Iff- - -vv-. Here's Wl Bis " '." - ' THIS may be a little early fo it's in buying and giving such are going to find the happiest hfelp you to buy. This is a men's store, but that usually good service right nc\ the quality you want for then Hart Sch They are the last word in Chr welcome gifts?business suits -The Home of h LEXINGTON DISPATCH-NEWS OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER F&bHahed Every Wednesday By : UEXINGTON-piSPATCH-NEWS f. PUBLISHING CO. Lexington, S. C. a M. HAHMAN, Editor 8. LEAjPHAKT, Business Manager * ... Entered at the Post Office at Lexington, S. CL^aa Matter of the Second Class, Inscription. Price; per Year; $1.80 " CASM4N-ADVANCE Hake all cbncnunicatjons to Lex? fcsftnn D?patch-New? Publishing Co>, Lexington, S. C. Phone 119 H ' ' v ^*?DNEKDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1318 if/Hni! EVERY DAY A RED CROSS DAY. to ourT subscribers. Yd those who have not paid up in advance. It is Just as easy once you get ahead to stay ahead, besides it is not a hardship on either the pubr fisher or subscriber; but makes both feel better. We have just completed -the round with the County Treasurer Mnd feel gTeetfuF to those who have paid up and in advance and certainly gjcpect all to as we cannot carry mCbtscxibers unless they comply With government restrictions requiring ail to pay up in advance or be dropped from the roll. A GOOD DUMBER BUSINESS. One day last week it was the privilege and pleasure of the writer to pass through and inspect the Lumber "Yard of Fallaw Lumber Co. 716 Divine Street Columbia S. C. They carry all kinds of lumber, ruff and dressed, of every conreivable dimension?and are prepared to fill all orders correctly arid promptly. Their business extends not only in the city bat anywhere in this and other States, r* Mr. B. A. Fallow; the business mana* ' ger, is a native Lexington man experienced and cjever to a fault. He buys and sells rhff and dressed lumber by the wagon or car load, in any quantity, small or large. He has with torn, as plerk! and bock-keeper, Mr. Thoe. W. Sharpe, one of the bright and clever sons of the late W. H. Sharpe of Edmund. * MILCH COWS FOR SALE. "> Two young milch cows with young calves for sa??. Answer quick. J. HARRIS SKULL, Brookland, Rt. 1. 1era. ^ FOR SALE?2 Ford 1917 touring rhfian for cash. OSWALD GARAGE. Met i Mpwwpwwww Itl Kiii U.C ? rtwi^v J - a. j promptly, and no farmer can ai- , ford to miss it. j MASONIC NOTICE. S A regular communication of I>xins ' ton Lodge A. P. Nr.. No. 15-. will be i held in th Masonic Flail on Saturday ! evening, I>ecenil>cr 14, at 7 o'clock, j Election of officers, payment of dues and other important matters will j come before the body. A full attend- j - jance is desired. IftSP^ y < .w /. Conti bere The Women \ r Christmas wishes but not for Christmas i : gifts for men as are to be found here tha' part of your Christmas. That's the reasc ; means service for you women just as well v in buying gifts for men?the things they a. affer & Marx Clot] istmasfgifts?the very finest, most service! ; and coats for the men at home, uniforms M. La. IvIIN/ lart Shaffer & Marx clothes Christm; Worth frf . .?.. , . > *! * * jfc^p^FLLT"f or tie. Umbrellas SoHats Wo Sweater coats and vests Mo: Bath robes Wr House coats Et< aeger's Fine Woolens. uy. Our Dhristmas stocks are le mails or express by waiting fVPi ttVF.NTXra.Q TTMTTT V i. -UX 1 XJ T i_lX1 XXI VJXJ u XI JL X JU lothier 1 523 Main Street, ESTATE SALE. i By the authority vested in us by the j heirs of the late J. J. Barrs?we will sell at Public Auction at the Barrs Re sidence on December 18 1918. The 2 personal property of J. J. Barrs consisting of Corn Fodder Hay Mules Cattle Wagon Buggy and # Fanning implements?Sale beginning at 10:30 11 o'clock?Terms Cash. e J. G. KING D. P. YGNCE C. G. Schoenberg. I* IMULESa 9 We have now in ou of Fresh Mules, all s fion. 2 cars of Wagons ? i _r ii i * ? iceiveu ui iuc ucsi 1. Call and see us e going much higher Better buy now. CAUGHMAN I C0LUMB1 .. Haltiwe ? 1 Special Sale ( ! I Every Suit in our ] ! nr T? l wenty r lve pei i j A wonderful opport ! grade suits at a disc jtial saving. Every style. Our policy \ garments from one is the explanation. I COME AT ONCE 1 \ oaltiw ! 143S Main St., TSf 9 pp Wanr. %c 2, from these clothes down fliers' kits ol sox oey belts istlets * here; we're ready to take until the last momeat tt AFTER CHRISTMAS r? 1 1 * r> S-*I Columbia, A. FOR BAT J??-Wakefields Jh*ts{ >roof cabliag-e plants. WALTER RAWX* Gilbert, It*. 3. tSpd. < } FAT HOGS FOR SALE? I Jtaffd al umber of fat hogs ready ter butclv* ring for sae at market prreea Hen 0. JSeMB, Gilbert, Rt 2. wp. ind WAGONS . . RBHHIHmnm r Stables two cars ' < ^ izes for your selecall sizes, just renake. arly for stock is in the spring., nn An i?_ druo., inc.j [A, S. C. j inger'S )f Coat Suit? louse is offered at r cent Discount nv?i+\T -fn cecA 111 O'T" ;U1H IV gVl/ :ount and substan; one this sea -: us lot to carry over season to another i Our advice is to * . ? r? 1^9 ft <2rpk|*. .>|g Columb , 3. C i . ^