Brokerage Batesbi WE REPRESENT ONLY THE 1 OUR GOODS J WRITE US FOR PRICES ON GRO< till? ATYVOOATE. l'UlU.IHMKD KvKI.V WkDNKSPAY. Mr. W. J. Padgett was in tin- city yesterday. Home of our subscribers would oo us a favor by bringing; us some wood. Liberal railroad rales to the State Fair will be made l air Week. Mr. Arthur Cartledge spent Saturday and Sunday lore Miss Blanche Caughman, of Mt. Willing, was in town shopping Tuesday. Mr?. H. A. Spann an.l Mrs. ltiley, were here the first of the week. FEItTI LIZ Kits?Sw ift's Famous Wheat Grawer, the bast fertilizer on the market at L. 1>. Cl'LLl'M ?S. ' <>. Mr J. M. Long, of the Saluda side, dropped in to see us Monday while here on busiress. The time is here when the farmer should use Fertilizers. The best can be found at L. D. Culluni & Go's. The old soldiers will hold their regular meeting the first Saturday in each month at 51 o'elock p. m. Capt. J. C Gaughman, one of Saluda's honored citizens was among his - - ... irtenus in io?u . Mr. Levi Poole, of below Leesville, was among his friends Monday. Always g ail to see him. ?FOR SALE? 800 bushels of Red ltust Prool Seed Oats, at doe. per bus. loose at my barn. Also Berkshire Pigs. W. J. PAIlGETT. 8?mo. Miss I.ula Edwards, of Ridge Spring was in town Saturday last. We are always glad to see otir friends from the Ridge. Mr. Geo. Bell Ti.: in rmnn went to Augusta last Friday to witness the Georgia-Carolina game. Mr. D. M. Lowmnn, of Monetta, let the light of his countenance be seen j on our streets Saturday. Mr. R. 11. Rouknight, of Emory, was J here Saturday and kir.dly remembered ^ ??iff nuit ? AUdJar for The Advccate. Arrange your plans early to r.ttend the 38rd Annual State Fair at Columbia, Oct. 28th to^Nov. 1st. Mr. Edgar C. Craven returned Monday morning from a pleasant trip to| ^ Atlanta and his hoinu in North Caroolina. NOTICE?All parties ifidebt-d to me will please eotne up ami svtt'o, as it is settling time and I am short of c .sh and cotton too. J J. Buster, ftl. L). Next Tuesday our County Fair will begin and will last until Friday. A great crowd will he on hand and among them, we want to sec a goodly number from this section. lion. E. L. Ashill, of Leesvilie, was In town on Monday afternoon and gave us a pleassnt call. Mr. Ashill has many friends here, nil > are ever glad to see him, The extensive sale of line live stock at auction during Fair Week will give all an opportunity to improve their stock. Sales are positive. Mr. Eli Snelgroye, one of the most substantial ami prosresMvc cinitiis ?. Saluda County, was in tht c ity Saturday a nd while here paid us a must pleasant and profitable call, as did Ins eon also. How to encourage and keep the hoys on tlie farm? Take them oil' of it occasionally for r creation and sightseeing, where such opportunities as the next annual State Fair will afTord The Carolina Foot-Bull Team passed through here last Friday aft? rnoon en route to Augusta to tackle the I ni versity of Georgia. They were beaten by a score of 10 to 5. Messrs. Geo. Bates, \V. \V. Watson Earnest Wiggins and Jtufus llaltiwan ger, came in on the early tiain Mon day morning. We do not know (In route these gentlemen traveled, but i is a true saying that time proves al things. The demand for premium lists of th State Fair continues. Write soon fo a copy to Tiics. W. Holloway. Sccre tary, I'oinaria, S. C. Dr. and .Mrs. E. K. Hardin are i Chester, vititing the former's hro'.l ers. It is t lie earnest hope of all on peopit*. mai uie ciiiuikc k1' "11 benefit Doctor's health. Farmers, bring or send tic fruits < your latiors to the State F.iirat Coliiu hi a, Oct. 2*1 h to Nov. 1st. ami yo need not exclaim, as many aie heard t do every year. "I tan heat that." Mr. J. B. Younghl iod, of our t >wi will exhibit two very fine liog-t at tn County Fair rn-xt v/eek. That tin will take tlu premium gots withot saying. Mr. Edward Hardin has returnetl "Wofl'ord College. Edward took a hij. stand in his class last year, and we a .sure he will dosoagain. r If you have any tiling to exhibit the State Fair send to Secretary lit loway, at Pomaria, S. C., for a Prei ium List. Do not delay to do so. The Advocate has debts to pay, t same as other business cnterprisi Newspapers can't he run on wind a N. water. Titos** of you who are belli n. -on your subscriptions com? ahead a \ plank down t he cash and when you i \ dead and gone, we will tell the peo] left bellind, that you have gone to an Angel, itesburg Company, irg, S. C. a REST FIRMS, CONSEQUENTLY VBE THE REST. DKK1ES OF EYEKY DESCRIPTION. Save your Money c And keep it in the Savings Depart ineut of 1UE FIRST NATIONAL RANK of Ralesburg. Four (4) per. cent interest on deposi-s. Dividends ^ se:ni*annually. Roth large and small C accounts sol'cited. 