11 IE ADVOCATE. 1 I'UBIJ81IKD V VKI V WKPKKSD4Y. I M in proposes mul wouiun disposes of his proposition. v 1 Mi s Mary G. Able of f.eesville is attending the Teachers Inslil ito at L'Kington. Senator It. It. Tillmnn i k tow i Monday afternoon, on tlit; train going towards Columbia. Miss Mukc, v'io lias been visiting Mrs. !\. LSatcs, lias returned to tier home. In jlie game of ball last wei'K Mr. Jiio. 1). Kawl, accident ly got bis ankle sprained, from wbieh lie lias been eonlined t i bis room since. Mr. Frank Kawl of Savilla,?one of the bestseoli >ns in Lixington County, and noted for its good people was in | t?wn yesterday and gave us a pleasant ' ' call \Y. would appreciate it very nitn b, i if our pair jus and the people in t lie town would send us around any news of local importance, that they might have. Mrs. \V. S. Mobley with her little * daughter and son, Miss ('arris ami!1 Master Hodges, is on a \isit to her father Hon. XV. II. Timmerii an. I Mast *r itcnjaman Lewis of John-ton is visiting till h mi; ol his grand lather. L)r. 'riuimeruian. Miss Salcuie Timmerman who has been with her mother at liillman, tin., 1 forth.' past week returnrd home Su i- J day afternoon. ^ Ther will be a lirst class barbecue 1 here next Saturday, th* villi. This " "'cue" will be furnished by the old reli- , ? able Franklin Sliealy. livery-bo ly t jsIi mid come and enjoy a good dinner. Two hundred bushels Poaches for ' Caning and pickling for sole for next , tea d ly s. .1 A. It. Watson 11 ibe:uia, S, C. O.i r old friend, lit Kawl, ha- become u a father inl-rael and be wears bis lion sir with becoming dignity, with a phi 11 ;ii mii in*, ii is ;i uouncing hoy. Uncle Jake is now "grand j? ?*'. .Mr. II. .J. Bni ^ess. one of the leading < yomig merchants ol' Stead;*naii,s, was in tliu city Monday on business, and while here gave us a most pleasant call Miss Zr.ua Timincrmuu of Edgefield.' is visiting her Irk ml Mi.-s ina Wcislp Hartley. M 5Iiss Ebbie Minis, of Whnleys is vis- I' icing her sister Mrs. J. B. Hartley. Miss Co minings, who has been visItmg Mrs. Clif. Mitchell, returnel to - her home in Orangeburg. I We are in receipt of a catalogue of ui ihft Batesluirg Institute. We trust at that the Principle, 1J rtepjp*r;:.r.s will a successful year.] ( v A women's n.vsAoii on ear'h is to ?| convince-some uiaiKthat he ought to |a get married. ,,1 I have special pri?*c on a limited sup* la ply of molasses. Samples nod prices w ou application. hi 1 >. Rufus Haltivanger. e< "Rev. J. l>. Cruut has ret'.irned from 8,1 Anderson county, and will till his appointment her** and in the country tl also, Sunday. 1 Mr. .las. C. II irdin is now a. coin- " nner riaI traveler, and In* carries a g.ip with grace and dignity. He is, no''1 sloiibf, the youngest man on the ro.ol. We predict a br ghl future for James. ; Tl .Mr. .1. A. Whitten, manager of the Racket hi ore, left yesterday afternoon. jp for New York to buy his I'ali supply of (M. goods. Messrs M. K. Rutland and A, ( dones left for Buffalo yesterday to vinit the Ran-A merman expositioi . M iss Jennie Thomas of ('ohimhiu, i> visiting her sister. M Us Anna Thomas. A number of comuiuuicat ions are crowded out this week. J hey will uppear in next is*ue. Air. X.-al Harl'eyof Atlanta, i- j',^ on a visit to his lath*r Mr. .1. 11. Mart-I ley, wli i iquite sick. V? r hope for a speedy ice .very. I.ast event ny t h" y 011115 people were , royally en tertai ne I at tie* hospitable-j It iiik of Mi", an t Mrs. I.'