'f Charleston, S. C , spent a delightful da} under the hospitable roof of Mrs M. E. Boatwright, at Mims. near the Midland road. i - i-.-i- >_ ? .iti v; 13 <1 jrwuiiK limy III OULeSUUfg who is so modest that in passing a pile of ''undressed" lumber on one of our streets, immediately lowered tier veil over her face. We are Indeed sorry to state that 1 tile Harold Steadnvm s.ni of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene stead man is unite iii. Mrs. White cf Johnston paid Batesburg a pleasant call Wednesday. Miss Annie May Clantt of Swansea visited Mrs. J. B Hartley this w?ek. Miss Lila Glover of Beech Island is; the humored guest of Mrs. T. A.j Quattle baum. Mrs. Furman Norris and little' daughter of ("atccchec is visit ing her parents l>r. and Mrs. E O. Ridgell. Miss Helen L'ndsay of Columbia is Vioilii... M -o I V f Wiling AO* * /V ^ 'UIIU'l Mrs. Boyec Able of I.eesvillc was in ] town shopping yesterday. Miss Ida Bnatwright of near Leesvillc paid Batesburg a pleasant eall a few days ago Mr I) E. Ethcredgc spent severa; j days at Ninety Six this Week. | Miss Bertha MafTett ot truit llill was a visitor to Batesburg yesterday j Miss (1'adys Bladen of Loesville , paid Hatesburg a plea-ant call yester . da y. Mis. f-t Ju'iar* Cnllum of Augusta spent a few days in town this week. Mrs. I ate llite returned home yes- i terdny after spending awhile with her husband at the Augusta "ospital. Mr 1> l>. Mc^all of Benncttsville visited Batcsburc yesterday. Miss Kate Alexander left Saturday | ia-1 lor iior nome at Kufala Fla. Mi-.s May (Crouchis visiting relatives at Wards. Mr. Will strother of Walhal'a was a visitor to Hateshtirg rrccntly. Mr. I'o.i of Texas is visiting |,ig j-l-ler Mrs. J W. Cooncr. Mr. Edgar Fato of Monetta was in , town yesterday. i / s I CHARLES O. GOODRICH. Cashier RUFUS II. BROWN, Asst. Cashier LROAD BANK GEORGIA. [) PROFITS, $500,000.00 J the conduct of accounts ind invite correspondence. AND POOL ROOM. HOT TOWELS ALWAYS sterilized. LD BATHS. . IN REAR OE BARBER SHOP. Batesburg, S. C. BB.ANCHYILLE TO HATE A ?Tn**VM?? a m ?? i A ntvysfAfttt; Mr. C. A. Graves to Manage tlie ' Weekly Journal , Waltciborn, May 15.?Special: In a fow davsClaud A. Graves, who lias so long been associated with the Prc^s and Standard, and for the last several years foreman of the composing rooms ant', job department, will sever bis codnection with this paper and go into an independent Held of journal s m at hr&nchvillc as manager of the Mratichville Journal, a weekly paper to be published at that place bv the Brauchviile Journal Company. Mr. Grav< S brings to bis new Held of labor seventeen years of experience in the newspaper business, in which he has risen from "printer's devil" to the responsible position of fireman of I lie Press and Standard newspaper. Me liar, an abundant sap ply of energy and marked newspaper ability. E. E. Myrtie. for many years an ablc ' assia*ant, will succeed Mr. Graves foreman of the Press and Standard! oftioee. Tl.t, Is a deserved promotion for Mr. Hvrne, who Is a competent ncwpapcr .nan. and well qualified for his new position ( NOT GU11TY OF EMBEZZLEMENT. FORMER STATION AGENT AT GREER'S SOON ACQUITTEDGreenville. May 15.? Sp/cial: The jury in the case of T. M. Hill, who was under Indict incut f>r the erubazzlementof $3 000 from the southern lhtilway white lie was station agent at Greer's, returned a verdict of not guilty after being out, ten minutes The case was biought on evidence given by Railway Auditor Lowrey, who inspected Hill's books in January, 1905, and the c-"o had ju>t come up for trial, lidl was awarded the pos; t ion as station a^'enl by the Southern I as a reward for his tefusal to turn over to highwaymen money which be longed to the company when they it tac'sed and shot. him several t imes, in Oc ober Ha)'., ar.d lie was, until the auditing of Ins liooks, a trusted and esteemed employee of tin- road. PIANO REPRECENTATIVE HERE. M. M \V I.iodgrew. of lioston, and i general manager for the il illet & l).i-! vis Piano Company. was the guest of! Mr. C. W. Stewart f >r a few days last week. TO RURAL CARRIERS Mr. .1. K It. McCartley of Leesvillo j President of the Rural Mail carriers litis r? tjiiostfH all carriers to meet at I exi yton (' II 011 Thursday May tl-Jtli at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. A.C. Hiker, of Monet ta, pass c i through town Tuesd iv on I lis wa> to Richmond, Va., where lie Is sent hy the Ladies' Societies of Hethel and ; ! Nil. IMf* |v?Milt. / 11 11 ?