r~ TEe BATESBURG ADVOCATE A TR1-COUNTY PAPER. "" \ ' ABLISH?t> 1901 BATBSIHJRti, S. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 20. .pQS. $100 PER ANNUM ALL THE NEWS OF THREE COUNTIES CONDF.NSF.n ^5 ^ MWWWifrtWWYriWt i GEORGIA RAS H auousta, Jp CA" \"AI. AND SUI 3j On Jut nary 1st a J * tm wne rd?'"'l to tills B pes.i ?d theiein he -S ent Compounded ^ _____ , Til'S IS YOUk PAY 1 ' | j Whtn y?u do I" ? ' 4 tion ahou L l /j V *4 .. w^' always b ] m V ...|| THE err jj rjythe wo i a ill l> an a"?, >. y*Bwould I ii 1 .3 in many wa 1 1 t f ' ****** \ j i / of your mon ! thoughtless > ' V\ of the many I / secure. L._?_;J immkW&a il fcesburg Shaving Shaving-10 cti In connection is an up-to-date poc plan. Freneli pool "c cue and EUGENE aZET Private Pining k'oom Clioic i.s*t Edibles of til POPULAR i:?;.Tv-thing Clean, Nc MALAVIS 'v 7 l>r< ad St. II :s JOHNSON BEAD. Pesed Away Quietly After a Lontc Life of Usefulness. 1 rs. Fin hJuhmoti, relict of the late "Mr..!. 1". Johnson of Clear Water cl.arch. Aiken vicinity, and sister to M.s. Win. id l'lunkett, of Hatcshui'K. js G.. died at tlu: 'csidonee of Mr. Y. S. ilolstein, Mnnetta, S. C., March 2(5 h lost at tlu; mature a^e of 71 years. tier worthy hu-ban.l preceded Ik r by only : f< w months. Just as the shades of r. i,ht. u.ie rc ed back by the j;lori eis dawn nl ;i m >v day and the choral voices of I Wot (Hand songsters proclaimed i In-. r; hint beauty of its birth on t he n. ruing 01 i n<- mi nisi anxious w.t chcrs oe im ! their vigil, fit,- In-* W nging .;j. I.nisi its prison l>:irs and fr <. d fr? in i:s knenient, of day joy o1" 1y w? nded i; s way home So God . die leaves Jo mourn 11 r loss;.Mr. W () .1 Inison of Aiken; Mr. K .1 iiso <'o!iiinl?iji and Mr. .1 li .1 .nM.ii < f Sum I? r and two daugh\ ; Mrs. I'\ L. Weens of Aiken and i* s. V. S. Ilo skin of Monetta. All lliat II. er loving hearts could < ictivi was done to a lcviatc her1 M.aeriii* lull af < ran illness of j nd 1 1 ?n weeks pncn iOnia triumphed over . ( iter victim and as death released ; 4 . r the wind's of t eaee left the I in. i rint. of their hrc.ilh upon her aged i row and life went out m thr-sweei i . fr.iin of a t'n il sigh which proclaim ?<1 death swaiiowt d up in victory. Since lier young womanhood sin* had J < en an earnest cl.i istian and cons:. t nt memliiTni MAion napusi cmircn tier remains vert; taken to Clear Water foi interment. \ ANTED: A position a* clerk, taunt 1 eper or like pos lion irrespective v : . alary. A pply to (!, .1. S. tt.fi tf. Hatcsburg, S. C. I^e for tverybody Delivered. 1 he r.stcsburg llotUinK Co., is now < wlivci hig ice every morning. The iir<>s are verv moderate ami all i .use who wish the ice wh: on to .ail at their homes i t.icr call or c.cop a postal to tnc above firm. LROAD riANK 1 , e of advantage to you ?! ys. The : afeguarding ey an J the check on (j? >pe:idiu;: are only two ^ benefits our depositors s? m Parlors T-T rvf t/AITT/A r>4" C< ! S. I1U0 lUWClO tJ LID. >1 room run on tin* popu'ar price I straight pool 2 l-2o per cue. PA, Prop., Baiesburg, S C PXA7 cafe ; i s for Theatre Parties, ic Season. PRICES jal and Up-to-date. > BROTHERS Augusta, Ga. COTTON MARKET, Balcsburir 8pot 10 3-8 PERSOS&LS. Mr.W.A Keislor of ( llbert. sp ir :i put, of Thi:s ! i f in IVi u>sburtf Miss l(i;i lloitwripiiit spent a fmv days at Lexington s.r l>r. rosson of I o* s\itic attend od a ni o bi*.'of th Kai Assn. here ye>t- rd Mis.I; ,i lit !. . 