} f * THE ADVOCATE^ PVILMMO WKBKLY. JOB* BILL TOW ILL, Epitok and Maxaqxb. Tk? Advocate Pnblishing Co., (Joint Stock.) bateBburK. t>. C. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Oxx tear fl.00 ** Monthg 60 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ADVEKTlSlNGJtATKS. ' Transient i>d vertisenients one dol ar per iach for Hr.-t insertion, lifty cents str inch for each subsequent insertion. ? Sale, Want, Found and other notices aad Business Leoals. ten cents for ten H words and one cent for each tw o words ' additional, aach insertion. V OAcial advertisements at li:a rats allowed by law. B r Special and other rates quoted upon W v application to this ollce. I v * [COMMUNICATIONS. I Thai Advocate will publish readable letters on .-.ny subject of general interest, when accompanied with the axtne and address of the writer. Anonvaaoi and defamatory articles will not ba noticed. Live eorrespondents want J in every section of the county. Entered as second class matter at the Baleshurg Post Office. WEDNESDAY Aprii 10th., 1901. PRINTERS ACT EDITOR. This week in the absence of onr Editor we endeavor to send out The Advocate as usual with little or no exception. Though having had seme experieucs of the editorial hardships, we feel some what at losts to find a subject that would interest the intelligent readers of our paper. It is not our intention to fill I he editorial col inn few* with patent medicine ad's or discuss the stale issues of the annexation of Cuba, the Phillipine war, or even the unjustly abused Dispensary law ns many news papers do. This being our first ?lTort we will not attempt to form an opinion that *?-e are In the viij VI M. MI la UI twine wilier large tUJ riding- in a Locomobile taking sketch of tli* many exhibits that we are not fannlliar with In a country town, or 1 ' bailing over soil of the Pbillipine Islands in an air tshi|> viewing a bloody battle io which a small number of American soldiers are defeating an immense army. Though we will endeavor to give the latest news in a plain country newspaper style. Trusting the readers of The Advocate w ill w Lear will) us until our next issue when the Tlditor will be home after takiog i little recuporation in the City by |HHP|[|totf^j^j^^\vithliis new uverload^^MBklns "faclnatiug" literature. Watch 'em! CT ''THAT'S THAT OANli I.liltS W IKl'V r We clip the following short article from the Lutheran Visitor, which is woithy of consideration :,J "A woman, well dressed Mid locking very inu :h likeother women, was passing along the other side of tie street. A young man, pointing hi r 1 out, said: "That's that gambler's wife." Did she hear his word? No, her ears could not catch such quietly spoken syllables, but did she know, and was she pr? ud of her title? Did site know her husband gambled when he was hut her friend? I wondered. She was gone. "That's that gambler's Wife"?oh!" At the hotel next day two young women of excellent family connection, one was accomplished; I knew them well?were at the table as I entered th* dining hall. My place was at the same i table. They hiul been discussing gambling young men, evidently. Keepii g the subject concealed, as she imagined, | one said to the other: "He plays cards, but does not make any one come in ofl the street lo play with hiiu. If they ' play voluntarily, that's nut making ' them come. I do no', see why m unpeople are Mown on him! lie has a 1 good heart, and if a man has a goot ' heart, and if a man lm?a good heart ii makes no difference what he does. Hi ' i? kind to Ins mother, and if lie i- ' just u little'wild'it makes no differ eoco." The other said union toil all! i 1 wondered, J?n?l said something a- < "gainst gambling and keeping bad com juny. How many young women are , there like unto these? Not a few What is to become of our country it ninny pretty young ladies aie sayng: "It makes no difference what a man ' does just so he has a good heart?" I " know n man who heats his crippled I - wife, arid he has what the world calls a good heart. 