if VOLUME No. 48. LEXINGTON, S. C., l->inv .nsv.^ V?34 LBIG EDUCATIONAL n?unmrM ennvi > tAiyir/iiu:> ouun i .. I ' International Harvester Compan) II ' Through Enterprise Hardware Co., To Give Demonstration. , Under the direction o? H S Moble? 'of the International Harvester Co ^ ~ ? A rrnn f the county jL/einonsu~uiii>ji and the Y M C A District Director c j countywide Educational Campaign ir the interest of better agricultural anc farming conditions will be conducted in Lexington county from June 2S tc July 1st Mr Wm C Allen^ Advanc( Agent of the International Harvester Company together with Y M C A Dis trict Dirctor Mr A W Honeycutt visii ed this city Tuesday to make arrange ments for the time and place of these educational demonstrations under th( IP. direction cf county agent Mr J W ?hci f lv f Two demonstration centres liav< been chosen where the grea "V est number of farmers can be mosi conveniently assembled one in tht > city limits of Lexington on Mr G H Ba lentine's place in front of public schoo the other at Piedmont school house on Mr O J Derrick's farm Similar compaigns have been or art to be waged in York Chester^ Fairfield Richland New berry; Laurenj i Greenwood Spartanburg^ Greenville And Anderson counties B Harris State Commissioner of f Agriculture yesterday announced thai his office would cooperate in the pre motion of the campaigns over the State It is Mr Harris' belief that the campaign will do much good He . jar delighted that it is to be conducted _{**** in so many counties of the State The campaign will be in the nature ] 1 ^ of demonstrations and lectures and it J is proposed to carry on the work in every nook and corner of the county . " . It will require nine two ton trucks to s carry the paraphernalia and apparatus that the workers carry with ( them It will include a moving picture outfit cooking ranges^ lighting plants dairy machinery household devices and other things The demonstration party wjM include Mr Mobley and six others One of the party will be Mrs A E Howie of Wisconsin who has a national reputation as an author^ an authority on farming and country house hold topics and subjects She was one of the first exponents of intensive dairying in Wisconsin and is regarded as one of the foremost women lecturers and demonstrators in the coun 2 try on the subjects she is interested in Forenoon * In field and in tent machinery lectures and in demonstrations Cream separators Babcock test Feed and *? J food growing: Manure spreaciers unu the subject of fertilizers Tractor plowing and the subject of seed bed preparation Motor cultivator and the subject of crop tillage Seeders^ disc harrows and other machinery adapted to use in this country Afternoon ?? In tent Animal husbandry We in elude soils and feeds in these lectures and demonstrations concerning live stock Special emphasis during this part of thtet program is laid on dairy ing This part is conducted by Mrs | Adda F Howie who is admitted to i be Amerca's most successful dairy [ woman The afternoon also includes eorn^ alfalfa the growing of clover as well as fied operation and daiy house methods Ev?ning Session The evening session is devoted tc ,j - - ^ work which xn? suojeui vi ti'iiimu"!'..' includes business methods in which both town and county are interested and lays special emphasis on a practical method for teaching in the rural schools is matters of e(luc'ati?n these great subjects which are so essential for oil process and prosperity exkcitiyk commhtki: 1TO MKKT SATURDAY The executive committe of the l,cx ington County Fair Association is requested to meet at the office of C M ?