VOL 1. BATESBURG, 8. C. WEDNE8I>AY, OCTOBER 16, 1901. NO 40 SCHLEY IN BATTLE" Ouns Nfvar Stopped Fl'lng a* Brooklyn Mod* H ,r Loop. | THE FIQHT DESCRIBED. Tht? Texas -Was Mot E 'd i-og-rrd by "thn Lorp," Nor W > It? Fir? Biartk *ted Eithar. On Motday of la*t week Schle; had a regular field dt.y in i.l.e court of onquiry. Tho chief v i'n > act Hodgson, tho oiccu;wh (fficer of the Brooklyn during the ' ari'o t ! S go. Ho was a 8t#r witct -s for Schloj. Mr. ltaynor began lus orcaa czaai:- ation by asking Mr. Hodgson r'.'icr tho Marbldhoad hai i a ' d . k lyn when the tto vca-; la p~ 3 i other as the Brook'yu ws oa hci v ay to Cicnfurgos. Tho witocrs t:\ ' ?.d i the nog/diro. Tho examination H on tunup >n evonts about Cicnfu f".l i. r >1 to Mr. ltayner's it4airy 11. e it tailed these at long'-a. Ccmmander Hod;-on sail in r ; 'j to theB? qucBtiotia ti a: ho li?.. hl*. i tlio lights on tho shore at C ..utjegot-, whioh wore afterward date-* iiccd to b > signals, but ho had Huppobt'i ooy wer. signals between difforout t.rr> o 101 o' tho Spanish forces o . el or.. 11 * r Jc.l that when Captain McCs la \c-iwi-. . informatiou as to tho mea~;n . ti lb) signals ho was item a . :y d'spa oho<* to tho shore to c.u/inuuioatc wiui tho lnsurgmts. Ho said that the progress of tho squadron we- impeded f. iw.eu Cioofjcgoa and Santiago by tho Le_vy weather. Mr. Kaynor then asked: "llow f*r wero you tff during tho bloiivcdo ?f Santiago, from the Mo'.ro uuting the day and night of May 28, 2ii, 30 3 IT' In robponso tho witness paid: '"10?i ly in tho day time our nabituai positio > was about six miles. In the bight I think wo steamed up and down in front of tho harbor, a distance of about six miles." He stated that the picket best-:, tho Marbloiicad and the V ixon, were iusido the line of the tloot about midway > between that iinc and tho shore iiuo.-i Th. ...... ?i? - XUU TTl??JOBn iltC U liA 1 TJD|'UUt:".' lO A I * quest from Air. iliynor uonliuu-.d :.is testimony, dcsoiinisg the thu nave.; dai lie of Jury 3, fro in t00 point, wlm lo had dropped that descriptionC.?> i. Lomley ? rcquoet while be on ihc s bland Friday. r> _ Irit})") ornreation he naiu: "xhe Brooklyn u:d ail bhe could. She got 111(0 action just as quick t.o steam coard carry her there. tVoooutinued firing ?W soon as u.o fir gun ou tno pori bow apuld Lear a -a vto kip . the port battery drin^ until :=hy :u.-c.t 1 with pori holm turpugii t. - are, uei g the ale guns untu wo got ai. ilio t ... boaid gucb to bcir. \Vc got around a. quickly as wo nould wi.li pert ho. .a ua ill we almost paralleled t .c.u.^o of the loading ?p?kiLh v\ icU, v.hon ih helm waj ended aud tLo buip Bi.erou course parallel wiux the V j, whi was thcu the lending vet-ncl, tiihou. Ii the Mauu fcreta probacy was fr.rli..r to the WtdlViUld lu.su tuo \ i.)Oa, ... ii. j was standingar uii a "gie into ?hc tO'jr?.. W'heu v.o got around toe 'juiol.0 wu- . ; dense nothing ccuid bo b.e . of a.._, thing in tuo rear of us. 'i ho Liu :^aaich VeB:tis v.o wc.'u il-ei: cng <. d with were the V.etuya, 1 .! Uolu u 1. . iljjD Oquenuo. i.ii. V 6t. >a v- :. ,u. bounty lift, ;.unji d ji a u our 1. u. ward now.', the Ooiua y.icuiiiy ' -- i litilo forwuiu of tui t.irduoaru : . \ho Oqucnco as u .. .. U.;: : w ....; .. Wo coutii.hc-i in 11...1 U.r e..o. thru "1 remarked to Uupc*. 1 o- . -'it. 1. seemed rathe. io,...... lor us 00 ict He was in biio couii.nt. lot? r. I!, asked: "WI5V ''1 bam tiiat W2 wtro a : ./or 1 Lho three Spanish v<.- sc s. an- v ^ that it depend., d upon u.< to k ookti en I e;>t. At iha: ti o the sjiOio ? a r do.qsc I cjuld ui'. us. ; a.-y ;.. g u u . buyipO-td ill. ', t .0 JS . b... . aWiy,. tue liitKkiy u >;r. . . . .g . of the blow, r v.. s. iij u. . of :tho coun.ug tower and exo aimed me: "'What's ti.a. < ii vu si r..^ qnarte; V "I lcoktd in that diree < tho hoavy buW oi a ri. . ut* . l'aat rnujt Ly tuo blue, acnu "lie sa:d: 'No, itcu.i . i? o Massaohusctu-; bho has gem ni v bay, ur oi rive hundred y rid c ti cur i < o r. 'quarter, at lull bpiod. v?o ccniicut.-u iu that pOBition u\ t o lir-m fci; i? hi>ocu begun 10 iuc.cacO . ?-o gv< tip Bivaui, ana wc piob&b.y . a in ;o further ahead Jiotu the Oreyon. m. never vtad that ca:o to u . ... u i romeuibcr. Tho Oqucudo, : .. rtij, .-.i tor, lcli oat and wout asi.o.o. Hi .. Colon gradually' die/ fthoa-i an. a.: went anlioro. "I remember very well tl o liuao that the Vi&oaya blankvtod her Ironi cur lire. 1 hia ohaao waieonuond iu thai uiieoiiou until when oti A.cutra Ilch, tho Vuciai". po.ied Lcr 1 ui aud i j inaahore bou.o bovcrj ilet. Antr pataing tho Vitcaja v.o at.. nj-.d ahevu and Coated liiirg. The men v.oro aii. 