Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, May 01, 1918, Image 1

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11% - . : " LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1918. " No. 27. llPJr VOLUME No. 48. L_! ' | ll- XEXINGTON DEMOCRATIC CLUB IS? MET SATURDAY AFTERNOON. % . The Lexington Democratic club met in the Court House Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock and immediately L. * proceeded to organise and elected the following officers; G. B. WinPrpq! T C. Callison, vice presi BSsSi" -e>? ?? ? ?. <ient; W. D. Dent, secretary; E. G. g . Dreher, executive Committeeman. Twenty eight names were placed in -nomination for delegates to the p.* -county convention, resulting in the ? ?lecton of the following 21 delegates ? the other seven being designated ftfe' -as alternates: Pf E. L. Wingard, J. W. Nipper, T C Gallison, J. Brooks Wingard, J. E. R. k . Kyzer, Geo. Bell Timierman, C. L. fe. i-,. Shealy, E. G. Dreher, T. C. Sturkie 'T. L. Harman, B. D. Clarke, S 1j nen $-> <irix, C. E. Corley, C. E. Leaphart F D. E. Amick, Dr. J. J: Wingard, Geo F S. Drafts, J. S. Caughman, H. L: F Jfarmon, C. W. Caughman, S. J: F 3diller. p The following resolution was of-fered by Solicitor Geo. Bell Timmer| man and unanimously adopted by a i: ' "rising vote: ft . Being fully advised ^concerning the present national crisis and realiz I ing its momentous consequences to -ourselves and the world, confident of , teh justice of our cause and with determination to defend it, Be it resolved by The Lexington Democratic Club that we re-state, re-1 new and reavow our loyalty to and Confidence in the government of the United States; reaffirm" our faith in the valor, courage and patriotism of , the American soldier, sailor and marine; and re-express our fixed and firm determination loyally and faith- j fully to support and maintain the; its soldiers and sailors ' f to the end that a just peace ma^ be obtained and democracy saved to our p. selves and the world. GILBERT CLUB MEETS The Gilbert Democratic Club met on Saturday April 27 1918 and elec-j - ted the following officers: ?- P. H. Craps, President. , loor Tayes, Vice-President. R. Lester iPrice, Secretary. Andrew Long, Executive commit-: ? teeman. I. Taylor, R. F. Davis, S. D McCar-! $ * tha Committee on enrollment. Committee on Registration C. P. ? i T tn TT \XT T r,onc. ! I'OUIlClj J. u, nurnimij ??, 1, viay>>> Delegates to County Convention. F. C. Craps, I. Taylor, Andrew Long R. Lester 'Price. Ioor Hayes. HE' Lower Fork Democratic Club. The Democratic Club of Lower; Fcrk met Saturday afternoon and elected the following officers: S. R. Younginer, Pres. C. D. Meetze, Secretary C. D. Meetze, Ex. Committeeman. The following delegates were elecj ted to the county convention: J. P.; Meetze and C. D. Meetze. CROMER DEMOCRATIC CLUB. M. K. Kaminer, tPresident. W. C. Senn, Secretary. J. E. Buff. Ex. Committeeman, i Delegates to the Convention, M. K. Kaminer W. C. Senn, J. E. Buff. J: VW. Fenarix. Alternates, G. C. Arehart, Walter A. Klecklev. Resolutions were passed endorsing the vigorous prosecution of the war and pledging undivided support to President Wilson and his cabinet, j MAGNOLIA CLUB MEETS. The Democratc Club of Magnolia met on April 27th and was called to order by President J. C. Fulmer about TVin ^.1 Q/->f i r?rt n-f officers <3 ".OU O CiUtft. x nc citv-wun ux was as follows: J. C. Fulmer, Pres. E. L. Derrick, Sec. E. L. Derrick, executive committeeman. i ' Delegates to County Convention, N. C. Monts, H. H. Dreher, J. A: Epting and G. W. Koon. A motion was made and carried that each delegate appoint his aiter' nate in case he could not attend the County Convention. HOLLOW CREEK NO. 1.?Boylston Hollow Creek Democratic Club No 1, met at the new school house on ii* 0 T TT T ? Saturday afternoon. ^nas. .la. ajjv% ingston was elected president, with Thomas M. Kannady wras elected secV retary. C. J. Taylor, Rudolph Karman and W. K. Hook were elected delegates to the County Convention, with W. B. Taylor county executive " , committeeman. The attendance was ... large and much interest was man?fosted in the proceedings. ' J >v MRS. VAN ORMER'S MUSIC PUPILS GIVE DELIGHTFUL RECITAL. I ! I The music pupils of Mrs. May; Lois Von Ormer gave their spring re- j cital in the High School Audtorium, Thursday night of last week, to a large and appreciative audience. The auditorium was crowded to its full' capacity, and appreciation of the pu nils efforts Vas dempnstrated by frequent applause. Mrs. Van Or-! mers recital consisted