THE ADVOCATE. Published KVKKY WKDKKSDAY. 1iO?k out for a Hunk in the O?ttou Market. Miss. Anna Thomas is viiti11tr relatives in UitiAe Spring this week Mr. Gregg Uiley lias been t*itnI nt-il to bis room with a severe eold. The Bn'ssburj; Institute s in a ll-i risliing condition. Mr. I.. V. ('iiixtoii of the I't.ilippi r ction was li??ie 011 Tuesday on hn*ine*s. Mr. ll. C. IL-rlong of I lie Mt. WilI lie section was in town Monday and pave u* a pleasant call. I)r. VV. L. Kneeee of Baxter, was in t vvii this no ruing attending his brother.]. Frank Kneeee. Mrs. N'orns and Mrs. Tillman of Edgelield have been visiting relatives in town, left for their home Tuesday. Qnattlebauiu's Livery has been moved to Edward:*' stables on neeount of need for larger quarters. The Gypsies have had full sway with the horse jockeys. We believe sueli characters should he made to pay a license. Senator Caughtnan was in town Monday retu.ning to Columbia. The, Senate having edjourned until Monday evening. We think some of our young \ eople have come to the conclusion that it wasti^vcr intended for man to live alone. We are glad to see the improvements ! being made on our streets, voir mayor j is always wide-a-wnae and vcrkirg for the interest of the town. Batesburg is hreoniiog a centre for drummers. Not only do they pour in, from other town*, hid our hoys are as gallant knights of tl.e grip, as over handled sa nples. Large line of line China Ware to go at cost. Fresh supply of lilOO Garden Seed just received. Ilarlly & tjuattlehaum. If troubled wnli a weak digestion, belidiiog. sour stottiui It. or if you feel do I after eating, try ' liainherlain's Stomach and Liver T.ih'ets I'rice, '2-t cents. S.i dcsfrte.'l Hunter's drug more. Our efficient and amiable I'o.t master Mr..). Frank Kneece, lias been con-, lined to iiis room willi a s vere c >se ol LaGrippe. We are glad to see him out on our stree's again. Ur. .1. .1 Ktlfredge, f r merly of Out town, 11ow a resident of Columbia was on our streets Monday shaking hands with friends ami working the interest of the .v tv York I.ife. Dr. (i. L. Trotter railed in to >ee lis Monday. We wel nine the Doelor in our midst as a fel.ovv tow ns.n-u. The i Etheridge people regret led htj nuieli to see him leave. ^^^Jjlb'hJjllJjgjiills as I )<_ Wit. "s hilly ^^Early Kiseis art?vary e ?si and they are wonderfully elleei iv<- in cleansing lite livei and bowels. <.'outer drug. it Mr. J. M. Ilolstien, a imminent lumber man of the "tatno >" Hi Section, called in to see lis M i, lay and nsked us to continue to send n in InAdvocate M iss Bessie 1'lunket t ol t i ranit \ ille left for her home Saturday afuranex tended visit to relatives here, Miss J Bessie is "olfe of i>nr own"' girls and j will always iind a hearty welcome a wailing her. Mr.J.D.Brown of the I'iney woods section call oil* to see t he Advocate out lit on Tuesday. Mr.Brown is a subsiaii'ial and progressive farmer. Such men as he constitute the hack bone of our country tpiat tlcbiiuis new la very lots moved ifrom llie old s.nud to E lwards stable , where lliey are prepared to do all kind livery work. Good IJueeii \ ieloria has pa-.-ed away. Her life was long and eveotfol. She died Tuesday aiteiiioon a lii-to. Tne civili/.ed world will mourn her death. The new king w ill a--uin/? t |w t ill le of F. i ward \ I I, '4'Ihi int*nlc:\ Tinnierj in a 11 in town. We roller, it ii'ire I lie Directors on beings) loiimiae in securing his services, lie being a mail Wit It considerable expert* in* itl the (lanliin^ hiiuioess tonality and not quantity makes I ?