1 know another who is ; v drunkard. Header, do you not know some like these? A man tan be kind ? to his mother and most unkind to every ono else?such is possible. A [ man is bad certainly, if in thing good can be said of him. Kcho'ng in my ( ears are the words: "That's that gain b'er's wife " Max. The foregoing is an expl.it ati< n ?t ,j some i f tin* many iiuplcasiiiit expres- ( riot s that ?r? made of the gambit r'sfl'et Iionate wife. It is not truly sad that a hnppy home thould he bli.cd * with soriow, and the face of a dear *' girls that ohce wore the sweet explo sion of merry childhoed, should live a life sorrow and di-oonteiit in order ^ Hint an unworthy In: land or disrespectful son may satisfy lis sinful h tftsire by < I.tail ing a f? w lit urs ea? h night in a gambling saloon, and in many cases tliirgs nctcessary for the provish n of the family i; neglected in j < rder he may live up to the average gamhlers life, ano this life is a wreti h- . ed fine. It begins generally in a mans jf youthful days as a social game, in ( which fair young h.ditr are frrquently s 111? most prominent feature, and at ' lust the participant becomes what lie j( MT' \ ??e ' . y , i fate M RF terms an expert,* and tlfe nonfldenof be has gained In himsalf aa a social card player, leads him to the gambleri eternity. A COTTON WAREHOUSE la oae of Batesburg's needs. We art the more impressed with the necessity of such a structure, by witnessing tlx damaged cotton lying by, scattered hither and thither on the depot platform, drawn from several bales cotton to render tlirm soluble. A commodious warehouse, built of brick and cov Mi-cu wun sneec iron or mate or tin would afford such a safe place of storage and insurance, us to uttract farmers who wish to hold their cotton, to deposit the same wvhin its walls until such time at the owners may wi&h to rnaiket their holdings. li would atlord a convenient and saf? place for the Middleburg Mills to store their mill supplies. The formation ol a joint stock company ought to be hao and the building erected bef.-re anolh er cotton season rolls around. Enterprise and push with some one to lead are what wo need to accomplish Iht desirable result. This is an enterprising and progressive age. Things ?coi to be ripe for development. And if the business men of balesburg, would not be loft in the rare, they must take advantage of the opportunities which ar* presented and this keep abreast of the times. USUAL ELECTION RUMOR. We clip the following from tin News and Courier in which the Salud? correspondent says: "The report reached hereto-day thai Mr. W. I,. Jthoden, who was defeated in the second primary for .sheriff on Sutuidny by Mr. J. A. ltidgell, will contest the election on account ol alleged irregularities ut two of tin preciuts. \\ bother there is any found ation for the report remaius to bt seen." At this writtmg we have been uuablo to obtain any information as t? the^corrcQtoess of the report, though we hope it is not true that such will