BcOLtK&lA surgeox arretted H ON CHARGE-OF MANSLAUGHTER 1 - V"- ? ' ' B Oase Grows Out of Operation Peril fonifcetl, Death Following the flfi| Operation. V ~ Colu^^Special to News and Cour- j As the result of the death on OctoI her 18 qT^Fwdda^T^ddH,^rno~-~ I lumfcia, |following an operajjon for I inflamedj g-lamlsg Tfr. Julius^^ Tay IV; of Collujp^^^Ml^j^ipurge^ v. as arre rtjfl jleJSr frfl 0 warrant sworn out W WilTiam N. Graydon, 11 Pi iltliTTnBfTnnrnnTir^i ther of Norwood Graydon, charging Dr. Taylc r with manslaughter. V,| , "J Dr. Tarlor was immediately released on a ^2,000 bond by M. C. Coker,? ^ the magitratet |R?h<[ issued thbj^wai^l [ rant. Dri Taylor's bondsmen are Dr. William Weston, , Di\ Jfc f %. "tfennj i^s' ' and Dr. Taylor hi&Sefr.**1'' * * Norwood Graydom who a^hort, tijne \ J Tax Notice y ';*>/. (+..{ p'4^j Q "tX p' I OFFICE COUNTY TREASURER., R DEXINOTO^CGtJNTYl ' ] i* B~ Lexington, S. C., Oct. 1, -1919.-J i Public notice is hereby given that \ State, County and school taxg^.for HpLexington County will be rec^P&^^^'i me from Oct. 15th to DeCy'^^^^-' ; The levy is as follows: urt House llR8* school. .f rt . ? % *% I l^^itfeSn^icSBa. .8 ? OUJ^ i L. ' TOTAL- . . . 20mills;' ' Special tax as follows: District No. <1 Special antl i /.' . ' I ' I Bonds .J.....? 8 mills P District Speolal and- ' '* I Bonds ...... i . . ' f r District No. 15 Special arid* * * T Ifc - Bonds ^.| vl? " 1 District No. 18 Special C J<\> ' | Bonds . v 10 " ] R.. District No. 29 Special and ,.. . j^_Bogds .10 " : ' | B^Dismct No.?37 "Spftci^i 1 L Bonds IjO K District No. 66 Special and Bon&-~?*~~= .-=*. vis- =* 1 District Nos. 13 and 40 , District?* os. 12, 35, 78, 79 B and V Special 6 i B Nos. I, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, ? 27, 30, ?31, 32, 33, 34, 3S, 42, 43, K 45, 46., #, 53, 55, 57, 61, 62, 63, 69; 71, K:76, 77, S3, 84, 87, 88?4 mills. RjV Nos. 1 6, 9, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 28. Bf-36, 41, ?, 47, 48, 49, 51, 59, 64, V; 70, 72, &, 75, SO?2 mills. The j^Ilowing districts have I special levies for school pu?pos?^_ i. 7, ^9, 54, 58 and 60. apitstion Road Tax $5.00 upon tnal#citizens (not "bona fide resits oraan incorporated town) of the nty ?etween 21 and 55 years of ?11 'blx $1.00 between the ages of ind.BO years, jg ix 50c. oad, Poll and Dog Tax payable at e ti ie with State, County and >ol 'ax. ; ' ' C. E. DEAPHART, 'easurer Lexington County. Tan. L [RE lSURER'S SCHEDULE. - : TaxSjCollection Begins Tuesday, I November 11. tvillfte at the following places on datJI named for the purposes of ctinM Stat? and. County Taxes for !isc?year 19' 9. * First Week. iesdW", Nov. 11th. A. M. Irmo, S. iesdftr, Nov. llth, P. M. Chapin, edc?day, Nov. 12th, All day, ursEv. Nov. 13th, A. M. Peak, IFridajjxov. 14th, All day, Swansea, SatunMy, Nov. loth. All day, Swans Second Week. TuesdJr, Nov. ISth, All day, Pelion, WednJpday, Nov. 19th, A. M!,. Steed-. Wedn^day, Nov. 19th, P. M. GilFrida;raXov. 21st, All day, Leesville, Saturday, Nov. 22nd, All day, Batesf* TTiird wirak. Ivr-da^lj Nov. 28th, A. M\, Gaston,, I'rdajS NOffr. 