? ' * 9 3F * ' Tfc BATESBUR O ADVOCATE A TRI-COUNTY PAPER. BATBSBURQ, S. C.. FRIDAY, JULY 5. i?>07. JACOli PHINIZY, President WILLIAM A. LATIMER. Vice Prest. GEORGIA RA1 AUGUSTA, CAPITAL and UNDIV1DE Particular attention to by mail. We solicit your business SHAVING PARLORS THE BEST OF BARBERSEVERYTHING HOT ANl) CC BILLIARD AND BOOL PARLOR: J. J. ROBKRTSON PROF COTTON MARKET. rJatesburg spot 13 1-8 * PERSONALS. Leosvillc !n to have ai oiher Bank It will l?c called I I c Peoples 1'ank of JL.cesville with a capital itcck of uo. Next Monday July Slh Messrs Weston, Hyatt and smlth of the Southern Col ton Growers A sac elation wil speak at Leesvillc. Mr T. S. Wiilianis or Columbia came down to Vr. J. \V. Rutland funeral. Mr. Williams says that Batesburjf is growing so rapidly that if he stays away for some months he can not find his way without a guide. T!ie old wooden warehouses have ut'Cii iuiii uuhii at ia.M aim 111 am u | be replaced l>y one large brick standard wuiekou.se. Mr A (Id I on Vansant of Delmar \\a.{ a visi'or to Ilatesburg on Saturday last. Mr, 7. V. Gunter of Lccsville Route "N). 1 spent Saturday in llatesburg shaking bands with bis many friends Mrs. CJ. K. Cravm spent a sbor while in llatesburg this week, she m * lias just returned from Rldgeway 5. C. ^Mr, M. W. I'erry of Lawtey Fla. is bere this week. Mr. i'erry is lookii g \v(dl and Ids many fiiei.ds bere aie glad to see bis cheerful face Mr. Earnest Hartley alias 'llets" b with us for a few days. Kverybouy js glad lo see JlHs. Mr. .1. A. Whin on spuit Tuesday in Columbia. Mr. Phillips lJ?Kil rt rip lit w is ;i visi tor to Ihitesbiirtf oil Tuca 1 ty Lot Mrs. Alice RanKill's s<>r. Dannie met with a painful tec.(imt while playinp \vhi;h resulted in a broken arm Dr Mitchell paw him i nmediate attention and the buy is doinp as well as can he expected Mr. J. C Swypcrt had a very sue (. e^fpl Harbacue here yesterday Hoth Hanks and the pnstofi'iee weri closed for tlie Fourth Of Ju'v. Mr Mare earner f'?r Delmar II. t I). No. 1 wasacuilut on the fourthDr. D' M. Crosson was called suddenly to Summit yesterday w hile attending the It f:: h. meeting to set a broken; arm. We cannot bat n wlm the in juror: party is at t Ids time. M, Martin I' >nt \yi iglit. of JtMge Bprieg was heir w*stt t.lay. Mr. S. It. Ail ly of New itruokland was am Mg the many visitors t<> Hutcsburg yesterday. Mr. Aildy n course rci t>rl ")!eelion for mayor on ' u-s'la, passed <>IT ??ui? tly willi l>>(I can i l..lrs work j? In nl Tlu? volt* wis \ei y c'o?e I < ii p W, ('. 1 a'< s 11* ayfaJnsi 10:1 in t n llr>t race an I I' K SiCii'lin in l<>4 annuel HI in ilie llrsi Mr Hal-swill lake his scat on January i, w. CHARLES CI. GOODRICH, Cushlei RUEUS H. BROWN, Asst. Cnshlci LROAD BANK GEORGIA. I) PROFITS, $500,000.0( the conduct of accounts | and invite correspondence. AND POOL ROOA1. -HOT TOWELS ALWAYS STERILIZED. >LD BATHS. 5 IN REAR OH BARBER SIIOR. >. Batesburg, S. C. MRS ROSA JONES LAKE MOTHER OF MISSIONARY JOHN LAKE DIES IN VIRGINIA. Edyeficld, June !!(!.?News has just reached Edgefield l>y telegram of the death at Tazewell,Va., of Mrs Hosa Jones' Lake wife of Capt. (ieorKc Blocker Lake and mother of the Lev John Lake, the ureat Y. M. C. A VI' / !* !//?? linn o I nt lo? ?"! 