*^? I J I A nl I"4 I Mm u vy.im umui tv; (it 1.121m tin" present session of the South "n Haptlst C'invent ion, which meets In that city. Mr Maker will also visit the Jam?8town Exposition before his return. | i CASHIER F. H. JOI 0TH1 ALLEGED ABSCONDER FROM REPEAL REVELATIONS. IN ONE THOUSAND DOLLA1 PERCY FONVILLE, i PROMINENT BOND OF $10,000 UNDE 1UT\T *n A rnnn jmrubAiLU Charlotte. N. C , May 11.?Frank II. Jones, alleged absconding teller of Charlotte National Bank, arrived In this elty this morning at r?:30 o'clock from Allantg, (la.. In company with Ills wife and attorney, C. D. Bennett, who left here Saturday night to be with him. Where he was will not be given out. Speaking of 'he trip made by him and Mrs. .lone , Bennett said: "We have missed many meals, had a hard trip, traveled many miles, but it will not be told where we have been." On arriving Jones breakfasted with Ids wife and children, giving up to the authorities later on in the day. Four days after the absconding teller left Charlotte be determined to return, and since the 1 has been in constant communication with his wife and at torney. It was only because of the health of his wife, who lias Just returned from the Presbyterianhospita', that he did not surrender weeks ago. Flnaly Jones wrote her that lie li3d iecided to "commit suicide," or "return to Charlotte," and on receipt of the letter she summoned Mr. i'ennett, and together they set out for parts unknown, returning today with Jor.es Mrs. Jones is a nob!e little woman, very frail, weighing only 9) pounds. Shu lias borne her grief and sickness wonderfully. Itisstated on good authority that ionei will make revelations that will cause tiie Indictment of several other persons. It was on Wednesday, March 20th. that the first rumors of tne embezzle ment of $i)9,00 of tne Charlotte Na I uonainame's runds wore started, sine.' which time the p dice have been active, and for some time government detectives have been at work on the case. A reward of $1,000 was offered by the bank. Jones was prominent Iq social and J especially church circles before the I embezzlement, having once been su- i perintendent of the First Presbyterian Sundav school. Phis evening District Attorney IIol-; ton arrived and preliminary hearing | uas held tonight before United States' Commissioner Cobb to determine lhe amount of bond. Sinee Jones'departure, Percy Fon-I ville, a prominent cotton man, has been arrested in Aiabamaand brought here, charged wltii complicity in em b zzlement. lie is now out under '? ?nd of f 10.00O. ALFONSO OPENS PARLIAMENT Young King, Plated Over Itlrth of the Heir to the Throne, Promises Reforms throughout Spain. Madrid, May 13. ? King Alfonso, who was accompanied by the Queen mother Maria Christiana, opened the new (Spanish parliament today. Tne king read a message from I he throne, promising reforms in the state udininistra* lion including decentralization, and urged the iirmeoiate necessity for the reconstruction of the Spanish navy. He referred to the meeting with King I'M ward at Cartagena, "by wiiieh the ties unlti.ig Spain and Great Hritain i were strengthened," while the excellent relatio is between Spain and all other nations were maintained. The in ss.ige referred in happ,t -r.ns to .he b.rtb of the heir apparent Town Registration Notice. TllA K a-at/ J #! * ? v ?' */ # i% 1 l/l ill > I II all 1711 U I voters will l>3 op ;o at: tlu offlc; of \V. A. Co j ter M i/ 13th aoJ v. ill , e* m?ln op; i ? til ah >ut Au j. 1st l*> ?7. J Z. Cl.i/jr, City Cljr c. VES IMPLICATES 1 BRS [ CHARLOTTE BANK WILL IDIGTMGNT3 TO FOLLOW? ( IS REWARD OFFERED COTTON HiN NOW ORDER A It CHARGE or BEING IN AFt'AIR. PENSIONERS REJECTED 1 RY TUP. flTATP nntnn 1 ui i ii?j Mintii ilVillill The following pension applicants from Lexington county were disap- 1 proved by the State Pension hoard : A. L. Shealy short service; Isaiah Howard, nob sullloient service; Mrs ( Addle Banks, service of husband un- 1 satisfact >ry; Geo. Farr, property ' $415; 1>. L. Epting, short service; f Laura A. Shealy, property $500; J. j Sim Corloy, property $500. 