'tei'hnans was in Mateslnii"^. on I i . . ? . Mrs..l. .. '"ill r sp> ni a few days in Columbia :hi- v ? . Mr.Alberl I!.u, "f ,nar was here r. H. ?d. Ki life 11 visited hia dangh ter ' is. < 1 i. Norris at Catccchee t! i. v..elf. . ii-v. M I >. Padgett nf M Willing J was a visitor to llate.sl>urg Wcdnea 1 dav. M iss Rppio Eiheredge spe t Sunday with her home folks at Impont. Miss Marie hoamvright spent. Sun day witli relatives near Leesville. Mr* and Mrs. Henry L. ('rouch have returned trom their wedding trip and will make their home tor the present at Mrs. VV. B. Pluuket's. BUOMIMI DIES FROM HIS WOUND. WAS FORMERLY CIRCDIT JUDGE AND ATTORNEY GENERAL. DEATH BYAGOIDENTAI SHOT. WELL KNOWN SOUTH CAROLINIAN SUCCUMBS TO WOUND RECEIVED ON TRAIN. NO ARRESTS. Augusta, Ga , March IT.?Judge O. W. Buchanan f Winnsbcro, S, died here this morning as tlie result nf a hullet wound inflicted yesterday afierno n Aliile he was on a train en route to Augusta. The bullet which caused his deat h was fired by an unknown inrty and crashed through the ear window while the train was running near Ward, s. < . The 1 ullet entered the right side and CaUn d congestion of tie lungs, wh c i res ilted in death at 11 oVIock tod ' The shut was from a 22e?liluc ..capon. From the first but slight hopes were entertained for his ivoccrv. Immediately after being : In .. received medicila'd at Johusti md was later broughtLoAugusta, wlicic lie wa> placed in the Wright sanitarium and given the best med ical aid possible, but to no avail. All through the night and morning bis condition was critical and at last be succumbed. .fudge Ifuchanan was circuit court judge of his district aud for four years attorney general of South Carolina. His wife was Miss Sophia Tillman, laughter of the late Congressman Ucorge I>. Tillman of South Carolina. Judge Huchannan was ot.ce head of the Odd Fellows of the Stale. The remains were taken lo Winnsboro this aft a rnoon and the funeral will be held Lit re tomorrow morning. Aecoiupaii)the remains were several incmh ' s? f the family There are six elo t ?>f M rs. M K Holland. I Misi Mabel Norton of Conway pass ed I lift ugh Monday en route to Saluda where s!ie will spend several days. .Miss iluth KnccCc lias returned from a vi-dt to her parents at Maxtor. Mr. Ij. 1). Culluin lias returned from a btisino-s trio to Washington. Miss Sue burton of I/intfley is visit inr; her niece, Mrs. H. I>. Cullum, M iss Cora I Idle lloyri-rs spent Saturday and Sunday in Augusta. Mr. \V. II. (ik>nn was a visit n* to Augusta recent |y. Mrs I. I> Cullum visited her parents at hat Kley litis \vi ek. Miss Aininie li;.II spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Hock Hill Mr. Minis Hartley of Columbia spent Sunday in town Prol-W. K. lllaek spent Saturday and Sunday at Charlotte. Mrs Isvan iiallnr I.ccsville was in town shopping Monday Mr. and Mrs L. M. Gritf.shy and children of Saluda were visitors to hateshurtf on Monday. Mr. Arthur Crouch of Saluda was a visitor to Ihitesburtf Monday Miss Katherine t'ullum spent Sunday in Columbia. THE LAST SENAT01 WHO FOUGHT 15TH AMENDMENT DEAD WILLIAM PINKNEY WHITE, 0 BALTIMORE, 61 YEARS IN PUBLIC LIFE AND MEMBER OF ONE OF AMERICA'S MOST HISTORIC FAMILIES-DESCENDANT OF A "UNITTED IRISHMAN." Haltimorc, Md., March 17.?Unite States Senator Win. Pinkney Wliyl died at Ids home in this city ton lull He was t iken ill while in Washinj ton last Thursday and returned ; S- on as possible, Erysipelas developi and Irs condition became wursi About I o clock this afternoon tli senator sulTered a sinking spell, bv recovered wonderfully and was cor scions u dil the final convulsion tin ended in his death at about 7:05 p. n The end was peaceful. Senator Whyte has been in publ life since lslh He was the last sui vivor of the senators who voted ayah st the fifteenth amendment to tl I'nlted Slates c lustitution. William Pinkney Whyte, Hemocra of Baltimore, was horn in Maltimori Mcl., August 1). 