. It. Shealy. j,, '1'lie erowd was "real and at! xe Min d to ' enjoy thciiiselxim. j.q On last Thir-dav morning tin* Inni-e CI of Mr. C. Kali aw. of near Men n a. was j. totally destroyed h. lire. II hid some lit insii-aiiee, hat towl.il ex'eiit is nil- \s known. p The 11 .it St. lVter's?a I.ntherun f'iiurdi, about a mile and a Pal' .Sonth of Itere proved to be a success. "I .Much interest was manifested: and the 1,1 pastor Itev. :i. S!iiim| ert lies do- A ?'iiled to renew tl.e sort iee-. on the see- ill olid Sunday 111 September, lie left for l'! .? Jlai r s. C., on 1 11 lay niorr in.5 !a-(. -'d Hell. J). I-tank I'.liiil, of l.exin^t >n,' I'esidenl of the larm. rs State Mliaiier 1,1 and a member of t he (| Mieri)! Aisembly ' ? - from bex 1115ton County, was jjreo'Jiiy friends on our streets, last 'J bur.sday 11 morning. Mr. haul is a prosperoii-. 'c farmer. 1,1 1 Hi Air. \V. Van. Jones, foruiely of our | |(, town, hut now f Augusta, (in., i.* taU- . (| ii?5 his vneat ion \% i 1! 1 the borne folk". ! , Vail is pleasantly remeinhci-ed by llw |ii>(i|ile of our I'lltire town and eount rj . ^ For several years he was the leading ^ salesman at tin* New York Itaekt I m Store. He now hnsn (iterative position t in the dry ?Oods departineiit of .1 It. ((i IVhite A (;o. 11 Fold r Aide, F.>i|. fmiiiely of |>, I. fxingtun < utility, hut now a rising |j, ymin# lawyer of Washington < ity.was || .nfown Monday with his si-l r Miss ' ((j Mary f!. Able-, ami while here they ( ( |>aid ii- n pleasant mil. lie is a sots <1 |( JJapt. .IoIiii (#. \hlesof near l.eesvillo. w Vfhler is a young mail of fine ahilils |(, and w? prediet lor liiin a bright future. Ij| Jle will return to Washington 'f luirs- . |(l .day to resume lis work In the Treas-j ury Jiepartinent in th.it men hate a manly women. w In Asthma C \sthmalene Brings lnstai Cure in Bent absolutely Free on receipt and Addre CHAINED I FOR TEN CVERY^gfr^ffBINPD BELIEF. lima. Its success is astonishing anil a unitized, we ran -stale that Asthmulen nrm i:r ether. Very A v in. T.VKT IJIION' Mkiiu INK CO . (Jen t Icmcn : I w rite t hi.- testimoii lie wonderful effect of your Astlimale as been ril'lieteil with spasmodic Astli lausted my own skill ai well a* many < ( our windows mi IHOth street. New \'i nalene. Mv wife commenced taking i oon noticed a ra Heal improvement. Itsappeared, and she is entirely free fr< oioisteiitly recomuielid the medicine resting disease. Yours respectf Dr. Taft ltros* Medicine Co. Cent lemon : I wad tros.hled with . ncrons remedies, but (b y have nil fail mil started with a trial bottle. I fonn 'based your full- i/.e bottle, and I am i hildren. and I' ir >i\ .years \v; s unable I lenlth ami am ti.er eoitnn. The faculty has leen increasedid the course of study improved. ' The law of health require thai the owcls move once each day and one the penalties for violating this \v is piles, lve-.p your bowels regal* by taking a dose of Chamberin s Stomach and I.iver Tablets ben iiec?.-,sai-3' and you will never J iivvi that severe punishment infl i-t- I I upon yon. l'rice' iJ5 cents. For | Je by F. B. tinnier. The, engineer., who were to locate ic sight lor the Tourist Hotel, eotne luu'sday afternoon and they found at.slmrg to be li.O feet higher than ih?-n. That is veiy eneuurageing, tn s self. The people of Battsburg ion Id take interest in this enterprise, id see to it that il goes through, i.ere is no doubt about it, .t will I rlaiuly lu-lp buil.l up this town and lercfore euli nice the price of prop ly- _ ! THE TWO SUPPERS. ! i i i ( Ky Matiie Clare Croueli.) ( Little ('luru Clay ton II veil up <>u ? ' il \rrj i.ea. t! c ^ifiit Steel ISridfje, ro. ? Saluda rivir. ller father, Mr. ; mo Clayton, was a very wealthy far ' IT. Ili-rottoll lit'llltf r\?Olldtll for any iicfts in all iliivetion in. I !i\vas pn 11 y