rn tl free. Write S' oni e lo ?'OW KN A CO.. ?th street. New York U??.')?"! Dully lo Agenti K? : now. articles and i Ho .TP?.^/ host Family IMper lu Ant*rica, wrii '?.<> (Scbromoa. free. Am. M'f'g i O.:??>) Hroidway, N.Y ITT address K. R. Cojhrati. Middletown, Dela fl 1111 v/ ire, for fre? c talosuo ot eho'ecat p acb tiJJii trei-.<, small fruit?.-, e e. Bottom pr cea (Ons box of Carr's Instant tuk Powder V wlllretkraplnter BEST BLACK IKK Ifl AT*minot?.. B tl.1j[.Tiii..H.!M.yia:l], H. OiO. CAST, ZMMTIUO, O. / (j)Pfl -GlAfl .* Wrrfc siid. I.mits. Mo. ilk IntII?SIIIMI by ..Md si?, mili M hill?.li li.iiia mill .".?UiiM str-ei. N*w York. Ker .'?lein in ?ml v.-. II. runs hy SOUTH MIN XKwS PAI'KP. U> ION; Nnnlivflie. Tenn. ' I^ll I - pup. r ls i nilli <1 ? ti li 1 i lliarli s KIMMI .lui lt I* Illicit'.llllK ' lillie work ol S6fJ e-mil itln tuc MARffl?GBB?IDKS Vntll<le in lorin m lon :ur lliir?C who ?re mart leil er cont?mplale limn iiiuc Prii c lilly cents hy mall. Ailtlre ?. Du. MUTTS' IMSPI' NSA HY. VI Mirth Richill sin i-f. ??!. Lon's. Mo IV A ST KU i VKKVWIIKHK.-The thc world- Itotwriera' pri?e? ipany in ti nu rlwi staple article ul) trait? '"?relining-hen in wiisie liiui' wini foi circular i i h.t. A. Y ; I?. O. Mox I s; TEA ?SE Rolierl '?"ellK. n Vi LEGS AND ARMS. IIIs?hi'M nwui.: wherever c.\hil.ileil. sat istnei iou miar ?ml.I. UiU-M lliipiovcil I.lil SS lo NOI.IIII'.ICS on (Suv t oilier. A ppp lol hlmiks lo ( HAS. \; I VANS, Mtimil'ier. |.VJ W. Knurl li Sin-el; Kl Nfl NNATI.??.. ur s.w. l or. Uli ?nil Mink. I MS., l.i iKtSVI I.I.K, K V. THE FAVORITES. Thc I I tief FAMILY FA VOltlTF. MA.VUFACTlUiKll.Y FA VOKITK. ,- HtlllCRlS (iEtfKKA I. FA VORITit I Hie Uses Ki>r rnll Informant it ref peeling our <)o>(? K ?b Ci I. HANK KKM ami MIMIK Kn* '. Willi street. New Vork Tm WIRE RINGS. til timi Itii'l or milk? t lu 1IM,;*H Nimc S,,rc. rtnr.l.v.nrr! Pcalerii nell I hen ' ?i:ev. '-LOO; 'i'm Hilten, ncr inn. OOo j C"?T.percrl Hine?. OOiM Tonga. .L?h: hy mini, noalpaid; ci .,, . (reo. II. W.II III A Co. Dccalur.lll. JSC pnoil Mini Hie N V.S.VIttltMAV JOUIl w*J Orton N.M.. iii" cu-nt literary weekly ?>( \ mei icu, |or on" vci.r hu i lie reculai rjiihr.crlpl ton ITU c. J.l, pmt.tec paid. y 17 . NH mei en I et erl Impar, 1 o 1 y nu rveel veil i ami "" I??j -Ith MUM til one? i" i.vei v illili milnerl'ii'i I'Ililli ul live nu ?.'lent h> ?.?./i?/<>.n tho f%! '|'hi ihinnio" a cn.h premium ol ?.? !<> ever; Illili Milisri IILT ! lin' h.m natue ci ii .aillo-ii-ni ? i 'i.iui v ?r I .11 mst a ?I Iii* ii 11 men I. r-??in inline . I'h i ur reg? .!.lei !.. ?KA I>I.K ? Klliver-il .-litisfne Wd.MiKHKui. Kriinomr. .lulls more Ute.ul tn Mil. KlOlir SA Y K si AIlIiKt KUU!),&t! One yen i -s i-nvinv will hnv n mr Nt) noun; SOU lt lilt IO ? |>. Whiter liKhter. sweeter r tel ie KV e it nunn I'rnMi s 11 I he in.i es iiienll tn love .?? j li i SKI.I.S like Hill? VAK K? e-?>- - ? .' iii i.iiee Cor cn II., i i lits-.o. |.\ tl lt A KTK it Cl?. 1711 ll lin ni* Si.'