J llli ADVOCATE. EJ!' 1 I'tunsuKu Weekly. JCIIN BELL TCW1LL. EUITOU and MlNKlKlt. Cko. IIKLI.Tiumkkm an, Akht. Kimtoii, Tbe Advocate Publishing Co.. ,1(11111 ilKIC.K.J liutesburp, S. C. SUBSC141 l'TION PRICE: One tub $ld> Biz ? PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVERTISING RATES. . Transient Advertisements one dol'a per inch for tiret insertion, fifty cent per inch for inch subsequent insertion Sale, Want. Found and other notice and Business Locals, ten cents for te words and one cent for each two word additional, each insertion. Official advertisements at the] rat U>wed by law. Special and other rate's quoted upo application to tins ofliceCOM M UNICAT IONS. fhc Advocate will publish rea' able letter? on any subject of jrener interest, wl en ncconipnnled with tl name and addre?s of t lie writer. Ann -Warm ai'.d defninnt )ry articles will t enticed. I.i ve correspondents wai ed in etery section of the county. WEDNESDAY Aug. 21, 11M11. Entered ns second class inntter at t Oaleslmrg I*?Kst Oflice. A political friend of the Hon. \V. Tiimntrman was in our town late! and gave it oiittli.it that pentlcin would enter the Gubernatorial ra next year. lie wculd inal.e a niiph pood, safe, sound, Vlean Governor. Ivlpelield Clitonicle. If Dr. Tiuimcrman decides to ent the race for Governor, be will col maud the most respectful attention the vol >rsof the State. Hy reason his un<|Uestioned hoi.esty and i.bilit which is rcci pnised hy every voter the Slate, he will be one ol the strou est nun in the race.- Edpetii Id Monit The Farmers Institute at Clemsi Collide is gaining more ami mo pro mi iit-ii as its advantages are u derstOod anil realized. The inereas L, ai^'iulin.-i. this year, is an evidence RHk appVeeial ion or its growing n-efi a desire tu return to know led, in the methods of scouring huge pi duet ions from tillage, the iiiaitu of selection of feeds, the treatment diseased fruit trees and grapes, t a] pi eat ion of fei t it i/.ers mi as to ; cure the Inst results; and in ma. other ways, inu.rinat on is impart hem-lie al and useful t* t lu> agriciillu ist fariu-.T and gaidener. Those >. I ate fortunate enough to avail thet selves ol the heiulits of these Fat lit Institutes, carry the Knowledge their homes and upon tlnir fauns at thus become' centres of inline in which radiate to those around thei As the years go on, and the praotio application of tin* pi it .eiplcs i tunica id, is ileiniu slrated, 11 .11 i-a-e'il xio'i will be ei joyed . nil agricultural eoli mouilies largely Lenetili d. A 11 el as aj licoltuie lloiiiishes utlnr College trades anil professions will eorrespoi iliugly prosj er. For indetil and i ti ut h, Agriculture is the 111: iusprin 01 all 11 ue prosperity. Nearly all ol the r.e\\s| nj err in tl Mat)', e y (!"\\ II lend slili^ill;; at I 111i| iral meetings, \\liicli, we tliiiiU, a pr< it spirit. 11 appears to us that hum rational beings as they are, rmilil gi alon^'in tins world with ut such : that. Wliat edurates noil makes ti people inorc familiar with ptihlie a fairs in gem r.il, is the Holier dis ussio of the all tie porta nt topics of the da in their hearing. For instanee, sue subjects as the luritt*, s-hi p-suh-idy i in per in I is-m and such like. If the hear good logi? a1 arguments presente on I hex* ipiest ions hy aide and fail iiiindeil eit i/.eii--, w ho appeal not t prejiiiliew hut to reason, they aie gren tly luneliled in many eases. Sue h a campaign to our mind is hi ing conducted in the seventh Cong res sinnal District just at present. I seems (<> he so recognized by near I all (lie pcot'e. And in t face i these facts, there is a conspicuous ah pence of any reporter from any dail, newsji! per tn report I In1 pi net ciling t>f tilt's** meetings. (>l fours.' w givt every body credit, ftir knowing ho\ they wish their papers in he t oiiiltirlt and vliat n ?