< lief is necessary,as it is dangerous to delay. ?Ve would suggest. that One Minute Cough ('lire he taken us soon as indications of hnvipg t >htu cold are noticed. It cures quic kly and its early use prevents consumption. F. It. Ounter, druggist. For Sale: Old cew^papers at this ottloe at 15 eeuts per 100. Fresh Groceries always on hard at B. F. Forrest & Co. Mrs. L.I). Lsndruai lias been on a visit to her sister Mrs. Tiuimerinan in Co HI III OIK. Ww are pained to learned tlint. Mr. W. I. Bawl lit t'"(laughter Kllen isseirious sieK with 'Hripp. Call mi It. I... Hartley, Utfraeling Optician. We want io hear about building 1 he canal without t ? corsi ntt?r o'lier na t inns we la\ c ; i i . i i v I er.i?! II'. ? li ol going to ill .lor hiu is v it> nt ihe consent ol i-.her nations, we would iciisli i in- foi no i-1 ow The most si.ot lung. nea n.g anil untiseptio it|.j> ica-.ion e\?-r devised is L).-Win's W i icii lla/. I ' stive, It reievesal once and cures piles, .-ores, eczema ami skill diseases. Beware of imitations, li. I-'. Hunter, druggist. Mr. 1?. li. Jialtiwnnger, came in to see us last week and acted the "gO'itl Samaritan" in the Advocate Ollice. We are under many obligations to Jin 11. All of his kind are welcome to our ofllce. A Young Man who rooms all by himself; said Sunday, while sink that lie was going to change liisway of living, aud judging frcm tin- way be looks it st ems that lie is going to take unto himself a lovoely "I.ittlc Hridc'\ We wish hi in much success in his contemplation. A few mornings ago while coming in tow 11 we met uncle Klias Hunter walking, going to his farm. This old gentleman has srcti many years come and go and while misfortune has come ii|'on him in his old age, lie lias by ko means disputed, with resolute mind, he will ri build the lu me, the liree has tieslii yi tl and go on until his summons shall ci me. May many years lie gr.iuti d 11 is aged pat i i.irch. 1\ p.-in preparations often fail to re-I licvc In cause iliey can digest only all'uiiiinous foods. There is oi.e pit-partition that digests a I classes uf loud, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, ll cures the worst eases [ ot indigestion ami gives instant relief, j for it digtsts what yon ?nl. K. B. Hunter, druggist. Mr. and Mis. li. 1. IJawl left for their ... nil , i .11 uriri ii till .IlllllUilVi These young people liavi' n host of i Irieuds here. We ri'grct that Kit's business nceesilated Jiis leaving. We shall always be glad l? M.t the light of t eir eounleiiafn e. Tli-j Advocate will. I ay a weekly visit In their hollies. \N e j wish tnr their miieli happiness and prosperity. 'I'llis season lhere is a large death rale among children from eroiip and; lung troubles. Prompt action will save tlic little ones Iroin these terrible diseases. We know >' muling so certain to give instant renef as One Mmule Cough C lire. It can also lu rclicn upon ingiippe end all threat and lung troubles af adults. Pleasant to take P. I?. Ciouter, di nggist. The Farmers are busy turni||?l the i soil for another crop, and judging Iron I lie oiiifoi k r.nd the; amount of fertilizer being balled from ! . or town. The first year ol the new' century w ill be a prosperous one. Sil lei us hope. You Know Yt hut You are Taking. Wl.eii Volt tike drove's Tasteless i lii.i Tonic because the lot inula is plainly pruned on every l? tile slnaviiu t at it is simply Ir u and tvhiiii'ne in a lucteless form, Nocurr, No pay ,'a) . WAN'ITI). Wanted a lirsl sclass Job Press at m e. Pa'ties having one address, Til K APvOCATK, 15at tsburg. S. C, Stnpn ' he Cough ami Works oil' (he Colli. I.ixat'vti Krmno-Q inine Tablets lire a eold in one day. No Cure, No '"ay Price 'Jo cents. In company with Mr. F.. ,S. hawk we paid the tow n of l.ccsvihe, it living I \i-il last ii lay afternoon. The. people of J.ccsviIle, are by no means' asleep. On every hand can he seen ev-j i?l?