WEII?Lr,J rJOMM BELL TOW ILL, ElMTOK AND MiHiUII N. It. Bayi v, Associate Editor. ?k* Advocate Publishing Co., (Joint btocK.) liatesbur^, ." . C. 8UBSCRIPTION PRICE: Vka ?ai $1.0 Six mssths 0 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. -. AUY EKT1S1 NG_ltATES. IT Transient one dol'.a j??r inch for Pr-t lifty cent yer inch for each subsequent in?erti??i friale, Want, Foui.d and other nolic? and Business Locals. ien cents for tr words and one cent for each two wort additional, each insertion. Ofioial advertisements at the rat tllowed by law. "Special and other rates quoted upo application to tins oflice. ICOMMUNICATIONS. i|Tho Advocate will publish rent able letters on any subject, of gener interest, when accompanied with t) name an-J address of t ha writer. Anu v in out and defamatory articles will in 03 noticed. Live corresp lit the fir>t part of the tliri ^^B days at. Butcsbutg. This pi nee lu thrown aside the swadling clothes of ^HB town a:i 1 Ins made its debut as ^^^B blooming and blushing young city i regards distance, population and in 1 r ?cedents. I.ike a beautijiil ?lp*ii H |B elegantly arrayed i > her bridal costun of the gro-m J" ing fn shne?s and mi.nv attractioi extending to capital and labor a war Aft and hearty welcome within its border B|H ll lias s nee our last vis t ceirtain' ^^B made many in p *t vements. Hands m business blocks i.ow a lo-n its tilu oughfaresand elegant ruiJ?nci8grjs, at? h. w ^ Hro. O . M. Marmun, the genial edito k rf The Dispatch,concludes h'n "writ ?r up" of his trip lhioU-.li Ilia j|>aud oh ruuii'y tf I.ei. legion in last v\tsk's is sue. \V* would he ulnd to publish hi v J.i tide ill till), hill spare forbids. W< ' publish his estiinate of cur town am are {.'lad he thinks s > well of us. A Trip in 'I lie Saiul. L Many years ago it was our ptivileg* I "t ?teach the young hlea how to hoot1 iu tl) s s< eliou kno-.vii as "'1'ie Sand.' We have iu ver hrv-.i more cudialU treated than l>> these same good pro l>!e. Tiier "ore, it win with glid hearts ws li >ar led Mi t ".S.v i n.? It ibbit." Following the ex nipl of the prop!e who live i i this seeii >n, this train is vary area aim idatin so we had a stop at St ?Jl lill.ltM, w i"ti Ig f u* l fill car t > I)-* I i d I. that it illic it tie c irried to Us d-stina ioi. W iila there, we lud I he pleasure of leei g Wii?o fJunter an I Haskell (Jjrit/. The e gentlemen are largely interested iy inerdini d s>- and i.aval st res. V,e ^lemcinhor Wil oil we!!. Mow **e ,ose to to >k f.s i fresli from the 10 1 isI? , Hod li ive r? pas's spread oi a box .hit w ii 1 tl tickie any cue's liroat. Kins ly the ear w.ra loade l and we went on nr way to t'.e pretty town o.' Wajfriirr Many I in | pv hours ot tnir'.li > i jiii I in i ri ii nt Icive we *p (t with ^ these f ilka ami Miry h ve n<>t forgotten IH. ON- vv re soon in the hands of fri *o s ?>f he days of A old I, ing Sj i g. It \v is < ir pr.vileg? to stop vs. 11i ,f. W. I'augb i an, ? l.i. r .us .? llr-- rln ? hotel, who h i* located iii (In* < filter of t'if town. Mr Ihtnghmnii a! t il breakfast- we started out "to do lie town," Mr. I>. (1. IIolflto:i acting h |il Jt. Mr llo'ston bus b en ban mi? ii ii!< s and horses at this pli ce foi two year.