\vs limy think best to pu lisli. Yt't il tltit s seem that it wool h much bid If r fnr tin- ptihlie, if stun of (he space, in a good man\ of tni daily newspapers, which is being uset tu publish spi't'clies anil interviews, wliieli art'eali'iihiteil (n st ir up hittei feeling, was devnt"d to I lie pnhliea I it.n i f I In-l aliiier disi n-sion of topic of great Importance to our cnur.lry. While we know it would he stuin troilh'u tnseuil a reporter around will the <'t ngresshninl candidates in lit Seventh District, a< a good iiianj meetings are off Iroui the railroads v.t we will veniitte to sty, if Tillman and Mil.at.rin or some others, foi that uuitt r, were out there "cussing each other out" for ull they were worth, there would be a slaml full of newspaper rep>rter-\ News-pipers don't always practice, to the letter, what they preach. 1 The Cougresslo >al C.m.li?l.?te.s At l^ersville mid ltatcsbur;*. lion. A. I?. Lawyer, very amy pieaueu i | his right to the sent ill Cong* ess. lie touched op.iii nil the issues of the day, more or le.ss, expressing views that were :n nee >rd svitli the sentiments of . nearly nil present. Iuipcraism, sYq -ubsdy and the larilV, were the prine pill topic dismissed. .Mr. Lever said 0 he had a bet tor claim to Dr. Stok 's? unexpired term, than any in n present, because be was fomiliar with bis work and plans and was in sympathy . with them. He very strongly urged Lexington to tally to their banner, so that be might be able (o p't?"t It In tl p ^ hall of Congress Senator Hrnntley followed Mr. Lever and very e'ocjncntly presented bis ? views. Af'.er retei'ring very toucl".Is ingiy to the memory of Dr. Stokes, villi a few other introductory re- ^ e marks, be look up each of the issues of ' lb- day i.i order, and discussed til .on ' n ts well as lie could in the 110 minutes ' alloted liiui. He did, as all t lie cand_ bites did, declared tbpir loyalty to the Kansas City platform. He said it was the grandest writing of D uioeratic 'j principles ever pt'Miipd by mortal man. n Judge Buchanan came aft r Senator Brantley and was the last speaker be ore dinner, lie was very plain and practical and logical in t ne presentation of bis views on the different questions of the day. He said he had he served bis State faithfully as Attorney Ceiieral when litigation ran riot all over the State, and bad since then done credit to himself on the bench. He II saw no reason why, he should be tur? I lied down in this race, as he bad become wiser as lie grew obi?:*. After Judge Buchanan's address, n rt-ccSs of an hour and a half w as taken, ] Iv d uring which lime dietier was served on the grounds. Alter dinner, Mr. Smith ?>i fiinl up and soon got the attention of the audience by drawing from lii> stock ol or jokes. The latter part of his spec h, in- however, was devoted to the disetisnl sion of i.-snes. He appeared to impress t he audience very favorably. Maj Howiil \viu the last speaker. > iVith very few introductory remarks in lie pitched into the discuss' >n of the !n < oiuity. Miss Mill graduated . I the (Sieeii- ! ( n ( ville Female 'nllege, and bas taiigbt j \ j live y ears with marked success. i j l( Tl.oy both attended the Teai l.eis ' Stale Institute, lbus. lie ping them in ( ' j tom b Willi tbe In si ed cators of tin } ! d iy and seeing and learning tbe latest ( d 'approved liielbods of teaching. I j .. ! Tbey are b gI Iy reecomuiemled by ; I tin se w bo know litem, and their Work i _ I'lie ot.-cr members of the facility, are ! , ' well known arid their eniitiiinal re-el I taction, is tlie best evidence of tli.Hr ( tiliicss for tbe posiiions tbey so ably j and satisfactorily till. 