. , , TI We BATESBURG ADVOCATE... A TRI-COUNTY PAPER. BATESBURG, S. C.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25 1907. ? A! The HarrisBATESE Headquarters: 1 Stationery, P Come in Line is Complete GEORGIA RA AUGUSTS Once you open an account > closed ?for we give you the handling of your bauking bus old. WRI 1 Our Name Y Everything that, we handle is of iricarf Pins, Muds, Hroochcs, Ihih Sis. Link Hutions, Hair Ham Jlon'j) Umbrellas, tilllette Riz >r: William Sell 702 BROAD STRtiHT, : AN UNVAR The majority (if c varying story of sat t111 - l ite the popu'ar price plan, JKivno " 1 '/>< nor AZHTTA & KB1-I Tax Notice. Notice Is liercby given that tli books will ha opened at my offii October 1st for the year 190". Tii rate is as follows: ordinary town ta 3 mills, to puy out et* on tow bonds !2 mills total IS mi'ls. liver person who has real estate or perse al property in town are liable to thi tax. Sept. 10-07 J. C. Glover, Treas. * Watches and Jeweln Xiomelo TUcV.sUirj* and look -it my up to-dalv J-'wi'lry, Mich 'Watches, Clocks* I lamonds Solid Gold Sigrct Uhlgft, lliind Vin^s, Lockets, Chains., Solid Gold Scarf I'ins, Cuff Buttons Dress Pins. Iircocbts,Crosses Bracelets, Cut (ilass. French Hand Fainted Ciller Jr.panese Work Indian (mod , Souvenirs of ttatesburg, Sterling and IMatcd Table Ware, lit-. Eye Glasses Fitted Examination Frc Repair Work Guaranteed to Give Satisf.ictic I'rtces Will Surprise You. C. L, Jones, Uatesburg, So. Carolin 4 % II the Ne\ Sain Drug Co. 5URQ, S. C. School Supplies, ost Cards, Etc. and see us. M ILROAD BANK l, GEORGIA. vltli this bank tlie same is seldom best facilities to be had for the iness, but never lose sigh of tiie TE USour Guarantee tiie best that money can buy?Kings y Pins, Charms, llaiuly Tins. Chain dies, Cr isses, Watches, Ladies' and and blades. ivveigfert & Co., : : : : : AUUUSTA, ^I>r. YING STORY >ur patrons tell an nnjisfaction regarding our atlons. And this impels you also would be pleas< of Batesburg, Batesburg', S. C. y Parlors ,a & Keller, two lirst-class harbors future on the popular price scale. its. Hot towels 5 cts. p >ol room which will also lie mn on h pt 10I 5c per cue and straight pot.I Props., Baiesburg, S C J COTTON MARKET. :c; Batesburg Spot 10 1-4. * ? ? ?? IX I PERSONS ;:| AND THINGS Mr l-'rc 1 I> iby of Aiken spoilt last week in town. Miss Kppie Kiheredtfe soent Sunday iiitflil ui hccsvilln. Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Culluin spent Sunday in < Uiluinbia. V Mr and Mrs. Casper llallman spent, Monday in c ol nubia. Mr*(ieorj;e I >. Carey of Aiken was i in the city yosterday. ! M iss Krline A Men has returned to! her li >.ne at, K l^elield. Miss Rul?y Miller of Trenton visited ' I friends in town recently. Miss Marcoiia Jones visited relatives in Aiken county Sunday. Kev.D. 1> C msec lose of Lcesyille i was in the city yesterday. ! .dr. I>. R. Ivid^ell spent several j days in our midst this week Mis* Kvn.lv 11 a.h.h.. ..f vm........ .. . .. .? ?, v .. ^ wi i'u/iivua j was in town shopping 'lutwJay. Miss j her aun>. Airs. J. II Hartley. ' Mi-, (anil JOthcrcd^e of C.ester , suenl several <1 ys in town this 'week. Mr. K irl S.uvyer, of Ridge Sprjng, vial led friends in HalesburK Sunday. Mis Mnnget of Tvciit.on was the guest of Miss I.ucilc t'ullum last week To il.e delight of Iter many friends, At ins Ntna lying was in town >eslur'lay. Mm James K.atwrlght, of Monet la, was In town shopping ore (lay this ,veek. Mr. A.' ill A. Kawl of Lawtey, Kla., is vis.ting friends and relatives in IU I tJWII. |?? j"' i* r vs One \> Dr. J. S. Fox, of Hateshurg, was In Columbia on bus'ness yesterday. -The 6tale. Mrs. Thompson of Anderson Is visit ng her daughter Mrs- W. A. i.'ooner. I Mr. and Mrs. M. J. llolstcln of Monetla were in town shopping yesterday. Mr. J. S. Elkin and daughter, M iss Ruby, of Ridge Spring, were in tow n Monday. \|Uc I?. ll'li Riiann ntlnn/'n^ .... .? jmb uvvviauvVI Llli: HI" nerul of Mrs. Mark Tonjy at Joh us ton Tuesday. Mrs. M. F. II irm in of Lexington is visiting at the home of Mr. Killian Ilarman. Mrs. A C. Mitchell spent Friday and Saturday last, with her parents at Johnston. Misses Etta and Liz./.ie Nasli of Columbia were visitors to Miss Yyola Bodle recently. Mrs. Sara Shuler and Miss Molda Hodges attended tlic Fair at Lexington Wednesday. Miss Victoria Crosson and Mrs. II. I). Crosson of Leesville were in town shopping Saturday. Messrs I). .1. LaGrone and Luke Rush ton or Johnston were recent visitors to Hatesburg. Messcrs. J. O. Quattlehaum ind E. C. Mat.liis of Prosperity were visitors to UaLcsburg last week. After ti pleasant visit to Miss Viola Hudie, Miss Lvdia Kemp returned to lier home at Johnston Monday. Miss Annie Lou Harm in has returned to her home at Lexinutou after a pleasant visit t<> Mis4s Euiso itiwl. Supt. L. .1. Oliver, of the Southern Hell Telephone u?., of Charleston spent yesterday in town on business. | Mrs. Alice Cason of Abbiville ami, Mrs. I)r. James Crosson and Mrs. A.' Minis of Lecsvllle visited the Misses Jones Tuesday. | The Progressive five Tint with Miss Lucilc Cullum yesterday afternoon a four o'clock Delicious refreshments were served and the afternoon was spent very pleasantly, Fine Country Nice little Farm for Sale?For sale that beautiful little farm of J. It. l'adKett of about one hundred ( lor?> and live acres about (3) miles west of tatesburtf, on Mose Creek on the public road. Land consists of about seventy-live acres in cultivation and about thirty acres in woods and bottoms Rents for about tvo thousand pounds I'M cotton. Improvements consist of one new four room dwelling, one tenant; bouse, one barn, one cotton house, one Apply to W. \ "BIG DAY" AT LEXINGTON FAIR. SENATOR LATIMER ADDRESSED FARMERS. COMPETITIVE DRILL BY BROOKLAND LIGHT INFANTRY. l.exin^ton. Oct. 2;L -This was the 'bitf hay" at LIic county fair hire, and Lexintftonians turned out to take it in. There were fully 2,.'>00 visitors on the krounds during the day. More admissions were sold than ever before, and t luue >\ eve more exnihits than on any former year. The line horses were much admired and will be in evidence nexl week at, | li e Stale fair, where Lexin^tuniaiis will attain turn out and spend several iia>s in Columbia a most attractive feature today was the competitive drill l?y tile Ihookland Linht infantry in command of ('apt. Joseph 10. Leach, with 3:1 men. The lii-st prize, a $lheehan, and the second of to (Jeortfe Cannon. the judges were ('>1 ocor^e IH1!! Ti miner in in, (J?p.. J. It. Alien and Capi. Car! Anderson Botf. The delivery in exceedingly { appropriate words war- made by Col. ' Timmerman Capt. Leach and ins men were c mplimented on all sides. Senator A C. Latimer was present in t he afternoon, and delivered an ad dress to a large crowd in the arena, heintf introduced by W. II. Sharpe, K-iI. lie addressed the farmers and touched on his im ni^r.