1 Those who have died since last pay ( roll are : I James T. Mitcholl, Ira Reynolds, , Samuel W. Bookman, Joshua Gunter, I J. J. Jones, James L. Kelley, Fred < liikard, U. E, Cox, James F. Taylor, ! J.C Ilankin, John Cook, 8. J. Cook, A. V. Green, Mary C Bailey, Barbara L. Curley, Marvia llarman, Orrle < Jefcoat and Ada Poole. 1 The Lexington board, though ac- J cused of being unjust to some of the I applicants, Is composed of men of un-* doubted integrity, faithful and honest, j' and certah.ly endeavor to do their 1 duty as the law requires. A number of applicants were not < considered by the county hoard for U...? -?? JU2ftV ICtftD'JIIS. MEMORIALE XEBCISES Ratesburg Chapter of the U. D. C. Entertains the Old Vets. I Memorial Exercises were observe! hereon Wednesday under the auspices of the Hatesburg CLapter of the IJ. I) C. The programme was quite an elaborate one and the attendance was large. The morning hours were spent in Kaminer Hall were a number of instrumental and vocal music was given by local talent. In the afternoon a basket picnic was enjoyed in Gunter's gr< ve The day . passed Off very pleasantly for all. The editor has been requested by the vete rans to thank the Chapter and Hates burg ladies in genera! for their kind intentions. DECISION IN SMITH CASE FAVORABLE TO CAROLINA Washington, May 13.?The supremo court of the United State* today dis missed the c. ?se of Smith vs. Jennings, treasurer of South Carolina, involving the right of the treasurer under a state law to cancel certain lost bonds of the blue Ridge Riilroad Company, formerly held by a Richmond, Va., bank, of which Smith was receiver. The opinion in the case waa delivered by Justice Moody, who held that no federal question was involved. The result is favorable to the state. SODDEN DEATH NEAR AIKEN Aiken, May 18,?Mr. Martin Eubanks, an aged citizen of Montmorencl, died suddenly morning at his home near that place. He was sick i only a few hour's, having been as well u> tiMiiai on i->(Vtiii Uiiv ui ' criiuon. lie li id t>een married twice and Is survived bv Ins last wile. He was about 00 years old and leaves several children. new postmaster. Mr. Mi Hedge Ounter has been appdnted Postmaster at Seivern to 1111 the place of Mr. Marshall Hunter. Have your Bill Head*,Letter Heads, Statements, Cards. Tags and every thing in in the printing line dune at The Advocate ofilce. 1 . :t? - : . WOMAN'S BRAVERY . SAVES PRISONER HERIFF'S WIFE PREVENTS "DOC" NELSON FBOI GETTING AWAY >NE PRISONER GETS AWAT 4egro Held for Murder In Bamber? Jail Makes Sensational Escape Tlie Plot Revealed. Hamberg. May 14.?Ulysses Mayes, ^ i negro prisoner held for the killing >f Shelly Paul about three weeks ago. iroke !all here tonight, and "Doc', Nelson, also colored, who is under leatli sentence pending an appeal , was prevented from escaping only by the bravery of t.hc wife of sheriff Ilun LIT. Mayes who was chained to the floor >f tire Jail, made a false l ey which unot ke 1 a yale lock, lie then sawed a role 10 inches square through the frated window, letting himself to the ground by means of a rope made of jed clothing. Mrs. Hunter, the wife )f the sheriff, saw Mayes and tired Lhrceshots at him, but without effect. Just at this time "Doc" Nelson poKed ills head through the newly made hole whereupon Mrs. Hunter lited at him, causing the ccndemed negro to dc- I iist In his attempt to escape. On beingquestioned, Kelson reveal ?d the plot that Mayes and himself uad agreed to go toward Denmark and ind then turn back to Branchville, anally going north. Mayes is six feet in height and weighs 2C-0 pounds. He is of gingerbread color. IIow a man weighing 200 