pJL. THE ADTOCATET" Published Kvkry Wednesday. M.\ Nat. N. Gunter went to Cohini' bia Jd outlay on business. S< liool tablets ot ditrerent sir.es and varieties at The Advocate otllce. Mrs Daniel Gunter, of Lsesville, was here Wednesday on a "tlyins: visit-" Miss Mae S$eigler, of Ridge Spring paid our town a pleasant visit some days ago. Mrs. J. D. Stokes, with tiie little folks, went to Leesville to visit relative a last week. Mr. H. D. Reese, the Optician, is in I town, with headquarters at Gordon's jewelry store. We lave received a beautiful line of stationary, and it will pay you to get our prices. Sheriff Thomas II. Cauglunan, of Lexington, was in town Monday in the discharge of his official duties. Mr. W. B. Ilolly, a successful farmer of the Dopier section, was in town on business Inst Saturday. M ins Isolene Harmon, of Lexington, i daughter of our friend Editor llunuon, is on a visit to her friend, Miss Morris Rawl. Comt take a peep at our samples of job work. If you contemplate marriage, we ean print ycu the prettiest of invitations. Attorney S'trotlier went over to : Aiken on professional business last j week. lie came out cf the contest with a verdict in his favor. Miss Annie Cannon, of Delmar, was in town Wednesday. A goodly number of Deltnar friends find Batesburg a profitable oark.t. Mr. Suddatli Merchant, of Merchants, I . Saluda county, was here on a business trip. Mr. Merchant lias long been a friend to our town. Mr. Henry Gruber and wife have j' been on a visit to his nephew Mr, Drayton Rikard. Mr. Gruber has been [ fortunate to win the heart and of a vi evil gin ^111. Aliss Annie Wakefield as: attractive) 1 young lady of Anderson, is lieio on a * visit to her sister Miss obbie. She j 1 has been the re -ipiat of much social at- j * tention. 1 Hon. V. X. Gnntir, Jr., Assistant Attorney-General of South Carolina, ( spent Sunday in our town at the home of his father, Cant. U. X. Gunner. i L'ncle Ride Giigsliy was in town ( Tuesday. A good citizen is he. We | " ha\ e a large i> at e in our heart for him, f being the friend of our lather and I f grand-father. L Chief of Police S Iters has donned a j uniform. His new costume is a be- ; B coming attire. As a citizen and ollicer | V Charley Suiter has the confidence of I our entire people, h Mr. Tom Kernaghati is enlarging his l A _ XlM're : m jJ ^|^li:tt > lias the artist c Taste as he. >V. n it I i is completed we dare say there will be v no nicer arrni ged office la be found in r .our borders. i s Next week i- Court week at Lexing tou, and a get illy number of our towns men will go down. In these latter i days, Lexington court seems to be a , ^ favorite resort with some i f our folk*. a Willaid QunilU-baiim, quit mixing ' calomel, rhubarb and the like and a took a trip to Edgefield. lie is tick- j 41 ltd to death with Prof. Bailey's pretty girls. Look out fiicud Bailey. Mr. P. S. Quat llebr.mn, of old Edgefield, (Saluda being new Edgefield,) | was in town Saturday. The Advocate ' will give him the home news, Edgefield being his temporary home. c Messrs J It. Crouch and Van WerC 41 were in our i ffice last Week. These ' gentlemen live at the capital of the "piney woods." These good citizens ! 1 will 11 * I p make Tlie Advocate a success. ' i f Mr. J. Austin \Y bitten, manager and f proprietor of the New York Racket ' . Store, of Batcsburg, leaves to-d.