-tion ideas. 'J'ne show attractions were plentiful ; aiid fully pat roni/. d. I no wamniinwj marlines were hirred this year. The I crowd win jolly and wood lmtnred, j with no drunkenness In the afternoon lite f lock holders me! and held an election of nllioers, ! re electing the old ones to wit . 5)r vv. ii Tfmrnerman, ;rrosid en invi I i in- i.i-i-:i>i hi. and from Ij.-esr ' vilic. Hati'sWurK, Ifro-yklanri an-i the I Dutch Fork c um' scorea. M K I) ^iinincnniMi of -U. MatLI ov\s was judge of Hie live .stuck com pell lion. FOR SAI.H Five large yoke oxen. D. M. Crosson, Lccsville, S. C. fit ' / /hole Yeat WINNERSIF PRI-1. ZES DURING THE TRI-GOUNTY *: PAIR. got Tim THP PAID * rDFIT onncp.>fl * * ? <*i? a uaiiBl OUbbLOd in f^r, ETEET DEPARTMENT ah. 80ll< The Art and Floral Department do- our seive special mention. The exhibit else showed that a Krcat deal of care was the exercised In the selections. The any Needle VVorlc Department had more ^ra' entries than any other department moa duriujf tin Fair. The Household Department too wa*. wolI reprusented a,?d as you can sec by the list of prizes OMC given below. The Fair was a success n?l' in every Instance and what a better a m rrospectfor another successful Fair in t next season would anyone want to mat sec. M Needle Department. mus Mesdarms .lamis Lnphart, T II lion I Canghman, K 1. Livingston, Caleb mci Ktncrt ??<*. < red ?od.o, W i" Tim expi merman. J L Wa?..an?i.D A Slrother, eess J mes Crosson. B I? Whitehead, 'I' H in t Kernatfhan, S B Cartled^e, < W Drchcr is a] MH Edwards. I E1 wards. J 11 Watson, who Misses Bessie Bates. Liz/.ic Drehcr, er^i liana Q lattlebiuti, Lueile Callum , foui Ma^k'io t/ullum, L^ila It inkin. Muk'k'ie und Sliuler, Daisy Edwards. rcg[ Household Department. secl Mesdames K<1 Rldgel!, James I) Cr sson. Anna Add/, ifi J Edieredize. A! _l_ y* ' and Trwn Propei smokehouse. Fine wed of water and T good pasture stream. Aci the Five Room Cottage for Sile I* ?r pres sale 011 easy terms thai pretty little >?hi live room cottage on P-rry s' ree' of J. dre< It. Padgett's, recently owned by the i?aH late James Suddath, an I about two Etc aeres of land with barn and all ueces- ial ( sary outhouses House is new and in and goo I repur, fresh painted. 1} uck goo< buyer will secure a bargain. casl V. WATSON, Ba I M B Kdwards, T M Cauirhtnan, l-l L left Livingston. .1 Wu'ler briber, J us whi I.caphart. J (J Glovei, W E Bod'e, .1 Mai A Hate:., J A Wats m, I Edwards, wal Jack Kidgell, D M Crosson, L 1> Cul khv luin, Miss T,i/,/.ic Gulluui. Pield Crop Department. T J B Younghlood, (1 W L> brand, N acn A Bates, Mrs. C A Rtrother, M^s. Sal- moi lie Etheredgo, M \V Sli- aly, W K the Shoaly, J VV Dreher, Miss B Kneece, jdal< Mrs. Baz Peterson, Mrs W K Bodie, luoi L T Perry, UJ Padgett, John