'cd to cimo out of the turrets, coo at a time, to got a treat..log a.though, of ocuibc, ail gutiu Viirc xuaonud and everything road>, bi t the gaining upcu the Colon nab vcri ?low. "At 11:15 wLld llio Vise ay a ? ood in lor AcctiAdoiaa. lie c &:c vat oontmucd thou after the Colon, know it must be b x cr tcvcn miles away until .vo gradually began to gain, i remember Looping the Htato at worfc on her, a though tho 13.000 yarns c would not reg.B'cr on the ateadiom tor. 1 remember at one liu.o telling Coininodore hol.b y that it wus within about 13,000 yiroa and my rcooileotton is ho told bou.0 ono tokignaltho Oregon to try ono oi her 'railroad trams.' At Vany rate, bhcrtly aftuw^i , t ;c Oregon lired ono oi her 13-inoh bhclls v hioh loll tlicrt. Then WO tried with 8 uoli r shells aud they fell B..o.t. Tho Oregon was signalling to us tho fall of o r chot a* d wo HgralW to her tbo faM of her shoe. Wo co.t'naot to fire with tho O. poo, . h~ with 13 asa 8 i-ioU guns and wc ur 8 inch S'li i romcui born r'og or.o <. -V 13 i ihe'iillH of thf Or n fr 1 -i V e . i of in i^lon ard or (i ou' 8 i It Hi. an>*rcc:tiy fell lE-h ro oi t ; '.- don. A* l. at ti^r.e ti'c; olou ' o ho'mha: d ort Previous'y t - i ?. ,?-b< lud cv-iod h.r fcc'm ovoo or v tc a;' -.r?'%w p-ehing aeoltrpoton sh r . ; tired !.er If o run an oulcd d, nlcrflay. L pu'lcl cut ia> w* h, 1 t d firing cud !o * tl do t i and orders were given < i jet out a bt il "ho j-ii; V ' <'i> .il to t.n or board .u o ry twos o tl o ocuimtni'.jng cCi :r t ' 0 ic o. O . tcocurn oi p :.m havii i?> c cut elf an i thorn htii?g some trouble with the boai, wo Vjcio ro:uo li.tlo lime a,- 'ting the bos-, cut. lo ihe mrautime wo had sliwod I .?lit. ; ?? ? 1 _ libit 60 mj>?>- ?> C.S tUUl'J uu HOXpiUlIN oilj o" i. o ou'trjiH *??; fit i y ^0 .ta cut, i c.'cw i "* in. Ct.p' ? :k vt t iu trie boat a .* bo*-i.d t (Jo on ?. i r.uk no t r j y '. .duiu a haii * ? ..! I ?v 4 - "At *~y r.> '. tvr ' ad *. uri us tra:nod c. the ' I-. ;.t ; ti. vi iu ck ?trca -y rr y ?-c' ji t tat t.'nd on I .T I tr< . rit gh J i.aw t 0^ V' >. breech ii i!.- ov<,rb i, I ' :i ;io'. tu peo iaj thing of (i kind." "Hew far we. t Or.^on f.-itn the Brock!. n?" "Fror. l.Of'O to 1,500 yards on tho starboard q-.ar' r." Tro witness, in reply to question?, ounti i his report ot tin r.- tie Ho said ?.u. at tuo pevuniuy o? the fi^ut be bad given ?^o range ?' 1 400 yaidr, but that after t: o loop .' was aoout 2 400 or 2,500 j ards. Mr. litvnot: "What wm tho hearing of Coiumor rc Schley duir.' this ortugemcnc or ary casigemonv iu lihioh you kw him'/" ' His bca-i-?i? .v.-d raatner, n:th ruspzetto *u ctiioir of his raaic r.ud fcta t>OD in the Duval rorv.oe, were naturally trios:* ot a o miuauuov in chief o! a u* vnl fureo ou that ocoas ot'. The witness and th i ojtimandor hud cccupicd ' a pltco ou the piatf: m preunl ibo conci^g tower during tin tu^rsjemon'.. i l is. lo sa d, v. a a position ot darg- r ; h i..o <) nu'ii orj who there always in lull vo r oi tho enemy's r' ipa " "It h: i br.cn sta.iti turo," said Mr. ' Raynor, "that tho Brooklyn ran 2,009 j ysrdo i?w.'.y Ir .in tie enemy's ships in making iur loop." Tho vitnofcs replied: "Any witncfs 1 who undo that statement ilitiough Do rosy hr.v.- Laud w'lat be t)ionghl had occurred, war absolutely mi-v&ken." "H>w for uid she go from i: o encmv's vtti'C-ls? ' ' "iSio must have grne shout 600 yards ' to t o rS'i hweit, .?? ..(it i a ul the ' l&oticsl d.stance at. that sued " 4'Did thin turn iolttftt t with the 1 Brccklyn's alinty to l;erp up hor fire?" ' "li u: J not. 8ho oouiirutd to tiro from her a?, turrcis." ' Did you ov r boo tho Indiana dur | iag tho c::gsg.uiontV ' ' 1 ci. Tue traokj was very 1 dcHeo iu tho direetion cf tho iLdiana. ' A t is poiat. &1j\ llsynor questioned 5 the witness at length oc: c.r.. lr* ro- 1 pj. tod coiit-quv wsrh Adanrd bo .?c~ .ur. :g t'.; battlo (fISan.. .v> in whioh ' 11 cou 'aodora was ztporud to hv/o { . ! "D.rua .lio Texas." >ir. 11?. no- t k-.d tin ffitaees ii' it v.t-s '-o . L'vplrin Cock w.Ko Lad given 1 ?lo order to "port lulin." Tbo reply was tn;t Captain Cook ;ai . it huvo gi.u tho crier to tho man x'. iLc . ! ... Mr. Raynor tl n asked: 1 "Id i C .n ; r S ..ley give tho ' order .o . or- tho ; lai?" "LI e v. t. c ; yly. O .. .ill . po. . ?" ;'l p.j.- j ^o. C.qiuii Cooks esys I) BO. (J j el r - Opt a'.-! L: n. -j l a'. oi .o . "L gdi. n . : a lsjii i-.at 1 oar... e. v. _. . . . v. . u 1 I rt .o in his rc.'i . e to Mr. 11 ; !.. :? question, th* ' ! is e? iiVOr.ticn . C .. y i i. c :urrcd a B it kljj : the oomm w ?o V i ' I.a a'', und tho r ;.r.. two ,-.r h: o fc. !...? him i ( and that ? ; v. vi ih time, d . o o e n. i ir tow i . or f ft. H soil Cap . ' i xi. . *ri ii' ..o con" 11. ???" L'" que t'.OT! 'd tho T?lV . \ ' i .a .0 I : V i .1 quy was rep- r i . i. .: rs ? a tho 1; . . /c t A u . tie re .i ? ; - v?