POORLY PAID TEACHERS The teachers are probably the mosc poorly paid this season of any class of American workers. Thousands of able young instructors and profes% sors have abandoned the schools and colleges, and gone into business pursuits; and many women teachers have found other occupations. Col leges have been making the most strenuous efforts to find means with ?. -1" v. tVio ca1nrip? of VY liiV/ii iu t-aot vuv uw.w* ?-vw i their corps of instructors. Harvard' University, for example, has organized a campaign for an immediate sum of $15,000,000 as fresh endowment, the income of which is to be applied chiefly to an increase in the pay of teachers. Temporarily the shortage of better teachers for public schools will . be to the advantage of the untrained and immature, especially .in small towns and country districts. The larger school systems will, even more than heretofore, offer inducements to the good teachers from the country At least, school-keeping will be shaken out of some old ruts. It is to be lioped that the resulting situation may stimulate the movement for con* * - A " ' 1 - V, ^ +VlO sonaanng rura.i &cuuum, cuxu. ivi adoption of a deliberate 'policy on the part of State government fn-Salem, N. C. M BELOVED WO MAX PASSES AWAY, j Mrs. Janie Hall, beloved wife of Mr. Bideon Hall, of near Steedman, died j suddenly at the home of her son on J ast Friday morning. Mrs. Hall, after \ sating a hearty supper Thursday i light, became suddenly ill, and grad- J ially grew worse until the end came, j J ~ J e. o Krvn f VAnTS Of rne (itusdsitu wo.o auuu>. ^^ ( ige and one of the most widely known ; md highly esteemed women of her; community. She was a devout Chris- ! :ian, having been for many years a mjernber of the Stecdman Baptist! ihurch. Her remains were laid to rest in ;he family burying ground, near her j ASPIRIN FOR HEADACHE I Name ''Bayer" is on Genuine Aspirin?say Bayer Insist on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" In a "Bayer package," containing proper directions for Headache, Colds, Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and Rheumatism. I Name "Bayer" means genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for nineteen years. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Aspirin is trade map; of Bayer Manufacture of Mcnoaceticacidester of SalicvlicaeM. After you eat?always take F ATONIC MBKFOR YOUR ACIP-STOMACHD Instantly relieves Hearth am, Bloat* ?dGassy Feeling. Steps food souring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Aids digetboo and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONIC is the best remedy. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Only ooetaa cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money, Get a big boat today, YoowiUsse. Harmon Drug Company, Lexington, S. C. Good Sight * ? _ if priceless Good Vision is necessary to good sight. Eye strain is common. Eye strain can be overcome. Headache, squinting and cross-eyes are caused by defective vision. We examine the eyes for defects. We correct the defects with proper fitting glasses. AyERY^EWELER COLUMBIA. 5.C -JL ' 1505 MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, S. C. SHOES and SLIPPERS THE KIND THAT WEARS EASY AND LONGEST We are always prepared to serve our Lexington friends from a large stock of dependable Shoes for everj 1 Ao n CM 7DC Kind OI Wditl", HI