b? the case as Messrs. ltlioden and ltidgell are t*o of Saludu's most worthy citizens. A WHITER RESORT. There is no reason why Hatesburg should not be made as JesirabU a .winter rescrt for the Northern and Northwestern seekers of a salubrious and genial climate and home as Aiken, Summerville,Sand Hills above Augusta, as well as many other places. W% have the Cry porus sandy soil. The gentle breezes Iroui aromatic pities so beiiklicieiit to weakened lun^s and tine watery. But we need capitol U build and beautify at.d make things attract.ve and to let the world know what kind of an clyziuui we live in. The Ileal ICiniedy for Khcuniatimii. gt'lCK uklk1f from pain. All who use Chamberlain's 1'aiu Balm for rheumatism are deligh'.ec with the quick relief from paiu which it alforcs. When sptaking of this Mr. l>. N. bink?, of troy, Ohio, says: 'Some lime ago 1 had a severe attack of rheumatism iu my ariu ami shoulder. 1 tried numerous temedies but got no relief until I was recoinmeuSea by Messrs, Geo. F. l'arsons & Co , druggists of this place, to try t liurnber'.atu's l'ain Balm. They rcccommeiid.d it so .highly that 1 bought a bottle. 1 was soon relieved of all | ait 1 have since recommended this liniment to many oi my friends, wI o ngjree with me that it is the best remedy for .muscular rheumatism in the market." For tale by F. B. (Junu-r. INTEKESTIN ?chool visited in this section la-t Sunlay. Misses Emmie Watson ami Emmie tluck visited Ida Kreps recently. Mrs. J. \V. Benny visited iter niotliei ust week. Mr, Jaeoli Itauch will closed hi." < liool iiti tl eJlOt li witli an exliibiiion. 'he public is cordially invited to atend. Mr. J. W. Vansant and wife visited Jr. James Mack and family last Sunay. Miss Emmie Black, a sweet and liar mill# > our.g lady, visited Mr. J. V. Chapman not lon>: since. Mr. J. I). Black visited Mr. I.. E. i reps ret cut ly. (auess Who. Mink Chkkk, 8. C., April 4, itiol ? list look what line weather for young looters ami hatching yimiif; (hichins ,11 <|iiit in the west. S. It. Warrei i married and little did I think, when w is a small st hot I hoy that my hoot mate would lie the mother m ly ncpi ew. I have almost forgotUm ow you lock; n ay your l^ht,dUys In uiir ln?el days. Well gents the n. w ? i ' i i ?Hh?? .? ? ?>"V *?:?j-wrr ' road from the Whit* Oak to Pine 1 Grove ia open, you can afart y\r 1 team*. The hands and over Beers oqght to be promoted for the gocd work] done on the road uear Pine Grove. It] ia ready for ccvas ties or any other , service*. I move the over seer, J. 8. , Rodgers be promoted to lieutenant ( col., over the Pine w oods high way an?l I hia Itanda to capt. for their good work on this road. Well we had a right smart seed aown of one sort or another and where are they now, well if they hnve moved anyway they have gone [ the other way, ait we lucky our hens ' is laying rite on and we help the old woman to knock some of 'em in the head rite often. Cousen Ernps hays | that or rain the oilier Sunday rousted the mosey back washed away the snukes so there is uo danger and the | children can go after the cows, feed [ the pigsund help the widd . , r*. |McCarty as lie was the candidate ( elected in last .years primaries by tin majority vote of the people, we hope ' that no trouble will arise. ' The water courses were higher thi.last heavy rain than they have been since Jan. 1st. 1889. No serious damage to grain crop, many bridges will havt 10 be repaired and some new ones buili ; The Union meeting atSardis was j. perfect