* i .i v.1 Ootncii&der i in - .v el the oo li qi> as i'ol .i ? "li por'." I . u re u F'^rb'ixrd." i 1 '"N - I a t. Vr o ?'t near t I v: : i .oi tho .tft i-ac.it that bo hvi ; ) t"j ii fori! i tlio ftjaitral that !d L i Uf>. i > exjrts.ion, "Damn the : \ n the vitr^'S was atktd if ho !hiu. 11 tl.cio <.as any Bog'cslion of aooh iq i xprossion, ho replied: ' 'A t i >. t :,r of ooilid ing \;iih the t Xis fo nam: 'Damn the . xu-.' 1. . n ; >r.n ix. rc-aijn >8 a t : i p.jv v;v, condemning tho i'f-xt-H for Ij i. t ; , bv.i ?:j if ho wcio iiri Utod an ooo rnvhl L about anything. Mr. Ki, u tho 'i'v.x/1 V Coixin vnd. r Hoegi, j replied that thcio Mi no t nob 1 xprotiioo in tho letter ?ml t tat ho never ii?d Raid that the l(:oolt!ya would en? dowu thoTtxas. " i'horc in a p.ood deal in tho reported c >;l .piy that I did not say," ho ?ai J. "1 lio Htalcmoiiv there wis never made,' ho wont on, ' .ut tho ooaimodoro did toy, 'Llama tl o Toxih.' " C'-utinutrg ho stud that Lite dialogue itj rcpo;t.';d \ as fij itious and that ho had denied its ver al aoouraoy, whilo not do y.pg tho trutb of a part of it. lio a*.U lira', ho h*d told Admiral 8orl0y that ho oould not rcpudiato the entire statement, ai d that ho i.ud not understood h:ui to rcipatBt that ho i should do more than deny its verbal ao- 1 ouraov. Ho already lad beforo writing h a explicit denial told the admira' that bo oouid not deny the whole sory. Ho had giv< n the new 1 per reporter nu I thority original!? to <11 ?ta him a<< ?u tcoriiy for lb* gist of b^ ulatrui; ni. BLALUCK KNOCKED v^Jr I Ho Rsnouncod McLaurmiim and Lest the Job Too Washington eoTroaponlent of tho News nrd (Jourior says "President Uoestvnit threw a bomb into the South Cr-. olino Hepuclioa i oauip Th?; a- by rcfu.iEg to appoint Looicis Blnlock. oolleotor of interna! roveruo for t:,o dij- j trust of S juth Carolina, viou E. A. Vv cb sler, deceased. Bialook, who was oiigi- 0 pally a Demccrat, but v. iio fc?3 rec?n:ly . fii.:r-tci luntae Kepublicsa party ia C the Pslmott Btitej UiiLftttrio< When the regular Repubii can > .miaation i-c&rti iiUioot's 0 uppoiium -iwouH pi babiy be credit \ eu to SjntAor MoL?u.n th?y hurried 0 10 Washington iu droves and entered thoir porsonal protest it tho White j HUmo. Later a oonforeuc.i of t'ao v?n cus retioi t sa.i 1. id vd tho city and Kialock was invited to lio proacn.. t Thereupon Mo ronouccod MaLaurinisiu ^ a d pledged h'.tneelf to staud Dy tha rogabr i! nablioau orp.an'tatioo ic tha ^ auto. When ho did thoio ?iho had opposed him, j "iocd a relegation, went to 0 tho White liousc and strongly urgt d his ^ npfoiQlutit o^ut. th; President. V\ boa Q - h? y left tho V\ Lite Uouie they V".r dtncurtaed, and the ^ rcealtia thai Mr Bulook will not be ^ a) pointed, but one of tho tRo men A wiiosc nsmes wiro busgt tel by StJat tor MoLiurin will bcin VVasbingtoa to- ^ mo ro.v aid tic will in all probability bo tj appointed to the vacant coUcoiorship. j hid t-udden oLango iu the South Caro lir a ri'.uat;oa will ccato consternation to i ? li publiO^u oalnpaign when it * becomes *. own, lor moot ol the South Uaioiua poluii ltns ? no cauio Hero ia sonncotiou with the LCaioek matter loll for their ho ins U-t bight ooahdont j that tho mavlcr hai been biiposcd of j toco tably ?o Mr iiLloek and tho old a ii'uo itciuhlijau org/.aiaitioa. i'hodo ; i !.o arodiap j^cd toiedaigo to speou'a l.ct a to who tho next lolicotortf ia tj orua. revenue ia Sou.h Carolina will j to suggest thj Dimo ol Dr. V. P. Clayon, a well Kao-*3 nntl reputable oil.- j ten of Sou h Ctroliaa, who id oonser- ^ raave iu j o-.tioa and friendly to Sena- . Lor MoLaurin. ' "Senator MoLiurin dto inoi lo dis j :u33 tho audicu eolipso of Mr B aioos iftc-' leaving tLc White Houto further / .baa to Bay tie sat joct of Federal pp oiut ^cntd ia Soutn Carolina wm ua ^ ler (iisaussioa. iho suhjoo;mustLavo lcou lutcrosting to the Presiuont, sonator [itoLnnn was oioscted witi -j Linn for Dearly an hour. It will be , iiilijult for Mr. lTalcsk and hia 6uj>- ^ porters to realize that a uiuden baud ^ PAS Uj:-v? iiifl p. ii of poii'.iati lulik, but s] as the crcuui i*as d'iu to form ho had ^ soourod tno pcreonai endorsuuonc of a.l ^ iho so ouiitu Ko4/ubiican ioaiu'siu the j S Oi'.o, ho-oo under pro.tir, andhovtas f so co-uueni. 01 Li? apyoiavHtat that ho v as i rop.M'iu^ to oj?c rat flu ovout ia i jx. Ui.vr mauucr. vViuio it may uot ^ . i. a l ir tst .tout otot ?ha PilUtioa to ? M | Q ,.?y that b-uatcr MoL tun ii v.ill u.n ;; ol tho u u oi iho Fe-rai pa rotate . il tJvU -ii *1 il 11~U UlaU r i ictfauOU. ilv)II ij bvidcUi i-ia\ His su>j ^ecuoau reee v_-d very c.rioid consi-or* t( tioa uy tho Fn to_. aua his Cabinet." CLAYTON APPOINT*!!. The t-uA.u e.i. b tie auuouoc?uten-. , hut omlo tfjiii VYttshtug'oa Friday uifc.it i. at Dr. V. P. Clayton oi tins 0.1> ..a i beca appointed r,y President ,j u as o.'t .oior of lut'i u t..? < uuo Iot the dis.r ot of OjU h t.aionrii ; to sdoocrd tho J;. e Mr. Wobs:.r was a .