-, and li.it a liosi o friends n Ibis < ca it v. Wecall'd on Gaiitt iV Gantt, who I have be n .ere for several years aid carry a large stock replete with tiling- j needed by '.lit- farmer gen- rally. This iii lie nl h le? e-1? I llahnif ills in tli i' t io , m i* n ;e I h.v ni of integrity and honor. We i in am our r pects to Sawyer & UhaiK, this (irin has only been in business a short time, but are doing at . an excellent business. These gentleman do business on the plan, pay as th . you go. This is a guarantee of their vi 4IICCMS. hi Most ptople know cf J. W. Lybrand, bl the king merchant not only of Wapener. but of litis entire section. Mr. Ly- vj. " bran I came to Wagerer in its infancy and lias grown in business since, lie lias two lurge stores, as nicely ar- # ranged as s'ore* ever seen ?n kiwiir of ' = even larger size. Ilia stock would do credit to any city. He also lias a roU0 er mill in course of construction, which ' means more i.ome rals?d flour for the di people of that section. Mr. Lybraud ' _ enjoy a the confidence not on'y of Lis t to a usiuan, but of the business world r generally. lie has a number of pnlit " ;9 aiul hustling salesman, with all these l. things, how could lie b it succeed. ~ We cnlltd to see U. T. Cuuter Jt Co., n but none of the firm were there. K (This Urn, is as firm as (Jihralter. There Is no man ti ore highly respect- w * cd than Uncle Mai.ee Cunti-r. He has tl been honored by l.is people with post- c >> lions of honor and trust, ar.d in all * these, he has stood the test of a man. Cl ? Then there is R. H. Olt, dealer in general merchandise. Ho has also 1 j. been here more than a de< ude and enal joytf a laige trade. lie is a wide-a>e wake business man and the citizens of 1 "j the town haves hown their appreciation u by making him the iutendant. We 11 were glad to shake hands with Dr. ? (iutiter. He use to be the chairman o' v the boatd of trusties for the school we endeavored to teach and we can D = tru ly ruy, that lie locked after the in- j n- terest of the school better than any ill trustee with whom we have ever had t| >d any dcaiirgi. This is saying much, especially when the Doctor did not jp have a chi'd. Let os not forget our old townsman, Col. C. L. Jones, the district agent for Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. The Col. is doing wall and haa.savcral ^ ^ agents at work for his excellent Co. 0f We could say more of tins pleasant .n taip, but this must suffice however we most return thanks to Waverly Hoim ston, for much kindness. He had a goodly number of orders for job work. n- c ut Cloud* Creek Items. ,e The health of our community is ^ very good except colds. r. Th : flouri hing school of Clydes ptj taught ly Mi.-s Mattie Pieper, closed 1 ? last Friday. Several of our citizens spent a de- f (l liglilful day at the residence of Mr. A b n. Mrs. J. R. Crouch last 3rd. Sunday. ,n M isses Kate Wise end Adeline Rush- c e. ton speut last Sunday afternoon at j Mr. Claude Wise.s puite a lively time a fighting snow ball. e Blue Bird. I j ? ; Willow Brunch Dots. , a 11 n 1 Tlie health of our corr.munty is very ; b 1S good, Willi the exception of colds. w ii- Miss Bertie and Ollar Chailes visited n le \1 its Alice Bodie last third Sunday. 10 Mr. W.O. Bodie has purchased a j h " l voting mule. What does that ui?an? j o t~ I A la'ge rrop 1 k"1"' ,S Ur. J. II. Whittle from Bstesbarg, | was through this section, and took the S . ' photograph of 1 he Willo.v Branch ' 1 Sclio I. ic v ! The Willow Branch school closed .p !ast Thursday. is! I.og rollings and quiltinga are com- B lc. j iug in st \ 1 ; Mr. It. S.Grander had one ' ip 1 last 1 ridav. Kose Bud. litlti'reiljfc Ncwh Items. f< r Mr. J. C. Kinard muv.d recently to j t r Leesvi.lc. He and hie pleasant family ' L will be mi.