Hartley, On John llally, Miss Klla Quattlebaum, pies Miss Anna Addy, C B Kneece, John the, Cock roll, U Etherodge, Mrs. Bessie Bates, Mrs. Jas Leaphart, M E Butland. D \V Matthews. , the Poultry Department. j 'ji|u 1) M C rosso n, Mrs. Da/. Peterson, ,>ho A Taylor, W W Watson, l>r It K MatliiR, A II Asbill. M 10 Rutland, J K Knetee, C M IOIird, E L Hartley. M riei Sheep and (lost Department. K L Hartley, J It Padgett. II J lMa' Rogers, Hugh (Jtosson. ',!'J Swine Department. I) M Crosson, M It Hartley, C M * Etird, J M Padgett. It H Watson, I0*'1 .lack Itidgell, W W Watson llor. e Department. J I> Q tatt'obmm, J II Kodie, Win. i C.ito, < It Drelier, SL Hcnnrix, T ,,e: Ktlioredg", Kit Cato, I, t L'resley, ' Hat Sam iloof.lt 11 Ciughmau, (ieo (>doiu, M. I Geo Lan^ford, Caiuiun in & Mom A jrt Itlio.lcu, 1) M Cros>on, VV W Wat - ! ison. L H Spradley. Louis Lauthcn, .1 ' j a watson, i) K Klinl | Plural Department Meadamos T II Kernaghan Jas j (jcapl)art, M H lvhv.inK, riara Shuler, | N A M M Matth vs, I, T I'cr- ! ry. Miss May Crouch Mrs. W K Hod* \ j lc, M s James? rodvjn | Hickory Wood Wanted . tre In sizes from (> x ft laches an I up j sn' in diameter an J 28 in-hes in length, an Quantity unlimlt d Also white onk CCl 5 feet long and f> inches in diameter. 1 Cash paid for same. Write J. M. j Itook, liatesburg, S C. 1 ( Oct 15 tf. *, Only F Art Department. U fesdutnoe 6u Peteraou, c B Llv- Ifl 4ton, 11 B ishealy, Misses Bessie r, Itcss'c Crouch, Maud ?panu, 11 Mitchell, Tliclma Cannon. , DMAS & BARTONS BXH1BIT he Tastiest and Most Beautiful 'liile passing through the Kalr JQ iinds and buildings we had the d fortune to get a glimpse of anas & Barton's exhibit. The liture was arranged on tho plan of mie, first, com inn furniture In ? il mahogany. Tbe bstl attracted t, attention more than anything in the room, Next we came to diningroon with a solid mahogside hiard, table, etc The Kll wing room in our estlmitlon was j it beautiful. The piauo3 were mg tlie class called sweet of tone easy of action, one which every .1 desires in their homes. We also Toi cod the V ictor talking machines, *eI the achinc that needs no advertising j l.ts country; one that furnishes st,0| iy pleasant liours for the home. cros r. Alex. (1. Kdelblut, an expert a re ;l("l I Inutpn ' " " ' Hon - ii-yiirer iium me T or of the planing and arrange- , i's. This lirm went to quite an k,y ( ensc to in ike their exhibit a sue- t'.ie and wc olTerour congratulations croi he success wiiich they made. It tur of t Iways a pleasure to see an exhibit sta, tre the lirm puts thei> every en- cha r into sam; to in ike a success. We the id r I'Melblut a gentleman who P'CI erstands his business in every cut >eet and tiiis firm Is fortunate in iring 1 lis services. ser M. E. Rutland's Exhibit. 1 thr r. Itutland had an exliibit on the cei ill: con bro 'ty for Sale = U eve B lat own Lot for Sale, Cheap, 13 1-2 rc|] es-This liii'* property is part of I'apL. Jack ll.ites' estate near the Mr lent residence of Mr. J. W. Cooner. :iej tided two streets. Set in four hun- i>a i peach and plum trees. About ..|l( ' in pines and ti.iu cotton land client locition f r beautiful colon- 1 >r suburban residence or for poultry th< truck farm. id wo tenant hjuses, C|1; i well water. K is/terms. Small ..... 