KAISER I>n>NT CARE Paid No Attention to President Wilson's Offer. President Wilson's peace offer was a matter of little concern to the German emperor, according to the evidence presented before the subcom.mittee investigating the war. Furthermore, the intervention of the United States apparently was not seriously considered by the emperor. The incident caused a sensation and occurred during the examination of Count Bernstoff, former ambassador at Washington. The socialist deputy, Dr. Sinsheimer, turned toward Von Bernstoff, and said: "The kaiser s telegram, to which you refer dated January 16, (1917), and addressed to Herr Zimmerman (foreign secretary) says literally: "His majesty instructs me to thank . you ior your connuuuitawvii. majesty does not care a bit about President Wilson's offer.. If a breach / V -.V>. with America cannot be prevented it j - cannot be helped, events are developV f, ing." There was much excitement at the hearing: when the message was read, I>r. Karl Helfferich, former vice chancellor, whispered 'nonsense." b!?k3I *>r. Sinsheimer maintained that the f peace conditions sent to President . I' 'Wilson on January 28, 1917, which 'i ' were said to be the same as those Germany offered on December 13, 1916, were really nothing like them. Every one present appeared astounded at this statement and Count Yon Bernstoff exclaimed excitedly "then I am told this today for the first time." Under cross examination Yon Bernstorff quoted the German emperor * **? 86?k?ife>*Walter's Scientific fe }?. ** ** " I Walter's If Grace tl ft Walter's Kryptok Glasse E near vision all in one ? line. Stop in and have w made of your eyes. We fit, manufacture ai The Exclusive % - TWO S I' 0. L. Walter ( L-' 1221 Main Street, I 211 King Street, BE H Sole Agent for the fan H and also other brands of longest. Always see us: IB. BE if. Assembly Street, I ? and Gen. Ludendorff on his (Bernfetorffs) return from Washington. The emperor said Von Bernstorff had failed on two points, first, in allowing i the British to confiscate the trunk with a Swedish diplomats papers thought to contain his Mexican telegrams, and, second by permitting the United States to send James W. ! Gerard to Germany as ambassador. Replying to another question the former ambassador said: "Without America's help the Entente could not have vanquished GerT' " ""^ 'surt/iAA/? a/1 in' r\ rc_ many, n we nau. su^ccum m ^inventing war with America, a peace of understanding would at least have been possible." HENRY If. DOMINI CK KILLED BY AUTO G. H. Bolt of Laurens was Driving Machine to Columbia?Jury Says Accident "Unavoidable. Henry L. Domiinick, 41 years old, prominent farmer living near Prosperity, died last night at the Columbia hospital from injuries received on j the Newberry road about 17 miles j from Columbia. Mr. Dominick was struck. by a motor car being driven by G. H. Bolt of Laurens county as he stooped over in the road to pick up a knife. The blow caused a fractur of the skull. Mr. Bolt was on his way to the fair and Mr. Dominick, accompanied by his wife and son, were returning home from the fair. The Dominick party stopped by the roadside for water, and Mr. Domfinick left his machine to pick up a knife. Mr. Bolt was coming down the road and his machine struck. Mr. Dominick as he stooped over on the road. illy Fitted Glasses Glasses lie Face is combine both far and rfass without a dividing a scientific examination id repair glasses, s Optical Shop TORES: Iptical Company ' - Columbia, S. C. - Charleston, S. C. RRY. | Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents' rurmsnings, i Ladies Ready-to-wear, Etc. ious W. L. Douglas shoes shoes that wear easy and for bargains. n nir iKKI, Columbia, S. C ? EXPRESS COMPANY WON'T HAUL BOOZE May? Refuse to Ship "Quart a Month" Even If President Does Declare Prohibition Off. According- to information reaching 1 Columbia the American Express Com- 1 pany is preparing to wage a fight against accepting whiskey for ship- ment in the event that the war time ! prohibition lid should be removed by < Presidential Proclamation, #as was 1 suggested might result from the ac- t tion of Congress in repassing the enforcement bill over the President's 1 votn ( 1 Columbia offi-cials of the express company are anticipating- instructions along- this line, though up to Friday noon no such advices had been receiv- ^ ed by Superintendent Ferrell, of the company. The expres-s company, it is stated, < Great Clet -o PIANOS, PI and Phon THF. JOHN CI Factory V 1612 Main St., [Some Splendid Bargaii ments, all standard makes Be sure and make a sel< fore this sale closes. | TPE PFOPI J* |!! I Located near th In the Town of Lexinj time. It has been thore expert mechanic and is in guarantee prompt service Highest prices paid for Meal and hulls exchangee Your patronage solicit' I mT.nrpf PA^ah LivAUlglUll