2 IIW" ?V I IMIVMUII.U) III China. When the Rev. .) hn Lake, eight or ten years ago became a state V. M O. A. secretary of Kentucky wi lb hei'.d'iuai tors in Louisville, lie inclined bis father and mother, with their seven younger children, to move tn Lexington, Ky.. fm the more easi finishing of the educations of these vounger children, Since tl.e Rev. Join; Lakes departure for china thro" jears ago.JCapt. Geo. It. Lake, for ih lii?! IOT nn^Iiintv f f liis: incmnnr>n l.iici iioss, moved from Lex npton Ky.,nnd settled i:i Ta7.ewell, Va., but always i wit la \ iew of let uirii p in a few yen i o his native home in I'M^cficld, And in Tazewell Mrs. Late died yes I terday afternoon, Jone, 2S. aired w m' > ill or (It) years, but wit' out the slight- ! < est appearance of hastening ajre, tal { majestic, Tair and beautiful. 1'wo months apo she fell and broke h p. This calamity broupht on som. organic troubles, and now the loicl) and beloved lady is pone. She was M iRosa Jones, a merrber of a very 11i^>h aid wealthy family o Lib;rty e nin'y, G jorgia, a dtsccwlati dI a hader ol the fail.( lis old Ncv :>orc!letter colony that first at Dor ehester. S. ('. and aficwarris rcmovei i.o Liberty eountv. Georgia, where untill alter the war, and public uso fullness. Mrs. Lake was born am cund in Liberty county, Georgia. She leaves her devoted husnand, the ' Old < onf< delate hero ol Peteisburg. md eight children, of these, two are in China, .h>lui, I he'missiorary ar.ri I wife I f IVnf u.. . '!?? ... # !.? Mctliodi.-t college ( i Ilaiikow. Mrs. Lake's body will be brought to Ivlgcfield tonight and 1 e buried from 001? baptist church tomorrow m> ido / a'! 8AJ.UM OIL MILL SOLl ! I I i BOUGHT IN BY STOCK HOlDES A1 UPSET PRICE OP 810,030. S i!ii la, Jul y 2.--The''aluda oil mi .v.ii aold here t?ul?y to (lie hi-ii 11. 1 Irr It w.i'. Iiid (ifl l>y Mr M T 1 *11' r ; lie sloo\hdd rs at ilie ups -t p 10,000. I lie |irose111 stcckholdei a I so wish to do so can either rctai theii holdings or received 4i) cents oi : lie (it'll ir for their slock, c icll hin, c r.-d for under Hie sale, 'lie | aid up apit.al is *?"?,O0<\ and tic mill is a vcr ' i e pmjiert.y, under proper in ina^one t. Co'. Mvin Kl liered^o of the cover or'.- s'an', wli > a -comp inied the chit'' xeonti w 10 the la nnstowM expO?lti i ' South OaroU ia dav," rctrur.ed . me wsiertlay ami reports U c ex sit ion lull a groat sho?v I ike ah hers who have soon i 1, the Soul I i* i> lira exhibit, le regar la ;.s lie St n|| the grounds. Mis l \vd ol about 25 men marched in an oidcrlj manner to the Whitefield county jai ; and demanded l'osey. Covered b\ | jjuns in the hand? of every member o I the crowd. Jailer hritton was cone ! polled to surrender the k* vs. i Knterirn tbe jail the crowd went i< I the cell occupied hy Pctey, securer j him and placing him in a biqrn.v. drovi ' L?> tlii' viaduct. ; There was ah.>oh;t( 1> no confusioi 1 in the crowd. Marching in double t.l" they collected sev? r il polio men am 'oiced them to accompany tlieni. N'o i single shot was tin (land I'o.-cj wai ft lianuiiiK for tin; citizens to tim this morning at (>:' !<> "IT.e body waf ut down. before this hanping the pris nei wa: arked if be commit U d the ci 'ine aoc why l.e d-d it. Heuiswoied tout In < , u ii i y, uiil IIKII lit.' (I u III) I, III11 I I 0 I.a; m the ^iii. At I Ids the ci't wd hooted and will he wouls' "I):e with a lie in .