1 payment a Til tesburg, S.C. % as you came into the building, is < ell was very tastily arranged with fai l'.s of cotton in b.oom around the * Is and sacks of grain of dillerent ^ll acc us on the floor. ^ Middieburg Mills. wa his manufacturing lirin wa>Just ass fro:n Mr. cuihiinl. They de- m;i istratcd t lie ditlereucc in speed of de4 old time spinners ami the present no' p. Side oy side was the old hand hui n and spindle and the p iwer loom . . the counter you could see nam- tra > of the different styles of goods son y manufactured. * we l.eesville Mfg. Co. his lirm had on t xhibit some of nei ir b-'st make of Collins and caskets. I,ei ;ir furniture made a very neat 1 ^ win# one to be proud of. tj0 Mr. C. W Stewart's Exhibit. an( not Ir Stewart bad Moor space to the son it of the stairway, lie had sevI llallelt it D.vi.s pianos ones- er it and was very courteous to the iters to it's department. Mr. ?ai wart made quite a success of Ids ^ libit. of fro LOTS FOR SALE. ",f drably I catc.l in the town or lesburg. See W.J. AleCartha of ic;i E. Rutland for prices and terms. kn [WANTfcD. v' .1 'o buy some first class dairy cows. i(l 1). M. Crosson, ll? II Kcosvil'e, S. C. IP' New Home l:or Sale, 'M fe Valuable half a:re lot wltii ne? l>' sh painted five room dwelling for le In Lutes uirg on e irii.-r. Front (I hack yard, fenecs and all nc- la ssary outhouses. Itargaln to quick ^ irehaser. Kl1 W. W. Watson, L>3i Batcsburg, S.C. hi - ?* ifty Cent IRS. MARK TOSET KILLED BY TRAIN, | H1STON LADY STRUCK nv flnninrtnn?i ?? - Itlio DI DuuiHLtiit nu. 8 YESTERDAY.- 1 the ion was slightly ? bruised. ;y the .LED IN SIGHT OF HER H3ML, IT CROSSING, AS SHE WAS DRIVING TOJOHNSFOr: ohnston, Oct. 21.?As Mrs. ley and her son, Mr. Spann e driving into town this in ir bu/gy was struck by Sm n No. 8, going north, due at l at 8 58 a. m - nr. rt?o r. islng about a mile from t >w suit of the accident Mrs. i" d. lie wind was blowing anci tains up Hie occupants of tli 3ld not sec the danger ah I ; m, although parties w k jsed just ahead made warnlu es to them not to crow, but - 1 his did thoy see. The en tes that there wbs no p nee of savin}? them lie s horse at the crossing, tearii ' ues and twisting the buggy u . looey jumped and received V ,v s, one on the left cheek ana < m: <>r, u.a. riellt. lfl* but thuen will nr?f iir...... loir.:- ~ yy l is supposed tliat Mrs. To my was own auainst til2 engine a id roved her fatal injuries. She du d at 10 this afternoon, never re^aininp isciousncss. Irs. Toney and Mr. Toney were j| u^lit to Johnston on the same in that caused the accident and re carried to the home of Mr. C. F T ;bman, where four physicians nave , |ie ;ry attention possible. he? Irs. Toney was the widow . I,ie ntzler 'l'oney of Washington, L) C., j Mrs. Ham Kirkland of tbr frn Irs. Toney was a lady esteemed in con ; community for her liieh Christian s'a' iracier arm inteiieeuiu capacities j"* i her sudden ami tragic deatn e.ist t-o" ;!oom over the entire commuuiby ma e accident occurred in sight of licr ?nt lutiful country Iniu:. The coror's inquest was held tills afternoon, let u verdict being that she came tn ail r death by accidental means. L'^ rue luneral services will be held at be I'clock tomorrow afternoon, when it vis expected that all members ot the , nily will be present. superintendent WiU'ams of Colum- Lite i received a wire in regard to the art ddent sliortly after it happened wording to this account the train bijJ' s coming around a curve which Is / isid red by railroad men to be one fah 1 tie most dangerous places on the e(} id, the road being at this poii t in a ,t pent. It is said that a tr j t>e seen approaching if ving aloi.g the highway. \V jgy driven by the parties \va the crossing tlie whistle in was blown and was heard is in nearby cotton fields, t is stated by soma of th re an the train that a warn en by the pe ?ple in the tie Iher tliis nor the wliisl n(i hy Mrs. Toney and her did not heed the warning. Hue wind was blowing in the n from wliieti the train win I this might also account ft hearing the whistle when inded. I'wo of the men !'r> gliborhond, Messrs. J.J. a ... ute, wno passed just before i i , , . , hjggy sav that they ilea, islle. ts the buggy came from be ; ik it was struck by tiie train i , m i se was instantly killed an. iley was buried beneath tli the huggv. 11er son was tli. im the buggy, but was able t > p n removing tlie buggy from th >l\ Juins mot her. When she was ph krd job blood was Streaming ?i >n herljj! :id un I m 4llt.ll unil ^ v.i >.i u : moil. I lI attention was secured it was \ own that she was mi rtally injured ^ j Mrs. T'?ney was a ftiisa M.iiytiu IIion of Kitfefield c. miily, and was i!n years of age. ftlie was a woman t;'j w was greatly revered and had j'a no a it rem, ileal of church work At ,'t e time of Iter death she was or re ,.ri muling secretary of the Woman's x ireigu Missionary society m Jolum , s ,i district conference. Mr. 1'oney (I preceded her to the grave bu: a , \ w months, he having died on the 7 \y January of this year Mr William yy, mcy, at one time editor of t ie .lohn- ^ : in Monitor, is a son. i j0 Mrs. J. Ham Kirkland of oiarisa mghter of Mrs. Toney. M id rs K irkiand were here last nignt on eir way from Olar to .lohnston. Hey were shocked and grieved mi- ro .prcssibly by the sad tidings .oh Na id brought them to Columbia. \ s EATH Ot MES T. C. SUEAIY. Hlc?sud are tin; din in I uoni, i ci sillh I lie spirit they ; from their In bora an I their works follow t hem." n last M null/ a. m j ist as the was betfhinln^ to in ike its c >urse iss the heavens, the spirit of Mrs. 3. Shealy took its Might and was ted to tlie 1 into p i: a n mia. that the devoted hush ml and 1 friends could do faile ' to stay disease. rs. Shealv was a. c insistent memof tiie Methodist church, and is rived by a devoted husburi and a iber of re atives and friends, o all who are n >w pissing under rod tli it smites thim we would blessed are they t h it m > irn for t shall bo comfort-id ' ie master on one oc vision ' wept" a we are howerl down in sorrow . ever readv to hear < n* *> ? aiai told mi Hi it. bossed book, i' Lord chasteneth those whom >vetli." HYMENEAL. i la>L **und.iy Uev. Jabc/. Ferris in deman i in a mat rim mini way. lay in irnino h united in the ootids of ui itri ninny Mr. I-mis ison <.f Hite>bur : and Miss C >ra 1:11,111 of Leesvilie. Sunday evening lie