1824. Ills irrandfut.he I)r. J oil n Campbell While a native c Ireland, and one of the United Insl man of ITS'J. cime t? Anacrici In ISOC < 1892 | Lex in / | Capital,f c ft Per cent, r Semi-Annually. c Commercial \ Amplei'acil f appreciated. Safety l>ep< CONVENTION DATE. SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRAT WILL MEET MAY 20-EX ECOTIVE COMMITTEE MET YESTERDAY. Columbia, S. (' . March 17.?At. t meeting of the democratic execnti o inmitleo hold hero tonight the st,i o invent ion was called to meet on M Jo. A resolution was offered by ^ .lames calling on and instructing t c ni|'Mit ion to do all things necessn f >r sofeguardlng tlie interests of t count ry, and one by Mr. Bleaso, pi viding that the day of holding t August primary should be chant! from Tuesday to Saturday, in orcl nun iimru idiii puopie wouri nave opporlunitv lo vot". both were c I ft .1 ted on the ground that they ? j matters out of the province oft j executive committee and should handled by the convention only. i Senator Tillman, ex oflicio a mi ber of the committee, :dld not atte the meeting tonight, lie left Wa: ington last night for that purpo hut tbe death of 1?is kinsman, Judge O. W. Buchanan, occurred Augusta after the senator had li 1 Washington. it Is presumed tl kept him away from the meeting . & THE RIDGE UNION WILL MEET WITH THE BATESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH f MAR. 28-29 SATURDAY. i 10 a. ro. Devotional exercises J. Earle Freeman. 10:80 The Crisis in our Home Miss. iuii wotk. 11. 15. WDitc, J. A. Carson, Prot. Dorn, D- W. Heckle, J. II. Edwatds. 11:30 The Crisis In our Foreign Mission work. S.J. Watson. Joshua Edwards, J Earle Freeman, It B. j(1 Watson, M. L. Lawson. 12:30 Intermission. l~ 2 What sliould be our attitude as is to the Prohibition issue in this State? >d W. L. Daniel, W. W. Johnston, S. B Sawyer, C. 1\ Selgler, A. C. Baker. ie SUNDAY, a ? :45 Devotional exercises. M. I) < ^ Padgett. i 10:00 Free discussion as to Soul* Saving. T. I). Villard, W. W. Holstein ? n- D. W. Ileckle, W. T. Hundley. I 10:45 Free discussion as to Soul. ' ic Training. E. C. Ridgell, J. A. Carson r_ I). II. Crosland, J. II. Edwaads, It. B. j_ Watson. !1 Ju 11:30 Missionary sermon. M. L. j1 Lawson. 12:30 Intermission, t. 1 2:00 Pan we bring our Sunday t?' School enroliment up to our cburcli r' enro'lmet t and if so liow? tl. W. ( >f Scott, A. C. Baker, G. W. Sawyer, S. j , J, Watson). (Signed) J. Hartwell Edwards. , I igtoin Saving's \ Lexington, - - S. C. Surplus and Undivide $27,000.00 interest paid on savings deposits, interest Deposits of $1.IX) and over received. 