-?i i iwin1111 - nni-nrtirTn?m ?-' ' HIS PUSH 18 1i TU3ERCUL I \ j SANATORIUM AT EL PASO, E | POSE, WILL GET FINANCIAI PAIGN?EDUCATIONAL PRO! rtv nniB Tf? nnMRAT PT.AfiT VH JUV * v y A A ^ jfeS i % i^i ^ ^perculosis patient?, locat^ 4500 feet^ r^re prevaleptv' jfce 4$jf| J^kat the deatl* 1?|'hat more150 people a day. or 5^j'S2: a ye?r, die in the Soutii/hnd ti^ Southwest^ from this dreaded .di^ tf|- great while plague and an ..equal lljhat the money loss to thes.Soutfe| e$jfjfti year.^rpm tuberculosis is $17^ |?hese startling :iacts were brought tSfe^-attention 'of, the Southern Baptisr^^vention at its session in 1916 and^a^olut'ion -was. at once adopted t& try^sfo&^Qheck :tli? spread of the disease anecm^vtde>--^?lief as far as possible for' ; with it. ; vV, ' ' "M-'aiiumMS A^a re^att. of this movement there j , was estafflffiaftd .in. the high, cool, rare atmosphere of El Paso, Texas, the i iiifiwlhrpiftj^Mntii nii'iHiirimM i iwiiiiiir & aims to njfpaster to as many'patients V as poss^blq and to disseminate i throughout^-^he South and Southwest 1 i '{* )ji '*! i oc?v?w?'?; - w-' ' 1. cii?ckib&,/tibec ttfrffker spread of the | disease and enable those who have I Just contracted it to obtain imraedi1, ate cures* by proper methods of living. ; With tlfe act%e qsfcistanee of\vthef j | business interests a jpad- -: J ern sanatorium, %b|^te'? upon a beau1. tiful track of lSjT acres 6i the.-side, j K of Mt. Franklin," at a neight* ol 4,500 S feet, was opened for the healing of ? the pea'tf$, and through the Baptist 1 1 ^ . a >H' % r.? v? v/. 7 | SOUTl^fRN BAPTISTS* PLAN MUCHLARGER PROVISION FOR Alp J r ^JEIR INSTITUTIONS.' MT' i ? WILb AID/ RUftAL SCHOOLS B Succe^s;,of 75 Million Campaign Will j nu f-r r r " J " " 0 ; Imccari v> k.uuv??vQQJ>00,will g?Mo Ghrisftan education.'' '' x. But the educational program of the Bapti?& will not stop there. It propose4ra lend itself to the creation of a pus^ sentinjent that will result in ( more* vJfficienrt puWic schools in the j terricoiy of the Smuher-h .Baptist-On-! ventKn*- especially in the rural dis- i : ;triet$Th this connection it is pointed i out iAV\ ?JTper cent of the total -ele- j menuj^'scholastic, population of the natid?|vis fpiipd in't^e South.; that theli rural sc&ofhitic -podiiiation ~ of theY ' South is 77 pet1 cent of the whole: that; only one-sixth as much money peri capita- is expended on the education ' of the children of the South as on the j children of other sections of the coun- j try :V^hat only 37 out of every 1.000 pupils in the South enter high school ' as against S7 from other sections; and iunlf 10 from the South enter college as against 21 from other secttona*^ gjjf' V' Distributed throughout the|&#rigory bf-*h? Southern Baptist Otfnvesjyorfr). arei\',142 educational institutions, in-1 cltiditig academies, colleges, universi-1 tie&'seminaries, and missionary train-j ling School? for women. These have a annually, but &fr*&f'lhem are crowaea, greatly in she 3d of It i,tger facilities in every way, j ?-.he mnfey'.'of them mv;.~c have an enmadds made upon then:. It is in sup- j ?.v,V ' ?' \ % % A' 2L\?A ' "J- " -u ? . '. . OSISINEJWB -?-* 1 * { t ? *?? ?nTT*i*\ TIATJ ITITTTO 'DTTD ! i3?lA?LldAL^ ruA xm? . AID FROM 75 MILLION CAM-! 'AGANDA TO INFORM PEOPLE | IE WILL BE CONDUCTED. j Ba^atorikm^ for tr?atm4fil: -of* above sea level. r . in vctunoo d.t:w uoT *c? *? Million Campaign this institution vviUjreceiVe $.590,000'. fojr th?. :ef%?ieiij : of additional ^buildings and $5 )0,000 ffe thaJ7>iil eiiable' titfe .Sanatorium to minister to tirose iodi^^3|atije?it$Swiio: 4reOttni*feTJ2> \ pay" for' treatment. ... ybat.. ther? is an imperative need fof an 'institution of this character ? is shown m" the fact that all institi4^ tion^Tdzr^the South, agad Southw^s^Co.