-sid by lis ail. 1 I- Dr. J. S B'atk. nur phys'cinn, is * y n w located 011 I.is place, near his fath- * 11 et tl Aunt hlizab th (laugh man, an in' j valid fi r a long time, is not doing ' i* I well. We are very sorry to repoit ? c j st.ch in w?. She. Aunt liappy Itisvr, 1 U uncles Juo Bedeiibatigli and Adam ^ ' | Kede 11 baogh and Adam Kinurd, are! 11 the oldest people nreui.d here. For < tl em all we wish long Ife. We could : 1 A1 n.-I s.el on mcII without them. I w Max. pi p ? h. ii Dots Ironi Del 111 ur High School. w 'i'lir health of our section is very si * good wi h few exceptions. j tt Farmers are now hauling gunr.o in w ; run blast. N Miss lies ie Moore lias been viiitiuy iier sist .r, Mrs. lfysiiufrr for the ilir m 1 1 few days. 'la 'J Mr. Luther M- ore, of Johnston, i- j . * be , . visi.ii g lis full.t-r and family t'.ia week. *{ The photographer of B tesbury, Mr. | | Whittle taken the Delinar school | ic >,a ! lur?i lust l*rid.?y. I lie group consist ,.a of 11)1 faf.-S. (( ] Master ' liarlie Shea I)' of Delmnr, is ! gh siek with the fever. i Hh Mr. S. M. Moore is almost rraly to ' *' j nivnpv his new reside; ce. j ,,n Farmer Oir'. j : i>r Dots front lloiiknlylit's. "v We far n?rs are having s nice time j ' ? . ' Wfl lor preparing for new crop*. We are glad to liear that Mr. J. yy. , lleihert who I.a- suffered fro n the ef- ; ' feets t.f 'grippe is able to he out ae out sixain . ' hai Mr. aid Mr* J. W. Hcrlcrt i* now j ^(J viaitinrr in Snlud ! , i?>r Rev. Counta. pastor ?l Rrthany, \t*t preached a line sernaon Sunday. j ^ Hope we won't have any m -re, o t snow Tor I *ai hailed out-. t-ri \V D . ' the Spring t'rceli Do n. ihi The farmers of thisc inmunitv arc n"! preparing the soil for another crop of the t*i ed they* < ome out very well Nat j '"an year, in l if !t is leit torn ae writing from our town, I will en- , leavor to scribble a few lines for lit es or the Advocate. ( The health of our community ic very I ( ;ood at the present and hope it will { . lontinue to be so. ' , Our farmers are very busy hauling , ^uano and preparing: their lands f*?r i ] uttivaticn. They are all hoping for I | ;o >d seasons and beautiful harvest. ' I A good number of our people have j 1 iron attending court at Lexington for < he paat week. ' Inspector J. hnson has been in town or the past few daj s inspecting lum- I ier for our mill men. The school at this place will soon ' oroe to a close, as woi k lime is coning near. This term has been quite 1 successful One, being taught by the ' fllcivnt and praiseworthy teacher, Mr. ' I. K. Shealj. Tin Souths-n Kail road Co., Iiav? lite recently, built us a waiting shed, ut this is not w hat we want and what re ought to have, as we arj badly in ued or a good depot. Mrs. II. S. Morgan ^is returned t ome, after paying a forfhigir.t visit to j ] er liu lia.id in Mauldiii,:^. C. ( ' ni e snow Saturday, ^l?ut it duf not lit as We would pave liked ti uve ha.