-.y for) New York and other northern cities, where he goe s to purchase his Spt ing stock of got u J t We were glad to see Rev. C. P. Bof-z | y ! er heie yes'erday. Mr. Moozt'r is t ne | of tlie leading minister of the Luther- ?l an church As a financier lie is a t!?? i ciilt'l success. Mways glatl to sec 1 eu. h men our streets. t The Odd Fellows : rs moving along n'cel/ with their Lodge. riiis l.o 'ge f is well odiceren n.il will '0111111116 to j grow in usefulness ail I mental help- ( fulness. The OA 1 Fellows ami the Masons dwell together in the same :i 1001ns. t What has become of our ware houso v project? Business 111011 of IJate-liorg, 1 it is to your interest that this ware house tie built. Let somehody with a ( lever move and when the move is 1 started let every other business man do ' likewise. M-. Andrew Q lattlebaum and Rev. ( IPoslon have been on u visit of some days in this vicinity. Mr. Qoattlo- 1 j tiaom is one of our pilgiims, who we ( expect to return to his llrst, love. Rev. ( Poston is the pastor of the Baptist , church at Swansea. ' A certain young man of our town re- I marked the other day, that the Method- j ist church was so pretty, it would do n ( fellow good to he married in that btan- | tifui edifice. It is very likely tlint lie will have his desire gratified, judging 1 from tils initio k. lie Ims I lie mlvn 1 tnge of us on that score. We are glad to announce to our readers that we havo made arrangements v.ith Messrs. IT. K. Cokcr and W. M. Oxner to have charge of the Leesville Column. These young men ore hustlers and will furnish J'he Advocate the news from onr hustling sister town. The Advocate has noth- | ing but good will for the town of Lees- |i yiile. Her merchants arc busy anil prospering. We rejoice in Iter prosperity. In the language of the prayer | t book, let us say : "From hatred, mal-} { Ice and envy, good Lord deliver us." Mr. ?fc Mrs. E. S. Kawl, let theii shadow fall in our town last week. They are pi If rims for the present, but some day, we will welcome them back to the old home. The sand hills seem to agree with them. Our townsman, Mr Diayton Rikard, Ins invented a rat trap, it seeius to be a first-class trap Who would have thought that Mr Rikard was conceiving of a rat catcher. Well, friend Rikard has been a success in catching more important things than rats in these later days. Kodoubtthis latest undertaking will be a success, Cleir the way, for Rikard'* Rit Trap Trust! During the shott Spring Term of tl.e Leesville Commercial School, a boy Jor girl can get an equipment business that will enable them to doub'e tl.e valc.eofall their labor in r.fter life. The great increase in the business of the countrv makes n large demand for t ained accountants. Mr. W. E Bodie,of Blacks, called to see us some nays ago. lie urongni to town the finest mule eolt we have ever seen. This is but an illustration of what our farmers car do in stock raising. Mr Bodie raises stoek and has this eolt for sale. Any one desiring a fine native raised mute, will do well to see hint. Our Jo j office, is receiving additional material. We are piepared to do any and all kinds of work in this line. We guarantee every job we send from our office; if it is not right, bring it back and we will make it so. Give us a trial ind be convinced. Orders w:ll b? completed 011 short notice. Don't forget The Advocate. Millions of people aie fanvliar w.tli DeWitt's Little Early Kisers and those who use them find them to be famous little liver pills. Never gripe F. It. Gu titer. Letsville College, has enrolled 1 early 200 pupils and still they come. The boarding hall, will soon be enlarged by the addition of a large dining room that will seat ninety pupils. See advertisement in this issue and inquire about special offers for spring term. There is always danger in using counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch IJaz- 1 Salve. The original is a safe and certain -mre for piles. It is a soothing ind healing salve for soras and ull >kiu diseases. Ma-ter James Hardin kindly remembered us with some nice blotters, lames is now the author!