pounds escaped through a hole 10 luches square has not yet been explained. FIRE IN LAURENS Crescent Overall Plant Damaged to Some Extent** Laurens, May 14?Last night about 12 o'clock the Crescent company's overall plant, which is located on the north side of the public square and occupying the basement and first floor of the Laurens Advertiser build NEXT Week. On and atter Saturday May 25th, 1 will have an up to date Merry go! round with a I.over's Tub attached, on the lot of Dr. M. U. lioatwrlght, Batcsburg, S. C. Joe W. Napper inyr, was discovered on fire. The blaze originated in the basement and by hard work the llames were confined to the Moors occup'ied by the Crescent company, although the ceilings and floors of the rooms of The Advertiser j olllce were exposed to the lire and linstocks injured to sonce extent by the smoke. The extent of the damage to the overall plant and stock of ma terial and finished goods is difficult t> get at, the principal loss, however, being to slock of goods an hand. The Crescent company is capitalized at $10,000 and was rairly well protected by insurance. T K. ilud gens is manager and treasurer of theconcern TOO MEAN TO BURN. SHEEirr BDFORD BECAME DISHEARTENED AND "WASTED" IT. Newberry, May 14.?Sheriff Ruford tfave a free exhibition in front of tlie court house yesterday morniny which attracted a ^reat deal of attention and created a t'rear deal of amusement on theyartof the lar#e body of onlookers. It was his first destruction of contraband liquor under the Carey Cothran law. He had two lar^e juirs and one case of pints. He first cmpMed the whiskey into a tub and attempted to burn it. but it was too mean to burn even after saturating excelsior with it so it was poured on the ground There were in all about eitfht gallons which the sheriff had held the required 30 days. It was a novel proceeding and caused much amusement to mnnv JOB FOB EDITOR CARPENTER ANDERSON MAN GETS APPOINTMRNT THROUGH SENATOR t LATIMER AND WILL SEE h EUROPE. I Anderson May 13.?Mr. A.M. Car- b center, editor of the Anderson Daily u Mail, lias been appointed one of the n secretaries of the national immtfjra- t; tion com mission. The commission will s; All II. *' J ' 1 ' ' sii nvmii 'u31uu uii .11 ay jo and win )j spend the summer studying the immigration situation in Europe with a \} view of recommending legislation to |? next congress. Mr. Carpenter will eave Anderson Wednesday or Tour- p iay in order to join the commission ^ in Host.on on Saturday, lie thinks lie a will be away from Anderson about t three months. Of course, after the c return of the commission from abroad, f lie will return to Anderson and resumc his newspaper work. The com- s mission will first land at Naples, Italy, ^ and will travel through Europe, finishing its work In the latter part of r the summer at St. Petersburg or Mas- 0 cow. REPORT ON LEXINGTON BOARD \ t Auditor West Makes Statement About Sale of Their Beer | Mr W\ b. West, State dispensary a auditor, has made an invcstigatson in- S to the matter of the sale of beer In s Columbia by the Lexington county \ dispensary board, His report to Gov. Ansel states that Mr Charles J. Lynch, whose place or business is on Assembly street, Columbia, has been receiving and filling orders for beer in the city of Columbia since May 1. The requests, it is stat- ' ed, arc made out on regular blanks furnished him by the Lexington county board, signed in each instance by the applicant and attested by Mr. Lynch t as clerk. t The orders were filled and the beer i uciivcicu tw cvu, ui tuc v^ity aw tuc j rate of 75 cents per one dozen bottles, c The beer is bottled by J. best Letton, < who, it is further stated, is a business t partner of Mr. Lynch. Mr. West a wishes to know if the action or the I Lexington board is illegal. The gov- i ernor will refer the matter to Attor- 1 ney General Lyon, who was out of the ' city yesterday but will return today NEGRO HOMICIDE IN' BARNWELL. ! i FATAL SHOOTING AFFRAY AT J GATHERING AT MARTINS 5 STATION. Allendale, May 13?In a general row between negroes at a big church gathering at martin's statien yester j day, June Roberts was killed and J Sect >n Mixson wounded by rat Rey' nolds. Reynolds was at large when last heard from with the sheriff on his trail. DISPENSARY AT BROOK LAND. I i LEXINGTON BOARD DECIDES ON ONE DESPITE OPPOSITION. I A* a mooting yesterday morning, the Lexington county dispensary board authorized the cstablislnnent of a (lis- j ponsary at Brookland and elected a dispenser, M. G. Caughman, wlio was formerly a lepresentative of the internal revenue department, stationed at the State dispensary in Columbii. 