- a p00j rabb t bunt. { If this dt.., ...?t find its to Ibe I east la Wet you may again hir from. Sairsiiin. I Irotl ?' Niih'a Nice Nacks tfw. n Nubby Knocks. I have been asked to write join tl ing j or The Advocate, There is no lack cii j , hinga to w *ite about, how to Kebct ^ hat wl i h will interest the readers < f in- paper, m quite somelImiir else. 1 t'hen n old friend wlm Imsbte . Ioiij 1 , b?ent tel.orns, w* make much of then i j rturn. The bouse is put in ordei am , lie w hole fauiily prepares to give : enrty welcome. I am lure remind*-! f something that cccure.l at a country hnol away back "be fo de wnr, ' moutig the pirls and boys attending lis school were two brothers, uncotitl 3 it h more than country manner-, hrjr wvre familiarly kno vn as <'har! e .1 nd Teen. A few l uttdred yards aerooliat was called a sovaneer, in a dense n? forc-t, was a little log hut, tie ^ vine of CI at H* and Teen, Now i ) as while the school was in qoiet sea on. Schools were usually quiet it ie?e dayr, when hickory switch** ere plentiful and unsparingly used ow it was, that Charlie arose and Idressed tlie teacher asking for | rr i ^ ission to speak to Teen. Perini-sim I P iving been Kianted; being ntnch rx- i ., ted lie exilaiined "Teen ! Tec n ! I'll .j 1 dingsd if they haint kilt the oM os'.er. fer I hear him er squalling nc.e the-e old school days, although f. Iiave had experenres in tlii gs good, d i nd indifferent, I have often been ri i?d back in memory to this old (tool to memory, I set again with the rls and b.>ys My! what girls! Not :e tlie girls of the present day?they 1 ire more natural. They wore no j ffs, ruffs, and stuffs, or did they wear | r- modern hat like the girls of tin eserit dav, which "euriiiuls one of an \ er 'oadad hay-wagonr. No they were t like girls of to-day, only lhatthry ire gifU. They coul.l 8ki p, hop, jump d climb trees just like the boys, era was not much love making beeen boys and girls, bul sometimes pid, the little rascal, wool I slip into r midst, and when he did, woe to is? who received his darts. 1 will i ti?n her having had an experience of k kind myself. 1 saw li^in before he ny me ratnl Hliart. He'was beneath sun-bonnet of h dark eyed lassie (v i ?h if to tnhtnlize hia defenceless t iin, he entiled as the arrow flew in the In w, wild, if I had been hit an am ienl battery gun, I eon Id not ie gone to pieces more co ?pletely. V <1 ii w, after l he la pa of mine 11 an | t> ) e?ra, during which time I have 0 n trying to gather myself together, tied that I have utterly fu! eil. and I -n times cu'ch myself singing : Iler tin smihs haunts n e still, tut as I thus dwell with memories of i act. aim-tig thlngsof pleaaureand ng< otherwi.e, then conies hack to t as it had happened but yesterday, exi ilenient of Charlie over the kil of he aforesaid old rooster. The te of or the slaying of the old roos- anl was doubtless t he coming of Some j d, or perhaps stranger, for in those s, there was n?? difTcrenee made been stranger and friend?all n.en reed and treated alike. "That the 4 ood house-wife in the absenA?\>f the itted calf, or somot liirg beoVrr, bad ain t he old rooster )he being probably lelast chick on the little faw) thatie might keep in line with tie hospislity always accorded to fndMs and irangers ? A thing which waslproverb il throughout all South Cartt^"*But readers, w hen I began qhis urtile, I did not have in mind "tfe olden* | nie," but an up-to-date llioilfht per- s aded my cranium. rerh&|>4 what I , are written may bo taken ns more , tinn a prelude to what remains to he ( lid. 1 was thinking of cotirsei as v< u , rill presjntly see, about the rutin n i1 . 