/, d n;. ent for l.e L'. S. Lngraving and Stamp Works >f Baltimore, Md. When you need inythiiig in that line, be sure and see 1 111 . lliil\its sli.?w was on the boar's at he Institute Fridnv :i il S ilnnl'iv veilings. Good audiences greeted il in eaeli oeeasi >11. The slight of hand r.eks were fairly good, and Killiau tawls will ".-op"' u ola ses with hi lour bread Mr. Laurence was the ortunate one in the '"gold'' watcn Iruwiug. School ( la in . Cashed at The First National Bank if Ba' e.-birg at a reasonable discount. Our towu has had its share of shows ( lie pa t week. Four hung the r.uui>er. W e are great advocates of havng pir.t.-atii time if possib'e.TTut there fas very htlle, if any benefit to bi de- i ivrd from these magic Intern and pig i hows' However we have no light to' nake. Kvery one according to their wn net on, and t is ;s our nt ti< n. We are indebted to our friend, Mr. "an Werts, for coming to our a?si nee in getting the paper to the I lou I'd Creek oll'ee. We have been niioyed very tnuch by the failure of idr papers reaching their destination, f our subscribers do not receive their tapers, do not fail to notify 11s. We 1 viil have tilings made right. Bring us your Job Wjik. A trial irder will convince you. Kecent experiments show that all lasses of food- may be completely digested by 11 preparation called Kodal lyspepsia Cure, which absolutely dips ts what you eat. As it is the only oiubinutinu of all the natural dig?sants ever devised the demand for it ias become enormous. It lias in v? r ailed to cure the very worst eases of ndigesliou and it always gives ittaut relief. F. B. Guneer. The adoption of uniform for the roung ladies two years ago and the innt.ln,ll..n ..f ... i 11 ..-s- . i n m . 1. . ear, has infinel a most spirit of Ci>arlincnt and carriage is to tlie stulent i),i?!y of Leesville ('oll'ge Tlieir laif rni < xeellent of deportment a d ine appearance, certainly cotiim ml heir inst.tu:ion. For t! e weakness and prostiation allowing grippe t here is nothing so trompt anil affective n.s One Minute 'ougli Core. This prej ar.it.on is high eiidor-ed as an unfaiiing remedy fcr il1 throat aud lung tr nh.es an I its arly use prevents eonsiunption, I' ,vas made to cure quickly. F. 15. (.1 n er. I l ookout dram urunker , fraud*. Iiy pontics, dudes and "would-be big folks. ' Valentine day i < drawing neir and 'oiks will make use of a convenient leason Tliere is another side with ,1ns festal day. Our young lads will take occasion at such oppoi tune time to >our their diapases of love in their dol'8 ear (we si.ould say heart). They *11 us that tins was the way our forefathers did, : u I quite likely, the same will be done generations yet to come? May all Mie wooing* on this festal day bring to each a vallentine. llipirts show a greatly increased lentil rate from throat and lung trou bles, duo tu the prevalence of croup, pneuinonia'and grippe. We advne the use of One Minute Cough Cure in a I of the<>e difficulties. It is the only harmless renie 'y that immediate results. Children like it. P. 11. Gunter. We call attention to the "ad of Lees\ ille College. 