*o:> pio > bttrprtso to thoso . i.avj ^ out ? oit My wa'ohiug tho rar.ier. It ,S j ?.? ia -y '0 0: Tod luat li 1 *'0Ci ^ .oui.; k t > p.urn. Dr. Clinton a 1. iei is : ii b.iu w orking ijaicti.. -.yd 'A it: :u'S to oi at jtiioi Cs.-.o oi "b.iil , rYA.tr ruo I CiOp. -ho V;bj b uQu , h. i\.." i) mI t; o appjic hiwut of Dr. ? ro oot yot k morally known, d .u i .. v ."_ ro" iQ tu ti rdf. t.,iXj '.oii b t^ mi- y i . u .a du.cbia?and ho u*. o .lot a ft. .v- *ro utdijhtcd to know tha. | o Las b 0.; i^ivt i iho po mod. Dr. { Loo a.'iwcd oiojt acoeptao y as jot :na- tor Ac L .lut bia, at;d is poihaps tho ? P SuO . mat. Hi 10 KopttOilwAQ 1ADK3. ^ ti i \as botQ classed lor borno ycaid wi !i tho "L. :y Vv'hito" f .otiou ol too v Itopublioari party, rituoo lo.-uug Li v pltoj as pv.stmns.er hero ho has bo.n ( a ltepubiioaa lor years, out has aovcr bcco ottjusiVo to the puoplo of the ' biato, over coldaoliog himsolf ipiiotly ^ auu uua.. umiegiy. The State's Wards. Tho board of robots of tbo S.ato \ hospital for ibo insane hold thoir rcg ( ui?r monthly meeting Thursday. Tho ( rcoart of the superintendent, Dr. J. W. . Babcook, sbow-.d that there are 1,115 ( int. n'.'j, This is au r voraga cf one to ( ov?ry 1,000 of population. This is * usuoh lower pci eoui.->go than ia uo ma- , jority of States. la Massachusetts, , vvhero tho ooaditious aro by to means , abnormal, tho percentage is 1 to ilOO. ( l'ho board took up tho matter of tho ? propriety of cuing for those patients , vvhr aro citizens of other States. Tbo , aooomim d it.ons boro are crofdod and there is always a dooiaad for more room. Tho board decided to try to , roaitdy this n*Utr without involving ; the governor of this State with tho governors of other States- It was do oidcd to appeal to tho relaiivos of those ntfhottd. Thoro aro 15 suoh in the hospital, and they tako piaoes whioh suould be givon to eitizeno of this State.?Tbo State. Four Trainmen Killed. hoar trainmen worn killed and three others tfero slightly injured in a collision of freight trains on tho Uinoago Oroat Western railroad one mile east of hiouibard, 111., Thursday. Tnu iruiun inol head on and both engines were badly damagod. WAIL OF A COWARD. |pys R;>r?'Vf*dfat? Urcio*. Tho Baltimore Sud of Monday ru^i-hoe ;lio foilowin? Bpcoial froci Mauhcator, N. H.: An editorial ?n ttio Malttmoi J ^un or >!fobcr 1, deploring tho attacks on *r sidcut Rooscvolt at tho Vl-Kinley rismoriol strvioo of Louio 13j11 Post, nd Army of tho llipublio, this oily, n Heptombrv 27, togothor with a Vobiogton di.tpatoh in the daTni 'ssuc f iho Sun in wh'.oh Pro?id nt lio ?se elt. was quoted at assuring "Private" . M. Daiull of Oaio of his impartial ijaliy to both North and South, lms rought out anothor public tt'ack on he President anr! tho Siu^hfrem Capi. 'rink H. (Jh&lliformer comma mi 'r f tbo Now En^l.-.ud division, o r otoms. It was Capt. Oaallis who Grst oriti iaod President H losuvelt fer his friend tioss toward the South, at tho mooting f Louis Boll Port. Marked clippings from the Sua of t:,o wo artio'es mentioned were rcc.ive J y J%pt. Challls in an envelope b> arig tho nsuie of J. M. Ih'.'z 11 Tho aptain, taking it for granted that 'riva c Dalzali had cont thorn in reply o h>8 ami Kooeovclt spoooh, promptly prang to the atiRck. Iu an open let ur to Privato Dalaell. a cjy of which o has forwarded, ho not only rt pc-ats is attack on tho Proeidont and the ! outh with increased bitterness, but ibo assails the Hough Rider* as a ooniomoration of cowboy ruffianB and (roadway rounders," and intimates lat tho President's (Jonfcdoruo uncles rould have been hanged if they had rocived thoir deserts. (Japt. ChaHis' letter is, in part, as ollowt: 'I bad no idea that my words would ttraot the attention thoy have done, nd 1 fear that they were only too much cscrvcd, for it is tho 'struck bird that ctierj,' generally epcakiug or, to use more uxpressivo phrase, 'the galled .do winces.' "You were, 1 believe, a soldior of 10 civil war and, I usiuino wont into ilq, oiled by soma patriotio principle nd not because of a big bounty or lawih proaiicB. If you bo.ievel in L'tc f luae I wou;d like to knew your fooiigs when you read the following albngd letter of Theodore Roosevelt, if ucu vor d d road it, which L quote fiVfn ie Hartford T.mos, inwhiob Ireadqt: L'ais loiter, the paper stated, wis wriq a lo a gentleman ia Atlanta, n admira i tht Confederate navy and that aib ther fire 1 the last gun aboard tho Ala AUia. 1 think the time haa now cotnc hen we can all bo proud of the valor [town oq both rides o? the civil war o my regiment 1 had moiu moa whose nhers foaght in tho Confederate army lan 1 had men whose fathers fought jr the Union.' "Tno fact that tha President felt ailtuupou toat.cmpt to anawor the a called criticism and that yju felt it ooorrary to t empt to equare things ; evidonoo enougn ?