'lie Advocate nnd Its Kditor i. I>. MITCHELL. -It is with feelings of peculiur sadness tliat we record the drA^<>f I). D. | I), Mithell. For nearly twenty years jOU9CCUtiV?ly, lie stood at the head of the educational interest ol**Y>ur town ind community. In 188I. be was elected chairman of the^Board of-Triistees i>f the Leeaville English and C!a*sica Institute, which position he tilled ur-tiltlia said Institute was sut ero ded by the Leeaville College in 1800, when Its was elected Pr> sident of t lie hoard jf dhectors of the I.eesville College Company, which position ho filled ivith credit to himself and fidelity to ;lie cause of Christian Education, uniil released by death on the 28th dry if Jan 1901. Amid the passing events whit!) narked his administration i f educational aflaiis. thoie was always in him i s e.idiness of purpose and cheerfulness of spirit, which led on to broader < 1.1. ....i l..?r.. - .V... ...? 6.?r?i?r? umiullicg.^ lie stood eyer rsady to help in the auseof right and counsvl ngaini-t the Villi!*. j Much of the success which Leesvilh iow enjoys in educational matters, is lite to the life and labor" of I>. D. I\ ' Mitchell, un Pr (1 d's b!rs in* Th re jie be it resolved: % Isti Ive I lti.it. we jubmis.-. \ c to J j ?od'? call which has tulw-ii our brother | sud co-!aboicrer, 1>. I* I), Mit. hell i torn i s. i 2nd. Hcsolved that, we will cherish 1 lis nicmoiy 3rd. Unsolved tint, a p**e in oui uiniite book be devot -d to bis memory, i 4ti?. Resolved that, copies of t li ir .rib = te a solution* bs given to the , ..exington Pi;j?atch, Summit .New: i .oiler and B itesburg Advocate f. i niblicatiou. When j on are Li lions, i so tho'c mnous lilt 1* pi lis known as I)eWitt4? jitt'e Karly Ki.s- re to cleanse thelivei 1 ,nd bo vfU, They never gripe. I4' It. (.'unter. I Notice to Debtors and Cr ditors. All persons owing the Estate f J D. / ion, wi I make payment to ilie under- . ign. d, and all persons having o'.nin- ' gainst Lis Es ate prerent ti e same to * lie undersigned, j ropefv attes'id J.'P. ABLE, kdoiini trator of the of J. D. S*n, deceased. s Eeesvtlle, S. (_' , Feb ^28, ltH)l. Working 124 Hours a Day\ There'., no rest for th se tireless lile work -r->?Dr. Kin^V New I-i ft* I' i 11 j lillioliH are a) win s b:i? *-, j ever an I Ajjii ?. Tli-y hnuish Sick ^ cniulii', drive ovt Malaria. Nev r ripe or weaken. Dma'', taste nir , ork wonaers. Try tlieiu. C5.it F. D. ( unlet'*. ,, J. C- G I j Dealer ? I Dry Go 'd*. Shoe--, Itlats, I Re. dv made G i , I ? ' V ' StrlkeH it lticli Find. "I ass troubled for several years vith chronic indijeslion and nervous leblhty," \vtites I'. J. (Irc?n."of I.allloster. N. 1!., "No remedy helped lie until I b-g;in using Electric Hi';ers, which did tue more good linn all lie luct ic'iics I ever used. They have ilso Kept inv w ife hi excellent health 'uryenr . She siys Klcctrie Hitters ire j'i"t splendid for* female troubles; hat the/area grand tonic and invigirat r for weak, run do v. n women. No ither medicine can take its place in Mir family." Try tin in. Only 50c -atisfaxtioii guaranteed Itv F. LC Guniel*. LC.OOO OIK CIICAND ^5,COO Ornithological J Contest. Something entirely] new aim interring. Itenn what you are to do. You nay g-*t .C2l)0 cash. Our co test is to ice who can mat.e the large t list ot lames (?r kinds) of birds front the iolOW ng list of letters: W I) o () C 0 K IJ L I- I A r K T A it I 1>G ES I' N I i: I. V i: H It l> I M W A 1> O II T L. We wtll recognize as a bird anything belonging to the l'<-at In-red tribe, whether it he a Hen, Crow,Singer or my other kind. You can use any letter as many t ine to make a name as It appers la he ii-l of letters above; lor instance Woodcock, !'lov--r, Snow Ui:d, ic. To any per-nu who r. it in ike a list of 25 or more tl If rent names of birds, we will give absn'utely FItKK a beautiful I'r.ze, value it-00 or le.