The BATESBURG ADVOCATE . . . f. f . *. : i < J A TRl-COUNTY PAPER. ' . . . . ESTABLISHED 1901 BATESBURO. S. C.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 31. iq08. - ALL Tl ? GEORGIA RA g AUGUST/ 5m CAPITAL AND SI v? On January 1st a ^5 was added to this ij" posited therein b jS ^ C Tit Compounded % THIS IS YOUI AN UNVAR1 Tne majority of on varying story of sat i.? hanking accjmmodai iih tc? suggest that yc cd with our service Citizens Bf?nk Batesburg Shaving Shaving 10 c In coniwction is an up-to-date p I lan. Freiu-h po"l f>o peroneal EUOKNE AZB1 OLYM] i Private Dining Roor Choicest Edibles of t POPULAF Everything Clean, IN MA LAV I 837 Broad St. Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given that the books will be opened at niy office October 1st for the year 1907. Tr.e irate is as follows: ordinary town tax 3 mills, to pay out etc: on town bonds i2 mills total IS mi'ls. Ever iperson who has real estate or person al property in town are liable to this tax. Books close Jan. 20 190H. Sept. 16-07 J. M. Malpas, Ireas. NOTICE The public is hereby notified that the License Ordinance for the town of Batesburg has been revised and all Licenses are payable on or before the thirty first of January, pirtie* failing to comply with this Ordinance will be subject to a penalty of fifteci er cent of the amount of sa'c iLicense or Licenses. Apply to tin 'City Treas'r for further particulars. J. M. /Vialpass, .Jan'y. 9th. Sect'y & Treas'r. RIDGE ROAD. MANY INTERESTING LOCAL! FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. Well, Mr. Editor after baintf allien! for sometime 1 will tfive vo some items. Your scribe has been confined ii . doors with (irippe Tor a few ('ays. A'r. (J. E. CauKhman is attendinj , court this week at 1 exinRlon. Miis Vcrnlce Mc'ts visitel Mis A it es Tavlor last Sur.dav. Mr. J. W. Adams and family visitci at Mr. J. C. Ueden batch's recently. M. C.uiKbma ban been quite sick a few days. Mr. II /..Adams made a bus:n:? ftrip toColin hiu last week. 'Mr. Willie Warren who wts seriom Ity cut some days auo is convaletccn' A tenant bouse belonging to M 31 /. Adams was set < n lire last Sui day ni^bt by unknown pa:-,i?'S. Foi lunately the lire was ex Iiik i "d i>? fore any harm was done. J. W. li. HE NEW' 1LR0AD BANK % I. GEORGIA. ? JRPLUS $550,000 00 Savings Department Bank All money de- ? 'ears interest at 4 per January and July. ^ R OPPORTUNITY S ? immtm ,l; ^INQ STORYI \ IX c: I rpa'rons toll nn un- (j (faction regarding our n Lions. And this impels >11 also won id be picas- 11 >i tl d t< ; of Batesburg," Batesburg, S. C. t >1 a Parlors >> ts. Hot towels 5 cts. ? ti ool room iuii on the popu ar price r id sLrai^!it pool 2 1-2o per cue. 11 A, Prop., Kaieshurg, S C * ? in rr C-A-.FIE 2 Ll lis for Theatre Parties. as he Season. fr ? PRICES ? h' li [eat and Up-to-date. S BROTHERS S Augusta, Ga. ' n A mm ait um ? nunm liUUI'H MAHAL l. y Batesburg Spot 11 3-4 ' PERSONALS. ? Mr. William Catc of Monetta was in town T imrsday. Miss K sio Ktird spent Saturday * and Sunday in Lexington. J Mr. W. ('. Hates spent Wednesday s 1 in Columbia on business. 1 I t . Miss Liz/.ic Cudum lias returned . j from a visit to Oraeitoville. !j Mr. Oscar Roatwrigbt of near J Leesville was he-e Tuesday. . I Mrs Hen I'adirett of Ml Willinir!. was oil our streets Tuesday. .diss Do la Haggolt of Kidgc Spi ing ' was here shopping on Friday. 1 " Mr Fred Cullmn and Col. K. F. ! Strother went to Columbia toiiay. Mr. It S, Sim'tis of Ilock Mill was a v'sitor to our town last Sunday. 