UUUUI1 i Lexingtc 1 Bank of CHAP1P This is a safe and growing instituion. interest on time deposits. Let your n RESOURCES OV Deposits a yeai" ago $88,745.82 A gain of sixty-five p BOARD OF I J. S. Wessinger. P. M. Frick. S. J. Clark. J. L. Crome: W. A. Clarkson. H. C. Shealj OFFIC J. L. Oromer. President H S. J. Clark, V-ce President. M THE COLUMBIA 1641 MAII Columbia, Street Paving, Sic Culverts, Fl? Anything ii Estimates gla( expects to refuse any shipments of- j fered and will then go to the courts for a determination of the question of its right to refuse such shipments. By this means it is hoped that the national prohibition law may become effective before the courts ren- j ier an opinion, and the company will ; then be relieved of its burden. It is a matter of fact that the A.merican Dress Company has long regarded the liquor business as undesirable, especially since several of the states cut the supply down from gallon lots. The company claims, it is said, that :he hauling of the quart packages caused a loss of money through Dreakage, stealage and the extra help "equired to handle them. Should the lid be removed, then, it may be still difficult for the old timers .o receive their supply for one more Christmas celebration befort the Na:ion enters into the Sahara zone.? Columbia Record. in-Up Sale F? layer-Pianos logaps at iURCH COS., Vareroom, i i an luiumDia, o. L. is in slightly used instrua action for your home be- i GINNERY # ; : I ; e School House *ton, is now running full )ughly overhauled by an first class condition. We and satisfactory results. cotton and cotton seed. 1 for seed, ed. & Fertilizer Co. >n, S. C. ' Chapin i, S. C. Open an account with us. We pay loney work while you sleep. ER $150,000,000 Deposits today ?136,965.82 er cent, in one year. )IRECTORS: W. B. Williams r. Harry D. Wessiuger. T. :ERS: [arry D, Wessinger, Cashier. [. L. Wessinger, Asst. Cashier, CONCRETE CO NSTREET - - s. c. iewalks, Bridges, Dors, Walls, 1 Concrete. lly furnished. IT'S NOT YOUR IT'S Kidney disease li no respecter of persons. a majority of the ills afflicting people today can be traced back to kidney trouble. The kidneys are the most Important ft.rrr. A *r TV.? m m~. tV>a wife AUO UA LUv M v fllterers, the purifiers, of your blocxL Kidney disease is usually indicated by "weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache* stomach trouble, pain in loins and lower abdomen, pall stones, gravel, rheumatism, sciatica I and lumbago. All these derangements are nature'? signals to warn you that the kidneys need help. You should use GOLD VIE DAL Haarlem Oil Capsule* immeEVERY ONE LIKES' Do not forget to remembe acount with us. It "does not gifts but increases in value, ; which we add to the deposits. Accountsjare invited. The Palmetto COLUME RESOURCES r 4*Per Cent Interest Paid|or ToursM ugly,' coarse, H hair Is made to grow % Long, Straight, Glossy r By using __ HEROUN | Pomade Hair Dressing k -j If yonr scalp is dry, itchy, scaly, lis 3 hair falling out and full of dan- y 3 druff. get rid of it by using Hero- Kg 1 lin. Feed the roots and hair will is :3 grow. Try Herolin. Price 25c, E 5P *** AOEVTS j| TfA>TEI>. TV rite ^;-r 2 ! Brookla New Broc Board of Henry Buff. Sewell K. < 6. A. Guignard. B. N. Sena J. C. Lybrand. A. D. Shall Adviso Frank W. Shaalji Lemut Parts For and Autc IWe have a Comple' Wrenches, Pliers, Si | Spring Also All Automobile Oil ' MAIL ORDEF | We Prepay Deliver; : Guarantee Lorick & L( COLUMBIA, S. C. Wholesale Prices Furnished HEART YOUR KIDNEYS diately. The soothing, healing oil stimulates the kidneys* relieves Inflammations and destroys the germs which have caused it Do not wait until tomorrow. Go to your druggist today and insist on GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning,* and will hless the day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil. After you feel that you have cured yourself, continue to take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep in | 'urac-ciaas conaiuon ana "wara oir tav danger of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported GOLD I MEDAL brand. Three sizes. Money r#! funded If they do not help you. m TO BE REMEMBERD r the children with a bank depreciate* likel many^other aided by the liberal interest 1 National Bank !IA, S. C. $10,000,000.00 r* A m i savings Accounts iLMiikLM^ihLliikhLMiikL Our Accuracy Quality Service ? give you "Well Fittedi Glasses" ELMGREN Optorr. Jrist and Optician 1?.07 Hampton St. COLUMBIA,' S. C. nd Bank >kland, S. C.J ! : Directors: 3Hrtf? E. W. Shall, ^ L. 8. Trotti P. J. Wet*iagoi, ry Board: 3] HalL J as. A. SmzmiATMtl Ford Cars I ?. Supplies I ' \ ? 1 te and Full Line of 1 crew Plates, Chisels I Cutters 1 Kinds of I and clraocac b ^3 I4LJL1U V?1 VUOV | IS SOLICITED. ^ I y Charges and | Satisfaction | iwrance he. I RETAIL DEPARTMENT | to Merchants on Request g