'I be trustees consider themselves , 1 ^ Hurt unate in getting such competent ten< hers ami commend the liistitn'.e to ' i be la voralilc consult rat ion of any ore ~ desiring to attend school.J \ Tuition has been ieduced tw?iity-| n\r jut ? t i?i ij tfin >\ii?n it ? i.i.'t year. It will now lie j??*r in.nit li : First and second grade*, $l.t It; x I hud an.I fourth, *1 .Ml: 'I 1-1! (I ami sixth ^ ;* I. Seventh ami eighth, $2 fiO; ,1 \ iiit h anil tei.tn, %:l no. Music, per half lesson. $2.(K); Whole le-sons, $3.CO. 1 I'ai t ics at a distance who w ill send ' j their children lo si hool are now wanl>n;; to know what hoard can he hid at. t. - i all who desire to take hoarders, - Iiould give their names and terms, << I'rof, Wiggins immediately, A good s | attendance at school, is desire*,! and expected. i* Now is the tune for patrons and pu, i pils to make all necessary arrangements to lie pre e.it and enter sch i 1 when it opens; as tin pupils gain so 1 much by entering at the beginning. The ci' i/.eiis are cordially invito, to he present at the opening, as (to* exercises will he interesting r..id iiupor-1 y ilanl. \\> desire that our educational I ( interest sliull keep pace with Ottr pro W/ Amd! /! i T? brini cA'// ' should be tl 2| - 1^1211.'ill ^!>v H?r greates fWia1 G.F, \ f W H It in vigor aA loud a lelp.ng hand, to this most worthy jause. Trustees. Fr?ii| SteednianV f The health of tics ct.nuuunity is j very good at present. j t)i|r farmers luivo begun to |>u|l fod- j dep. ; Mr. W. I,, t^uat tleli mm is erect in*. | A neat little cottage here, whieh Mr. j ? T A. tlovlngton, our new uierchunt ' will oeeupy when oompletd. The Sunday School at this place is 1 progressing nicely and is a great help 1 to the children and older ones, as well | of this section, There will be preaching here pn the j] 1th Saturday and .Sunday, iiaptizing Su inlay. M|ss Kula (^uattlebiium h is gor.u to liateshurg, where she will spend a few i days with IVietuls and relatives. < George Hurgess, son of Mr, Shellat. Hurgess. accident ally shot himself |a>l Saturday afternoon, in Uitsling a very I painful, but not serious wound in the arm. I, The Sej vei'n hall team will will plaj : our hoys here, Sat urday. Mr. It. Glover A hies wanjto Itatesluirg Saturday oil busine-s. When tlie e|eelion rogtea olf, we j hope that Mr. A. L\ I.ever will he elected to Congress. C. Steedmun's, S. Aug. 10, lOot. From llolston'.s X Itoiwls. We are getl'-iigu I'ltle too mueh rain foi our cotton. It is beginning to tutu yellow in places, hut if we got stt nshinc about ten day* you would see a wonderful change. The protraeted meeting will begin the Sth Sunday in this mouth. H, very hotly is invited to alien.I. Rev White will he with us. t Rev. I'ope Xorris of Columbia, fur- ' nterly from this country, v\(ll be with Rev. J. M, Norris the 1st Sunday in j September ami will conduct a meeting there also. I Irs, Wilson, we are sorry t > say, will leave u? Monday for Saluda whore she will make her future home, with her brother, Geo. Long. Mis> Viola Ilodie of Wards, is spcmlinga short while with friends and relatives in this neighborhood. Capt. W. W. Ilolston, I was told this morning, is going to move to Ga. i another year. J Misses ('roiieh's spent last Wed tier- v day at Mr. W. K. Ilodie's. Capt J. W. Wise is spending a short w hile in Greenwood. Messrs John MeClellan and Thomas Grouch id Saluda, at tended service at West Greek Sunday Judge Mobley of Johnston, spent I'rblay uiglit at Rev. J. M. Norris'-. Mr. and Mis. W. I.. Wise spent Ills) Sunday at M Whittle's. Messrs W. 1). and M. M. Ilolston, are ;oii.g to lake a trip to Liberty Hill ^ diortlv. George. \ ugiist 17. 1 It'11. t'lienp Itiiirs To Norfolk. On account of the meeting of tin 1 oiicateiiated Uriler of Hoo Moo-' Nor- h folk, Va., Sept. l't ll-lJt I). 