success. The congregation on riatuidiy was not large, but on SunI day most every body went and took , their folks. Many talks were miu# by the delegates. Quite an enjoyable sociable wss ' given.a few nights since, at the home 1 of Hon. II. L. Caughiuan . Tlii gathering was a large one and all seemed to enjoy themselves most highly. The grain crop at present, presents the inost favorable out look for years If no disaster happens the yield wil. be an abundant one. bouie sickness prevails throughout our section yet, but not so atich as a few days since. Chip*. The ?r?t Blood Purifier. . The blood is constantly being perilled by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep these organs in n li altliy coi ditlon and the bowels regular" and yoi will I ave no need of a blood purilFer. b'or this purpose there is not bin; equal to Chamber Iain's Stomach am Liver Tablets, one dose of t ?m will di more good than a dollar bottle ^of tl.? nest blood purifier. Price, |J5 ceiitSauiples free j t F. It. C-uuter's. SAMAKIA, S. C., Apkil ?, 1901. Dear Edit, r:As 1 luvp not ? en for sometime. I hope it will continue, for we have had several v< ry bad cases of LuUrippe here. Mi>* Mamie Abie's school will closThursday, the 11th. Having tang* i> >-ery successful session, Miss Mamie b . ery much belov.d by the children a> < h j are /ery sorry that the close is so near ut hand. Mrs. W. Westmorelund. Miss EiliiL and Miss Liliah (Jrundy, vi-i:?d Batesburg Sunday. Well, Mr. Editor. I would invi'.e you own to see u?, but don't know when you could get here. If y? u depend i i .?ur Railroad to I r'ng y? u. The schei itlo is almost woitlil-se, to the pi o ! ilong its line, for leaving an.l returning hotaie. W. W. He Kept his Leg. Twelve \ cars am J. W. Si Hi van, if rfartford, ('one., 'scratched liis l*g with a rusty wire. loll.mm tim. min nlot.d poir.h g in. For t%\?> yenrx uesuH'ertd intensely. Tin n tin- b?rt loctors urged amputation' ' but," If write*, "1 used otic-hottle of Electro Bittwis Aud 1 1-2 t>oxe? of Hut kirn's Arnica Salve Mini my leg was aotint 1 and well an ever." For Erupt tens, Kczeina. Tetter, Salt Klietitn, So>r and all blood dis< rders Hied ric Hitters lias no rival on earth. Try tliein F. I?tlunlar will guarantee satisfaction oi refund money. Only '0 cents. _ Our Clubbing Oiler. Tlie State (semi*w'eekly edition) aim The Advocate for $2.25 a year, $1.2 for six months. Regular price of boll papers flt.GO * year $1.50 for six month1'lie Thrice-a-Week World and Tilr Advocate for $1.65 a year, bo vents fo six months. Regular price of botn pa- 1 pers $2.00 a year uud $1.00 lor si> months. The Advocate and Atlanta constitution (week ijf) I j-ear fl.T.% cents, six months 90 cents?Tin 1 Advocate ami Atlanta semi-weekly Journal, I year (t.ii sit montes 9o cents. Semi-Weekly Journal and The Advocate i , year $t.S0, six months 7"> cunts. The l-'arioei ( Student and The Advocate I year $1.23, tlx luonths Gj cents. rilENKW YORK WOLRD Til R ICE- A - W EEK K D1TION As GOOD TO Von AS A l>Air.Y AND Vol I Get it at the Prick of a Weekly. j It furnishes more at tlie price than any other J newspaper pubTtthosi In America. Its news ier# < r vice corern all tbe globe aiul U equaled by tba of few dallies. Its reports from t!