3 Mr. F in i t h I'oukni^ht has moved into Ins new house near Hatesburg. Mr. L I). I rabham h ?s returi c I from a trip to Kentucky and Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. (Jus Holstein of Monet ta visited HaUsburg last Saturday 11 Mr. J. 10. Norment of Columbia 1 spent several days in Hatesburg Llili l* | week. Mr. K. N. McCarty of the Pincv H Wood s clion was a visitor 10 the Advocate oilice on Thursday. s 1 Mrs. Alike Smith and daughter, Miss Addie, ol near Ilolsteins X Roads were in town Wednesday. LI 1 Miss Rathe ir.e Cu'.lum entertained the " Tat lers Cluh" in honor of Miss Julienne Pace on Thursday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk laud and daughters, Mlsse Hassle and Hess e of Ridge ^|> ing visiteu here Tuesday. 1 IMHi LOST. r. Last week, a sheipnd dog answer r. lng io name of "( riifo," white rin _ .round ii< c x and \>lni.- lip to tail Finder please not ify Krai k W.iis >?< Kic'gc Spring, S, C. | OF QE ]R0FT DENIES THE ALLE GAT WHS. iNTI-DISPENSARY COMMITTF.t MAS NOT YET GIVEN PROOF. The dispatches from Augusta pub shed in the South Carolina papers of he dispensary in North Augusta a used Representative Crott Tuesday it rise to h question of personal priv ege and vigorously to denounce cer 111 relied ions which lie said had cen cast upon him. Last week when Mr. Lane of Marl oro had passed a resolution condein ing the action of the Aiken county oard, iu establishing the dispensary * North Augusta, as undemocratic, Ir. Croft who was out of the house t (he lime, had the resolution ic ailed later and taken from the record 11 the course of his remarks Mr. Iroft and that he had as attorney [ presented to tlie Aiken boird that lie dispensary should he established nd thai certain ministers bad stated h it while tliey were willing for |a ispensary to be established at llainp m Terrace hotel they we e not wi! ng for it to lie established in the awn of North Augusta. It was this statement that caused a ispalcli to be sent nut from Augusta that the ministers el Augusta ere indignant ami would soul a com lillce to Columbia, at the same time barging that Mr. Croft waj a rupri jntallve of liquor interests. Mr. Croft said that he had been rosslv misrepresented in these (lis atcbes and he would have liked Ver> inch to lace this Augusta committee, hie at the last moment failed t< urn up. He wished to say that In ,'presented no liq 'or interests, that e hud appeared before the board it bout even accepting a fee, although b would have been justiiied in taking nc for Ids legal work, and any state lentt) the contrary could be noth ig but a deliberate lie. i lie Angus l interests iiad shown themselves Bcldcdly lacking in courtesy, to say :e least hi tin: statements they have mt out to prejudice the general isetnbly. Mr. Croft then read ?-ta*.eraents om tl e Aiken pipers, which he said id been written by a prohibitionist hich substantiate his position and 2 presented ailidavits along tlie same nc. Afterwards the house passed a solution endorsing the statement lade hv Llie Aiken representative nil exonerating niin. Tlie committee wliieh had come ere to present ailidavits against Mr. Vost had not submitted them. toy HURT IN RUNAWAY. iRIil-NWOOD I AD STILL UNCONSCIOUS FROM INJURY SUSTAIN!:!) MONDAY. (Ireenwood, January 28.?John I> Vahion, the 8 year old sun ut Mr olin W, Watson, of Wagencr, win eriously i jured here yesterday af* ernoor. about :$ o'clock by helm brown from a wagon by a runawa; lorse. The boy was sitting in a wag in when tlie horse became frlghtenci it another wa^on coming up bein.d him and ran away. r_c littU ellow is still unconscious althougl be acc dent bap, er.ed 24 hours ago. MRS. RENA R0YK1N DEAD Mrs Kcna Boykin died yesterda norning r.t lier home in tliis p ace a lie ripe old age of seventy years Mis. Itoykin is the mother of Rev T M Roykin wl o has been filling th pulpit at (-liini|iiepin and otlic burcbes The family have only bee living here a short while bavin mivi?d rrom tiran'.tiville. The f leral