-s. BIG PRiZES AWARDED DAILY. When you have made but your lits till out toe line on the bottom o( this adv. and send to i.s with Stamped, Addressed envelope, then iTy- n are itwarded a prize l?y becoming a subscriber to Tim Wot/run's World. We shall awaida prize to every who sends the name of 25 Ihrds, and our gift will be as follows: For the besj list received each day, a Gold Wliatch; fur tliesacond best solution each day a Inip rtcd Tea Set; for the seven next best solutions, ea b day a Konr.iti-Sakih Diamond and Ituby King, for the next best solutions a Gold Piece; and fur all ot her com el solutions, Prize- of Good Value. Tlie-e | rizes will be forwards daily,you will not have to wait a long lime in uncertainty before yuu km w "lie r?suit. Thtue is no element ?>f lot tery in our plan, it uiak? s no dilVert-nce I whether we get your solution hlte or cm ij in the day. All you need is to inaii (postage f? t-) this adv t<> us, and on the da.i it readies us, if your list i.-j the bc-t.you shall have the Gold Wiltfli or it se . nd best the beautilul Tea Set, mid so oe. W ? g un ran tec t b it we ? i I award you a prize. Ther?* is atisolnt"lj no *(,pportunity for decep-1 tioii on ? ur | ai t?we cannot atl'otd ii ' We w-nit to gel 1 ,(i!fii,i)' U wi ll sa'isfied sub-eribers, and for that mason \v don't want you to send any money until you know i x id v what prize you have gained by answering the puzz r-. As soon al'er I p. in. eaeii day n< pe. - y ble, the exam iters Will judjre1 lid li-ts to the oest of their ability, and will j ile-ij;i ate ! lie prize ?. We Will write to j yon nt?.(!( enoi ifvitu > ti what prize j 'mw hi en awarded % on. then if you are 'ully st.tislled you e .n send your sub- j -criptiiii t< 77,0 U". inm's h'l.i'tl an I your prize will by return of post [ aretu !y | acker!. Tti a p? rs n of narrow ideas it -cm in- impossible that we should lie able to able to iniike sneh a li igrmit : offerf but we have tie money , brains ami re|iulni ion, we know exact- , ly what we afe doinp. an I if we ran j legitimately pla-n a 1:1 11 i> it -:ab cr.b is , try this grr.nd*idt .1, we know that tins mill.en ? t wmI plea e n *i i lay until its to > late. I'be e? ti e-l will c ontinue I until Jttlv ist. r.;?i. We?nr:i It ttus I'r ize ?*?;) iodej en lc*nt ol all o' l.er- to t be person who en's mi tin* I -t gotten up i:i tic b st no batidsoiuest mantu r. <5;tr Coin nittie will decide r.nil award pr /. laily, but the special i"D | r /. will be iwnrded in >epteuiber. 1 hi! Any birds nam.- fo nil in tl.e dictionaries' iceeptcd. WHO \vr. ARE. T/.< ' ll'i ini x Il'or/cl" n thnrowjhy i i liitl l-' etiiuTi i>, trr arc n iii'irn to c/c? .i\u tly en ire i:i{>\ t tisc. .l.s la < ir rr iahilily ire refer hi any .\::y. Honesty in ire tlma exe: at-iit e lejiiin <1. ilnr n lin iiee, ;.ny liank til ay city, i nclose self-ntlclre* < <1 stamped en-eio|ic>. Manufacturers, Third Ft >or, ."sit near-! lorn St., c tiica^o. TO THE DEAF. A i i?-?i in ly, < : ro.i of her .ml Noises in till* Ufa'1 ">\ I> . Xieh'd t.i?*- At tili. i.'.l Km- !) !;? -. $ I U1(h) to I: i.