. \cw Lull. MAGIG.i:>\.NTERNS iippllciilhi . lilt l li CHI imf Sin .11' .1 I lint tn 'i'lic moe powi malle; with a Hume. Smith; ir?.'?t'* A pr ivlth imall r< j' WM. \ ?*??!. lt. itrlii|lllcwil I li I M ticte I.? .. tnt r.lllalll I ul t ?mp ; lor y.( .. i lin.il ?nil l.i ct . lifcii: linxim tx 'for ? , . ul I'H'iiloKlie. si ti .U'AI.I.l-i'KIt. . I'lilliiilelpii lu, This new Truss ls worn with perri ct comfort nigh I mitt ihiy. Ailnnls ilseir to cvety mu: hm ol', the hoily. r.-tahune llliptlire un.ler the I tiniest em-rreie or nc ^ prent M rain until uiiiucntly cured. Kohl cheap hy tl"? Elastic Truss Co., 0M"i ll i on 111. >t \ , Ke\V Yiirlt Clly. Pent hy mull i ?ll irs mt ihr circo ?rnml he euroli My annual catalogue u VitK^lahle aii'l Klu ver Seen tor lt.".?, will lie ic.it ?ID lo ?ll w ho apply. < iininmeranf Inst reni'Uii t ceil not WT.te tor it. In it ?viii Ii- nm.ul ,..-" i,,: vi i iu'.|e vr.rlcltni m new vegelahloi inli?VItu-eil r.?r ihn il. st IIIHO this Kennon luivliiK maile new vi ge'tihlcn ? spc.-uiltv lur many 1 curs. Growl UK oiw-r ? IttimlrrA nml Jlfl'J vm'ltllt* on ruy ?l?verai tarins, I ivuuiil pariicnix'rly invite the iMtroitnce ul' m,?rl ..! ^ ?nlener.n ?ml all olhcr who H re pfirPClally iii '-iL ii ? III hu ve I heir ?ceil pun anil ft i sh. nml ol Ihr i . . ?/ If?! .-limn All si cl s? ttl out Irnin my cntahlll hun Ul ?ie eovcrill hy three warrama>Mriven in my cutaloKiie. JAMKH J. ii.uiiKOoitv Marnleneurl, JMHSS. "WIIBOR'S COMPOUND OF PURE GOB LIVER OIL AND LIME. Wilton '. < oil 1*1 ?i i nu nml Mme.-Pei noni who Int V? heen (ak Mic ('ml I .Ivel Oil will he plc .( cl iii learn I li al Hr w ipor ax ru c" ip ti. Iront ri I ri c non? nf novel al pi ?>? i m .1 KI linemen, tn rom hlntiie the pnie oil H '"I Inn ? In ruell n manner thai t InplrinftHlll IO Ilia Ltstf. .ml If. ?ip els In lune. eompiatn sat,: tn; y iw.'L.e:mt Vo'y m&'ty per MMIB whrtie mn wee primo;, nceil hopf.Iesn and M hr? liait Inken the r e.tr ?-ll fur II lon< mi.c with nm markei eiltet, i ne h*en emlr-ly cured hy UAlnSibm prepatatlou Hi nureaed xet ihn. .ii". Mar.ufao nrnti niy \ ll WlbBOR . henil ?t. Mouton Pohl \ HU ilrtiviclnln. '.O.sr? i:o,ii.i'.v? m ^r?nl n"ira.!n|. . i, - lpn . . . . . .. nml r., i, i ... i..-.. ?fl, itleiivf nil/liri ..'.-..I. .. nmtaiilly. lili* ?ll ntl ran l ..ht-, i ? neil. . i ?'l.i-rwlll,iiMi?lll?irrOtlliir, Kr ll..il.I?'. I??. I I.e.A.. I .e. n,i.,.i. l.t. . IN THE WORLD. -THE - TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT Insurance Company - O?' HARTFORD, CONN. Accident Pnl?clce written,. :MII,(HKI Lifo I*ol?clcs writ Ccu. ttl,DUO Unfit AHRCIS.$.1,?50,OOO Surplus Kt Policy llotllclH,- I ,I) Ol).(HJO raid ?ii I) cue fl tn lo Policy Hollier*,. '?,000,000 a?