1 accounts also given special attention. ities for handling your business, and your ?sit Boxes for rent. $1.00 per year. W. P. ROOF, President GASTON AND SWANSEA i I PROPERTY VALUES MURE THAN DOUBLE WHAT THEY WERE | 3YEARS AGO. MANY IMPROVEMENTS he ve Editor Advocate: ?In t.raveMntf over Llc your county 1 am bein^ much impressed with the ^rt-at prosperity of | 1 it. 1he many line farmers and farm ! houses all go to show that Lexington J* j county is one of the best counties in th Statu, especially was I impi 'ssul I with t iie (Jaston and Swansea seciion e l These people hare a great deal of lj>r grit and the properity is worth one ' hundred per cent more now than it an lt>. was live years s Messrs. Iteynolds and stl" Croft are just finishing a line hotel S(h building having three large store ex rooms on the ground lloor and 20 large splendid living r?oms on the second ^ lloor with a wind mill to furnish wa,al tor for each room. C. L. Jones. WARREN K. SMITH : DEAD. LEAVES WIFE AND FOURTEEN ; CHILDREN TO MOURN HIS LOSS. BURIED WITH MA SONIC HONORS AT SPRING FIELD, S, C. , I On la>t Sunday morning at '-2 o'clock the spirit of Warren K. Smith took j Its flight and went to the Goi whe \ gave It. For two or three months j Mr. Smith was afTllctefl vlth La - , Grippe whicli caused his death. He . was in r.is 75tli year and during all those years lie had been faithful to i every trust, as a man, citizen and christian gentleman. In early life Mr. smith united with the Baptis church, and he was always faithful to I the interest of the church of his choice He was also a mason and to use an ( everyday expression, he was a good j one. Along in the sixties when the toe. son of war was sounded calling the (lower of the States vnunf to arms. W. K. Smith was amoi:^ the . tirst to respond and for four long wears ho was ever found in the front [itflnintf for the cause lie believed to he ri^ht. During the war he received ( i wound in the letf which ma le him a jripple for lite. He was tw ice mar- ; rioj, ids tirst wile bein?f a Miss DeLoach and his last a Miss Uodie. Lie is survived by many sons and laughter1*, who rise up and call him Ideivvl. ths home was an ideal one and his children respected and honored him for ins christian worth and fatherly alTcction. I w s -i 1908 s 3a nk, \ i * :d Profits | I ueing computed c ' account will be v and Cashier ^ I Oil one occasion the master said behold an Israelite Indeed in whom there is no guile. (if W. K. Smith it ; can trm lifully be said, he was a man, who went about doing good not leling his right hand know what, his left hand di I To the bereaved wife and children and grand children vw can j only sa\ b esM'd are they who die in the Lo'.d, yea, saitli the spirit they rest fro n their labors and their works | do folio v them. j The body of the distinguished dead was earn, d to Springfield on Monday | and tenderly laid away to await the great resurrection day, when the eartli ar I sea shall give up their dead. A deligation of the masons from thi> town accompanied the remains. MARYLAND'S' GRAND OLD MAN. _ Haltiir. v,Md.March IS.? The fune lVilr.f Willi.... IX..I....... .... VI i i i a t % I a A iill\ll(\) ?? l?J IA" ? 11" I died hero last niKht of erysipelas will be held Friday afternoon at K.nmanu al Protestant Kpiscopal church. In con formitv witli the wishes of the taiuilv it will be a quiet one but it is expected that w Kre.it multitude will be present to honor the memory of Maryland's yrand old man." W. S. REAMER MAYOR OF CO LUMB1A. Mr \V S Reamer was nominated for Mayor of C ilunibia In the second race last I'uesnay ny a larKe malority. Mr. Kearncr is an able and progress ive man and will use his every ctiort to improve conditions In Columbia and make lier a great city. W.H. SELLERS GRANTED BAIL. SLAYER OF J P. FARMER IS HOW OUT OH BOHD. On Monday at 1:30 o'clock the news was received in Columbia that bail liad been granted W. H. Sellers, who Is held for the shooting of Constable f. P. Farmer a few weeks ago, and at i o'clock the pris ncr was released 'iom the countv jail by order of SlierIT Cdloman 1,l"? ?? 