10*11 - Sollfb- o srii Ki.ilway \\ ill sell round i rip t it kets n Norfolk, Va. ami return t rata of o >ne Hrst ela-s fare for the round trip ' t from all stations on its linr, o I?:?l* s of sale September Ttli ami Stli, u inal limit S?-|it. lot!:, inclusive. ti Southern Kailwaj host lino to NorFolk, through Sleeping Cars, Motel Dining Cars. Ii For detailed infonnat ion as to rntis. > k-hcdulcs, etc.call on any n^ent of tin* $ Southern Railway, h \V. 11. Taylne, |i \. (i. 1". A , Atlanta, (> i. I NOTICE OF ELECTION 11 y a r?solution of thu Town C'otin i-ii mi iiale-inirfj, mi tln> Hth day ?>I' August, ll> !. nil election will (> > held in I he li'?n of Itnteshiir/, nt III Ail vo? at*- nlliiv, on the 11 I day of Sepl?:;i, i', 11)01, nt "*'ii' !i " i '< dilution the i|iio^tion of .itinI'liih-r- | || in<; till* | resent Charter of tlii |M Town of I'ateshurj;: and .in ept- n iiijj Ine .rporat on unihr an Act of I he t i enoi al Assembly entitled: O "An Act to provide for the Ineor- ,(l pornt inn of Tow ns of not less t'inn n One 'I lion-anil, nor more tlim tl Five Tlioii-and ioliahitants," upproved tlo* fell d.iv of M ireli, Isni, in and all A< t - anien-l itory there d", (| will he volt d upon by the ipiali- |j lied v .1 r- of said town. ' < II. JONES, in liitcndciit. I M. It. El'WAIN'S, Tl < lerk of Coiiiii i I. w I. W. ( I'l.i.l \l, , h'r . O. KII.EY, Managers. te DUN FOX. ) hi i ????? i an is So Happy ho has a healthy wife Ithy, growing children. { to her husband theso blessings tie chief ambition of every wile, t hcCn will bo found in P( Which Mean* 1 i GERSTLE'S 1 (FEMALE PANACEA.) ates all the delicate reproductive Irives out ovory trace of disease. , period before childbirth it will isy time and a healthy baby. 1-POUND BOY. ie 1 have ever taken and 1 want to me tell you what it has done for me. uffering from the weaknesses pecuaking G. F. P. and as a consequence i were restored to health and vigor, mother of a fine boy weighing fifteen :d my health and strength and can NIB HILL., Prairie Point, Miss. Wrlto to "The Ladle*' Health Club," caro L. erally known and under itond I Ital Drunkenness is a disease mil not weakness, A body filled with inison, and neryi soonipletely vlintter d by dt-rioiiiiiil or constant use of inoxlcating llqllors, requires mm antilotc capable ? f neutralizing and eradiating ibis poison, and destroying the laving for intoxicants. Sufferers nay now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from I illsiliess llV this tills wonderful ! 'HOME OOI.D< UKK'1 w hicli lot* been | perfected nfter many years of close rtiuly ai d treament of inebriates.] The (niliiful use according (u dire, tions of this wonderful discovery is positively gnuiunteed to dure the most ibslinate ease, no matter imw hard a! lrinke. Our records show.the marvelous transformation of thuUsmds of OruiiN'trks ipto sober, industrious and upright men. W 1 VKis < 1" RE YOU 1U1USB AN I >S J! CI 111.1 'HEN (THIS YUl'U FAT'H. ERS!! This reuieds is in no sense a. lu strum blit is a speellle for this disease only. and is so skillfully devised I and prepared that it is thoroughly solubleand pleasant to Jtlie taste, so that it cun he given in a cup of tea or coffte without the knowledge of tj;n person taking it, Thousands of Drunkarits hnve ? lire I themselves with this priceless remedy, and ts many more have ho? n cured ami reade temperate men liy having t lie "CT" RE" administered by living Irieads and relatives) \v ilioiit their knowledge i'i coffee or lea and bedew today ll.jit they iliseoi.tin-i lied drinking of their own free wi.l,l DO NOT WAIT. |hi tint he deluded by apparent and misleading''Improvement,'' Drive out the disease at once and for aii time, I'he'DlO&IE (-'Oi.D Cu e"' is sold at the extrcmcl low price of One Dollar, thus placing it within ren h of every body a treatment mure effectual than others costing $'J5 to $u(). Kim i directions accompany ea< It package. Speeial advice by skilled physician* when requested without extra rhargli. Sent prepaid to .Vny part of 1 e world op renr'Ji of One Dollar.