3 \V. W. Wat-son, j Costlier. K Mr. M. B. Edwards went to Sa u 'a Monday. i Rev. C. I'. Bo< Zer, president of the tin Liither-in Synod of Si u li Cart? lina, is in the city. .1 1$. Wlutl le announces to tlit* p.ib- I 4 lie that lie is better prepared to t. ke * lirat-ela?s pbotogr; plis than heretofore I lis "ail 'will he fouml in another a eoluuin ami we reiooinmend him to our friends who tie ire ibis kind of work. The Fair next week l<> be held at our Court House, should attract quite a number from this section. It is Lexington County's Fair, and let Lexington County people lend tccir presence Mr. and Mrs. .1. \\'. l.ybrand, of Wagoners, have issued invitations to the mntri ige-nf their dang) tor, Willa, to XV. Ilampton Fuhner, Sunday evening, Oct. 20th, 1001. The Lexington Baptist Association met with the Lexington Church during the past week. Dr. Wilkius attended as a messenger from the ltidge Association. All of the churches were represented and it is conceded that it was a most excellent and harmonious meeting. Prof. Grarheart's lecture at the i Leesville College Chapel, should attract a large crowd, llis lecture on "The Coming Man," is considered one of tiie best on the American platform. Such entertainments are elevating and instructive and should receive eniourngemcnt from our entire people. A second attempt within the 11 s? few years was made several nights ago by masked robbers to rob the Southern train just below Branchville. It is suspected that B.irtow War'en who was indicted for the lirst robbery has had a hanu in the attempt in our own J state to apply Western methods of [ getting aicli at one jump. Tlu* South Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, will niCt-L with the Lsesvil'.e church, next week. The delegates and visitors will be royally treated by the hospitable people of that town. NVo devoutly trust aud believe that this gathering of Christian workers, will l?o a benediction to our entire people. For a bad taste in the mouth take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab- | lets. For sale by Hatesborg Brug Co. Having bought Mr. C. A. Duncan's j Flailing Mill, I am now ready to dress | lumber for the public and respectfully solicit a share of the work. 1 am also ; prepared t> sell roii^li an 1 dressed | liitabi r, and all kinds of moulding. doiin m. hook. A very serious accident befell the sou of Mr. J. M. Hook Monday after noon. It sit-ins thit the little fellow j " in some way fell from a, and X while falling, was kicked by the animal in the face, breaking bis nose una jaw. Coder the skillful treatment of ti Dr. Mitchell, we are glad to say that the lad is doing nicely. fj We have contracted for several cars of flour this is. ' P1 month. Send for prices now. ti Batesburg Brokerage Co. |?i< Mr. Oscar Roof, of Saluda County, j j, h is accepted a position with F. A. r? Ilegin inn, at Lexington, lie called ic to see us on his way there Tuesday { ' last. I "k Mrs. Kate Kernnghnn was suddenly I called to Columbia Sunday afternoon, (| 011 account of the serious illness of the () ' little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,1. 1'. J! Mat t hews. I.ehr it Williams Comedy Co., will he at Uooi's Hall, Lexington, S. C., i ' during the County Fan. They will ' ! appear in up to dnti I M amas ami Coin- , edies. They tarry 18 people, lie sure * and go. Ij llinglurs entered the Hard-ware store of Mr. >1. II. Stokes in our town, last S t inlay midi', breaking the gla s Iront, taking two douole-harrel lireech r 1 loading shot guns, one pistol, three r.i/.urs, lot of tools and some other articles. Mr. Stokes estimates his loss I . n at between forty nod fifty dollars. , 1' This i. the lirst robbery that has ' c"'l cured in our town for a long time. y I Dr. Tiniiiicriiiaii Invited. if At a recent meeting of the eommiti tee for "The Acquisition by the Nail 1 lional Govcrnin nt of ti e German,ii town Battle Ground,*' it was "Kcsolveil that to bring this subject to the l, at-ntion of the com m unity, the ? Chairman, Horace .1, Mnith, be re- j ,v quested to inv te representative citi- j ,( /.