_\Vritt' to '1 IIKTKAVKI KIIH INSUHAP-CK COM PANY. 11 url In ni, Com? , or ripply tit any Agent, Kali's, blanks, eli- . sent by mull. HOTELS, BAKERS, ^POE GROCERS, Btt? i\ ir T HOUSEKEEPERS, AJbJLi BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. I have un IMPPOVKl) JiKiiKl l'l' or maklim a ITU K HA K 1 NC IT V KA ST POW ?KM ?.pial I 1 I liv best in ll'" market, willi which 1 win eml 11 book Blvlnir40 mw ami hXUKLl K.NT MhTH OKS .or mini: il In conkiii?. My I ?ikini* Ponder can tc made for H'.cclils u jioiimi. Why pay .Vi or liO oe ii ls per i 01 ml whi'ii x ? ii emi L'?>iiy mu kt VOIT own lor In cenis? Price ol my receipt il 23 Ii ? ill. however, he M ill upon receipt ol ??I IHJ HY MAH. ?rilli il i ne I loi H i ni KliKllsh ai.il OomtHli) dr M AK INO Hllil CM M. ll tile NA.MK of til? S h WS l'A p? ii IN niven iii which thin ndv. i iiM-mcnl is .seen The I'.-ST Of this KM'ICHT is HAVKII IN KVKIIV Til KKK I'OMNnsof i he powder made. Iii|;retlU>ii.t< kent liv 1 rocera and di nyuisls evei vwhere. A (lil renn li \V. Bill UAW, I'racitcal llrilRitlsl,' Chicano, ill. FEEE OF OHAECTE. SPKCIMKX cori KS or THU A weekly I" I'".'- ipiatl", limiiicinl journal, i-oiilainin^ lol! n pail . ol . ile 1 .1 1 lu1 New York Stock Excbango. lite i|..\l niiiiih'i ll. nil.iia > .tillable informa lion levantin;; H? ai" ! ?ii? c . .lui nert bod ..! ..|. .ir: 'i:lli STOCK PIUVII/EG-ES, V toil rMll.HI.Ul"-' I ?" o i *l I 'o I... C..? I . : |,i, ..il i SH nilli? 1 itt >' lo. h $J.O, 5; i 00, c>r $1,000 \ .'..ia br- ni"' ?'..! willi .1 i'liaiie.n ?.! i..?b.'iii:. i L'IKIIlueiiQ i-i-.i'i- ! h. ".I' ' tipCioii pi ii ?? ..i ile IO.IOU 11 ? if Elf") ' yeal i ..".oil n'tmhcii will ba iiiiiiletl lice ?.! - li n;-. Ii\ milliensiii'; W;ill Hip H Publishing Co., I i*j Si !. ? Will i n Shfiti, New Yeik. Burnett's Cocoaine Prevents tho Hair from Fulling. Burnett's Cocoaine 1'ioinnlcs ita Ileallby.l.'.r.'h?'Ji., Burnett's Cocoaine ls not Creasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subtitles Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Snot hr.. the Irritated Scalp-Skin. <, Burnett's Cocoaine7 Aflbnla thc Hiebest LtiPtro. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not, an Alcoholic Wash. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Diiiulrofl*. Burnett's Cocoaine Gives Now Lifo lo Ibo Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Remains Longest in Effect. Prepared only by J08EPH BURNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And Sold Everywhere. DR. WHITTIER, No. 617 St. Charier. Street, St. Louis, Me.. ronllnue? to treal all rn.o. of nt?!Heir* tr. marriage, hiixvl lmiiiiri:l;., over, ailment nr ?1,-ki.r.i?, ?1.1,1. riNi.iia fren, ireli-entlon nr Impr.i.lriice, willi unparalleled mince.> Hr. W.'a raMhli.hmr.it j. eharl.'re.l l.v tl.e Ututo ?l M.. . ni.rl, waa f"iinl,'il niel han I.e. 11 calabllabeit 10 teear< ?nf,., pertain ami reliable relief. I!, IMP n ?ra,tii*:o. ?I ?eier.il niollrnl e.nllrpei. ,,...? I. .. Inc itu expcrlcnci ol .? lone ?nd ?i...,.e..r,ii i|f.. i- |,|. |". h"? ...rh-pCrl re.t.e.lie. ibal arti oflect.ial lo all Ihi-so ?aar?, lili i.attai.tl are ti-iriK ire-.| i.v ",",, ,.r tupfe?, rirrt-where. ht mullir al.r, failed, ?ll or wrllci. From Kio creal mini LT of n|>|.