'I he Brooklsnd dispensary will not be opened until July 1, as that is the beginning of a quarter and also of the fiscal year with the revenue department, There was much opposition to this dispensary by nuny people In Brookland TO SELL OIL HILL decision of Stockholders of Saluda Company?Personals. Saluda, May 15?At a meeting of he stockholders of the Saluda Oil lill company held here yesterday It ras decided to offer the entire plant >r sale to the highest bidder for first louday in July. This step was declpou net because of the mill's failure or because it is undersirable propery but because under all the clrcumtances it was thought that to be the est s.ep for those Interested. The mill is a 20-ton capacity, hna can in operation for four years and (capitalized at f25,000, all paid in. Properly managed it would prove a aylng property. From 1,000 to 1,500 ons of seed can be easily secured unually and the entire output save he oil finds a ready local market, lord wood In abundance can be had at rom 50 to 75 cents per cord cheaper ban in other markets, an amount ulllcient to pay for the drayage of be oil to the railroad. There is a complete Munger ginne z in connection with a daily caoacitv f 40 bales. Revo. D. II. Crossland and J. A. -arson of this town left today for tichmond, where thev will attend tlie Southern Baptist convention and go hence to the Jamestown exposition. Among those from Saluda attendng the K. of P. district convention ,t Newberry are: Messrs. Ernest lawyer, W. A. Crouch, Jr, J. E. imlth, P. B. Edwards and Dr. O. P. Vise.?The State. A LARGE TRANSACTION " ! t is Reported That L. B Dozler & Co. Have Sold to Mr. O. C. Harvey It was understood Tuesday night hat L B, Dozier & Co , of Columbia, las disposed of the large wholesale dumbing business on GervaU street Tuesday to Charleston interest headt,l \i - tim ^ ? * * ' < i ujr an. itiisudu. narvey ana otnsrs, Mr. Harvey Is the president of die Enterprise Hank or Charleston md is well known in Columbia, his jrother, Mr. G. E. Ilarvey, being a nember of the present Dozier tirm. It is understood that Mr. G. E. Harrey will manage the business. Mr. Dozier, it is said, will organize ihortly a manufacturing company and lis purchase some time ago of a lot it the corner of Lined?, and Gervais itfoets probably means the erection if a plant to put on the market cer:ain improved lavatory natures. Mr. Dozier has been one of the m{?Pt progressive citizens of Columbia fver iince he located here. IN JAIL FOR MURDER \ ACTION OF GRAND JOEY IN THE WESCOTT CASE INODEST Columbia S. C. May 17?Jim Garducr, Jr , and J. H. Hoy are now in ihe Richland Jail as the result of an ir.jucst into the death of J. It. T. Westcoat of Columbia Tom C. Jones is also wated as a witness. It is said that lie knows something about tlie killing. The inquest reconvened last night a This was the third sitting. After having heard the testimony of s ;vcral witnesses the jury deiibera'e 1 about an hour and brought in the followering verdict: "That II. T. Westcott came to his death hy gunshot wound at the hand of party or turtles unknown to the jury at this time. We the jury, recommend that Jim Gardner, Jr., J. B. Hoy and T, C Jones be held for further investigatioc. A Great Reduction. Sale < n Uentlemen and Ladies silk fobs. Fobs worth $2 (X) up to $3.50 your choice for 08c. All guaranteed C. L Jones Jewelry Batasburg S. C. WANTED AQENTj To sell the "Life and Sayings of Sam Joucs" In Saluda and Aiken Counties Apply to ClKO. BRKK1S, Noroh Augusta, S. C.