rfijjl.t to fee tie ni'^'iin's eonojjal iiiij aroiiiul t lie old (jia-limisu at : fyIon, and hi almost idoli/.ed them < le mot lief was ton I'oali li about In r : 1 tie jjirls. She was always ntixi us j hell they would wan ler away from j e house, as tie ,y did late every after-j' ?o... I 1 One hri_'ld afternoon, loHtf to l?e rt. j emhered, these little jjirN Went down | the n-house | o j lay on the cot toil. Iter tiiirj; of that, they wandered I ?wn l>y 'lie river to pick flowers from i>j iikmiIiiw \vliicli was bean'. ifmI otted with various c ikred Mowers. >011 Clara missed Iipi* bonnet an I ran ink to :!)< g n lion.se to limit lor it i ?r many I 11^ moments she looked r il In*fore -lie found it. Spe hustled back lo iIn- place where she had i ft Klllcl, Not litidiitic luir, Clara eight ,,j' con i s. , rlie hail hidden in j ie gra-s to l,) ise her, hut, wljcn sin* < id scarab*d in every place around id found lint rare of t lit* 111 It* jfirl, I ic erie ' alood for her. All that she I >ii lit hear, v..'s the echo of her own < me. .she iaii hack to t h place \y neiv i ey had parted, hut could see nolli- i g of t ho jilt U-girl. She then luisl- i icd i i I' ll h *r mother. '|'hu parents j;an huntin>^ with ti e same sun <-ss I >ii Clara had. The farm hell was 1 nig: and t he hands eame front the Ids to lo gin the search. dust as ley he's an lo dredge the river, o e the lie,roes spied Hlliel- little -lip r II 'Ht iii^ near the hank where she id hern l<'li. He plunged into the at.T and divtd down to find the child il xvitli n > success. The liver was edged, the count ry was set relied; it no one could tlnd where the chihl as. They nil hclicved she was drow?d hut she was not to he found jo the ver. 'Twas indeed a s;ie chained with putrid sop? tliroi in. tl A -.thin i for ten Vitus. I despa red of ever being cured. I saw you advertisement f? r tke cure of tli d e idful ami tormenting disease. A: in ma, and thought you bud overs pi ken yourselves, but lesolved to give n triii'. To my astonishment, tie* tr ill iiotou like a charm. Scud me a fu sizj bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsle K.ibbi of t'ong. Bnai I-iiiel. New York, Juii. II, 1U01. l>rs. Tuft Bros' Medicine l!o., Gentlemen : Your Asthnialene is :i i*M-el!eiit remedy for Asthma and tin >\vjr, and its composition alleviah all troubles wl-tcli combine with A voiiderfol. After having it carelull e contains no opium, morphine, chlori truly yours, BKV.'JK. MOB HIS WECIISI.Elt. 1 on Srit.Mis, N. Y., Fiat. 1, 11)01. ii:iI front a sense of duty, having teste ne, for the cure of Asthma. My wil in far the past 12 years. Having vi titers. I chanced to see your sign upo irk, 1 at once obtained it bottle of As! I I about the first'of November. I vcr Alter using one bottle her Asthma ha am all symptoms. 1 feel that 1 i a to all who are afl'licted with this dis ully, O. i?. I'llEI.rs, M. I>. Feb. 5, 11)01. Asthma for 22 years. I have tried mi i(1. 1 ran acri sa your advertisenien il relief at once. I have since pur ?ver grateful. 1 have family of fon to work. I am now in the best o y. This testimony you can make: sucl aRivingtnn street. S. UA1M1AKL. CI Kast J2(Jthst.,Xcw York City i-ce On Rect ipt 01' Pcstal, essing, DJt. TA FT DUOS' MIDI ty. For Sale by all Druggists. Save your IVIoney And keep it in the Savings Depart meat of TI1E FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Batesburg. Four (I) per. cent interest on deposits. Dividends semi-annually. Both large and small accounts solicited. W. W. Watson, Cashier. not be comforted and the old father sat on the piazza all night grieved o\er his devoted lest Etbei Not long after