<. mo that there as jjts'.iiic in i' c mild orhici m thai 1 lane, tno whole of which was coniducd in tin Btatfuiei.t thai 1 had n.rgivings' n to tho future conduot f a m^n who could write su^h a letter. u ail my remarks did not ovor ten 'inutcs, and :i was far from my d jire to ac'ii- TO no.oriety or mar tho armony (if tho meeting bv expressing itr&sentiment?. "A-> for in. telf, I bave no oooa-.ion or :i enw ;r:ia in tho fact .hat r.ny f my uncles wore traitors cither in tho i-ii sar c; at any o'her tuco. And ihiio I may rc'prct a S utiiern sobaior s such, aiid w >tt'd uot do *n>th;", y to urt D fellings, 1 would still believe, you do yourself, Private D-'zcll, ion m bearing arm : again.u tho United ka.es ho v.'-.j a traitor whether b's i?mo was R ,'jr-rt Id. Uco or .John V .'jte1 JJoo'h, and it he was lik-r romo i tho o namtd ra tho dun's p-iitorial? me who violatsd Lis otin as a Wost Pointer?then h > wes a dou'jty damned ruitor. No i-:uount of soft soldier ' Union men for thuro was no oilier urposo in such ?a observation than to sast discredit upon tho patriotism of .bo sons of the Northern soidior. "Sinco Septouibor 'i7th 1 have boon .old thai a Now York nowspapor has lontained a purport* d interview with ho President iu which ho made much >f the fact that ho rojommended nioro southerners than Northerners for commissions in tho army. If that bo n rue statement, it must follow that in 1 hcodoro Hoosovlt wu have a bona fido 'scotional 1'rosident' and tho aeotion ho represents is south of Maton Ofc Dixon'* iino. 'In my humble estimation wo havo gonr quite far onough in hiring Southerners to bo patriots. Joo YYheoter Kitzhugh Ljo and 'Massacre' Butler havo been iuado gonorals and have Hopped their brief day in tho publio oyo. I think it is fully time for Presidents elcoted by Republican and Northorn votes to rooail tho faot that there is a ools dor able constituency whioh docs not hud it coecssary to loft itself into prouiiuonoo on the solo recommendation that it. has boon disloyal. "As you soem to havo Qonstitutcd youisslf guardian and chief swashbuckler for tho President with ret'eronoo to (Jrand Arm; moo, 1 will add that 1 am cot a vrifrw, oaly ibo goo of oac, uu 1 Seaa tor lljcry K. Bun ham, who u also qmted, is not a Grand Armv man. ouly a b.alwart representative t.f N'. w Mamp*.t i.o booliui.u: Noitiori an &(; cant for a ; cos'.on, as tLo 3 iu'a eui-orinl r i -:08 to iafor, r.ud sp *k: 4g for n ySclf, 1 in say th-?iu my . 1 saaii cxjrvs ay Beutiaon s about it 33 1 have oi por tunity. "J cru'it, Private D?!z'11, tb.it you v>ill not lose any further sloe? over this muter. Ifu*. if you have iho immense influence coat it vr u'.d app tr from the i;?l".oiorc Sun ;.on may havew th l'rn Meat lloos' volt, will jcu kiu-lly f*-:rt 1 bo th*'. it any rot doc'roy hi*. own m f.ajnoo, a 1 bosnmoii t;s van administta'iou, by op-u catering to the as yo; abtroiud bur*ari>ns of the South, where tuoy ecill persist ia reiu3ing Unsure i G. iiorr's ftd'.ica a-id to continue to raito not hogs, but h?. "Every patriotic oitisen entires tho CUCOC53 of tiio pre&tn' auiui ustration. No oco wishes ill to Huc-dore Roosevelt, President of tho United Sta.cs. fho Moony s'.uri. lies iu the di ohsinrg with the L.st Pa a).' It w:'l not bj disinterred unices 111090 who are 'ox trecne y prom' oi relatives who were ua tors, ba :k i; up by ao.a wtioh r.p pear tc diaerimiuate against, ujt in fa vor of, the men who never wa/jed war against tho Uailei Siatvs." WAR C02LRS HIGH. Tremendous Cost of the Boer War to England. The British scorotsry for war, Mr. Broderiok, replyi-.g to Sir Charles, H >w*rd Viooect'e offer to raito fresh troops or do anything else to asriat ti.e government, dcoliues tho proposal, and, in doing so, lengthily reviews tha Brit ish position in South Afrioa, oLviou.ly ia answer to the persistent and scarohiug oiitioiaius of the m ni-.torial journals and inr tubers of parliament, thattho government ia languidly content to lot tho war orag on. Mr. Broderiok says, to begin with, that nothing Lord Kitchener haa a*-kod for has .not bten promptly mot. He adis: Wo'nave, nouguiy, 2Ub,0U3 tnsn and 4i)0 guns m South Africa, and over 100,000 moo are under training at homo. Wo havo no difficulty, therefore, in keeping the liold army up to it' requisite strength, by drafts, and 11 0. further co.ll bo medo wo are io position to meet it with tho utmoa; promptitude. Notwithstanding this, tiiore socm-. to bo an tuprcesion abroad Lh&t the oioao of tho war in retarded by a scarcity ct troopB, or tho waul ot mobility of our columns." This impression Mr. Brofriek combats by reciting what tho war ctfite ie doiog, providing supplies ior lil-fc U'Jt) persone, Qirootly or indirectly connected wuh tho .var, f-e-inj, 'J4.S,0(JU horsos a_d nicies, and maintaining four ui.ni.hs reserves