^i the^-'t^fetS^nt of tuberculosis hV-l^f'!^ tflW clpafi&ty of v.otjJlyAStT57r b$iS. m oife^edlffi^ onfe p'0*p& afo?.sa|s, this ml flictecT. ... Everything- connected with the Ban- j mT 3^2m\0 gqti ioderST;gnd ofjhe j b j| fls Spresenf |equi p iint ^acSfar too copetvYjkh the .^Ie-' mands that are made upon it. Of the improvement fund that is to be pro-j vided.J Sl^OOOi^^ra^fii^t^les already ! and'h'rcliit^ctfe afe ifclfeddy ''designin? new buildin'gs worth $450,000. These wiM.be constructed just a%.rapid!y as possible. ^ ^ ^ n thp nonrilp nf all r?rpp/1s and- nn ! ZZ*r. ?~ y. ~ V- t-. creedv:Due to the crowded conditions, <' however, it is necessary that arrange nicat:ug-with Dr. H. F.' Vermillion, superintend: nt. at Ei Paso. .. ''".J' Xfre .sanatorium is-- under the gen- < -gfcij o?rthe pouie- ?. wsiffr'S SofcthehL Baptist Convention. and in addition to. treating patients who have already contracted tuberculosis. Jtt will seek_ through' a |4ie l^^e^P^'thq^outh a^j.Southv^tLbh th^aatWe^nd pre ration of SW^eas.e':iha:t M& lajbfru^ng deathrate, from the ..white plague can bejnv mediately -lowered apt1 finally-reduced to the. minimum. ' -. ' plying these need's that' the $^|?><),G0?: ipp'ortioned^to Christian education''will, be expended: ' o c* v _ * < To thejse jns^rt'u^ibn^ the denonjTp^- j tiop i^^plcipg forits. leaifirs^ to help ch^rVylorward .the work aiopg I pery il|pe: fpnteiwj51iied :i 000.OOd campaign. - in TejxaV alpne i fhere '~pftstorlef;S.- Baptist'i, thurch^s' arhr trtobahly du\ same * pro- j pqrtipn holds:, in th^ther^s* ates. itf is : ftfiped thftXca^^i^i will-clri &dt%6o6 \ volunteers for mrmsterial and mission- ! ary work and these institutions v.-ill be h asked to.bqujp tl;pse young raeq and j women jforMair worlO > | ;) j. Last4 yeat\ report's, sliow, over 6.0Qf) j &tudefc.t? in tl>es.e^ns t-i t tfti o n s tpok ypl- -j v' tsry 5cours%S->hi' -Sible^ and.' tnissibfi : study; nearly; 4,^00. oL thqiJirvStttdnded sftifleitf prayer. .mcetiagUy -dtt-AisteFial students pastoring -churches raised j rhpre ; than. $30,c>p0#ipr charch be novo-j 1 -ces and led more than 10,000 people ! to profess- Christ. Ttfte- li aipaigri- hopes' to result'in enrcllihg*35,6(M) young men and women in .Bap^st.) schoqls withrt.the next five-years. 'l~< *' The South-wide fnstjiyeyery Bap? list -IsStitui iop oMearntng ih all states of The 'convention territory, and to new j Baptist colleges that will be estab- | lished in Arkansas. Florida. Illinois, Louisiana and New Mexico, alor^g with j one somewhere in the region of t%e Ap- j | pala -hian mountains yet to be ^efi- j nitelv located. - j.,; Hi BAPTIST CAMPAIGN COMES ti jppejfb&fin Rising the tt0(4c,kfcnf)yilbe BeptiSffc South ra^ their 75 Million Campaign will amount ;j feerterjfl di- j j rector, announces. This includes the , expenses of both the general head- j I quarters and the eighteen state head- j j quarters. This is probably the lowestj overht-a* expense in the history ofl, country. ' wwm?? ? ""1 1 ' m " " ? ASBaji-U VINCSTOV TIie -diorm* ] of 3?f. and NM'rs. J. W. i Asbili/was; the" scene" 61 an impressive I I .j: ' * ' r ^ '5*aVv wedding cerenton>* .Wednesday evening at S:?