\cui icuili," the huyyj v;;s driven from indtr him a id In was leTiswayi ik to ud fro to slow ly choke to death. Oil the way to the \ induct Fos c J skeo tlie crowd in pray f u' him, and .e met his fate without a siuale o ilcry. The crime stuck the ?i. Li re < > t y w it h horror. Never before has tmc bet ii >i.( I. tin i lit lege in t liisi o. 11> \ at t hat comii.it!.' d by I'oscy. Alter c m i.ally iifiFutillii \i the ycu'at k?'t it himself l?i. nuhl her to the city (.tin>; victim was i i a very n il e tl ci tiflii i? 11, Intl. litis moriiintr s) i >,na' 1 v iiitprMil, and slim o lioj i > i re In-id ori i" i li? i u't imatf I'fia.M i v. I'o'fj ! ad i?s n li\ 11.x in tlds tcaul) o 1> one week, iiav tnji in ?Vfd 1 fif f i on .V.ilker county, lie lived in o o of the eel ion l ouses..t ducky Face. HARD ON TILLMAN. I0L0RED DIVINE CALLS KIM A UOMAN ASS. I'oiton, Jiils - At Uiis Afcii'ii I Imdist (' inference t< d.iy, r.isb >| I nry M. Turin r. ?>1I'liiiade'plii i said "The fulled stales is no 1'iiend < h<- colored man. M very tiling that i vritten and published about our r..c i lit- popular nap'i./ni's arc in \h lain svilful fiiKclutO'is. Kvcry w!,r I.1M who l.s destitute of abili y, ye lib i .viiils ;n? o'.ll :?i I'iely. bus to y(> Iwrpirp and I ..blh bunt I he nepro ..nd hi.sinfei h i i t y, tb /ardaman. Ti'lman. and a mi m'.i.t o tbers I c iiild mcnt ion mere Iniina s*cs braving a pa In-it (Jo I an I nature w ill pive senator Til I nia'i #l,onu i n.iKe a 8| ceeli, an I leave tie- ne^i ml, that can be c.ille I a speech. ' BATESBURG MADDENED A j,? BY THE SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. JAMES W. RUTLAND. I IN THE PRIME Of MANHOOD, WITH I A BRIGHT FUTURE AGO LOV- j: El) i)1.' ALL to a 1'aUitj s; inpallmlic in i inol I Ui .h'o a1 a fi ieirl tint in 1 ame only. Wo li .libl vety iniieli it ( In. re is a \< niv map in this ton niU'.- 1 iy sv11 > ? as in. re liljt'i y ivspee'ed 1 Hid loved lli,iti .11.11. The sad news ol | 1 ;iis d.M'ii winc'i cce U: i cl l;tf t Moiul ij morning at five o'clock Vi 111: nonie ol nis mother in this place threw u I d spiri s. ) 1 lie luneiai ;ei vieeSi wen co.idi.c rd under the auspices ot Lodge 57 Knights I ?t i'liylliias i I winch lie was a nieiii. her. 'The 1; norary pjlUbearcrs were: T. II. Kernaghun S Brooke i , artledn.', W. W. Watson, T. llalsey . i f.- .. l vi it J I I < ' A liU? I) V'JHil (HIM CM. i i' *a> I? rile int i*ncntwas nude i.i the ilaiesbun; cemetery at live o'clock i >n Tuesday al u i nt >:i from the res lenee of hi.s mother Mrs Mat'.ie s. ' I I i ill laiid. I He leaves to mourn h:s loss beside his 1 s u'lllior, two brotl'"'vM Hi'i ' 1 I' this place ahd Job/ W. Rutland 01 i Texas, end two 's. Mrs. N K 1 Jantt of M >actia : a 1 Mrs. J. 15. i wedlock ol Ware She ' *. ; .IRS C ARL MATTHEW ^ DEAD. 'I SHE WAS ONLY IN HEit TWENTIETH YEAH AND HAD BEEN MAI! Ill ED BUT F i) Bit 1 MOM 11 \ 0 Mrs. Carl Mattliiw.s n Winds >.