IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SMtnot LESSON (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D.. Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1939, Western Newspaper Union) * ?? | LESSON FOR OCTOBER 5 JOHN AND PETER BECOME DIS>idi re nr irciic virtbg vi uk.vww( ' < LESSON TEXT?John 1:29-42. GOLDEN TEXT-Jesus said unto him, follow me.?John 1:43. < ADDITIONAL MATERIAL?Matt 9:9; ( Mark 2:13-17; John 1:43-51. PRIMARY TOPIC?Finding the best ] friend. JUNIOR TOPIC?John and Peter decide to follow Jesus. < INTERMEDIATE TOPIC ? Becoming disciples of Jesus. SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC-CIairns of Christ upon all men. I I. John the Baptist Testifies to His Disciples Concerning Jesus (vv. 29. 84). 1. Jesus as the Lamb of God (v. 29). "Lamb" was familiar to the Jewish mind. It denoted a substitutionary sacrifice for sin. Christ was the true ' Iamb, to which every sacrificial offer- j the actual weevil line has advanced fiften miles, according to j reports of the Crop Pest Commission. j ' The comparative scarcity of squares (which constitute the weevil's prefer-| . red food) and the favorable seasonal \ ; conditions are the causes of this rapid . xnigration. which will continue until j the weevil is forced into winterquar- ; ters by coid ueather between the last ? of October and the middle cf Xovem- : " ber. Last fall the weevil was active , into December because of the unus-, natty mild weather. Thf> xittontion of cotton seed ship- j ? . | pers is directed particularly to this ( rapid weevil movement and the consequent necessity that the Crop Pest Commission chancre the boll weevil line and the quarantine line frequent. ly during the next motnh. ( HICKFA STK\V A\l> c>vsti-:k sippkk j There will !?? an old-fashioned I; chicken stew ami oyster suppet at ! Harmony Kaptist church, m ar Gaston. | on Saturday ni.sjht. October il. com-J menciny at about T o'clock. This in-it tertainment is to he given under the ; auspices of the Ladies' .Vol Society of! the church and the proceeds will be ' used for defraying the expenses of furnishing the church huildirs. The public is most cordially invited. J and a pood time is in store for r. 11 v. ho J attend. | . baptists wtl.i, use Font mtnvtk >n:x | Greenville. Sept. 27. (Special)?Be- j fore the first of November at least 2,- ' 500 Baptist $our-minute speakers will j have been appointed for work in con- ,! nection with the Baptist 75 million J Campaign by the state leaders at headquarters here, it was announced today. These Four-minute speakers will avail themselves of every opportunity to make very brief addresses in behalf of the drive, working in a manner similar to that used by the four- . minute speakers in the various war j :1 rives. Every nook and corner in South Carolina will be touched by these in- i spirational and instructive addresses made by this host of intelligent laymen and women, who have the interest of this greatest Baptist Campaign in history at heart. ^ Q C It is more difficult for some men to 1 collect their wits than their bills. i I I I v Bottled Manpower j Coughs and colds are weakening. Got rid of tiiem as quickly as you con. Catarrh in any form saps the ! vitality. Fight, it tight it hard, j There is a remedy to help you do it j ?a medicine oi\ forty-swen years' t established merit. Try it. ; i. a US3X r. T. X??T E ' ing punch and "pep in every bottle. PE11L" - XA is a good medicine to have in the house, rendy-toJts\? take for emergencies, t) It a good remedy 1150 ":Vj' ti:neTABLCTS OP LQl'iD After you eat?always take FATONIC FOR YOUR AOD-STOMACg) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloated Gassy Feeling. Stops food souring,, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Alas digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONIC is the best remedy. Tens of thousands wonderfully benefited. Only costs a cent or two a day to useit. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money. Get a big i box today, Youwili&ee. Harmon Drug Company, Lexington, S. C. SALE OF I.AM). THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. J COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. 1 will offer for sale on the first Monday of October. 1010. being- the 6th day of October, before the Court House door, at the usual hour of sale, i tract of land belonging to the estate i >f Jessie Assnian. as follows; all that piece or parcel of land containing forty-two (42) acres, more or less, situate in Lexington. Hull Swamp town- !'. State aforesaid, and lying on a j branch of Dull Swamp waters of the S'orth Edisto river, bounded by Anna j Mnotts. John Jones and Jessie Boozer, j md has such shape, form and marks j is a plat made by Lewis \Y. East will | fully show. Terms of Sale; Cash. SIM. J. MILLED. \gent for G. \Y. Assnian. Administra- j tor of ti:? Estate of Jessi..- Assnian. i 5t. flnAri ^rrkf V?WVl : ia priceiau Good Vision is necessary to go cat sight. i Eye strain is common. Eve strain can be overcome. * Headache, squinting and cross-eyes j ire caused by defective vision. We examine the eyes for defects. i i We correct the defects with proper i :tting glasses. ! I ml ? ? .