>Jf jioer wa t?v* not Ut* excited In thoroughness an promptness, and wltb tbo presidential cmupalgi ,now In progress It will l>e Invaluaule. Its polltl al'" Jbnews Is al aoluttly Impartial.' I'll la fac intakes It of especial value to you at tlila tli-e. If you wuut to watch every move of tjn grea political campaign take tbe ThAta-a-Weel World. If you want to keep your eye on thi Trusts?and they need watching--take th< Thrloo-a-Week World. If you want to know al toreign developments, take tbo 'Vbtke^a-Weel World. The Thrlce-a-Week World's regular subscilp | tlon Is only ft .00 per year. W.e olTor this uu equaled newspaper and Tub Auvocaratogethei one year for $1.05. Tbe regular subscription price of tbe twi a Iters Is $2.00. The News and Courier (weekly edi lion; aud Tub Advocate $1.75, sis months DO cents. i'rices will be made upon application for other combinations than above, Subscriptions ulso received for any ol the above papers singly. The ratet quoted are strictly for cash in advauce, Write to or call 011 us fofr good reading. We offer you only The Host. Tiik Advocate, Tit* Easy to Feel Good.' v: Countless thousands have found a -blessing to the body in Dr. .King's New Lire Pills, whick positively, curt Constipation, Sick Ileudaohe, Dizziness, Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach trouble.'". Purqly vegetable never grip* or weeken. Only 25c at F. B Ounter's. .1901 ; ALMAN AC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. zA Statistical Hhlamc of Fads and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. OVER 1,000 TOPICS. OVER 10,000 FACTS. SPECIAL FEATURES*? h. The census of ' ,9G0- National C&Ssj and State elec- .gflg, Tor^T*^- t'on returns. Four centuries of C^Sis American progress. Political record of 1900 (conventions and platforms). IS? American rulein ti?Urp^ the Philippines. New govern- U ments of Porto Rico and Hawaii. Pnlif rTnlnniS'w' I? ?o?n .. . ?r-w* M?awu iii # /w. Conclusion of the South African war. Pan-American Exposition cf ?90?. China?Its present condition and status among nations. Roster of general officers of^lhc Regular U. S. Army, 1789?J 900. A Political Register, Facts that every patript and voter ought to know> Standard American Annaa). Postpaid to any address Price _ 25 ctA mE ^ -. *! PuMa.tr Bid a.. Arn> York Teatim( n:als from 01?l Kng'and. "I consider Clmmbcriain'ji Coiigl Itmnly the best in the wor'd f?> bronchitis,M says M-. William Sivor*. ?f Warringttn, England. "it hn* avt'd my wife's I?fo. she having hecu i uartyr to bronchi* i* for over six year teing most of the time confined to he bed. She is now quite well." Bold 1 y 7. P. Cunt?r. Stops the ConjjIiJrnil "Worlcw of the Col?l. T.ax t've Rromo-Q linine Tablet* lire n cold in one day. No Cure, N yay. Price 25 cents. . The SO ii, cenltny i?| a s \vi li on> giaud Llazc t a gl?ry for the August; lei ry-JInkers. Never lefore h. s air aity in this c it ir ry under.-tik?n an :arii. d to i ompletimi so ir.uinpi a' -ueccss .is has b< en done in In* altenip .11 p!ea e their visitors at the coiniit;. fes iv .l ol the Merry-Makers. A stag event y-live feet long1 by fifty wi ! \ill be plait* 1 on l$r :ul Street will eenery and t very upper finance t> nake the fre.i pi rl< riii..nce eii'ertaing and instructive. Nothing hui ligli elass show a will he allowed on ilie s:ieels. The grand military puraiU .lid contest will ue worth the comin. .o see. The largest col I n-t ion of fowl v* r sf **11 in th's section will be shown a tlit* gr?nt world's | on!try show. I'iii- crowning ellert will b?