-in* -s ol (In ill ami energv. Thev i arc b imtliening their cords and have i made a firm resolve to make then* influence felt as n trade centre, The I men-hunts seem to be hiuy ami full of hope. Several residence are going up I,i-c*\i|l0 ? liege Is* enjoying a , large |inti'<)i age. not tuilv from this im ni< (Hate sect ion. hilt t lie ihllnvnt counties of the State, are well represented in i lie St mien 1 hody. We heard it ;iit incited, t hat a new interprise i- soon to l>e launched \vhi< h v.* * mean lauch for the tow n am) sec v>ti generally. ttucklen'.s Arnica Salvo, lias worlil-w ide fame for marvellous eures. It surpasses any other silve. lotion, oirilnient or halm fov Cuts, ('orns, P.iirns, Hoi!.., Soros, Prions, l leers 'I'ettei. Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, C'liapped I lands, Shin |crnp*. ions: I ulalli> I > lor Piles. (Mire guaranteed. Only 2.V at (iunter's drug store, IJP.AIM or MRS. OANTT. The in ny faiends of Mrh. I.. \ . (iantt, were -ih'U l,ed to hear < f her death iii-l Thursday. She had heer. siek for some time; apprufuut ly, she seemed 10 in* improving. This being her old ho in e lu?r remains were brought hero for interment. 'I'he family, have been living in Swansea, f?>r the past live years. Mrs t.antt, hu. An estimable Christian l.ady, w ho endeared herself to those site (nine in eoulael. She vvr- an efficient member of the Hap* 1st Church. The fuin rnl service wa> conducted by l)r. A. C, Wilkin*. io the bereaved family, we extend our sympathy,. HATK-IMKtt COTTON" MARKET. Prii e* subject to change without not ice ami corrected by \V, Cartldge weekly. bow Mulling, . . 0 1-10, Strict 44 * 0 1-8. M iddling <) 1-4. 4 4 0 8 -8. Cloud ' 4 ...... 0 l-Q. Tone of market dull, Married. Mr. l.ewie Youngblood of tlibsrnia, 8. C., was married on the 17tU to Miss Langhton of Johnston, 8. C. We wisn for them u long and happy life. Married on the20th of Jan. 1001, at the residenee of R?v. M. 1). Padgett, Mr. Kenny Troter to Miss Pearl Etlieridge. J{ev. M D. Padgett otlleiating. Married at the residence of the bride's fathers, Mr 8am Hare. Miss Lucy Hell Hare to Mr. hunk Malhis. Rev. 8clierouse olllci.'ting. All of Saluda County. Old IN-ople Minlc Young. J. O . Slier nan, the vetern editor of I In* Yes hi in ville (Mich.) Echo, has iliM'uvt red i lie remarkable secret of keeping ohl people young. For years he has avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Heart trouble, Consi ip.iiioii and Rheumatism, by using Kleetrie Bitters, and he writes: "It can't hi* prised too highly. It gently stimulates the kidneys, tones the atom aril, aids Uigestiou, ami gives s? spicnum appetite. It has worked wonders for my wife and me. It's a marvellous remedy for old people's complaints." Only f)Or. at (iuliter's drug store. ( $l.S(io worth of up to date clothing must go below cost at STKADMAN A III LEY'S Shot nt His Home. A white man by the name of Mr. Jas. Coodwin about three and a half miles miles from here was alarmed by the hollowing of his dog, and ran out to ascertain the cause. He saw a negro standing in the yard and upon asking hint his name. The negro immediately drew a