1'rof 1< H. Ha?nes, has been in charge of this institution for several years. His character as a christian gentleman, is known far and near. His school needs no praise at our hands. The work that has been done there for years, speaks fer itself. Why go away lrom home, when you have a llrst-elass institution at your door. While the College is located in Lecsville, we all should take a pride in it, as the College is of our section. Fop Sal?: Old newspapers at this office at 15 ' cents per 100. School t lutnis. Cashed at The First National Bank of Batesburg a', a reasinuble discouut. BATESBl'RO COTTON MARRET. Prices subject to change without notice and corrected by W. C. Cartldge weekly. Low Midling, 0 1-10. Strict 4 4 tt 1-8. Middling 9 1-4. 4 4 4 9 a-s. Oond 1 ' u i.o Ton* of market unsettled. The I-'Irst National Bank, Of Batesburg, all ws four (4) per cent, interest on deposits in the Snv ings Department. Dividends scu:i-?nairsl'y. To Cure a Colli in Ono Bay. Tnk? Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab lets. AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Urove's signature is on each box. 25c. Salmla Pension lloaril. There will be a meeting of the County Pen?ion Hoard at Saludu G. II., on the fourth Saturday in February 1001. j Those interested will attend. E. J. Goggans, 2/11/'01. Chair. O. P. B. Persons w ho can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure totake DeWitt's j Little Early Risers, l'hey are the best j little liver | ills ever made. F. B. Ciunter. Teacher.' Examination. Saluda, S. f'., Feb. 2nd. '01 An examination will be held in the court house at Saiuda, ? n Friday, Feb. 15, '01, for those desiring teachers' certificates. Applicants must furnish their own stationary. W. 8. Wightnian, Supt. of E l. Stop* (lie Cough nnd Works oft the Cold. LnxaPve Bromo-Qninine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure. No I Pay. I'ri e 25 cents. A Soils 1 I'lvent. A good, old time St. Valentine's So! ein 1 will be g ven at theCullum House next Thursday evening m honor of one jo! iV nders jn's most ?harming young ladies, Mi-s Annie Wakefield. 'I bgaKr.iii swains of Bates burg will do homage to the | rettv and thinning I urniilers | resent, and it i< our sincere ; wish that smi-, if not al1, < f thcin will ! ri t a real val.-n: n ?. How to ( ii ?- the OH;. Remain ii is really the only aetious ] ! danger. Aiinii^' the tees of thousands who have Used it for the gr'p not < n ease l as ? von b.en reported t lint did j ' not recover. For sale by F. B. Cuii-i i- r. . _ mail CLASS ATTRACTIONS Flti:i<: TO ALL. Festival I>.iys, April 22 27. The "it11 annu il festival of fun and frolie given under the auspices of ih?Merry-Makers A-sue!atien, will lie given at A'gmta tl i. Commencing April 22nd for one week. The 2dlh cetiluart will he opened' I with one grand w?ek of splendor. the | lik? f which has never before Lee:: in the Southern State . $10,000 in e hi I cash wi 1 be the outlay for the f?ee street shows to be seen day and night. T< e grandest louitry, Pigeon and ILIgini llareshnv ever held in At:gu?t a ?il| throw Its d >ors 01 en April ''JtMid, fcr one week. The finest poultry and pet stork of ?liM r?n t S ates and 'iiii.sw.il In ?ren at hi- -bow, th-, be -1 judges have been etiga ;i d to judge 1 , the s'iow, an J tie I rgest numb r < I cash anil sp. c a I pre mi inns jet -e.