* tlii gtand iisplny of !ire work#. Tlio great Pane a'Iiosc 11tfcit11* i- familiar in evdry house* lolJ in (lie world, will give the grand st display of liru works l.o lias ever ;iveii in this or any other rouiiLry. Low rail road rates have bien secured within a rad us of two hundrtd miles f Augusta. Dull l forget the dales, April 22ud to tiTlli, llkil. Don t forget lie rates one fare for the round trip >v?.r Ceorgia and South t'aro inn. The Best Prescription for Hnlaria. Chill and Fever is a bottleof Cnova's Ta> vk i.Kta C1Jill Tonic. It is siinpl ron and quinine in a tasteless form* S'o jure-ruopay. Price ooo. i J V ) Remarkable CtircH of Rbeumaa Usui! ' (Frum the Vindicator, Kutberfordl. ton, N. C.) t The editor of the .Vindicator lias had occasion to test the etllcacy of Chatn* berlu'n's l'ain Balm twice with tlu ( most remarkable results ia each case, s First, with rheumatism io the shoul der from wiiich lie suffered excruciat4 ing paiu for ten days, which wns re. lieved with two applications of Bain . Balm, rubbing the pai t* uthlicted and r realizing instant bene lit iuid entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pun. which was relieved by two applications rubbing with the liniment oil retirin at night and getting up fice froiu pais 1 For sale by F B. tinnier. ! "JUST TRY IT" And learn why the Flour buying public endorse the celebrated -{Hungarian F'uritytBRAND, * ^buANUftCTUNID av The Sheltoii Mills, Is belter balanced than any flo'jr,being trie most popular, it is often Militated. See that every sack or barrel. bears the : ' ' '} f . 'Hungarian Purity Brand' - Its rising qualities is superior to .?nj- other brand, for Whiteness, it can't be Excelled. We Guarantee our Flour more Nourishing, Sweeter, anil to maki Bread to the Value of 60c more pei barrel than any made, being ground on the genuine "HUNGARIAN SYSTEM." Our Mctil is tin sitr/Hissed. Ask your dealer for tins brand ano buy no 01 ber. Tin* Mill is represented by D. R. HALTIWANGER,; Batesburg, S. C. Olike in Advocate Building. Notice to Debtors; aod Mors. All persons owing th? Estate of J. D Son, wi.l make payuieot to the undersigned, and all persons having claim' against his Estate present the same tithe undersigned,-properly attested J. V. ABLE, Administrator of the estate of . J. D. Son, deceased. Leesvilie, S. C., Feb. 28, 1001. FREE! ' The Hamilton, Brown Shoe .Co., t. Louis, Mo, will irive your baby ?>ru during the year 1001, its lirst i?ai I' Shoes free. They are made of lin? Vici Kid, a^id wear well. ^ 'tiADEI /AC??* U FOU S A I.E BY U. X. Gunter, BATK3BURH. y S C. Batesbiri Jewelry StirsWill ne closed April loth untl V15th. All persons having re iiirs will plaase call for same hofoi \pril 15th. Will offer special plie s on watch* .t the next 10 days. E. F. (JOltUON, 3xte-.hurg, S. ('. - 11 . ]T7ra^7i,"?"w $ /Q> SH i ' as he' jk, '/] anc* ^e' orcftns ; fit ' 'iVs Taken foe AVatchlng for Pop* insure an < A FINE FIFTEE Your O. F. P. is the grandest medic recommend it in the highest terms. Le I was greatly debilitated and run-down, liar to my sex. Some time ago I began am greatly improved. The female orgai and two months ago I became the proud i pounds, since which time I have recove do all of my work. MRS. AI Prepared only by L. GERSTLE & CO.. Chattanooga, T< Cold by all Druggists nt $1 a Bottle Bottles for $5. Toko No Substitute. Bng't Boys Started in Bit mess | Tlic |>iil!]Micr* of tilt* fiiutouM l.i|r IIIunDrili d wci kly ni!W4iii|ii'r, 1'ksssvi.v am a t.inr, :?re ! now |?IhoIi?j- reimiwouilrei at every p'irt oRiee . n South ( nro'ina uml they ilixlrc to Moore.the ; < StT\ iffH t.f (Ilinlilf lillftt liltir ?. nxnta I.. ........ ! the follow ln>; |<>?ns of Saluda t ounty: Ridge Sprint;, Saluilu ami Waul*, ami u* many other towns a* are not already supplied. The work I* profitable and pleasant. A portion of Saturday only la required Over &.(*? agents . are doing splendidly. No inomy whatever is required Everything I" furnished free. Stationary, rubber stamp, ink and pad, advertising matter, sample copier, etc l'o)>ert ore ahip|M*rt < to he paid for the epdof each month. those not ( sold are not charged for. w rite to OtU I'ubllsle ing Co., Williamsport, l'a , nud tueulioii Thk ' Anvoci-tn. i * t v j n DON'T Fail 'to VISIT I L. B. AsMl: & C0*7 ? .. ' 'J * ' Johnston, S. C., ^ ? * . V 21 New Northern Grown Seed 4 ' ? ? ? Onion Seta ^ 4 4 // *4 Seed FotatOfl ^ ' LEESyiLLE COLLEGE AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL = Has tlie largest patronage io its ^ history. ^ Spring Session opriis FEB, 1'2. Special offers for pupils entering promptly.. Ten new pupils provided ai for by enlargemert of bearding hall. 1 Nqw Is the time to enter the COMXIER CIA I. SCHOOL. Courses in Bookkeeping, Short-hand and Typewriting. . L. B. 1IAYNES. President. * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ' d Centml Tima nl JaelconTtlla ant Faranmnk. .. Eaa'.era Time at Other Potato. S^hodulj'ln ETfeot Jan.- 2Tth.' 190L . - No.84 No.33 .\*o 31 1 * Daily Dally e* Su Lf. Jackaonriho (P. Bl. TSii 7 43p 12 A/j t ** Savannah'.So. ily ) 1205pl>tUa 43u? " Barnwell 4?p 4 04a .1 " Black rill. ?ivp 428a 8 I3p 11 Ar. Oohtrabla 6 lOy 8 10a 945(> Ay. Ohorl?i?*.o!i. ,So. tty 7 oua ll Urn &:toy " Sumniervlilo 7 AlaTXiOol 800n " Bradahvthe 8 66a l uOa 7 VJ\> " Orangeburg 8 fcla '/ 45a JMp ** Klugvillo 10 16a 4 2ia 8 47? Ar Columbia U CXkt b?4\ 936? Lv. Augua'a, ijJo. Ky. | DlWy VUvp TtJJp Lv.'Urrvnite.Ule 3 KJp 10 15;> :.v. AlVon 3 16y ... 7 1 Op Lv. Tronton 4 GCp 11 OOp " Johnston ..... A.. 4 17p 11 20p ....t. Ar. Columbia, (U. D.) 6 66p I 10a Lv. Columbia. BIJg Lt 0 2Op 6 20o( 9 4Sp " Wlntieboro 7 lsp 7 Zln 10 3' riae. Ar". Bunvllie I* Sla 1Ifcp H lln t 1 Ar. Richmond ._ 8Qua 0*&J> . ' Ar. Washington',.. ~ 7 55a TfiUp It) 16a " Baltimore (Pa.KIl)..... 9 10a 11 85p 11 25* " PhilndolphSa ? 4jp|f Lv. Cincinnati t ilOa . Lv. knoxvUto T5* Tffla ." AsbevUlo 8Q0a 8u5p " Spartanburg '.......1140a 8 15p ; Te Ar. Oolmnbia 8B0y 9{Op.. ji Pn_S."Rr_..." 6 top^TtatTlT.S " Philadelphia 6Q8p 8 S0a 81Cp Lv. WaihTgVn <80. By) 9 Wp b 1 lS? 6 Pip CTnrictnhbaa .. v4~Jrrgp!fefe ?T.' ' tr. Danville Tt*a TtBp iFSi 1 1 tv. Qhirlotte 8 )0e V56i> A Sla M Bock Hill 9 00* 10 O87 8 0ua " Chester 9 80?ni0p 6 27a " Wiansboro f . . 10 18a 12 06a 0 04* 'Ar. Columbia. (Bids 8t 1125a 1 10a TOO# A Ly. OoltujttOla, (U. D.)......:. 11 50a 490a i ** Johnston 18lp 0 32a...... ( " Trenton ;... I4#p <48a \ Ar. Aiken 2 20p T 90a 9 40a J Ar. Gmnltevlllo 21Dp 7 16a ' Ar. Angmts .. .. 2fl0p 8 00a 10 20a Ly. Columbia l&o. Hy) 4 00a TSa 108a " KlngvtUe 443p 2 82a 7 55a " Orangeburg 6B3p 0 45a 8 41a " Branghvilla .. 6 16p 4& 9 20a " Suiurnervillo 7 81p 6 87a 10 32a Ar. Charleston , 8 16p 7 06a 11 l"g> Lt. Columbia I Bo. By.) fT50a TlSa 7 08a ' Black villa 1 lOp 2 57a 8 Ssa " Barnwell 124p 0 l?u .... " Savannah v 8 05p 5 00a 10 20a Ar. Jacksonville (P. 8.) . 7 40p< 9 26a I 2 2op ? Sleeping Car Servioe. Excellent dally passenger service between Florida and New \ork. Nob. 31 and 32? Now York and Florida Llni Ited. Dally except Sunday, composed exclusively of Pullman finest Drawing Koom Slopping. Coinpnrtmont and Observatory Car* between Now Yu; k, Columbia and St. August lno. Pullman aleepTs* fcars between Augusta and Aiken and New York, runs from Augusta to Oolumbta via BlOv'kvlUe. Parlor cars b-r wcen Charleston add Columbia. . Nos. 33 and 34?New York and Florida Kx- / 'ress Drawt:i?roo*? Bleeping curs between L tugusta ar 1 New York. Pullman drawing- / ck)ri sleeping oars between Port Tampa. Jack , HiuTille. Savannah Washington and Vow York 1? 