pistol ami fired, the hall taking effect and going through the left arm. I>r. Tiotter was immediately summoned and dressed Mr. (ioodwin's wound, and last report he w; > getting aleng nicely. A Prominent ( hicugo Woman Speaks. I'rof, 1'oxa Tyler, of Chicago, VicePresident Illinois Woman's Ailianee, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough t.'emedy, says: "1 suffered with a severe cold t his winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different remedies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised ine to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and 1 foun it was pleasant to take and t r Itcvfd tne at once. 1 am now mi1 ra recovered, saved n d ctor's bill tiBB and suffering, and ! never bt wit} out ibis spl nd.d iindiciue ag. in ' For sale by F. li. Cuiner. Salinlu County Tax Returns. The Auditor's otllee will he open for j the purpose of receiving tax returns of i personal pr p-rtv from this date until | JO I It I'elinary WO I. It. F. Webb will he at tin- following places t>> lake ia\ reItirnsal tie time named: Friday Feb. 1, R. I*. Coleman's in morning; A 1*. Coleman's i.i afternoon Saturday Feb. 2. W. A. Webb's sot re. Tuesday Fob. 5, Hig < 'reek. Wednesuay Feb. ti. May son*. Tliui -day Feb. 7. Cek-stia. - < Friday Feb. 8, Fruit ilill in morning: H. W. Hushton's in afternoon. | Saturday Feb. 9, Watson's store un- | til :i p. in. Monday Fel). 1!, Wards. j Tuesday Feb. 12 Kidge Spring. Wednesday Feb. 13. Moxetta in morning ; it. Watson's in afternoon, j Thursda> Feb. 11, Mt. Willing in I morning: A P. timer's in afternoon. Saturday Feb. 19, Delmar in morn-. mi:; Z*d Crouch's in afternoon. Monday Fen. 18, Dupont. Tuesday Feb. 19, Delinarin morning: Fulmer's store in afternoon. Wednesday Feb. 20, (leu. Itlacks in morning; Knil's in afternoon. J I). WIl.l.S, Auditor Saluda Co. dan. 12, 1001. Lexington County Tax Returns. 1q aeeordun e with the law mi refereneo to the assessment and taxation of , property, tlie Auditor, o.r his assm-' taut, w i 11 be and attend the following! named planes for ?lie purpose of receiving la\ returns for the fiscal year 10U1, and in order to meet t lie next appointment the hour will close at 11 ;3t> in the morning and at I in tlies afternoon . Lexington, II., from January 1st to t !:e (ft h, 1901. 11.irrs, afternoon, January 10th; C. F. Keisler's, morning, January 17lh: Crap's Store, afternoon, January 17th; front's Store, morning, Jan 18th; I'aol Itlaeh's, afternoon, January 18th; S;. John's C hureb. Calk I toad, Jan. if ; < r ixi road-, m ?rmtig, January 21; .1. .1. Mack'afleriuiou, January 21; Pu ion morning, January 22: I). F. Shuui i r. ...inximii, .>.111. naierilelU (iantt's. morning, Jan. 3 '; W. Westmoreland's alteration, Jan. 38; Batesburg. dwy? January 31; Leesv ill**, all Jay, January 2"?; Summit, morning | J.minry 2(i: Lnvi-dale, afternoon, January 3d: Edmund, morning January 38; liaMon, afternoon, January 3H; Swansea, all ilny. January :< ; Art-hip Wolfs, morning, January ?! ; >' IV. Martin's nfirrnuon JJ.niuarv Jl; S. I'. Siiuni|rit, morning, February I; Hrooklntul, all dav, February 2; I\iu_ Inn from t li? It h t>> t In* 3Uth% Bethlehem Broiling*Mr. F.I'. A Id ridge is n,iw It Notary Putilii*. 