\ddress Deept. 1,Edw in HA (Join LEESVILLE OOLLEGEI S ands for CIi istiao culture an I character. Ideal locution. Healthfulness un-nirpaised Meaulifol town. I.-irge an I compitent faculty. Improve I course of study. I.cotutvrs atnl preachers of e oiiimit ability. Supjrior ndvanta ^.-s (. ii . roil in MUSIC, jfrRT, EXPRESSION, BOOK-KEEPING,: STENOGRAPHY, ETC. as well as in.1.Horary Course. Milt iry training. Close personal supervsioii. Expmih's may be reduced by woi k. Send for Catalog lie to L. It. II V V Nl S. Pros. I EESV 11.1.1-:. S c OPENING OF BOOKS OF SUBSCRIPTION. TATE OK SOUTH ( AKOl.iSA, County of Lexington. I )l IM AN r to a commission isisued I to tlu? undersigned ;s corporators y M. K. cm iPKH. Secretary of State, n (h 1 t:li day of August. l'.Hil. Ntl'TIt'K i.? litreby gi\cn that books f mi script ion t J I lie capi I il aloe'.: ol lie l'e l? c ii ti St a ?. I.: u d y, will be pencil at Kitcsbnrg Kuggy and liaric.-s < d's , olliee, in the rily of Katesmrg. St ate and County af oresaid, on m.ust tilth. K.tJl, at 1") a. in. 'I lie !-ni>i pr? po-ed co-por it icn will i.i? e a i apital sto. k of $l,ooii no, divid I into T O sbai < s t f the p ir value of 'u.tiit i ,-ieli. wuli it-principal place ot is?inc-- a( I tutcsbury, and will lie em n>\\? red t?> enyaye ill the business of .atirulry work of all kinds, soiling <>f nili It rnishiuy yunds, and the rlea> iy, repairing and dicing of clo'.hts ltd ul'u r goods. (SKO. IIKI.lt TIMMKRM A \\ .1 < 111 N I OX, (orporato.-s. A Trip 'i llroil;;li (irnr^ia. K.. Inula.\ morning August loth., I r>aiiird tin- train for Augusta, nrrivig there alioiil 0 o'clock ; and after atMidiug to some business, 1 went to le liosp.tal.le home of my old friend, I r. \V. II. l.ovett where I spent ti e iglit. Sunday morni 114 I purchased a ticktoTyhee, the great summer resort II t he coast of (! nrgia, at riving there ; !> lit 2 I'. M.; and after viewing the 1 lugnillceiit building* and watching ( ie rolling waves 01' the great A t la tit ut >r a w hile, returind to Savannah, ami j .king a stroll along the wharf view ig the boats ami schooners, soiiip of n ui from Foreign countries. I noredone from New York, a'.il as I hid ?V.r ht-ell ill one. our III led to Ink side, it was magnilUeut indeed, t ^ then made my way to the input, here I iimU Mr, tinnier, who is ' ilh Messrs m. J Olliver A Co., the eat Kailroad Contractors. Mr. (innr is looking well and is in the best of ' A It It. j ^ J . so K<)otl tuat tlit>y are tat enough in Match f ?r beer. It nothing prevents, Miss Lull, one of tin* doctor's ilniighters is to leave tin* parental tuof to take charge ,,f one oi tier own 411;. May peace and happiness attend Iter through tile, is the wish of tier friend. 1 would have stayed longer, but for I tie thought of lovtd tfiiiS at home, Tuesday morning I bide tliein good byu ami ma Je my way for home, arriving here at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. I wa? very much pleased with the country and shall start oil a, similar trip, at ii j distant day. W. Westmoreland. Sam.i- ia. S. (;., August !7. Ill )l. From Wagner. 1 have recently taken a trip over in Lexington County. And 1 lind that you certainly haven grand old County. No wonder it is duhbcd the Stale of L xiltgloti. 