was eal 1 -d aaa'.n to p irfonn a e.roinony. :if 1 contractitiu' pi (ties beiiitf O W . llalini in of our town and Lybrand of Wan-nor. Mr. Ilallis 0:1a of our b jst yn.tn^ 111 in and > a rosp insdi p ?sii ion wit 1 lha >nes Co. I'a I) 1 i; m a 111 lit ea? able youiii.' lady of 1 lie V/agener ion of Aiken (J and lias a mini* if friends wn > wU'i .1 n* much >iness Ton u?'oj n 1-. to ba r!y c nigrata 1 al <> 1 winning the rt and h ?.nd o, on ^ > lair and vi. ... - ' ?i * hi-. ii in' nap couolc the cats cx'.c i.U 11 i,* CJ.l^ralIOllS. OMAN'S WORK FINE Kkim, ICE ALLOTTED TO DZPAiiTIENT PRO USES TO BE WELL FILLED WITH_ EXHIBITS. he woman's work department of Georgia-Carol In a fair nrorai&es to me ot"the gt" it 'st features among exhibits. The committee in rge. consisting of Mr- K. C. Denton inn an, M -ssis. J'. I. Hickman, E. lohnsoi. ami Di Sparks \V. Melton working in e >- deration to make exhibit one ot the most attractor all displays iu the lair lr. Denton ins secured art work 111 ir>\ iy mousch or me nitrv to lie placed on cx'li.bition iply as an eduoilive feature and . to enter ( r tlie pri/.es. In addiri L ) these t here are many requests ning in every day for more infortioii and the prosp -cta are that the ries will be large and num-.ous in ry part. Irs Wiid.n, i.i charge of lhe art i.irt inenL ol the ,J. it vvhileCu* ! Hive tree ueuioiistrati >ns during i fair, showing the latest sl'teh^s I Mt her art work matters that will of great interest to tie '.alios it ing the f sir. ill iodic if ons no.v point, to the t that the den irtinent ail it,t ed to nan's work will tie well tilled with m ist ex ,uisi'.e \ir ? dictions in tine and needle work, while the home lartment will lie repiete witli the ist jellies, preserves, cakes, pies, enits and bread. ill wlio enter their exhibits at the r in i his dep irlin not will hi all >wto sell a iv ?)t' an o !.!i > diiolan vided however, that, it u n ?t, t > bo iver.-d until afi er ilia eloie of ilia fliU will iur:iis!i a s.? ridi I i ) i for those wii i n ive anything i and wish to Kr'i d. before tha :o to ox libit ;ti in wd' Uilp i he display at the smie Lime lit. Llieinsvivt-s. JTLK1EN OF THE JURY. r:1RS FOR COURT fiftSr WEEK , IV EMBER TEilM, LEXINGTON COUNTY. a ii n;M i-.ur is, IHVis, W lers Wii.ifitrt!, ! LuUirr smith, i s VV sIkmIv, S r in t V mummer. M u'li i, K ;;'u* W < i r. t, Snmou or, I Jin U. Ii isi, W Daviil i ,|{ o v, .1 I'll ; u).l '.via. .1 ? t.: I' .i;nilH''a. \V .loll' I'l l : 101 v ir.l .V .ii. Tlionis (. L>i,'. I'.rstn 1 John N A nir.k, s.- . Ii A' I ir? i. (Jileb 10 Ljam, u I, K oojl'y, J W?jssir.4or, I.is A iJii lin^, try A Hie1I. i L ia,'f ir I, l' s F.ilr. Will* I'L a ph li t, Up. I' Ky/. >r, ob L 11 ' in" 1 viii, K a >i 1' Saj ily, n liiliear.ino, W ! 1).?r i i t II Is . 1 vl i (} i'.*' \ ir irt Slnjmpf.-.. (' ) II ILL , Ja.-i Ilikird, helto.i 11 -cil ! , I', \) iti Ig.'ll, S VV nick Ii (.' I''.11'' i k. !).?',I vi 11 'r iff,, ' (' iclcy. i : I V) > log, A M U !j<1, 11 lo K Ko >r, I'h ii II C uigii nan, jhster W I'ric", .usopn 1> Price* ^loole, II tiry L finally. L S 1 >ac k. For Kent. I'll at very Ucslreahle general store oin on Main street in tlu Plrst itional Itank building. Apply t? W. W. Watson, President,, *