11 J nil want to gel iiiurrirtl take your gi11 ami go to him. Mrs. M. CocVrell has bo en very sick for two weeks. with Rheumatism. Mr. W. 11. Senterfeit, teacher of the Tout Branch School has a large atten| J a III'>1 u till Is pleased with the outlook. The Bethlehem Sunday School is getalong nicely. We have preaching every fourth Sunday, Sunday School very Sunday. in- < 'in rnifr is on m Iiooiii. Some of the young men are gftting married, some spotting, while others at* tailing out with their girls. i he Wheal crop is growing very fast. Wear* anticipating an excellent crop, Mr. Perry Kcrklatul lias put up :i smw mill near Mr. J. M. Coleman's. Mr. W. 11. I lite is at l.cxington this week . llu being one of the Pension i Lfoard, There were twoinnd dogs killed in this section last week. .lakie. Mr. E. A. Porry of Monetta, was ir. i town Monday mid paid us a pleas I ant call. We are always glai for qui friends to call to see us. \ * , E. JONES -----BEALEli IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Hats. Cms. Hardware, Groceries, Trunks, Clothing Heating Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Sewing Matehines, Wagons, Brick, Lime, C'ei GENERAL MERCHAN] |AND| Cotton Buyers .. New Crop garden Seed. I Cigars, Tobacco, Gigaretts. All other there to be found in a first class Drug Store ave have. Hartley & Quattlebaum. LIVERY STABLE l.N CONNECTION. J. J. Rawl L Sons, DEALERS IN General Merchandise fLtc. "For the next 30 days we offer special enducements in our Glothing, Pants, Shoes and Heavy Dresj Goods# Steadman L Riley, ??Dealers Inrz:? General Merchandise. A full line of Funiture oil hand, The Reliable Studahak cr \\ u^ons. (iVt our prices on Kcrtilizers. None toil (lie best brand*. sfI,SOi wort b ol ( lotliinj? (mist b? solo below cost, i nine amf >< ? . !-cting is be I i rvin;j. Wanted! |New York Eery body to Krtow, Rggjr ^ \ ' mai l nave for sale a large ami beau f ?I selection ??f framed Pictures. Eii- 1 j graving* and Paintings. | gy A V Al.St) FICTUKK FRAMES MADE l'O oroku. 1\T T7 A A A Cf Pall and see and he convinced. I\1 Mi \l \I R. L. RAM BY. A)L AttA A A w Saluda, S. (J. Our ninedaj ("lea -once Sa? *? w the most -ucces-ful in the expc rUM1 of our bnsines-. 1^\T / i | VTI^S^ '{i~ birgains are o.Vereu in ^ 1 ii-x VJT LjA 1 ji Sqticres all this inont , >. I ) 1 I J I'j I \ ^ Some deri?i? d im| movements *s. i 11 h (?IXS and PRESSES. made on the trout ,,f otir building i Complete Cotton, Saw, < Srist. Oil and 1IM'ar '"lure, i Fertilizer Mill Outlits; also Idren Works Repairing Promptly l?ore. Wool Ilosieiy at cost ' I* -lO-l-'O. N ?o mutter what price, nr.- d o ? o' othlng wo will lie lower. C> ??>. /?X "1?N !'*'\ ^ ) ou want Sho* s for i nei- > ear i e y i?^ f ( J I?* . J-) ststing qualities, that hot li < ehgul t d -A ?J ?y J ?ja a||(| eom.ort the foot come direr to our store. Uraiur in We ar? always out of misrepresents lions. -W-A.QO3>ts TT /X TP.TvTT^p We are showing a large selection e , , , Torchon Luces at low down prices, IFTT lEWST ITXJHE All our Winter Clothing, must t ! COFFINS. vrAit ay* I close.I out l?>* Feb., 1st. We buy School Claims. I CASKETS AND on , The Kpwortb Legue W.ll meflt. the residenc of Mr. h. II. SV.ulmai * a tr-Tr A T T c A C tTtr ,, I oil Friday evening. All the mo 111 In lit 1 A1_<1L^ LAot land. arP requested to hu present. j Johnston. . . S. C i| # .leans values t hat can net he mat cli | are ottered at our store. ' < , Itaby 1 locals at your own prices. L. M. MITCHELL. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 4 . o,P,cE H.ura: J. -A WHITTO1, Prop., :t _ . VsSS.. I Batesburg,, B. C \ i V f 4 F Offe peoj Ji Pine Sh'ngles, Fertilizers, Leather, merit, 3ISE eil e 8 A . J. D] DON'T Fail to VISIT L E. Asblll" & Co*y 1 _ r Johnston, S. C., And see their line of Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware etc. * Everything new and guaranteed. ly-10-10-'00. s ii LETTER EKOM \VA(ii:\EI{. Wagoner, S. C'.,?laiiy. '21. 