will he liehl at Cramtevill today. ITEMS FROM NEAR BAXTE1 The Lutheran church, St.. Peter will h uiu having services every sc.1 >nd Pu iday p m. at three o'clock Flic Rev. I). I> (Jroseclose of lees villc will hold the services for til rear. We hope the members wol at Lend. Misses Ida and Maude Shcaly ha\ returned from a pie sant trip t Trenton, (Jranlteville and Aiken. Messrs. Andrew and John Ilenr Shcaly spent last Saturday and Kur ilay at Johnston. Mr AnfliOtv Klu.nlti Inf. ..... - j 11 iuuni iiK for Hlackvlllc wlie-e c will spcn a tew days. This section is progressing nicel and I lie farmers have - tarted to wor on the farm. Subscriber* ;neral i AIKEN DISPENSARY TO 1 BE VOTED UPON ' HOUSE PASSES BILL FOR SPECIAL ELECTION AND INCLUDES COL LETON IN PROVISION. i The dispensary situation In Aiken coenty brought up some more c.scus n slon in the house Wednesday. when in Mr. (tiles' bill submitting the coun'.y |tl disuensary to a vote o' the (people , 01 came up. This bill provides that the at people of Aiken shall vote (Hi dispell tl i sary or no dispensary on the first fi Wednesday In Apt 11. d< M i'- Giles, in support of the bill, re U ' viewed the efforts of the prohibition 13 1 DOUBLE | STO H Capital Stock H National Bat 3 burg1 will s> In creased . 0 $25,00( 3 , Jpi In order that I lie stock hoi 1.1 National Bank of llatesburg ma si Itut ion lias done dot Iuk t he se1 \"i submit Ik'Iow a concise stateiiKi Capital Stock Fully l'aid 1 i"! Total Dividends l'aid sii ; '< Amount of Net Prodis a i Bra Total Capital and Surpli I J The Directors and Stockh< L meeting, January 14th. have doc sto'k of onr Bank from Twei Thousand Dollars Bv this meai and farmers throughout the Tt se?ure a block of our stock to 1 for stock should be filed at once ' V. W. WATSON, President, iKa C. CAkSON, Cashier, L.O masi IffiiUlfi ^53 s ists to secure an election and the fn trouble over the registration hooks. tl Mr. Croft also favored the bill bUj ec wanted the election held in August when toe vote would he more general bt and after prospective candidates had w committed themselves to one side or n< the other. lie believed that the peo i: . pie of the county should be given an B opportunity to express themselves.but si saw no neressitv inr any special eiec p: tion Aiken having had more of these c( during the past two jcars lhan any l> two counties combined. P> The debate on the bill became geu (J eral then and several amendments t( were prepared to be sent to the desk gi so as to include other counties. The b pr viot.s ques*ion was called, however with only one county inserted with n Aiken, the amendment being intro tl i f 1 \ 1892 I \ Lexinj ] u I | Capital,Si u / c t 5 Per cent, int.i N Semi-A initially. I>e ft S Commercial ac / Amplc facilitic I appreciated, s. i \ Safety Dcpo.siL i* J 'e o V I" ??????? duceri by Representative Smilli of fj Colleton. It is stated that an amcna menfc will be ottered in tbc senate V chunking the time for the election in k both counties s> that they will be held io August. i iSSEMBL JEULAH CHANGES NAME IEBEAFTEB TIE TOWN WILL BE 1 KNOWN AS "OLANTA" BeMilel)?m, Jan. 28 ?At a mass loolinit nf ilui n?:_ t. va VIIV *-?VUiUH3 Ul tins IUWII ^ eld was decided to change ie name of the town from lleulah to f ic which could be used as posted Ice e idress and also, as shipping point; f icre having been considerable con- j ision and Complaint regarding the ( slav in mail matter which would of ;n l>e addressed through error to i culah. thereby causing adelay oflfrom ' CAPITAL | CK. P, of the First H; ik of Bates- m ' oon be in- p ! fro m fl1 > t O ft , 300 |: ders and patrons of the First, i V know exactly what our In- jpj| | yen years or its operation, we [ : it of its affairs: PP 1 in $2.