^EWELER | COLUMBIA, 5.C ^ 1 ir>or? main stro;t | co.lumbia, s. c. )j ST. JOHN'S SC HOOL TO OPEN. The St. John's school, nine miles \ west of Lexington on Calks road will f open its 1010 session Monday morning! Oct. \ at. S:30 o'clock at which all: pupils are urgently requested to l?e j present. The school will he under ! control of Miss Sara. Lipscomb from ! Ninety-Six and Miss Ethel- Shealy of j worK" Take "Dodson's Lh Here's ray guarantee! Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dodson s Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griping or i making you sick I want you to go j ????????... ??? BOOKS, PAPERS. PERIOE Printing, Engrav Office F OLD IN SERVICE, I The R. L. Br 4 THE HOUSE f . Telephone 1425 Main Street THE COLUMBIA 1641 MAI Columbia, Street.Paving, Si< Culverts, F1 Anything ii Estimates gla< CREASON'I Formerly of CREAS* Phone No. 1 154 COLUME We are ready equip}. * on any make of car Work. We do notl CARS-That's OurB Come in and Let': - B. BE Sole Agent for the fame and also other brands of s longest. Always see us f< B. BE Assembly Street, v^Uiuuiuia, v.- | i Cliupin as assistu t. All persons interested in this school should cooperate and make this terra a most sue- j cessful one. The St. John's school is one of ute j few "A" grade schools of Lexington j county. 0 # q I i It is hut natural that a man should j get hot. when others "roast" him. ; I . is "a'dangerous drug. It is quicksilver; and attacks your ike a dose of nasty calon>el torn will feel w^ak, sick and naunorrow. D> a't lose a day's j i /er Tone" Instead! I back to the store and get your money. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodson's Liver Tone tonight and v??ikc up feeling great. It's perfectly harmless, so give it to your children any time. It can't salivate, f"> let them eat anything afterwards. j UCALS AND STATIONERY j ing and Binding 1 urniture \ JUT NEW IN IDEAS y^an Company OF QUALITY" s 17, 125 7 i Columbia, S. . . CONCRETE CO N STREET t n '! J dewalks, Bridges, j oors, Walls, j q Concrete, dly furnished. = 1 5 GARAGE j ON & BOUKNIGHT 1829 Main Street j ;ia, s. c. i )ed to do anything and Guarantee All ling but REPAIR usiness. , = | s Get Acquainted I in i. ??? ? { I I MMmKmBMwmuaaanxmnuBMMMmmBi ??m ?a RRY. ! s Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, 1? Gents' J Furnishings, |j Ladies jl Ready-to-wear, r Etc. j )us W. L. Douglas shoes j hoes that wear easy and j )r bargains. j RRY, j c r ; SDNE YS WE AKI Kidney troubles don't disappear of themselrcs. They grow slowly but steadily, undermining health with deadly certainty, until you fall a victim to incurable disease. Stop your troubles while there is time. Don't wart until little pains become big aches. Don't trille with disease. To avoid future suffering begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL Ilaarlem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Holland for centuries. In 169t5 the government of the Netherlands granted a special charter authorizine: its nreaara tion and sale. EVERY ONE LIKES Do not forget to remembc acount with us. It "does not gifts but increases in value, which we add to the deposits, A r?pnnn re* invited 4.A.VVV/Uil V AAA r i vvv?? The Palmetto COLUMc RESOURCES 4 Per Cent Interest Paidjoi >1 hair is made to grov/ i Long', Straight, Glossy | a S7 |j jj^| ^ 1 Pomade Hair Dressing 1 S3 If Totir re.alp is dry, itchy, scaly, !S n ha'r falling out and full of dan- j a druff. get rid of it by using Iiero- I ffl lin. Feed the roots and hair will w w grcTv. Try Herolin. Price ? 1 stamps or coin. AfSENTa a jg WANTED. Write for term:. HEROLIN MEDICINE CO., ? C ' Atlanta, Ga. Rvr?r?lrl n Arn*ML \/V/?Xk.iA.V? New Broc Board ol Henry Buff. Se-^eli ?. < G. A. Gnignard. K. N. Sean J. C. Lybrand. A. D. Shall jAdviso Frank W. Shealy, Lemii< I Parts For | and Auto I We have a Complel Wrenclies, Pliers, S< Spring Also All Automobile Oil ~~ MAiL ORDER We Prepay Deliver Guarantee i Lorick & Lc COLUMBIA, S. C. Wholesale Prices Furnished I N!NG? - LOOK OUT! j The housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without food as without her "Real Dutch Drops," as sh# quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They restore strength and are responsible in a great rneasur# i for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist ajid insist on his supplying you with GOLD ! MEDAL Haariein Oii Capsules. Take I them as directed, and if you are not satisfied with results your drug-gist will gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box i and accept no other. In sealed Soxes, three sizes. TO BE REMEMBERD | ;r the children with a bank depreciate]llike' many^other aided by the liberal interest \ < National Bank 5IA, S. C. $10,000,000.00 [i Savings^ Accounts 4 I Our Accuracy Quality Service *j > give you "Well Fitted? Glasses" ELMGREN I t Op ton: ^trist and Optician 17.07 Hampton St. COLUMBIA, S. C. ! I wwiwirwnmiwirw tamaammmmammmmtwmmmmmmamammnmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmf nd Bank >kiand, S, C.\ \ F Directors: j Olivar. ?. W. Shall, L. S. Trotti. P. J. Wesumtfftr, < ry Board: jl Hall. Jaa. A. Saaim?n?ti Ford Cars I ;e and Full Line of :rew Plates, Chisels Cutters : Kinds of s and Greases I S SOLICITED. I : Charges and J satisfaction j iwrance Inc. j RETAIL DEPARTMENT :o Merchants cn Request