this terrible accident Clara became ve-y ill, and lay uncon' ious for many dr.ys. They thought that they would loose her too, hut she dually regained her strength, and was soon in school again. The fat hi r wa very an xious wlmu Clara was in the least ill for fear she would die. Much was soon heing said ahoot Clara's vducation. Her mother wi hed a governess, hut her fat tier wished her to go to t lie public schools until she could enter colhge. As years rolled hy, Clara was making good use of her use of her opportunities and was r.hle it t wen ty, t o enter Columbia Female [ olleg. She seemed to like college life very much. Tune quickly parsed, and [ lara was ready to come home to loved Jnes again. Oh, how the dear nioth.-r ind lather hail longed to see lor and Il uv glad they were to cusp her to 11... 1 ? I...-- ? , w.'.".ii.|^.ini. .Mini Colly, the rook, said she Ion mil-st have a kis.s From "pp. ttv Alius Clara", Many and pie isaut amusement > had he. n pi. lined lor Clara,s vacation, Site spent th> lime going to picnics, ero?|iict parties, ind roaming o er tli j Hj'.Is and woods su.'h a vacation was shoit to Clara, and .lie was far from buiog ready In j;? hack to school in the tall. Her father being a school trustee for the school r.ear her house. The lady, AJ:.ss May Kcrunghan, slated .lie was was a erniiiniio (.1 V a sail c.,| lege at.(I conld give liiu-ic lessons it necessary . What an i xcelleiit opportunity for Clara, as-hi i honj^nt! She anhl stay at home an I have a grand music teacher. &|j > brggrd her father to Id li.-r stay nl linnc and to let Mis> Kernaghati hoard with theai an I give Iter iniisie lessons, lie lit ally c< njeiilcd. Ml.s Keri; Khan was soon to arrive. Much preparation was soon being made in this little Southern liopic l.ir tile Northern ladv. The day raine, iniJ Mr. Clayton went over to Newberry, the nearest Si a. inn, to meet Miss Kernnglinu. lie found her it very interesting talker, and, although it wra twelve inih-s from the Stat ioh, tut* drive seemed half as far if usual. Clan had prepared a room for Miss Mary Kcrnaglian.and was longing to meet her new earlier. She was in I lie kitchen with her mother helping to prepare supper when she saw her lather and Miss Kernaghan drive up riirnwlllg oil her apron and brushing .nek her hair, Clara ran onl to meet Ihein. She was struck with the beauty >f her teacher, wl o had large brown yes, black hair, and a smiling coiinte iititicu. Mlie was u Jittle woman, not near so large :i, ('lata herself. One thing detrarted from her appearance, that was, she was a cripple. Clara went with her to liar room ami left her to herself lor a few moments. To lie nonlilllleil in next issue. ' My hahy was terrlhl.v sick .vith the diarrhoea," says J. II . Dnak, of Williams, Oregon. " Wo were nnahle to eure him with the doe tor's assistance, and a- a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say it gave immediate relief and a complete cure. For ralo by F, It. Gunter, druggist. i single worn tc Hie |?ot??t is Letter than a speech. V Announcements For . Congress. I hereby announce myself a candi1 date for Con^rwi* from the 7th. Congressional District to till the unexpired terui of the late lion. J. Win. Stokes, and pledge myself to abide the - result of the De nine ratio 1'riniary. L Very truly. Thus. F. Brant loy. lion. A. F. I.iver is hereby annouuced us a candidate for the seat made vacant in Congress by the death of the Into lion J. Win. StoKes, Private Secretary ho was lor Ive years. Voters. ,e I am a candidate for Congress to fill stJ the vacancy oa'.:sed hy the death of the lamented Dr. Stokes, and will abide '' the result of the Demoeratie primary. s" <1. \V. HUCIIA'NAN. I. l>' 1 hereby announce myself as a can('(l didate, for the unexpir si term ??t 11 . j. J. Win Stokes, in Congtess. 