1 visited the Southern portion principul'y, 1 11 nd the people the most lies pit a tdo people I ever met, hut how could they he other wise with . uch men to make up the inhabitants as the Itrooker's, Knoll's, Bast's, Langfoi d's, Johnson's, Smith's Hollo's, (Goodwin's, (la lift's, Corhett's, Jackson's, defeat'*, Martin's, Mack s, Ueedef's,Sharpe's, Redmond's, Craft's, Ifuffaw.s, Splialer's, Sightlcr's, digger's, fctnrklc's, Rish's, Shuinpert's, Berry's, ScoiFill's, Ky/.cr's, Ka'law's, Hammond's, and a host of otlirrs w hose honor anil reputation is above reproai I The h viutiv of it nil is the most of the* good talks think tlr.t John Belt Tu"ill is cttainly lite man to till the unexpired term of lion, h'ranit l.ever, I and pa say> s? t >o and you kno .v pa Knows, for he says he has kn iwn John since he war. a kid well I want to th ink I these good Lexington people for treating a | oi r boy so well as they di I nie and I aui so glad to note th it they* are not only willing to tieat a fellow right but that tliey are able to do so | because they live at home and noard it t lie s .nie place, ami I must "toy tlml the prettiest gins id the world are hi those lipids but (Unit tell any body. Say 1 tlou'i mean to say th t the l.exingtoii | jjirU are a y prettier than ttie Wng! him b girls. < til no J cooldcnt he. [ Well I am going over there again in a U v days. Snooks, .1 r. Wagni r-, S. Augu-t 1 ll, IttOl. DO YOU -VV^ISTX1 Your Pictures Enlarged? IF SO WE CAN PLEASE YOU IN QUALITY AND PRICE. Portraits in Crayon, Italia Ink, Sepia, Water Colors, Pastel, ami Oil. (Jive'.'s a Trial. Satisfaction Cnar-' anteed. Pond & Etheredge j BATESBURG. S. 6. Our < luliliiug Oiler. The State (semi-weekly edition) and The Advocate for $*2.25 a year, $1.25 for six months. Regular price of both , papers $3.00n year $1.50 for six months. The Thriee-a-Week World and Tiik Advocate for $ I.05 a year, 85 cents for six moiitiis. Regular price of both papers -t'J.oO a year and $ 1.00 for six months. ilie Advocate ami Atlanta constitution weekly 1 year si.T.'? cents, six moiitiis'Hi cents The Advocate ami Atlanta send wcoklv Ji iirnsl. 1 I y ear ? 1 six monies !h> cents. Semi-Weekly loiirnal ai d The Advocate l 1 year 51?ix months T"? emits. The I'ariuei student ami The Advocate I \ear >1X ' months ts> < l ot*. I'llK NKW \ ORK Wf)I.Rl> TURK E-A-WKKk KIUTIOX. j As (loot! To Vol' AS A I IA11. Y ANI? Vol liKT IT AT 'Mil: I'KICK OH A WKK.KI.Y. It furnishes more at the jiriee than any other newspaper published in Americu. its news set vice eoveis all the g;lul>e and is equaled l#y that of lew dailies. Its reports from the I'.oer wal lias i not heen exeulled in thoroughness and promptness, and with the pre-iilciitia! campaign noss in progress it will he invaluable. Its puliti yi M is : In ili s Impartial. Tills fa.1' makes it of especial value to you at this tirue II yon want to watch every move of th.- great political campaign take the Thrice a Wees World. If you want to keep your eye on tin Trusts and they need watching take the Till ice a-Wt ck W orld If you want to know all foreign developments, take the Thiiee-a-W e?k World. The Tin iee a Week World's regular subscription is only si.oo per year. We nifer this mi equaled newspaper am' Til i" A i>\iicvik togcthei one year for $l.fift. The regular suliscriplion price of the two up*i s is no. The News and Courier (weekly edi lion; and Tiik Auvhcatk fl.m, six ituiliilis 00 eerits. Prices w ill be made ii|ion application Cor other cotuhinations than above. Subscriptions ttlsti received for any ot I be above papers singly. The rates piloted are strictly for cash in advance Write to or call on us for good read lug. We off r you only The Rest. Tiik Ai>vooatk, For Sale. I t>lli r for Sale my residence will rou11ecu acres of lai.d in the town ol l?uteslmrg tin these premises are u >?) id ? n bard, vineyard, pasture and isli- pond. A very desirable Immc inleed. For terms etc., apply to .1. (J. ilheredge, Columbia, S. C., or T. II. veruagbuM, Ualesbur^. '< 1 then purclia?