10 Advocate Your paper reached nic O. K.. ami J I want to^eongratulato the town of ltatcsburg for having a No. I. paper in ^ its midst and also, 1 want to .'oiigraUJ- ( late t ho Stock Holders lor their wise ti choice in securing such a", conserv-alive man for Editor and .Manage, as .John o Cell Towill. While we people here at ^ Wagoner, are in another Couuty, we feel clone kin to you all and we -hall strive to help make the Advocate a success. 1 shall take advantage of its advertising columns, to tell the peo pie of Lexington, Saluda and Aiken Conn ties something about our great Life Insurance Company, tlu Fidelity Mutual of Philidelpiiia. As it lias more business by $-l.OUn,Oi>0 m force than any oilier company of its age in I .1 titurioi nml 1 vvntil ll,?? fooll' til vw? v ? " ft I I t i?,i* section when your paper i- read lo %?ou tliat it is the company to carry . with tor protection and i t7?'?l?nent. As we sell any anil al' kii il' ?'?.* policies offered by anj I.ife j Com pa i "V :5MW' we want a few good live hiistliii" agents to represent us and we are pre pa v>'1 lo ^ive t,u* riK1'1 ma" goopcontr V'U. As I am now District .*nccriied an abundance sueces-. <.lone*. ,1^01" world !mmmm AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. cA Statistical 'Volume of Fads and v Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. OVER itooo TOPICS. OVER 10,000 FACTS. ^ SPECIAL FEATURES:? ft" ") The census of c^i*hon I9C0. National Hi^^c and Statc eIcc" p-2fes tion returns. asC^Tsi t Fourccnturiesof r^Sts American pro?- 'fr&r, 1 ilS r,rss* * Political l<> record of J 900 (conventions and platforms). rl American rulein the Philippines. G^. ? New govern- CL^?J ments of Porto Rico and Ha.. w.iii. Polar exoloration in I?HX). i Conclusion of the South African j war. Pan-American Exposition jjr J90J. China?Its present conI d'ition and status among nations. \ Roster of general officers of the ,n ' Regular U. S. Army, I7S9? J900. r? A Political Register. Facts that every patriot ^ j : and voter ought to know. Standard American Annual. . PortpnJ to any address, L cj. "THE WORLD. ^ u-*(iPaG(zertBlda-m Mrzu_ \o (i ',f 'au reasonably I.ope lor good health u. 1 * '* howels move once oh dav f>'lirtiihU i* not attended to disord* ,,v t,u? stomach arise. ,f ( hiiioiisiie>t>, t.cndH. he, dyspepsia and pile? soon ty.'I.V w- It >??? ?>s|j to avoid .'in s V. " P your bowels icgu '?* lar l.y taking < In. niberluin'?. Stomach ami l.iver T: iblet. 1 when required. ;il They arc si? ca> y to take ami mild ami n. Rontlc in ctrm. ? or --ale by tinntcrV rs I >rtij? Store. T. A. (}l ATj'I.KI>Al M RHYSICIAt J .& BURGEON. *U Office over Hans' Drugstore The report of :be ooarn , >f naval o I ficers favors removing Ma- dry doc from l'ort JJoyel Lo t'.har.ivston. \> have the harbcr n Uve South Atlant coast. a ? _ WM g. l. Trotter ,5 Miscellaneous & Business Notices. mYSICIAN & SURGEON. ___ rs his Professional Services to the ttamtio-activ* maw or good charaCter to deliver and collect is South Carolina for tie of Hatesburg ?'* vicinity. olJ eeubllahed manufacturing Wholesale house. ?