-lis I iteresied in historic matters to a more ceneral meet nurto lie held in the city of 1 InlatleI|>l?ia. on 1 lie llll. to . ...St. 1 I'nder the am ve resolution our i in mediate fi llow-eitizen, Hon. W. II. Tim merman, was honored with,in in-; :tl viUMinn to attend at the Hall of the (iermuntown Historical and Library "* Association on said date. . | t Stockholders Meeting. 1>S> There will be a meeting of the Stockn(l hobters of tin Date-, burg Graded n,l School Joint Stock (Jo., Nov. 18th, nf Pharmacy, in charge of our Prescription Department. ve are prepared to fill your prescriptions promptly and acurately. We respectfully ask for a share of your trade, and* ssure you we will endeavor to please you in price, quality nd ? m Tfrkn r jl lie iiiytuii Vliicli Opens on the 22(1 and Closes on the 24th of October, 1901, have secured as one of the special attractions, JAMES AND ALFERETTA - ZB^TXUVH I 11 ..... ' -I u . I i , ? <&i <0$ ! i h! 7^ t: f. ; 3 vs J: ! 1 :: ; - , -? ? ft ^ t V i f'J - < Hi Sj - ill > ''"VA .. - u" ^ ^ j; IN THEIP )A RING BICYCLE TRAPEZE ACT. On high wire 85 feet above the earth. Iffost, Daring Feat Ever Witnessed!^ THE BAUMS will perform the daring feat of riding a icycle on tight wire 8? feet above the ground. Alfhrhtta will also perform on trapeze suspended om Bicycle ridden by Mr. Baum at the dizzy height of 8^ ft. Tlu* following is an extract from an August*. Paper: ''President W. II. orthup, of the .Street Car Company, is to be congratulated upon his success :n 'curing .1 allies and Alferetta Hauin, the sensational mid-air bicycle and trapeze rforiners. fur another wen's engagement at Ktipff ian's park. The crowds l it have th onged the park every night dining the pa-t week have been fasciated by t he daring and dangerous feats of these two performers and there is no 111>t but that their euinrlaininents will be witnessed by hundredsof people this eek Madame Pan in, whose in ?iden name was Adair, is a elever and remarkal? personage. she formerly eontiibuted t? the wonder of thoiisauds by her niarkahle ba'onn ascensions and paruehnte leaps, and in 18tl3 she competed in parachute rare for the world's championship against the famous Madame raw ford and won the contest She still holds the gold medal as the erialisl of the world. The h eyele and trapeze aet which the Panms perform HI feet above the enrt h at tlie park is one of the most daring and dangerous ever L'complished, and they are prn t caliy the only ones who are successfully pcr>rniiog it in America to-d ij'. In addition to Mad?trie Hanoi's other accomplish* lents, she is an expert swimmer and high diver, and she has also had some exerience in the listic arena, hiving done a elev.r sparring act with liarnum & latiey's circus and at one time having boxed "Kid"' McCoy to a standstill. The Fair this year promises to be the >est we have ever had, both exhibitor i und visitor are indicating threat interest l>y their many inquiries. A WORTHY SI CCESSOR complete t reat menl which is posit ively guaranteed t?t cure cure CATAKKfl "Somclliln!; New Under The Sun" in any form or stage if used according All Do,-tors have tried to cure CA-! J" {1 ????oipan, I'AKKII l< v Ho- use ol powders arid ?"!'Package. Don . delay but send "Hses. inhalers slid drug's in paste form. "r ,l *\on ' *Uii .w"l? ful P^tuu lar^ as to > our i-ondition, and you will Their ! < wders dry up in the mucous , . . , ' ' , membranes causing Hen, to eraek open ^Ive adv.ce from the discountbleed. The powerful m ills used ^ of this wonderful remedy rcganl. ' i . mg your case without cost to you hern the inhalers hate eaten! V?|M1 the regular price if' SNITFKEKS'' away i he same membranes that th?ir.,,|e ?.