of fool i*.r nun aid animals. Six y-tiae mobile col ua.ns, pcrfcc.ly equipped, aro now in .ho Ucld an- lUjOlit) rt jiouuia are iii4 - luo?tnly, -.1?0 It- c pu.cd. Mr. lLiducK say i tho t.x.cty c?.u bo ,01 at roil liti'omj Too government nas uovtr iu?. rTorre 1 with Lord Kitchener, ia whose vigorous pi eoution oi t 10 wrr uicy have cauro e.) li ocoe. 110 points ou. agaio 10 tho van. exiont of tin country. Alluding to Lord Kitohener sending baek poorly trail yeomanry, Mr. B iricv roi,:o< iLu thoy would have been trained earlier out for tuo op nna of ~:.i> ?y s.iw,ors 10 South Africa aula, qoiuj, up to NeVdinber, libit), th*; u i'tcsn troops wcrj needcu. A CALL ON THE PUBLICfo Subicribo 31,500.000 ior a Ilarble ; Memo ial to hlcKitilry. Tho trustees uc-ntly appointed by Pr^'i'ient Kosrevclt for tho Na,. mal McKicley Monument aBSCo'Ation, mot at Cleveland. O. io, Thursday, a Si Dator Hannah (ffi'e ?nd organ-: .I by oleoting tho following cfS iers: I'to'idcnt, VViiliaoi it Day, Canton, 0 ;v:oe 1rerident, M. A. Banna, Cleveland; treasurer, Myr.-n T. Derrick, ' JiuV .'IaD'J : n'ur. tir.. H . nn >n in f . ? - ' ? | Cleveland. 'Hi-; licadijuarttTi, cf tbo association Will bo icoatcd at Canton. 1*. ia propositi to raiso abou-: #1,500,000 by popular BubiCfiption to buiid a marble m?.iu orial at Canton in honor of the lata president. An appeal wan issued to the country for aid. The appeal saya: It ia tbo purpose to have the offerings of tbo people voluntary with full op pcrtuniiy to all to contribute. Tho cooperation of tbo governor* and ofiijcrs of mo States aud municipalities of tho IJoitod States, and ail religious educational, oivio, patriotic fraternal, boot v dent and othor oragan:nation* ia cordially invited. All public officials, organized bodies and tho press arc ri^uustod to take immediate sLpa to sooure, at the oarltost possible time, a full rosponso, to this appeal. Money may bo deposited in banks and other finanoial institutions, with telegraph, telepbono and express offi cos, and with postunsters, who are ro<(uostcd to roocivo aud transmit thorn to tho treasurer promptly. Tho prcsidout of the United States and governors of all titatos and territories woro unanimously olootcd honor ary members of tho association by tho trustees. How to onoourago and kcop the hoys on tho farm? Jake them off of it occasionally for reorcaiion aod sight seeI tug, whore such opportunities as the ocxt annual State Fair will atiord. TWO HUM AN BRUTES. Am?iic^n Wan - n i W?man F,. und an Of'ijr FOR T HE RU N OF Q RLSTh; Funis1 msn?. A dispatch from London ?%y3 tbo haring of t''o evo of Thcodoro and Laura J .oVnon, alirvs Horroo?j, voo arc charg-d H'h con:pirin^ to d'fraud wpmrn of m?ney and j > ?, >'ry b.v fortune Lolling, A-43 resumed luro TLur^day. jj-?uia .jr.-,,'',3o*5. fcr oily Ann OJclir. Doss do B#r of Nuw York, msda a strange appoaranoe. She wore iq tbo drck a loose, crram color-, d uooolloito garment, rescuiblir g * sirpHop, over which was a pale blno si!k 'obo which si o voro when remand td, Sept 2f?. Ci ar'-s W. Ma'thow?, ornnr oouite"! to too t.-aenry, reprose.*cd tho treasury. He do'aticd tie cbargfi3 agr.inst the prisoners obtaining m -noy under fPee protenoe, procuring p r'f, and rapo. Tho tffonso s, said Mr Matthews, wero oommiUcd by fraud uei'iuo in tbo annals of crime. Tho Iforrres establishrd a rsl'gioua 8jct called "I'lioooraPo Unity," claimed the attributes of divine power and induced g:-iis to inisoonduo; themselves with Theodore, under tlio belief that it vat a ceccerary part cf their religious do votioa. "Poverty, chasti'y and ob:-di?noo" wero tho wa?ch words of theTheoorat'c Unity, which was aiso called tho Parity lvngue. Chastity, however, only i.pplied to married people. Neophytes tunning the uoi y were obliged to v;s ccortc/ and profess belief in tlie divinity cf the Morrocp, both of whom, eaid Mr. Matthews, pos:ossod mesmorio pew ere, especially Laura. Tho latter frequently iutorruptcd counsel with loud screams of "false." A wdl bred woman, 23 years of -se, who, tho proscou tioc say, is d word married in ] New Oileacu in 181)8, cauie to London , iq IbJD, and then wont to Paris and Capo Town, returning to England they e-taolished tho fhcooratio order here Han 11 a South on Them. The YVamicgtou correspondent of ths Uharkbi n I'n .' -n- Ti.? went of ihntr.oc Attorney .Joan G. Capers aa Republican n.'i.ioual 0021 iniiiceman lor South Carolina, to ouoceud too late iloa. K. A. Webster, tvhtoh n&-.? just been uanouaoed by Sciia.er liiuaa ox Ohio, chairman ol liio committee, id anther Mop in iho policy oi i-c i-r.iii.Uu x ol' a strong ill pubiio-iu paiy in South Carolina aui in me Stum. In llio imtidd 01 mmy it i:_o uupo -ea ol tuo ? i,lou ooriam old loaders oi tii. llopun ioun party, or, rather, ol lb aiUiuUul o. the ilcpuoiican par y, in