}fird Saturday June 21 at Z o'clockt for the purpose of making plans and preparations for holding a fair next fall Business of importance will he transacted at this meeting and every member of the executive committee is urged to attend t? J i-ieapnart oeureiar> T La Harmon President 1 jCKXTKR FAHMKRS RALLY TO BR BK.GKR AND HIITTER | ' ClaPnon Poc^ Oowrnor Coope^ ('apt i J IL 1'lalTv and Hon B Hani* arc > ? a!l com ins: > rim ^i^v,%nth nnnual Farmers' raliv 1 "V ^.v . ^jand picnic- at Center school house is { going to bo the biggest and best ever i held h\ this splendid organizaton and [by the lftagnificent citizenship of the | entire community where Center is 1 SEAY?GREGORY i Married at the parsonage Lexington iSC June 10 1919 Mr Newman P 9 y j Gregory Portsmouth Ya and Miss Ella i Jodie Seay College Place Columbia S i ' 1 t C <> B Shearouse officiating ; O B S K YZER?HA RM< >N I J Mr R A Harman U S Navy Hobo.! ? .'ken X V and Miss Eva Ruth Kaiser I i > J both of Lexington 3 C were married at ! lithe parsonage Tuesdav evening bv O II IB shearouse ii " r. s , i THKKKSA BLVMK WINS FIRST PRIZK i j The account of the doting of the j Ram berg Rraded School carried in the Hamburg Herald last week shows i that little Miss Theresa Illume won the prize for the highest average made , in the second grade Theresa Blume is the daughter of Mr and Mrs W 11 j Flume who formerly lived at Loxjng i ton Mrs Flume before marriage was Miss Kstelle Marks and was horn and i reared at Lexington^ being the daugh t ,,r Mr and Mrs A Marks Ii<;rn to Mr and Mrs Thos E C'orlev ! Thursday June 5 a fine girl baby Both : neither and daughter are doing1 fine I SANITARY IMPROVJ'MKXTS AT <;!M?i:RT I I -t the past month 1 lie rural I ' j sanitary imj-ri-veMonts work under (the county health department has l>con carried on around l.vosville and at j Gil hart ! The people arc fast hecrin.nin^ t*? j feoi the nocd of this work ana appro ciat- th'- privileges ,-r uettintr those improvements ppd*.!- supervision of 1 I the Sh,to 1 k:a.I'd ( !' ikaLh and at no. j expense to themselves Top eomen? rower tanks have rcI ' cent'y 1 csi installed > of those at <'H ; bert an;i 7 a t ! ecsviile Several oth-. j ers are* in prcc-css of construction notK S-; or kijxtiox ?.* | J All qualified electors residing in i ("enter school district No 7 will please; i I [take notice that an election will be [held therein at the school house on > ? [Tuesday the first day of July 11)19 for ; the purpose of voting a levy of four (mills for school purposes Polls, ' will open at 7 A M and close at 4PM Bring tax receipts and registration j ecTtifacates By voting this levy the school will ( qualify as a rural graded school and (will be entitled t<> receive $200:00, [from the State for teaching purposes ! J A KElSLIvR 11 S SEASE (3 A RAWL TRUSTEES XO 7 i June 13 f 1919 I BARBECUE AT RIDGE ROAD ! .. ? We will furnish a firstclass barbecue and other refreshments at Ridge Road school house on Saturday June: 2lst There will be speeches by prom i inent speakers on the leading issues of the day; and a baseball game in| | the afternoon: The public is cordial j | ly invited to come and enjoy the pleas, ures of the day Prices for dinner | will be reasonable G S Leap hart R V Price ! 2wp NOTICE OF ELECTION ' ' 1 ' ? All qualified electors residing in i Steedman consolidated school district! Xo 21 will please take notice that an J 'election will be held therein at tho' 1~ ~ 1. -? %-s T'n r, i ! -* r\ fi rl fl Jivus>vr UJI -LUtnucc* mv * n o i, v??-? ? > > of Julv 1919 for the purpose of vot-i ? i ins a levy of four mills Polls will op; en at 7 A M and close at 4 P M Bring) *ax receipts and registration oertificat I I i es | | By voting this levy the school can j i qualify as a rural graded school and j ! will be entitled to $200:0?"? from thei State Perry Hall ; A B Quattlebaun-: j B B HA LB Trustees Xo 21 Consolidated ! June 13 1919 = . NOTICE OF ELECTION i I . . i i All qualified electors residing in j Cross Roads school dstrict No 40 will j ! please take notice that an election will, i be held therein at the school house j j 11 , on Tuesday the first day of July 1919 \ ! * i i for the purpose of voting an addition; ! ! ! al levy of four mills for school pur-j j poses Polls will open at 7 A M and i close at 4 P M Bring tax receipts and 1 I . 