1 1 v.iiv*i4> a. iH7 aiuuuuu Ui UOI1U was $5,000, furnished by Sellers himself. The attorneys for Sellers appeared ind argued the matter before him. The testimony taken at the coroner's inquest and affidavits from several of I he witnesses were included, according to the usual procedure In such :ases, In the petition fo the granting of bill. Jud re l'ope granted the moLion of the attorneys and tiiedd the oail at $V)00. Solicitor Timmerraan vas present t > oppose the m jtion. The shooting of Farmer by Sellers is nill frcsli in the minds of ColumbiansThe testimony taken at the coroner's nquest showed that Constable Farmsr went to Sellers' door and asked for idmittance upon the authority of the Lhe search warrant that he had. Aclording to witnesses, Sellers said that Farmer could come In if he would wait until the ladip.? in t.ho hnn.? v.?"? .u vuv ijuuoo i iau Iressed or that he might come in at once if lie would agree to search Sellers' room only, and leave the other rooms for a later time. Then the door was kicked down hy Farmer and el. lers fired the fatal shot. Farmer died a few hours after the shooting. Sellers was placed in jail immediately after the shooting Sellers was placed In jail immediately after the shooting. Liquor was found in the hous e elsewhere than in Sellars' room. TWO ADDITIONAL LOCAL MA1LS_DAILY. Comnencintr vesterdav a dally mail service was inaugurated between Ool umbia and Augiista. This will a great- ? convenience, to all those living and receiving their mail between the above points as it practically two more mails a day; one from Augusta and one frou Columbia, This change Is en i irely due to the efforts of tfon.A.F. Lever as he has beer, working the mat ter up for a long time and that too against many obstacles. ATTENTION VETERANS A regular meeting of Camp James Connor No. (J37 will bo held In rear of Citizen's Hank on Saturday April 4th at 3 p. m. This will be a very important meeting as officers for ensuing year will be elected and arrangements made for celebrating memorial day. Every member of the Camp is earnest ly requested to be present and veterans generally are cordially invited to meet aud cooperate with us in per foot i liR: arrangements for making memorial day the best and most en^ joyabie one we have ever had. T. I>. Viilard, U. X. Gunter, Adjutant. Commauder. RAILROADS LOSE CAROLINA STATE COMMISSION ORDERS RERUCED PASSENCEB RATES ON THREE ROADS. Columbia, S. C , March 17 ?The railroad commission today decided to order the Seaboard Air I.ine, the Rluc 1. idgc and the Columbia, New berry and Laurens railroads to put in effect by April 1 the reduced passenger rate of 2 1-2 cents per mile. These lines protested against the reduction trom three cents per mile, but were willing to issue mileage books at the same rates as other lines. The de cislon of the commission is very im portant. and may be carried to the courts. 1MU I iuti We wish to remind you that the gardening season is at hand We ave the largest assortment and best varieties of seed we have ever had. Call and see us. The Harris Cain Drug Co.. The Duality Seed and Drug HouseIJ tf. * liatesburg, S, C. Visit Miss Botlie at Fitzmaurice's Miss Viola Bodle has accepted a po sition with FlUmaurlce Dry Goods Co. in Columbia and will be glad to show her friends from the country the inauy bargains ollercd there. 13 2t.