Souiu Carouua, have oou/L. to t-pr ad tiirougu tho ooantry, mat Senator llatna id the cruel sup porter oi too "orgau.a v ion, ' or li.?.oia ivguno win-i of the t u.ty in that State. i>i6iriot Auurno. Uppers has ?oryear* hue a a prominent ilemoorat, and lb today prohaoiy me o oeest friu-Jd of S inu..i MuLuurin m Sotxm (Jarouoa. it id uot prcbumud, however, thai iho Mul.uu.in inttuuvje _..u ttio least, thine; to uo with iho aeloa.ion of Mr. Capers I. c tho position of u\ lonal iiopuoii commit tec jj >0, bu , at the eioio linit, it tfl i . parout tLu Scnuor lieLaur.u | will to-, m a greater begrt-o than ever, [ enjoy WhattVur Dont h.iv ia-i v.t iu hi** | ouuitog Oii ipaign lrom the ianeo of tho num. l a'iiioo, a , i not .my thai, nut it h ap, trem thai ho r*iii ouv. thu .i.ji.i.r; u. - two. . .loan o~?*nizai.ou :u the d.ato in tils Ufcui against Senator AiiiUi , K-i.ii ho nouta not h.-vo tn* joyed had Webster lived, ani retained iiis j otuioil at ho boeO oi tho ,ar.y in SoOtU Ctro.ju*. Many are Dying. A didp&ci fioui li.oi mfontoiu, South Africa, {?&yd "uiero aio now ti,oUt) white person* iu thj various io '"Sit uau'| ] IIUII', wuuo luuro ?IC uc&riy Hi 000 in iho various oauips in ihe Uiaiig-j rivor colony. these rcr of tho Statu Agrioutural and Mechanical Sooicty is cl it self bo full ot aUra nioc; that it always ''draws well." People of ail occupations take interest ia an exhibition intesded primarily for the entertainment and tho betterment of tho farmers. Still it ia tl c wi-.h of tho citizjns of Colam b'- to afford entertainment in tho oity proper, distinct from the fair itself. ') o d ' ) end there was organ red eomo yearn *>go tho City Fair Association, and evo>y 5oar this body appoints a ct mmiitec to make necessary arrargomcnts. This ootao.ittee has closed & oen'.rect with tho Columbia Eicotrio Light company for tho brilliant illumination of Main p'rcct curing fair week. Hrvou handsome cross arches aro to bo erected, and there will Lo lights along tho stdo of ttit! strcc's betweon tho anbe.i v. well. This will provide euoh street iliuinins'.iou at his r-C7cr been provided in Columbia before. Tho committee also closed a contract tr'th tho famous United States First Artillery baud from the fort on Sulli v u a xaiBDu ior mrco concerts ox two hours csoh day for each day of tho fair. Tno committee was enabled to enure thin baud, which is tho ranking band in tho army, by going into ?q agreement w:th tho rxcoulive committco in ohargo of tho Stale ball. Tho cor.ojrts will probably bo givon from the piazzas of tho two leading hotols and a a.and in tho 8 ato house grounds just in front oi the Confederate monument. lu addition to this band tho ooommitteo on amusements has ongtgod tho borviocs of the brass band of tho Columbia Orshottra, whoso music, i-.cognized an first class, will supplement that of the Frist Artillery band. Thus there will bo plenty of finemu3ic all through tho woek. Una or more oompaaiej of aciobats or other export performers will also bo engaged, aun these will give at least olio tree exhibition on Main Blroot evorj day from Tuesday till Friday. Tho ebjcot of ILo local association is to afford entertainment to vieitois in tho intorvald between tho times when it is oonvenicnt to attend tho fair itself. This ?bjjot will bo weli aoaomplished this year. The brilliant and beautiful illumination of Main street will make it a popular promenade, and this of itself will furnish entertainment to thoso who may not wish to attend tho theatre. Tho annual ball of tho South Carolina i slab is always a leading feature of fair week: la the hall of the House of Representatives (ono of tho handsomest halls in the oouatry) will gather ladios and gentlemen from rtl parts of South Carolina and a.so from other States. Tho oiub is a social institution of long landing and groat popularity. Its ancoal bo 1 is a:ways cojjyt.d. Every night or fair week will bo marked by a high-class porfcrmanoo at Columbia's now theatre?ono of tho largest and best equipped in the ontiro South. Tbia theatre takes tho place of the opera house destroyed by liro, and is la ail respects a decided improvement on tho old building. Under (ho management of Metsrs. Smithdeal kh Browue, wuo loato tho theatre from tno oily, theto aie brought to Columbia companies and s.