-"i in | a catalogue will lie (ill'-'ie l, wth tig will bo left undo le to made ibis show a success Entries open to the work. When you were here each ol tin past, years, you th light th;' fire works grand, we can only assure you that I they f ide in in iynili-,:iiee co:ilp red to wli.it you will see at pus year'festival. Toe pictures in lire will be I kepi a secret from you until you see i neni. iMii't fail I > couie. The military display will b? a fe?.tuie. If your . inp.iny is hereon that i occasion to drill for the prizes come .vitli thrill and cheer them on to vie!tory. Five uist class binds of music will give concerts hourly each day of the week. Nothing but the highest class attraction will be seen 011 tin* streets, instructive ar.d entertaining. I.et the old. the young, i i?-li, the poor, high and low, let everybody come. Low tates have been secured, which will enable everyone to drop dull careatid spend one vvrek of joy and ideas tire at Augusta tia., 'JJe.l, ti 'J7lh, April l?Ol. Everything free. Hourly concert* each day, great military parade and rontesls. Tlia highest class acrob its and specialty artists disparting for the pleasure of tlic pnbli ; on llruad Street day and night t In entire week, j Come and be a Merry-Maker. For Sale ;il lint slmrg. The two-story Store Home, corner ! Granite and Lexington streets. Also the vaeant lot adj .ining and Shops in I rear. Apply to E. ?V. McLenna, Jolin! ston, S. C. * 4 Dry Goods, Notion*, Shoes, Hate,1 Heating Stoves, Cooking Stove GENE ! * Leesville Column, |' This column of The Advocate is ed- J ited and controlled by II. P.Coker aud W.M.Oxncr. The matter is distinct from the rest of the paper anJ is especially for the Leesville vicinity. Subset ip'ions and orders for Job Work received at the above office. 4 Cadet C. II. Glaze, son of Judge Glaze, of Orangeburg, lias returned liouie. The property of the late I). D. I). | j Mitchell will be sold Thursday the 14th. I Edward Baldwin will s!i w the Pnsj sion Play and Around the World in SO ^ | minutes, in tlie College Tuesday night the 12th. Prof. Watson, of Batesburg, was in oar town a few days ago Messrs. J I*. Ceoley and W. M Ox- ' nor were el cted delegates to the St tte !p Y M. C. A., which meets at Sumter j on the 1 itb and 17th. Miss Mary llrice Herbert lias be n quite sick and was unable to nu-et any of her elates !a-t week ^ Don't forget St. Valentine's day. We were in lbue-burg last Saturday and found everything lively. Our Business Department con net lea with the College is boomieg under the ' supervision o! Prof Mobley. a Miss Bcrtbn Able, teacher of the < Primary Department, was not well onoug'.i to meet her classes last Friday. ^ Ot r boys are beginning to practice ' base ball. ? Mr. l)aa K-1eil, and he will , V novo in soon. I>?ir Literary S ciety had quite a I lively time in toe society hall la. t Friday. I t . Derrick intci (led giving: the t Ca 't t h dress parage last Friday, but i on account of the inclemency cf the a weather the p.xrnde was p istponed. i, \Vp are glad to so? that the lions) ( f J j representatives voted to give $l'H),ClO to the pulilie sell nils in addition to ^ the oilier funds which they receive. This i- a rood step. tl Tli" pa-tor of the Baptist Cdi ir.di, I)-*. A. C. Wilkins, preached an excellent and instructive sc nion last Sunlay. Monday morning a negro fell from one of the Ireight ears, ju-t Left re reaching here and broke his arm and bruised himself considerably. Mis- Dai.-y Fdwaids who has lieen >t i w-ft *" for some time las now retiiriic.l to her s.