*l<'atfc>?ii li,, j, enabled la kn f hi. shar**! low. ;ii? imgrs,cl\inti full 1 ,:>i|.i.,?-, l?.r Innelkinpe ?V1AF?R??GE C?BDE, WO Mr". ? |*irilHr I"-* ?hi. h .hnuM IM r- et l.j ?-.er? ?".Iv- No Mian led (.air, >,r perge?a rnnirnit le.iniK uar. rian",?an annul tn .lo ? liho.it h . lt contain-the .,e..re il H.: literal .re nu Hi. ? i.h|cct, Ihn rt.ll? er .1. W 1 ...nu < ir.Ti.liee; nt,, lf,e |,.-.| Ihniigbla fi ?in lae Wirti u Kui?| Amcrle.a Kent rcalrd. roo-pald for Mid,?. PIUM A < ( rio in ami Mine enve, without inconvenience, n"'1 ?1 I.ie. An an! Mote nm riuuds purely on its own merila. Kemi lor my ?, uar I ci ly iiiMxtuiiiio (it conUf/ou within,,,, eonlslnhigeerlilleales ..1 linntlrctla that hue liten pcrtihiiieutly cuni. 1 < l.iiin in hive discoverer] and produced lito ri tu/r. OIUOI.VAL AND O?.LY i rio; < i i:r rou neu ? ?ATI.N?; ?. Dn- S* COI'***** La Povlr. Ind. B.M.WOOLB.Y,SoloAgt.SoutHern8tttl??, _^^^^ Atlantit. On. _f%S%inSBlH IIAHI lAOOIIKO nt Home. No fl H ??9 E H Q Hu I'uhlu ny. .l erms luiMlcrate. Bl B, B BB nSB Timo ehort. I-..ur yearn of mi W?B ? ^0 FIB parallele,Onere.s Ile-a-rllieeiisn, .K)(l/r ititimiii'ils. Addn < llr.l'.i:.Mnrrli.Oiiln<.v,Miell. ItOAn ?MKI cxnenMis n fneuth lo npentn. Ad.ires* J??U?JA. I.MdDIIAIIP, ,luilCbMil?t, Mich VINEGAR BITTERS Or. .f. Walker's California Vin? Cgnr l$i tiers aro a purely Vegetable propara;?on, made chiefly from tho na tivc herbu round on the fowcr ranges of Ibo Sierra Nevada mountains ?a* Cnlifor IIia, the medicinal properties of whim are cxtractetl therefrom without tho uso ol' Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, "What is tho cause of tho unparalleled success of VINKC.AU Bit? THUS?'' Our answer is, that they remove the canse; of disease, ?ind the patient re covers his health. They are the greats blood purifier ami a life-giv inj? principi?, a perfect Renovator ami Invigorator :?f the system. Xever before in thu history d' Uni world has a medicino I limn compounded possessing tho romo rkalilo ipmhtics ol'Y IN KI ?A II UrfTKH.s in healing tim sick nf j?ve*i disease mail is heir to. Thoy ii? :i geni h Purgative as ivull ns a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inllnmmntiou ol Mn: hiver am' Visceral Organs, in Bilious Oiseuses. Thc properties it; ,1. WALKER'S VINEUAK BITTKRB, as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid mat ter with which tho bowel? aro loaded,-nt tho same timo st i nu dating thc secretions of tho liver,",' and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tho digestive organs. Fortify tho body against disease by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. NO epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Tfond achc, ..Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach; Bad Tasto in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of tho Heart, Inilainmation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho region of tho Kid neys, and a hundred other painful syinp toins, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will provo a betterguaranteo of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, WfifiEe Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial A Unctions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Ey os, ste. In these, ns in all other constitu? ional Dis eases, WALK KU'S YIKKOAR BtTTKns bave shown their great curativo powers in tho most obstinate and intractable eases. For I ii ila II un al ory and Chronic Khcilinritism, Gout, Billons, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tito Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, th eso Litters have no equal. Such Diseases am caused hy Vitiated Blood. , Mechanical Diseases.--Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such ns Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, ns they ad vaneo ill life, aro subject to paralysis of tho Bowels. To guard against this, take a ?loso of WALRUS'S VIN? KU A it BITTERS occasionally. For Skin Discuses, Eruptions, Tet ter. Ralt-Khotim, Blotches. Spotir, Pimples, Pasteles, Boils, Carm?neles, Ringworms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, itch. Scurfs. Discolorations of tho Skin, Hmnorn and Diseases of tho Skin bf whatever namo or nature, oro literally dug lip and carried out jf tho system in a short limo hy tho use of Ul csa Bitters. I Pin, Tape, anil oilier Worms, lurking in tho system of KO many thousands, mo effectually destroyed and removed. ??P system of medicine, rio vermifuges, nc? aiw thehninitics will freo the system from worms liku these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or (?ld, married or singlo, at tho dawn of wo manhood, or tho turn of life, theso Tonio Hitters display KO decided nu influuiico (hut improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse Hie Vitiated Moori when ever you find ils impurities bursting tliror.ph tho skill in Pimples, Eruptions, or Suies; cleanse it when you lind it obstructed Aod sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you whoo. Keep tho blood pure, and tho health of Ibo system will follow. H. ii. nicnoNAiii) & co., Drogfrjsto anti Uon. A Bis., San Francisco, Cnlifhrnia, toa cor. of Washington nnd Charlton Sin.. N. Y. Sold ?>v nil l>?-?mulnts ?iii?f Oraler? (I. ?. N O M? North I lilli Strrrt, SI. Ixi'itu Mn., KKTAII l.lHHK? IK?7. Cnrf unll BiiflprrtBwllhdutlhoubOof MiTcury. ClinrKfi. ronM.nnblo trr-f. ttf Vt. n.'? "Tro-itiso on Special PlfcoaRf*. tvhlcli tully explain* tho nullit?.eaiiaea, winpiom?. nra! moins lo cur? ?ll forms ot ?emVllS nobility. nil PihraM-nraiiMvl hvtho " Error? of Youth," nnd ..mable Informal lon on nihpr delicate nubjecte, erm mee tn r'?ln tooled envelope. HEN wrltl'-g to advertiseT plr-nse mention tin- name ot inii imper, AO. 9 S.N. ?J? w niFi.Ks. snoT-orjxs, pisTOM/MtEvoLYTTis, Of anynnd eycry Vlad. ?<'inl ?Innip brCaulticnt, A.Ititi? ?... -I WriUrm Unm M>4 i.-i...i w..b>, ?? > ? ? - ....?*'??, ITA.