*r actors whoso reputation is of tho highest, and whoso ptrfoimauoca sustain that reputation. ILu plays during fair weok win bo fully up to tuo standard, and the tLcatrc will bo lull every night. One important function of the City Fair Aj'oci&t.on is tno providing of pleasant qu.rtiis ior visitors?thousands of whom muutiod these tlsownero .ban in tiio hotels aud boarding houses, i'o ui'.vi tots demand t'.o association intends to maintain its iateliigeaoo oihos, and hopes to mike it ui .ro ct an inioiiigjscj ouroau this year taao it uas cv.r b on. iSjcru.ary McJunkin will have this office locatod in the Sou.he.n railway uptown cthoa building on-in u s.roet and every visitor wno cosircs quarters oan tuoro inako ui piioatioa. Whatever the crowd (and it premises to bo linoionse) tuoro will bj goou aooc.uuiod&vions for ail. Horrible Death. In a wreck cf tlie Norfolk and Western roed njar Dublin, V-., Frank Lavender, * fireman ou a Cripple Creek passenger engine mot a horrioio^death. While running from Pulaski to Dublin ills engine oiasliod into tccthcr engine aitaouef. to too rear end of a freight train wh-oh was standing on tho main liuo. Uotb engines wcro badly wrecked and Fireman Lavender, whoso legs were caught tiy tailing coal trom the engine's tender, was scalded to death tiy fatc.nu. iiangiug from the oab window lio begged pitcously for help, but the bystanders wt.ro powerless to aid hiui oi?ing tno last cscap.ug stcaiu. Tho biame Ur tho accident is attributed to the ocgiQctr, who was unnurt. It is claimed ho was running too last aud a dense iog prevented his seeing ahead. The d ad liteman was from Pulaski and had boon married only ono month. A Uood Start. TU- Ml 1?a 1?- -a -* j no oii'iiusiud i obi nsyh mo oonviclion of six "blind tiger" proprietors Wodntsday under tho ouy ordinance recently pa?scd is a vary satiHfactory result, ana a promisoof rxtei ded sueocsa in tho municipal onfotosmont of tho iaw which tho State has failed from tho urst to carry out in Charleston. There was short shift to the aooused in tho oourt Wednesday, ar.d jmticr. fell swiftly upon them. For tin 6rst time iu several yoais keepers of illicit liquor plaoes were brought to book and mado to suffer tho penalties of tboir viola- ! tion Wedtosuay'? work wan but tho bofinning of what will bo a general, continuous and praotieal coforecmont of tho dispensary law under tho o ty administrate j power. Lot the Stale an thoritios observe an 1 wonder. Robbers Fooled. Nows of tho hold-npof a train ou tho Kansas City, 1'ittsburg and Gulf road, near Ashtown, Ark., has roaohod tho Wells Fargo offico at Now Orleans. The train was northbound from Shoroveport. Tho information coinos in a telegram to tho expross people announcing tho hold up, but saying the robbers had gotten nothing. The telegram said the 1 valuables tho robbors believed tho ex pros oar oarried had been loft in Shreveport to go out by tho daylight train. ~ TRAIN HELD UP 3ul thAiog for "hoboes," for this iu a Uvonte pi&oo for tramps to steal a ri c?on the platform between ^ the nc. ..d-eiass car and the express c?r. A n the conduotor stepped out upon the platform ho was surprised w::oa a revolver was thrust into his was ordered baok into the S o r. Like a good soldier, 1 rs, as did the train hand. * ? file l ;s b.i.o .er, prying around, was also forced to b at & retreat. As the tr- u "station 58'' on the other sido of -B. *.:ohvnle, the highwayman gave the signal to atop. When the ru.o i* 10 ?od down he stepped out into the tl-r caesd at almost identically the i express rohbor got off A on too ui.jV. of tho famous robbery for j wliioh ifiTvjw Warren was arrested. I Home of t .o passengers who saw the " man ad Lo left tho train says he very i <1 Warren, but as War- I a fugitive from justioe with J a row.. ix hundred dollars on his B head, it could hardly have boon him. it may bo bcosusc the oironmstanoos of robbery was fresh in the mind of ths puolio and this one ooourring at tho tiamo plaoe lead to tho sup- ? position chit it may h vc bean Warren. There aro some people who believe that Warren is still hiding in the vicinity o' Branohville. If this is true, it naigut have been him who mado the aeooud attempt at holding up the train Wednesday night. If Warron was not the maci * do bold up tho train Wcdnes- _ day night, it makc? it extremoly doubt- w ful about his boing tho parson who held j up too tirst train. The railroad au- < thoritios ?ii 1 take stops to givo the noxt I robber a warm reooption. I \.8 Object Lessons. J Tho bouthrin railway has entered up- M on a soheu:e for the improvement of ^ the wav.oa roads cf tho south in pursu- 1 anoo of tho polioy of Prosident Sponoer to eco>uragj thi growth and develop- J meat a uory tributary to the M Southorn system. A good roads ape- Jgi oial train of ton oars will leave here J|| shortly for tho south under charge of P.-osidont W. IT. .Moore of tho National Good lLads association, and will make fr((4uent stops at points along the g Southorn railway for tho purpoao of building sample roads and arousing intorost among t ho people on the subjeoU Tho aim ir to eduoato tho southern peo- jA plo iu praotioal rosd building and to imprcso on them tbeeoonomy and ben- ~ cfit to 1 o derived from ftno roads. The train will otrry all neoessary maobino- y for tho building of roads and a oorpsof road experts.