'iillmnn sleeping cars botwocn Charlotte and V .Hlchinond. Dining cars between Charlotte V -nd Bkvannsh. \ "Nor. 36 and JO?U. 8. Fast Mall. Through 'ullinan drawing-room buflfut sleeping ;ars oeweou Jacksonville and New York and Pail inn s.rolling cars between Augusta and Char otto. Dining oars nerve all meals reroute 'uHnmil sleeping* enrs between Jacksonville nd Columli a nnro-ite daily between Jackson Hie and'Cincinnati, via Asheville. "H A N-K S.GANNON, S. H HARDWICK, i'l.ird V-P A Gen. Mgr., Den. Pus Agt., ashbhgton. D. CL Washington, D. C. W. H.-TA'.Oa, B. W.HUNT, ?a't Uon. i'ass Ag't., Div. Pass. Ag t.. Atiniitti, Ga. Charleston, S. C. fan is So Happy I I yho has a healthy wife I H ilthy, growing children. I , lie td her husband theae blessinca I the.chief ambition of every wife. an ;r.t help will bo found in gs? " ' PTl ' t Which Means 1 ! QERSTLE'S I * n B i female panacea. ) irate9 all tlie delicate reproductivo drives out every trace of diseaso. Jj !?? a period heforo childbirth it will I H soay timo and a healthy baby. 'f>i N-POUND BOY. I ine I have ever taken and I want to I , t itie tell you what it has done for me. I D suffering from the-weaknesses pecu- I taking G. F. P. and as a consequence E 3 is were restored to health and vigor, I H mother of a fine boy weighing fifteen I red nrvy health and strength and can I 3 vJNIK HILL, Prairie Point, Miss. H I . N^rUn to 'Th? ('lob," earn J. OtVUtlt A Co., Chattanooga, EpJ Tenn., for frna nJvU*?? corn-MrnInu any ol'l feature* that mar exist In yoar case -and not ivfUrlently treated In our fr?>e hook, "Healthy Mother* Mr.ke l(ap|>y 3 Home#.". Tha book will ho sent to any 3*, ar ciK ad healthy hH or diMSMhi. Hand for It. Strikes n Iticli Find. - V "I aas troubled for several years I with'chronic ihtiijestijn and nervous H debility," ivrllba P.'J. Green,"of Lan- I caster. N. 11., "No remedy helped I mi' nut 11 I began using Klcctrie hit- H lers, which did me more good than all I I he met. ioi lies 1 ever used. Th 3 have > I so kept my wife in excellent health I for year . She says Kleetrie Hitters H ire j11>t splendid for female troubles; H hat t lie - are a (grand tonic and irrvig- B| not r for weak, rundown women. No >ther metlieiiie e. 111 take ils place in >ur family," Try them. Only^BOc. I satisfaction guaranteed bv F. P. (inn I II I I mm at I > t i l m M* E. RUTLAND, President, JNO. FOX, Sec., & TrCai. Batesburg Buggy and Harness Co. |] J ust received a car load of buggies. Best on earth for the noney. Every [Byggy ^Guaranteed Can sell you a nice Buggy, set of Harness, Lap-Robe and Vhip, from $39.40 up. We also carry in stock a nice line of dollars, Pads, Haines, Traces, Bridles and Horse Clothing generally. Our entire stock of winter Lap-Robes at. cost. T> A rm^ci mttti rx ? ^ - UAllLODUIlly - - - - - IS. U.I StoYesI Stoves! StoYesII / ~ami C.A.H T A "O m^f?r~ v Hero, Star Leader, Modern IP r-ize. Made of Indiana Iron?None better. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES" Ba37- S-tscte ' 'XJ ' ? H. W It la not aattafaetory Kfl return It owe axponao return ? '''' 1 i'lfel ll f^j l,*M kA Draa ^ **? I lii l!l!ill'li|iil l 1QI Breed ?ir??t MUOU?T?. OK.