1 pledge ir myself to abide the result of the Demls oeratic Primary. Jtespectful'y, it M. P. Ilowell. * II For The Legislature. T 1 desire the Democratic Voters ot Lexington County to know that I an in the race for a seat in the Ceticral I .Assembly, to till the nnexp'rcd term ii of lion. A. F. Lever; and will up-j iy preeiute the suffrage of nil who may see lit to cast their vote for me. Respectfully, ? JOHN BELL TOW ILL. I hereby announce myself a, n candidate for the Legislature to li 11 tin unexpired term of Hon. A. F. Lc\.-,. resi gnid; and phdge myself to ubidt ^ the result of li.e Democratic pri._ mary. n T. C. STt'KKKY. b d Suggestions Willi An Eye To j. liusiiiess. Mr. Editor I noticed in a recent issue of tin t Advocate that among the projected " : enterprises for llateshiirg is a coffin { and furniture factory. Hoping titer, i is more in the statement than men idle rumor plo.mv alow ine to suggest to the parties interested an examination of the promises recently advertised by ine, wheie buildings sufficient j lor a beginning aiv alreaduly erected[ with room for more. I Another nei'drd entei prise for Ilntcs j burg is n Inuiuiry. The bull over the i t? re, 2b x f.r>, m it let he admirably i adapt id 10 the purpose. licspt ct filly, E. W. Mcl.ennn. ' I A ^Ministers tiood Work. "I had a revere attack of billions [ colic, got a hoti le of Chnmberlnin' < trated him for Mime days and gave * liiui no relief, so di schaged him. I I , went over to see him the next morr J ing. lie said his bowels were in a , terrible fix, that they had been run- ' nitig off so long that it was almost , bloody flux. I asKtj liiui if lie had j f tried Chamberlain's Colic Cholera ! ? and Diarrhoea Remedy and !:e said \ 'No.' I went heme and brought hint my bottle and gave him one , dose: told him to take another dos? ' in fifteen or twenty minutes if In r | did not find relief, hut he took no j more ami was entirly cured." I'or i-ale by F. H. tinnier, drugget. What A Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a ^ j wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun- c i dued look, moth patches and blotch- ^ | cs on the skin, it's liver trouble: hut ^ Dr. King's New life Pills regulate < the liver, purify the blood, give ^ j clear skin, rosy clunks, -rich com- ^ plexiott. Only 2.V at F. It. Hunter's { drg si ire. _ ' t: Astounded The Kditor. c c Hdilor S. A. Frown, of Bennetts- * ci villi*, S. C., was utiee immensely surprised. "Through long suffering Irom ^ Dysppsia," lie writes, "my wife \\.<> greatly ran down. She had no strength or vigor an I suffered great * distress fioin her stolliaell, hill she ^ tried Klcrtrie Hitters whit h helped her at once, ami, after nsin^ foin ^ hollies, she is entirely well, t an eat i * * 1 X anything. It's a grand tome, and its < gentle laxative ijiialites are splended for torpid liver." For Indigestion.!^ ' l.oss of Appoiite, Stoniaeli and l.ivei j * troubles It's a positive, ganranteed * euro. Only .W at tinnier'* Stationery of ;ill kinds at The Advocate office. ffgr.ei", ?r?ss Vrs> ^ "! j ! ? /. / F v( rf Pf till 1 i \<* r,f,w!' 1 I i }p- * A.'- c: * 11 A a J Sea i H o * M j t( t ? n Canning 1 ^ 11 MACHINE j!i i Cu C i i Hit J t F i a i? k M t X a , Ills* Meaty Pa sou kr.ew thai out J *2>.000.000 pawl (or CAiine.1 fruits hst ycoj the fiuO growers g it $3.oU0,Ul>(), the c.inruTS trie rest The nnny growers (jve ia 1 poverty, tSe few e.-mners in luxury, if you want to make money ui the fruit business.