1 i registration certificates By voting: this levy the district will j | become entitled to nn equalizing fund; | from the State and will be guaran- ] teed a seven months' term M B Rister C S Cook A A Mclver TRUSTEES XC>: 4 0: .June 10 1910 ! BARBECUE ; I i _ ; I will furnish a first class barbecue; i and refreshments at Saxe-Gotha Mills ! I iJuly 4 1010 Evervbodv is cordial-1 ly invited to attend 1 J ABEWJXE | 2t->5 jxi i i i TEACHERS AN'AXTED?Principal i i j and assistant teacher wanted at Oak Grove School Must bo completed for the work Apply O S ROOF Xcw Brook In nd^ S C j , 2w:: i p WANTICb?Two competent teach-j ers principal and assistant for Bong j Branch school located 4 miles from' Xcw Brookland Apply at once to I > C U< H>F ('hrni I U>ard of Trustees j ; 2to">pd i Subscribe to The Dispatch-Xcws. li:vi:r pits in bills man Wants NnnilH'r of linililiu.U^ j:i District Washington Juno 1 o?Congressman I.over has introduced the follow in:; I?i I: Purohase ?>f sites for fed or--1 bniidinvts at i iisin>:?\ii!e St .Mat thews and Batosnarsu to donate Clcr wan cannon to citie-" of Columbia, . ti.oter Orant?obt;r? and town- of Lex in.-ton, St Matthews and 1 ;ishop'\ iile: a!''0 bibs to establish stniidaMs of das r 'fir-.n'.on (.f commercial f1 and to ai.: ::!o and shij?::r nt tin roof; an! to av.tiiorize .secretary of agriculture to establish uniform standards of I classification of l'ruits unci vegetables;' ! t to stimulate the production sale and 1 distribution of live stock V !i McClowim j HldSOLl'IIONS OF RIOSPKCT i _____ I Whereas it has pleased our Heaven ly rathe r to call to her Heavenly home our beloved member Mrs 1> .J Griffith i>e it resolved That while we the members of Mt Hebron Missionary Society i>< w in sub mission to the will of Ilini who doeth ail thing's well we shall miss our J friend and ever ready co-wurker That in the death of this beautiful life the Missionary Society has lost one of its most faithful and devoted' members That her death has brought per-1 sonal grief to all her friends but her memory will ever be cherished be cause ?f her good works That we extend to the bereaved ones our heartfelt sympathy and com J mend them to Him who alone is able, ? to give comfort That a copy of these resolutions be] sent to the family^ to the Lexington i Dispatch-Xews for publication and ; \ j1 jthat they be inscribed in our minutes ( to her memory Miss Bertha Klecklev Mrs Harper Shu 11 Mrs Henry Shull? COMMITTEE NOTICE OF ELECTION FOR BONDS FOR SUMMTT ] cs-u/irir lucTnrrT OV>Ji\/\/ju j/I?T i anvx All qualified resident electors will please take notice that an election will be held at the school house in Sum-' ' nut school district Xo 14^ on Tuesday. I the first day of July 1919 for the pur pose of voting on the question whether the trustees of said district shall issue1 and sell coupon bonds in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting a modern and san itary school building for said district Polls will open at 7 A M and close at 4 P M Bring tax receipts and registration certificates Said election to be held in accordance with sec' tion 174 4 of the r neral School Lawj of South Carolina XV A harp: U E BLACK J S SHEALY Board of Trustees of Xo 14 j June 14 1919 * NOTICK OF ELECTION" All qilalifed resident electors in' Summit school district Xo It will bej heldf at the school house therein^ on Tuesday^ the first day of July 1919J for the purpose of voting an additional; levy of two mills for school purpose; Polls will open at 7 A M and close at i 4 P M Bring tax receipts and regis-1 j tration certificates By votng this levy the school can | qualify as rural graded school and will be entitled to receive from the. State $200:00 per annum for teaching; purposes W A HARE U E BLACK i J S SHEALY Board of Trustees Xo 1 4 j June 14 1919 FERTILIZER MEAL AND HILLS Just received big lot of Nitrate of. Soda cotton seed meal and hulls top dresser and acid See us or phone, quick Prices always right Lexington Cotton & Fertilizer Co Sam P Roof Mgr tf KMl.HTS OF PYTHIAS There will he a regular