-xWvil '' o: Mr. \V. II Spatin left for 'IV .v is last *' Wedoeidiy to try his foruine. c/^n* ?t b"st wishes go wi'h him. to Mi5.s K in i Watt, (.lie of the fair Vo-cds;" who ha- been -i? k lor some time i.s now in school again, we are glad to say. The Stilt* <'unstable is > jM ruining around seeking what he may devour. There was a negro row in town Sunday nig I t and as a result of it one ti-gro h id his skull cracked with a line. There was quite an exciting runaway in town Sunday afternoon Mr Calhoun ltikard ol Iintcsbiug had lefi his lioise standing in front of C?| t. W -t's w it hunt hitcl.i g it, and for some cause the horse started < If get ling fa-ter and faster unli! it wa- soon riiiiiiiig ils Lest. The buggy was sligh.-ly damaged. Mr KI Hard prer.elnd an excellent -. riiioii in I he Lutheran Church Sond iy night. The V. \V c T. U. intends having; :i W i i lard M etnorlal inc. t ieg some t inie I soon. Cadet A. M. tl.irJmr is eontired to his room with grippe, hope to see him out -oon. M r. ?i i'. v\ < si \\ im lias iH'?*n <[iiite sir'.; is now aide to he out and attend to his work. ? Slit'riii* Whittle** l>c;itli. ill r 11' Vihittle, of Saluda eounty, died last wen!;. Ton great many o! our readers, this was sad news. Like all human creatures, Sheriff' V? )i:tt 1*> ' ad L.tilts and made mistuks, hut he i l ad many rxet-llent traits. A kindly j heart lie had for all, ami, for this, he ! nev? r aeeninnlated much of this n< rid V ' goods, hilt what matt- it now. lie i- 1 gone anJ many will miss his familiar j form. On'y a few weeks ago we1 i a led to see him, and it was wi.h kindness and ? onsider.itioii he reeeived lis. We shall i ol forget h in. l'ca e to his ashes. LEESVILLE COLLEGE AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL lias the large-t patronage in il? history. Spring Session op lis FFJl I-. ; Speeial offers for j iijdls entering promptly. Ten new pupils provided for by enlargement of bearding hall. Now is the time to enter the ('OMMKW? CI All SCHOOL. Courses in ftookket-|>iti|C, Short-hand and Typewriting. L. ft. MAY NFS. President. The IJest Prescription for Halaria. Chill J?N<1 Fever is a bottle of C rovk'h T.\* tki.crt Chim. Tonic, it is siin pi I iror and f^infne in a tasteless form* N<> nre-~e? pay. fries She. I 0 / T ! i \ etjohe -..--DEALER /A" Caps, Hardware, C.rocerias, Trunks, Clothi i a, Sewing M ;.chme?, NVagon*, liriik, I. 1RAL MERCHAJ | AND | OTTON BUYEF \y snr- v Luew 1 ork Racket, Store House Oaaning Time Tiv'cc a ye. t - customary to clean louse. We'v jjoue ou^h our Slock in t lie uine way, ami have cleaned out the >r. keti lots aid are offering them at trices that w n ike tliem ?> quick, cadies Wool plated Vest, 50c worth 75c ' 4 Cotton 4 4 25 4 4 4Y 4 4 Wool Vest A P.iuts 75 suit t>-t . lens Heavy Fleeced U Shirts til pr. 9S<. 4 All Wool Vnde Shirts 1.25 l'r 1.75 4 4 H'vr Merino U Shirts 7.7 worth D* 4 4 Fleecy Garland Draw's r<9 75 /tdies and Mi-ses Jackets and C ipo t less than Cost. trt Squares '.t \ 101., at 1.9s >*< rtli -Ml! eans I'nnts at C9c sol 1 at 9) . ' ?cst Oil Cloth at 19e. Vool Sox lie. Nothing Ihs Never been Oflered Chpap. The Sheep :!wrc sheared to tuak< he Suit- \v? <.tV-o i n ?autiful solut lion ol "alertt i it*-?*. We ?< I it* -1 ni>im"s3 c tilv. only t*i lie l.a^i-1 of perfect siiti-fa< < i..n. Yours 'or Harirains, J. .A WtflTTCN, Prop., Batesburg, S. C. r\\TKT>- ACTIVE >1 W OF COO!! C'H A H At" r to deliver ami rolled in South i arolina loi <1 r?t jliliihril manufacturing wholesale home til a ymr, >nrt |?y Ilone?ty more th. u rj IIcm e requited t >nr reference, any Ic.uk it i\ city, l.iiclox ?? !! iulil;e->ctl atampe t en Manufacturer*, Tbirtl Floor, 331 Oem iu St., Hew Crop c Cigars, Tobai Hverytliing to be feu Store, we have. Hartley & I.1VKKY STAI51.1 J. J. Ra\f DEAL General Mei Kor the next 0 da} s v c ( Clothing, Pants, Shoes and Stsadmai ?':~De< nrMFR AT IV J I I N J / 1 \ / V | j i. ' A full line of Finiitnre on h T1 < r.