- do your own tanning. You can't do practical. monry-nwKtng work on a cook stove, but you can with the row T.G.WILSON CANNING MACIIINB. 1899 patent, which I am soring. ft li (OMfklt i%A?a| siar'itM ?l f*N*rate* 1 ihJB A Are boi ? to iter afeteJW. aur* Oufvjr.t tey *|I|> II Bttla Iter Nui t*k ami ring rep. hay v-i te te* m If rt Wtf\ (tei( >l*akt|l ? < te (tfkl I' tad (II ha f9w*te t* MM te?a? o* rml * >* rt* 400 %o in? mm pa* IA'j \o% *4 ?#?| r? ?*??* ??* tm%? rVi. teul by r?hH 4 ay lads ate* teul get jyUis J ' ? rtai alai ff. iM'teg tnnmuBtell te rlr *la te'i ?hJ A E&qjle, Dilnur, S. C., T i :| The p t Slielton 3' := Mills, | .Manufacturers of 35 FLOUR,j| >CHATTANOOGA, TEN.S: jS 5^ 2*For Prices-~^_ JM ^ Write to . ?" T * u I 1 *_ MJ ? - : ? it I ? |{ ?r, I AVt ? % Lg Haiti wanger, jh v na Sbatesburg, - - s. C.3H UP Our buyer I / j Markets, wliei lines for ever) have ever s!io We will eoi at and below Mew Yc Reunion at 311 W illing. There will be a reunion of Co." It." ? I I tii Regiment, at Mt. Willing Tlmrs- ' lay, August 'Jim!. All Confederate ^ veterans, cordially invilid to attend Mr. M. I.. Riley will furnish lia-li at jv . reasonable price. ; * Thus . Whittle. , " G. W. Harris. I> "oinmiltee. ^ * -1 ? ? a For I p-t o-dato Si at ionerv, conio to ' i Tito Ad\ ocato. " $ Batesburg invest m > 4 1.anils bought, sold and cxelutngei ^ / dill'erent parts of town for sale: ah lions. Any of this j ropcrty sold lei ^ easy installments. We will deal in , ^ Carolina. > AHDHKSS, * s. f. pkrry :5 \i. v. str( >t M 19 99 Host Makos, JiOwcsl Prio )P*> tot* B . M m M Uk o 1)37 Hn>it< Tlieir Secrel Is <>nt. All Sailierllle. Ky? was ritrio s 11> earn tin* cause ?>I tin* vast improve- " ment in I lie I < 1111 of Airs. S. I*. 1( W hit laker, who had l< r a lon<; ti nr. I odurcd untold suffering fr m " hronio bioniliijil trouble. * *! t. . all " ilue to I >r. K hi;'. New liise very,' v Wl'ites her lilt-', 'alld. It eo|U| I 11 I \ u ljureil her and also er.ted in little! (;ru ul-dauuhti r of a severe I dm t oi Whooping t.oiieh." It positively cures Coughs, Colds, l.i (. .p. Ilrott- < chilis, all Throat ..ml I.ling troubles Ihiurnnteed bollhs *>0e and fl.DO. Trial buttles free at (iunter's drug .1 store. 1 What most people want is something j mild and gentle, when in need of a |ih?sie. Chamberlain's Hit.mm It and I.iver Tablets fill the hill to a dot.'. The are easy to take and t Uttsant iti I i fleet. Fur uale by } '. |{. (lunter. I ' Some brass batids are doiiuvtie and 1 some arc imported. ( HAKE AND YOU DRY GOODS AND SHOES!! We have a full line of HIioim anil Dry Goods tint ail' t'p-lc-i'r.le in cery particular. RANTS &> CLOTH= ING! When we try to describe our bargains in tliis department, we don't know win*re to begin. It's like try- I inn t<> ITticl the commencement of a eirule. E. JONE untohr/I eaves to-day for 111 *o lie will purchase tl r department of our 1 Wll. it inue 1 o sell all Sum cost. 3rk Racket i d ; It Dn/.zlcs Tlic World. 'l No Discovery in medicine lios ever rented one quarter of the excitement lint has ben caused hy Dr. Kind's lew Discovery for Consumption. It's verest tests have been on hopeless 1 iitims of (Consumption, I'i.eiinioiii i, *' Lmnrrage. Pleurisy and Bronchitis, | 1 lousands of whom it has restored to ' v erfeet health. For Cough*, Colds, *t. ma, Croup, llav F?.ver, llonrsncss " ml Whooping < 'oufjh it i< the ijuiekest | ' ml surest cure .11 the world. It is " ild by F. B Ounter, w hoguarantees itisfact'on or refund money. Large ' littles ">0e anil $1 .CO. Trial bottles ee. a 0 r*rrrfrrrfrffff/*ff r'J\J'JT 1! Land And -J:! ent Co. ? v ./* V y I I: 1 >welling and Store lets in viy 0 Mine well i m) roved phinta- yy ir 1 ne-lourth cash: balance on ^ lands in any j art of South ^ \ f 1 X : t s , (; KX I:PAL M A X Ai;KI{, . ? Am llilisciilinnal >lcetjn?