*?,000 00 fc| 1 noteholders.. $12,025.00 I ik! Surplus. $18,010.78 Pk us %4:i,:il0.78 |J ' uncrs of our bank in annual pHIll I ' ided to increase the capital |r5 * ity-Fivc Thousand to Fifty Kyi . ns many of tl.e business men ^ i-Counties will be enabled to fcl , be soon Issuol* Applications iLl with the riesidentor Cashier. ' N. A. BATHS,Vice-President, If 'WRY COVIN, Ami Cashier L, EI UEIlSf IB! lEIlEIlS r uir to seven days in the delivery of le letters or other matter so addrcssI As is often the case, freight would s sent to Seivern In Aiken county, hich was shipped to and should have een delivered at Heulab, Seivern be ' ik < be nearest shipping point to the i eulah in Aiken county; freight ;thus \ lipped, seldom if ever reached the hi ties to whom it was consigned, jnscquentiy tlie loss would have to ^ d borne by Hie transportation com * anics in most eases. j Very often with exp-ess matter ad ressed to Betide1,m it w uld be sent ' i Lake City, when it sho.ld I ave one to Alcolu and thence to Hen la h y way of the Alcolu Railroad com I any i 1 Alter considerable discussion the i anae Oianta was unanimously vcrel i be name of what lias heretofore been I fton Savings jxington, - - S. C irplus and Urtdividt $27,000.00 rest paid mi savings deposits, in teres posits of $ 1 00 and over received. counts also given special attention. s for handling your business, and you Hoxes for rent. II.CO per yea*. \v. i>. poof Pr(-a,i?n? known as B'-ulah by (lie people of mis seel Ion ? f the State. The ma ter of chunk Ink' the i amc of the posloll.c' h is been taken up with the p o >er 2 uthoniies at \VashiiiKto:i ?.n 1 should li e name he aceeplibie t< llieni, then ih t aine of I h h mk a>' the mercant lie firms local d here v 11 make the necessary changes. J\ CONDI STATE ELECTION ON 1 LIQUOR. WORTH CAROLINA HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES PASSES SEN- H A7E BILL. IlaletKh. N. C., Jan. 27.?The house T representatives al midniulit tonight >assed the senate bill for a Slate rc lection on prohibition, this to take tlace place tin last Thursday in April cr n place of the ilrst Thursday In Augist as provided in the senate bill. Il( JOR HEWJR0GG1ST. J )NE OF OUR HOME BOYS THAT ? HAS MADE A LITE STUDY Or 1M THE BUSINESS INTO WHICH !' HE HAS ENTERED. J Dr. McKall Ridgell Ph G. one of our mterprlsing young men has gene into AUKiness for himself, lie has spent :ousiderablc time hi learning the tt hug business and graduated from an n? Mlanta college with the highest louors and is toe*ay thoroughly qual- ;ll U..H mi ?i--. ' I.v-w i,\j 111! iMCSLlllHIUin Ull'lL illiy (IOC I t< <>r may give, no matter what ingre-1 licnts are necessary. He was born I ir.d raised in I.'atcsburg, went to icliool here and is well known to our ;n ire community. NVe wish for bim ;very success possib'e and hope that n th's venture lie may be in every bi ,vay successful. He lias recently tl xiuglit out tlie stock of the Gunter la Drug Co , and is occupying liis old ni itand. We preoict this much at any ci rate; tl>e girls will seek the place k Ahere liuyler's candies are soldtx- si ;lusi vely. SWINDLER TAKEN IN 0 CUSTODY. ! PATENT MEDICINE FAKER AR-jc rested in greenwood- i thought to have diied many mill peo- ! ple. * ii Greenwood. Jan. 27.?The police lore have a man on their hands who, .hey beiieve, is wanted in many other i owns of the State, especially those 1 .vith coll on mill p publion. He fives his name as (J. H. Lawrence," ink clcims to represent the * Choctaw Medicine company" c?f Cincinnati and las been selling his medicine here to 11 i 11 people, giving them written jromise of new Itock llill buggies, Mason and Ilaml.n orgius. pianos. te,all for the sum of$l. II'- has liiuglit many. I he same man was lere last year ottering a set of china u ?