-t our prices on FVrt ili/.ers. > $ I,POO worth of Clothing must b is believing. JOB PHLNTLNO We lire putting in a I* irst-Cla< will tlion be prepared ;o print unytli Mo'l'II POSTER. He patient, .lob Work in the best and latest My PRINTERS Employed. 4 "8. 'iiie Sh'ngle*, Fertilizers, Leather, lime, Cement, JDISE is. Wanted! Everybody to Knov< That I have fi r sate a large and b ! ful selection of framed Pictures. I gravings anJ Paintings. ALSO PICTURE FRAMES MADE ORDER. Call and see and be convinced. R. L. RAMEY. Saluda, S. O. ENGINES, BO I L EU GI\S and PRESSES. Com | let e Cot t'-n, Su w, Gi ist. Oil ! Fertilizer Mill Onliits; also Gill Pi ('ane Mill and Shingle O. tilts. I'm ing. Bi i 'ge, Fyeioi y. Furnace and R road ('ostitis; Railroad, Mill, Facte ' and Machinists' Supplies. Belli . Packing, Inj "ctors. Pipe Fittir Saws, Files, Oders, Etc , cast ev s day. NVoik 150 hands. , Mart Iron Works Supply AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Foundry, Machine, Boiler and < Works. Repairing Promptly Dor ly-lO-l-'O. 1 ;Ig. p. cobi f ' Dealer in 'COFFINS. HTii CASKETS and o?, j MEI'ALIC CASF^ Johi ston. S. 1 L. M. MITCHELL PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 'Office Hours: i 8 to 9 f. n*. 2 to H p. n*. r 1 7 :20 to 9 p. m, jarden Seed. cco, Gigarettes. nd in a first class Drug1 Quattlebaum. IX CONNECTION. A k Sons, ,ERS IN chandise. Etc. ffcr special inducements in Heavy I)res, Gcods*# 1 L Riley, aiers Inn? lERCHANDIS and, le Reliable Studebaker Wag lorn* litil tin* b?*st brand*. v sold In-low rust. I'oiiu* and soe. S f f f f * r f * r f f r WiTTi kXke ie!t at e. jones'j \\ a Mitchell Sr , store by Moudiy afternoon. Deliver- . . ^ m ! ed every Saturday. ! ' ' ' ! SATISFACTION GUAEAN'I EED. ! M LaU.oue. > ? . ; Aiitiic Not to Hire or llarbir J. \\. DxVOItK. J. N. O. ORKOORY. iliiil ItewAi d S C. Mtlula.S.O. mill ubivaru. DrVni?tr e. /-> npp.nrJV TU1 s;,:,s *re hereby notified and ..VUKlt OC uKauU/'Y warned n ?t iu lnr?', harbor ?*r keep / ATTORNEYS AT LA IV. V,'ri,ll Y-,r'J"ra,,?"; a Wae* ' ! dm veil negro about 24years old. ii: u All business intrusted to our far. under coirruct to uie. Suitable r?r! receives prompt attention. ; .vard p li.t to any o ie \.-?rj will arre.t ZiS^Zf "ui~ ; 31110-11-5 OJ lti. khar smvills S C. ,0 e. k hardin, to the deaf. physician & surgeon. A i icb lady, cures of her D.'afness i and Noises in the head by d\ NlcholOfflC? home. j ?0?>s Arliflcial Ear Drums give $ 1 () odd to his Institute, so that deaf |>e > I) i tt r oil) a iv at j pie unable to procure iho eir Drums j\. lj li xv in x\ ? may It.we them free. Address no. ? Fresh Meats of All Kind. Tlle N'chol!?" institute, 7^ e ighth Avenue, New Aork, c. 8. a. Restu.irant in connection. When in ' town eat j.ith me. l'uriifs having Cattle for sale will do well to see me v?.i ? before selling. Aot.cb?w __...