(il a ticket for lVmbroi k, Uu., striving there about 10 o'clock I*. M While there 1 was kind* ly entertained l?y I)r. \V. II. Woodward, forme ly from South Carolina. The Doctor lias a very Hue pla'v and is doiu^well. Crops, he say *, are only about half what lbey should be. The llni'lnr !> .. . I .- - ' ?..i - ? ?- mo ? and la' informed me that he did not feed tla in in the winter. The lunge is p_*y. Light-Brettd, B Beef, ^ Sausage and ^ ^ Fish, at the Green Grocery Store, PAUL Sl'AN'N", Proprietor. L. M. MITCHELL; PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office HoursK to ft a. m. 2 to Si J>. III. 7 :SJO to ft p. ni. RAISE JVC T_. IE 3! Of course every farmer should raise their Mule-.! I will keep the "C'rosson" .lack, during August and September at my place near Baxter. Terms: $s.00 fur insurance. Gk M\ ADAMS. BAXTER. S. C. ! Lomliard Iron Worts Supply Co. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA ! Foundry, Ma dune, Boiler and Gin Works. Be pairing Promptly Dure, j ly-JO-l-'O. ENGINES BOILERS GINS and PRESSES. ! Qnmplete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and 1 Fertilizer Mill Outfits; also (Jin Press Cane Mill anil Shingle Outfits. Building. Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Bailroad < 'asi ins: Railroad, Mill, Factory, arid Machinists' Supplies. Ileltinir Parking. lnj;ctors, l'ipi; Fittings, Saws, Kilos, Oilers, Etc., cast every day. Work 150 bands. Marriages Are long remembered by the friends i and relatives of the bride and groom, when tliey are requested to be a guest , bv re reiving one of The Advocate's { beautiful wedding invitations. SOUTHERN RAILWAY.^ Central Titno at Jacksonville Qavan? eh Ea-ttcra Time ut Other Points. | Schedule in Effect Jan. 27th. I901. 'Ko.:w'Xo.3fl]Ko.al NOHTHBOU.1D. ^Dully'ex Su tv c (P s) ? Sj?|Ti5p i2$p " Stvunnah .So. Ry )..... 12.V>p'l2U)a 4iwp " Barnwell 4 top tola1 " fPnclcvllle | 4 iiPp1 1 2SS? Slap Ar. Columbia . ' <1 l.lp' 010a ti4A]> Lr. Charleston. (bo. ity . ! 7 oa 11 mpiT20p " hunimcrvi.ie | 7 41a'12uUot flOCp ' UiunchriP* I b 55n 2 00a TOO;' " Ot anisebuiij , b 2-n i 4nn| 7 I7j " Klngviile . I0lt{i 4 25a| 8 4.p A r Columbia .... 1' mil 5 66a 0 it.V|> 1 Cv a i l j lip . .. i.v. Aiken j a 15p 7 15p 1 Lv. Trenton . 4 '.Cp. 11 'Wp Johnston. .. . ... ' 6 16p 2 li? L\. Co.unibiu. Ji!6; ht I O'Aip 6 ?*i V 48p 1 " Wrruistv.ro 7 J.'tp 2 u 1J 3l'p " 4'hos'ir Jilp bl.'i:ill2.p " li-Htk Hill snap s-UvtliSp ! Ar.Charlotte i'>?Pl t> 4.?? i2Si? A' 1 iinvil.o . linln iasp alia ir. Ul"i>iit'.nd . TT .> ki b20\>i Ii. V.'n.iinuion . .... 7 iOa Tsop 10 7.' n " Bnliiuiote tPa.RU) U h-i'll S7p.ll 2.'>o " l-hilnde'phi* 1'li'.a; 2 5f,4i' 1 " N > ? Y-rli^^.... _ 4 Oipl fl g'a 4 16j Lv. Columbia jl 4 rt'.Am Ar Spirtttinir; .) h fdp 11 26a ' Ashorltle 7 lopj 5 4sp| Ar Knoxrlllr _ .. 4 l.V. 1 Ar y'luullunt i . . ; in ir LouUvilji . . rninitTvn |No.83|J'oJ6iNo,#l sot Tiliiocno. Daily \>Ally|e* e,u I.v I.iiuiavilli- " I flSu . iTip! .. Lv. Cincinnati . a Lv. knoxviiic I i Am' " Amicritli- | 8 uun Suep] " Silitrtunh iro 11 ?*-' a ?t?I ? n ii u ' Ar. uoiunu io hSJpl . Lv. N? \v \ort 1'n.iLL i '.Ur,? liLnt " l*hi!nlo!phiu .. ... euftp. MSwal 3J0p i " Unitmii.ro I Wj.-p, *;?.* 5^.-1 i Lv. Waohl gt'n (So.Ry ) | Ulte CUj Lv\_Kii.|iiiii>;i.l 'i, qip'jjulu.r f.v UftuylliA . i S^o, ITJSp 15 s i I:; ,'!"V1V.,,V - ^ I liTa- (ijipins U -k Hill liui'n luisli, J Om " i !" *'.< r ! Pl-On 11 lin> 5 27a " uimwl. .io, lul*i!20tn. 6(r*a Ar. ? .Junior iBlilitSt ... !125it Ua! 7 tKa Lv. I liiinbia, tU. 1). > 11 am 4 .v* " Jolimtmi imp' a32ft . " 1 ronton 1 . II .>?, j j;., ; t*..i . . ...... 1 Up 2 57n! 8 3M . Lrtrow. 1 1 U4i?! K 1 t\! * sj'ivaipiHii . ...... 3n6p i UnjlO Am At. JncJpn)nv1i;a tii - ? Minriny, con. ik.sM 1 i.'.u. lit< ;> or i*r.;,.-iftn lim-st Drawing lbioiii Sii-epuig. Oortipnrt incut iiu<1 Observnturr Car! biVew York, Coluinbiu and st AtiRU?tme Pul'.u.uu cplnir urn l*>t ween A rip Ma and Aiken and N?