* Will bo hold ;it Kohobotli Cliinr li, k oaf llmlj's I'orry, mi August 'JOlh. r.l , o'l look a. in. I?ov. '< . \V. Danii l,! ?. I> ami I r??f. ?' !? Cliiikiicalos, will : .1.1 I ? ,. I l>.? II.M ' ' ? . ^ m i ? jti an* | II ii\ ttr-.l |?i silti i ?l iiml lirinir baskets n til lil It 11 wit;. I It in jf* that will aid ti li usAii ? a day pit u-iint. s T. F. Ki her Mljje, i J. Holly, J I.. It. Hay lies. I 'ommittee of arrangements. " riirou^li tin* ino 11111 of June ami illy our It.ihy was teething anil took ! runnim; oil' ol I lie howola anil sik- ; iim of II r stnmaeli," ?ajs <). I*. M. j lollidnv, o.' Heminjr, Iiul. * 11 i * bo- i Is would move from fix*' to cij?bt ; imes a day. 1 bail a bottle of | ' Miambt-rlain's C'tdif, Cholera and | barrbo-.M hYmtdy in the bouse and I j tave Itiin four drops in a teaspoonl ill if waiter and lie got better at onee." | told by F. H. Hunter, druggist, o ; * *3 H iLE~ OUR GOODS XL IERl3.3nLc3.le IMIone^. Snaps, Even for Bar- Stoves! Stoves!! gain Hunters. \V nave a full line ol TRUNKS N <>w ls u?e tim.i to buy! W? arc tnat we will clow out at priced that *!W "" r.l.?' ' ' a,l(' *''ey are Ifu'ng' cheap ill move tlwuaquick Any bize?Any prico. Wood cook In* uieans #ood ealiajr?and you stay Sewing Machines! healthy. We Rdaraotee tbem. Hurry anil get your wife that Sew i n If " ? ' 1 ' ...? mu> uiuv ueiore present lot is Groceries! sold out. Several stvles to pick from. ... , ? , . . , . ,r , . . we huve on ii?nd alwajs. a rul' ?nd \ oil nay less than jite half of Agents ? .. . . ,. ... , : 1 3 , , r i ? co??pi??te line of the choicest Grocerprices; and same teru:s it desired. Ti.? r?i?i. ?. . .... Special inducements on a limited i?I1P?lv.? |i?lnil r?. 01 n?*??rlau II,, llr.1 II, .. 1 Mrh* *' ' ?? '? Stoek. S, The Underseller. = ? THO. A. QUATCKBADM. ' PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Harris' Drug Store. ITT -*?? Money to Loan. On farming lands. Easy payments. ^ Northern comtn,Ss'on9 Charged. Borrower , . j pays actual cost of perfecting loan. he strongest Jo?, B. A So,. msillCSS WC Columbia, 8. C. t Ecuknk W . Abli, Atty., ^ I Saluda. S. C. nier (jloocls : It. L. HARTLEY. tate.sburg Stents Trenton in r-> t a e d t r T A Inme <>l Ball?Scoro I I-:!. E" L" ABB1Lb Attorney at La\? Batesburg beat Trenton in a very Leesville S hi interesting game of ball Saturday Practice in all Courts Buaiuess solit urning. 11 was slow from start to cited. Inisli. The only feature of the game, ? iras Jones' pitching, for Batesburg. le struck out 17 uien and yielded only GO TO lx lii14. The pitchers from Treat-on, o i "\r T)/V\\ri7C lughesand Harrison struck out 7 oa .u jtv/i7 IjiJ* nen and yielded to 18 lilts. . r .. r _ ? . _ _ e m- . Rcstuaraiit tor nr st-c ass \\ e bad intended giving the game in etail, but it was too slow and long . niCel F at a llOlirS. luilice it to say. Batesburg won out by ? score of II to a. Mr. J. A. Wyman, \\r \-no.nr.r o Tn\l/rf~T f Aiken, played 2nd for Trenton and VV - 1 OC i. 1 C ' Ir. Williams, of near (IivjihtooI, t We enjoy -t""i-XG ?^S*. ^^ ?T?3^tSlie Trenton boys with even tho ^|Hj hey didn't play as good a game of Town and Country Risk, -ur all as they should have. We trust qjjlct in ADVOCATE Building. hey wiil come again better prepared o plav ball. WILL EVANS. ? \\ atches. ClOclcs, and Haberdasher, Shirt maker will, Jewell'V Ho ? ail'iriyj. ;ive your mailorders prompt and care- McLena Building, ill attention, at BATESBURG. s. C. 14:12 Main Street. __ Columbia, S. C. ? x x r A WORTHY SUCCESSOR jjAS. Vv . PlTTS, "Something-New l!nii?s ti.? ..... ..iv jua ocr.iotUN-DENT/ST, All Doetors have ti i??I I?? run1 CA- tyOfT.ce at Etheredge Building 'AUHII by the use of powders, aep't as? s. inhalers.and drugs in paste fivhi. | SALUDA, - - - S. C. heir pewilers dry up in the mucous i lenibranesransing them to crack open nil bleed. 