__..._____? All parties s.e heri/iy forbid to bust i <;ko. joiis?ros. a. n. wei.ru. j. r. hcstki ?i any kind upon la/iis of the utid?rand ! i r>i i j m kt \a/n*r n i_i signed situated in Saluda Ccuuty oa -,.s. , j uhn b 1 uln e. w elee1 i |)ain of the penalties provided by law. AND HUNTER UBAdnm, ?ry. i lTOItNKvs-at-law. ! s.i Turner, "s- I Office ui. Jtaira in Etheredge Build-' ^ ^ Mct.ee, k*- lii Hawkins, er> j s1 ll*da, - - - fi. c. i b l Oaughrn .n. Co "D TU /\ pfiTT T Our Clubbing Offer. j ) /~\vZ!)J~)l ' I,, The State (semi-weekly edition) and . ,r ' . , , - , The Advocvte for $2.15 a year, $1.25 e!" jS vvo?rv Ut-pait'in^; for six Q,0"th8' R^"'afr price ?r b?t,i I MoL.na Ituiid.ng, ! papers $3.00 a year $1..V) for six months. p a tc c p/Ip/"> p =3 p'le Tbriee-a-Week World and THE ? 1 ' ?" ' "* _ Advocate for $1.03 a year, So cent* f? r j " ~~ I six months. Regular price of both pa! j. y. cilbukath. c.j ramac.k. i pur8 ^, a ^ar $l00 for six D CULBRKATH & RAM AGE | mon( lis. - - attohn e vs-at-i.aw . ^ f: The and Courier'(week ly e.T. _ , j lioni an i The Advocate $1.75, six Okkick up Stairs in Etheredge l.uiM1 months IK) cents. j Sam-da. - - - - S C NOl'ICIi. ? All persons ar; hereby forbidden lo Cupene VY. Ablj enter up id or in nn\ an.hi tier trespass ? * upon any Ian is of the undersigned for ATTORNEY a:?d COUNSELOR hunting or any j urpo-e. ? OIIii es.it Geo. I.. S liter, " Ed mi. 1 : II. J. Fo.-.vst, 1*. It. VVatSnu, E L. A3EILL. ? r TfT' ( II. I-. la m!)8UU). ^ Attorney at La \? Lee?vii.lk, S. O. NOTiCI:. Practice in all Courts Business soli- M] n% nr? |lerebv f rbidde,, -T ;ted. i ^ lo upon, or in any man:, r tr? -- j i pas-, upon my 1 nd- -jj^njit-nHiiSji 11 ~ " "" County for hunting or any fi3Tpose. GO TO F. M. Y.;rborouj;h, SAM kowks. E'mu':;.;.;;;_ . Or G I . Trotter, Restuaraut for fir st-cl ass; j %:ti-co. till, it -i- :o. meals, at all IioniS. _ WAT50M& TOWJLL. s<.tic-. All |e sons wlioinsnever are ner.--y > __ . . r ; no*.ilie! ii d to tresspass or ent r i:l n , Fire Ins., -?>-2 ents. f ( a?v pi,rpo t., I1P |a!ljs situated u imi:uy s u'.ii ( ir.din.i t?ucbTown and Country Ki.sk. . . .. ii,' land ol (>. U. A'?!e, J. It Hiy:iii . ... mill others. Ai v violation will be Offi.v in .17v. Lui'ilnij. ' . M pro or.lied to ilie full excnlil :tie . ZT~ law. Mvrile Hiohtoo. u. 11. hartley. " Rcfrzc'.ing Optician. Price* wjI: be w.ade Iipon application 'or ollior combination Unit nbave. PN ES li.YAMiNtlD Pliltl;. Subm ripi ions ?l.ss receive I for any of I be ab iv?? pipes singly. '11? - rat. * J quoted are strictly f.?r rash in advance. Gordcn's iSV/8iry StOrG. iliCAilvocr.ro and Atlanta constitution ly I jcarll.Tjccne, nix mouths 'I o^ati-TIi# !; ).ai. :n^ of flu" Watches :? i fei i.iiiy. Advocate smd Atlanta semi-weekly Journal, l Balesburg S C. thkice-a-aveek edition. ?? ? 1 ' As Goon Tn Yot' as a Daily asd Yot MT?"I T~) C'E'i IT AT TIIE PltiCE OF A WEEKLY. I i X Y sJ I 1?/v I v L~) It f urn Mies more at t lie price than any other .... , newspaper published in America. Its ni'ws scrAnnounces t>? Ins mends and cus ... , . . vi. v covers nil ibe globe anil is equate.! I y that i ttuners lliat lie li.ir a lot ?f first-class fin it. iii.s. its reports from the r.oer war , mule*, lie desires his friend- in and hwc not Icon excelled in th roughness ami iron till Kulge Spring ? ? known thai pruinptni^s, and with the presidonial campii-in . . ... . ... i mws In progress it will lie invainame. It- p .lit! lie lias opened a lot class s.t.o and i . . . ' i! is nlniitely Iii.j . rt; !. T lit* fiat. feed -table in Ilu.t town. All e\cel- nni .kcs it of especial valuo to you at this tiieo. OUT lent lot id boo. tea at il good looker*. If you wan' to .vat.oo. 1 "lir i T)ij? sifn?turo It on every ho* of th? fenulnt ! " x'>elt Laxative Ikotno'Quininc T?biou ^mj&jtt3| tbo reniody that ruro? it roll} la our U?jr j