*t00 a year, euro pay. Honesty more than ex' pericrxe required. Our reference, any bank in W1?. any city. Enclose telf-addreeeed stamped euUTTTC vefope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 Ltear . JT 1 1 lb, toru St., Chicago. SURGEON-DENTIST, For Sale or Iteiit. tsroillec at Etheredge Building ILand near Emory and in Orangeburg VLUDA a C c'o. Uu'ldin'K lots In Leecville | Apply to D. B. Busby. Monetta, H. C. Joiibs & H irdin, SALEg Laundry Agentst ^ qnantity of Ited Bust Proof Seed ndry must he ieli at E. JONES' (jat,s at 45 cents per bushel at the barn veVy^umdyty1!fU,UOaU' De"Ver" or 50 cents delivered. Also a lot of lT1SFA? HON GUARANTEED. Georgia Flint Seed Wheat at fl.00 .?er ________ bushel at barn. Also terkshire pigs ' for sale. W. J. i*Mgett, ? iLViins r v n rittitnoRY. ! n. utittn? ? r< Ktlgelicld, 8J C. Saluda, S. O. j "v" 8VORE & GREGORY . I>u?.t Tre?? ~ ? A'l 1 ORSL\ T AT LAW . All parties are hereby forbidden to ill business intrusted to our care hnut, Hsh or tresrass upon any lands of eives prompt atUmii ion. undersigned situated in Saluda p-plllee up stairs in Etheredge County oil pain of the penalties prodding. vided hi law. B. B. Pou, ? K. O. Pou, E. K HARDIN, ! TVES"1"'" PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Mrs J ?I LaGroue. Offi.CS a."t U0331Q. Notice Not to Hire or llurbor ? aud lteward. 'RORT Til i M A N' All persona are hereby notified and i , L i J?' il lAYI warned not to hire, harbor or keep . ?Tn PIAT T R T TTOAvT Alfred Yarborough, a black clean A i\ VJ l Hj CJ ul f kJ I' shaved negro about 24 years old. Lien " ATTORNEYS and COUNSEL OR . under contract to me. Suitable re ward paid to any one who will arreat unices at him and bring him to xne. Edoefiki.d and Salvia, S. C. W. a. Mitchell,Sr. g?~Will practice in all the Courts of mio-ll-a-00. Kickhardgonvill* S C. juth Carolina and Georgia. ' Ulice at Saluda in charge of .J. TG THE DEAF. . i'eurifoy. ???' A rich lady, cured of her D?afncsa I j . TT I kJ I > \ \7XX and Noises in the llead by Dr.NicholI j\ cJ i_J xV iN oN ? son's Artilicial Ear Drums, gave *10-? i- n/r a. r aii i OOO to his Institute, so that deaf peo-resh Meats of All Kind. t? ,,rocur; Ui? ^ ul?. lestuarant in connedioc. When in may have tbem free. Address No. own eat with me. Parties having huhO-c. The Nicholson Institute, 7S0 .attic for sale will do weli to tea me Avenue, New York, J. S. A. icfore selling. ' ' ieo. joiinston n. u. welch, j. n. iiu.nkh Notice IOHNSTONE.WELCH I A!1 parties jue hereby forbid to hurt AND HU NTEFv of any kind upon hands of the undtr' A7JOKNEV8-AT-LAW. S'?Uetl silUaU'd 5,1 Sa,U,,!l County Ou . . , . ,, I pain of the penalties provided by law. , Office ?.;> YvSirs in Etheredga Ruild-1 ' ' C R Adams "? . S J Turner, Saluda, - - - a. c. vv j McGee, J. II Hawkins, P. B. ASBILL Watches. ClOclc.s, 'and" Our Clubbiitj,- Otfor. tlowell'V .1 IlJJT- The State (aeini-weekly edition) aud M< Lbiiii lo.i.dnig. The Advocvte for $2.25 a year, J 1.26 BATESBCJRB, s. C. for six montus. Regular price <>f both ? ? papers $ll.00a year $1.50 for six months. J. Y. cfl.lsitKATH. .f.'.UAMAOE. The Thrice-a-Week World and THE CULHRICATll & RAMAGE Advocate for $I.Gia year, S5 cents lor six oiolAlhs. Regular price of bota puaiiuknkys-ai'-uj. pers fi2.0 J a, year and *>1.00 lor six Okkjck up Stairs in Kill'retire Build- motitlis. *"?M ffi>9 i'lg. The News and Courier (Weekly- ed.sai.uua, - - - - ,S C tion; and The Advocate $1.75, .si* ?? 1 a'" months 90 cents. Eugena .?*. Able ;T Pnoticr jLfb '? ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR , AL persons arc hereby forbidden io Odices al enter vpun or in any niuuner trespass Educ^m-D C. iJ. AJSDbAiXDA .11. 'upon any Upas ot the nr.dersigned for ? . , t> ! bugtiog i>' wy puriHifK. Prompt Attentat!! 4-m.en *.' bus- ( ? ? * ... loess; Ueo. E., /. IJ. W J r , - O f I E- *'' -H 'IS III. E. L. /ioLILU - ? tf. J. far Si..