of 17 numbers.! opening with a song "You are Wei-J come if You Keep Right Still" by little Miss "Mary James Haltiwanger, and closing with a cantata "The Red Cross" by the class. Each pupil perfomed their part with credit to them selves and showed the thorough train j ing received from their teacher. Mrs. Van Orrner has been a teacher in the Lexington school for several vears and has met with marked sue-; ^ ~ I cess. She is a graduate of the Col- i lege for^Women of Columbia and has been engaged in teaching music con-1 tinuously since leaving college. i i PEAK DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEETING ; The Peak Democratic club met in the town hall at Peak April 27th at 4 o'clock P. M. nd was called to order by 0. L. Mayer chairman. A re- i 1 organization of the club was affected by the election of the following officers for the ensuing term, O. L. j Mayer, President; W. M. Wilson.j Vice iFresident; Joe. H. Eargle, Secrota-rv H H Counts. Treasurer; Jas B. Addy, Executive Committeeman; Enrolling Committee, J. C. Swygert ! C. W. Chapman and G. E. L. Sum-i mer; Committee on Registration, J J 0. Chapman, W. M. Wilson and Jas.' W. Eargle. The followng delegates to County Convention were elected: Jas. B. Addy, 0. L. Mayer, W. M. Wilson and J. Oneal Counts. Alternates, T.!, W. Amick, J. 0. Chapman, Joe. H. i Eargle and J. C. Swygert. PELION CLUB The Pelion Democratic Club met at the .'Pelion school house at five o'clock Meeting was called to order by Pi-es. L. W. Wise and the following officers elected for the ensuing two vears. L. W. Wise, President. M. A. Sharpe, Secretary. L. W. Wise, F. G. Hartley and G. | L. Taylor committee on enrollment^ and registration. L. W. Wise, F. G. Hartley, J. Per-| ry Spires, J. J. Shealy, A. W. Craft I. S. Holley, M. A. Sharpe. ' delegates to the County Convention, j L. W. Wise, Ex. Committteeman. i The delegates to the county convexiton were instructed to heartily | support P-resident Wilson in his fight , for democracy. | SANDY RUN CLUB The Sandy Run Democratic Club met Saturday Apr. 27, reorganized and elected the following officers etc. j N. B. Wannamaker, President. W. W. Furtick, Vice 'Pres. T. L. Williams, Secretary. W. H. Wannamaker, Treasurer. I W. H. Wannamaker, member of, . County executive committee. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by the Sandy Runj Democratic Club. We the Democrats of Sandy Run; township in regular meeting conven-;: ed endorse the course of our great President in the conduct of the war! asrainst the imperial German govern merit 2nd pledge him our hearty co-1 operation in bringing the same to a successful end. j 1 OAK GROVE DEMOCRATIC CLUB The Oak Grove Democratic Club! met Saturday afternoon April 27th and the following officers were elected S. Rufus Smith, President. Wil-j liam J. Kyzer, Vice President. Pickens Bouknight Secretary. W. D. Ky-j zer and C. T. Taylor Delegates to the County Convention. HONOR ROLL OF LONG BRANCH SCHOOL Thelma Corder 3rd Grade. Odelle Kneece 3rd Grade. William Lawson 3rd. Grade. Ruby Burgess, 3rd Grade. Evn Buries? 5th Grade Grady Corder 5th Grade Lee Johnson 5th Grade Minnie Johnson 5th Grade Eva Davis. 5th Grade Lena Hall 5th Grade Iva Davis 7th Grade IJndsav Hall 7th Grade Minis Hall 9 Grade I TO THE TAXPAYERS OF HOLLOW CREEK TOWNSHIP: On April~29th I received through the mail a petition from a number of tax payers of Hollow Creek Township, asking that a day be fixed for the purpose of allowing them to be hoavrl on t.hp rmestion of lowering the increase values which have recently been placed by the County Board of Equalization upon the property of the petitioners. I am not familiar with any special provision of the law authorizing a proceeding of this kind," but in as much as it is a fundamental rule of justice that all persons have an opportunity to be heard in any lawfuul controversy they may have, I deem it right and proper, so far as I am con cerned, to grant the petition. 1 have, therefore, appointed 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Friday May 10th, at which time the petitioners and other persons in that township who feel aggrieved may appear before the County Board of Equilization for the purpose of making such representations to the Board as they deem advisable. It is impracticable to send an individual and personal notice to each tax payer who has signed the petition and I take this method of notifying them, and will request that all such tax payers who receive this notice will call to the attention of their neighbors the time and place set for the hearing thev have asked. W D DENT. . 