(' , 'J.iiiiK'itor of Mr. .1. M. 11 ut to of Samaria died at 11or h -it Warn* >. i >o Tuesday at four < eh.ok after a , tintfei :ntf illrt s.. Mr., Mutliicas was > i i tin-"21st v. ut In r y . and had ^ I I) mm.ii out only li'jul luiir monllis. Sin; was huried at I r o'd home 'Ode (J rev in Aikon County, ileside her fa'li -i s!i livivcs a mother, two hro'li rs and two sisters, and y h st of I Fiendi I i nin'.ilTi lief loss. I IS SURA IiflE SWIHD- i LERS CAUGHT. MEN OPERATING IN SALUDA OPERAT1NG Hi BARNWELL I i <111. .1-1 I . . I VI V. > f money in lie ajiifre^ale, writing lire insur;n c ; t i I hey claim I. I ?r l he Unified Fireinsurance company," eViectinu' ihej nemin ms ai d promising'to serai the i p ilieics in t, mi days The p Oieies leave ; i I u ver h' i u sen".. i ! ii appears that 11. same pillion : nave been op rulinu in It.umvcli .. unity alsoa-(1 It irnwell's sheriff now i ias lliem in.J ii', Sal'id i's shei ifi wi I a>k the sheriff i ,f iiarnwell lo hold t lie nitMi. l'iiey will | no tried in 11;'.ruwt il at lh; appro te'io i term of i'. 'iii I, win :h onvenes on it i he Mh instant. A fI i ilia t hey will nave to f.w a S tl j lunn.y j n /. I I NO DANGE8 OF TROUBLE AT ORANGE BURG JAIL Columbia' ?S. (J. .July 1.?According to i i>!iono message to your correspondent nmi Orangeburg this afternoon there s nodanger of lynching 111 orangewr# county on account of the killing if Mr Dexter Williams near Springield early venter lay morning, l?y a legro name I Cheater Hiker. According to reports sent cut last light Baker was being carried to Or ingeburg jail with r?o men in pursuit, i lynching being strongly probable. I lie message today, however, said Haver and two brothers, as accomplic es iad becu lodged in Orangeburg jail > Constable lluttoat Springfield. Ace nling to Hie the information eceived at ()rang< 1? irg'Mr. Williams miii lo Hakebou ,e e li ly yest 'id ly n Milium, or was driving pu'-tthehouse in a luiv'n V, and failed to answer w Kiii-.il. IS.iUer on l-iiliiitf to L'i't iili an wi-r sho' Mr. Williams willi a shot 4iih killing him i.i-d-anlly. Another oad was lire i at. the hutfuy whicn \?>unded the horse Mr. Willi i:ns was h iv '4. 'i'oilay whiskey w,u f? and in Mr, A'ihiamV h tf^y, though there is no vid.'iicv that !)- was arn.-d. it is I10114I1I that in' wa-idiunk. LE1IMT0N NEWS NOTES. ,'RIMARY WILL BE HELD TO CHOOSE LATE Mil. LPTING'S SUCCESSOR. .cxinglon, .Inly ?Tnojcounty Dem cralic executive committee met in te (J >urt liuu.scy ,-sicrdiy under a celt din the chairmen, . ti e committee is :ii>. Thus, the va: iitcy will be lilled at the genera' iccti ill. which will probably be held iu second Tuc day in September, t'apt \V T 11?)f li is rituivi "I from lie Isle of Palms, where he and Mrs. >A,.f -I I ? ' ? IUIM UUCIHHU III" I J.l I I i\ l l S UUriVUIiion. Mis 1J k>f will spend a few we el s 11: Sullivan's Island before hoi 1 ticuin<; I mills a very resp i.isiole ?o.ii! ion with buffalo mills. iiSHOP CAPERS WEAKER, RECOVERY DOUBTFUL Us CLERGY REQUESTED NOT TO WRITE HIM BUSINESS LET miS AT THIS TM'\ Jiwi.ril, a. C July 1 ? a1 r. 1?\ ! '. 'iipel's r< <|iiests riic state to punlish lie I >ilow my: * Urdiop ('ip-?rs some weaker" but digestion yo .'I. Ile -ovory hoped lor. Would a?k Ids cleryy not to write hi-.n business lot tors, for !?