(rio*c!o(ric- ^ b.e^ttbeir eldest daugihTer* Mary: E 1-feferta! became the ! bride o? Thomas Ryan Livingston. The house was unusually attractive in its simple decoration of handsome -? t ?. Ivi. _ i! terns uiTCt" carnations, pinu oe*na uscu + in thfTte.cep.tioii Jiall and whlfe- in the room where the ceremony was per- j formed. jffi To the strains of .Mendelsh||p\? wed- J ding' march. rendered by Mis|$Pauime j Asbill. the little flower girl.yjJ Dorris ! Xee'.ey Asblil. strewed, rose .* x ' (2g | costumed in a tailored suit dip* mlcr- r w"im iu-cvs- < sories an.'] carried ;i.n arnifuigM l?ri H&ri kerchief -sdjif u.~>e?T j was^oiu- +oi /a collection puiTW^ed for* to:* in Ff'hh^'c*f>y her .soldierlramce.?' M\ ^ ^~" * /jftj 'o:.; n r y .W \v s. JC'vt'V f fHlf Sfe : >> ' l", nVh<4i'A fluid Ha^ (rfffi). i ;v. n --- '?* mothers sa?Foley's. Honey aiiii Tar Compound l.sHhe best itS'VV? * &L-0X f?r crounHcougjhs ami voids. Jts^etits the thidg chok-j "elif.r rs away thctjffihlegin; j opens, air passages and easeiijioarse*n^vd-^ ^'^'^Vs^ing. stranglljgr fispit for breath gives away to qui^pbreathin? am.; peaceful sleep. Soi^ evei|y-a $jj^U Van 7>0v. On Ratf&nap to , $$.. MW' Sl'Oh.1 5ec pk?. can kiii 50 fis&s. The ; averige rat v/iii rob you of $ljtj|a year! in f - ;*it. chicks and property *|estruc-! tion. F.AT-SXAP > deadly rats, j Cremates after killing. I/jWt-s po \ smell. Comes in cakes. 1*?? ? ,, ?. pass up meat, grain, cheese th^east brij RAT-SXAP. Three sizesjgijp^. 50c. j $!-.?)0ssol.: an.d gunrantoej^\*fHarmoa :. A . vj.V' Dr^ . .. J#' "j. fl J ^ _r_L |J Beaii! i * ;s ' i 8est Auto *R J ACCESSORIES J I LESTER C. MILLER M uki; w as not see v. Capt. John M. Oaughman, of Lex- I i ington county, who heat the world s j record tuakmST <5ctton, died recently; - ' <: A . 1 -* at quite an advanced age. He prh-r Vtuced upon one acre of land fivei bales of cotton, lie held the world's; record as the champion cotton grower' rind his acre ot' cotton was photo- j if The Sti - Ma THE gres that Fisi goodness. I their mileag are bt ' "To be the the Square " j ' ...Jj BU III li JARREI lex > l * i 1 'i / ' ' , ^ * i ! ' j jl M? /"* ; ; 5 J v fe IS ; * *?; ! ' W ^ l.- 2TUO7 llEW RIGHT ( s fy % * t * * ft - 4 /ro P * ? *"?, j H J s o v y L.,<. lie Big Six anc bw ON c I iful in Design, MBKBHBHWB'SHHBflBKXWEEEXSflHBMHHHIMHBBBSHBBCBBB Give You fig $ E Antn epair Shop Jn Lexington IEE AIR-FREE WATER,: 1 . i *.AWflfijj feger LE) gj| graphed and published in manlr lead-'! i i1?jC icfM wine ?nn too um- < ton was f> foot in the drill. We recall]; . i iff They're j\ rks lllee, Wc iter mileage, the uninicrni; k Tires p-ive. starts with r Big ? way oversize?toue ;e against any tire you hav \ili to an ideal? Best Concern in the V/cvld to Wc ; i : f t U. > *: ^y ist Concern in Existence to do Bz:s (Time-? i VTJSK^Wm IARDWARE CO. ; iNGTON, S. C ', !!' >' 7 f ri' . r : ?y/ j l ' ?2?Og SrogS y-?S^ .? \ ^ ^ ^ ''' j?E?j /? . / >; >/:/'* > ^iIICKJ IjO j aff! 'l"P ?t|fT v.# 1.1/ j n j* A 4J Vi )UT OF THE Fi I Two Little Si " * v r ; i" * * j'4 *'/ *-4 j j j rr rr - (' ,"*< * r i.*r *y * jjogy ^5jBDL * Bl ^$8 ^,1 .? vw j#\ d >' if A 5.'*^ "V)UR FtOO Mechanically TJTS {: ' ^ 7\ County ^ppj^J, (INGTON, S. C. 1 = 1 tee,!"S>. ^otopaph ftCUiis '"Cotton * FKa^fi-v'aiot|o^i Vgr^we f1 of the wtSvh] &earth : . rjn i ; . ptcd service heir .built-in :'h; measure. : ' e ever used. :. ! -i,h, hi y/ft. -- ' - Jtf f' ?7:i 0 j.j nf ,;r.;..v ... < t.. r?.>:, ; ; ; ' f' -J - if wk for ana . ..... r '* ? J>' ' :nc2C ,,T |i r: >\'.u?u< si : . /r.;: :;:-t i :r i to bj> Fitkf ; ; - '! . .< ] T = I TTrrrr??;?^rrt-T?;? ..'j., u ' Hi ~ j .v Ja _& ?*_..v i s. y * agy? ..1 XES'I \CTORY | . I | R ^ | stration I ^ -J