(ju A K A NTEED CATAKKil makers have aimed to cure, while pastes (ju hr and ointments eaniict reach the dis- Sent prepaid to any address in the ease. And old and experienced pmeti- United States or (.'nnuda on receipt of t ioner who has f,.r many years male a One Dollar. Add res Dept. loKDWIN elose study and specialty of the treat- It. OILKS& COMPANY, 238 and 2882 ment of Catarrh, lias at last perfected Market Street. Philadelphi 1. a Treatment which when faithfully used ?^^??? not only relieves at once, but permautcause, stopping the discharges, and < Lombard lion Works Soppiy Co. curing all inflammation. It i&the only I remedy know n to science that actually J Al (Sl. STA, GEORGIA reaches aliened parts. This wonderfii . Foundry, Machine, Boiler and (Jin remedy is known ?.s 'SNl FKEKS the \v?rks. Repairing Promptly Dorr. (;I AHANTEKD CATARRH CI HE ly-IO-l-'O. and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package contain- IVt XJ" f i ITVTIj^O ing internal and external medicine IJ 1.1 VI L LN 1 sufficient for a full month's treatment and every tiling necessary to it:? perfect HOILEKS "SNUFKI.KS" id the only CA- (SIN'S and PRESSES. TAUKII CI.'RE ever made and is now I recognized aa I he only safe and posi- Complete Cotton, Saw, (Srist, Oil and j tive cure for that annoying and dis- Fertilizer Mill Outfits; also (Shi Press I gusling Osense. It cures all inlluma- Cane Mill and Shingle Outfits. Itiiildtion quickly and pennant l> and is also ing, bridge, Factory, Furnace and Railwonderfully quick to relieve Ilay road Castins; Railroad, Mill, Factory, ! FKVFR or (SOLD in tne HEAD. and Machinists' Supplies. Belting, CATARRH when neglected often Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, lends to CON'S! MTION-?"SNUF ^ws, Files, Oiler* Etc., cast every FI.KS" will saveyou it you use it at ^* Work 150 hands, once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a Our Clubbing Offer. The State (semi-weekly edition) ant The Advocate for $2.25 a year, $1.24 for six mouths. Regular price of boll papers $3.00 a year $1..V) for six months The Thrice-a-Week World and Till ADVockTK for $1.65 a year, 85 cents fo six months. Regular price of botn pa pers $2.00 a year and $1.00 for si: mouths. lbs Advocate and Atlanta constitution (week lyj 1 year $1.73 cents, six mouths 'JO cents?Th Advocate and Atlanta semi-weekly Journal, year $1.75 six monies Vo cents. Seuii-Weckly Journal anil The Advocate year 91.50, six months 75 coiits. The Karme Student and The Advocate 1 year #1.25, si: months 65 cents. THE NEW YORK WOLRI) TllRICE-A-WEEK EDITION As Goon to you as a Daily and Yoi (Jet it at the Prick ok a Weekly. Judging from the reports in the da ily news papers, it seeins tlut Senatoi At..T ......I., f. Ilit ut V iiilorsnn lasl 1 Friday,July 31st. It furnishes more at the price than any otliei I newspaper published in America, Its news scr vice covers all the glolie anil is cipialftl by ttiai of few dailies. Its reports from the ISoer wai liavu not been excelled in thoroughness am! promptness, and with the presidential campalgr now In progress it will lie invaluable. Its politl " ^ v it jIm iti'j Impartial. This fact makes it of especial value to you at this time. If you want to watch every move or t!?J great political campaign take the Thrice a Week World. If you want to keep your eye on the Trusts?and they need watching- take the Tbrlec-a-Week World. If you want to know all foreign developments, take the Thricc-a-W eok World. The Tbrlce-a-Week World's regular subscription is only $1.00 per year. We olfcr this uuequoleil newspaper ant' Tite Aovocaiktogether one year for $t.k5. The regular subscription price of the two apcrs is 9'J. (Hi. The News and Courier (weekly edition) and Tiik Advocatk $1.75, six months 90 cents. Prices will be made upon application for other combinaiions than abjve. Subscriptions also received for any < I the above papers singly. The rates quoted are .strictly for rash in advance. Write to or call on us for good reading. We otlcr you only The Best. The Advocate, TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured of her Deafness ind Noises in the Head by Dr. Xicholton's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $lOJOO lo his Institute, so that deaf pso;>le unable to procure the Ear Drums i nay have them free. Address No l1980-c. The Nicholson I nstitiito, 730 Eighth Avenue, New Yoek, J. S. A i us your Job Work.f^ There is no de mand loo small and no [>rder too large for OUR STOCK OR FACILITIES. llealtliy Blood Makes Healthy Flesh. To have goml flesh and pood feeling, to look well and feel well take some Soot h's Sarsaparilla. Nothing else so y woik. Semi for Catalogue to L. It. IIA VM S. Pits. r K '.