< < n i\\ t iv;ul lor under>tand. 1Ji mini only oloar al iiilc a s " Tie S ate. Latest Improved Mid; >ds If you want your cloth laundered by tlie latest ami impr ovid methods send them to the capital city Laundry Columbia, A. C. Por SaL. One No. 2 mill, one e!yhte;n li i>e pc wer portable Cozier euyl u f? nr o-:en and two carts Holinan, Cullum 11.la. Co. Batcsbury, S. C. , | KILLED NEGRO I E. C. CHAPPELLE OF EDGEFIELD COUNTY SHOT TO DEATH GEORGE GRIFFIN; SHOOTING SAID TO BE IN SEIF DEFENCE. Edgefield, S. C., July 2 ? Mr. E. CChappelle, at about 8:30 tbi3 morning, sliut and killed (loo.Griffin, ooiored on I.is place about one and a half miles Hast of Edgelield. The shooting was done with a pistol, the hall entering the head just above the right eye Mr. Chappelle shot, it is said, in sell defence, and he made no effort to cs cape. Tlie cause of the difficulty is not deiinilely known, but it is said t be in connection with a labor contrac Judge N. L. Branson will hold the in quest sometime today. BAIL ORANTliD Columbia, S. C., July 2 -Mr. ( qap pello came to Columbia and this afternoon habeas corpus proceedings were stitiiLed before Judge Ranzler, Unaccused being admitted to bail in tlu .urn of $1 ,COJ. T.S. BATE'S, COTTON / THE BEST CROP SEEN IN TRAVELING THROUGH FIVE STATES Mr. John W. Rutland \\I . ouh just raveled through the heart or the cot unbelt of Lousiana, Mississippi and i good part of Texas says that the, otton on Mr. Rates' plantation ox-1 ;v?ua vi-ry largely anything thai lie| ins seen in his travel, a distance oti >ver 1,100 miles. Asa matter of factrj .ie says that Mr. Hate's cotton Is fou i lines larger than any west of Birmingham and much and larger than any in Georgia. CHURCH NOTICES On account ot 111 health Rev, Jabe/. Kerris has tendered his resignation as pastor of the liatcsburg Baptist Church Next Sunday there will be preaching in the Baptist Church by Rev. Mr. "ars ?n -at eleven o'clock A. M. Rev. Royal Shannonhouse will fill Mr. A. J. Cauthen's pulpit in the Methodist church next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. RILLS r ATHER IN MOTHERS DEFENCE. WILLIAM TAYLOR SHOT TO DEATH IN SALUDA COUNTY WHILE BEATINO HIS WIPE Prosperity, July 4.?News has just been received here of a shooting alTraj in Saluda county. Details are meagre but from such information as your coi rcspoudc.it can gather it is learned that William Taylor was beating his I son, Simon, when his wife spuke to' iiimand beit^ed him to desist. He let ilie boy kv Hie latest and improved methods send them to the Capital City l.aun r the one i lovo host in tin* world." "Ah, I suppose it's those now collars you saUl you ?oikIo?1."?'Tit Hits. Collars Don't Crack Our collars and cuffs do not crack, wo guarantee thi in from cracking when laundered by the Capital City Laundry. Columbia, S. C, ? DRESSES. The Fourth was a ureal day for Batesburg. From early morning until noon people from the surrounding country came in until it was estimated that the town contained 000 or TOO visitors. It had been previously advertised that the rural letter carriers of Lexington, Saluda aud Aiken counties would hold a meeting here yesterday Tor the purpose of organizng a tri cjunty association and that Congressman Lever and other speakers would be on hand to address the crowd I'ho gnnn 1/n-,wl 4 l " . . ..^vnneit rn.ii; licit; aim tilV uity [ was given over to speech making I uid feasting. The rural carriers met in lie morning at the spacious Summer^iand Inn, The address of welcome was responded to by Mr. Samuel J. beapliart, Lexington's popular postmaster. Congressman Lever, who lias worked very dilgently and successfully for the improvement and perfecting if the rural service' was entroduced and spoke in his usual lucid way of the gract, good to the people of the rural communities which tin- rural