^ 111 * it II to, -o t!) I ilv'af [:? ? ile unable to procure tl: especially for our (vatic, miliar * els the Lowest, ] lLUDA, S C FEEE! | The Hamilton, llrown Shoe Co., of St Louis, Mo , will nive your baby, born during the year 11)01, its llrst ,>ai ^ of Shoes tree. They are made of line K1 Vicl Kid. and wear well. Ukfctifcf??<"B22}vN ,,3? SHOE (Jj'S HISHIANSCAIF S^OE Vv FOR SALE BY U X. Gunter, BATESRURO, - - S. C. DON'T Fail to VISIT Lu B. Asiill * ^ Cc + y Q Johnston, S. C., New Northern Grown Seed ' 44 44 Onion Sets 4 4 4 4 4 4 Si'Pil Pntutcs LAND SALE. STATE OFSOTTH CAROLINA, Su CortiTY ok Lexington. H. B. Senterfeit, I. F. Senterfeit, XV B. Senterfeit, Isaiah Senterfeit and Mrs. Debbie Kennedy, Plaintitl's. Against E-telle iluilman, Falh.w anil Julian Ilallman, Defendants. PART I HON OF REAL ESTATE. I it ohcoiance to the judgrr enl of the ('our* in this ease, I, Samuel B. C-corge Speiyn 1 Refeiee herein, will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the door ot The First Nathional Bank of Pate-burg. at Bati-sburg, S. dur-j II? ing the legal hours of sal-*, on Thursday. the 21-t., day March, next; All that c?rtain farm or piece of lain! com aiding one hundred acres situated in Lexington County and State aforesaid, on the l'inc Log road, adjoining !and-? of Juine- M. Jones, No. I. Estate of John Ixjwman deceased, and. tract No. f., and hath such representa-' tionsasa plat or the Mime xxx made by W E Sawyer D. S., SOtli., January , ? 1>77. will more fully represent. Terms: One third cash, and the l;a - "M* a to on credit, in two equal mini al in- ; .Li stalhiicnts, with interest from day of : sale, at i ig lit pi r cent per milium, pay- ; able ai finally, set urtd by bond of the ' ' purchaser and mortgage t f the prem-' |?es sold. Term- to be complied with J immediately, or at the exj iration of ' one hour, ?he premises will le resold ut the risk of the former purchaser. I'urclia vr l') pay for j apers and reveline s'amp*. SAM LET. IJ. GKORGE, Special Kefcrr.?Clerk of IlieCourt. I. x iiRti'ii, S. l\?b.,?7, 1901. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. -?k? Cc itha'. Time ft' >ivii:e nr.l ^nviantb. Enter i Tirj at Oihor P..ii.-*. i*clic*lu!o in E.Yeor Jan. 27th, 1!>U. KOKTiteovvD. No.ru No.jJijjTo.31 (Daily I>any ex bu Lv. . I". vc-.v-.t II (. (H. te > . .. I N 7S.j&| 7 47 pi-' 'J.rp " .v.i-iata si?. !>/ ) .. 12 My 12 30m 4U0n Earnwoil ' cttpi 4 (Hit > " Xln-k.i . I 480p| 4 -h*| 8lep / > r ? '. imb.a .. 61fip| 810* >??. i.). i at>n> >' iiupi a &.{? v. h -.Mtevii ? a:; j 715? I V. .1 Mtoa 4 02\1-|HKA) ,'ohr. Hon ^4 I;pill Ar. < 'lain'via. i.r. D.> b&&p 2 k?r Lv. c > umli.i, {uulj > t flaey' c,no.? " \\ irtmborn 7 If) 72"nl)3iy _ ' "J1 ! July 8 ]:'? 11 24p S" KovX Hi 1 88fipl H .:,Ja II irri < r. cm trio 11 I V%IP| 9 4Sa!i281* Ar. r>iavtl:o 7.. I; .-.In l.tif.j HTfa " Ar. . ' | ' (>" ilittp'. . .. lv. w?t !?:.* < ! . " ..... i fivi T;?r? I3T:? ; " j irni'Da' iPa.RK).... I t? I.Vi 11 .V>p 11 Sin ; I M'r.ilKjhia . ... . nx.n 2 >ta I ?n _ -)-.v \ ri.. | .'Uii fl gag 4 l!i I. m 1 ... : l?4.nTL\ta Qta '' 1 '4"1' E *jJ Fill':N"o.:a,yo.35 Xo. |L'in!y Daily ex.- ff7'! Cv. SH A-I'TI.I.* !(Mh. 8tt1v HB< -r: filr.irg II 43a ' rt li?v QCrt 11 aaipl ?aopl...... uv. Nim York . u.i>.i;i : i I !>: ikI.- I !i.:i II.VAl; 81l> ? : I ... .... x fi ,Vo R i*_ j? " H@ '' ' _ 111 Uulin| Esj .. V: ' 1 1 t?Vn I'itsp .S?a ISA'.; *.- WW* 11 lop fistfn B1 *' iOlta t5 0?!ii MB \r. < ..e.i..Hid- st . 