| tl r K L< ?j J 1908 \ Bank, ) " . | f ~ VI A I \/l I J s r t beinn computed I I ri c / 11 r account will I) \ U c 11 I 1 and Cashier C w / 0 > t. \ t J wi t )i p!U*h nrrli?r f/?r o <1:1 !?/?? l*? r\t I. ^ .. ...... v. "V. ?*' ?* v wu tMV. \ji mn ^ Ionic. It is believed that I e lias c reaped a rich harvest among mill s people all over the State. Ho stvlnd- I U'd over (>J people tore last j ear yet I oame back. A telegram to bis al- > I ljged house was ritun cd auk h vered. P Si.uu PtiKFANNUiyi ENSED 'RAVELING EXPENSES OF CIRCUIT JUDGES. . ODSE SENDS TO TH1BD READIB6 THE FEBATE BILL GIVING $600 FOB EACH JOEGF.' The house Wednesday sent to third sailing the senate bill providing that >00 be allowed circuit judges for avcling expenses. There lias some ipositlon to it on constitutional omuls, Mr. Fraser and Mr. Kershaw vlilln.t >.? ?>-- ** uian biie constitution made a ca for the overworked and underlidchcuit judges, as expressed by r. McColl. By a vote of 67 to 47 the house relsed to strike out the enacting wards ir. Kraser attempted to have the bill mended by striking out tha appropri* Linns of $50n and allowing expenses, 'his was rejected, however, and the ill went to thi:d reading. It says: "That from and after the passage r this act the j.idges of the circuit jurts of this .State shall be allowed ic sum of $">Oo for traveling expenses > be paid to them in the same maner that their salaries are now pa|d.*> As the bill passed the senate, .the pproprlation Is row a certainty, here are now 10 Judges, making the Hal cost of $5,000 yearly, 1UL GABBER SOLE OWNER. " > Mr. Paul Garber lias bought out bis rollier in the drv -* ? . ^ n uu.iniCi-? nu lis place and will in the fut'ire enirge Ins slock and keep a full assortient of everything that is generally irried in a tirst class store of the hid. We wish Mr. Garber every iccess. 'UARTERLY MEETING 4T ST. JOHNS GHDEOH. The tirst quarterly meeting for the iatcshurg circuit will be held at.tuhus Saturday and Sunday, tirst and pcnnd. I*r I w i4""1 -' * *-- ? ... .. ??. vauici mo preidiiu cider will preach both days at I o'cl( ck. The conference will conene after the preaching service Satrd.iy. Sunday at 10 o'clock there (ill be a love lean. The public cor* ially invited to all these meetings. J. S beasley. tECEIVER FOR SMALL ROAD. A. fi. ANDREWS PLACED IN CHARGE OF TALLULAH FALLS RAILWAY COMPANY. Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 27?On applicant) of the Southern railray, Judge ewman, in the federal court, today ppointed A. 1J. Andrews receiver for le Tallulah Falls Ra'lway company, he petition alleges that the Tallulah '.ills road i* indehted to the Southern > the ext.nt of 1,600,003 for money sed in extensions and developments, 'lie road extends from Cornelia, (la., t> Franklin, N. C. A month ago a reelver was appointed for it on applicaion from otner creditors. That suit as settled only last week,and tho reeiver discharged. ilGHT mm STILL APPLYING THE TORCH WU UAKNS BURNED NEAR TO ADA1RSV1LLE, KY. Adairsville, Ky., Jan 29.?"Night iders" burned i wo large barns on the irm of Jesse Purr, one mile west of ere last midnight. The barns ?onnined a lot of tobacco belonging to Tesley Strickland, a cropper of Hurr, dio is not a member or the Park Toiacc t Growers Protective Association. inotIm r barn on the olace eoataininor large crop belonging to Pinkney Yard, an association cropper, was lot molested. burr is not a member of lie association* There were between 0 an(i501 f tlie riders In the party. FIRE IN PROSPERITY Pr sperity, .lan. xv?The Excelsior cliool building was destroyed by fire, ansiiu a 1oh> of about $MK), with in* urance of $J'U. The buidlng will be re milt in the near future, in the death last Saturday of Mrs.F. Itobb tb;s town lost one of its best women. 'L