28tfc, 5P. Cayce, S. sturdy, Nov. 29th, All day, New ,-das&, S. G. i C. E. LEAPHART, e?.sui^er, Lexington County, S. C. & B ago had returned from. France, was tfijivi >: <4 s v ? ' As soon as Dr. Taylor heard that a warrant had been issued for his arrest, he gave himself up to Ernest A. I Lorick, constable for Magistrate J Coker. % % m I COLT,ETON PREPARING TT)TT THF W'FFX lD & Clemson Oopfege, October r*t srssi lre ae^"^ ! m&ldng a irseripus v. ffetft | ^aTfTsl tlVe^ bolrweevTf ^At^a meet-j W. Risher and held on October 27, in J TV^?er|)oro| sev^r^l ^portant steps j were takdri tliat wililead to a better j prosperity in spite of the weevil. ,[Ut Thp] Peoplev Mfcrfte^ngj [ Assfr- | cfation with a" capital stock of $50,00? was orgpnized^ to _ * jaur?- across [ bu6hf project^ ail *" ^3^phisn^ storage house of ,6. to 10fthousan3 busheJs.ca pacity, agrain eievaxor, a ieea mm, i and other things that will furnish a market for everything. Colleton now grows or can grow as money crops to substitute. for c jtton, ^ ^ | | . i - J * f * * ^ ; *2.- A- committee has been sent to south Georgia to. investigate whiitMs beihg1 done' there, to help lAeet -'boll \ wfeeyp cQndit|on^ ; and to report at a brass meeting1 which will'' further organi^^^^Cra^fight. ^ " | AMERICAN p,AG ** r, | - O0 P3 HlSSEE* ATCETOMlg ^JDowtt With J ArherjCa" Cries theTheater Audience : F^ume, Get- :"2S*t?'The Am:eric?n*;fiag was hissed when it was unfurled last jv%ning-:'fd Phoenician l Theater here, pnd when the .Star Spangled EJaner was played by the orchestra :he audience cried: t I'Down.^ with Long ive Greater Italy and Fiume!" Set^^ilr^ox^.!Cof jAjner&n s*#$4 .^h|) %rkxk Arbeit inQ.^tbod up ^sv&enj he American national anthem was ?Ihyed also WOfe hissed and slurring emarks were directed- &? t^em.j / - j < The demonstration occurred when -'n ' I? ^ I, JUL UUl-ltvaHJ PICJ5C1IICU CU }JCL~ -ade of the Allies;" during--Which the ippearance of the Italians only was jjSSMfijMflfe r ' ~<3"'"8' ' E8S3S^ ( "' If ^^/ireei Is Absessed tee .. ,,'i ^ 1, , peuralgia i We take thee T J- : l ?'. V - - - ' ^ Drs. I Our reputation a h - We believe that 1 is well treated. Let us drive home this fact that "A Heali a H I The stomach is gem properly digested cai les. The teeth are t] teeth are in good com a result the stomach which results in sick: DRS HA I ; J, .;> . . ' < .. 5p? ft ?<"? K # - >r S f f. I? $ .? g r 1328 Main >JL>NN INTRO DC CJES TOS FLRST BILLS Washington. Oct. liepeesentative Mann; of the Seventh district, today introduced bills calling upon the War Department to donate captured [German c-anrton or field pieces to the cities of Columbia. Sumter. Orangeburg-, Lexington, St. Matthews and < : i Bishopville. i . ^ He also introduced three bills each caling for an appropriation of $10,000 r to be expended in the purchase -of pites for federal buildings at Bamberg, j St. Matthews and Bishopville. t ? + COAL STRIKE "UXLAWFO/' | SAYS PRESIDENT WTLSOW I Washington, Oct. 2;?.?Holding the impeding coal strike to be not only Unjustifiable but also unlawful, President Wilson in a statement Saturday ivith the support of. his entire Cabinet, j called on the coal miners of the na- i tion, both union officers and members, J .to rescind the strike order effective ! November 1. The president declined to enter mto j the merits of the controversy between the miners and operators, but emphatically declared that the strike, which he characterized as the most far- { reaching proposal in The nation's his- j 1 Bank of CHAPII This is a safe and growing instituion. interest on time deposits. Let your n RESOURCES OV Deposits a year ago $88,745.82 A gain of sixty-five p I 11? BOARD OF I J. S. Wessinger. P. M. Frick, S. J. Clark. J. L. Crome W. A. Clarkson. H. C. Sheak OFFIC J. L. Cromer, President E * S. J. Clark, Vice President. y. We ha^e just received 60 to -r all sizes from 1-8 to 4 in G f Black. Have also some two or thre< Let us hear from you. COLUMBIA / 823 West Gervaii Street T / y -i i" *-! ft TEETHi ?