'I lie pow rful m ills used ? 111 MUI ,i the inhalers have entirely eaten; tUQBnB V7. ADIB way the same membranes that their w_nvpv , ?Mtvopia? inkers l>av?-aimed to cure, while pastes ATTORNE\ and (OLNSKLOR. ml ointments cannot reach the dis- Offices at use And old and experienced practi- EdoefirLD C. 11. AND SacUDA C. 11. toner who has for many years made a lose study and specialty of the treat- Prompt Attention .Given to All Busieiit of Catarrh, has at last perfected inesg. Treatment which when faithfully "sed ? ot only relieves at once, hut pennant j xv pkVOUK, .1 x t> okk?ii>k\ , cures Catarrh, by removing' the Eii^etle'.J, s c. Saluda, S. C. uiise, stopping the discharges, and _ ,/nD17 ? rDurADv uring : 11 inllaiuiuat inn. It isthconly 1J fc. V kJ Ix L# & (j Ix tL, Cj O/"> Y tineily known to science that actually , irr,T , ,,r , aches allectcd parts. This wonderfu ATTOhSFA S AT LAW . cioctlv is known as "SNl'KKI.KS, the All business intrusted to our tare ,1 AliA NTKl-.D ( ATA PR II ( I UK'" ml i- sold at the . xtreinely l< w price receives prompt attention. t One Dollar, en l> i '::^c contain- Office up stairs in Et'irredgc )]** intt riial ami external Hituiicint* , ^ iifi'u ieiit for a full month's treatment building, ml everything necessary toils perfect sc. SM IT I 1>" is the only CA- T7 |_j \ nr?. r t 'AKRllCl Kl'ever made Mini is ??>? iv 11 a ri U1 IN , physician & surgeon. listing 'It euro all inllaiua-| ^ rr- . .in quickly and j'lTiiiai:lly and is also. wXXj.w^ Q.T -td-CxjA.?onderfiillv quick to relieve llay I KVIK or COI.I) ill tne UK A I). (JATARKll when neglected often T ads to t'ONSl MTluX "SN I ? ' .(jr. L. I ROTTER,. I.KS" will save you il you use it at ; nee. It is no ordinary remedy, but a ' * * ^ S11 IAN &RI RGKOX. nmplete treatment which ispositively oir..r- i.i-rwr - : . ?i o ? ,, uaiaiiteed to cure erne < ATAKU1I mX,'r? *' ?* roleM.?nal Service, to th? ^ i any loriii .,r Mar . Il I in ......plo of Ilules'.iirg aud vieiuitv. i ill : |-r? t inr- wl.li a re. on] neli package. Don't delay, but seud iritatonee, and write lull partieu?rs as to your ? oiidilion, and yon w ill TO TT4T* TA T7 A T7 eeeive spcenl advice front the discov 1 u 1 1' ?~>S^4\r. rer of this wonderful remedy regard- \ ri?*ti lady, cured of Iter Deafness ng J our ease without '^tln you be- ftm, No|SM in IU.nt, >JV , ,r. * jchololid.lhe regular price il sN I M-l.l-.> l?. * (; V A )C A N TELD CAT A Kill I son's Artificial Ear Drums, gave lf?t<>TKK OOO to his Institute, so that deaf peoSeiii | r< paid to any address in the p|t. uiiahle to procure the Ear Drumw i.hed Mates or Eanada ?f may have them free. Address No me Dollar. Addres Dept. lOr.DvN IN I. tilKKSA COM I'AXY, :':ft and ll!W>-c. 1 he Nicholson Institute, 7S0 larket Street, I'liiladelplii ). Eighth Avenue, New York, J. S. A A I'oor Millionaire Lately starved in London because jl^rill^ US VOtlT Job r could ii t digest his food. Knrlv * - o' Di King'.- New Life l'ills w. uld ^'(>rk f/ Therf* is: oa lave saved liiri. They strengthen tl?el " - ? iu VIC toinuoli, aid digestion, promote assim- ? . .? ? I I'rio- 4V. mand ,0? sma" ?nd no v hack if not satlsHod. Sold by . . , - IW~ . ii' are they who never lore anjom forU'*. ?* ? >*? co?t M r anything bul love. 1 ^'"^en ^ ... liittflMi