-iVI U.K.. s. ( >>> ^ > A Bewildsi Is 1 he line of Pat display in N. M i llineiM ? expa: Is our niolto, mil our Millinery portions Hint our two Milliners < > that throng our parlors; so we run Baltimore, to assist us. Miss Kr / 1110 North as a s\ nooym with -l> < e.-t and most stylish line of Mi iiu Remember you ca :e=<=lx\ BABY CABS IN I'itOFUS'.OX, #1.75 Our Dress Gen Is beyond cmn| nrriaoti w ith anything Style Whip Cents, Yelietinns, ( In vi French Flannels ami i aslim. n s. \\ j prices. Calicoe's. Best t.roh s, 4 ntiil Cashmers, from 10c tip; A I Wool (ioi i and Check Hums pit it's, fle y*1; F.m'iro STL The verdict of every onu who has s? credit to any City Store; beyond con Silk's in all price*. Tall'ctt is, New < Colors, and l'rices from #1.0*.) yd. do\> All the now sbaoea of Liberty S.itii We invite an inspection of our Sloe 1ST. XT. or BATES! ^ \ i HANI AND YOU < DRY GOODS AND SHOES!! e We have a full line of Shoe* and 1 Dry Goods that aie Up-tc-datc in cj ery particular. ' RANTS & CLOTHING! When w< try to describe our b??r* L'nins in thin department. vru dnn'l know where to begin. It's like trying to find the commencement of a ~ circle. r E. JONE e. l. asbile. I i Attorney at La\. 1 Leksvii.i.e 3 Practice in all Courts Buftiueft- solicited. GO TO SAM HOWES. Restuarant for fi r s t-c a i s meals, at al 1 hours. Watson & Towill. IlTIre Ins., Town and Country Risk. Office in ADVOCATE Building. P. B, Asbill Watches. ClOclV((?V>ViV((V?(Vtr>^: % The I Shelton 2 i? Mills, i Manufacturers of 5^ m?high-grade^> % JS ^c^FLOUR,g -chattanooga, ten.j: ^For Prices^^_ ^3 Write 10 3^ s D. i 2 l> 2? Haltiwungor, ;P r? h5 batesburg, - - s. _____ _ \\\/// \\\/// >vx\\ xx ing Display torn 11 ats now on lT. G INTERS y Parlors. ISTSX03ST I'rnde has expan led into such | roiiI I mo lontfer wait on tlit* crowds lesfciiPid Miss Paulino Frizell, of :? 11 "?* name n a word in p. We hive now ilie largest, clean* ery ever shown in llnteib irtf. n he suited in our lors. UAN-lINtJ IN THICK FROM 28e. T< ocls Department rev.r shown her-. We lave aT the new iots, l.ndiis' Cloth, Poplins, Tucots have lhe>e i>< od? in nil rotors i>n? .">e per yard; Ilesi (linghan* made (<> o> >|s, not part <*otton. 20 and 2"ic; Whiti nlery from le yd. uj>. IK'sel on our Silk's is "superb," ">jrnT ing Machine before prefent lot is uTOCeriCSi sold out. Several st, lea to pick from. We ,|aTe on hand alwmj8t a fu,r You pay less than *ne half of Agents comp|ete line of the choicest Grocerprices; and same terms if desired. iejJ The Celebrated "Hungarian Special inducements on a limited purity?? Flour always In Stock, qiianity?to the first tw.nty flv IS, The Underseiler. Asthma Cure Free!! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent . Cure in AH Cases. ^ Sent absolutely Free on 'eceipt of Postal Write your Nam. and Address rlainl) There Ts nothing like Asthmalen dXllltf It brings instant relief, even in the ? worst cases. It cures when all elss fa K The Rev. C. F. Wells, or Villa Ridg. 111., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmuliue received in good cor.diiion, 1 cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a ^^ slate, chained with putrid core throat and A-thma for ten vtara. I dett. aired uf ever ht-ing cured. I s:t v y-"iir advertisement l? r ts.e core of this d.e .dfu! and tormenlitig dne-ise. Asttnnn, and thought you had over-poken yonrs-lves, but tesolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, ihe trial act en lik? a charm. .Send uie a full Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler Rabbi of Cong. Bnai Israel. w ? ? ?. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. N3A UOi i Drs. Taft Bros" Medicine Co., ' my IVU^ i Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an I Q jNIVtlwl excel lent remedy for Afviiina and Hay U??