-.v York runs fr<>iti ju.giHtn lo , C? *iiubi< via Ha-kvlllo. Parlor car! bo'.vi '-. 'i Ch.-irb-jton a .1 C >luml la N..h, h i and J4?Xvw York und Florida Kx I pr--? Dn.v mo room itiecpiiig vara between Augusta an I New York Pullman drawing r< -n: ?1?"?.-;?i??|? cars boiwts-n Port Tampa. JackvY?i?* Savannah Washington and Vcw York Pulls- :.!; a.' el lug car*. Iwiwi-hi Char'a tlo and Ki.-liiii aid. Dining cari la-l ween Charlotte uid Savoiinnh. N<>,. D and .10?U. S. Fast Mail, Through Pullman d uwuitf-room butTet alconing vara l-ofw.-.-n .Tackupnvtllc and Now York anil pull.nan ! ?'-plug vara between Augusta mi l Char ?lti-. Dining i-ari serve all moajs t-orouto Pullman sleeping vara between .lank# mvllio sud Columbia enroute dallr betweau Jaoksunrtllo and Cinviutinti. via AsJievtllo. 'U.1XKS.UANNON, ?. II HakDWIOK. Third V P Ae Den. Mgr., Den Pas Jtgr., .S'nsliington, D tY Washington, D. 0 W.H. TALt'E, E. W. Hl'NT, Aa't Uen. Pass AijT, Ijiv, Piua, A(|'t.. Atlanta. Da. Charleston, O. G~R COBB Dealer in BU3QIES, COFFINS. tV Always J CASKETS and on MFTAE1C CASFS* ?U,hi.B|? Johnston, S. C, [ TKi S3 , Bevers <&, Kneece BUGGY AND WAGON WORKS. The best and cheapest shops in the Stiito. All work done ill the b<'Ht style. Finest Painting done at the Lowest priced known. JHORSESHOEING BY THE BEST EXPERT SHOER IJM THE SOUTH Doll t Cl-L client! will-It il r >111> irlinn von !* ?I -? ~4 1 : ?v .. j ?? v hrv > urn lars n? m ai l?'t? Jtriiei. RIDGE SPRING, - - S. C Waf rhTHIS It is reserved ii a LWii space! Forz=3^_ ID. O-vjlII-ulkcl Sz Co., THE LEADERS IX MERCHANDISE & LUMBER. Ihitesburg, 8. C. =?,? . j It May be Shameful. But every ehaiieo we got, we jump on our prices and tread them down. Hats! ZEHHsutsn Straw and Felt just received at prices never before olFered, and quality equal to an//. Shoes! SlxoesII We have a line Ladies and Childrens Slippers that is yours for economy and solid satisfaction. IDress Goods T.aces anil Itnhroderies at ?U prices that equal any on the market in price and quality. Come to-day, don't wait 'till to-morrow. J. O. GLOVER Buggies & Wagons! SATCHER AND COLEMAN, ^ SALUDA,- - - ______ s c :?? : f I EVER Y A KG UMEX T And claim needs proof to make it stand. Our proof is our goods. NEVER IN THE History of our business have Ave had such a volume of Bargains for you. OUR STOCK Consists of every conceivable class of e-oods. Prices riyht?uroods the ' O O I best! Steadman S? Rilev's w?m? wwwwww | BOOK, JOB -AND j | COMMERCIAL PRINTING, ? |i Nkaii.v and Qiickia' 2 ^ Ex ix i' i r.i) at 2 I THE ADVOCATE OFFICE. 1 to- jv ftkimwUuuumuuitmuwu ututut iihuiiutmt iuauuuuit ?7 i! flfW!TWWWfWTWWWWfl",""t'?'''??ww??w WW K 1 W~AMTED I ^ Every sensible person thut reads this paper and all of ?^ ? ?g "?~ their friends, to take a Co-payment I.ile l'oliey w ith -? Annuity combined,? the best policy in the world ; is- i I sued by the I ^FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY! \] ? of Philadelphia. ? D ?>-> VEABS OIVP, Have soln l ,<>00,000 I i | ?j- aiore insurance titan any other c nipanji has tver sold ? at it's npc. None better, few as genu). Address or ^ ?. tall on |EC. L. JONES, Dist. Gnl. Agt., WAG ENER, S. C. ^ % | D. RUFLIS HALTIWANGER, Special^ Agent, BATESBURG, S. C. t>oafnesH, N'oiMOh in the Hcail, ,Vc ' I lie rrguinr n niratmicnI'ontivciy ( hi t a in ii mi n - i ai i *11 ? ritilit to the actual seat N ?>. is:>, A. V. M. Will roY.- 1 f tin di-. in.I (Jm in. - t. 11 ill. I- n . -1 VXK. 11CuiTereis, no matter Itow had or lonir tsndlnc ' -orcl. Work in the first ielie e??e may lie. Osk iiorrta will CiiiKanv "Unary ease, and will lie ?ent rui'iiirly lwrkoii urcc. 'lake notire attd povorn J'OJTn. Order illicit ' ? ..... roin .1 \ MK.s l It\ltl.KV. IM. Nt.H k.late land, .1. FRANK KN I'.KCE, Secy. out h l.ainhvtli, lain doll, KNlil.AXU.