2t28c County Audjtor. ; NOTICE. i County Equalization Board. The township and town chairmen ! of each township and town in Lex-| ington County are hereby requested: to be at Lexington Court House on May 10th at 11 o'clock for the purpose of hearing an appeal from the faxpayers of Hollow Creek Township. W. D. DENT, 2t28 County Auditor. i RATTPMTIMP QPHOnT PI OSINH The closing exercises of Ballentine school wil be rendered by the pupils Friday night May 3d. The exercises will consist of a play?"The Poor Married Man," drills, songs; recitations etc. The exercises will be free and everybody is invited to come and enjoy the evening. BALLENTINE NEWS. j Misses Vivian Lowman and ArabeM Bouknight spent Saturdy night and part of Sunday in Columbia at the home of Miss Nellie Bailey. Mr. Ernest Corley from near Lex-, ington was in Ballentine Sunday af IC1 11UV11. Miss Maude Bradham from Lex-; ington spent the third Sunday after-! non at the home of Miss Clara Shealy Miss Vivian Lowman gave a recep-j tion at her home Friday night in hon or of the teachers and tenth grade of j Ballentine school. Mr. Robert Cook from Lexington j snen+ last Sunday afternoon in Bal-i Ientine. Mr. Herbert Metts from Camp; Sevier, Greenville, spent Saturday night at home with his parents Mr. j and Mrs. Cal Metts. Miss Hubbard Cook spent Sunday offomortTi with Clara Shealv.! Miss Olive Shealy from Columbia! and Mr. H^iry Moore from Ridgeway spent a short while here Sunday, j Miss Georgia Porter spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Meets spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs. \ Bur van Wessinger at Chapin. The Ladies School Improvement Association of Ballentine held its reg ular meeting Saturday afternoon. Miss Verta Ballentine entertained the young folks at a moonlight picnic Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Keith gave a dance at their home Saturday nightt. X. Y. z. , AULL WILL SUCCEED LATE W. H. MACFEAT John K. Aull has been appointed court stenographer by Judere \Y. II. To"ts"k1 for the Fifth Judicial C:rcu'* to fill the vacanev created by the death of the late W. II. Macfeat. LEXINGTON CIRCUIT. II :nnin"" with May, appointments are n follows: Lexington, second Sunday 5:'0 p. m.; fourth Sunday ^:31 n. *"?- Mount ITorcb, Second Sundu i 11 V M.. fourth Sunday, 5 .10 r. M. Red Bank, second Sunday S:S0 V. M., fourth Sunday 11 A. M. FOSTER SPEER; . PARCEL POST FOR TROOPS IN FRANCE. i I Beginning April 1, only suck articles as have been ordered in writing, approved by a commanding ofW 1 j 1 mi n iicer, may oe sent Dy mail, me IO; lowing: restrictions on mailing parcels to American expeditionary forces will be enforced. Office of the Postmaster General Washington, March 28, 1918 I On and after Aprl 1, 1918, parcels for members and individuals connect ed with the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe shall not be accepted for mailing or dispatched unless they contain such articles only as are being sent at the written requ'est of the addressee, approved by his reg imental or higher commander or an executive officer of the organization nri+Vi TirVii/>V> In a io /T\r>no/">fod ? ll/il "AllVil 10 A. S. BURLESON, Postmaster General. THEREFORE, PARCEL POST FOR THE AMERICAN E^PEDI: TICNARY FORCES IN FRANCE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR MAILING? UNLESS? 1. The artcles to be mailed are requested in writing; by the soldier or civilian, and the request is approved by his commanding officer or superior official. 2. The parcel is marked "This parcel contains only articles sent at approved request of addressee, which is enclosed." 3. The written request must be inclosed in the parcel, or it will not be sent to France. CHAPIN NEWS. Mr. J. D. Boland of Chinton S. C. was in town for a few hours Saturday evening. Mr. J. P. Dei rick who is a student at the Lutheran Seminary, Columbia visited his mother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wessinger and son B_ A. Wessinger visited their daughter Miss Stella at Glen Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. M. Eleazor merit Sunday evening with friends at White Rock. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Wise of Clare rnont, N. C. who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Frick returned to their home last Thursday. Chapin news r.ot finished, dont b. MRS. JESSE L. KAISER. Mrs. Alice Cedeeia Kaiser wife of Jesse L. Kaiser, died Thursday afternoon Apr. 25 about 1 o'clock at her home in the St. John's section aged 56 years. Mrs. Kaiser is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Jumper, two brothers; two sisters, her husband, six children: W. A. Kaiser of Mims, Fla., Mrs. Myra B. Harman, C. D. Kaiser, J. E: Kaiser, Miss Hary An Kaisr, Thomas J. Traiser, all of Lexington County, and 14 grandchildren. Mrs. Kais er was a faithful member of St. John's Lutheran Church. The funeral was conducted by her pastor, the Rev. 0. B. Shearouse, at 3 o'clock this afternoon at St. John's nnrl fhp rernoiric wprp laid to rest in the church cemetery. W. O. W. SERMON AT IRENE The Irene Camp W. 0. W. will hold a public meeting in Reu Bank church at Irene Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. H. B. Jones of Columbia will preach and the public is cordially invited to attend. All( neighboring: W. O. W. Camps are inmoot in fVio Vinll ai 9 n'p7nr*l\ and join in the procession to the church. GEORGE J. SOX. George J. Sox, a well known citizen of Lexingtton county died at his home in New Rrookland Thursday night following a long ill.iess.Mr. Sox was fi3 years of age and had large family connections in this county. He is survived by hi* widow, two sons, and four daughters. The funeral services were held in Mount Tabor Lutheran church, 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon conducted by the Rev. E. I., Lybrand. Interment was in the Hook cemetery where other members of his family are buried. CAKE WALK AND BOX PARTY "There will be a cake walk, box nartv and an ice cream sopnor at Sharp's TTill School h iuse, Saturday nkrht May 4. for the benefit of Harmony i*hur< li. This will also be the r..l elo-'inir ot a very succassi ri ^uwn year. The public is cordially invited to attend. SOLDIERS IN KHAKI ! LEXINGTON, The 308th Field Sii ? Division, Camp 1 Maj. Todd, in C Falls For T Today the people of Lexington will have an opportunity of seeing- an important branch of the military service at work putting into practice what hflc heen taucht at Camu Jack-son. j The 306th Field Signal Battalion of ; the 81st Division, under the command 1 of Major S. R. Todd, will march through Lexington about noon, according t? latest advices from headquarters, and will make camp at Laurel Falls, not quite a mile south of Lexington. Major Todd last week j toured the country in every direction within a radius of 25 miles of Camp Jackson with a view to finding suitable camping sites for his battalions weekly hikes. The splendid advan1 1 ? ~ T O 1 1 r? Ci4" Iclges HHUX'UtSU uy uaux ci c*na ?.?, once attracted the attention of the genial major, and upon the invitation of Mr. S. B. George plans were | at once put into effect to bring the men down here this week. At the suggestion of Mr. Thomas i;P. Meetze, chairman of the board of | trustees, the radio company of the | battalion wiil set up its field radio : station on the grounds near the high school building. At 12:45 every afternoon this station will receive the | time signals which are sent out ev-, ery day by the government station at Arlington, Va. A great number I of additional receivers will be attached to the apparatus for the convenience of any one who may desire to ! ! ~ v> Jvi -P/-S-V. HoiKr cio-Tlfll wllilo 111 lUi tmo vac*.j ?? the men in charge of the radio station will take pleasure and delight in explaining to the public the operation i cf the set. 1 On Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock there will be a formal inspec-, tion at the camp, at which time the entire battalion will be drawn up and ; inspected by the battalion's staff.At I th e 5:20 "retreat" on Wednesday af ternoon a beautiful ceremony, mark-' ing the close of the day's work, will' be sounded, after which'the men will, be absolutely free, except for the nec essary guard and routine camp duties Major Todd has extended a most cor dial invitation to the people of Lex-j ir.gton and surrounding section to witness this beautiful and impressive ceremony. Thursday morning will be taken! up with special field work, during ( which the various methods of estab-j lishing communication will be demon! strated. ' On Thursday afternoon the battal ion will parade through Lexington and wiil be reviewed by Major Todd 1 and the general staff of the battalion 1 The parade will start promptly at 4 ' o'clock. j " Lieutenant Roddy and Privates M Hawes, Southard, Florea Holden j1 Blackwelder, Sanko, Deavor Clarke, 1 and Greer arrivied in Lexington on ,1 Monday, and at once pitched tents. f J They comprise the advance .guard, and j well indeed have they put the