^\ ' fli Are Bad, If 1 Bad?Come to th, pyorrhea teeth cause rheu: md indigestion. te teeth out absolutelo withoui Harris & Sm< ind years of experience are hi business goes where it is invited ? thy Moutt [ealthy Bo< avol ltr a cto v+in c- nnir-t f rv-p ci/?L-n^i wo. oituii^i ises all kinds of blood disorders ar he first assistance ,to proper dij dition they cannot properly mastic is prevented from performing t ness. RRIS & Si * ' w Dentists ^ ftv*' v rv* St. COLUI I ror> to .resfbidt" plrocuetiofi arid- dRtri-" J buticn of all necessaries of lite, had 'apparently been ordered without a jvote of the individual miners conjcerned. For this reason, the Presi- , i1 dent served definite notice "that the | law will he'enforced and the means fwill be found to protect the interests } 1 i of the nation if my *>ruersrency may 'arise cut of this urir.appy business." 1 j PREDICTS I?ARI> WINTER. ? Weather Prophet Say:*. Get Woo ' ' ! i KtBIA, S. C. I # tflj V Her Turn to Gloat j: V, ? !' ? % ? ; < T v- , "What is the cause of all this, commotion in the office'?'' ' One of Hfe's little' being enacted." ; . yes?*11 ^ g| .-'^r' Columbia' s f J pi Cites n* * r. , - ? M ^ ^ii-f of Exqi ; .. r . % : -I ?. -> rr . .: >;fj vTW* & ) r>; ' ' ': "V'' '* * '"' Silv( (* . ,/i ' .; i-;.:" i - t ' '*r' ' , Sterling .. , ,J *. /> . J . :' :#. t ' ' FALL WEDl }**?\ i r** * ? . i : ;-.: v F * Silver Service r- r * : t7> *8 < .* .t v u * y Sugar and 1 Sandwich Plates ... rr-. f.r 'ft ? ; We carry a complete line of ] y , . c.', in Fairfax Patte Silver Chests Dozens and I WE SPECI i * * * ? ' * " * Best Grade i < " * r v y * r? * * * <- 7'w r - ? < 7 ,-f/ 4. J f ? ' r. 'i 1 . 1 l A. . U . . I t 1 ' ~mu? Y$?"rt :yi r V 1 f > \ p. as p ? i Finkel j,-,? fc-.ij' f : ? ^ 1602-1604 V" COLUMBI H -fr L_im .inr *"??). .?. ' d fti - 1111 * ' TT ? r~?? *7 r?i'S 4'i; '' * ' ' ' ' ' Ginnery ?i '> *, f ' ' ' : : -.if: ?V? ' f.' || *'OUR GINNERY is, : - time, and we are ren vke possible. . Bring gins if you appreciate absolute yr results* ?'\ and Ties. WE PAY HIGHEST for COTTON AND C H Meal and Hulls for J S l i LEXINGTON Lexingti ... . v . vate secr^taSrv her husband, l:o g$t e^bn Wrtft"*T^e ""boss by showi . ^ him her new contract that-'calls fo" t salary .$2,Qt>4 a - ' "''* '/'/ ,v V" ^ Solitaire Aod':'~ ^ I V ? T TW5 ff; p.jt'?; ' ifj > . jig? ? v it 3nrare?^fr and Sheffield r J * ; T' * y i C.f :>> ' ;. ? ?a ^ ? :* '- ' ? h. <- .- Vx ^ C '.'. *&. ?.' >?' '.- ;;'T v,- l i j. .**<'. if i.-jn j" Fruit Bowls J " ' { '-? !i t .' i /Sis h- ft. *.. .ream Sets i'~ ,.-fr 1- - " r s , Fruit Baskets Efollow-Ware and F; irns, J See Our - a V !, i -:5, g , also Sets in ialf Dozens. ALIZE IN of Watches stein's M-S.2 Cl . ,.* '? main ai. - 1 A,;s. C.r;v;:-? ' ? - , :< /; > /i .il Notice V- -** , r\* i . i , -:1 ?(%* \ i $3 V A i A * " \ J\ * !tf t now. running oh full? idering the best ser,<.<%' .... r \ r:: ** ' " ' ** "* " :> " ' S -your cotton-' to'- our ' "';:1 i prompt service and j . :* :/> TV-' . \e i ' y ve furnish Bagging -! " i ! | 1 * "''7: I market prices ; ; f ;ott6n seed. I " ''? 1 ? 1 ~ ~ ..I Scut; ur [ ^ ^ MFG. CO. r\n Q r ! 1/11} KJ* V? |