>ever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Aah ma Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully nalized, we can state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. N er3 j\ y. VdR? MORRIS WEC1ISI.ER. An on Smungs, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1901. du. Taft Bkos' M eiucink Co , . . . . . Gentlemen I write this testimonial front a of duty, having tested - the wonderful effect ?f your Asthmab ne, for the cure ??r Asthma. My wife has b^n rfflh'ted with sfaMticdic Asthm fortheiast 12 years. Having ex- 1 hausted tnv own *kill as well as n any ethers. I chanced to see your sign upon 1 your windoWB on 130th street. New York, 1 at once - k - - uuitieui A6tll- J uiuitrnt*. aiy wile eommenctU taking it sit cut Hit first ef November. I very soon noticed a ra licnl improvement. Alter using one bottle lier Asthma bad T disappeared, and she is entirely free from nil symptoms. I feel that I can ?>' consistently recommend i be medicine to all who are i iTltcted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. I>. l'HELPS, M. D. j Dr. Taft Rros' Medicine Co. Feb. 5,1901. Gentlemen: 1 waO troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried nu ineroos remedies, but tb y have nil failed. I ran aortxti and a foiin oncei and for years unablu work. I in health and am doing business every day. This testimony you cau use of as you see tit. Home address, 285 Rivingtun street. S. 67 East 129lh St., Mew York l Trial Jlottle Absolutely Free On Recti pt Of Postal, Do not delay. Write at cnee, addressing, DR TAFT RROS' MI DI- I GINK CO., 79 Erst 180th St., N. Y. City. For Sale by all Druggists. WILL EVANS. . It Dazzles The World. j No Discovery in medicine has ever Haberdasher, Shirt maker will,> created one quarter of the excltemeut I give your mailorders prompt and care- that has be*n caused by I)r. King's ful attention, at New Discovery for Consumption. It's 1482 Main Street. severest tests have been on hopeless Columbia, S. C. victims of Consumption, Pi.eumonii, ____? Demurrage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, mA flIT A fPT V D A fT iVT I thousands of whom it has restored to A. U h 1 LIjDaUIII, perfect health. For Cough*, Colds, Ast; ma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarsoess ? PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I at d Whooping Cough it is the quickest and surest cure in the world. It is Office nvpr Harris' Druo Storp sold b)' F* 15 |:u?Urr, wliiguarautees UTtice over narris urug oiore. rtali8fact{on or rt.flln,, monev. Large .. - ??? h titles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles A Poor Millionaire free. Lately starved in London because . , he couldn't digest his food. Early l Ol' ( J)"tO"(loak, of WilDE3STTIST, I iams, Oregon. " We were unable to -?u~ J mm tin- uiK'wr s assistance, nnil ar a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say it Rare ,, . . immediate relief and a complete cure . Otllce over Harris Drug ft tore. Kor sa,e by p ? <,rilRRist. ( To Save Hep i liiltl. From frightful disfigurement Mrs . MITOF-1 EL-iLj, Nannie F. K enter. druggist Something to Kemen.hcr. When a cough or cold is long naplected consumption almost invariably Tlic Secret cf (looil Health. follows. Remember Mexican Syrup t The secret of beauty and good health only coat* 25 centa a bottle, and yet i . .. . .. . , has proven in many thousand cases an * is cleanliues*. I rclranhness breeds n|>soi,1te safe'cure for coughs, colds . disease. Internal cleanliness is even and con>umption. Taken in time it ./* of greater importance t ban external. euro*-quickly. Children like it beeausa ^ Keep your liver active and JO?r bow- ll. ^^s/^K'ood. lnsist on your drug ,,.~v nlr|iiiiK u lurraie. Kean me see? is moron? my by taking a Mexican (ni|,K|v miraculous cures it has etTe~tRoot Pill orcasionaly. Their u>e does ed, printed on the wrapper around the the neives, kidneys, etc., good also, bottle. Only 25 cents a bcx. ril-ine Cures Piles. Walk-Over and Queen-Quality Ox,, , . , ford's, going nt and below cost at Money refunded if it ever fails. , .? anti-aui k euros Chills and Fever. ^"Whitten s. M