grounds' at Laurel Falls in splendid condition'< for the arrival of their battalion. The i grounds have been cleaned off and; 1 everything: will be in readiness for, : the arrival of the men on Wednes- j J day. These men are already charm- j a ed with Laurel Falls and, like Major < Todd, who selected the site, they de (i dare that it is far the most ideal spot J ( fur an encampment they have seenjf within a radius of many miles of a Camp Jackson. ^ The people of Lexington will give ? the men of the 81st Division, a royal c welcome and a hearty good time v while they are at Laurel Falls.A com t mittee headed by Hon. Ceo. Bell i Timmerman are making and perfect- ' Leaphart. are making and perfecting \ :ng arrangement's to greet the men of r .Alaior Todd's battalion upon tneir i arrival here. Tlie coming of the 81st Division, it ? Is b? lie id, will mark the opening1 of i ; hi;: season at Laurel Falls, and t ninny r- re soldiers are expected to ' take advantages of the splendid location. a 1 pitch cam.]) on this magnificent ot during the next few weeks. Subscribe to The Dispatch-News, i CAPTURE AND LAUREL FALLS gnal Batalian 81st Jackson, Under ! amp at Laurel hree Days. LEVER VISITS STATE ON POLITICAL MISSION Washington, April 30.?Congressman A. F. Lever left Washington tonight for South Carolina on what is believed to be an important political mission, although he would make no political statement regarding the sen atorial situation before leaving. He will be in Columbia for several days conferrng with political leaders and expects to return here Monday. P. H. McGowan. GREGORY-LONG. A wedding of widespread interest was that of Miss Lizzie Gregory and Mr. Enos Long which was solemnized Wednesday April 24, 1918, at 7 o'cock at the home of the bride's father John W. Gregory a few miles south of Lexington. The wedding was simple, but beautiful in every detail. The house was most attractive in its decorations the ceremony room being in bridal white and green an arch being arranged of ivy and roses. Hanging from the center of the arch was a white horse shoe under which the young couple stood during the ceremony. Miss Marie Shull cousin of the bride sang "I love you truly.'To the first strains of mendelsshons wedding march entered Miss Gurrie Gregory and Leora Long followed by the bride and groom The bride who wore a most becoming wedding dress of Dove colored taffeta and tullie veil most becomingly ar ranged and carried an arm boquet of white roses. The Bridesmaids wore gov/ns of blue silk mull. After the ceremony a delightful reception was held. COUNTY CLINIC NOW READY. The offices of the County Health Department over the Home National Ban1; have been equipped, and those in crahge will be glad to have any Cit'zen's in the County to call upon them for any problems concern ing health, suggestions and advice. They will be glad to examine any specimens for Hookworm, and give treatment, if desired. Also vaccinnations against Typhoid fever and Smallpox Van be had. Specimens left at the office to be forwarded to the laboratory in Columbia, and those who desire specimens examined may of sputum for Tuberculosis may be call at the office for a specimen-bottle and directions for collecting these specimens. Blood specimens for the test of Typhoid fever and Syphilis will be taken for examination at the Columbia laboratory. The Director wili be glad to assist Physicians in spinal puncture in suspected cases of Meningitis. On Saturdays from 9:00 to 2:00 /clock the office will be open for the nenp-tinn and examination of Da tients, especially for eye, ear and lose conditions. We have made ar;angements with a Specialist, who vill be present on some of these days md due notice will be given when ie can be present. Probably some )f the cases will be treated at the of'ice, while arrangements will probibly be made to have some of the cork done at the Columbia clinic by Specialists over there. Advice as to lentai conditions and treatment may ilso be had. Especially is it desirecf o have Mothers bring ail children who ire not thriving well and in good lealth for inspection and probable lelpful subreptions as to the betternent of their coiuiiticns. Lltcraure on the various subjects of health v,:\ the com in o-i diseases can be had, Subbcstiens and plans v.*ill he cheer';.d)y .biven for the improvement of he Sanitary conditions about the ?onie. NOTICE. Tito tres'ees of Mt. Tiore'o Metho!i:;t v'hi"*eh v dl roil to the highest bid ler on Saturday, May 11. at 4 o'clock it the church the windows and pew's pornv*r!v tbp a