11 A*. 1 ii'u H l.v. v. . ii>i i, d-: D.i., il.v-j Fy I ?o:i ... 1p rtiTOn S5jj?j 1 ton I - Op R 4>n ..... BD Jr. i A>p 7 SUn 0 4Ja fit* \r. CTijnit.-vllIo -'l:n> 7 1'n1 i~ .< \r. \ 2.Vip Kdoa la ? ? K 4 J||. |H |H Ol i lire 5JBi> 3 4&u if 41s px'SJ ? I i*n.-hvi .. rtl.lp 4On' 93ua B99 > Tiiim rvl.li- 7 Kip 3 :-7u I? Sha P*>7oo* ii l.a |B| >. r > .s.. iij.;, it * ?, iW. To* IB " !' ir .'w'.'i0 1 ,\t>T 3 57h, 8 8S0I W'J " bavauuuh 30$ KV"iu20^ %i> i 7 fup. 0 Jim. 2 Aiy HF| Slre,>la<5 Car Sorvico. 17-..?'.lent ?'..?!Ij* i immi/ur service lmtween Uft ' lorula nu*. .1 Hti l 32 7f*A York nod Florida Lim- H .< 1. I 'ally i>t Hundnv, j,. .^,.,1 excite oiy <>r Pullman fluent Drawing Hr U 4 ' iIm in * im.l V ... ' ? 'i i hku?i l ill*. ran I Pullman sjo.pinr oars kctvcon Au<;'mIm and KSfl 1 Ihm nnd N?-*v York, runs augiisin to hJ ; JolnmMit via B.a i.. . . .k * ?.<< :? ('h.ir'.oi'..'ii mil 0>iu'n Via. HI' Num. a i ami .14?New York nail Florida Kv NH r ri Drawl lu room nloCgiia.' cars bpiwit'ii HB luir.iitn ind Now \ork. Pullman drawingfh>*'i inonrs liriwci n Fori Tampa. Jiii-k- MB onviho >*.iv:?r. anh Washington mid Vow York MM "o. mail h:c*- lng cars ln:i?i'c:i Charlotte an.| MH tichin id Pining can botwoon Charlotte >ii?U. S. Fast Mail. Through HS Y.i'.iiin > niv .nif-room Imifn ? cnBlajoftivhiv HI wii'ii .lilt-!;s< nvillo nnd Now York and Pull- HS nan a i ;:i/ours Lolwoop A u gun* a an I Ch:i - Kj no. Dining ,'iir* si-rvi> nil moils enronto ffB 'nliirtun mi (.Inn oars Imtwoou .Iiwkso.ivillo t> ) nd Oommh a f.ii-onto dn.iy liotwoon Jnok.soa- MR : 111c ai d Chioinn.i'.l, via Ashevlllo. PU J ::ank i.haxxon. a. h.hardwick, w Ti.lrd V P.* Hon. Mgr., < on. Pi s Agt., BV l! Vuahluxion, D. C. Washington, D. C 1 H i W. II. t A OR, H.W.Hi NT, la*l lion, rim* Ag't., Lnv. Pass. Ag'l.. Wy-j Al iuutn, (>iu i'li rlca'.on, 8. OL I Hl.M ^ - - - - ... t atesburg Buggy and Harness Co. I fust received a car load of buggies. Best on earth for the I nicy. fg ^ I Every Buggy Guaranteed I Clan sell you a nice Buggy, set of Harness, Lap-Robe and H hip, from $30.40 up. We also carry iii stock a nice line of I liars, Pads, Haines, Traces, Bridh s *?nd Horse Clothing H lerally. Our entire stock of winter Lap-Robes at cost. A BATESBURC - _ _ - S. C. 1 u. D. CULLUM And CO. 1 'Prices tell: Tf>e People (ell the Prices.' fl Columbian and 'Continental",i I Buggies. I They are as good as the best, and better than the rest- H 'id Hickory-Tennessee I and P ?dmont I Wagons, I Noted for their strength and durability. -Fertiizers- | A tull stock of the well known brands: ''Star Br?nd'\^^M rifts, "Golden Harvest and Cotton King", "P. cX: F." and "A. D. Bone" ? BEFORE PURCHASING, CALL TO st received. G.:|e solid car Nitrate of Soda. " J B STOKES. I DEALER IN . I irdwarc, Stoves, Qrockery, Gin and Saw mill supplies H -am pipe fitting a specialty Call and see me when you H - in need of anything in my line. Satisfaction guarau- H ?# $., WbM ew Northern Crown Seeds. I Onion Sets. fl Seed Potafcoes^J ^7 AT T11E SEED STORE? jH L COL1CMAN, f? (TNMtTriStVWTMaiA ^ |J PureRjjrsWhiskey IS [^l mMtmmmm fmrHiiZ 3)3.2Q r H - TUT UP*irv~ f g3? Wo thlp on approval. In plain boxes, with ^1. f?PSlQdETT, no n;arko tc Indicate content*. Whon you Kagsijjra 30l B"MAO Sv. A!JGUS.TA GA KfciJ rocolvo it ond toot ?t. If It It not oatlofactory ^Eftgra roturn osponoo roturn * ? ?? . ?hB9 RUCUSTR. irfiHii ? MM r a ? ^ ^EjrawSHSjlS