* 7 r .n * . - ' a .? ? , * i' i'? wats jF.h v: u - A- cl\ \ ? ?' E dge -, i'rnm .'K .c'm\ a. b' Ki?hs.u...J J _ NOTICE. . HISS MWil E. fiONTER, ? j | ? | a->< uih>ii my luia^ situiTL\(H;i: \lllt ?,C?url.v for bum inc <>r -ny pvrn0.i??. . ' F M. V rbor>stigb4 . C UnO II Al'lll- 'if. Wl'EtVKITTKN i. i... R L. l'mlti, i.<>i;k vmi ihini E Ma new, ^ < OAlllUS kEA."' illH.K. J *' ''' >vr, . din. ln-dl-'Mi. Saluda. - - S. ? . am. ii 'ji-'vo. GO T V / Tressj>;ush N.?tic%. S V \\ 1!0V> I' S All I ors?>ii-i who rue ever re in-rebv* ' noiitie.: i! it in tressp ?: ?,r cut *r upon vCSlliaiMllt foj- tirst-cl :t ft s 4|*?> purpn-e r.ur ian Is . ; tut a . 11 - iia/ltliiCounty S >u;ll Ciroiiut I hi 'Silieals. at ail lours. ( - of <>. A[..v J U ??- 1 ~~ ~~' "" ' ' " " ~ hii'I t>< i?f ps Any \ ini.i 'on vv i ii o . WATSON & FOWlLi-. t',t? ,'1'1 wxt ,?i 1 'j;i v. Mini*' Knsliioo. Firo Xn3., -^srentO- Sn u.iaiton. Town end Country Risk. , 1 i*-1 cs wil. Im m..ilo o/on appl'cati n lor oilier emiiiMi.i o n in hi above, Ojti ii I Al>\ )C.\TE I! it il< li h j. S J'' reee.v el tor any t.| I be jilniv jrv, r r singly. Thi rati* ^ - I 1 yrn , *x\* qiiot.-il are strictly lo < a-i> in ati v mc-. ^ a j j ^ L 1 \ I a 1 i , l\l 1 v '\<>" ami Atlanta constitution weekly I year tl.7."> cents, six nan.tin no I'tims?l'he /t / , ft i- ' Ailvn'ai mill Atlanta ?etui weekly Journal. I hi chntj Up ici in ve;ir . - i - % a . > 1) I *' s*?iiii-IVt*ckly Journal ami The .Wlvorat t l "** * * jf ir ?i\ imintliH 7? cunt* Tlie I'anne ? Mini til ami ill' A?lv?M*.,tt? I y?*ar cl.J.?, six lllillltll.H In c?*ntv Gorton's iavcalry Hsre . M r li In r r.iii ii i ' > I ii' jpxnl r? t.tl1 . | ., ri .? .f in,.- Witch.- , -fcrn'tv. ' - " I""'* IW-SES * I I.K A l>V' ?l'A FK, i*?- ''-'.-s' .r. y ! I > K- A \\ KK. KIM IlO> . *s(?' ^fljX \?y ininii i<> i < ; \s \ l>vi. \ ANIi V<>L' 'SkSi&V^ f*'KI 11 Al l'KU-K m A WEKKI.Y. It I in iiiorc at t li. p: i. < : li.iii any other f rrtn^^* newspaper published in America. Its news sercoycrs all the globe anil Is equaled t?jr Hint ot few dailies. Its reports frotu tho JSoer war 1 Bales'jl/rj S. C. have not been excelled in thoroughness and _ promptness, and with tho presidential campaign now in progress it will l>e invaluable. lis politi TV A ^ ' 1 T . t i . v ? iv t t-v al news is absolutely impartial. This fi el ivi t_, 1"\ U I LAIN L> ciuakct it <>f especial value to you at this tint? \ n noil .ices I. friend* an J r..v " >:oH1Wi4nt ,0,watcth ?CVCT> mo" ?J thJ political campaign take the Tlirioe-a-lVtrk tumors t :tl ltd lias a lot of first-class World. If you want to keep your eye on the mules. llo tlesiro.i lii~ friends in atul Trusts?ami they need watching take the around Kulgo Spring to known that Thrice-a-Week World. If you want to know all lie has opened a llrst class sale antl I ["'j" ?? "!<*??>*. ^ Thrice*-Week r Worhl. feed stalile ill thai town. An excel- The Thriee-a-Wcck W orld's regular ?uh?erlp. lent lot of hookers and good lookers, tlon is only $1.00 per year. Wo offsr this unUive nu? a call. equaled newspaper and Tiik AnvocarK together 1 SATISFACTION (ll'AK ANTEEU. on" ytM fo' nA\ . . , . The regular subscription priee of the two ______ papers is gJ.oo. I CAT ARRH I t'atarrhof the head and now f. V/wA /kiaiyilj for Beat and almpleat ,i. 'hia rigrnsturo is on every ho* of the genuine \1T l ?1| | ~re mod y ever discovered. Laxative Bromo'Quinine T?weu W AMI | Atlanta iwJ?at?n co"nt*' pio remedy that ettne n cold in one day lUN.Tavo* St.,Aiwt*,?*. 101 ~ "TI