meeting of Lexington Lodge Xo 124 Knights of Pythias on Wednesday June 2." at P M All memhers are urged to attend Several candidates for the first degree Cyrus L Shealy C C H X Kamitie F ?f R Houses are in hig demand in Ix>xington There is not an empty residence or business house in the entire1 town i:i <;i:ni: laxcastkr is (;kantj;i> rail Kimx-no M Lancaster the Columbia t-jMcoii'm;; who is charged with the munlr of bis wife ami of Xewton S I . h ^ v. liD was ;i farmer of Leximri'-a county^ was released from jail Monday on a bond of *7 500 ordered > * Assoeia.te Justice Watts The mot'.on was made before Justice Wat*.-' last Thursday The 1.1 in? holders ;i.ro -T K Turner, c> .T I falter <* T Mart in and Clarence Richards Lara-aster shot and kii 1 oti his wife nr.fi Licrick at the Columbia entrance to the Cotigaroe bridge several ueks r.iro Mis case was tad heard at the la.st term of the court of .treneral se*sions but i will quite likely he heard at the fall term i;i?Ti\(,?DKKI1KR on in Lutheran church near "hapn in the Dutch Fork was the so one of a lovely wedding on Inst Saturday evening at S o'clock who!) Miss Lain May Epting and .Mr Henry Faugh man Drehor won* happily mariod tiie Rev .T .1 Long paste:- of the bride officiating The historic edifice was beautifully and artistically decorated with pot plants^ the sitting being made the more effective by tin.4 use of many ' andies Forming a rainbow the sev en pretty maids Misses Eula Epting, Mary Ann Dreher Mary Ann {filler Mary Oaughman Annie Martha Roof Mabel Hilton and Alline Ifarman each dressed in colors representing the rainbow took their places in a circle near the altar Just before the bridal party entered Miss Gladys Harmon sang sweetly and effectively "I Love You Truly'' The wedding- party entered to the strains of Lohengrin % rendered by Mrs W W Caughman of Lexington The groom entered with his best, man Mr Herman E Wingad and was met at the altar by the lovely bride leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr Holmes Epting The ushers were Ralph Hendrix. (reorge Hiller^ Quinton Roof? Roy Ballentine: and the groomsmen Sandel Hook and Hubbard Wingard The bride, long noted for her infinite grace and beauty was never more lovely than she appeared on her wedding day in a handsome suit of dark blue with accessories to match Immediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs Dreher motored to Columbia where they boarded an out-going train for a brief stay in Asheville. Hendersonville and other points of interest in Xorth Carolina The bride is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Charlie Epting and is a young woman of gracious manners and personal charms She has been a teacher in the Lexington High School for the past two terms and is exceedingly popular Mr Dreher is a son of Mr and Mrs H IE Dreher of Selwood He is one of the most widely known and successful young farmers of the Dutch Fork and is equally as popular as is his love !y young bride NOTICE IiARBECCK PELIOX S C T will furnish a first class barbecue and refreshments at Pel ion S C on July 4th 191 !> Everybody come and enjoy your self. There will be speak ers to ail dross the crowd on the issues of tho day KT ZENKER :;to6c SECOND COTTON 11LOOM Th-c second cotton bloom to be sent in to the Dispatch-News office was received yesterday from Mr G S Sharpc a leading farmer from near Gaston Mr Sharpe says he has 10 acres in bloom and his entire cotton crop is the best re has ever had BARBBCT'B AT Gil APTX J will furnish a first class barbecue and refreshments at Ohapin on July 1th Several speakers will be on hand A pleasant day and :i good dinner is promised all who attend M P Tiindler :: t h' c ITliST ('(>TT< >N liLOOM We acknowledge receipt, of the first cotton bloom received this season fn.i \V 15 < 'havis of Hill <'rest farm, m*ar Gaston Mr C'havis is a progress ive farmer and is always one of the first to send in a cotton bloom For Sale?one young Jersey milch i'?W( 22 months old with tj weeks old male Gtlf ? Price $7:00 to quick buy Johnnie TTallman uuoert tu _ 0 \V J>< f BELOVED CITIZEN PASSES AWAY Daniel M Drafts, Confederate Veteran and Christian Gentleman. Answers Final Summons. jn;el -M I-'rafts or;iVO I'OIlfedCTatO vol'.-ran well known Lexington coun ty farmer and :>eiovod christian gentle mar died suddenly at his home l'our 'miles f.ist of Lexington at o'clock Sii ml.'iv rwirhr .If:: r}i beilisr dtlc tO i heart failure Mi Diaft& had been a 'sufferer fct 'vveral vea rs but at no i . .' . *-? ! ti ;.e na'.l he been iorcoeriod Tn the I iju;et of the evening unattended and 1 :ilo:?et the end came as peacefully and as senile as tlie summer's breeze 'i he deceased was born Nov 1 184 > and died Juno 1 ISl'.J making his stay oil ourtli Ti' years 0 mos and 14 days lie entered the late War Be : tween the States with the young1 men of (.'apt Ilarman's company and no braver or truer soldier qwv shouidered a gun his comrades all declare __ At the close of the strife Mr Drafts returned to his liome and there by hard work and strict economy lie soon gained independence and competence in life Ho was married early in lsti'.i to Miss Ann Elizabeth Corley ,'wlio with two sons?Messrs John and Charley Drafts?survive lie is also j survived by one brother?Hon George S Drafts^ judge of probate for Lexington countv and two sisters?Mrs ' j i Amanda Corley and Mrs Catherine j Ca ugh man Mr Drafts was a member of Old I Zion Lutheran church having joined i ' ! early in life &nd was one of the j churche's strongest pillows He was I a devoted liusbandt a kind and indul' gent father and a faultless neighbor, j and friend to old and young4 both | white and colored and his deat ha3 caused supreme sorrow throughout the entire community The funeral was held front the late residence of the deceased at 5 o'clock > Monday afternoon the Rev J A Crom : er pastor^ friend and comrade per forming1 the last sad rites THE COLUMBIA TAILORING CO I By reference to the advertisemnt of j The Columbia Tailoring Company in i this issue you will notice one of the Greatest of All Sales in clothing in the > history of Columbia breaking all re- ?* cords in material styles and make up i You can surely be fitted in a. dress up" *" style that will not only make you ! look good but feel so much better as 9 9 i the prices have had the knife put to f them good and strong A cordial wel : come awaits your coming- by gentle nit'ii i IJ.J (. u j ij 11 15*. 1.11luui |iuuvuun^ ! S.\I 1; or NOTES AM) ACCOUNTS IN" THE DISTRICT COUIiT OF | THE UNITED STATES FOR i THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF ! SOUTH CARoUIXA i IN RE: W P Roof Bankrupt ' Pursuant to on Order of sale signer l>y Hon H X Edmunds Referee in ! Bankruptcy dated the ISth day of j April 1919 we will sell before the ' Courthouse Door at I^exington South (Carolina 011 the first Monday in July [ lire same l>ein? the 7th day of said 1 month at eleven o'clock a in all of the i accounts notes or choses in action} . and etc duo and owing to the estate of j \V P Roof^ Bankrupt^ except such ! notes accounts etc as are in itigation t ? : or process of settlement by compro| raise or otherwise provided however 1 * * j that all persons owing said estate I sho'l have an opportunity to pay up j i>r adjust their accounts with the Trus t?es of said estate prior to the said Tt'n day of July 1919^ and ali sucli ac 'counts as are not settled before said ' date will bo sold t<> the highest bidder for cash For a list of the notes and accounts due said estate which will be offered for sale aforesaid reference may be bad to the books and accounts now in tiio otlico of Tim merman Graham & <'alIison attorneys for trustees \\" il Ti'wnst'Ud T !" Meetze^ and ?' !C l.^aphart Trustees for tho est;'.to of W I* Koot^ ; bankrupt June IS !1 : i. I.I ST <>U ST id A Y id 1?I have in '! >' possy^i." >n o:n- ligiu i?:?y irtire ' with Mark Mus m::.1 Mazo face '^vv' nor can ha vo s.j *?v :? y imex ponsos pavintr oxptMiso* T r. Hurr, oo.iaiuJl St?